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Some Astrological Thoughts

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Hello everyone,

Just a few thoughts that makes the skeptical mind think. Im sure the Maharishi

thought of it differently. But intodays world since we apply principle solely

based on the mathematicl science rather that intuition and we come to the

conjuncture of so many possiblities here are a few thoughts along the same:


1. If Mars and Saturn are enemies then how does mars exhlated in the sign of

saturn. Logically speaking U always feel comfortable and high in sprits when U

go to the hosue of a friend rather than the house of a enemy.


2.Similary Saturn is Deb in Aries so its rather wired logically thinking of it

saturn holds the exhlation sign of mars and mars holds the deb sign of saturn

when mutually they are incompatible planets.


3.The seventh sign from lagna tells about the spouse of a native. So is it not

logical that the 7th sign from the the 4th house should tell about the spouse of

mother that is her husband and the natives father. But that is not the case

instead it is the 9th house.


4.Astrology if looked at the very basic level contradicts Dharma why and how

well I suppose with astrologer there is no scope left for human free will.

Everything is predetermined and everything is judged on the basis of karma. Say

for example a person has done bad karma in the past then there is no way he can

live a peaceful life in this birth. Since everything gets predetermined before

hand and there is no scope to imporvise or change because planets in transit are

going to move and the birth chart of a person will be the same today as it is

10, 20 or 50 years ago.


5.We happen to give more importance to D9. When I come to think of it why wasnt

D9 made the main chart and the rashi chart as the supplement chart. Why is it

that we open a book it starts with the rashi chart at the introduction rather

than D9 because I think it is only logical to use D9 since if a planet is

exhalted in D9 then its considered exhlated in rashi and if its deb in D9 then

its deb in rashi. Makes me think rashi chart has no importance whatsoever

because even if things are placed well ina rashi chart astrologer use D9 to

change the entire course of rashi chart. To make it look like rashi chart hold

no importance its rather funny.


6. The most funny part is there are equal number of rules to contradict a

situation as there are to go for a situation and support it. And every

astrologer tends to believe his/her reasoning is necessairly right.


7. BHPS states that malefic plaents in the dustana houses are good and planets

such as mars and saturn are well placed in 6,8,12 houses. Yet our research has

led us to believe if such combinations occur in the 6th,8th 12th house there

will be disease and enemies. I mean someway or another any astrologer would

reason out well that mars and saturn malefic combination in such houses is going

to cause problems to such houses. Yet BHPS states along different lines. So how

can we approach such a problem. Either there is not best place for any planet or

there is not worst place for any planet. And if thats the case. All charts could

be made equally bad or good by saying mars and so and so on is not well placed

in 6th, 8th 12thouse. It is said in order to be successful in the materaliztic

life one has to have enemies and one has to face competetion since only with

competetion we develop skills. On the other hand such a combination can only

result if malefics are plaed in the say 6th house but on the other hand agin

this is going to cause disease. So is there any way a person can be successful

without dieases. Which combination allows for that. We see so many such cases.


8. A word about yogas, There are 100s yogas that can arise in any given chart.

Do u think it is feasible to go over all the yogas. Say for instance KalaSarpa

yoga was hardly talked about in the 50s and here it is today KalaSarpa is the

topic of the day. If someone sees a KalaSarpa Yoga it spells doom for the chart

is that not wrong. We see the charts of people like gates, indira gandhi,

einstien and we talk about all such yogas as adhi yoga, neecha bhanga yoga,

exhange yoga. Yet these yoga exits in the charts of a common man perhaps

millions of men in a popluation of billions. And yet such people are poor and

the yogas dont yeild results. Why, the astrolger reason out bad karma, I reason

out fail of generalation.


8.At the end of the day I sit down in meditation and think of God and God tells

me. It is intuition that guides us. Present Astrology has gone from predictive

using intution to prediction using generalizations. We look at different chart

generalzie carry research into planets and hope the combinations will provide

smiliar clues in other charts. While on a very generalized scale this holds true

to some degree, but as we dwell into uniquness the rules break down because if

there are 7 charts that obey the rules the 8th might not and the astrologer

tries to seek other combinations to prove his/her point. Dont many of us do

excatly that.


8.If Astrology is the same everywhere then as Harji mentioned that Swami

predicted Rajivs death before hand basically out of the 1000s of astrologers out

there dont yah think or occurs to mind why just one astrologer out of the

hundreds. Perhaps its intuition, its what we called the sixth sense. People

having this wired isnsticntive feeling before something bad is going to happen.

The Supreme life Force called God give us. So perhaps it was a case of strong

intuation for a person sucah as the swami who was sensative enough to feel the

vibration of diaster.


9.Astrologer should not be guided by generalized princples that we study but

rather 20% by principles and 80% by intuation. Some of the astrologer I have had

disccussion with dont even look at a chart. They just ask the details and caste

a chart in their minds. Yet there are some spritual people into whose proximity

we walk they feel our vibrations and tell us wot their intuition guides us to

believe. I dont think we all can have that kind of a power. We have to agree

that some humans are more connected to God than others perhaps it Karma. And we

try to achieve the same perhaps and we are wrong perhaps our karma dont permit



In the end I would say one who believe and puts his/he faith in God and works

hard to change his course of life is always successful in achieving what he want

or needs. God has given us a beautiful body and mind. To keep it health is our

duty, planets might (based on generlations) tell us that we might fall ill or

so, but its mans own free will to fall ill or not to fall ill. If we dont take

care of our health we will fall ill and if we do then we will not fall ill. Just

like a machine, if proper maintanece is done the machine lasts for long and if

not it wears down fast and dies.


Just as it is hard to predict natural diasters or lets even forget natural

distasers, lets look at the weather for a change, we hear many a times

meterologist predict the weather is going to be so and so and many a times it

happens they are wrong and the weather changes. If humans using so much

sophicated tools cannot predict the course of weather based on planets then

where does the question of predicting life and death or diease and tradegy or

wealth and poverty lie. Let along be accurate or precise in their own sense.


With the might Hand of God, things change for the better or worse. He is sitting

up in Heavens casting a thought and seeing what humans are capable of doing. As

long as humans stay within their bounds and limits He will give them the next

ladder to climb. But the moment humans try to jump into His territory He will

pull the ladder behind. This is not because He hates Us. It is because if Humans

are given a chance they will do everthing in their relam to control even the

heavens and challange God.




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vedic astrology, "planck12" <planck12>


> Hello everyone,

> Just a few thoughts that makes the skeptical mind think. Im sure

the Maharishi thought of it differently. But intodays world since we

apply principle solely based on the mathematicl science rather that

intuition and we come to the conjuncture of so many possiblities here

are a few thoughts along the same:


> 1. If Mars and Saturn are enemies then how does mars exhlated in

the sign of saturn. Logically speaking U always feel comfortable and

high in sprits when U go to the hosue of a friend rather than the

house of a enemy.


Mars is exalted in Capricorn because the energy of the planet

corrects and enhances the qualities of the sign and vice versa. Mars

overcomes the depressed energy of Capricorn, and empowers its need to

rise ever higher on the mountain of life. On the other hand,

Capricorn cools down the Martian fire to something that has greater

traction on the material ploane. It is exactly like enclosing fire

in an internal combustion engine, instead of letting it burn freely.


> 2.Similary Saturn is Deb in Aries so its rather wired logically

thinking of it saturn holds the exhlation sign of mars and mars holds

the deb sign of saturn when mutually they are incompatible planets.


Here the energy of the planet works at cross-purposes with the

qualities of the sign. The Aries impulsiveness prevents the

strategic planning and endurance over time of Saturn from

manifesting. And the Saturnian stolidity and coldness kills the

Arian enthusiasm and fire.


In general, the traditional exaltations and debilitations will be

found to be correct in actual practice. You can understand them

*intuitively* by looking at the compatibility or incompatibility of

the sign with the planet, as I have done here.


Om Tryambakam Yajamahe


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Dear Horaku,


U have stated that in the case of saturn in mars the energy works in a cross

purpose why is this so?


Infact saturn should overwhelm aries rather than aries overwhemling saturn why

since saturn is way bigger in size a planet than mars. Saturn is furthest out

the sun and recieves less sun energy than mars. Saturn take longer to orbit

around sun than mars and hence its effects should be long lasting and deeper

than mars. So how come a planet such as saturn gets overwhelemd by the energy of



And simliary how does mars over power saturns signs. By similiar reasoning mars

is small its net energy is less than saturn its effects are short lived as

compered to saturn hence implusivness in case of mars and logetivity in case of

saturn. So how can mars overpower saturn?


Also if mars and saturn are enemies how I wonder one holds the exhlation sign of

the other and other holds the deblattion sign of an other. Say for analgy. If

two people are hard bitter enemies. Then either one of them will not welcome the

other one in their house.


Saturn/Venus/Mer belong to one camp of earth/ water.


Sun/Moon/Mar/Jup belong to the other camp.


The first camp is asuras and the jupter camp is that of a deva. So how can a

deva planet get exhlated in ausrays when they are bitter enemeies.


Dont U think my reasoning mightbe justified to based on simple principles


regards and best wishes




vedic astrology, "shakuhoraku" <shakuhoraku> wrote:

> vedic astrology, "planck12" <planck12>

> wrote:

> > Hello everyone,

> > Just a few thoughts that makes the skeptical mind think. Im sure

> the Maharishi thought of it differently. But intodays world since we

> apply principle solely based on the mathematicl science rather that

> intuition and we come to the conjuncture of so many possiblities here

> are a few thoughts along the same:

> >

> > 1. If Mars and Saturn are enemies then how does mars exhlated in

> the sign of saturn. Logically speaking U always feel comfortable and

> high in sprits when U go to the hosue of a friend rather than the

> house of a enemy.


> Mars is exalted in Capricorn because the energy of the planet

> corrects and enhances the qualities of the sign and vice versa. Mars

> overcomes the depressed energy of Capricorn, and empowers its need to

> rise ever higher on the mountain of life. On the other hand,

> Capricorn cools down the Martian fire to something that has greater

> traction on the material ploane. It is exactly like enclosing fire

> in an internal combustion engine, instead of letting it burn freely.


> > 2.Similary Saturn is Deb in Aries so its rather wired logically

> thinking of it saturn holds the exhlation sign of mars and mars holds

> the deb sign of saturn when mutually they are incompatible planets.


> Here the energy of the planet works at cross-purposes with the

> qualities of the sign. The Aries impulsiveness prevents the

> strategic planning and endurance over time of Saturn from

> manifesting. And the Saturnian stolidity and coldness kills the

> Arian enthusiasm and fire.


> In general, the traditional exaltations and debilitations will be

> found to be correct in actual practice. You can understand them

> *intuitively* by looking at the compatibility or incompatibility of

> the sign with the planet, as I have done here.


> Om Tryambakam Yajamahe

> Horaku

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vedic astrology, "planck12" <planck12>


> Dear Horaku,


> U have stated that in the case of saturn in mars the energy works

in a cross purpose why is this so?


> Infact saturn should overwhelm aries rather than aries overwhemling

saturn why since saturn is way bigger in size a planet than mars.

Saturn is furthest out the sun and recieves less sun energy than

mars. Saturn take longer to orbit around sun than mars and hence its

effects should be long lasting and deeper than mars. So how come a

planet such as saturn gets overwhelemd by the energy of mars?


Because Mars belongs to the Devic camp, and Saturn belongs to the

Ashuric camp. The Devic camp (Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter) has

more power than the Ashuric camp. Being closer to the Sun, and

therefore brighter, in Mars' case, overcomes Saturn's plodding



Om Tryambakam Yajamahe


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Dear Horaku,

Well nice explanation. But there is just one problem with the reasoning. U say

mars overwhelming capricon because its from the Devas and they are more powerful


THEN, HOw come sun gets debilated in libra the sign of a asurya. Infact Sun

being so strong and infact being a star that shed light on all. How can such a

powerful Deva get Debilated in Asuryas Camp. Dont U think the description U gave

would break down here.


Waiting for ur response





vedic astrology, "shakuhoraku" <shakuhoraku> wrote:

> vedic astrology, "planck12" <planck12>

> wrote:

> > Dear Horaku,

> >

> > U have stated that in the case of saturn in mars the energy works

> in a cross purpose why is this so?

> >

> > Infact saturn should overwhelm aries rather than aries overwhemling

> saturn why since saturn is way bigger in size a planet than mars.

> Saturn is furthest out the sun and recieves less sun energy than

> mars. Saturn take longer to orbit around sun than mars and hence its

> effects should be long lasting and deeper than mars. So how come a

> planet such as saturn gets overwhelemd by the energy of mars?

> >

> Because Mars belongs to the Devic camp, and Saturn belongs to the

> Ashuric camp. The Devic camp (Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter) has

> more power than the Ashuric camp. Being closer to the Sun, and

> therefore brighter, in Mars' case, overcomes Saturn's plodding

> persistence.


> Om Tryambakam Yajamahe

> Horaku

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