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Dear Sushmita,


With the blessings of Guru Sri Sanjay Rath, Guru Sri Narsimha Rao and

others, I have tried to answer some of your queries to the best of my



> 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.


No. I have seen some charts of famous personalities where they have

come to power during Sadesati. In every article that I have read on

Sadesati they usually say that whether Sade Sati would be good or bad

depends on the positioning of Saturn and the aspects it receives in

the native's lagna chart.


> 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.


If Sadesati is going to be bad for a native then what I have heard is

that the first 2.5 years are the worst whereas the following 5 years

are comparatively better.


> 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it

start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg

before the position of the longitude of natal moon.


I have read this concept somewhere too. But I don't know if this is

the true.


> 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.


Don't know. I would love to hear what Gurujis have to say about this.


> 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward

off the evils of sadesati.


There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to ward-off

the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional and



In my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go for

tantric remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse shoe ring

in the house or keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I always

prefer and recommend purely devotional/spiritual remedies such as -

Going to temple every saturday and reciting Hanuman Chalisa, reciting

Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if not everyday), fasting on

saturdays, et al.


> 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.


You got it right. Saturn is not evil. It is a teacher who knows how

to punish a notorious student. It teaches us not to do bad. During

its transit through 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon it teaches us

that we have to pay for whatever bad karma we did in the past. It

teaches us a very important lesson of life that for every action

(especially bad ones) there is a reaction.


> 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.


I have heard people say that whether the sadesati would be severely

bad or not can be seen from the bindus that Saturn has contributed to

the rashi from which it is transiting in Ashtakvarga. If Saturn has

contributed less than 4 bindus to the rashi from which it is

transiting, then that transit is going to be pretty bad. But I am

sure, Gurujis would have further to say in this matter.






vedic astrology, Sushmita S <sushmita34>



> Dear Learned members,


> Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not

running SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this

dreaded transit. Although I am sure, this same query might have been

asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any lessons on this in the



> 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.


> 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.


> 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it

start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg

before the position of the longitude of natal moon.


> 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.


> 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward

off the evils of sadesati.


> 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.


> 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.


> Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing

discussions. Oh, just wanted to try my hand at answering partially

one post by a gentleman, re new job, do we have to look at the 5th

lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of the native.


> Warm regards,


> Sushmita








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Dear Rageshwari,


Can you please tell me, the Sadesati will happen only on Saturn

Mahadasa or any other Antar / Pratyantar Dasa as well. Please give

an example.




vedic astrology, "rageshwari75"

<rageshwari75> wrote:

> Dear Sushmita,


> With the blessings of Guru Sri Sanjay Rath, Guru Sri Narsimha Rao


> others, I have tried to answer some of your queries to the best of


> knowledge.


> > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.


> No. I have seen some charts of famous personalities where they have

> come to power during Sadesati. In every article that I have read on

> Sadesati they usually say that whether Sade Sati would be good or


> depends on the positioning of Saturn and the aspects it receives in

> the native's lagna chart.


> > 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.


> If Sadesati is going to be bad for a native then what I have heard


> that the first 2.5 years are the worst whereas the following 5


> are comparatively better.


> > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it

> start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

> learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45


> before the position of the longitude of natal moon.


> I have read this concept somewhere too. But I don't know if this is

> the true.


> > 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

> lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.


> Don't know. I would love to hear what Gurujis have to say about



> > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward

> off the evils of sadesati.


> There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to ward-


> the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional and

> Tantric.


> In my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go for

> tantric remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse shoe


> in the house or keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I


> prefer and recommend purely devotional/spiritual remedies such as -

> Going to temple every saturday and reciting Hanuman Chalisa,


> Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if not everyday), fasting on

> saturdays, et al.


> > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

> each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

> relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.


> You got it right. Saturn is not evil. It is a teacher who knows how

> to punish a notorious student. It teaches us not to do bad. During

> its transit through 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon it teaches us

> that we have to pay for whatever bad karma we did in the past. It

> teaches us a very important lesson of life that for every action

> (especially bad ones) there is a reaction.


> > 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

> ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.


> I have heard people say that whether the sadesati would be severely

> bad or not can be seen from the bindus that Saturn has contributed


> the rashi from which it is transiting in Ashtakvarga. If Saturn has

> contributed less than 4 bindus to the rashi from which it is

> transiting, then that transit is going to be pretty bad. But I am

> sure, Gurujis would have further to say in this matter.


> Namaste.


> Rageshwari.


> vedic astrology, Sushmita S


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Learned members,

> >

> > Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not

> running SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this

> dreaded transit. Although I am sure, this same query might have


> asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any lessons on this in


> archives.

> >

> > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.

> >

> > 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.

> >

> > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it

> start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

> learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45


> before the position of the longitude of natal moon.

> >

> > 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

> lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.

> >

> > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward

> off the evils of sadesati.

> >

> > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

> each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

> relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.

> >

> > 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

> ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.

> >

> > Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing

> discussions. Oh, just wanted to try my hand at answering partially

> one post by a gentleman, re new job, do we have to look at the 5th

> lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of the native.

> >

> > Warm regards,

> >

> > Sushmita

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

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Dear Rao,


I don't know answer to your question. Fortunately, Gurujis might

comment on this.






vedic astrology, "Rao Nemani" <raonemani>


> Dear Rageshwari,


> Can you please tell me, the Sadesati will happen only on Saturn

> Mahadasa or any other Antar / Pratyantar Dasa as well. Please give

> an example.


> Regards

> Rao

> vedic astrology, "rageshwari75"

> <rageshwari75> wrote:

> > Dear Sushmita,

> >

> > With the blessings of Guru Sri Sanjay Rath, Guru Sri Narsimha Rao

> and

> > others, I have tried to answer some of your queries to the best


> my

> > knowledge.

> >

> > > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.

> >

> > No. I have seen some charts of famous personalities where they


> > come to power during Sadesati. In every article that I have read


> > Sadesati they usually say that whether Sade Sati would be good or

> bad

> > depends on the positioning of Saturn and the aspects it receives


> > the native's lagna chart.

> >

> > > 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.

> >

> > If Sadesati is going to be bad for a native then what I have


> is

> > that the first 2.5 years are the worst whereas the following 5

> years

> > are comparatively better.

> >

> > > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does


> > start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that


> > learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45

> deg

> > before the position of the longitude of natal moon.

> >

> > I have read this concept somewhere too. But I don't know if this


> > the true.

> >

> > > 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

> > lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.

> >

> > Don't know. I would love to hear what Gurujis have to say about

> this.

> >

> > > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to


> > off the evils of sadesati.

> >

> > There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to ward-

> off

> > the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional


> > Tantric.

> >

> > In my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go


> > tantric remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse shoe

> ring

> > in the house or keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I

> always

> > prefer and recommend purely devotional/spiritual remedies such

as -

> > Going to temple every saturday and reciting Hanuman Chalisa,

> reciting

> > Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if not everyday), fasting on

> > saturdays, et al.

> >

> > > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

> > each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

> > relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.

> >

> > You got it right. Saturn is not evil. It is a teacher who knows


> > to punish a notorious student. It teaches us not to do bad.


> > its transit through 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon it teaches


> > that we have to pay for whatever bad karma we did in the past. It

> > teaches us a very important lesson of life that for every action

> > (especially bad ones) there is a reaction.

> >

> > > 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

> > ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.

> >

> > I have heard people say that whether the sadesati would be


> > bad or not can be seen from the bindus that Saturn has


> to

> > the rashi from which it is transiting in Ashtakvarga. If Saturn


> > contributed less than 4 bindus to the rashi from which it is

> > transiting, then that transit is going to be pretty bad. But I am

> > sure, Gurujis would have further to say in this matter.

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> > Rageshwari.

> >

> > vedic astrology, Sushmita S

> <sushmita34>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Learned members,

> > >

> > > Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not

> > running SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this

> > dreaded transit. Although I am sure, this same query might have

> been

> > asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any lessons on this in

> the

> > archives.

> > >

> > > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.

> > >

> > > 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.

> > >

> > > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does


> > start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that


> > learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45

> deg

> > before the position of the longitude of natal moon.

> > >

> > > 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

> > lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.

> > >

> > > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to


> > off the evils of sadesati.

> > >

> > > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

> > each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

> > relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.

> > >

> > > 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

> > ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing

> > discussions. Oh, just wanted to try my hand at answering


> > one post by a gentleman, re new job, do we have to look at the


> > lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of the native.

> > >

> > > Warm regards,

> > >

> > > Sushmita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

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Om Gurave Namah

Om Namo Narayanaya



Dear Rao


The occurence of Sade Sathi has nothing to do with any Maha dasa or

any sub-dasas in operation. It only refers to the period of 7- 1/2

years during which Saturn will transit 12th, 1st and 2nd from Natal



On the other hand, if the Maha dasa or sub-dasas are favourable and

depending on placement of natal Saturn, one can reckon the intensity

of Sade Sathi period for a native.


The archives carry some interesting posts on Sade Sathi. You may like

to refer to them.


Reciting Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, Worshipping Lord Ayyappan (Sri

Dharma Sastha) of Sabarimala (in Kerala), Sri Hanuman and Sri

Saniswaran (Thirunallar in Tamil Nadu) are common but powerful

remedies to live through Sade Sathi. Reciting Rudram-Chamakam and/or

Narayana Kavacham are also very powerful remedies for Sade Sathi.

Offering black dhoti to Lord Saniswaran on Saturday is also a good



I believe there is an ancient Saniswaran temple somewhere in

Maharashtra, a visit to which also lessens the impact of Sade Sathi.


At the end of Sade Sathi, believe me, every native would have learnt

a lot in this life and he/she would literally begin to like Lord

Saniswaran. Saturn is undoubtedly a good teacher.


Best wishes

R. Kasthuri Rangan

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Just a few thoughts to add to others' brilliant responses.


Sushmita S

vedic astrology

Wednesday, April 09, 2003 2:18 PM

[vedic astrology] Sadesati

Dear Learned members,

Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not running

SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this dreaded transit.

Although I am sure, this same query might have been asked numerous times, but I

couldn't find any lessons on this in the archives.

1. Is every Sadesati real bad.

The responsibility of Saturn's transit is to activate the bad karma in the

houses, so usually some suffering may be expected. Life in the material world

is not heavenly, after all. But if Saturn is a functional benefic, like for

Taurus or Libra Lagna, of course he may also activate Raja yogas, as we should

not forget that the Moon is responsible for maintianing the Raja-yogas.

The level of suffering should be decided on the basis of antal placements and

Astakavargas. Also I would like to draw your attention to the Avasthas of natal


2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.

Depends on chart, and the sign being sisrsodaya or pristhodaya.

3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it start as soon

as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a learned astrologer called

Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg before the position of the longitude

of natal moon.

Usually taken to start when it enters, but will strengthen as it approaches

certain angular distances. However this can be analysed on the basis of Varga

transits as far as I'm concerned, not angular aspectls like orbs.

4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If

yes is their a comparision scale.

To some extent it will affect any hose it transits. The tradition links it to

the Moon most strongly because the mind is the element through which we

experience suffering. So mental suffering is usually more troublesome then

physical (Sun or Lagna) or the loss in reputation (AL or GL).

5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward off the evils of sadesati.

As I have stated previously, I would recommend Vishnu Sahasranaama chanted every

morning, coupled with Sri Suktam. I have the first on my website, the second one

still needs to be typed up. Any volunteers who can type it up in Devanagari and

translit 99 font please contact mem in private. These two stotras, along wioth

Purusha Suktam, are the best Sattvic, in fact, transcendental remedial

measures. Plus feeding the brahmins is also highly recommended.

6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during each sadesati it

teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons relate to the bhavas or is

there some esoteric meaning to it all.

Definitely, the meaning of Saturn in the chart is very deep. Rahu nad Ketu are

also usually taken as karmic ondes, but ntheir effects are usually either too

subtle or too gross (accidents etc.) to be able to leanr from them. However

Saturn usually gives prolongated suffering, which gives us time to think what

we should learn from it. So Saturn's position should be studied in all

divisional charts right from D-60. The perspectives to study it from are: Bhava

placement, Chara Karakatwa and yogas in which it takes part.

7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain

Ashtakvarga in its transit.

If Bhinnastakavarga of Saturn in the respective houses of Rasi or Varga charts

that it transits are high, the malefic effect is taken to be less. But actually

for transits I thin Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the whole Nakshatra-based

concenption would give much more accurate results, as far as I thin. I still

have to work this out, as I will teach this from September in the 4th year of

my Jyotish school in Hungary.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839




Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing discussions. Oh, just

wanted to try my hand at answering partially one post by a gentleman, re new

job, do we have to look at the 5th lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of

the native.

Warm regards,



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Om Krishana Guru


Dear Sushmita,


Here are my views / answers on Sade-sati.




Sushmita S

vedic astrology

Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:48 PM

[vedic astrology] Sadesati

Dear Learned members,

Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not running

SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this dreaded transit.

Although I am sure, this same query might have been asked numerous times, but I

couldn't find any lessons on this in the archives.

1. Is every Sadesati real bad.

Sade-sati period is generally very bad in terms of punishment. A lot depends on

other factors also like dasa of planets, ashtakvarga of houses (12th, 1st, 2nd

from Moon). This period of Saturn is to punish the native for the bad-karmas of

his previous birth. If at the time of marriage, the boy or girl is running

sade-sati, they will be blessed with the child late.

2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.

Transit Saturn in the 12th from Moon gives problems related to marriage-life,

chnge in residence, in the lagna to health / self, danger from accidents and in

the 2nd to wealth / finance, danger from government action. The more you're

attached to, the worst it will be.

3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it start as soon

as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a learned astrologer called

Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg before the position of the longitude

of natal moon.

It wll start preparing for the stage as soon the sade-sati starts.

4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If

yes is their a comparision scale.

Sade-Sati can only be applied when Saturn transit the lagna and not when 12th or

2nd from lagna. It's terrible in AL. I don't think Sade-Sati can be linked with


5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward off the evils of sadesati.

When Saturn is in 12th from Moon:

Worship Sri Kali Ma in addition to the Graha Manta of Saturn

When Saturn is with Moon:

Worship Sri hanuman in addition to the Beeja Mantra of Saturn

When Saturn is in 2nd from Moon

Worship Sri Krishna as well as Saturn

Also, remember when Goddess Durga killed Mahishasur demon, she is called

"Mahishasur-Mardini". It is this particular form of Durga that Saturn is

terrible scared of. Thus, worshipping Goddess Durga in this form will

definately remove all the problems given by Saturn.

6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during each sadesati it

teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons relate to the bhavas or is

there some esoteric meaning to it all.

Yes, the role of Sade-sati is to teach the native the lesson of detachment. The

more we're attached to our karmas and its results, the more severe will be this

period. Since, all this period relates to Moon (mind), it gives more of mental

problems rather than physical.

7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain

Ashtakvarga in its transit.

If the house occupied by Saturn is having 28 or more than 28 bindus, the

negative effects of Saturn will be less. It also depends on how many bindus

Saturn has contributed there.

Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing discussions. Oh, just

wanted to try my hand at answering partially one post by a gentleman, re new

job, do we have to look at the 5th lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of

the native.

Regarding new job, if he is changing the job, there must be some involvment of

lagna lord with 8H/8L, if he is resigning. If he is getting better position,

see GL with 5H/5L. If more financial prospects, see HL.

Warm regards,


Gopal Krishan Doda

Om Krishana Guru

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Illuminating discussion. But, 4 points in AV for Sat is not bad. Average for Sat

is 3.25, Sat gives results even with 2 points.


Anybody can help me obtain the books of Late Sh Katwe, noted Marathi astrologer.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



vedic astrology

Wednesday, April 09, 2003 6:54 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati

Dear Sushmita,With the blessings of Guru Sri Sanjay Rath, Guru Sri Narsimha Rao

and others, I have tried to answer some of your queries to the best of my

knowledge.> 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.No. I have seen some charts of famous

personalities where they have come to power during Sadesati. In every article

that I have read on Sadesati they usually say that whether Sade Sati would be

good or bad depends on the positioning of Saturn and the aspects it receives in

the native's lagna chart.> 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or

the last.If Sadesati is going to be bad for a native then what I have heard is

that the first 2.5 years are the worst whereas the following 5 years are

comparatively better.> 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati,

does it start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg before

the position of the longitude of natal moon.I have read this concept somewhere

too. But I don't know if this is the true.> 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal

Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If yes is their a comparision

scale.Don't know. I would love to hear what Gurujis have to say about this.> 5.

Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward off the evils of

sadesati.There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to ward-off

the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional and Tantric.In

my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go for tantric

remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse shoe ring in the house or

keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I always prefer and recommend

purely devotional/spiritual remedies such as - Going to temple every saturday

and reciting Hanuman Chalisa, reciting Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if

not everyday), fasting on saturdays, et al.> 6. As saturn is the karma

signifactor, does it mean that during each sadesati it teaches us some specific

lessons, do the lessons relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning

to it all.You got it right. Saturn is not evil. It is a teacher who knows how

to punish a notorious student. It teaches us not to do bad. During its transit

through 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon it teaches us that we have to pay for

whatever bad karma we did in the past. It teaches us a very important lesson of

life that for every action (especially bad ones) there is a reaction.> 7. To

judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain Ashtakvarga in

its transit.I have heard people say that whether the sadesati would be severely

bad or not can be seen from the bindus that Saturn has contributed to the rashi

from which it is transiting in Ashtakvarga. If Saturn has contributed less than

4 bindus to the rashi from which it is transiting, then that transit is going

to be pretty bad. But I am sure, Gurujis would have further to say in this


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Dear PraveenKumar,


I thought there were no fractional numbers in AshtakaVarga. You say

Avg 3.25 points for Saturn? Could you please tell me how to determine

the AVG points for planets in AV?


Best Regards,



vedic astrology, "Praveen Kumar"

<chunnu2001@v...> wrote:

> Illuminating discussion. But, 4 points in AV for Sat is not bad.

Average for Sat is 3.25, Sat gives results even with 2 points.


> Anybody can help me obtain the books of Late Sh Katwe, noted

Marathi astrologer.


> Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)

> -

> rageshwari75

> vedic astrology

> Wednesday, April 09, 2003 6:54 PM

> [vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati



> Dear Sushmita,


> With the blessings of Guru Sri Sanjay Rath, Guru Sri Narsimha Rao


> others, I have tried to answer some of your queries to the best

of my

> knowledge.


> > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.


> No. I have seen some charts of famous personalities where they


> come to power during Sadesati. In every article that I have read


> Sadesati they usually say that whether Sade Sati would be good or


> depends on the positioning of Saturn and the aspects it receives


> the native's lagna chart.


> > 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.


> If Sadesati is going to be bad for a native then what I have

heard is

> that the first 2.5 years are the worst whereas the following 5


> are comparatively better.


> > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does


> start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that


> learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45


> before the position of the longitude of natal moon.


> I have read this concept somewhere too. But I don't know if this


> the true.


> > 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

> lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.


> Don't know. I would love to hear what Gurujis have to say about



> > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to


> off the evils of sadesati.


> There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to ward-


> the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional


> Tantric.


> In my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go


> tantric remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse shoe


> in the house or keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I


> prefer and recommend purely devotional/spiritual remedies such

as -

> Going to temple every saturday and reciting Hanuman Chalisa,


> Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if not everyday), fasting on

> saturdays, et al.


> > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

> each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

> relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.


> You got it right. Saturn is not evil. It is a teacher who knows


> to punish a notorious student. It teaches us not to do bad.


> its transit through 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon it teaches


> that we have to pay for whatever bad karma we did in the past. It

> teaches us a very important lesson of life that for every action

> (especially bad ones) there is a reaction.


> > 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

> ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.


> I have heard people say that whether the sadesati would be


> bad or not can be seen from the bindus that Saturn has

contributed to

> the rashi from which it is transiting in Ashtakvarga. If Saturn


> contributed less than 4 bindus to the rashi from which it is

> transiting, then that transit is going to be pretty bad. But I am

> sure, Gurujis would have further to say in this matter.

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Dear Mr. Gopal,


Thanks so much for your reply, also many thanks to Raageshwari and

others also.


I had one more query on your answer re remedial measures.



> 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward

off the evils of sadesati.


> When Saturn is in 12th from Moon:


> Worship Sri Kali Ma in addition to the Graha Manta of Saturn


> When Saturn is with Moon:


> Worship Sri hanuman in addition to the Beeja Mantra of Saturn


> When Saturn is in 2nd from Moon


> Worship Sri Krishna as well as Saturn


> Also, remember when Goddess Durga killed Mahishasur demon, she is

called "Mahishasur-Mardini". It is this particular form of Durga that

Saturn is terrible scared of. Thus, worshipping Goddess Durga in this

form will definately remove all the problems given by Saturn.


Sushmita: How exactly does one worship Mahishasur-Mardini, should one

go to her temple, are you from bombay, would you know where this

temple is in bombay. I really was surprised at the detail of Saturn

in different houses and respective remedial measures.


6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.


> Yes, the role of Sade-sati is to teach the native the lesson of

detachment. The more we're attached to our karmas and its results,

the more severe will be this period. Since, all this period relates

to Moon (mind), it gives more of mental problems rather than



Sushmita: So, I was right, I was also thinking that detachment or

patience would be the lesson Shani Devta wants to teach us.



Warm regards,



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Dear Rageshwari,


Thanks so much for your reply, very illuminating.

I have been thinking on your reply on remedial measures, am not

trying to question your authority, but just a thought from my end,

well you had mentioned that tantric remedies might not be

appropriate. U see I am not a learned scholar, still I was thinking

that tantric remedies was prescribed by our ancient rishis, correct

me here pls if I am wrong, so if they prescribed these remedies

thinking that it is not possible for lay man to recite tough mantras,

there might be a reason for their prescribtion.


Could you throw more light on this stream of thoughts and on

different tantric remedies.



Pls do keep in mind that I am not questioning your authority.


Cheers and warm regards,





> > > > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to

> ward

> > > off the evils of sadesati.

> > >

> > > There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to


> > off

> > > the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional

> and

> > > Tantric.

> > >

> > > In my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go

> for

> > > tantric remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse


> > ring

> > > in the house or keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I

> > always

> > > prefer and recommend purely devotional/spiritual remedies such

> as -

> > > Going to temple every saturday and reciting Hanuman Chalisa,

> > reciting

> > > Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if not everyday), fasting


> > > saturdays, et al.

> > >

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Dear Gauranga,


Thanks for the extremely illuminating reply.


I have few more doubts which I add below at the respective places.


> 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.


> The responsibility of Saturn's transit is to activate the bad

karma in the houses, so usually some suffering may be expected. Life

in the material world is not heavenly, after all. But if Saturn is a

functional benefic, like for Taurus or Libra Lagna, of course he may

also activate Raja yogas, as we should not forget that the Moon is

responsible for maintianing the Raja-yogas.


> The level of suffering should be decided on the basis of antal

placements and Astakavargas. Also I would like to draw your attention

to the Avasthas of natal Saturn.


> 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.


> Depends on chart, and the sign being sisrsodaya or pristhodaya.


Sushmita: Which sign should we look at, the Moon sign ? or all the 3



3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it

start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg

before the position of the longitude of natal moon.


> Usually taken to start when it enters, but will strengthen as it

approaches certain angular distances. However this can be analysed on

the basis of Varga transits as far as I'm concerned, not angular

aspectls like orbs.




> 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha

lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.


> To some extent it will affect any hose it transits. The tradition

links it to the Moon most strongly because the mind is the element

through which we experience suffering. So mental suffering is usually

more troublesome then physical (Sun or Lagna) or the loss in

reputation (AL or GL).


Sushmita: Thanks for this reply, but then does it mean that in its 30

yr cycle it would be giving bad results in most of the places, taking

into consideration transit effects, sadesati, 8th and 4th Saturn, and

then AL, GL, and on other thoughts how much savings can the dasha

periods do when evil transits of Saturn are operating.


> 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward

off the evils of sadesati.


> As I have stated previously, I would recommend Vishnu

Sahasranaama chanted every morning, coupled with Sri Suktam. I have

the first on my website, the second one still needs to be typed up.

Any volunteers who can type it up in Devanagari and translit 99 font

please contact mem in private. These two stotras, along wioth Purusha

Suktam, are the best Sattvic, in fact, transcendental remedial

measures. Plus feeding the brahmins is also highly recommended.


Sushmita : Gaurangaji, it would be real nice if you could have the

above mentioned mantras on your website, if I could type sanskrit I

would be of help but alas my lack of that skill and schedules don't

permit me, I hope many kind people from this list would come forward

for this noble task.

Another query comes to my mind here, what if a westerner is going

through the sadesati, she/he would not be able to recite the mantras,

how can we help such a native. I mean for vedic astrology to grow

into a global science spreading across continents, can we have some

form of effective remedies which anyone can do irrespective of

caste , creed and background.


> 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during

each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.


> Definitely, the meaning of Saturn in the chart is very deep. Rahu

nad Ketu are also usually taken as karmic ondes, but ntheir effects

are usually either too subtle or too gross (accidents etc.) to be

able to leanr from them. However Saturn usually gives prolongated

suffering, which gives us time to think what we should learn from it.

So Saturn's position should be studied in all divisional charts right

from D-60. The perspectives to study it from are: Bhava placement,

Chara Karakatwa and yogas in which it takes part.


Sushmita: Sir, does it also mean that one needs to look at all

Divisional charts, I presume one would be then running Sadesati in

say D-10, although she/he might not be running sadesati in D-1.

Furthering on this thought process, I presume one would be running

sadesati in several areas of one's life at any point of time.

I also do understand that other considerations that you have

mentioned are to be taken into account. I would like to ask a favor

here, can you expand on how exactly to interpret the diff Avasthas to

sadesati, Vedhas and all the other imp points that you have mentioned

in this article of yours with any example chart, it really would help

beginners like me to learn the science systematically and learning

how to see several points all at the same time. Theory with example

really helps the theory to seep in the mind.


Thanks for your post and also in advance for your article.

Many thanks to others who have contributed and whom I have not named




Warm Regards,






> 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.


> If Bhinnastakavarga of Saturn in the respective houses of Rasi or

Varga charts that it transits are high, the malefic effect is taken

to be less. But actually for transits I thin Sarvatobhadra Chakra and

the whole Nakshatra-based concenption would give much more accurate

results, as far as I thin. I still have to work this out, as I will

teach this from September in the 4th year of my Jyotish school in



> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> gauranga@b...

> Jyotish Remedies:


> Phone:+36-309-140-839








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1)In general, what is/are the ways (remedy) to lessen affliction by natal

Saturn?2)Should I recite the beeja mantra of Saturn?3)What are the other ways

to remedy affliction of Saturn in natal kundali? (I have no temple nearby my

city.)4)From what site I can get english text/audio of mantras used to lessen

saturn's affliction?

Thanks in advance and regardsS.

vedic astrology, Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> wrote:>

JAYA JAGANNATHA!> > Just a few thoughts to add to others' brilliant responses.>

- > Sushmita S > To:

vedic astrology > Wednesday, April 09, 2003 2:18 PM>

[vedic astrology] Sadesati> > > Dear Learned members,> > Just saw

some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not running SadeSati, could

someone answer a few queries here re this dreaded transit. Although I am sure,

this same query might have been asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any

lessons on this in the archives.> > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.> > The

responsibility of Saturn's transit is to activate the bad karma in the houses,

so usually some suffering may be expected. Life in the material world is not

heavenly, after all. But if Saturn is a functional benefic, like for Taurus or

Libra Lagna, of course he may also activate Raja yogas, as we should not forget

that the Moon is responsible for maintianing the Raja-yogas. > > The level of

suffering should be decided on the basis of antal placements and Astakavargas.

Also I would like to draw your attention to the Avasthas of natal Saturn. > >

2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last. > > Depends on

chart, and the sign being sisrsodaya or pristhodaya. > > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st

and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it start as soon as it enters the

sign or say somewhere I read that a learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has

said that it starts at 45 deg before the position of the longitude of natal

moon.> > Usually taken to start when it enters, but will strengthen as it

approaches certain angular distances. However this can be analysed on the basis

of Varga transits as far as I'm concerned, not angular aspectls like orbs. > >

4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If

yes is their a comparision scale.> > To some extent it will affect any hose

it transits. The tradition links it to the Moon most strongly because the mind

is the element through which we experience suffering. So mental suffering is

usually more troublesome then physical (Sun or Lagna) or the loss in reputation

(AL or GL). > > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to

ward off the evils of sadesati.> > As I have stated previously, I would

recommend Vishnu Sahasranaama chanted every morning, coupled with Sri Suktam. I

have the first on my website, the second one still needs to be typed up. Any

volunteers who can type it up in Devanagari and translit 99 font please contact

mem in private. These two stotras, along wioth Purusha Suktam, are the best

Sattvic, in fact, transcendental remedial measures. Plus feeding the brahmins

is also highly recommended. > > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does

it mean that during each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the

lessons relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.> >

Definitely, the meaning of Saturn in the chart is very deep. Rahu nad Ketu are

also usually taken as karmic ondes, but ntheir effects are usually either too

subtle or too gross (accidents etc.) to be able to leanr from them. However

Saturn usually gives prolongated suffering, which gives us time to think what

we should learn from it. So Saturn's position should be studied in all

divisional charts right from D-60. The perspectives to study it from are: Bhava

placement, Chara Karakatwa and yogas in which it takes part.> > 7. To judge

the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain Ashtakvarga in its

transit.> > If Bhinnastakavarga of Saturn in the respective houses of Rasi or

Varga charts that it transits are high, the malefic effect is taken to be less.

But actually for transits I thin Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the whole

Nakshatra-based concenption would give much more accurate results, as far as I

thin. I still have to work this out, as I will teach this from September in the

4th year of my Jyotish school in Hungary.> > Yours,> > Gauranga Das Vedic

Astrologer> gauranga@b...> Jyotish Remedies:>

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET> Phone:+36-309-140-839> > > > > > > > > Thanks in

advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing discussions. Oh, just wanted to

try my hand at answering partially one post by a gentleman, re new job, do we

have to look at the 5th lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of the

native.> > Warm regards,> > Sushmita> > > > > > > >


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Om Krishana Guru


Dear Sushmita,


Here are my views


> Sushmita: How exactly does one worship Mahishasur-Mardini, should one

> go to her temple, are you from bombay, would you know where this

> temple is in bombay. I really was surprised at the detail of Saturn

> in different houses and respective remedial measures.


Sanjay sir has given detailed explanation regarding mantras under

mantrashastra in his famous book "Vedic Remedies in Astrology". The number

of words, alphabets in the mantra, way of worshipping etc everything is

given there. Please refer the book and before starting any mantra, check the

mantra with your respective Guru. As I'm also a student of astrology like

you, I cannot suggest any kind of complete remedial measure.


I'm basically from Sonipat (Haryana) and just few months back, I've shifted

to Delhi. So, I've no idea about any temple of Bombay. The one which I like

is "Vaishno Devi Mandir" in Katra (Jammu).


Gopal Krishan Doda


Om Krishana Guru

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Dear Sushmita,





> Sushmita: Which sign should we look at, the Moon sign ? or all the 3

> signs.


I guess all 3 signs should be checked, and thus you will get specific

tendencies during Saturn's transit in the 3 signs. Of course the most

determinant is the nature of the Moon's sign.



> Sushmita: Thanks for this reply, but then does it mean that in its 30

> yr cycle it would be giving bad results in most of the places, taking

> into consideration transit effects, sadesati, 8th and 4th Saturn, and

> then AL, GL, and on other thoughts how much savings can the dasha

> periods do when evil transits of Saturn are operating.


Yes, some way or other, usually Saturn gives sorrow. Honestly, did you have

any day in your life when you were absolutely free from suffeing? No. Maybe

you just didn't notice it. Or the happiness was much greater than the sorrow

for that one day. But this is the nature of the material world, as Krishna

says. sukha-duhkha follow each other endlessly. For example yesterday

evening I ate a lot of Lasagne, which was very tasty (offered to Krishna)

but I ate too much, so I was feeling uncomfortable after it, and it was

difficult to res and wase up early in the morning. So in this way for every

enjoyment, you must accept some suffering as well. Therefore Saturn always

reminds us not to take too much effort to be happy here in the material

world, rather give up our attachments and surrender to Krishna.



> Sushmita : Gaurangaji, it would be real nice if you could have the

> above mentioned mantras on your website, if I could type sanskrit I

> would be of help but alas my lack of that skill and schedules don't

> permit me, I hope many kind people from this list would come forward

> for this noble task.


Yes, Vishnu Sahasranaama is already downloadable, but for Sri suktam I need

some more help.


I give one version here, but the Sanskrit is far from perfection.





Om Hiranya Varnam Harineem

Survanam Rajatas Rajam

Chandraam Hiranmayim

LakshmeEm Jatavedo Mamaavaha


Sloka 1

O all-knowing fire-god (Agni), would you kindly propitiate Mahalakshmi, the

Goddess of prosperity, one whose body has the golden color; one who is

decked with gold and silver garlands; one whose sari is yellow colored and

one Whose face is like the full moon and whose eyes bless humanity with

soothing grace. O Jata Veda, the fire-god, kindly tell Her of our




Taamma Aavaha Jaatavedo

LakshmeEm Ananpagammineem

Yasyaam Hiranmyam Vindeyam

Gaam-Asvam Purusham-Aham


Sloka 2

O, Agni, the great fire-god, with the blessings of Mahalakshmi, wealth and

prosperity, gold and cattle, horses and useful animals, family and children

and every type of prosperity will come to me. By the arrival of Goddess

Lakshmi in my home, the prosperity will be imperishable. Health, friends,

knowledge, everlasting peace and finally freedom -- all these types of

wealth will be mine by the arrival of the Universal Mother, Lakshmi, into my




Aswa-Poorvaam Ratha-MadhyaAm

Hastinaada Prabhodineem

Sriyam Deveem-Upahvahe

Sreemaa Devirjushataam


Sloka 3

That Goddess Lakshmi in whose procession the celestial horses and the divine

chariots are used, as the elephants roar the OM sound which pleases that

Goddess. She being Gajalakshmi or Lakshmi Who is worshiped by the elephants.

O Agni, I am invoking that power, the spouse of Vishnu. May I attain Her




Kaamsosmkitaam Hiranya PraakaaraamAardraam

Jvalenteem Truptaam Tarpayantim

Padmastitaam PadmavarnaAm

Taamihopahvaye Sriyam


Sloka 4

One Who is sitting on the blossomed thousand-petalled lotus; one whose body

has the color of the lotus; may that great Goddess. The compassionate,

radiant, ever-smiling, fulfiller of all the desires of Her votaries, hear my

prayers. I invoke that Mother, Mahalakshmi of golden color.



Candraamprabhassaam Yasasaajvalantim

Sriyamloke Devajustamudharam

Tam Padmineemim Saranamaham

Prapadye Alakshmeerye

Nasyatam twaam vrine


Sloka 5

I invoke Mahalakshmi Who shines like the full moon and like lightening. Her

fame is all-pervading. Denizens of heaven constantly worship Her. She is

minificent. Her benevolent hands are like lotuses. I take refuge in Her

lotus feet. Let Her destroy my poverty forever. O Mother Mahalakshmi, I take

shelter at Your lotus feet.



Aadityavarne TapasodhijaatoO

Vanaspatistava Vrikshothabilvaha

Tasya Phalaani Tapassaanudantu

Maayaantaraayaastcha Baahyaa Alakshmehim


Sloka 6

O Universal Mother, shining like the sun, it is through Your penance that

the holiest trees of Bilva and Tulasi are born. They symbolize the tree of

life. The fruit of that tree of life removes our poverty from both within

and without. In other words, bless us with inner light and outer

independence and abundance.



Upaitumaam Devasakhaha

Keertishtcha Maninaa Saham

Praddour-booto smit rastresmin

Keerthimrudhim dadaatume


Sloka 7

O Devi, the great Goddess, with Your blessings let Kubera, the treasurer of

the gods; his friend, Manibhadra, the protector of wealth, and Keerti, the

goddess of fame who was the daughter of Daksha Prajapati.



Ksutipaasaamalaam JyesthaAm

Alakshreem naasayaamyaham

Abhootimasamriddhim cha

Sarvadh Nirmuda me grihaat


Sloka 8

That goddess of hunger and thirst, one who is reduced to a skeleton; I would

like the death of the goddess of poverty. O Mahalakshmi, may You kindly

drive away any fear of poverty and inauspiciousness from my home. In other

words, bless me always with abundance and joy.



Gandhadvaraam duradharshaam

Nitya Pushtaam Karishineem

Eesvareehim sarvabhoottaanaam

Taamihopahvaye Sriyam


Sloka 9

I invoke that supreme Goddess Lakshmi to dwell in my home forever. She is

the supreme power of protection and Goddess of all the universes and cosmic

elements. She is Mother Earth, the bestower of great contentment. Her

blessings are bringing us the fragrance of the sandalwood paste. May that

Ishwari be ever present in me.




Vaachasatya masheemahi

Pashoonam Roopamanasya

Mayi Sreesrayataam Yasaha


Sloka 10

May Mahalakshmi fulfill all my desires. May I attain perfection. May my

words come true. May I be bestowed with cattle, wealth, food, milk and honey

to share with all. May that Sri Devi come to my home in the form of undying




Kardhamena Prajaabhuttaa Mayi

Sambhava Kardhamam

Sriyam Vaasayame KuleE

Maataram Padma maalineem


Sloka 11

We are the progeny of our forefather, Sage Kardama, who is one of the sons

of Goddess Lakshmi. We invoke that Sage Kardama to install in his family the

Universal Mother, Mahalakshmi, who is decked with the garland of lotuses. So

be it.



Apahasrujantu Snigdhaani Chikleeta

Vasa Me Gruhe

Nicha deveem MaatarahamM Sriyam

Vaasaya Me Kule


Sloka 12

We invoke another son of Lakshmi named Chikleeta. May he dwell in our home

and may his mother, Mahalakshmi, dwell in our family.



Ardraam Pushkarineem Pushtim

Pingalaam Padmamalineem

Chandramm Hirnamayeem LakshmeEm

Jaatavedo Mamaavaha


Sloka 13

O Agni, may You propitiate Mahalakshmi, the destroyer of demons but merciful

to Her devotees, abode of auspiciousness, bestower of total protection,

extraordinarily beautiful, bedecked with valuable ornaments, shining like a

thousand suns; may that Hiranmayi, the golden colored Goddess, be pleased

with us.



Ardraam Yah-Karineem yastiIm

Survarnaam Hemamaalineem

Sooruyamm Hirnamayeem LakshmeEm

Jaatavedo Mamaavaha


Sloka 14

O Agni, the fire-god, I once again pray unto you to invoke the presence of

the Lakshmi Devi with us. The Mother Who is merciful blessings with Her

lotus hand. May that yellow-clad, lotus-garlanded, moon-faced Goddess shower

Her choicest cup of blessings upon us.



Taama Aavaah JaatavedoO


Yasyam Hiranyam Prabhootam Gaavo

Daasyoshvam Vindeyam Purushanaham


Sloka 15

O Agni, please pray to that Lakshmi that we should be blessed with

inexhaustible wealth. May that wealth bring that greatest joy and peace

along with all material comforts of cows, servants, horses, family and good

children, and the highest of all, freedom.



Om Mahalakshmyai cha Vidmahe Vishnu

Patnyaicha Dhimahi

Taano LakshmihiprachodayaAta

Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi


Sloka 16

Let that Mahalakshmi be invoked on Whom I meditate upon, Who is the consort

of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Mother. Let peace prevail everywhere.



> Another query comes to my mind here, what if a westerner is going

> through the sadesati, she/he would not be able to recite the mantras,

> how can we help such a native. I mean for vedic astrology to grow

> into a global science spreading across continents, can we have some

> form of effective remedies which anyone can do irrespective of

> caste , creed and background.


Well, I'm not really in favor of westernizing things. If we practice Vedic

astrology, we are supposed to accept Vedic philosophy, culture and

religiousness, so we can advice worship according to Vedic standards. Of

course this requires proper understanding and guidance from a Guru. If we

want to advise worship of Devatas based on the chart, then we can do it

according to the native's culture, i.e. christianity etc. however this would

require a deeper knowledge of that religious tradition.



> Sushmita: Sir, does it also mean that one needs to look at all

> Divisional charts, I presume one would be then running Sadesati in

> say D-10, although she/he might not be running sadesati in D-1.

> Furthering on this thought process, I presume one would be running

> sadesati in several areas of one's life at any point of time.

> I also do understand that other considerations that you have

> mentioned are to be taken into account. I would like to ask a favor

> here, can you expand on how exactly to interpret the diff Avasthas to

> sadesati, Vedhas and all the other imp points that you have mentioned

> in this article of yours with any example chart, it really would help

> beginners like me to learn the science systematically and learning

> how to see several points all at the same time. Theory with example

> really helps the theory to seep in the mind.


Primary rule is to consider Sade-sathi in Rasi. D-charts are always

subordinate to Rashi. So a Saturn'transit over the Moon in a D-chart alone

will not give such a stroneg effect. As for the rest of the factors, yes,

I'm willing to take up an example chart analysis. Please give your chart or

a chart of your choice.


> Thanks for your post and also in advance for your article.

> Many thanks to others who have contributed and whom I have not named

> here.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:



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Dear Shankar,





vedic astrology

Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:39 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Sadesati

Dear Gaurangaji, Rageshwariji and others,I have following questions regarding

Saturn. Please help me:

1)In general, what is/are the ways (remedy) to lessen affliction by natal Saturn?

2)Should I recite the beeja mantra of Saturn?3)What are the other ways to remedy

affliction of Saturn in natal kundali? (I have no temple nearby my city.)4)From

what site I can get english text/audio of mantras used to lessen saturn's


www.vedamantram.com has Sri Suktam. It's 3.26 MB. www.svtemple.org has Vishnu

Sahasranaam audio. It's 1.9 MB.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


Thanks in advance and regardsS.

vedic astrology, Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> wrote:>

JAYA JAGANNATHA!> > Just a few thoughts to add to others' brilliant responses.>

- > Sushmita S > To:

vedic astrology > Wednesday, April 09, 2003 2:18 PM>

[vedic astrology] Sadesati> > > Dear Learned members,> > Just saw

some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not running SadeSati, could

someone answer a few queries here re this dreaded transit. Although I am sure,

this same query might have been asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any

lessons on this in the archives.> > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.> > The

responsibility of Saturn's transit is to activate the bad karma in the houses,

so usually some suffering may be expected. Life in the material world is not

heavenly, after all. But if Saturn is a functional benefic, like for Taurus or

Libra Lagna, of course he may also activate Raja yogas, as we should not forget

that the Moon is responsible for maintianing the Raja-yogas. > > The level of

suffering should be decided on the basis of antal placements and Astakavargas.

Also I would like to draw your attention to the Avasthas of natal Saturn. > >

2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last. > > Depends on

chart, and the sign being sisrsodaya or pristhodaya. > > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st

and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it start as soon as it enters the

sign or say somewhere I read that a learne d astrologer called Mr. Katwe has

said that it starts at 45 deg before the position of the longitude of natal

moon.> > Usually taken to start when it enters, but will strengthen as it

approaches certain angular distances. However this can be analysed on the basis

of Varga transits as far as I'm concerned, not angular aspectls like orbs. > >

4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If

yes is their a comparision scale.> > To some extent it will affect any hose

it transits. The tradition links it to the Moon most strongly because the mind

is the element through which we experience suffering. So mental suffering is

usually more troublesome then physical (Sun or Lagna) or the loss in reputation

(AL or GL). > > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to

ward off the evils of sadesati.> > As I have stat ed previously, I would

recommend Vishnu Sahasranaama chanted every morning, coupled with Sri Suktam. I

have the first on my website, the second one still needs to be typed up. Any

volunteers who can type it up in Devanagari and translit 99 font please contact

mem in private. These two stotras, along wioth Purusha Suktam, are the best

Sattvic, in fact, transcendental remedial measures. Plus feeding the brahmins

is also highly recommended. > > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does

it mean that during each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the

lessons relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.> >

Definitely, the meaning of Saturn in the chart is very deep. Rahu nad Ketu are

also usually taken as karmic ondes, but ntheir effects are usually either too

subtle or too gross (accidents etc.) to be able to leanr from them. However

Saturn usually gives prolongated suffering, which gives us time to think what

we should learn from it. So Saturn's position should be studied in all

divisional charts right from D-60. The perspectives to study it from are: Bhava

placement, Chara Karakatwa and yogas in which it takes part.> > 7. To judge

the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain Ashtakvarga in its

transit.> > If Bhinnastakavarga of Saturn in the respective houses of Rasi or

Varga charts that it transits are high, the malefic effect is taken to be less.

But actually for transits I thin Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the whole

Nakshatra-based concenption would give much more accurate results, as far as I

thin. I still have to work this out, as I will teach this from September in the

4th year of my Jyotish school in Hungary.> > Yours,> > Gauranga Das Vedic

Astrologer> gauranga@b...> &n bsp; Jyotish Remedies:>

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET> Phone:+36-309-140-839> > > > > > > > > Thanks in

advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing discussions. Oh, just wanted to

try my hand at answering partially one post by a gentleman, re new job, do we

have to look at the 5th lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of the

native.> > Warm regards,> > Sushmita> > > > > > > >


> Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and

more > Sponsor > >

> > > > Archives:

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vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

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I am currently running(5th year Sade sathi).My lagnam is Pices.And saturn is in

gemini and retrograded.My Rasi is rishabam.Is it correct during my birth itself

i have last part of sade sathi??.Now is it my second cycle??Somebody can explain

how will be my next 2.5 years of sade sathi??My DOB is 23/JAN/1975.Time of birth

is 10:00 Am.Place of birth is OOtacamund.




Gauranga Das <gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net> wrote:



Dear Shankar,





vedic astrology

Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:39 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Sadesati

Dear Gaurangaji, Rageshwariji and others,I have following questions regarding

Saturn. Please help me:

1)In general, what is/are the ways (remedy) to lessen affliction by natal Saturn?

2)Should I recite the beeja mantra of Saturn?3)What are the other ways to remedy

affliction of Saturn in natal kundali? (I have no temple nearby my city.)4)From

what site I can get english text/audio of mantras used to lessen saturn's


www.vedamantram.com has Sri Suktam. It's 3.26 MB. www.svtemple.org has Vishnu

Sahasranaam audio. It's 1.9 MB.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


Thanks in advance and regardsS.

vedic astrology, Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> wrote:>

JAYA JAGANNATHA!> > Just a few thoughts to add to others' brilliant responses.>

- > Sushmita S > To:

vedic astrology > Wednesday, April 09, 2003 2:18 PM>

[vedic astrology] Sadesati> > > Dear Learned members,> > Just saw

some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not running SadeSati, could

someone answer a few queries here re this dreaded transit. Although I am sure,

this same query might have been asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any

lessons on this in the archives.> > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.> > The

responsibility of Saturn's transit is to activate the bad karma in the houses,

so usually some suffering may be expected. Life in the material world is not

heavenly, after all. But if Saturn is a functional benefic, like for Taurus or

Libra Lagna, of course he may also activate Raja yogas, as we should not forget

that the Moon is responsible for maintianing the Raja-yogas. > > The level of

suffering should be decided on the basis of antal placements and Astakavargas.

Also I would like to draw your attention to the Avasthas of natal Saturn. > >

2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last. > > Depends on

chart, and the sign being sisrsodaya or pristhodaya. > > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st

and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it start as soon as it enters the

sign or say somewhere I read that a learne d astrologer called Mr. Katwe has

said that it starts at 45 deg before the position of the longitude of natal

moon.> > Usually taken to start when it enters, but will strengthen as it

approaches certain angular distances. However this can be analysed on the basis

of Varga transits as far as I'm concerned, not angular aspectls like orbs. > >

4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If

yes is their a comparision scale.> > To some extent it will affect any hose

it transits. The tradition links it to the Moon most strongly because the mind

is the element through which we experience suffering. So mental suffering is

usually more troublesome then physical (Sun or Lagna) or the loss in reputation

(AL or GL). > > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to

ward off the evils of sadesati.> > As I have stat ed previously, I would

recommend Vishnu Sahasranaama chanted every morning, coupled with Sri Suktam. I

have the first on my website, the second one still needs to be typed up. Any

volunteers who can type it up in Devanagari and translit 99 font please contact

mem in private. These two stotras, along wioth Purusha Suktam, are the best

Sattvic, in fact, transcendental remedial measures. Plus feeding the brahmins

is also highly recommended. > > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does

it mean that during each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the

lessons relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.> >

Definitely, the meaning of Saturn in the chart is very deep. Rahu nad Ketu are

also usually taken as karmic ondes, but ntheir effects are usually either too

subtle or too gross (accidents etc.) to be able to leanr from them. However

Saturn usually gives prolongated suffering, which gives us time to think what

we should learn from it. So Saturn's position should be studied in all

divisional charts right from D-60. The perspectives to study it from are: Bhava

placement, Chara Karakatwa and yogas in which it takes part.> > 7. To judge

the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain Ashtakvarga in its

transit.> > If Bhinnastakavarga of Saturn in the respective houses of Rasi or

Varga charts that it transits are high, the malefic effect is taken to be less.

But actually for transits I thin Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the whole

Nakshatra-based concenption would give much more accurate results, as far as I

thin. I still have to work this out, as I will teach this from September in the

4th year of my Jyotish school in Hungary.> > Yours,> > Gauranga Das Vedic

Astrologer> gauranga@b...> &n bsp; Jyotish Remedies:>

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET> Phone:+36-309-140-839> > > > > > > > > Thanks in

advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing discussions. Oh, just wanted to

try my hand at answering partially one post by a gentleman, re new job, do we

have to look at the 5th lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of the

native.> > Warm regards,> > Sushmita> > > > > > > >


> Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and

more > Sponsor > >

> > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu || > > Your use of Grou ps is subject to the


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shine on us .......


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shine on us .......

Do you


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Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Sankar,

As recommended by Gauranga Dasji for Sade Sati, the daily worship and recitations:

1) Recite Visnu Sahasranama

2) Recite Sri Sukta

3) Fast on Ekadasi Days (and Dwadasi Days)

As for the choice of fasting on a Saturday, I have seen faster and better

results for fasting on Fridays(Saturn gets exalted in Venus' sign) instead. The

other choice is Mondays.(Moon, Manas). Do these vratas besides Ekadasi


I am going through my 2nd Sade Sati and am yet to decide what is so miserable

about it.

Best wishes, Swee


Shankar wrote:

Dear Gaurangaji, Rageshwariji and others,

I have following questions regarding Saturn. Please help me:

1)In general, what is/are the ways (remedy) to lessen affliction by

natal Saturn?

2)Should I recite the beeja mantra of Saturn?

3)What are the other ways to remedy affliction of Saturn in natal kundali?

(I have no temple nearby my city.)

4)From what site I can get english text/audio of mantras used to lessen saturn's


Thanks in advance and regards


vedic astrology,

Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> wrote:



> Just a few thoughts to add to others' brilliant responses.

> -

> Sushmita S

> vedic astrology

> Wednesday, April 09, 2003 2:18 PM

> [vedic astrology] Sadesati



> Dear Learned members,


> Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not running

SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this dreaded transit.

Although I am sure, this same query might have been asked numerous times,

but I couldn't find any lessons on this in the archives.


> 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.


> The responsibility of Saturn's transit is to activate the bad karma

in the houses, so usually some suffering may be expected. Life in the material

world is not heavenly, after all. But if Saturn is a functional benefic,

like for Taurus or Libra Lagna, of course he may also activate Raja yogas,

as we should not forget that the Moon is responsible for maintianing the



> The level of suffering should be decided on the basis of antal placements

and Astakavargas. Also I would like to draw your attention to the Avasthas

of natal Saturn.


> 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.


> Depends on chart, and the sign being sisrsodaya or pristhodaya.


> 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it start

as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a learned astrologer

called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 ! deg before the position

of the longitude of natal moon.


> Usually taken to start when it enters, but will strengthen as it approaches

certain angular distances. However this can be analysed on the basis of Varga

transits as far as I'm concerned, not angular aspectls like orbs.


> 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna

also. If yes is their a comparision scale.


> To some extent it will affect any hose it transits. The tradition

links it to the Moon most strongly because the mind is the element through

which we experience suffering. So mental suffering is usually more troublesome

then physical (Sun or Lagna) or the loss in reputation (AL or GL).


> 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward off

the evils of sadesati.


> As I have stated previously, I would recommend Vishnu Sahasranaama

chanted every morning, coupled with Sri Suktam. I have the first on my website,

the second one still needs to be typed up. Any volunteers who can type it

up in Devanagari and translit 99 font please contact mem in private. These

two stotras, along wioth Purusha Suktam, are the best Sattvic, in fact, transcendental

remedial measures. Plus feeding the brahmins is also highly recommended.


> 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during each

sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons relate to the

bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.


> Definitely, the meaning of Saturn in the chart is very deep. Rahu

nad Ketu are also usually taken as karmic ondes, but ntheir effects are usually

either too subtle or too gross (accidents etc.) to be able to leanr from

them. However Saturn usually gives prolongated suffering, which gives us

time to think what we should learn from it. So Saturn's position should be

studied in all divisional charts right from D-! 60. The perspectives to study

it from are: Bhava placement, Chara Karakatwa and yogas in which it takes



> 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain

Ashtakvarga in its transit.


> If Bhinnastakavarga of Saturn in the respective houses of Rasi or

Varga charts that it transits are high, the malefic effect is taken to be

less. But actually for transits I thin Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the whole

Nakshatra-based concenption would give much more accurate results, as far

as I thin. I still have to work this out, as I will teach this from September

in the 4th year of my Jyotish school in Hungary.


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> gauranga@b...

> Jyotish Remedies:


> Phone:+36-309-140-839









> Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing discussions.

Oh, just wanted to try my hand at answering partially one post by a gentleman,

re new job, do we have to look at the 5th lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in

D10 chart of the native.


> Warm regards,


> Sushmita










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Thanks to both of you for taking the time for this invalueable help. Thanks a

lot to take the time and effort to answer me kindly. Gaurangaji I did not know

of those sites and thanks a lot for letting me know. I have checked both the

sites and will be getting the audios soon till the files are little heavy. But

I am going to get them as soon as possible.

Sweeji thanks for the additional help with personal experience which you kindly

offered. I truely owe you.

So respected Gurujis I think that this will also help people who are also

suffering for Saturn's affliction in natal chart? (Janam-Kundali?) I mean

people who are not under Sade-Sati but passing bad time for permanent natal

affliction of Saturn in Janma-Kundali. Will these mantras also work in that

case. Otherwise, is there any mantra the person can chant for natal

Saturn-affliction? If there is any other ways for natal Saturn's affliction,

would you please be kind to let me know.

Thanks and regards,S.

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Dear Praveenkmar,

Katweji lived in Nagpur where he had come from Karnataka. This info I got from

Mr Makhija a septugenarian whom I met recently. As I am from Nagpur, I will try

to locate his publisher and will let you know whether the books are available.

As I understand he has written more than about 30 books. So if you have any

specific requirtement, let me know. This is no problem for me as I too am

trying to get hold of some books by him.



Praveen Kumar

vedic astrology

Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:41 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati

Illuminating discussion. But, 4 points in AV for Sat is not bad. Average for Sat

is 3.25, Sat gives results even with 2 points.


Anybody can help me obtain the books of Late Sh Katwe, noted Marathi astrologer.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



vedic astrology

Wednesday, April 09, 2003 6:54 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati

Dear Sushmita,With the blessings of Guru Sri Sanjay Rath, Guru Sri Narsimha Rao

and others, I have tried to answer some of your queries to the best of my

knowledge.> 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.No. I have seen some charts of famous

personalities where they have come to power during Sadesati. In every article

that I have read on Sadesati they usually say that whether Sade Sati would be

good or bad depends on the positioning of Saturn and the aspects it receives in

the native's lagna chart.> 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or

the last.If Sadesati is going to be bad for a native then what I have heard is

that the first 2.5 years are the worst whereas the following 5 years are

comparatively better.> 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati,

does it start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg before

the position of the longitude of natal moon.I have read this concept somewhere

too. But I don't know if this is the true.> 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal

Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If yes is their a comparision

scale.Don't know. I would love to hear what Gurujis have to say about this.> 5.

Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward off the evils of

sadesati.There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to ward-off

the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional and Tantric.In

my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go for tantric

remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse shoe ring in the house or

keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I always prefer and recommend

purely devotional/spiritual remedies such as - Going to temple every saturday

and reciting Hanuman Chalisa, reciting Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if

not everyday), fasting on saturdays, et al.> 6. As saturn is the karma

signifactor, does it mean that during each sadesati it teaches us some specific

lessons, do the lessons relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning

to it all.You got it right. Saturn is not evil. It is a teacher who knows how

to punish a notorious student. It teaches us not to do bad. During its transit

through 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon it teaches us that we have to pay for

whatever bad karma we did in the past. It teaches us a very important lesson of

life that for every action (especially bad ones) there is a reaction.> 7. To

judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain Ashtakvarga in

its transit.I have heard people say that whether the sadesati would be severely

bad or not can be seen from the bindus that Saturn has contributed to the rashi

from which it is transiting in Ashtakvarga. If Saturn has contributed less than

4 bindus to the rashi from which it is transiting, then that transit is going

to be pretty bad. But I am sure, Gurujis would have further to say in this

matter.Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Sushmita,

Sadesati is, as you said, said to operate wrt. Moon. Some also treat similar

motion of Saturn wrt Lagna. Sadesati is bad for those whose ascendant lord is

enemy of Saturn, generally. Again, I think, rather than number the time in

one's life when sadesati arives is relevant. This is because saturn is powerful

in late age, in its effects. The relevant dashas also exagerate or soften the

impact of sadesati. Anyway, to my way of thinking, sadesati is the time when

Saturn teaches the jataka about what is life in reality. When Saturn is in 12th

one tends to speculate or overspend and borrowbeyond his means. When in 1st his

thought process gets disturbed making him take wrong decisions. When he enters

2nd house the money is all gone and those who he thought were his friends fast

disappear. But he finds whom he thought his distractors standing by him. This

is when he understands what is life and gains knowledge in real sense of the

world. This is how I look at sadesati. Then he shifts to 3rd and progress of

the Jataka starts, but he is able to retain what ever he gains due to knowledge

that Saturn has given in past 7 and 1/2 years.

About Katweji's opinion I tend to agree with him. Saturn casts his shadow three

months before he enters a house and gives results,for the previous house, just

as he crosses in to a house. Now as he in the 11th before actual transit to

12th he is aspecting 1st house and so, Katweji's statement holds sense. Though

whether to treat the effect commencing from 15 degrees in previous house would

depend on the speed of his movement. This of course is my personal opinion and

others more learned than me might differ.



Sushmita S

vedic astrology

Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:48 PM

[vedic astrology] Sadesati

Dear Learned members,

Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am not running

SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this dreaded transit.

Although I am sure, this same query might have been asked numerous times, but I

couldn't find any lessons on this in the archives.

1. Is every Sadesati real bad.

2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.

3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does it start as soon

as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a learned astrologer called

Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg before the position of the longitude

of natal moon.

4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If

yes is their a comparision scale.

5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward off the evils of sadesati.

6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that during each sadesati it

teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons relate to the bhavas or is

there some esoteric meaning to it all.

7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain

Ashtakvarga in its transit.

Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing discussions. Oh, just

wanted to try my hand at answering partially one post by a gentleman, re new

job, do we have to look at the 5th lord dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of

the native.

Warm regards,



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Dear Swee-ji,


> I am going through my 2nd Sade Sati and am yet to decide what is so

> miserable about it.


So why do you think that Sade Sati has not been bad for you? I mean

what are the astrological reasons for this? Can I request your chart

details to study the chart to get a better understanding, please?






vedic astrology, Swee Chan <swee@c...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannatha

> Dear Sankar,


> As recommended by Gauranga Dasji for Sade Sati, the daily worship


> recitations:

> 1) Recite Visnu Sahasranama

> 2) Recite Sri Sukta

> 3) Fast on Ekadasi Days (and Dwadasi Days)


> As for the choice of fasting on a Saturday, I have seen faster and

> better results for fasting on Fridays(Saturn gets exalted in Venus'

> sign) instead. The other choice is Mondays.(Moon, Manas). Do these

> vratas besides Ekadasi Days.

> I am going through my 2nd Sade Sati and am yet to decide what is so

> miserable about it.


> Best wishes, Swee


> http://www.brihaspati.net


> Shankar wrote:


> > Dear Gaurangaji, Rageshwariji and others,

> >

> > I have following questions regarding Saturn. Please help me:

> >

> > 1)In general, what is/are the ways (remedy) to lessen affliction


> > natal Saturn?

> > 2)Should I recite the beeja mantra of Saturn?

> > 3)What are the other ways to remedy affliction of Saturn in natal

> > kundali? (I have no temple nearby my city.)

> > 4)From what site I can get english text/audio of mantras used to

> > lessen saturn's affliction?

> >

> > Thanks in advance and regards

> > S.

> >

> > vedic astrology

> > <vedic astrology>, Gauranga Das


> > <gauranga@b...>> wrote:


> > >

> > > Just a few thoughts to add to others' brilliant responses.

> > > -

> > > Sushmita S

> > > vedic astrology

> > <vedic astrology>

> > > Wednesday, April 09, 2003 2:18 PM

> > > [vedic astrology] Sadesati

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Learned members,

> > >

> > > Just saw some posts on the transit of Saturn, although I am


> > running SadeSati, could someone answer a few queries here re this

> > dreaded transit. Although I am sure, this same query might have


> > asked numerous times, but I couldn't find any lessons on this in


> > archives.

> > >

> > > 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.

> > >

> > > The responsibility of Saturn's transit is to activate the bad

> > karma in the houses, so usually some suffering may be expected.


> > in the material world is not heavenly, after all. But if Saturn

is a

> > functional benefic, like for Taurus or Libra Lagna, of course he


> > also activate Raja yogas, as we should not forget that the Moon


> > responsible for maintianing the Raja-yogas.

> > >

> > > The level of suffering should be decided on the basis of


> > placements and Astakavargas. Also I would like to draw your


> > to the Avasthas of natal Saturn.

> > >

> > > 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.

> > >

> > > Depends on chart, and the sign being sisrsodaya or


> > >

> > > 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati, does


> > start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that


> > learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at

45 !

> > deg before the position of the longitude of natal moon.

> > >

> > > Usually taken to start when it enters, but will strengthen as


> > approaches certain angular distances. However this can be

analysed on

> > the basis of Varga transits as far as I'm concerned, not angular

> > aspectls like orbs.

> > >

> > > 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal Lagna, Sun lagna and


> > lagna also. If yes is their a comparision scale.

> > >

> > > To some extent it will affect any hose it transits. The


> > links it to the Moon most strongly because the mind is the


> > through which we experience suffering. So mental suffering is


> > more troublesome then physical (Sun or Lagna) or the loss in

> > reputation (AL or GL).

> > >

> > > 5. Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to


> > off the evils of sadesati.

> > >

> > > As I have stated previously, I would recommend Vishnu


> > chanted every morning, coupled with Sri Suktam. I have the first

on my

> > website, the second one still needs to be typed up. Any

volunteers who

> > can type it up in Devanagari and translit 99 font please contact


> > in private. These two stotras, along wioth Purusha Suktam, are


> > best Sattvic, in fact, transcendental remedial measures. Plus


> > the brahmins is also highly recommended.

> > >

> > > 6. As saturn is the karma signifactor, does it mean that


> > each sadesati it teaches us some specific lessons, do the lessons

> > relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning to it all.

> > >

> > > Definitely, the meaning of Saturn in the chart is very deep.


> > nad Ketu are also usually taken as karmic ondes, but ntheir


> > are usually either too subtle or too gross (accidents etc.) to be


> > to leanr from them. However Saturn usually gives prolongated

> > suffering, which gives us time to think what we should learn from


> > So Saturn's position should be studied in all divisional charts


> > from D-! 60. The perspectives to study it from are: Bhava


> > Chara Karakatwa and yogas in which it takes part.

> > >

> > > 7. To judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and

> > ascertain Ashtakvarga in its transit.

> > >

> > > If Bhinnastakavarga of Saturn in the respective houses of

Rasi or

> > Varga charts that it transits are high, the malefic effect is

taken to

> > be less. But actually for transits I thin Sarvatobhadra Chakra

and the

> > whole Nakshatra-based concenption would give much more accurate

> > results, as far as I thin. I still have to work this out, as I


> > teach this from September in the 4th year of my Jyotish school in


> > >

> > > Yours,

> > >

> > > Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> > > gauranga@b...

> > > Jyotish Remedies:


> > > Phone:+36-309-140-839

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance, hope I am not disturbing any ongoing

> > discussions. Oh, just wanted to try my hand at answering

partially one

> > post by a gentleman, re new job, do we have to look at the 5th


> > dasha/antar/pratyantar in D10 chart of the native.

> > >

> > > Warm regards,

> > >

> > > Sushmita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


> > >

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> > > Sponsor

> > >

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> > >

> > >

> > > Group info: vedic-


> > >

> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

> > vedic astrology-

> > <vedic astrology->

> > >

> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> > >

> > >

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> >

> >

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> >

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Dear Chandrashekharji,

Thanks a lot for help. I would like all his books on predictive astrlogy. I can

decide my requirement only after I come to know about his different books.

Also, I don't know Marathi. But, would try to learn from his books even if they

are notavailable in Hindi / English. Please send me the list of books (alongwith

language) or publisher's name. I shall feel much obliged.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



vedic astrology

Friday, April 11, 2003 12:07 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati

Dear Praveenkmar,

Katweji lived in Nagpur where he had come from Karnataka. This info I got from

Mr Makhija a septugenarian whom I met recently. As I am from Nagpur, I will try

to locate his publisher and will let you know whether the books are available.

As I understand he has written more than about 30 books. So if you have any

specific requirtement, let me know. This is no problem for me as I too am

trying to get hold of some books by him.



Praveen Kumar

vedic astrology

Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:41 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati

Illuminating discussion. But, 4 points in AV for Sat is not bad. Average for Sat

is 3.25, Sat gives results even with 2 points.


Anybody can help me obtain the books of Late Sh Katwe, noted Marathi astrologer.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)

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I would like to add here to the following answer you have given:

<2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or the last.If Sadesati is

going to be bad for a native then what I have heard is that the first 2.5 years

are the worst whereas the following 5 years are comparatively better.>

My observation and reading :

There is no time period. If Sadesati has been good in the first phase of 2.5

years,then either the second or third phase will not be good. It also means

what nakshatra it is traversing. For example, when Saturn was traversing Rohini

Nakshatra in Vrishabha Rashi,Vrishabha rashi people faced lots of problems. Of

Course,Nakshtara Pada also counts.

If Saturn is Yogakarak, the sadesati period is okay.Saturn teaches one how to be

down to earth even while giving good results.


Ananthakrishnan Parthasarathy


Chandrashekhar <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Praveenkmar,

Katweji lived in Nagpur where he had come from Karnataka. This info I got from

Mr Makhija a septugenarian whom I met recently. As I am from Nagpur, I will try

to locate his publisher and will let you know whether the books are available.

As I understand he has written more than about 30 books. So if you have any

specific requirtement, let me know. This is no problem for me as I too am

trying to get hold of some books by him.



Praveen Kumar

vedic astrology

Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:41 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati

Illuminating discussion. But, 4 points in AV for Sat is not bad. Average for Sat

is 3.25, Sat gives results even with 2 points.


Anybody can help me obtain the books of Late Sh Katwe, noted Marathi astrologer.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)



vedic astrology

Wednesday, April 09, 2003 6:54 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati

Dear Sushmita,With the blessings of Guru Sri Sanjay Rath, Guru Sri Narsimha Rao

and others, I have tried to answer some of your queries to the best of my

knowledge.> 1. Is every Sadesati real bad.No. I have seen some charts of famous

personalities where they have come to power during Sadesati. In every article

that I have read on Sadesati they usually say that whether Sade Sati would be

good or bad depends on the positioning of Saturn and the aspects it receives in

the native's lagna chart.> 2. Which is the worst one, the first 2 and half or

the last.If Sadesati is going to be bad for a native then what I have heard is

that the first 2.5 years are the worst whereas the following 5 years are

comparatively better.> 3. Sat in 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is Sadesati,

does it start as soon as it enters the sign or say somewhere I read that a

learned astrologer called Mr. Katwe has said that it starts at 45 deg before

the position of the longitude of natal moon.I have read this concept somewhere

too. But I don't know if this is the true.> 4. Can sadesati be applied to natal

Lagna, Sun lagna and Arudha lagna also. If yes is their a comparision

scale.Don't know. I would love to hear what Gurujis have to say about this.> 5.

Most imp, what is the most effective remedial measure to ward off the evils of

sadesati.There are two categories of remedies that you can perform to ward-off

the bad effects associated with Sadesati - Spiritual/Devotional and Tantric.In

my personal opinion, I would never recommend somebody to go for tantric

remedies for Sadesati (for example, keeping a horse shoe ring in the house or

keeping a Shani Yantra in the house, et al). I always prefer and recommend

purely devotional/spiritual remedies such as - Going to temple every saturday

and reciting Hanuman Chalisa, reciting Vishnu Sahasra Namam every Saturday (if

not everyday), fasting on saturdays, et al.> 6. As saturn is the karma

signifactor, does it mean that during each sadesati it teaches us some specific

lessons, do the lessons relate to the bhavas or is there some esoteric meaning

to it all.You got it right. Saturn is not evil. It is a teacher who knows how

to punish a notorious student. It teaches us not to do bad. During its transit

through 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon it teaches us that we have to pay for

whatever bad karma we did in the past. It teaches us a very important lesson of

life that for every action (especially bad ones) there is a reaction.> 7. To

judge the effects of Sadesati, how do we co-relate and ascertain Ashtakvarga in

its transit.I have heard people say that whether the sadesati would be severely

bad or not can be seen from the bindus that Saturn has contributed to the rashi

from which it is transiting in Ashtakvarga. If Saturn has contributed less than

4 bindus to the rashi from which it is transiting, then that transit is going

to be pretty bad. But I am sure, Gurujis would have further to say in this

matter.Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

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shine on us .......


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Dear Chandrashekar,


Thanks so much for the explanation, does the lesson which Saturn

teaches changes from house to house (bhava), I am presuming here that

life's lessons are different for each individual.

I mean in effect can the lessons of life be divided into 12 sections,

just a thought here but maybe not correct.

Also, I am trying to contemplate that if one knows the lesson that is

to be taught, one can meditate intensely and internally be ready for

it, thereby reducing the effect of Saturn.

If this be true then westerners who can't recite mantras can use this

tool and help themselves from the harsh lessons of Sadesati.

If the effects of saturn as your post mentioned starts few months

before, so should the remedial measures be done before hand rather

than wait for Saturn to enter the 12th. Pls correct and reassure, if

needed as to whether my thought processes is on the right track.


Warm regards,




vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Sushmita,

> Sadesati is, as you said, said to operate wrt. Moon. Some also

treat similar motion of Saturn wrt Lagna. Sadesati is bad for those

whose ascendant lord is enemy of Saturn, generally. Again, I think,

rather than number the time in one's life when sadesati arives is

relevant. This is because saturn is powerful in late age, in its

effects. The relevant dashas also exagerate or soften the impact of

sadesati. Anyway, to my way of thinking, sadesati is the time when

Saturn teaches the jataka about what is life in reality. When Saturn

is in 12th one tends to speculate or overspend and borrowbeyond his

means. When in 1st his thought process gets disturbed making him take

wrong decisions. When he enters 2nd house the money is all gone and

those who he thought were his friends fast disappear. But he finds

whom he thought his distractors standing by him. This is when he

understands what is life and gains knowledge in real sense of the

world. This is how I look at sadesati. Then he shifts to 3rd and

progress of the Jataka starts, but he is able to retain what ever he

gains due to knowledge that Saturn has given in past 7 and 1/2 years.

> About Katweji's opinion I tend to agree with him. Saturn casts his

shadow three months before he enters a house and gives results,for

the previous house, just as he crosses in to a house. Now as he in

the 11th before actual transit to 12th he is aspecting 1st house and

so, Katweji's statement holds sense. Though whether to treat the

effect commencing from 15 degrees in previous house would depend on

the speed of his movement.

> This of course is my personal opinion and others more learned than

me might differ.

> Chandrashekhar.



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dear rangan,


the place called shani shinganapur in ahmednagar district, maharashtra is

very famous. here there is no temple as such for the idol. the idol is

present as open to sky and only male persons are allowed near idol for

tailaabhishekam. this village has no doors and is very famous as there will

be no thefts though the houses have no doors. for privacy only cloth

curtains are used. this place is close to ahmednagar on

ahmednagar-aurangabad road. from aurangabad it is about 80 kms and from

ahmednagar it is 42 kms.


t. v. rao



"rkrangan" <rkrangan

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, April 09, 2003 8:52 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Sadesati



> Om Gurave Namah

> Om Namo Narayanaya



> Dear Rao


> The occurence of Sade Sathi has nothing to do with any Maha dasa or

> any sub-dasas in operation. It only refers to the period of 7- 1/2

> years during which Saturn will transit 12th, 1st and 2nd from Natal

> Moon.


> On the other hand, if the Maha dasa or sub-dasas are favourable and

> depending on placement of natal Saturn, one can reckon the intensity

> of Sade Sathi period for a native.


> The archives carry some interesting posts on Sade Sathi. You may like

> to refer to them.


> Reciting Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, Worshipping Lord Ayyappan (Sri

> Dharma Sastha) of Sabarimala (in Kerala), Sri Hanuman and Sri

> Saniswaran (Thirunallar in Tamil Nadu) are common but powerful

> remedies to live through Sade Sathi. Reciting Rudram-Chamakam and/or

> Narayana Kavacham are also very powerful remedies for Sade Sathi.

> Offering black dhoti to Lord Saniswaran on Saturday is also a good

> remedy.


> I believe there is an ancient Saniswaran temple somewhere in

> Maharashtra, a visit to which also lessens the impact of Sade Sathi.


> At the end of Sade Sathi, believe me, every native would have learnt

> a lot in this life and he/she would literally begin to like Lord

> Saniswaran. Saturn is undoubtedly a good teacher.


> Best wishes

> R. Kasthuri Rangan












> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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