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Retrograde planet in exaltation sign

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Sanjay Rath says that retrograde planets required additional efforts to fructify

the desirable results. Delay and pending are the general result of them.

For example if 7th lord is retgrade, it may make native not interested in

marriage, or lazy to choose business line, or gereral public dealing or he may

have quite different opinion regarding them. If they they attempt then he may

find trouble and delay, which need lot of efforts to gain from this house.

Similarly it is better to hold dushtana bhava lords retrograde, so that their

evil effects could not feel completely.

Now assume if any planet is retrograde, which may cause delay. Thus if he is in

exaltation sign then it is hard to get the benefic result of this exalted

planet. And there may not be expected auspicious results. The phala may be in

quite different form and unexpected time.

Similarly if any retrograde planet is in debilitaion sign, this mean the bad

effect will obstract due to retrogression, or may not feel intense, as

debilitation will find time to fructify.

Look, now-a-days in transit, Karma Karaka Saturn is retrograde. If he moves in

your good house from your Janm rasi or lagna, then the desirable fruits will

not be attain easily. Though its my opion niether last word nor universal fact.

Research and experience required to understand it. Warm Regards Imran


Gili Alvey <gilimary (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Chandrashekhar and All,My teacher also teaches that a retrograde planet in

its sign of exaltation is debilitated (I have Jupiter retrograde in Cancer

(6th) ).... but then what happens if there is also neechabanga?.... also is it

good or bad to have a debilitated (functional) malefic??Any comments would be

very welcome.Love,Giliyou can't transcend what you haven't


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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Imran,

The fact is that Vakra Graha get 60 virupas in Bal calculation and

thus have strenght of exaltation or kendra bal. So they acquire maximum

rays. In this manner everything they stand for will be ehnaced for better

or worse. This is the basic statement, and beginners should not bother

with other matters such as exaltation-retro, or debilitaion retro etc.

The other fact which should be born in mind that since Rahu and Ketu are

awyas Retrograde, other retrograde grahas will have special karmic results/behave

like rahu and ketu. These two simple facts will help beginners.,.

Best wishes


Muhammad Imran wrote:


Dear Members,

Phala of Vikri Graha is one of the most debatable issue amongst astrologers.

Varied opinions are existed about retrogression, which is one of eight

planetary kind of motions. Chanrashekhar holds that Retrograde planets

in their sign of exaltation yield more better results (as he told me last

month on this forum).

But there is not any significant reason to deny the notion, which tells

that Regrograde planets if exalted are bad, and if debiliated should assume

good. What is the logic behind it?


retrograte planets manifests internally rather externally. Thus retrograde

planets are powerful on internal level and on the outer level they not

so strong. Nodes are the clear cut exmple of this phenomena, which are

cause of rebirth.


Rath says that retrograde planets required additional efforts to fructify

the desirable results. Delay and pending are the general result of them.


example if 7th lord is retgrade, it may make native not interested in marriage,

or lazy to choose business line, or gereral public dealing or he may have

quite different opinion regarding them. If they they attempt then he may

find trouble and delay, which need lot of efforts to gain from this house.


it is better to hold dushtana bhava lords retrograde, so that their

evil effects could not feel completely.


assume if any planet is retrograde, which may cause delay. Thus if he is

in exaltation sign then it is hard to get the benefic result of this exalted

planet. And there may not be expected auspicious results. The phala may

be in quite different form and unexpected time.


if any retrograde planet is in debilitaion sign, this mean the bad effect

will obstract due to retrogression, or may not feel intense, as debilitation

will find time to fructify.

Look, now-a-days in transit, Karma Karaka Saturn is retrograde. If he

moves in your good house from your Janm rasi or lagna, then the desirable

fruits will not be attain easily.

Though its my opion niether last word nor universal fact. Research and

experience required to understand it.

Warm Regards




Gili Alvey <gilimary (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Chandrashekhar and All,

My teacher also teaches that a retrograde planet in its sign of


is debilitated (I have Jupiter retrograde in Cancer (6th) )

..... but then what happens if there is also neechabanga?

..... also is it good or bad to have a debilitated (functional)


Any comments would be very welcome.



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Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic centre

emai: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: www.sjvc.co.yu

cell phone:38121793182

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Dear Imran and All,

Thank you for your response. :) Perhaps someone could clear up the

confusion for us. I believed that a retograde planet in exaltation sign is

debilitated and vice versa.

But anyway ... am I wrong in assuming that a planet is weakened by

debilitation and that I should be pleased if a malefic planet in my chart

is weakened?

As an example ... and if the reversal of exalt/debil is true. Consider

Jupiter for Aquarius Lagna ... exalted in Cancer but debilitated due to

being retrograde (vakra), my question was ... if it is exalted, then

debilitated by being retrograde but has neechabanga is it exalted or


I thought that a retrograde planet represents something brought from a past

life that has to be faced and is very strong for that reason.

(One reference I have for retrograde planets being debil in exalt sign and

visa versa, scribbled in my notes, is Uttra Kal Amrita Khanda 2 sloka 6 but

I regret I don't have the source to confirm this). I can't find any

reference in BPHS!

Any help will be very welcome.






you can't transcend what you haven't experienced






>Muhammad Imran <astroimran

>vedic astrology

>vedic astrology

>Re: [vedic astrology] Retrograde planet in exaltation sign

>Mon, 3 Feb 2003 16:57:38 -0800 (PST)



>Dear Members,

>Phala of Vikri Graha is one of the most debatable issue amongst

>astrologers. Varied opinions are existed about retrogression, which is one

>of eight planetary kind of motions. Chandrashekhar holds that Retrograde

>planets in their sign of exaltation yield more better results ....."



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Yes, off course, additional points are allocated in case of retrogression. But

its not mean, one should not think about this phenomena, as you opine

"beginners should not bother with other matters such as exaltation-retro, or

debilitaion retro etc".

Here the question was not put, due to anxiousness, but only for getting and sharing opinions.

How do you define the situation, as illustrated by Gili Alvey , (Aq ascendant

and Ju retrograde in 6th) ?

Or if your advise is accepted then, we should not take retrogression factor,

when eloborate charts. Does retrogression not change any event.

Waiting for your reply

Warm Regards




Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net> wrote:

Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Imran, The fact is that Vakra Graha get 60 virupas in

Bal calculation and thus have strenght of exaltation or kendra bal. So they

acquire maximum rays. In this manner everything they stand for will be ehnaced

for better or worse. This is the basic statement, and beginners should not

bother with other matters such as exaltation-retro, or debilitaion retro etc.

The other fact which should be born in mind that since Rahu and Ketu are awyas

Retrograde, other retrograde grahas will have special karmic results/behave

like rahu and ketu. These two simple facts will help beginners.,. Best wishes

Zoran Muhammad Imran wrote: Dear Members, Phala of Vikri Graha is one of the

most debatable issue amongst astrologers. Varied opinions are existed about

retrogression, which is one of eight planetary kind of motions. Chanrashekhar

holds that Retrograde planets in their sign of exaltation yield more better

results (as he told me last month on this forum). But there is not any

significant reason to deny the notion, which tells that Regrograde planets if

exalted are bad, and if debiliated should assume good. What is the logic behind

it? Actually retrograte planets manifests internally rather externally. Thus

retrograde planets are powerful on internal level and on the outer level they

not so strong. Nodes are the clear cut exmple of this phenomena, which are

cause of rebirth. Sanjay Rath says that retrograde planets required additional

efforts to fructify the desirable results. Delay and pending are the general

result of them. For example if 7th lord is retgrade, it may make native not

interested in marriage, or lazy to choose business line, or gereral public

dealing or he may have quite different opinion regarding them. If they they

attempt then he may find trouble and delay, which need lot of efforts to gain

from this house. Similarly it is better to hold dushtana bhava lords

retrograde, so that their evil effects could not feel completely. Now assume if

any planet is retrograde, which may cause delay. Thus if he is in exaltation

sign then it is hard to get the benefic result of this exalted planet. And

there may not be expected auspicious results. The phala may be in quite

different form and unexpected time. Similarly if any retrograde planet is in

debilitaion sign, this mean the bad effect will obstract due to retrogression,

or may not feel intense, as debilitation will find time to fructify.

Look, now-a-days in transit, Karma Karaka Saturn is retrograde. If he moves in

your good house from your Janm rasi or lagna, then the desirable fruits will

not be attain easily. Though its my opion niether last word nor universal fact.

Research and experience required to understand it. Warm Regards Imran Gili

Alvey <gilimary (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar and All, My teacher

also teaches that a retrograde planet in its sign of exaltation is debilitated

(I have Jupiter retrograde in Cancer (6th) ) .... but then what happens if

there is also neechabanga? .... also is it good or bad to have a debilitated

(functional) malefic?? Any comments would be very welcome. Love, Gili you can't

transcend what you haven't experienced

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-- Zoran Radosavljevic Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic centre emai:

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Dear Gili,

I stll have not come accross any such reference in any ancient text. Mantreshwar

says in Phaldeepika that Retrograde planet gives good results even if in Neecha

Rasi or Neecha Navamsha , if my memory serves me right.

I cannot understand how a planet looses his Chesta bal by going to exaltation Rasi.



Gili Alvey

vedic astrology

Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:10 AM

[vedic astrology] retrograde planet in exaltation sign

Dear Chandrashekhar and All,My teacher also teaches that a retrograde planet in

its sign of exaltation is debilitated (I have Jupiter retrograde in Cancer

(6th) ).... but then what happens if there is also neechabanga?.... also is it

good or bad to have a debilitated (functional) malefic??Any comments would be

very welcome.Love,Giliyou can't transcend what you haven't


photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Imran,


> Dear Zoran and Members,


> Yes, off course, additional points are allocated in case of

> retrogression. But its not mean, one should not think about this

> phenomena, as you opine "beginner


> should not bother with other matters such as exaltation-retro, or

> debilitaion retro etc".


This is because there are many rules for judging Retrograde planet. Once

the beginning lessons are clear, all other things will be easier to learn.


> Here the question was not put, due to anxiousness, but only for

> getting and sharing opinions.


> How do you define the situation, as illustrated by /*Gili Alvey , (Aq

> ascendant and Ju retrograde in 6th) ?*/


As a beginning outlook, it would add stength to 2nd 11th houses, and

could give Lagnadhi Yoga if there are no papas in 7th /8th.

Further,being stronger in vakra, guru would gain more marak status, and

would certainly show his colours in his mahadasha. Depending on the

position from arudha Lagna, gains should be high, yet

after initail struggle and hard work (upachaya). Of corse it matters

being exalted and retrograde, it will certainly give some losses and

even promote living or earning from abroad, yet it is too complicated

for beginners to understand due to many rules (it is my personal opinion

though, I must admit)


> Or if your advise is accepted then, we should not take retrogression

> factor, when eloborate charts. Does retrogression not change any event.


No, No, you totally misunderstood my words. Retrograde movment MUST be

considered, and Retrograde graha have double virupas in comparison to

direct grahas (sama ghati), so their DESIRE is DOUBLE. Having such

doubled desire gives them very HIGH CHESTA BAAL. You may browse the


we have spoken a lot about retrograde in the past.

Best wishes



> Waiting for your reply


> Warm Regards


> Imran






> */Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa/* wrote:


> Om Namo Narayanaya,

> Dear Imran,

> The fact is that Vakra Graha get 60 virupas in Bal calculation and

> thus have strenght of exaltation or kendra bal. So they acquire

> maximum rays. In this manner everything they stand for will be

> ehnaced for better or worse. This is the basic statement, and

> beginners should not bother with other matters such as

> exaltation-retro, or debilitaion retro etc. The other fact which

> should be born in mind that since Rahu and Ketu are awyas

> Retrograde, other retrograde grahas will have special karmic

> results/behave like rahu and ketu. These two simple facts will

> help beginners.,.

> Best wishes

> Zoran


> Muhammad Imran wrote:




>> Dear Members,


>> Phala of Vikri Graha is one of the most debatable issue amongst

>> astrologers. Varied opinions are existed about retrogression,

>> which is one of eight planetary kind of motions. Chanrashekhar

>> holds that Retrograde planets in their sign of exaltation yield

>> more better results (as he told me last month on this forum).


>> But there is not any significant reason to deny the notion, which

>> tells that Regrograde planets if exalted are bad, and if

>> debiliated should assume good. What is the logic behind it?


>> Actually retrograte planets manifests internally rather

>> externally. Thus retrograde planets are powerful on internal

>> level and on the outer level they not so strong. Nodes are the

>> clear cut exmple of this phenomena, which are cause of rebirth.


>> Sanjay Rath says that retrograde planets required additional

>> efforts to fructify the desirable results. Delay and pending are

>> the general result of them.


>> For example if 7th lord is retgrade, it may make native not

>> interested in marriage, or lazy to choose business line, or

>> gereral public dealing or he may have quite different opinion

>> regarding them. If they they attempt then he may find trouble and

>> delay, which need lot of efforts to gain from this house.

>> Similarly it is better to hold dushtana bhava lords retrograde,

>> so that their evil effects could not feel completely.


>> Now assume if any planet is retrograde, which may cause delay.

>> Thus if he is in exaltation sign then it is hard to get the

>> benefic result of this exalted planet. And there may not be

>> expected auspicious results. The phala may be in quite different

>> form and unexpected time.


>> Similarly if any retrograde planet is in debilitaion sign, this

>> mean the bad effect will obstract due to retrogression, or may

>> not feel intense, as debilitation will find time to fructify.


>> Look, now-a-days in transit, Karma Karaka Saturn is retrograde.

>> If he moves in your good house from your Janm rasi or lagna, then

>> the desirable fruits will not be attain easily.


>> Though its my opion niether last word nor universal fact.

>> Research and experience required to understand it.


>> Warm Regards


>> *Imran*




>> */Gili Alvey <gilimary/* wrote:


>> Dear Chandrashekhar and All,

>> My teacher also teaches that a retrograde planet in its sign

>> of exaltation

>> is debilitated (I have Jupiter retrograde in Cancer (6th) )

>> .... but then what happens if there is also neechabanga?

>> .... also is it good or bad to have a debilitated

>> (functional) malefic??

>> Any comments would be very welcome.

>> Love,

>> Gili


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> --

> Zoran Radosavljevic

> Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic centre

> emai: ahimsa

> ahimsa

> web address: www.sjvc.co.yu

> cell phone:38121793182








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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

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Can you please tell me how to analyze the effect of Retrogade Jupiter in

Saggitarius for a Scorpio native? The AL is Capricorn.



Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net> wrote:

Om Namo Narayanaya,Dear Imran,> Dear Zoran and Members,>> Yes, off course,

additional points are allocated in case of > retrogression. But its not mean,

one should not think about this > phenomena, as you opine "beginner>> should

not bother with other matters such as exaltation-retro, or > debilitaion retro

etc".>This is because there are many rules for judging Retrograde planet. Once

the beginning lessons are clear, all other things will be easier to learn.>

Here the question was not put, due to anxiousness, but only for > getting and

sharing opinions.>> How do you define the situation, as illustrated by /*Gili

Alvey , (Aq > ascendant and Ju retrograde in 6th) ?*/>As a beginning outlook,

it would add stength to 2nd 11th houses, and could give Lagnadhi Yoga if there

are no papas in 7th /8th. Further,being stronger in vakra, guru would gain more

marak status, and would certainly show his colours in his mahadasha. Depending

on the position from arudha Lagna, gains should be high, yetafter initail

struggle and hard work (upachaya). Of corse it matters being exalted and

retrograde, it will certainly give some losses and even promote living or

earning from abroad, yet it is too complicated for beginners to understand due

to many rules (it is my personal opinion though, I must admit)> Or if your

advise is accepted then, we should not take retrogression > factor, when

eloborate charts. Does retrogression not change any event.>No, No, you totally

misunderstood my words. Retrograde movment MUST be considered, and Retrograde

graha have double virupas in comparison todirect grahas (sama ghati), so their

DESIRE is DOUBLE. Having such doubled desire gives them very HIGH CHESTA BAAL.

You may browse the archives,we have spoken a lot about retrograde in the

past.Best wishesZoran> Waiting for your reply>> Warm Regards>> Imran>> >> >>

*/Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net>/* wrote:>> Om Namo Narayanaya,>

Dear Imran,> The fact is that Vakra Graha get 60 virupas in Bal

calculation and> thus have strenght of exaltation or kendra bal. So they

acquire> maximum rays. In this manner everything they stand for will be>

ehnaced for better or worse. This is the basic statement, and> beginners

should not bother with other matters such as> exaltation-retro, or

debilitaion retro etc. The other fact which> should be born in mind that

since Rahu and Ketu are awyas> Retrograde, other retrograde grahas will

have special karmic> results/behave like rahu and ketu. These two simple

facts will> help beginners.,.> Best wishes> Zoran>> Muhammad

Imran wrote:>>> >>>> Dear Members,>>>> Phala of Vikri Graha is one

of the most debatable issue amongst>> astrologers. Varied opinions are

existed about retrogression,>> which is one of eight planetary kind of

motions. Chanrashekhar>> holds that Retrograde planets in their sign of

exaltation yield>> more better results (as he told me last month on this

forum).>>>> But there is not any significant reason to deny the notion,

which>> tells that Regrograde planets if exalted are bad, and if>>

debiliated should assume good. What is the logic behind it?>>>> Actually

retrograte planets manifests internally rather>> externally. Thus

retrograde planets are powerful on internal>> level and on the outer level

they not so strong. Nodes are the>> clear cut exmple of this phenomena,

which are cause of rebirth.>>>> Sanjay Rath says that retrograde planets

required additional>> efforts to fructify the desirable results. Delay and

pending are>> the general result of them. >>>> For example if 7th lord

is retgrade, it may make native not>> interested in marriage, or lazy to

choose business line, or>> gereral public dealing or he may have quite

different opinion>> regarding them. If they they attempt then he may find

trouble and>> delay, which need lot of efforts to gain from this house.>>

Similarly it is better to hold dushtana bhava lords retrograde,>> so that

their evil effects could not feel completely.>>>> Now assume if any planet

is retrograde, which may cause delay.>> Thus if he is in exaltation sign

then it is hard to get the>> benefic result of this exalted planet. And

there may not be>> expected auspicious results. The phala may be in quite

different>> form and unexpected time.>>>> Similarly if any retrograde

planet is in debilitaion sign, this>> mean the bad effect will obstract due

to retrogression, or may>> not feel intense, as debilitation will find time

to fructify.>>>> Look, now-a-days in transit, Karma Karaka Saturn is

retrograde.>> If he moves in your good house from your Janm rasi or lagna,

then>> the desirable fruits will not be attain easily.>>>> Though its

my opion niether last word nor universal fact.>> Research and experience

required to understand it.>>>> Warm Regards>>>> *Imran*>> >>

>>>> */Gili Alvey <gilimary (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:>>>> Dear

Chandrashekhar and All,>> My teacher also teaches that a retrograde

planet in its sign>> of exaltation>> is debilitated (I have

Jupiter retrograde in Cancer (6th) )>> .... but then what happens if

there is also neechabanga?>> .... also is it good or bad to have a

debilitated>> (functional) malefic??>> Any comments would be

very welcome.>> Love,>> Gili>>>> you can't transcend

what you haven't experienced>> >> >>>>


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Thanks for clearing the doubt about what you had told. Indeed retrogression is

bit complex phenomena. Yes there are valuable but scattered information on

vedic astrology archive.

Have you any saved message or artilcel / wirtings that clearly highlights the

predictive insights of retrograde planets. The please send. Actually I did not

comeacross predictive perspective of regrogression so far. Because I want to

know the effect of retrograde ninth Venus in Libra in my chart.



Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net> wrote:

Om Namo Narayanaya,Dear Imran,> Dear Zoran and Members,>> Yes, off course,

additional points are allocated in case of > retrogression. But its not mean,

one should not think about this > phenomena, as you opine "beginner>> should

not bother with other matters such as exaltation-retro, or > debilitaion retro

etc".>This is because there are many rules for judging Retrograde planet. Once

the beginning lessons are clear, all other things will be easier to learn.>

Here the question was not put, due to anxiousness, but only for > getting and

sharing opinions.>> How do you define the situation, as illustrated by /*Gili

Alvey , (Aq > ascendant and Ju retrograde in 6th) ?*/>As a beginning outlook,

it would add stength to 2nd 11th houses, and could give Lagnadhi Yoga if there

are no papas in 7th /8th. Further,being stronger in vakra, guru would gain more

marak status, and would certainly show his colours in his mahadasha. Depending

on the position from arudha Lagna, gains should be high, yetafter initail

struggle and hard work (upachaya). Of corse it matters being exalted and

retrograde, it will certainly give some losses and even promote living or

earning from abroad, yet it is too complicated for beginners to understand due

to many rules (it is my personal opinion though, I must admit)> Or if your

advise is accepted then, we should not take retrogression > factor, when

eloborate charts. Does retrogression not change any event.>No, No, you totally

misunderstood my words. Retrograde movment MUST be considered, and Retrograde

graha have double virupas in comparison todirect grahas (sama ghati), so their

DESIRE is DOUBLE. Having such doubled desire gives them very HIGH CHESTA BAAL.

You may browse the archives,we have spoken a lot about retrograde in the

past.Best wishesZoran> Waiting for your reply>> Warm Regards>> Imran>> >> >>

*/Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net>/* wrote:>> Om Namo Narayanaya,>

Dear Imran,> The fact is that Vakra Graha get 60 virupas in Bal

calculation and> thus have strenght of exaltation or kendra bal. So they

acquire> maximum rays. In this manner everything they stand for will be>

ehnaced for better or worse. This is the basic statement, and> beginners

should not bother with other matters such as> exaltation-retro, or

debilitaion retro etc. The other fact which> should be born in mind that

since Rahu and Ketu are awyas> Retrograde, other retrograde grahas will

have special karmic> results/behave like rahu and ketu. These two simple

facts will> help beginners.,.> Best wishes> Zoran>> Muhammad

Imran wrote:>>> >>>> Dear Members,>>>> Phala of Vikri Graha is one

of the most debatable issue amongst>> astrologers. Varied opinions are

existed about retrogression,>> which is one of eight planetary kind of

motions. Chanrashekhar>> holds that Retrograde planets in their sign of

exaltation yield>> more better results (as he told me last month on this

forum).>>>> But there is not any significant reason to deny the notion,

which>> tells that Regrograde planets if exalted are bad, and if>>

debiliated should assume good. What is the logic behind it?>>>> Actually

retrograte planets manifests internally rather>> externally. Thus

retrograde planets are powerful on internal>> level and on the outer level

they not so strong. Nodes are the>> clear cut exmple of this phenomena,

which are cause of rebirth.>>>> Sanjay Rath says that retrograde planets

required additional>> efforts to fructify the desirable results. Delay and

pending are>> the general result of them. >>>> For example if 7th lord

is retgrade, it may make native not>> interested in marriage, or lazy to

choose business line, or>> gereral public dealing or he may have quite

different opinion>> regarding them. If they they attempt then he may find

trouble and>> delay, which need lot of efforts to gain from this house.>>

Similarly it is better to hold dushtana bhava lords retrograde,>> so that

their evil effects could not feel completely.>>>> Now assume if any planet

is retrograde, which may cause delay.>> Thus if he is in exaltation sign

then it is hard to get the>> benefic result of this exalted planet. And

there may not be>> expected auspicious results. The phala may be in quite

different>> form and unexpected time.>>>> Similarly if any retrograde

planet is in debilitaion sign, this>> mean the bad effect will obstract due

to retrogression, or may>> not feel intense, as debilitation will find time

to fructify.>>>> Look, now-a-days in transit, Karma Karaka Saturn is

retrograde.>> If he moves in your good house from your Janm rasi or lagna,

then>> the desirable fruits will not be attain easily.>>>> Though its

my opion niether last word nor universal fact.>> Research and experience

required to understand it.>>>> Warm Regards>>>> *Imran*>> >>

>>>> */Gili Alvey <gilimary (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:>>>> Dear

Chandrashekhar and All,>> My teacher also teaches that a retrograde

planet in its sign>> of exaltation>> is debilitated (I have

Jupiter retrograde in Cancer (6th) )>> .... but then what happens if

there is also neechabanga?>> .... also is it good or bad to have a

debilitated>> (functional) malefic??>> Any comments would be

very welcome.>> Love,>> Gili>>>> you can't transcend

what you haven't experienced>> >> >>>>


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Dear Sri Chandrashekhar,

If you have UttaraKalamrita of Kalidasa translated by Sri S.S.Sareen (Sagar

Publications ),please see the page No.14 and 15 ,vide shloka No.6.It tells

about planet who is Uccha but retrograde is considered as neecha and does not

have any strength.

I hope this helps,

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Chandrashekhar <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Gili,

I stll have not come accross any such reference in any ancient text. Mantreshwar

says in Phaldeepika that Retrograde planet gives good results even if in Neecha

Rasi or Neecha Navamsha , if my memory serves me right.

I cannot understand how a planet looses his Chesta bal by going to exaltation Rasi.



Gili Alvey

vedic astrology

Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:10 AM

[vedic astrology] retrograde planet in exaltation sign

Dear Chandrashekhar and All,My teacher also teaches that a retrograde planet in

its sign of exaltation is debilitated (I have Jupiter retrograde in Cancer

(6th) ).... but then what happens if there is also neechabanga?.... also is it

good or bad to have a debilitated (functional) malefic??Any comments would be

very welcome.Love,Giliyou can't transcend what you haven't


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