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Worship of deities

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Gurujis,


I have not understood the logic behind recommending

worship of Ishta Devata, Dharma Devata or Guru Devata

in different cases. I shall be thankful if someone can

kindly explain it.


In some cases a native is asked to worship the deity

of Atma Karka. I shall appreciate if the logic behind

an astrologer suggesting that to a native is also



Many Thanks and Kind regards



--- Visti Larsen <vishnu wrote:


> |Hare Rama Krishna|

> Dear Anu,

> That Jupiter in Lagna is vital to counter the evil

> results of the Aditya-Chandala Yoga in 5th. See the

> trines to Lagna shows the path you will take -

> especially the 9th house shows this.To strengthen

> Jupiter in any chart, one of the best things is to

> worship the Ishta Devata, or Guru devata.

> Best wishes

> Visti

> ---

> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

> -

> anukochhar

> vedic astrology

> Friday, July 04, 2003 6:30 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] PLEASE FORGIVE IF




> Hare rama krishna,


> Chandrashekhar ji,

> pranaam,


> He has leo lagna with jupiter in the

> asc.(leo),venus in libra in the 3rd, mars and mer.

> in the 4th in scorpio,Sun + rahu in sagi in the5th(

> something that always troubles me), sat in capricorn

> in the6th, moon in tau in the 10th and ketu in gem.


> jupiter has rasi drishti on sat.


> thanks and regards,

> anu.

> -

> Chandrashekhar Sharma

> vedic astrology

> Friday, July 04, 2003 1:21 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] PLEASE FORGIVE IF




> Dear Anu,

> Your son has told the philosophy of life

> beautifully.Does your son have Saturn Jupiter

> sambandha in his horoscope?

> Chandrashekhar.



> anukochhar wrote:


> Hare rama krishna,


> dear all,


> Yesterday was a real bad day- my husband lost

> his only uncle- who was not

> very old and we had some very precious

> memories of him.


> we were generally feeling a little low when my

> 11 year old son came to me-

> held my hand and told me a story he had read

> when he was six years old.


> he said "mamma don't be sad - its a circle of

> life. In lion king mufasa

> tells Simba the lion cub that to be a good

> king you have to respect allforms

> of life- in plant kingdom or the animal

> kingdom.Simba then tells his father

> that they eat the antelope too- his father

> tells him gently that when they

> die they mingle with the earth and sprout as

> the grass - and the antelope

> eats it.So we are all connected to the great

> circle of life.people who die

> don't go anywhere - they just move on along

> the circle"


> I was so amazed -something that I have notable

> to get after so many years of

> reading probably thousands of books - a child

> could fathom such a

> beautifully profound thought at the age of

> six.


> We are all so blessed that our next generation

> can teach us the simple basic

> truths that pass us by.


> peace.

> anu.






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