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Know that:

Helping Others helps Yourself!

Harmlessness is the prime Protection!

Meditation induces first Calm then Bliss!

Dhamma Study assures doubtless Certainty!

The Noble 8-fold Way makes Free & Deathless!




At this Full Moon 2534 years ago the Blessed Buddha Awakened

by Completely Perfect and Unsurpassable Self-Enlightenment!


At that time a girl named Sujata Senani lived in Uruvela. When adult,

she prayed before a certain Banyan tree, that she might get a husband

equal to herself in caste and that her firstborn may be a son. Her prayer

was successful, since so indeed did it happen. At the full moon day of the

Vesak month, she rose at early dawn & milked the cows. As soon as new

buckets were placed under the cows, their milk poured forth in streams

spontaneously all by itself. Seeing this miracle, she knew something special

was going on. Now at that very night the Future Buddha had 5 specific

dreams that made him conclude: Certainly, without doubt, today is the very

day, I will reach Enlightenment! His 5 colored radiance illuminated the

whole tree. Then Sujata came & offered the cooked milk rice in the hands

of the Great Being. After that a grass-cutter came going with a bundle of

grass just harvested from nearby. He offered the Great Being 8 handfuls

of Kusa grass, when he saw that this Sage was a Holy Man. The Future

Buddha accepted the grass and proceeded to the foot of the Bo-tree.

Reaching the imperturbable Eastern side, where all Buddhas take their seat,

he sat down saying to himself:

This is indeed the immovable spot where all the Buddhas have planted

themselves! This is the very place for destroying the net of desire!

Then the Future Buddha turned his back to the trunk and faced east.

Right there he then made this mighty decision:

Let just blood & flesh of this body dry up & let skin & sinews

fall from the bones. I will not leave this seat before having

attained the absolute supreme Enlightenment!

So determined did he seat himself in this unconquerable seat, which not

a 100 strikes of lightning could make him waver from.

At this very moment the rebel deity Mara -the Evil One- raised exclaiming:

Prince Siddhattha will pass beyond my power, but I will never allow it!

And sounding the Mara's war shout, he prepared his army & went out for

battle. Then Mara said to his militia: This Sakyamuni, son of Suddhodana,

is far greater than any other man, so we will never succeed to fight him

up front. We will therefore attack him from behind.

Frustrated, being unable even to touch the Wielder of power with 9 mighty

hurricanes of wind, rain, rocks, weapons, red coals, hot ashes, sand, mud,

& darkness Mara somewhat in panic commanded his army: Why do you stand

still? Seize, kill & drive away this prince. Mara yelled: Siddhattha, leave this

seat. It is not yours but mine! Hearing this the Well-gone One replied:

Mara, neither have you fulfilled the 10 perfections to the third degree

nor have you given the 5 great donations. Neither have you striven for insight,

nor for the welfare of the world, nor for enlightenment! Therefore does this

seat not belong to you, but indeed to me.

Suddenly overpowered by fear Mara's followers fled helter-skelter

in all directions. Not two went the same way, but leaving their weapons

in a chaos all behind, they fled terrified by panic. Seeing them flee, the

great assembly of deities triumphantly shouted: Mara is defeated. Prince

Siddhattha has Won! Let us celebrate the Victory! The deities then sang:

The Victory has this illustrious Buddha Won.

The Evil One, The End-maker is defeated & done.

Thus they jubilantly circled the wisdom throne,

the band of snakes singing their praises of the Seer,

the flocks of birds singing their praises of the Sage,

the assembly of Deities singing their praises of the Conqueror,

the group of Brahmas singing their praises of the Worthy One.

It was before the sun had set that the Tathagata thus conquered Mara &

defeated his army. Then at the same night, after having bathed, while the

Bo tree rained red sprigs on his robe, the Consummate One acquired

knowledge of previous existences in the first watch of the night:

With the mind thus concentrated, purified, bright, fixed, unified, focused,

tractable, compliant, steady & imperturbable, I directed it to remembrance

of my past lives. I recollected numerous past lives, i.e., one birth, two...five,

ten...fifty, a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand, many eons of cosmic

contraction, many eons of cosmic expansion:

There I had such a name, belonged to such a clan & species, had such

a body. Such was my food, such my experience of pleasure & pain,

such the end of my life. Passing away from that state, I re-arose there.

There I had such name, belonged to such a sort & family, had such a form..

Such was my food, such my experience of pleasure & pain, such the

end of my life. Passing away from that state, I re-arose here. Thus I

remembered my various past lives in all their various modes & details.

This was the first knowledge I attained in the first watch of the night.

Ignorance was destroyed; knowledge arose; darkness was destroyed;

light arose as happens in one who is alert, aware, & determined.

But the pleasant feeling that arose in this way did not invade my mind

nor remain. With the mind thus still concentrated, purified, bright, intact,

pliant, malleable, steady, & imperturbable, I directed it to the knowledge

of the passing away & reappearance of beings. I saw by means of the divine

eye, purified & surpassing the human eye I saw beings passing away &

re-appearing, and I realized how & why they are high & low, beautiful &

ugly, fortunate & unfortunate all in accordance with the intentions of their

prior actions: 'These beings who were endowed with bad behaviour of

body, speech, & mind, who reviled the Noble Ones, held wrong views and

acted under the influence of wrong views, with the break-up of the body,

after death, have re-appeared in the plane of misery, the bad destination,

the lower realms, even in hell.

But these beings who were gifted with good behaviour of body, speech &

mind, who did not revile the Noble Ones, who held right views and acted

under the influence of right views -- with the break-up of the body, after

death, have re-appeared in happy destinations, even in a divine world.'

Thus -- by means of the divine eye, purified & surpassing the human --

I saw beings passing away & re-appearing, all in accordance with their

particular mixture of good & bad kamma.

But the satisfaction that arose in this way did not invade my mind nor

remain. With the mind thus concentrated, fully absorbed, I directed it

towards understanding the ending of the mental fermentations. I realized

how it actually comes to be, that:

Such is Misery...

Such is the cause of Misery...

Such is the end of Misery...

Such is the way to end Misery...

Such was the mental fermentations...

Such is the cause of fermentation...

Such is the end of fermentation...

Such is the way leading to the end of fermentation.'

When my mind saw that, realized that, it was freed of the fermentation of

sense-desire, released from the fermentation of becoming, unobstructed by

the fermentation of ignorance. Fully & perfectly Enlightened - The Buddha -

perceiving this immense glory, spoke these 2 solemn verses, which never has

been omitted by any of countless thousands of prior Buddhas:

Through this round of countless existences have I searched

yet failed to find 'the Creator', who framed this formation:

What Misery! is such Endless Birth, Ageing, Decay & Death!!

Now I see that 'the Constructor' of this structure is Craving...!!!

Never shall this construction be build again, as all the rafters

are shattered and the main beam is busted & broken...

At this stilling of all Craving, mind has finally calmed…

Then, friends, this vision of certainty arose in me: This release

is irreversible, this is the last birth, this endless reappearance is

finally ended...





PS: Please include the word Samahita in any comment, since then

will my automatic mail filters pick it up and I will see it & respond!!


Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka.


Friendship is the Greatest ...

Let there be Calm & Free Bliss !!!





Dhamma-Questions sent to my email are quite Welcome.

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