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Another view--some input

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Dear Mukund,


I do agree with you about Ranjan, which I assume many of the members are

aware of.

The list is free platform for anyone to join and participate.

So it up to Ranjan to decide. I have sort of suggested it.


Kind regards

Jay Weiss



"monmuk111" <monmuk111

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 7:56 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Another view--some input



> Hello Jay and other members:


> Is there any way to invite Mr. Rohini Ranjan to this board. His

> readings, writings and thinking related to Vedic astrology are the

> most pragmatic I've ever seen. His writings exhude a certain

> originality and freshnesh that just tickles the mind. Also, the great

> thing about him is that he stays with the "original" priciples just

> like Sanjay and PVR rather then invent "new" crap like the Systems

> approach.


> Mukund


> vedic astrology, "J.Weiss" <jayhw@t...> wrote:

> > Dear list members,

> >

> > Today's morning email brought me among others one from the

> old 'Jyotish list',

> > that the Canadian astrologer Rohini Ranjan replied to ("subject:

> Ashtakavarga

> > useful tool or not").

> > It is the second part that many may find interesting about

> astrology in today's world.

> >

> > After some consideration I decided to share his mail with you (with

> his permission),

> > for the purpose of general information and view of just another

> Vedic astrologer,

> > who is not a member of this list.

> >

> > Kind regards

> > Jay Weiss

> >

> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

> > I am really heartened by Shri Rao's message about ashtakavarga

> being a

> > useful tool. Statements from giants of his stature in modern

> jyotish about a

> > given technique or his endorsement of a software carry a lot of

> weight in

> > the modern quigmire that jyotish has become since its recent

> revival mostly

> > in and through the west (Praise the Lord Internet and pass on the

> weed! I am

> > sorry guys!!

> >

> > Truth be told, software produced in 80s and 90s some of which

> simply died on

> > the way, even though endorsed by Beacons of those times, died

> because

> > it was incorrect and inadequate BUT not necessarily unimportant!

> Incorrect

> > in simple baby algorithms like for shadbala, vimshopakbala.

> calculation of

> > longitudes! And when we get into more intricate things like dashaas

> and

> > Jaimini parameters on which even experts vary in opinions about how

> to

> > calculate, then we are entering a dark magical forest that is better

> > illuminated by the words of Madame Rowlings with an active

> imagination and

> > all the jealousy surrounding her fame than someone as factual as

> Einstein or

> > Narlikar or maybe even by that Economist of the times, Allan

> Greenspan who

> > gets more immediate attention than Parashara or those consultants

> who the

> > software programmers were depending upon. I am sorry but if one

> cannot get

> > the simple phasic uchcha bala worked out in the first go or the

> 19th version

> > for that matter, I wonder what else is going on!

> >

> > Jyotish of modern times, or even astrology in all its shades and

> forms

> > probably intensively touches the lives of a maximum of 100 million

> in this

> > world of 6.7 billions or more. Probably 100 times as many read their

> > newspaper forecasts and move on to a cup of coffee at Tim Hortons or

> > wherever -- GET real folks, they are NOT touched by astrology

> regardless of

> > what we think of their karma and spiritual elevation! Wake up to

> the fact

> > that t-h-a-t represents only about 2% of world's population. Even

> if it were

> > 10% -- half a billion, it would be an insignificant proportion of

> the

> > world's total current population! Astrology, in other words,

> touches FAR

> > less than 10% of humanity. Touches -- as in being significant

> enough to

> > actually change their lives or to make them e-v-e-n look at it

> seriously.

> > The statistics can be challenged to save face, but really something

> that are

> > for all of us astrologers to think about, and consider -- rightly or

> > wrongly -- about the R-E-A-L impact of OUR love and life (One

> thing no

> > one will get an argument from me on is that we astrologers are one

> dedicated

> > bunch who really truly believe in what we believe in even if we

> cannot

> > prove it to others satisfactorily and that includes the guy

> (strangely

> > there have not been too many gals, other than K.N Saraswathy on the

> jyotish

> > scene but more on the western astrology side of things) who thinks

> he has

> > proved it to all for all times to come! Of course astrologers are

> fully convinced, as

> > individuals or as a collective group). Our 75 to 80 % claims of

> success

> > notwithstanding, some with the help of japa and yogic powers which

> throw in yet

> > another variable in the mix. The borscht tastes delicious and

> fulfilling,

> > but can it be sold as a written recipe, yet?

> >

> > None of us can entirely shed our biases of THIS lifetime and will

> even

> > justify those R-A-T-I-O-N-A-L-L-Y!

> > But thanks to Ben and Charles and similar folks in cyber-reality,

> we the

> > minority (those who REALLY believe in astrology!) have this chance

> to

> > interact and progress, mostly individually. This is how it was

> right from

> > the beginning. Look at the very different and distinctive outlooks

> expressed

> > by Parashara, Varahamihira, Garga, Satya, Mukuna Vallabha, Kalidasa

> (now he

> > was one rebel!) and all others right through Raman, Seshadri Iyer

> and KN Rao.

> > What does it tell you? The facts are all there, but there is NO


> > INTERPRETATION, just a plethora of certificates and gurus and sub-

> gurus by

> > the dozen!

> >

> > The Hamilton project (cold, double blinded readings and test of

> astrology) had

> > attracted my attention and soul, but it did not last, because IMO

> politics

> > entered it and ruined the purpose. Who suffers in the end? Or

> what??

> >

> > And everyone is right, of course!

> >

> > Jai Ram Ji ki!

> >

> > Rohiniranjan










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