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Dear Ramdasji,

Can u shed some pointers on the following chart


6 aug 1980




In regards to health and proffession. Zoranji had been very helpful in

expressing his opinions. I would also like ur opinons on it. Since I can

personally learn how two astrologer might differ or perhaps might have the same

opinions in regards to a chart. This inevidently helps me to learn and see the

basic way of reasoning things.


regards and thanks for your time in advance


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Dear Ums ,is it your name ?

I have seen Zoranji's interpretation.It is very good.

Now if you ask me ,there may be differences in the interpretations as my way of look is different.

Now see in the chart given Bahdakadhipaty Shani is in 6th in the house of

obstacles with Lagna and 8th lord Kuja .Shani is in the Nakshatra of Uttara

Phalguni ruled by Surya who is his enemy and so Shani is not favourable to the

native.Now Kuja is in Hasta ruled by Chandra who is exalted in 2nd house in

Vrishabha Rasi.So Kuja here is not aggressive.Now both planets' sign dispositor

Budha is placed in 4th house with Surya and Rahu and these combinations are in

Jala Tattwa rasi.So this native may develop problems connected lungs,breathing

trouble,Asthama etc.Now as Shani is a malefic for this chart and afflicts Lagna

lord Kuja,this native may also get problems connected to digestive system like

ulcers in the intestine and back pain etc.Guru being the 9th and 12th lord

placed in 5th aspecting 9th house and Lagna indicates the native is a lucky

person ie.,bhagyavaan.But as 12th lord Guru in 5th is indicative of issues late

in life after piligrimages and other remedial measures.There is another reason

as his sign dispositor Surya is in 4th with Rahu and all the three planets in

Karka Rsi are in the nakshatra of ashlesha ruled by Budha and its deity is

Sarpa.So get rid of his problems in life he must worship Sarpa Deva as 4th

house indicates domestic happiness and other auspicious activities.Also here in

this chart I can see a good Gaja Kesari Yoga as Guru and Chandra are in kendras

to eash other,Chandra is exalted and unafflicted and so he is very strong in

the chart.But Guru eventhough he looks strong,it is not so as he is hemmed

between Shani and Kuja on one side and Rahu on the other side and as a result

the effects of Gaja Kesari Yoga may not be full.But when seen though Navamsha

also Budha is vargothama as Roga Stanadhipaty with debilitated Kuja and as a

result ,he has to struggle hard to come up in his life.As 10th lord Shani is

with Kuja in Kanya Rasi ,he may do career in mechanical field.There are many

things to be writen and I dont want to write all the details as you also should

do some homework.

But as Chandra is a strong planet in the chart,he removes all the blemishes in

the chart and as a esult,the native will become successful during Guru Dasa.

I hope this helps you. Ramadas Rao.planck12 <planck12 > wrote:

Dear Ramdasji, Can u shed some pointers on the following chart 6 aug 198012:03am

bombay In regards to health and proffession. Zoranji had been very helpful in

expressing his opinions. I would also like ur opinons on it. Since I can

personally learn how two astrologer might differ or perhaps might have the same

opinions in regards to a chart. This inevidently helps me to learn and see the

basic way of reasoning things. regards and thanks for your time in advance

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Dear Ramadasji,

Thanks for your quick response. Here is the way I look at it and my part of



Oh by the way my name is Umeet. Means hope, whereas in hindi a lil d in the end

would make it hope.


Ok my way of looking at it.


Firstly when I analyze charts I look at the lagna since it is the single most

important house to judge a chart it is mentioned in all the books we come across

and in all vedic litretures we read that lagna determines logetivity,health and

basic build of a person.


Lagna in the natives chart is being aspected by jupiter and mars lagnesh itself

bringing about a cyclic affect. Mars is aspecting its own house aries and

thereby strengthing it and in turn getting strengthened. In addition jupiter

aspects the lagna. So I think the lagna is pretty strong in the chart of the



Moon being exhalted cannot show its full strength since its in the wanning stage

but in addition it in rohini and its a favarouble position for the placement of



Considering 4th house matters, Just as u mentioned that 5th house is in papa

kahatri yoga. 4th house is in a strong shuba khatri yoga with venus on one side

and jupiter in leo on other side. Now 4th house dispositor is exhlated in 11th

from itself (using bhavat bhavam) and mercury is vargottama though placed in

inmical sign but gaining good strength due to vargottma and reducing the inmical

effect because dipositor is strong. Rahus placement in cancer is good also rahu

in kendras is good Ive read atleast. Kanya rahu is the best followed by rahu in

cancer pices and so on. This helps to reduce the inmical effecst of rahu.


5th house is not well placed since the lord of the 5th house is in 12th from

itself making the native feel like he is never satisfied in life and can never

really enjoy life because of loss of 5th house matters. But jupiter placed there

tries to comprimse this to some degree though not a whole lot.


Now coming to the 6th house. Mars and Saturn combination would have proved very

harmful understandard conditions, making him prone to accidents inpsite at a

young age. Since he ran his mars MahaDasa during his childhood back in 83 so on.

And infact Mars/Saturn period was a very pleasent period.


This I think because mars is aspecting lagna itself and in the process getting

cyclically strengthend. Also lagna gives general well being of native and if

lagna is strong then many ill effects of a chart wade off. Hence I reason it so,

that no accidents or health problems in Mars MahaDasa/saturn antardasa. Back

again to the 6th houes matters. Mars lord of 8th house is in 6th house and is

debilated in D9. A posting by Shri Sanjay Rath in one of his articles states

that a natural malefic if being debliated in d9 and also being placed in

weakness in dustanan cancels out the negative effect with the negative effect.


Coming to 8th house for logentivity, saturn is directly influecing 8th house and

precence of saturn or its aspects on 8th house Ive read helps longetivity.



I do not wish to get into yogas at this point in great details cause they are

very enigmatic concept.Becuase I ve seen at times if someone becomes famous such

as gates then the effect is directly related to the yoga. Where as if the same

yoga exisits in someone elses chart and does not materalize then the reponse

tends to be becasuse of bad karma it did not frutify.


Just a simple example. I know one can reason out in various way but along simple

lines. I prpose the following. In bill gates chart sun is debilated in the 5th

house under libra and cojoint with venus and saturn. So that directly rules out

power in one way or atleast problems inregards to the significatios of sun. Yet

many a times when I have disccused his chart with other astrologers they have at

times pointed me to the strong Adhi yoga in his chart. But if I reason it out

along those lines then I would look at his moon in the D9 which is debilated too

under scorpio and would equally propose that the yoga would not be able to

furtifuy because moon is in debilation in D9 and so on. But neways thats a

different story all together serves as a good case for study.


Neways, based on lagna I feel that the chart can overcome malefic influences.

The presence of saturn in 6th is going to cause digestive problems? But wot do u

think its intensity will be? Do u think native will be bound for sugeries or do

u think there are chances of stonger illness like cancer and so on in such



thanx for ur reponse once again and best wishes




vedic astrology, Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao> wrote:


> Dear Ums ,is it your name ?

> I have seen Zoranji's interpretation.It is very good.

> Now if you ask me ,there may be differences in the interpretations as my way

of look is different.

> Now see in the chart given Bahdakadhipaty Shani is in 6th in the house of

obstacles with Lagna and 8th lord Kuja .Shani is in the Nakshatra of Uttara

Phalguni ruled by Surya who is his enemy and so Shani is not favourable to the

native.Now Kuja is in Hasta ruled by Chandra who is exalted in 2nd house in

Vrishabha Rasi.So Kuja here is not aggressive.Now both planets' sign dispositor

Budha is placed in 4th house with Surya and Rahu and these combinations are in

Jala Tattwa rasi.So this native may develop problems connected lungs,breathing

trouble,Asthama etc.Now as Shani is a malefic for this chart and afflicts Lagna

lord Kuja,this native may also get problems connected to digestive system like

ulcers in the intestine and back pain etc.Guru being the 9th and 12th lord

placed in 5th aspecting 9th house and Lagna indicates the native is a lucky

person ie.,bhagyavaan.But as 12th lord Guru in 5th is indicative of issues late

in life after piligrimages and other remedial measures.There is another reason

as his sign dispositor Surya is in 4th with Rahu and all the three planets in

Karka Rsi are in the nakshatra of ashlesha ruled by Budha and its deity is

Sarpa.So get rid of his problems in life he must worship Sarpa Deva as 4th house

indicates domestic happiness and other auspicious activities.Also here in this

chart I can see a good Gaja Kesari Yoga as Guru and Chandra are in kendras to

eash other,Chandra is exalted and unafflicted and so he is very strong in the

chart.But Guru eventhough he looks strong,it is not so as he is hemmed between

Shani and Kuja on one side and Rahu on the other side and as a result the

effects of Gaja Kesari Yoga may not be full.But when seen though Navamsha also

Budha is vargothama as Roga Stanadhipaty with debilitated Kuja and as a result

,he has to struggle hard to come up in his life.As 10th lord Shani is with Kuja

in Kanya Rasi ,he may do career in mechanical field.There are many things to be

writen and I dont want to write all the details as you also should do some


> But as Chandra is a strong planet in the chart,he removes all the blemishes in

the chart and as a esult,the native will become successful during Guru Dasa.

> I hope this helps you.

> Ramadas Rao.

> planck12 <planck12> wrote:

> Dear Ramdasji,

> Can u shed some pointers on the following chart


> 6 aug 1980

> 12:03am

> bombay


> In regards to health and proffession. Zoranji had been very helpful in

expressing his opinions. I would also like ur opinons on it. Since I can

personally learn how two astrologer might differ or perhaps might have the same

opinions in regards to a chart. This inevidently helps me to learn and see the

basic way of reasoning things.


> regards and thanks for your time in advance

> Ums




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Oh by the way Ramadasji,


I am from Qatar Im sure u must have heard since I trust u are in kuwait. But I

presently reside in vancouver,Canada. Though by ethinicity Im an east indian but

Ive resided much of my life in qatar and sweden.


Hope the weather is not too hot there!!


regards and best wishes





vedic astrology, "planck12" <planck12> wrote:

> Dear Ramadasji,

> Thanks for your quick response. Here is the way I look at it and my part of



> Oh by the way my name is Umeet. Means hope, whereas in hindi a lil d in the

end would make it hope.


> Ok my way of looking at it.


> Firstly when I analyze charts I look at the lagna since it is the single most

important house to judge a chart it is mentioned in all the books we come across

and in all vedic litretures we read that lagna determines logetivity,health and

basic build of a person.


> Lagna in the natives chart is being aspected by jupiter and mars lagnesh

itself bringing about a cyclic affect. Mars is aspecting its own house aries and

thereby strengthing it and in turn getting strengthened. In addition jupiter

aspects the lagna. So I think the lagna is pretty strong in the chart of the



> Moon being exhalted cannot show its full strength since its in the wanning

stage but in addition it in rohini and its a favarouble position for the

placement of moon.


> Considering 4th house matters, Just as u mentioned that 5th house is in papa

kahatri yoga. 4th house is in a strong shuba khatri yoga with venus on one side

and jupiter in leo on other side. Now 4th house dispositor is exhlated in 11th

from itself (using bhavat bhavam) and mercury is vargottama though placed in

inmical sign but gaining good strength due to vargottma and reducing the inmical

effect because dipositor is strong. Rahus placement in cancer is good also rahu

in kendras is good Ive read atleast. Kanya rahu is the best followed by rahu in

cancer pices and so on. This helps to reduce the inmical effecst of rahu.


> 5th house is not well placed since the lord of the 5th house is in 12th from

itself making the native feel like he is never satisfied in life and can never

really enjoy life because of loss of 5th house matters. But jupiter placed there

tries to comprimse this to some degree though not a whole lot.


> Now coming to the 6th house. Mars and Saturn combination would have proved

very harmful understandard conditions, making him prone to accidents inpsite at

a young age. Since he ran his mars MahaDasa during his childhood back in 83 so

on. And infact Mars/Saturn period was a very pleasent period.


> This I think because mars is aspecting lagna itself and in the process getting

cyclically strengthend. Also lagna gives general well being of native and if

lagna is strong then many ill effects of a chart wade off. Hence I reason it so,

that no accidents or health problems in Mars MahaDasa/saturn antardasa. Back

again to the 6th houes matters. Mars lord of 8th house is in 6th house and is

debilated in D9. A posting by Shri Sanjay Rath in one of his articles states

that a natural malefic if being debliated in d9 and also being placed in

weakness in dustanan cancels out the negative effect with the negative effect.


> Coming to 8th house for logentivity, saturn is directly influecing 8th house

and precence of saturn or its aspects on 8th house Ive read helps longetivity.



> I do not wish to get into yogas at this point in great details cause they are

very enigmatic concept.Becuase I ve seen at times if someone becomes famous such

as gates then the effect is directly related to the yoga. Where as if the same

yoga exisits in someone elses chart and does not materalize then the reponse

tends to be becasuse of bad karma it did not frutify.


> Just a simple example. I know one can reason out in various way but along

simple lines. I prpose the following. In bill gates chart sun is debilated in

the 5th house under libra and cojoint with venus and saturn. So that directly

rules out power in one way or atleast problems inregards to the significatios of

sun. Yet many a times when I have disccused his chart with other astrologers

they have at times pointed me to the strong Adhi yoga in his chart. But if I

reason it out along those lines then I would look at his moon in the D9 which is

debilated too under scorpio and would equally propose that the yoga would not be

able to furtifuy because moon is in debilation in D9 and so on. But neways thats

a different story all together serves as a good case for study.


> Neways, based on lagna I feel that the chart can overcome malefic influences.

The presence of saturn in 6th is going to cause digestive problems? But wot do u

think its intensity will be? Do u think native will be bound for sugeries or do

u think there are chances of stonger illness like cancer and so on in such



> thanx for ur reponse once again and best wishes

> Umeet



> vedic astrology, Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao> wrote:


> > Dear Ums ,is it your name ?

> > I have seen Zoranji's interpretation.It is very good.

> > Now if you ask me ,there may be differences in the interpretations as my way

of look is different.

> > Now see in the chart given Bahdakadhipaty Shani is in 6th in the house of

obstacles with Lagna and 8th lord Kuja .Shani is in the Nakshatra of Uttara

Phalguni ruled by Surya who is his enemy and so Shani is not favourable to the

native.Now Kuja is in Hasta ruled by Chandra who is exalted in 2nd house in

Vrishabha Rasi.So Kuja here is not aggressive.Now both planets' sign dispositor

Budha is placed in 4th house with Surya and Rahu and these combinations are in

Jala Tattwa rasi.So this native may develop problems connected lungs,breathing

trouble,Asthama etc.Now as Shani is a malefic for this chart and afflicts Lagna

lord Kuja,this native may also get problems connected to digestive system like

ulcers in the intestine and back pain etc.Guru being the 9th and 12th lord

placed in 5th aspecting 9th house and Lagna indicates the native is a lucky

person ie.,bhagyavaan.But as 12th lord Guru in 5th is indicative of issues late

in life after piligrimages and other remedial measures.There is another reason

as his sign dispositor Surya is in 4th with Rahu and all the three planets in

Karka Rsi are in the nakshatra of ashlesha ruled by Budha and its deity is

Sarpa.So get rid of his problems in life he must worship Sarpa Deva as 4th house

indicates domestic happiness and other auspicious activities.Also here in this

chart I can see a good Gaja Kesari Yoga as Guru and Chandra are in kendras to

eash other,Chandra is exalted and unafflicted and so he is very strong in the

chart.But Guru eventhough he looks strong,it is not so as he is hemmed between

Shani and Kuja on one side and Rahu on the other side and as a result the

effects of Gaja Kesari Yoga may not be full.But when seen though Navamsha also

Budha is vargothama as Roga Stanadhipaty with debilitated Kuja and as a result

,he has to struggle hard to come up in his life.As 10th lord Shani is with Kuja

in Kanya Rasi ,he may do career in mechanical field.There are many things to be

writen and I dont want to write all the details as you also should do some


> > But as Chandra is a strong planet in the chart,he removes all the blemishes

in the chart and as a esult,the native will become successful during Guru Dasa.

> > I hope this helps you.

> > Ramadas Rao.

> > planck12 <planck12> wrote:

> > Dear Ramdasji,

> > Can u shed some pointers on the following chart

> >

> > 6 aug 1980

> > 12:03am

> > bombay

> >

> > In regards to health and proffession. Zoranji had been very helpful in

expressing his opinions. I would also like ur opinons on it. Since I can

personally learn how two astrologer might differ or perhaps might have the same

opinions in regards to a chart. This inevidently helps me to learn and see the

basic way of reasoning things.

> >

> > regards and thanks for your time in advance

> > Ums

> >

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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