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Varsha chart, & Ithasala in example chart given by Ragini

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Aum Namah Shivaya


Dear Hari, Ragini and group,


I will briefly take you very fast through the example chart given by

Ragini. I don't have the time to do a full study. Just the main

points. Let us assume that the chart is right and there is only a

wrong name of place though all other factors like latitude,

longitude, time, date etc are right. Since it is easier if I

demonstrate taking some chart, I might as well take this chart,

whether it is right or wrong.


See the dasa and antar running.


The person is under Jupiter-Mercury dasa. Since Jupiter is in the

lagna (thereby aspecting the 7th house) in the rasi chart, and also

because his dasa occurs at an appropriate age and also because he is

naturally good towards marriage matters, he may be considered

favourable for marriage. But let's confirm by looking into the

Navamsa (D-9 is the varga for marriage, married life etc). Here too

he is the lord of two kendras (1 & 10) and is in the lagna. So he is

definitely disposed to give marriage. (to get the basic guidelines

for reading varga charts, see my article on dasamsa).


What about Mercury? He is in Jupiter's nakshatra in the rasi and is

the ruler of the 7th in the navamsa. But he is in the 3rd.So while

he may give marriage, he may cause some obstacles at various stages

and also requires efforts. But where can we look to for more

confirmation? The transit also shows the favourable Jupiter in the

7th during the particular year that we are looking at. Thus

transiting Jupiter in the 7th activates both the 7th house as well

as his natal position. Moreover he is transiting the Vivaha saham in

the natal chart. (the sahams are like Arabic parts and can be

extended to the natal chart; but if you wish not to, you may ignore

this point). But the above factors need not necessarily mean

marriage all the time. Other things too could come to mind.


It is at this stage that we look at the Varshaphal charts within

the years under study. Of the varshaphal charts of 6 years around

the time frame that we are looking at, the chart for October 2002 to

October 2003 looks more outstanding.


To start with the Varsha lagna and natal birth lagna are in 1/7 to

each other. While this alone is not a sure indication of marriage,

it does draw attention. A very general reading for the varsha lagna

being in the 7th from birth lagna is given below. It is taken from

the class notes that I prepared for my students and was also used in

writing a report writer software based on vedic astrology. Though it

is general, it does outline the probabilities broadly. Read



"Auspicious events may be taking place within the family. You will

announce an important union during this year. If you are unmarried,

you may marry or develop new relations. You may also strike deals

involving business partnerships. Either way, important relationships

are established. Your public or political image is likely to be

boosted, resulting in accruing benefits. Conversely, if other

factors indicate, your spouse or partner may be a cause of concern.

Confrontations may arise that can lead to a break up if you are not

attentive. Involvement in some type of litigation or legal suit

during this year is within expectation. Cooperation and balance

needs to be reestablished in such situations. Using counsel or an

expert in the appropriate field eases these efforts".


While a report writer (software) cannot synthesize further and can

only present various planetary configurations' results seperately, a

good astrologer can go further.


Since marriage is among the main probabilities (keeping in mind the

astrological, contextual and age factors in mind), we should probe

deeper into the varshaphal chart.


See the Vivaha saham in the Varshaphal chart. It is at roughly 19 to

20 degrees in Pisces. Vivaha Sahamesha is none other than Jupiter

sitting in the varsha lagna (over the natal vivaha saham if you wish

to add). But is there anything else? The Vivaha sahamesha Jupiter is

not just sitting in the varsha lagna but also aspecting the Vivaha

saham (both by Parasari and Tajika). In fact he is in close aspect,

the orb being around a degree. Even the antardasa lord Mercury is

aspecting the vivaha saham. The saham as well as sahamesha are

activated strongly in this varshapravesha chart.


Now are there any yogas formed in the varshapravesh chart? One yoga

is very easy to spot even with a single look. Remember as a thumb

rule that any planet that is either in the very beginning or very

ending of a prasna or varshapravesh chart needs a good look and can

often hold a major key.


Sun is in the rashyanta (ending of the rashi) in the chart. Though

he would be so in every varshapravesha chart for this individual by

virtue of his natal position, in this chart he has some

significance. As soon as he enters the next sign (he will enter the

next sign the very next day), he forms an ithasala with Saturn.


Here I have to acquaint you with a few points that one needs to keep

in mind, as relevant to this chart.


1. Any ithasala between any two planets in a chart needs to be


2. In prashna charts, ithasala between Moon and any planet, as well

as Lagnesh and Karyesh are given importance.

3. In Varsha charts it is extended in the following manner. Any

given house may be treated as the lagna for the matters signified by

the said house and any yogas between the bhavesh (house lord) and

other planets should be noted. In other words in a varshapravesha

chart, the 7th lord becomes equivalent to the lagnesh, as far as

marriage matters are concerned.

4. Finally Ithasala is of three kinds- Vartaman (Ithasala in

operation, Poorna (perfect ithasala) and bhavishyat (future


5. Again within the framework of the Vartaman ithasala, there is the

Rashyanta ithasala which is nothing but an ithasala involving a

planet at the end of a sign.


A planet at 29 degrees or more is said to be in the rashyanta

(anta:ending) and extends its influence to the next sign. If the

planet at the rashi anta is a faster moving one and forms an

ithasala as soon as he moves into the next sign, it is referred to

as the rashyanta ithasala.


Sun will enter into ithasala with Saturn as soon as he enters the

next sign. Since Saturn is the 7th lord in the varsha chart, he is

equivalent to the lagnesha for marital matters or 7th house matters.

So this yoga acquires significance against the given background.

When will the yoga materialise? There are certain guidelines to

help. I cannot outline all of them here. But I will mention the one

relevant here. One major probability for the fructification is when

the faster moving planet will actually form a conjunction with the

slower moving one, in case such a thing can happen within one year

(for most purposes the prashna and varsha charts validity is fully

operational for one year only in entirety). Since Sun takes exactly

one year for one cycle, we may safely try this first. Sun actually

transits over Saturn around 24th June 2003. But using the deeptamsha

range (orbs range), we get 12 degrees as the operational orb here.

(The deeptamsha orbs for Sun and Saturn are 15 and 9 degrees

respectively; hence the mean value of (15+9)/2 may be taken, giving

an orb of 12 degrees. Since the Sun moves roughly at the rate of one

degree per day, one may straightaway give the probable period as 12

days on either side, i.e., 12th June to July 6th. Further study may

be done if one wishes to.


While the above is not a full case study, it is enough to show the

validity of the Varshaphal chart. In conclusion the Varshaphal chart

is most useful to confirm as well as study more closely what is

broadly indicated in the natal chart. I hope that the above

demonstration also drives home the point that one has to study the

Tajika yogas fully and that their use is extended in various

contexts. I hope someone else writes more on this explaining the

basics as I do not have more time. There are many other points that

one could touch upon in a full fledged study.









vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>


> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---


> Dear Dr Satyaprakash, Ragini, and Sarajit,


> Not really relevant here but I think that Narasimha has very

> effectively and brilliantly demonstrated the use of tajika or

> varshaphal techniques in his book, going as far as to pinpoint the

> week of marriage, without any prior information at all!


> A couple of questions here (long range & possibly silly, I admit)


> (1) Does benefic aspects (say of Ju or 7th lord) on house where

> Vivaha saham is located bring increased chances of marriage?


> (2) Is an ithasala necessary for marriage to occur?


> The South Grafton mistake mentioned by Dr Satya prakash is most

> probably a bug and I think that the data as entered by Ragini


> be correct.


> regards

> Hari



> vedic astrology, "Dr Satya Prakash


> <satyaprakasika> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Aum Namah Shivaya

> >

> > Dear Ragini and group,

> >

> > Though I agree that the Varshaphal chart is complementary and


> > secondary to the natal chart, I strongly affirm that it is very

> > useful if not inevitable since it helps to reveal with greater

> > clarity what the birth chart shows broadly among many details.

> > Whatever is promised in the birth chart is only more clearly


> in

> > the varshaphal chart. In fact I find it most useful to study the

> > varshaphal chart, to see the one year period more closely under

> the

> > microscope of varshaphal or solar return. In fact the varshaphal

> > chart may be seen as inseperable from and only a further


> > of the natal chart as it is very much dependant on the exact

> > position of the Sun in the birth chart and its subsequent return

> to

> > its natal position.

> >

> > Secondly the Takika yogas are part of Annual horoscopy or

> > Varshaphal. So the question of Ithasala yoga being inapplicable


> > the varshaphal chart does not even arise. They are meant to be

> used

> > as an integral part of annual horoscopy, as they are vital to


> > Tajika system itself which is primarily used in Annual horoscopy

> > (see any standard text like the 'Tajika Neelakanti' or 'A Text

> book

> > of Varshaphala' by Dr.K.S.Charak). Of course they may also be


> > with Prasna too. Of course it is a different matter if one does

> not

> > want to use Tajika at all, due to particular reasons. But if one

> has

> > no problems with using it for Prasna, one might as well use it


> > the primary purpose that it was intended to be used for- the

> annual

> > chart.

> >

> > I tried to read the chart attached by Ragini. But there seems to

> be

> > some mistake somewhere. You mention the name of the place as


> > Grafton (US) but give the time zone that is for India!! Please

> give

> > the correct details and correct chart after verifying that every

> > entry is correct. So at the moment I cannot go into it.

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> > Satya

> >

> >

> > ===============================

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, as saf

> <astro_learner>

> > wrote:

> > > Respected Gurus,

> > > Yes the itthasala yoga is seen in the prasna chart too but


> > are three kinds of itthasala that are formed in the varshphala

> chart

> > besides other kind of tajika yogas.I would like to ask you can


> > depend on the varshphala chart or is it not a good tool of

> > prediction because I am just a beginnger trying to master this

> > techinque.I know that primarily we have to depend on the natal

> chart

> > but results must be shown in this method too otherwise I dont

> think

> > it holds any good.

> > > I am sending the natal chart of this person .He got engaged in

> > March and is getting married in july.The first house has become

> > seventh in the varshphala but I could not see any other yogas in

> the

> > chart.Please try to pinpoint the yoga I am missing out.

> > > Regards,

> > > Ragini

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar <boxdel> wrote:

> > > Dear Ragini,

> > > You may mail the chart, I shall try to answer. However it


> be

> > better if you mail the Natal chart. I find it to be more

> > representative of what is to happen than varshaphal chart.

> > > Again if you have applied Ithashala yoga to Varshphala chart


> > wont work. The reason is that Ithshala is used in Prashna Lagna

> and

> > not Varshaphala.

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > -

> > > as saf

> > > vedic astrology

> > > Tuesday, June 03, 2003 6:51 PM

> > > Re: [vedic astrology] Is itthasala formed?

> > >

> > >

> > > Respected Chandershekharji,

> > >

> > > I was thinking the same. I mean no itthasala between the


> > involoved but actually the results were quite opposite.I mean


> > related to a marriage of a person and he has got married this


> > besides munthesh being strong I didnt see any yoga for marriage


> > his annual chart so I got confused and the vivah sahamesh being

> > linked to the munthesh.

> > > I hope if you have time I could mail the chart to you so that

> > could you pinpoint the thing I am missing.

> > > Regards,

> > > Ragini

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar <boxdel> wrote:

> > > Dear Ragini,

> > > No. Look at Ishthala as applying aspect and your confusion

> would

> > be clear

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > -

> > > as saf

> > > vedic astrology

> > > Tuesday, June 03, 2003 9:50 AM

> > > [vedic astrology] Is isthala formed?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Respected Gurus/List members,

> > > I hope that someone can clear my doubts about the tajika


> > >

> > > 1) Is there isathala formed between two planets if the slower

> one

> > is retrograde and less advanced in the degrees than the faster


> > for example is isathala formed between moon and sat if moon


> > at 9D52" and saturn is 5 D 10" and is retrograde.

> > >

> > > 2) Is there isahtala formed between two planets if both of


> > are retrograde?and should the faster planet be more advanced in

> > degrees or the slower planet should be more advanced in degrees?

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Ragini

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Plus - For a better Internet experience

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> astrology/info.html

> > >

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> >

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> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Dr Satyaprakash,


Good demonstration of tajika techniques on a case study. Ragini, a

vote of thanks to you for initiating this discussion thread. If I

may be permitted to ask a few mundane questions:


(1) What is this report writer software developed based on Vedic

astrology principles. Did you develop this yourself?

(2) Do you teach vedic astrology full-time?




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Aum Namah Shivaya


Dear Hari,


I designed and developed a software program that does all

calculations for both western as well as vedic astrology. I have

also done an advanced version that enables research. It also has

report writers that print various reports. Among the software(s) is

one on Muhurta as well. All this was done for an Australian company.

The software is expected to be released after two months. I am still

tidying it up.


No I don't teach vedic astrology full time. But I teach in my free

time. Astrology is not my profession, though I teach and speak at

meetings and conferences here in Australia. I regularly speak at the

monthly meetings of the Australian Council of Vedic Astrology. I am

also the editor of our quarterly journal- The Vedic Light. My career

path is interesting in that I keep changing my projects every now

and then. I worked as a dentist for some time. I am qualified in a

few more areas other than dentistry. Currently I am into business

and am developing Medical Information Systems as well as some

Multimedia work that could be in the area of Edutainment. I taught

regular astrology classes in Sydney during 2000 very actively. After

that it has been intermittent. I hope to resume regular teaching

this year sometime after August. To me astrology is part of my

sadhana and sadhana is part of my daily life. Quite often,I just

cannot distinguish between the mundane and the sacred. Both aspects

weave well into each other.







vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>


> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Dr Satyaprakash,


> Good demonstration of tajika techniques on a case study. Ragini, a

> vote of thanks to you for initiating this discussion thread. If I

> may be permitted to ask a few mundane questions:


> (1) What is this report writer software developed based on Vedic

> astrology principles. Did you develop this yourself?

> (2) Do you teach vedic astrology full-time?


> regards

> Hari

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Many many thanks for explaining the thing I was missing.I knew I was missing out

something but just couldnt figure out what.I think experience makes a lot of

difference though I read about the bhvishyat Istthala yoga but I think I just

kind of skipped it out here.I think this experience and the knowledge all the

Gurus have in this list makes address with respect but if you are more

comfortable with informal address so be it!It was real interesting to know

about your varied and versatile interests .

Infact my books arrived today so I think I will devote more time learning about

it but I really look forward to your guidance and support in the future.

Thanks,RegardsRaginiDr Satya Prakash Choudhary <satyaprakasika (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Aum Namah ShivayaDear Hari,I designed and developed a software program that does

all calculations for both western as well as vedic astrology. I have also done

an advanced version that enables research. It also has report writers that

print various reports. Among the software(s) is one on Muhurta as well. All

this was done for an Australian company. The software is expected to be

released after two months. I am still tidying it up. No I don't teach vedic

astrology full time. But I teach in my free time. Astrology is not my

profession, though I teach and speak at meetings and conferences here in

Australia. I regularly speak at the monthly meetings of the Australian Council

of Vedic Astrology. I am also the editor of our quarterly journal- The Vedic

Light. My career path is interesting in that I keep changing my projects every

now and then. I worked as a dentist for some time. I am qualified in a few more

areas other than dentistry. Currently I am into business and am developing

Medical Information Systems as well as some Multimedia work that could be in

the area of Edutainment. I taught regular astrology classes in Sydney during

2000 very actively. After that it has been intermittent. I hope to resume

regular teaching this year sometime after August. To me astrology is part of my

sadhana and sadhana is part of my daily life. Quite often,I just cannot

distinguish between the mundane and the sacred. Both aspects weave well into

each other. Regards,Satya

=============================================================--- In

vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari> wrote:> ---Om

Brihaspataye Namah---> Dear Dr Satyaprakash,> > Good demonstration of tajika

techniques on a case study. Ragini, a > vote of thanks to you for initiating

this discussion thread. If I > may be permitted to ask a few mundane

questions:> > (1) What is this report writer software developed based on Vedic

> astrology principles. Did you develop this yourself?> (2) Do you teach vedic

astrology full-time? > > regards> HariArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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