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Vedic Remedies.

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Dear Group Members,

Since this is an open forum I would like to share my

personal experience on vedic remedies.A few years ago I was given alot of

remedies from various people and thats when I started to explore more about

what remedies really are and how they work or do they work.I also did alot

of remedies and I felt they really helped and so this is my understanding

about remedies....

They work on different levels:


1.Mantras work on the vibrations, in and around us and as proven they

can change the effect of the various planets on our physical and mental


2. There is something called creative thought.Which means when we think

about something again and again we create energy with that thought.So when

we do practical remedies we are creating a positive thought against the

negetive thought which is causing the problem in the first place perhaps

because of our own negetive actions at some point of time.So in the process

of peforming the remedy we create alot of positive energy and thinking,

which offcourse is allways good as they say,''think positive''.

3.Some remedies involve donation of food, helping the poor etc these as

such are good deeds.We may have done some negetive things because of which

we are having problems as they say, one reeps what one sowes .So when we do

these remedies we are doing a good deed by helping some one poor and with

good intentions of helping out some one we are again letting out love and

kindness.Offcourse we dont allways need remedies to do this as such one

should try to be compassionate in life towards the suffering of others but

when we do the remedy too it has the same good effect.

Remedies done over a long period of time gradually change our own mental

thinking pattern and we accept change in a much better way .Most of the time

our suffering comes from our not accepting change in our enviorenment or in

people around us so when we change our own mental attitude the suffering may


So people may call it orthodox or stupidity , as some say there is no

logic in them and no corealtion but the end result is that remedies do

work. Be sure you have the right one though and do it with a prayer in your

heart that may you see what you are meant to see from your suffering.Just

wanted to share my own opinion about remedies and am very greatfull to all

the people who gave me remedies as they really did help me through a very

difficult time of my life.


Best Wishes,




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Dear Kanu priya


It would be more readable if you can share some of your remedies told

to you. Expert here may find out some relation about your horoscope

and remedies suggested. Ofcourse with your kind permission.

In the whole disscusion my point was lost. Every body is talking

about primitiveness of the vedic astrology and many have gone to ban

some members as well. But the fact remains,we must give some

scripturic reasons for the remedies suggested. I am consulted by many

people(I being only brahmin by caste in the vicinity) for their

problems. I do not understand much of vedic astrology but my

grandfather was very good at that. He used to tell us lot many

things. Now I recollet them and tell to others. For example, He once

told me that since my moon is in nichha bhava I should do pradikshina

to VatVruksha or Pipal or BelVruksha. The pradikshana should be anti

clockwise. This I recently recommened to a person who had some

physical problems. By the grace of GOD he got cured! Now the question

arises why did my grandfather tell me to pradikshina in

anticlockwise? Is there any scripture basis for this? I stared

searching for it and I got it in ShivPurana! So it means that there

must be some Dharmik reason and not the modern scientific reason.

when we try to find scientific reasons to Dharmik remedies then we

are going away from our thought. There is no good reason to make

everything to analyze in the moderen specturm. Those who have

sharadha need no reasons and certainly not of modern science. When we

try to find modern physics and Dharmik remedies with some relation

then we are satisfying our 'modern days' ego. Every remeady

suggested must have some Dharmik anusthan and not the modern

rationalization. Those who follow scriptures need no modern day

reasoning. But unfortunaly there are many in the remedies who suggest

some rational remedies with no dhrama bhandhan may be. That may lead

to Andhashardha and hence bad name to remedies.


I therefore request one and all to give dharmik reason to the

remedies suggeted and make it public. There are many who are earning

lots of money by fooling people by mixing Vastu,Feng Shui and all

under the title astrological remedies.


I may be going too long but I am sorry, I want some expert to give

the astrological aspect and remedies suggested with the help of

dharma and with some scripture basis.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.





vedic astrology, "kanu priya" <barish44@h...>


> Dear Group Members,

> Since this is an open forum I would like to

share my

> personal experience on vedic remedies.A few years ago I was given

alot of

> remedies from various people and thats when I started to explore

more about

> what remedies really are and how they work or do they work.I also

did alot

> of remedies and I felt they really helped and so this is my


> about remedies....

> They work on different levels:


> 1.Mantras work on the vibrations, in and around us and as

proven they

> can change the effect of the various planets on our physical and


> state.

> 2. There is something called creative thought.Which means when

we think

> about something again and again we create energy with that

thought.So when

> we do practical remedies we are creating a positive thought against


> negetive thought which is causing the problem in the first place


> because of our own negetive actions at some point of time.So in the


> of peforming the remedy we create alot of positive energy and


> which offcourse is allways good as they say,''think positive''.

> 3.Some remedies involve donation of food, helping the poor etc

these as

> such are good deeds.We may have done some negetive things because

of which

> we are having problems as they say, one reeps what one sowes .So

when we do

> these remedies we are doing a good deed by helping some one poor

and with

> good intentions of helping out some one we are again letting out

love and

> kindness.Offcourse we dont allways need remedies to do this as such


> should try to be compassionate in life towards the suffering of

others but

> when we do the remedy too it has the same good effect.

> Remedies done over a long period of time gradually change our

own mental

> thinking pattern and we accept change in a much better way .Most of

the time

> our suffering comes from our not accepting change in our

enviorenment or in

> people around us so when we change our own mental attitude the

suffering may

> end.

> So people may call it orthodox or stupidity , as some say

there is no

> logic in them and no corealtion but the end result is that

remedies do

> work. Be sure you have the right one though and do it with a prayer

in your

> heart that may you see what you are meant to see from your


> wanted to share my own opinion about remedies and am very greatfull

to all

> the people who gave me remedies as they really did help me through

a very

> difficult time of my life.


> Best Wishes,

> Kanupriya.


> _______________

> Find a partner. For life. http://www.shaadi.com/ptnr.php?ptnr=hmlql

> Meet@S...

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Dear Amolmandar,

I agree with you, but since its Kaali Yuga perhaps man needs

more to turn to faith than just faith and if a little modern thinking can

change ones life and lead them towards finding God ,there is no harm.As for

the remedies....

I will try not to go into the detials of my chart and will

explain very briefly .

When I was running the last two years of my Rahu maha dasa I

was having a very hard time,alot of mental struggle and I was told to recite

the Durga chalisa every morning without fail.The astrological reason behind


The Godess is Mahamaya herself.She is also the Moon.Rahu is

a planet which takes us into the cycle of maya with all its might.It causes

deep desires and lets us remain in the cycle of rebirth.The Mahamaya herself

could controll such a planet and give me mental peace as she is also the

Moon which indicates the mind.As soon as I started reciting the Durga

chalisa I got insights and all my confusion created by Rahu ended.Rahu was

the shadow over my mind and the light of the Godess brought me out of the


While going through another difficult phase and having alot

of financial problems I was told to go to the temple every evening and

worhishp Radhe.Astrological reasons....

My venus would help me bring prosperity as per my

chart.Radhe is also the Roopa of Lakshami herself.Surely if Lakshami blessed

me, my financial problems would be over.It is said that when we do activites

of a partiucalr planet we activate the effect of that planet.I started going

to the temple every evening with Milk and white sweets and burn Kapoor all

venus realted which would activate my Venusian effect and help me get rid of

my financial problems.

I have tried to explain about some of the remedies as much as

I could.I do agree with your logic, but at times to help people out of thier

self created misery one has to talk in this language and then leave things

to God.They may do the remedies or prayers and in return find God or they

may decide its all rubbish and discard them but atleast we knowing about

them did give it a try.The idea is not to convince people ,as you rightly

said true bhakts dont need convincing.The idea is to encourage them to move

towards God.I hope I was able to clarify some of my points.


Best Wishes,







>"amolmandar" <amolmandar

>vedic astrology

>vedic astrology

>[vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Remedies.

>Sun, 06 Apr 2003 05:03:41 -0000


>Dear Kanu priya


>It would be more readable if you can share some of your remedies told

>to you. Expert here may find out some relation about your horoscope

>and remedies suggested. Ofcourse with your kind permission.

>In the whole disscusion my point was lost. Every body is talking

>about primitiveness of the vedic astrology and many have gone to ban

>some members as well. But the fact remains,we must give some

>scripturic reasons for the remedies suggested. I am consulted by many

>people(I being only brahmin by caste in the vicinity) for their

>problems. I do not understand much of vedic astrology but my

>grandfather was very good at that. He used to tell us lot many

>things. Now I recollet them and tell to others. For example, He once

>told me that since my moon is in nichha bhava I should do pradikshina

>to VatVruksha or Pipal or BelVruksha. The pradikshana should be anti

>clockwise. This I recently recommened to a person who had some

>physical problems. By the grace of GOD he got cured! Now the question

>arises why did my grandfather tell me to pradikshina in

>anticlockwise? Is there any scripture basis for this? I stared

>searching for it and I got it in ShivPurana! So it means that there

>must be some Dharmik reason and not the modern scientific reason.

>when we try to find scientific reasons to Dharmik remedies then we

>are going away from our thought. There is no good reason to make

>everything to analyze in the moderen specturm. Those who have

>sharadha need no reasons and certainly not of modern science. When we

>try to find modern physics and Dharmik remedies with some relation

>then we are satisfying our 'modern days' ego. Every remeady

>suggested must have some Dharmik anusthan and not the modern

>rationalization. Those who follow scriptures need no modern day

>reasoning. But unfortunaly there are many in the remedies who suggest

>some rational remedies with no dhrama bhandhan may be. That may lead

>to Andhashardha and hence bad name to remedies.


>I therefore request one and all to give dharmik reason to the

>remedies suggeted and make it public. There are many who are earning

>lots of money by fooling people by mixing Vastu,Feng Shui and all

>under the title astrological remedies.


>I may be going too long but I am sorry, I want some expert to give

>the astrological aspect and remedies suggested with the help of

>dharma and with some scripture basis.


>Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.





>vedic astrology, "kanu priya" <barish44@h...>


> > Dear Group Members,

> > Since this is an open forum I would like to

>share my

> > personal experience on vedic remedies.A few years ago I was given

>alot of

> > remedies from various people and thats when I started to explore

>more about

> > what remedies really are and how they work or do they work.I also

>did alot

> > of remedies and I felt they really helped and so this is my


> > about remedies....

> > They work on different levels:

> >

> > 1.Mantras work on the vibrations, in and around us and as

>proven they

> > can change the effect of the various planets on our physical and


> > state.

> > 2. There is something called creative thought.Which means when

>we think

> > about something again and again we create energy with that

>thought.So when

> > we do practical remedies we are creating a positive thought against


> > negetive thought which is causing the problem in the first place


> > because of our own negetive actions at some point of time.So in the


> > of peforming the remedy we create alot of positive energy and


> > which offcourse is allways good as they say,''think positive''.

> > 3.Some remedies involve donation of food, helping the poor etc

>these as

> > such are good deeds.We may have done some negetive things because

>of which

> > we are having problems as they say, one reeps what one sowes .So

>when we do

> > these remedies we are doing a good deed by helping some one poor

>and with

> > good intentions of helping out some one we are again letting out

>love and

> > kindness.Offcourse we dont allways need remedies to do this as such


> > should try to be compassionate in life towards the suffering of

>others but

> > when we do the remedy too it has the same good effect.

> > Remedies done over a long period of time gradually change our

>own mental

> > thinking pattern and we accept change in a much better way .Most of

>the time

> > our suffering comes from our not accepting change in our

>enviorenment or in

> > people around us so when we change our own mental attitude the

>suffering may

> > end.

> > So people may call it orthodox or stupidity , as some say

>there is no

> > logic in them and no corealtion but the end result is that

>remedies do

> > work. Be sure you have the right one though and do it with a prayer

>in your

> > heart that may you see what you are meant to see from your


> > wanted to share my own opinion about remedies and am very greatfull

>to all

> > the people who gave me remedies as they really did help me through

>a very

> > difficult time of my life.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> > Kanupriya.

> >

> > _______________

> > Find a partner. For life. http://www.shaadi.com/ptnr.php?ptnr=hmlql

> > Meet@S...





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It is really interesting and informative. Thanks for it. I have my own views to

share pertaing to your point 3 i.e. donation. The 12th house is for vyaya

(expenses) and lots of other negative causes like jail, enemies and living

alone. When we do some work related to 12th house (e.g. donation), we balance

other negetive causes of that house.


Punit Pandey

kanu priya <barish44 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Group Members, Since this is an open forum I would like

to share my personal experience on vedic remedies.A few years ago I was given

alot of remedies from various people and thats when I started to explore more

about what remedies really are and how they work or do they work.I also did

alot of remedies and I felt they really helped and so this is my understanding

about remedies.... They work on different levels: 1.Mantras work on the

vibrations, in and around us and as proven they can change the effect of the

various planets on our physical and mental state. 2. There is something

called creative thought.Which means when we think about something again and

again we create energy with that thought.So when we do practical remedies we

are creating a positive thought against the negetive thought which is causing

the problem in the first place perhaps because of our own negetive actions at

some point of time.So in the process of peforming the remedy we create alot of

positive energy and thinking, which offcourse is allways good as they

say,''think positive''. 3.Some remedies involve donation of food, helping

the poor etc these as such are good deeds.We may have done some negetive things

because of which we are having problems as they say, one reeps what one sowes

..So when we do these remedies we are doing a good deed by helping some one poor

and with good intentions of helping out some one we are again letting out love

and kindness.Offcourse we dont allways need remedies to do this as such one

should try to be compassionate in life towards the suffering of others but when

we do the remedy too it has the same good effect. Remedies done over a long

period of time gradually change our own mental thinking pattern and we accept

change in a much better way .Most of the time our suffering comes from our not

accepting change in our enviorenment or in people around us so when we change

our own mental attitude the suffering may end. So people may call it

orthodox or stupidity , as some say there is no logic in them and no

corealtion but the end result is that remedies do work. Be sure you have the

right one though and do it with a prayer in your heart that may you see what

you are meant to see from your suffering.Just wanted to share my own opinion

about remedies and am very greatfull to all the people who gave me remedies as

they really did help me through a very difficult time of my life.Best


a partner. For life. http://www.shaadi.com/ptnr.php?ptnr=hmlql

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