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Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//

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Chandrashekhar ji Namaste


>I have said student /king feels disturbed in presence of the Guru,

>him being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.


This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

non-astrological sense as well why would student feel 'distrubed' in

the presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's place.

i.e. School but when Guru has come to the student house why student

should feel distrubed? I suppose it should be a occasion to

celebrate. Your argument is valid only if student has gone to Gurus

place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think of

anything that his Guru does not like. So there is no question

of 'distrubed' feeling for the student. So when Guru goes to a House

(student) it must get protection from the Guru. The capabilities of

the House should become more expressive with the blessings from the

Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not harmful) but

certainly not when in your house.When I said all Gurus except

Krishna faild I wanted to say that in all the incidences of

Mahabharat whenever there was a conflict between 'good' and 'bad' in

the presence of the Gurus, 'bad' prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan,

Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several other things can be put,

where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these things happened.

Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna did

not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas mind to fight.


As far as Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is absolutly

nothing wrong in Arjunas reaction. Krishna never said not to grief

on the death of near and dear ones. Rather in the VAlmiki Ranmayana

Rama himself grieved like a child so much so that Lakshaman had to

say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the death of near

and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium of

expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...".

he said with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka then

it would be clear.


SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |

tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||


Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss), Jaya-PArajaya as same

you should be ready for the war.


So when your relatives are ready for the war you should not act as a

klib. you should not feel grief on these relatives. But that does

not mean that Arjuna should not haved greived over the death of his

own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna expressed any grief

over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed the war then it

could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary Krishna has

further said


"Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|

shariyatrapi cha te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"


So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting knowledge to Arjuna

and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because Krishna (guru)

was with him.



Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.








vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandar,

> You are again missing the point. I have not said that student does


> bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in presence of the

Guru, him

> being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma. Thus the house

does not

> express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta while indicating

effect of

> Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that the example is

meant only

> to amplify the concept and the example, though based on


> concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I do not

understand the

> concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata.


> shishyas might have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna.

You know

> that I do not generally enter into debates based on perception of

> scriptures. But let me make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having


> Read Bhagvadgita and see what te Lord told him to achieve. The

lord asked

> him to be a Yogi and described attributes of Yogi. This


> Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and


> death to Jayadratha before the Sun sets, a situation out of which

the Lord

> had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and

those of

> others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama

he grieved

> again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed

to impart

> knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has


> understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru


> represented by Jupiter.

> Hope this helps.

> Chandrashekhar.


> amolmandar [amolmandar]

> Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:15 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

destroying the

> house it and Saturn Protects//



> Chandrashekharji NAmaste


> Yes there was no explicit reference of student/king as bad but


> I thought was implicit towards classifying student/king as bad.


> > > something which the Guru forbids being bad.


> So even if we now take the last post still I am not clear about

> student/king as house and its youth and bad activity. What is the

> youth of a house? And what bad it performs which Guru being


> their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru fails because of


> and lack of courage? MAhabharat is the best example. Every Guru

> except for Shri Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of either


> these qualities . SO when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is with you,


> are bound to succeed. But the company of semi-guru will create

> problems. Astrology I suppose must be considering Guru as ideal


> That is why I feel,Guru should never fail.



> Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


> AmolMAndar

> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> <boxdel> wrote:

> > Dear Amol Mandar,

> > Read the previous mail carefully again. I have not said that

> Student/King is

> > bad. I have said to see what student / king feel about a

> displinarian Guru

> > living with him, though he understands that the lessons are for

> his own

> > good.

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> >

> > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

> destroying the

> > house it and Saturn Protects//

> >

> >

> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste

> >

> > Now some confusion. In the analogy of student/king and

> > teacher/minister why do we consider by default,student or


> > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru in that


> > protect their good and at least should not spoil the effect.

> > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the presence


> Guru,

> > student would be interested in doing something bad? A good

> student

> > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru should

> enhance

> > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas


> If

> > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas without. As it


> fail

> > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru should have that


> > discremination power. Or is it that in the case of Susthanas


> > with good student Guru fails because of his elevated ego? In


> > case we can say that Guru will always fail. In the company of

> good

> > student because of his big EGO and in the company of bad


> > because of his lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if


> is

> > really bad then Guru must make him good and in the case of


> > student Guru must appriciate student.

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> >

> > AmolMAndar

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar


> > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > Dear Amolmandar,

> > > I will give you an example outside astrology and


> > represents

> > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher tells that which is

> right.

> > Students

> > > many a times feel unconfortable in the presence of the


> as he

> > > monitors their behaviour, specially if in their youth they

> want to

> > do

> Simialr is the case with

> > the king

> > > whose ministers forbids him from doing something that is

> against

> > RajDharma.

> > > Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the

> student/King

> > and

> > > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house would


> clear.

> > > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at


> at it

> > in order

> > > to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles


> given

> > to us as

> > > such without the reasons behind them. We have to apply our

> Viveka

> > to fathom

> > > the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold different


> > > Hope this helps understand the concept.

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM

> > > vedic astrology

> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable


> > destroying the

> > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > >

> > >

> > > Chandrashekharji Namste

> > >

> > > As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just

> slight

> > doubt.

> > > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma (not religion)


> it

> > is as

> > > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually


> > Hence

> > > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru

> should also

> > > never fail. Then why it fails with respect to house? Does


> > play

> > > any role in this?

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > >

> > > AmolMAndar

> > >

> > >

> > > Sponsor

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Group info: vedic-

> astrology/info.html

> > >

> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-

> >

> > >

> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Terms


> > Service.

> > >

> > > ---

> > > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> > > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> > > Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date:


> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Group info: vedic-

> astrology/info.html

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> > ---

> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> > Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03



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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Dear Amolmandar,

I had already said that the example of Guru/student/king is an aside from

astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation of Bhagvadgita.Could you

intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva shochastvam pradnyavadasch

bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha nanushochanti panditah"? Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and

the subsequent shlokas 15,28 and so on. It would ,indeed, be interesting to see

the interpretation of these.

I am aware that there are many interpretations of the Holy Gita and that

sometimes people like to distort it to suit their meaning to the circumstances.

However this does not add to knowledge which we seek. I have seen people

claiming someone's being happy on receiving news of death of other as a mark of

yogi per Gita. I do not find the Lord saying this anywhere.

Anyway since you have decided that Jupiter helps the house in which he is

situated, without exception it is your prerogative and I would not like to

comment on it. I had only given what has been stated by Sages.

Hope this helps


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji Namaste>I have said student /king feels

disturbed in presence of the Guru, >him being a displinaranian regarding study

and Dharma.This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

non-astrological sense as well why would student feel 'distrubed' in the

presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's place. i.e. School but

when Guru has come to the student house why student should feel distrubed? I

suppose it should be a occasion to celebrate. Your argument is valid only if

student has gone to Gurus place. When Guru has come to your place student will

never think of anything that his Guru does not like. So there is no question of

'distrubed' feeling for the student. So when Guru goes to a House(student) it

must get protection from the Guru. The capabilities of the House should become

more expressive with the blessings from the Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha'

unfavorable( and not harmful) but certainly not when in your house.When I said

all Gurus except Krishna faild I wanted to say that in all the incidences of

Mahabharat whenever there was a conflict between 'good' and 'bad' in the

presence of the Gurus, 'bad' prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan, Dyuta-krida,

Abhimanyu Vadha, and several other things can be put, where, in the presence of

all learned gurus, these things happened. Possibly because of their lack of

courage or big Ego. Krishna did not fail because of Gita. He could change

Arjunas mind to fight.As far as Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is

absolutly nothing wrong in Arjunas reaction. Krishna never said not to grief on

the death of near and dear ones. Rather in the VAlmiki Ranmayana Rama himself

grieved like a child so much so that Lakshaman had to say some strong words to

Rama. To express grief at the death of near and dear is a must for every

grihastha. The intensity and medium of expression may vary. when Krishna said

"Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...". he said with reference to Yudha. If we see the

complete shloka then it would be clear.SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo

Jayajayoo |tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||Treating

Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss), Jaya-PArajaya as same you should be ready

for the war. So when your relatives are ready for the war you should not act as

a klib. you should not feel grief on these relatives. But that does not mean

that Arjuna should not haved greived over the death of his own son with whom he

had no fights. HAd Arjuna expressed any grief over the death of relatives whom

he himelf killed the war then it could have been failure of Krishna. On the

contarary Krishna has further said "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo

ayhakarmanaH|shariyatrapi cha te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"So I think Krishna has

not failed in imparting knowledge to Arjuna and neither Arjuna failed in

implementing it because Krishna (guru) was with him. Thanks a lot for your Time

and Space.AmolMAndarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> You are again missing the

point. I have not said that student does anything> bad. I have said student

/king feels disturbed in presence of the Guru, him> being a displinaranian

regarding study and Dharma. Thus the house does not> express itself fully hence

the specific Bharashta while indicating effect of> Guru's joining a house. I

have already stated that the example is meant only> to amplify the concept and

the example, though based on astrological> concepts is not from an astrological

work. Again I do not understand the> concept of all Gurus other than Krishna

failing in Mahabharata. Their> shishyas might have failed as indeed they did

including Arjuna. You know> that I do not generally enter into debates based on

perception of> scriptures. But let me make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having

failed.> Read Bhagvadgita and see what te Lord told him to achieve. The lord

asked> him to be a Yogi and described attributes of Yogi. This included"Sukha>

Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and swore> death

to Jayadratha before the Sun sets, a situation out of which the Lord> had to

retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and those of> others, at end

of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama he grieved> again.Now would

you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed to impart> knowledge about the

indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has to> understand the difference

between physical Guru and the Guru principle> represented by Jupiter.> Hope

this helps.> Chandrashekhar.> > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:15 PM> To:

vedic astrology> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is //

Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and Saturn Protects//> > >

Chandrashekharji NAmaste> > Yes there was no explicit reference of

student/king as bad but tone> I thought was implicit towards classifying

student/king as bad.> > > > something which the Guru forbids being bad.> >

So even if we now take the last post still I am not clear about> student/king

as house and its youth and bad activity. What is the> youth of a house? And

what bad it performs which Guru being placed> their forbids it to do so? Dont

you think Guru fails because of ego> and lack of courage? MAhabharat is the

best example. Every Guru> except for Shri Krishna, failed in Mahabharat

because of either of> these qualities . SO when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is

with you, you> are bound to succeed. But the company of semi-guru will

create> problems. Astrology I suppose must be considering Guru as ideal one.>

That is why I feel,Guru should never fail.> > > Thanks a lot for your Time

and Space.> > AmolMAndar> vedic astrology,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> <boxdel> wrote:> > Dear Amol Mandar,> >

Read the previous mail carefully again. I have not said that> Student/King

is> > bad. I have said to see what student / king feel about a>

displinarian Guru> > living with him, though he understands that the lessons

are for> his own> > good.> > Chandrashekhar.> >> > -----Original

Message-----> > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > Sent:

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM> > vedic astrology>

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of> destroying

the> > house it and Saturn Protects//> >> >> > Chandrashekhar ji

Namaste> >> > Now some confusion. In the analogy of student/king and>

> teacher/minister why do we consider by default,student or king> > as

'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru in that should> > protect

their good and at least should not spoil the effect.> > Moreover, why

should we asume that everytime in the presence of> Guru,> > student would

be interested in doing something bad? A good> student> > i.e. good house

i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru should> enhance> > its capability.

Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas capabilty.> If> > in Susthanas with

consent and in Dusthanas without. As it would> fail> > to make 'bad'

student 'good'. At least Guru should have that much> > discremination

power. Or is it that in the case of Susthanas i.e.> > with good student

Guru fails because of his elevated ego? In that> > case we can say that

Guru will always fail. In the company of> good> > student because of his

big EGO and in the company of bad student> > because of his lack of

courage. As a matter of fact, if student> is> > really bad then Guru

must make him good and in the case of good> > student Guru must appriciate

student.> >> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >> >

AmolMAndar> >> >> > vedic astrology,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel> wrote:> > > Dear Amolmandar,>

> > I will give you an example outside astrology and religion.Guru> >

represents> > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher tells that which is>

right.> > Students> > > many a times feel unconfortable in the presence

of the Teacher> as he> > > monitors their behaviour, specially if in their

youth they> want to> > do> Simialr is the case with> > the king> >

> whose ministers forbids him from doing something that is> against> >

RajDharma.> > > Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the>

student/King> > and> > > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the

house would be> clear.> > > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my

way at looking> at it> > in order> > > to understand why this

happens, and the Sages' principles are> given> > to us as> > > such

without the reasons behind them. We have to apply our> Viveka> > to

fathom> > > the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold different views.>

> > Hope this helps understand the concept.> > > Chandrashekhar.> >

> > > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > > Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM> >

> vedic astrology> > > [vedic astrology]

Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of> > destroying the> > > house it and

Saturn Protects//> > >> > >> > > Chandrashekharji Namste> >

>> > > As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just> slight>

> doubt.> > > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma (not religion)

and> it> > is as> > > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but

usually fails.> > Hence> > > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never

fails. So Guru> should also> > > never fail. Then why it fails with

respect to house? Does> MAYA> > play> > > any role in this?> >

>> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> > >> > >

AmolMAndar> > >> > >> > > Sponsor> > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> > >> > >

To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > >

> >> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > >> >

> > > >> > >

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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> > > Version:

6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> >> >> >

Sponsor> > > >> >> >> >> >

Archives: vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat

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Dear Chandrashekhar,


Thank you for this thread. I realize it's not easy to clearly get point accross

in complex issues like this one is- My understanding is- Ju can be both 'papa'

and 'benefic', depending on H.Lordship and aspects. And it's quite a success

that you've lead this thread without falling into black and white trap.


As a result, I also understand better your point, you've consistently

communicated to us, re bravity of shlokas- Ju in 1st for Ta and Ge /for

example/ brings benefits to fifth and seventh house, but not first . It seems

to be easily verifiable.

Thank you for all of this,




Best Regards,

AnnaChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Pradeep,

If you remember my posts on various subjects on this list, you will remember

that I have said, it is very easy to ignore that which faces you and

concentrate on only one factor. This leads one to draw wrong conclusions. In

the case of Jupiter in 1st house your question though right, misses out on one

important fact. This is that Jupiter in 1st aspects 5th 7th and 9th. Look at

the names given to these houses and the answer is obvious. I have already said

that Jupiter's aaspect protects whereas Saturn's ( barring exception already

mentioned earlier) harms.



[vijayadas_pradeep ]Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:49 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter

capable of destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//Dear

ChandrashekarjiThanks for the detailed reply.So i understand jeevaha and

mandaha references are jupiter and saturn respectively.No statement can stand

own its own.What is the circumstance in which this shloka is told by Parashara.

Jupiter placement in first house(in own sign) ofcourse puts one under tremendous

pressure to be just to everyone and react fast to things which one think are not

correct.Thus this placement might help others more, than the self, atleast in

certain aspects(because you have to lose something to balance

the other)But at the same time i should say this gives one great craving for

knowledge and also the blessing named luck.Really helps fifth and ninth

houses.So i feel though there are difficulties due to the strictness,overall it

is a blessing,if in strength plus other factors .The brevity of sanskrit is

amazing.Also your statement ' Guru for Sagittarius' is neutral - keeps me

thinking.Plus Papa for some 6 rashis!Thanks a lotPradeep--- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:>

Dear Pradeep.> It is "Sthana bhrashta karoti jeevaha. sthana rakshati

mandaha.". I have not> said that Jupiter damages all indications of a house.

Astrology is not a> mathematical science, though projected as such by many. The

Astrologer has> to assess the chart as a whole and arrive at the impact the

relative> planetary position will have

on the horoscope as a whole.> > About 2nd house placement of Jupiter , it does

cause problems to 2nd house> unless placed in his own Rasi.About his placement

in 1st house ,as you say> you have own experience.> > I have nowhere said that

nature of Guru is Bhrashtra. I have said that Guru> causes the indication of

the sthana in which he is placed to become> blemished(Bharashtra).I am

emphasising on word Bhrashta, because that is> what the shloka says and its

translation into english is indeed difficult. I> look at astrological

principles from an analytical point of view. I> ,generally, do not try to

associate them with Scriptural stories.> > The reason is that the meaning

depends on one's own interpretation of> scriptures.And believe me they are

capable of different interpretations,> because of brevity of Sanskrit language.

The sanskrit grammar has

undergone> many changes over the thousands of years that it has been in

existence. It> is said " Laksham Vyakaranam Proktam, Chaturlaksham Tu

Jyotisham."> > However some tend to think that the planets have fixed nature (

and they> might have their own experiences to believe such), whereas the

nature> vis-a-vis a Jataka would depend on many factors such as house

ownership,> placement,aspects, Varga positions and so on.> > The theory being

advanced that Jupiter always protects, though attractive> does not explain why

his place ment in 5th in strength is harmful to getting> progeny or 2nd house

placement gives not favourable results. It also tends> to ridicule the Great

parashara who says that Jupiter is said to be "Papa" a> malefic for

Taurus,Gemini,Virgo,Libra,Capricorn and Aquarius.In addition ,> the reason of

his being neutral to his Moola

trikona Rasi Sagitarius as> stated by parashara would be wrong if we accept the

hypothessis of Jupiter> being auscpicious no matter what and where.> > You

could find out whether the principle is right or wrong by applying to> real

life charts. This is the only way to ascertain whether a hypothesis is> correct

or not.> > Hope this helps,> Chandrashekhar.> > > >

vijayadas_pradeep [vijayadas_pradeep]> Friday, August

29, 2003 9:50 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > > Dear chandrashekar ji> > Could you kindly quote the

shloka related to guru.This is just out> of curiosity.>

> Then from your mails i have understood that,you are very particular> about

the 'Bhrashta' while speaking about jupiter.> > I believe apart from

understanding the inherent meaning, you might> be having some experience

related to the Guru and Bhrashta,perhaps> with people whom you know well.> >

If you could quote some real life experiences it would become more> useful.>

Because if we consider a person having jupiter in 2nd house - The> person

should have problem related to money> savings,speech,family,and other aspects

reprsntd by 2nd house.How is> this possible for all the aspects?> > I am

totally with you regarding the strictness which guru might> impose on the

houses in which he is placed - at

least regarding> first house (because of own experience,also forming hamsa

yoga).> > But again first house represents ->

physique,appearance,intellect,complexion,happiness etc.But could you> explain

how or why gurus prescence should result in damage of all> these aspects.> >

I dont want to conclude anything for me.I want to wait and> understand what

the sages have said.> > So from your experience and knowledge i am trying to

gain some real> understanding regarding this.> > Also Zoranjis mail was

conveying the message - one should> differentiate the nature of the planets

from other factors.> But i understood from your mails that the very nature of

guru is> resulting in 'Bhrashta'.So how do we relate

this.> > regds & thanks> Pradeep> > --- In

vedic astrology, Zoran Radosavljevic> <ahimsa@N...> wrote:>

> Om Namo Narayanaya,> > Dear Chandrakeshar,> > I see.. I was relying upon a

subject.. This hypotesyse given as> the> > subject " Jupiter capable of

destroying the house it and Saturn> > protects" is highly dubious and should

not be followed...> > Best wishes> > Zoran> >> > Chandrashekhar Sharma

wrote:> >> > > Dear Zoran,> > >> > > You are perhaps misinterpreting

the Sanskrita word Guru with the> word> > > Guru

as planet used in the original post.I was just trying to> clear> > > the

misunderstanding when Guru as in planet was being taken as> Gur as> > > in

the master by explaining the principles from both the> hypothesis.> > >>

> > Regards,> > >> > > Chandrashekhar.> > >> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa@N...]> > >

Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:50 AM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > Re: [vedic astrology] Re:

Why is // Jupiter

capable> of> > > destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//> > >>

> > Om Namo Narayanaya,> > > Dear Chandrakeshar and members,> > >

Sorry for butting in so abrubtly without the following of the> > >

previous mails... It has been experience among my students> and> > >

those who learn Jyotish> > > that some basic confusion is very strong.

One should never> mix> > > the natural tendency of a Graha and

functional role of the> Graha..> >

> Natural benefics as Guru who is the Bhagwan of the chart will> > >

NEVER harm any point but on the contrary will IMPROVE all> points> > >

he touches> > > in the chart by means of his NATURE. However, each graha

has> a> > > role and different states. For instance, such guru may

rule> 8th> > > house which is> > > Randra or the vulnarable

place, the worst house. It is akin> to a> > > good person having a

negative role. E.G> suppose, a good> neigbhour> >

> has to tell you that> > > someone who is dear has passed away... it

will never change> his> > > nature, he will still remain a good

neigbour.. Furthermore,> graha> > > may give bad results even if

benefic if placed in bad> avastas.> > > However, it doesnot again

change its nature.. The malefic> results> > > are given due to graha

bad mood. Thus, if guru gives bad> results, it> > > may give only on

the bases of its rulership of bad houses, or> > > being placed in bad

avastas. It can never change his

natural> > > benefic tendency..> > > Hope this may help> > >

Best wishes> > > Zoran> > >> > > Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:>

> >> > >> Dear Pradeep,> > >>> > >> The analogy of student/king

is misunderstood. It was an> aside to> > >> the main topic and just to

understand the idea of why the> > >> student's hous e would feel

unconfortable by presence of> Guru.> > >>> >

>> It is well to understand that the results that Jupiter will> give> >

>> in each case would vary depending on his house lordship and> house>

> >> of placement. However the streak of damage(Bhrashta) to the> house>

> >> would remain, though modified.If he house is bad the results> > >>

could actually be good as the bad efects get lessened.> > >>> > >>

Chandrashekhar.> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> -----Original

Message-----> >

>> vijayadas_pradeep [> vijayadas_pradeep ]> > >>

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:39 AM> > >> To:

vedic astrology> > >> [vedic astrology] Re:

Why is // Jupiter> capable of> > >> destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//> > >>> > >> Dear Chandrashekar ji> > >>> > >>

This suggestion is really good.> >

>> I too feel one should learn astrology from the original> textual>

> >> language or its derivatives, after reading your mail.> > >>> >

>> But now after seeing your mail for amol ji,i am still> having> >

>> some> > >> doubts.> > >>> > >> As you have

said, even though your example-regarding> > >> student,guru> >

>> and all cannot be generalised - I am taking that> example to> >

>> clear my> > >> doubts.> > >>> > >> Here i

believe the nature of the students and guru has> to be> > >>

considered - Similarly the king and minister.> > >>> > >> If both

are of the same nature - then no one has to> > >> suffer,'Bhrashta'.>

> >>

1)Similarly if jupiter is placed in a friendly house or> > >> deeptha

or> > >> swakshethra - harmony is not troubled ,under normal> > >>

circumstances.> > >>> > >> 2)But as the lagna or the

individual is subject to> various> > >> influences within the chart

- there can be disharmony.> > >>> > >> Hence do you consider my

point(1) as haaving some> relevance?> >

>> or shld we always give importance only to point (2).> > >>> > >>

Please pardon me from asking questions like this as i> am no> > >>

person> > >> to debate with you - either by knowledge or age.>

> >>> > >> Thanks again> > >> Pradeep> > >>> > >>> >

>>> > >> vedic-> astrology ,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > >> <boxdel> wrote:> > >> >

Dear Pradeep,> > >> > The confusion arises because of the fact that

some> > >> Sanskrita words> > >> loose> > >> >

their import when translated to English. The shloka> does> > >> not

say> > >> Damage or> > >> >

Harm. It says"Bhrashta". The word has different> conotations> > >>

depending on the> > >> > context. Like Sthanabhrashta would be

something like> > >> loosing one's> > >> place> > >>

> whereas Sheelabhrashta would mean one whose moral are> > >>

loose. The> > >> same when> > >> > said to be done by other

would mean harming or>

damaging> > >> other's> > >> modesty.> > >> >

Limitations of the language does sometimes pose a> problem in> > >>

conveyance of> > >> > the corect meaning of sanskrita words. This is

why I> have said> > >> many a times> > >> > that

Astrology is better understood if one learns it> in> > >>

Sanskrit> > >> or Sanskrit> > >> > based Indian languages.>

> >> > Hope this helps,> > >> > Chandrashekhar.> > >>

> > > >> > vijayadas_pradeep [>

vijayadas_pradeep@y ...]> > >> > Tuesday, August 26,

2003 7:38 PM> > >> > To:

vedic astrology> > >> > [vedic astrology]

Re: Why is // Jupiter> capable of> > >> destroying the> > >>

> house it and Saturn Protects//> > >> >> > >> >> > >>

> Dear Chandrashekar ji> > >> >> > >> > I now

understand why Jupiter placement can result in> >

>> difficult> > >> > outcomes.> > >> >> > >>

> Do you mean to say if jupiter is placed in> puthrasthana> > >>

,then the> > >> > individuals can be intelligent but their

children> will> > >> suffer.This is> > >> > just to

make sure, if i have understood your> example.>

> >> >> > >> > But i have one slight difference in opinion>

regarding the> > >> statement -> > >> > 'Jupiter destroys

or harms'.> > >> >> > >> > This statement makes us puzzled

about the meaning> > >> vis-a-vis the> > >> > nature of

Jupiter.> >

>> >> > >> > Because when we say it destroys - it means

jupiter's> > >> action was> > >> > intented towards

destruction.But that is not the> > >> case.Jupiter> > >>

tends> > >> > to stick to principles even during adverse>

situations.This> > >> behaviour> > >>

> makes him unable to protect.But his intention was> never to> > >>

destroy> > >> > nor the behaviour deserves destruction.> > >>

>> > >> > But if you take another example> > >> >

When Ravana abducted Sita ,his behaviour deserved> > >> destruction.>

> >> >> > >> > Though both the

behaviours resulted(ends) in the> > >> destruction of> > >>

> the 'houses',the means are not the same.> > >> >> > >>

> Hence i believe if we say Jupiter is unable to> protect> > >>

the house> > >> in> > >> > which it is placed,during all

circumstances, it> becomes less> > >> ambigue

-> > >> > vis-a-vis its nature,because destruction was never>

intended.> > >> >> > >> > Though the end result is same i

feel there is a> > >> difference in the> > >> > inherent

meaning.> > >> >> > >> > Kindly correct me if i am

wrong.> > >> >> >

>> > Also should one learn something from this lesson -> to> > >>

live in> > >> Kali> > >> > Yuga!> > >> >>

> >> > Thanks and respect> > >> > Pradeep> > >>

>> > >> > vedic-> astrology ,

"Chandrashekhar> > >> Sharma"> > >> > <boxdel>

wrote:> > >> > > Dear Pradeep,> > >> > > Certain

principles are given by the sages and are> found> > >> to be> >

>> true> > >> > in their> > >> > > application.

Having said that, have you observed>

that the> > >> children> > >> > living> > >> >

> with highly intelligent parents rarely suceed?> This is> > >>

what> > >> happens> > >> > with> > >> > >

Jupiter placement in a house. You will also> not ,if one> > >>

wants> >

>> to go> > >> > to> > >> > > Puranas that

Deva's abode was attacked by the> Daanaavas> > >> more> > >>

often> > >> > than> > >> > > other way round, though

Brihaspati resided there.> Devas> > >> invariably> > >>

> got> > >> > > defeated and had to be rescued by Mahadeva,>

Vishnu,> > >> Durga etc.> > >> > Saturn> > >> >

> usually sided with the danavas and his samdharmi> Rahu> > >> was

their> > >> > Senapati.> > >> > > About Saturn being

good in bad houses has to do> with his> >

>> ability to> > >> > protect.> > >> > > He

protects one from bad indications of that> house.> > >> These are>

> >> my> > >> > personal> > >> > > opinions and

other worthies might have different> opinions.> > >> > >

Chandrashekhar.> >

>> > >> > >> > > ----> > >>

> >> > >> > > vedic astrology> > >>

> > Monday, August 25, 2003 08:17:02 PM> > >> > > To:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Subject:

[vedic astrology] Why is // Jupiter> capable of> >

>> destroying> > >> > the house> > >> > > it and

Saturn Protects//> > >> > >> > >> > > Dear Chandrashekar

ji and learned members.> > >> > >> > >> > > I have seen

from the archives ,where you had> > >> participated in> > >>


> > discussions,that Jupiter has the capacity to> destroy> > >>

the bhava> > >> in> > >> > > which> > >> > >

it is placed and Saturn Protects.> > >> > >> > >> > >

Here I have some queries.> > >> > >> > >> > > What is

the reason for a benevolent

planet like> jupiter> > >> to try> > >> and> > >>

> > harm> > >> > > or destroy.> > >> > >> > >>

> > Also i have read that saturn can be good in bad> houses> > >>

(6,8,12> > >> > etc) -> >

>> > > because ,saturn by nature is bad and hence bad> and bad> >

>> > > (negative,negative results in positive) should> bring> >

>> good. But> > >> if> > >> > > saturn> > >>

> > can protect all the houses where it is> placed ,then the> > >>

above> > >> > >

statement> > >> > > loses ist significance.Pls correct if my>

understanding> > >> of this> > >> > > 'negative-negative'

is wrong.> > >> > >> > >> > > When i try to understand

the nature of jupiter -> I feel> > >> it can> > >> test>

> >> > >

the> > >> > > individual always on the path of life,which can be>

> >> painfull and> > >> > hard> > >> > > as>

> >> > > well at times. Why is this? Is it because such an> > >>

individual> > >> can> > >> > > combat> >

>> > > the tests and hardships,as jupiter gives him lots> of> > >>

patience> > >> and> > >> > > other> > >>

> > mental strengths or more concern for others? Am i> right?> > >>

> >> > >> > > But why is it trying to destroy?> > >> >

>> >

>> > > Also doesn't other considerations like> > >>

strength,position etc> > >> come> > >> > > into> > >>

> > play while deciding on this?> > >> > >> > >> >

> If you can explain the inherent nature of> Jupiter, by> > >>

virtue of> >

>> > > which> > >> > > it> > >> > > is trying

to behave like this, it would be> helpful.> > >> > >> > >>

> > Moreover i can give input on my real experiences> (good> > >>

and bad)> > >> > about> > >> > > jupiter placed in

ascendant.> > >> > >> > >> > > Thanks a lot> > >>

> > Pradeep> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >

>> > >> > > Sponsor> > >> > >> > >>


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It seems 'age gap' here prevents us from understanding!

People of my age, and older than me, I guess, can easily

see the point in this statement:

'>I have said student /king feels disturbed in presence of the Guru, >him being

a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma."In presence of Guru /master

teacher/ we used to feel a special type of 'discomfort' about what we know and

how much we've learnt, for HE may/is request more. And sure that goes with

pleasure of having HIM with us.


I still feel that 'respect and distance out of respect' for my professors even

though I am no longer 'lower' in my knowledge, at least officially :)I will

stop now,

before I carry this too far,

and say, 'new generations don't have enough respect for anything',

as we all have heard at one time or another!








amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji Namaste>I have said student /king feels

disturbed in presence of the Guru, >him being a displinaranian regarding study

and Dharma.This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

non-astrological sense as well why would student feel 'distrubed' in the

presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's place. i.e. School but

when Guru has come to the student house why student should feel distrubed? I

suppose it should be a occasion to celebrate. Your argument is valid only if

student has gone to Gurus

place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think of anything

that his Guru does not like. So there is no question of 'distrubed' feeling for

the student. So when Guru goes to a House(student) it must get protection from

the Guru. The capabilities of the House should become more expressive with the

blessings from the Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not harmful)

but certainly not when in your house.When I said all Gurus except Krishna faild

I wanted to say that in all the incidences of Mahabharat whenever there was a

conflict between 'good' and 'bad' in the presence of the Gurus, 'bad'

prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan, Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several

other things can be put, where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these

things happened. Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna

did not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas mind to fight.As far as

Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is absolutly nothing wrong in Arjunas

reaction. Krishna never said not to grief on the death of near and dear ones.

Rather in the VAlmiki Ranmayana Rama himself grieved like a child so much so

that Lakshaman had to say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the

death of near and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium

of expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...". he said

with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka then it would be

clear.SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa

naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss),

Jaya-PArajaya as same you should be ready for the war. So when your relatives

are ready for the war you should not act as a klib. you should not feel grief

on these relatives. But that does not mean that Arjuna should not haved

greived over the death of his own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna

expressed any grief over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed the war

then it could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary Krishna has

further said "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|shariyatrapi cha

te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting

knowledge to Arjuna and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because

Krishna (guru) was with him. Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar---

In vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel>

wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> You are again missing the point. I have not said that

student does anything> bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in

presence of the Guru, him> being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.

Thus the house does

not> express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta while indicating effect

of> Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that the example is meant

only> to amplify the concept and the example, though based on astrological>

concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I do not understand the>

concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata. Their> shishyas

might have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna. You know> that I do not

generally enter into debates based on perception of> scriptures. But let me

make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having failed.> Read Bhagvadgita and see

what te Lord told him to achieve. The lord asked> him to be a Yogi and

described attributes of Yogi. This included"Sukha> Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still

he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and swore> death to Jayadratha before the Sun

sets, a situation out of

which the Lord> had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and

those of> others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama he

grieved> again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed to

impart> knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has to>

understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru principle>

represented by Jupiter.> Hope this helps.> Chandrashekhar.> -----Original

Message-----> amolmandar [amolmandar]> Thursday,

August 28, 2003 12:15 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > Chandrashekharji NAmaste> > Yes there was no

explicit reference of student/king as bad but tone> I thought was implicit

towards classifying student/king as bad.> > > > something which the Guru

forbids being bad.> > So even if we now take the last post still I am not

clear about> student/king as house and its youth and bad activity. What is

the> youth of a house? And what bad it performs which Guru being placed>

their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru fails because of ego> and lack

of courage? MAhabharat is the best example. Every Guru> except for Shri

Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of either of> these qualities . SO

when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is with you, you> are bound to succeed. But the

company of semi-guru will create> problems. Astrology

I suppose must be considering Guru as ideal one.> That is why I feel,Guru

should never fail.> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >

AmolMAndar> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma">

<boxdel> wrote:> > Dear Amol Mandar,> > Read the previous mail

carefully again. I have not said that> Student/King is> > bad. I have said

to see what student / king feel about a> displinarian Guru> > living with

him, though he understands that the lessons are for> his own> > good.> >

Chandrashekhar.> >> > > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM> >

vedic astrology> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter capable of> destroying the> > house it and Saturn Protects//>

>> >> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> >> > Now some confusion. In the

analogy of student/king and> > teacher/minister why do we consider by

default,student or king> > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru

in that should> > protect their good and at least should not spoil the

effect.> > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the

presence of> Guru,> > student would be interested in doing something bad?

A good> student> > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru

should> enhance> > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas

capabilty.> If> > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas without. As

it would> fail> > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru should have

that much> > discremination power. Or is it that in the case of Susthanas

i.e.> > with good student Guru fails because of his elevated ego? In that>

> case we can say that Guru will always fail. In the company of>

good> > student because of his big EGO and in the company of bad student>

> because of his lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if student> is> >

really bad then Guru must make him good and in the case of good> > student

Guru must appriciate student.> >> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.>

>> > AmolMAndar> >> >> > vedic astrology,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel> wrote:> > > Dear Amolmandar,>

> > I will give you an example outside astrology and

religion.Guru> > represents> > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher

tells that which is> right.> > Students> > > many a times feel

unconfortable in the presence of the Teacher> as he> > > monitors their

behaviour, specially if in their youth they> want to> > do> Simialr is

the case with> > the king> > > whose ministers forbids him from doing

something that is> against> > RajDharma.> > > Now imagine House where

Jupiter is posited being the> student/King> > and>

> > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house would be> clear.>

> > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at looking> at it> >

in order> > > to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles

are> given> > to us as> > > such without the reasons behind them. We

have to apply our> Viveka> > to fathom> > > the logic behind it.Other

worthies might hold different views.> > > Hope this helps understand the

concept.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > >

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why

is // Jupiter capable of> > destroying the> > > house it and Saturn

Protects//> > >> > >> > > Chandrashekharji Namste> > >> >

> As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just> slight> >

doubt.> > > It is said many times

that Guru is Dharma (not religion) and> it> > is as> > > well said

that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails.> > Hence> > >

Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru> should also> > >

never fail. Then why it fails with respect to house? Does> MAYA> > play>

> > any role in this?> > >> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> > >> > > AmolMAndar> >

>> > >> > > Sponsor> > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> > >> > >

To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-> > > > >> > > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > >> > > || Om Tat Sat ||

Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> > >> > > Your use of

Groups is subject to the Terms of> > Service.> > >> > > --->

> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> > > Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> > > Version: 6.0.512 /

Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> >> >> >

Sponsor> > > >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> >> > To

UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > >>

> ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

the Terms of> Service.> >> > ---> > Outgoing mail is certified

Virus Free.> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).>

> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> > >

Sponsor> > > > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >

Terms of Service.> > ---> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database:

309 - Release 8/19/03Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......




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Dear Chandrashekhar,


Thank you for this thread. I realize it's not easy to clearly get point accross

in complex issues like this one is- My understanding is- Ju can be both 'papa'

and 'benefic', depending on H.Lordship and aspects. And it's quite a success

that you've lead this thread without falling into black and white trap.


As a result, I also understand better your point, you've consistently

communicated to us, re bravity of shlokas- Ju in 1st for Ta and Ge /for

example/ brings benefits to fifth and seventh house, but not first . It seems

to be easily verifiable.

Thank you for all of this,




Best Regards,

AnnaChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Amolmandar,

I had already said that the example of Guru/student/king is an aside from

astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation of Bhagvadgita.Could you

intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva shochastvam pradnyavadasch

bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha nanushochanti panditah"? Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and

the subsequent shlokas 15,28 and so on. It would ,indeed, be interesting to see

the interpretation of these.

I am aware that there are many interpretations of the Holy Gita and that

sometimes people like to distort it to suit their meaning to the circumstances.

However this does not add to knowledge which we seek. I have seen people

claiming someone's being happy on receiving news of death of other as a mark of

yogi per Gita. I do not find the Lord saying this anywhere.

Anyway since you have decided that Jupiter helps the house in which he is

situated, without exception it is your prerogative and I would not like to

comment on it. I had only given what has been stated by Sages.

Hope this helps


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji Namaste>I have said student /king feels

disturbed in presence of the Guru, >him being a displinaranian regarding study

and Dharma.This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

non-astrological sense as well why would student feel 'distrubed' in the

presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's place. i.e. School but

when Guru has come to the student house why student should feel distrubed? I

suppose it should be a occasion to celebrate. Your argument is valid only if

student has gone to Gurus

place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think of anything

that his Guru does not like. So there is no question of 'distrubed' feeling for

the student. So when Guru goes to a House(student) it must get protection from

the Guru. The capabilities of the House should become more expressive with the

blessings from the Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not harmful)

but certainly not when in your house.When I said all Gurus except Krishna faild

I wanted to say that in all the incidences of Mahabharat whenever there was a

conflict between 'good' and 'bad' in the presence of the Gurus, 'bad'

prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan, Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several

other things can be put, where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these

things happened. Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna

did not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas mind to fight.As far as

Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is absolutly nothing wrong in Arjunas

reaction. Krishna never said not to grief on the death of near and dear ones.

Rather in the VAlmiki Ranmayana Rama himself grieved like a child so much so

that Lakshaman had to say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the

death of near and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium

of expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...". he said

with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka then it would be

clear.SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa

naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss),

Jaya-PArajaya as same you should be ready for the war. So when your relatives

are ready for the war you should not act as a klib. you should not feel grief

on these relatives. But that does not mean that Arjuna should not haved

greived over the death of his own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna

expressed any grief over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed the war

then it could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary Krishna has

further said "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|shariyatrapi cha

te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting

knowledge to Arjuna and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because

Krishna (guru) was with him. Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar---

In vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel>

wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> You are again missing the point. I have not said that

student does anything> bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in

presence of the Guru, him> being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.

Thus the house does

not> express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta while indicating effect

of> Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that the example is meant

only> to amplify the concept and the example, though based on astrological>

concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I do not understand the>

concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata. Their> shishyas

might have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna. You know> that I do not

generally enter into debates based on perception of> scriptures. But let me

make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having failed.> Read Bhagvadgita and see

what te Lord told him to achieve. The lord asked> him to be a Yogi and

described attributes of Yogi. This included"Sukha> Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still

he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and swore> death to Jayadratha before the Sun

sets, a situation out of

which the Lord> had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and

those of> others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama he

grieved> again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed to

impart> knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has to>

understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru principle>

represented by Jupiter.> Hope this helps.> Chandrashekhar.> -----Original

Message-----> amolmandar [amolmandar]> Thursday,

August 28, 2003 12:15 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > Chandrashekharji NAmaste> > Yes there was no

explicit reference of student/king as bad but tone> I thought was implicit

towards classifying student/king as bad.> > > > something which the Guru

forbids being bad.> > So even if we now take the last post still I am not

clear about> student/king as house and its youth and bad activity. What is

the> youth of a house? And what bad it performs which Guru being placed>

their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru fails because of ego> and lack

of courage? MAhabharat is the best example. Every Guru> except for Shri

Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of either of> these qualities . SO

when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is with you, you> are bound to succeed. But the

company of semi-guru will create> problems. Astrology

I suppose must be considering Guru as ideal one.> That is why I feel,Guru

should never fail.> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >

AmolMAndar> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma">

<boxdel> wrote:> > Dear Amol Mandar,> > Read the previous mail

carefully again. I have not said that> Student/King is> > bad. I have said

to see what student / king feel about a> displinarian Guru> > living with

him, though he understands that the lessons are for> his own> > good.> >

Chandrashekhar.> >> > > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM> >

vedic astrology> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter capable of> destroying the> > house it and Saturn Protects//>

>> >> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> >> > Now some confusion. In the

analogy of student/king and> > teacher/minister why do we consider by

default,student or king> > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru

in that should> > protect their good and at least should not spoil the

effect.> > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the

presence of> Guru,> > student would be interested in doing something bad?

A good> student> > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru

should> enhance> > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas

capabilty.> If> > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas without. As

it would> fail> > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru should have

that much> > discremination power. Or is it that in the case of Susthanas

i.e.> > with good student Guru fails because of his elevated ego? In that>

> case we can say that Guru will always fail. In the company of>

good> > student because of his big EGO and in the company of bad student>

> because of his lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if student> is> >

really bad then Guru must make him good and in the case of good> > student

Guru must appriciate student.> >> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.>

>> > AmolMAndar> >> >> > vedic astrology,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel> wrote:> > > Dear Amolmandar,>

> > I will give you an example outside astrology and

religion.Guru> > represents> > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher

tells that which is> right.> > Students> > > many a times feel

unconfortable in the presence of the Teacher> as he> > > monitors their

behaviour, specially if in their youth they> want to> > do> Simialr is

the case with> > the king> > > whose ministers forbids him from doing

something that is> against> > RajDharma.> > > Now imagine House where

Jupiter is posited being the> student/King> > and>

> > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house would be> clear.>

> > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at looking> at it> >

in order> > > to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles

are> given> > to us as> > > such without the reasons behind them. We

have to apply our> Viveka> > to fathom> > > the logic behind it.Other

worthies might hold different views.> > > Hope this helps understand the

concept.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > >

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why

is // Jupiter capable of> > destroying the> > > house it and Saturn

Protects//> > >> > >> > > Chandrashekharji Namste> > >> >

> As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just> slight> >

doubt.> > > It is said many times

that Guru is Dharma (not religion) and> it> > is as> > > well said

that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails.> > Hence> > >

Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru> should also> > >

never fail. Then why it fails with respect to house? Does> MAYA> > play>

> > any role in this?> > >> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> > >> > > AmolMAndar> >

>> > >> > > Sponsor> > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> > >> > >

To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-> > > > >> > > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > >> > > || Om Tat Sat ||

Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> > >> > > Your use of

Groups is subject to the Terms of> > Service.> > >> > > --->

> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> > > Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> > > Version: 6.0.512 /

Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> >> >> >

Sponsor> > > >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> >> > To

UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > >>

> ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

the Terms of> Service.> >> > ---> > Outgoing mail is certified

Virus Free.> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).>

> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> > >

Sponsor> > > > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >

Terms of Service.> > ---> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database:

309 - Release 8/19/03Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......




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Dear Chandrashekhar,

Thank you for this thread. I realize it's not easy to clearly get point accross

in complex issues like this one is- My understanding is- Ju can be both 'papa'

and 'benefic', depending on H.Lordship and aspects. And it's quite a success

that you've lead this thread without falling into black and white trap.


As a result, I also understand better your point, you've consistently

communicated to us, re bravity of shlokas- Ju in 1st for Ta and Ge /for

example/ brings benefits to fifth and seventh house, but not first . It seems

to be easily verifiable.

Thank you for all of this,




Best Regards,

AnnaChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Amolmandar,

I had already said that the example of Guru/student/king is an aside from

astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation of Bhagvadgita.Could you

intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva shochastvam pradnyavadasch

bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha nanushochanti panditah"? Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and

the subsequent shlokas 15,28 and so on. It would ,indeed, be interesting to see

the interpretation of these.

I am aware that there are many interpretations of the Holy Gita and that

sometimes people like to distort it to suit their meaning to the circumstances.

However this does not add to knowledge which we seek. I have seen people

claiming someone's being happy on receiving news of death of other as a mark of

yogi per Gita. I do not find the Lord saying this anywhere.

Anyway since you have decided that Jupiter helps the house in which he is

situated, without exception it is your prerogative and I would not like to

comment on it. I had only given what has been stated by Sages.

Hope this helps


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji Namaste>I have said student /king feels

disturbed in presence of the Guru, >him being a displinaranian regarding study

and Dharma.This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

non-astrological sense as well why would student feel 'distrubed' in the

presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's place. i.e. School but

when Guru has come to the student house why student should feel distrubed? I

suppose it should be a occasion to celebrate. Your argument is valid only if

student has gone to Gurus

place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think of anything

that his Guru does not like. So there is no question of 'distrubed' feeling for

the student. So when Guru goes to a House(student) it must get protection from

the Guru. The capabilities of the House should become more expressive with the

blessings from the Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not harmful)

but certainly not when in your house.When I said all Gurus except Krishna faild

I wanted to say that in all the incidences of Mahabharat whenever there was a

conflict between 'good' and 'bad' in the presence of the Gurus, 'bad'

prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan, Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several

other things can be put, where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these

things happened. Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna

did not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas mind to fight.As far as

Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is absolutly nothing wrong in Arjunas

reaction. Krishna never said not to grief on the death of near and dear ones.

Rather in the VAlmiki Ranmayana Rama himself grieved like a child so much so

that Lakshaman had to say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the

death of near and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium

of expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...". he said

with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka then it would be

clear.SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa

naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss),

Jaya-PArajaya as same you should be ready for the war. So when your relatives

are ready for the war you should not act as a klib. you should not feel grief

on these relatives. But that does not mean that Arjuna should not haved

greived over the death of his own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna

expressed any grief over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed the war

then it could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary Krishna has

further said "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|shariyatrapi cha

te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting

knowledge to Arjuna and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because

Krishna (guru) was with him. Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar---

In vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel>

wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> You are again missing the point. I have not said that

student does anything> bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in

presence of the Guru, him> being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.

Thus the house does

not> express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta while indicating effect

of> Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that the example is meant

only> to amplify the concept and the example, though based on astrological>

concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I do not understand the>

concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata. Their> shishyas

might have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna. You know> that I do not

generally enter into debates based on perception of> scriptures. But let me

make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having failed.> Read Bhagvadgita and see

what te Lord told him to achieve. The lord asked> him to be a Yogi and

described attributes of Yogi. This included"Sukha> Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still

he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and swore> death to Jayadratha before the Sun

sets, a situation out of

which the Lord> had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and

those of> others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama he

grieved> again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed to

impart> knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has to>

understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru principle>

represented by Jupiter.> Hope this helps.> Chandrashekhar.> -----Original

Message-----> amolmandar [amolmandar]> Thursday,

August 28, 2003 12:15 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > Chandrashekharji NAmaste> > Yes there was no

explicit reference of student/king as bad but tone> I thought was implicit

towards classifying student/king as bad.> > > > something which the Guru

forbids being bad.> > So even if we now take the last post still I am not

clear about> student/king as house and its youth and bad activity. What is

the> youth of a house? And what bad it performs which Guru being placed>

their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru fails because of ego> and lack

of courage? MAhabharat is the best example. Every Guru> except for Shri

Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of either of> these qualities . SO

when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is with you, you> are bound to succeed. But the

company of semi-guru will create> problems. Astrology

I suppose must be considering Guru as ideal one.> That is why I feel,Guru

should never fail.> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >

AmolMAndar> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma">

<boxdel> wrote:> > Dear Amol Mandar,> > Read the previous mail

carefully again. I have not said that> Student/King is> > bad. I have said

to see what student / king feel about a> displinarian Guru> > living with

him, though he understands that the lessons are for> his own> > good.> >

Chandrashekhar.> >> > > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM> >

vedic astrology> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter capable of> destroying the> > house it and Saturn Protects//>

>> >> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> >> > Now some confusion. In the

analogy of student/king and> > teacher/minister why do we consider by

default,student or king> > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru

in that should> > protect their good and at least should not spoil the

effect.> > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the

presence of> Guru,> > student would be interested in doing something bad?

A good> student> > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru

should> enhance> > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas

capabilty.> If> > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas without. As

it would> fail> > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru should have

that much> > discremination power. Or is it that in the case of Susthanas

i.e.> > with good student Guru fails because of his elevated ego? In that>

> case we can say that Guru will always fail. In the company of>

good> > student because of his big EGO and in the company of bad student>

> because of his lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if student> is> >

really bad then Guru must make him good and in the case of good> > student

Guru must appriciate student.> >> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.>

>> > AmolMAndar> >> >> > vedic astrology,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel> wrote:> > > Dear Amolmandar,>

> > I will give you an example outside astrology and

religion.Guru> > represents> > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher

tells that which is> right.> > Students> > > many a times feel

unconfortable in the presence of the Teacher> as he> > > monitors their

behaviour, specially if in their youth they> want to> > do> Simialr is

the case with> > the king> > > whose ministers forbids him from doing

something that is> against> > RajDharma.> > > Now imagine House where

Jupiter is posited being the> student/King> > and>

> > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house would be> clear.>

> > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at looking> at it> >

in order> > > to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles

are> given> > to us as> > > such without the reasons behind them. We

have to apply our> Viveka> > to fathom> > > the logic behind it.Other

worthies might hold different views.> > > Hope this helps understand the

concept.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > >

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why

is // Jupiter capable of> > destroying the> > > house it and Saturn

Protects//> > >> > >> > > Chandrashekharji Namste> > >> >

> As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just> slight> >

doubt.> > > It is said many times

that Guru is Dharma (not religion) and> it> > is as> > > well said

that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails.> > Hence> > >

Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru> should also> > >

never fail. Then why it fails with respect to house? Does> MAYA> > play>

> > any role in this?> > >> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> > >> > > AmolMAndar> >

>> > >> > > Sponsor> > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> > >> > >

To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-> > > > >> > > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > >> > > || Om Tat Sat ||

Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> > >> > > Your use of

Groups is subject to the Terms of> > Service.> > >> > > --->

> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> > > Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> > > Version: 6.0.512 /

Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> >> >> >

Sponsor> > > >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> >> > To

UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > >>

> ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

the Terms of> Service.> >> > ---> > Outgoing mail is certified

Virus Free.> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).>

> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> > >

Sponsor> > > > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >

Terms of Service.> > ---> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database:

309 - Release 8/19/03Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......




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Dear Chandrashekhar,

Thank you for this thread. I realize it's not easy to clearly get point accross

in complex issues like this one is- My understanding is- Ju can be both 'papa'

and 'benefic', depending on H.Lordship and aspects. And it's quite a success

that you've lead this thread without falling into black and white trap.


As a result, I also understand better your point, you've consistently

communicated to us, re bravity of shlokas- Ju in 1st for Ta and Ge /for

example/ brings benefits to fifth and seventh house, but not first . It seems

to be easily verifiable.

Thank you for all of this,




Best Regards,

AnnaChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Amolmandar,

I had already said that the example of Guru/student/king is an aside from

astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation of Bhagvadgita.Could you

intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva shochastvam pradnyavadasch

bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha nanushochanti panditah"? Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and

the subsequent shlokas 15,28 and so on. It would ,indeed, be interesting to see

the interpretation of these.

I am aware that there are many interpretations of the Holy Gita and that

sometimes people like to distort it to suit their meaning to the circumstances.

However this does not add to knowledge which we seek. I have seen people

claiming someone's being happy on receiving news of death of other as a mark of

yogi per Gita. I do not find the Lord saying this anywhere.

Anyway since you have decided that Jupiter helps the house in which he is

situated, without exception it is your prerogative and I would not like to

comment on it. I had only given what has been stated by Sages.

Hope this helps


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji Namaste>I have said student /king feels

disturbed in presence of the Guru, >him being a displinaranian regarding study

and Dharma.This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

non-astrological sense as well why would student feel 'distrubed' in the

presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's place. i.e. School but

when Guru has come to the student house why student should feel distrubed? I

suppose it should be a occasion to celebrate. Your argument is valid only if

student has gone to Gurus

place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think of anything

that his Guru does not like. So there is no question of 'distrubed' feeling for

the student. So when Guru goes to a House(student) it must get protection from

the Guru. The capabilities of the House should become more expressive with the

blessings from the Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not harmful)

but certainly not when in your house.When I said all Gurus except Krishna faild

I wanted to say that in all the incidences of Mahabharat whenever there was a

conflict between 'good' and 'bad' in the presence of the Gurus, 'bad'

prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan, Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several

other things can be put, where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these

things happened. Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna

did not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas mind to fight.As far as

Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is absolutly nothing wrong in Arjunas

reaction. Krishna never said not to grief on the death of near and dear ones.

Rather in the VAlmiki Ranmayana Rama himself grieved like a child so much so

that Lakshaman had to say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the

death of near and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium

of expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...". he said

with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka then it would be

clear.SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa

naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss),

Jaya-PArajaya as same you should be ready for the war. So when your relatives

are ready for the war you should not act as a klib. you should not feel grief

on these relatives. But that does not mean that Arjuna should not haved

greived over the death of his own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna

expressed any grief over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed the war

then it could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary Krishna has

further said "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|shariyatrapi cha

te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting

knowledge to Arjuna and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because

Krishna (guru) was with him. Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar---

In vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel>

wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> You are again missing the point. I have not said that

student does anything> bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in

presence of the Guru, him> being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.

Thus the house does

not> express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta while indicating effect

of> Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that the example is meant

only> to amplify the concept and the example, though based on astrological>

concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I do not understand the>

concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata. Their> shishyas

might have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna. You know> that I do not

generally enter into debates based on perception of> scriptures. But let me

make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having failed.> Read Bhagvadgita and see

what te Lord told him to achieve. The lord asked> him to be a Yogi and

described attributes of Yogi. This included"Sukha> Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still

he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and swore> death to Jayadratha before the Sun

sets, a situation out of

which the Lord> had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and

those of> others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama he

grieved> again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed to

impart> knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has to>

understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru principle>

represented by Jupiter.> Hope this helps.> Chandrashekhar.> -----Original

Message-----> amolmandar [amolmandar]> Thursday,

August 28, 2003 12:15 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > Chandrashekharji NAmaste> > Yes there was no

explicit reference of student/king as bad but tone> I thought was implicit

towards classifying student/king as bad.> > > > something which the Guru

forbids being bad.> > So even if we now take the last post still I am not

clear about> student/king as house and its youth and bad activity. What is

the> youth of a house? And what bad it performs which Guru being placed>

their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru fails because of ego> and lack

of courage? MAhabharat is the best example. Every Guru> except for Shri

Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of either of> these qualities . SO

when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is with you, you> are bound to succeed. But the

company of semi-guru will create> problems. Astrology

I suppose must be considering Guru as ideal one.> That is why I feel,Guru

should never fail.> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >

AmolMAndar> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma">

<boxdel> wrote:> > Dear Amol Mandar,> > Read the previous mail

carefully again. I have not said that> Student/King is> > bad. I have said

to see what student / king feel about a> displinarian Guru> > living with

him, though he understands that the lessons are for> his own> > good.> >

Chandrashekhar.> >> > > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM> >

vedic astrology> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter capable of> destroying the> > house it and Saturn Protects//>

>> >> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> >> > Now some confusion. In the

analogy of student/king and> > teacher/minister why do we consider by

default,student or king> > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru

in that should> > protect their good and at least should not spoil the

effect.> > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the

presence of> Guru,> > student would be interested in doing something bad?

A good> student> > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru

should> enhance> > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas

capabilty.> If> > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas without. As

it would> fail> > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru should have

that much> > discremination power. Or is it that in the case of Susthanas

i.e.> > with good student Guru fails because of his elevated ego? In that>

> case we can say that Guru will always fail. In the company of>

good> > student because of his big EGO and in the company of bad student>

> because of his lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if student> is> >

really bad then Guru must make him good and in the case of good> > student

Guru must appriciate student.> >> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.>

>> > AmolMAndar> >> >> > vedic astrology,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel> wrote:> > > Dear Amolmandar,>

> > I will give you an example outside astrology and

religion.Guru> > represents> > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher

tells that which is> right.> > Students> > > many a times feel

unconfortable in the presence of the Teacher> as he> > > monitors their

behaviour, specially if in their youth they> want to> > do> Simialr is

the case with> > the king> > > whose ministers forbids him from doing

something that is> against> > RajDharma.> > > Now imagine House where

Jupiter is posited being the> student/King> > and>

> > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house would be> clear.>

> > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at looking> at it> >

in order> > > to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles

are> given> > to us as> > > such without the reasons behind them. We

have to apply our> Viveka> > to fathom> > > the logic behind it.Other

worthies might hold different views.> > > Hope this helps understand the

concept.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > >

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why

is // Jupiter capable of> > destroying the> > > house it and Saturn

Protects//> > >> > >> > > Chandrashekharji Namste> > >> >

> As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just> slight> >

doubt.> > > It is said many times

that Guru is Dharma (not religion) and> it> > is as> > > well said

that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails.> > Hence> > >

Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru> should also> > >

never fail. Then why it fails with respect to house? Does> MAYA> > play>

> > any role in this?> > >> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> > >> > > AmolMAndar> >

>> > >> > > Sponsor> > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> > >> > >

To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-> > > > >> > > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > >> > > || Om Tat Sat ||

Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> > >> > > Your use of

Groups is subject to the Terms of> > Service.> > >> > > --->

> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> > > Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> > > Version: 6.0.512 /

Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> >> >> >

Sponsor> > > >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> >> > To

UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > >>

> ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

the Terms of> Service.> >> > ---> > Outgoing mail is certified

Virus Free.> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).>

> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> > >

Sponsor> > > > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >

Terms of Service.> > ---> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.> Checked by AVG

anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database:

309 - Release 8/19/03Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......




Link to comment
Share on other sites

Thank you for this thread. I realize it's not easy to clearly get point accross

in complex issues like this one is- My understanding is- Ju can be both 'papa'

and 'benefic', depending on H.Lordship and aspects. And it's quite a success

that you've lead this thread without falling into black and white trap.


As a result, I also understand better your point, you've consistently

communicated to us, re bravity of shlokas- Ju in 1st for Ta and Ge /for

example/ brings benefits to fifth and seventh house, but not first . It seems

to be easily verifiable.

Thank you for all of this,




Best Regards,

AnnaChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Amolmandar,

I had already said that the example of Guru/student/king is an aside from

astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation of Bhagvadgita.Could you

intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva shochastvam pradnyavadasch

bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha nanushochanti panditah"? Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and

the subsequent shlokas 15,28 and so on. It would ,indeed, be interesting to see

the interpretation of these.

I am aware that there are many interpretations of the Holy Gita and that

sometimes people like to distort it to suit their meaning to the circumstances.

However this does not add to knowledge which we seek. I have seen people

claiming someone's being happy on receiving news of death of other as a mark of

yogi per Gita. I do not find the Lord saying this anywhere.

Anyway since you have decided that Jupiter helps the house in which he is

situated, without exception it is your prerogative and I would not like to

comment on it. I had only given what has been stated by Sages.

Hope this helps


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji Namaste>I have said student /king feels

disturbed in presence of the Guru, >him being a displinaranian regarding study

and Dharma.This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

non-astrological sense as well why would student feel 'distrubed' in the

presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's place. i.e. School but

when Guru has come to the student house why student should feel distrubed? I

suppose it should be a occasion to celebrate. Your argument is valid only if

student has gone to Gurus

place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think of anything

that his Guru does not like. So there is no question of 'distrubed' feeling for

the student. So when Guru goes to a House(student) it must get protection from

the Guru. The capabilities of the House should become more expressive with the

blessings from the Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not harmful)

but certainly not when in your house.When I said all Gurus except Krishna faild

I wanted to say that in all the incidences of Mahabharat whenever there was a

conflict between 'good' and 'bad' in the presence of the Gurus, 'bad'

prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan, Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several

other things can be put, where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these

things happened. Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna

did not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas mind to fight.As far as

Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is absolutly nothing wrong in Arjunas

reaction. Krishna never said not to grief on the death of near and dear ones.

Rather in the VAlmiki Ranmayana Rama himself grieved like a child so much so

that Lakshaman had to say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the

death of near and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium

of expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...". he said

with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka then it would be

clear.SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa

naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss),

Jaya-PArajaya as same you should be ready for the war. So when your relatives

are ready for the war you should not act as a klib. you should not feel grief

on these relatives. But that does not mean that Arjuna should not haved

greived over the death of his own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna

expressed any grief over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed the war

then it could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary Krishna has

further said "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|shariyatrapi cha

te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting

knowledge to Arjuna and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because

Krishna (guru) was with him. Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar---

In vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel>

wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> You are again missing the point. I have not said that

student does anything> bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in

presence of the Guru, him> being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.

Thus the house does

not> express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta while indicating effect

of> Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that the example is meant

only> to amplify the concept and the example, though based on astrological>

concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I do not understand the>

concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata. Their> shishyas

might have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna. You know> that I do not

generally enter into debates based on perception of> scriptures. But let me

make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having failed.> Read Bhagvadgita and see

what te Lord told him to achieve. The lord asked> him to be a Yogi and

described attributes of Yogi. This included"Sukha> Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still

he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and swore> death to Jayadratha before the Sun

sets, a situation out of

which the Lord> had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and

those of> others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama he

grieved> again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed to

impart> knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has to>

understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru principle>

represented by Jupiter.> Hope this helps.> Chandrashekhar.> -----Original

Message-----> amolmandar [amolmandar]> Thursday,

August 28, 2003 12:15 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > Chandrashekharji NAmaste> > Yes there was no

explicit reference of student/king as bad but tone> I thought was implicit

towards classifying student/king as bad.> > > > something which the Guru

forbids being bad.> > So even if we now take the last post still I am not

clear about> student/king as house and its youth and bad activity. What is

the> youth of a house? And what bad it performs which Guru being placed>

their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru fails because of ego> and lack

of courage? MAhabharat is the best example. Every Guru> except for Shri

Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of either of> these qualities . SO

when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is with you, you> are bound to succeed. But the

company of semi-guru will create> problems. Astrology

I suppose must be considering Guru as ideal one.> That is why I feel,Guru

should never fail.> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >

AmolMAndar> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma">

<boxdel> wrote:> > Dear Amol Mandar,> > Read the previous mail

carefully again. I have not said that> Student/King is> > bad. I have said

to see what student / king feel about a> displinarian Guru> > living with

him, though he understands that the lessons are for> his own> > good.> >

Chandrashekhar.> >> > > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM> >

vedic astrology> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter capable of> destroying the> > house it and Saturn Protects//>

>> >> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> >> > Now some confusion. In the

analogy of student/king and> > teacher/minister why do we consider by

default,student or king> > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru

in that should> > protect their good and at least should not spoil the

effect.> > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the

presence of> Guru,> > student would be interested in doing something bad?

A good> student> > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru

should> enhance> > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas

capabilty.> If> > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas without. As

it would> fail> > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru should have

that much> > discremination power. Or is it that in the case of Susthanas

i.e.> > with good student Guru fails because of his elevated ego? In that>

> case we can say that Guru will always fail. In the company of>

good> > student because of his big EGO and in the company of bad student>

> because of his lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if student> is> >

really bad then Guru must make him good and in the case of good> > student

Guru must appriciate student.> >> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.>

>> > AmolMAndar> >> >> > vedic astrology,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel> wrote:> > > Dear Amolmandar,>

> > I will give you an example outside astrology and

religion.Guru> > represents> > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher

tells that which is> right.> > Students> > > many a times feel

unconfortable in the presence of the Teacher> as he> > > monitors their

behaviour, specially if in their youth they> want to> > do> Simialr is

the case with> > the king> > > whose ministers forbids him from doing

something that is> against> > RajDharma.> > > Now imagine House where

Jupiter is posited being the> student/King> > and>

> > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house would be> clear.>

> > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at looking> at it> >

in order> > > to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles

are> given> > to us as> > > such without the reasons behind them. We

have to apply our> Viveka> > to fathom> > > the logic behind it.Other

worthies might hold different views.> > > Hope this helps understand the

concept.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > >

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why

is // Jupiter capable of> > destroying the> > > house it and Saturn

Protects//> > >> > >> > > Chandrashekharji Namste> > >> >

> As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just> slight> >

doubt.> > > It is said many times

that Guru is Dharma (not religion) and> it> > is as> > > well said

that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails.> > Hence> > >

Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru> should also> > >

never fail. Then why it fails with respect to house? Does> MAYA> > play>

> > any role in this?> > >> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> > >> > > AmolMAndar> >

>> > >> > > Sponsor> > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> > >> > >

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Dear Chandrashekar ji


I understand this.Moreover jupiter as first house lord is lord of

trine as well as quadrant.


Now waht should we undertsnad from the different results due to



Does this mean that aspect(glance from a distance) helps because it

is just a liberal guidance.

On the otherhand placement is like direct supervision or rather

direct handling and therby frictions,differences leading to trouble.


Similarly, saturn glancing from a distance might be instrumental in

misguiding but cannot change situations favorably as he is lacking

full control.

While being placed in the house makes sure that 'Thru any means'he

will ensure that he is not defeated.


these are my thoughts about aspects.My question is, is it right to

interpret the results like this.Has the sage anywhere mentioned

about the reasons for various definitions.

Because subjective interpretations are at the same time 'drawback as

well as advantage' of astrology:)


Thanks and respect



vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Pradeep,

> If you remember my posts on various subjects on this list, you

will remember

> that I have said, it is very easy to ignore that which faces you


> concentrate on only one factor. This leads one to draw wrong

conclusions. In

> the case of Jupiter in 1st house your question though right,

misses out on

> one important fact. This is that Jupiter in 1st aspects 5th 7th

and 9th.

> Look at the names given to these houses and the answer is obvious.

I have

> already said that Jupiter's aaspect protects whereas Saturn's (


> exception already mentioned earlier) harms.

> Chandrashekhar.


> vijayadas_pradeep [vijayadas_pradeep]

> Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:49 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

destroying the

> house it and Saturn Protects//



> Dear Chandrashekarji


> Thanks for the detailed reply.


> So i understand jeevaha and mandaha references are jupiter and

> saturn respectively.No statement can stand own its own.What is


> circumstance in which this shloka is told by Parashara.


> Jupiter placement in first house(in own sign) ofcourse puts one

> under tremendous pressure to be just to everyone and react fast


> things which one think are not correct.Thus this placement might

> help others more, than the self, atleast in certain aspects


> you have to lose something to balance the other)


> But at the same time i should say this gives one great craving


> knowledge and also the blessing named luck.Really helps fifth and

> ninth houses.So i feel though there are difficulties due to the

> strictness,overall it is a blessing,if in strength plus other

> factors .


> The brevity of sanskrit is amazing.

> Also your statement ' Guru for Sagittarius' is neutral - keeps me

> thinking.Plus Papa for some 6 rashis!


> Thanks a lot

> Pradeep


> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> <boxdel> wrote:

> > Dear Pradeep.

> > It is "Sthana bhrashta karoti jeevaha. sthana rakshati


> I have not

> > said that Jupiter damages all indications of a house.

Astrology is

> not a

> > mathematical science, though projected as such by many. The

> Astrologer has

> > to assess the chart as a whole and arrive at the impact the

> relative

> > planetary position will have on the horoscope as a whole.

> >

> > About 2nd house placement of Jupiter , it does cause problems


> 2nd house

> > unless placed in his own Rasi.About his placement in 1st

house ,as

> you say

> > you have own experience.

> >

> > I have nowhere said that nature of Guru is Bhrashtra. I have


> that Guru

> > causes the indication of the sthana in which he is placed to


> > blemished(Bharashtra).I am emphasising on word Bhrashta,


> that is

> > what the shloka says and its translation into english is indeed

> difficult. I

> > look at astrological principles from an analytical point of

view. I

> > ,generally, do not try to associate them with Scriptural


> >

> > The reason is that the meaning depends on one's own

> interpretation of

> > scriptures.And believe me they are capable of different

> interpretations,

> > because of brevity of Sanskrit language. The sanskrit grammar


> undergone

> > many changes over the thousands of years that it has been in

> existence. It

> > is said " Laksham Vyakaranam Proktam, Chaturlaksham Tu


> >

> > However some tend to think that the planets have fixed nature (

> and they

> > might have their own experiences to believe such), whereas the

> nature

> > vis-a-vis a Jataka would depend on many factors such as house

> ownership,

> > placement,aspects, Varga positions and so on.

> >

> > The theory being advanced that Jupiter always protects, though

> attractive

> > does not explain why his place ment in 5th in strength is


> to getting

> > progeny or 2nd house placement gives not favourable results. It

> also tends

> > to ridicule the Great parashara who says that Jupiter is said


> be "Papa" a

> > malefic for Taurus,Gemini,Virgo,Libra,Capricorn and Aquarius.In

> addition ,

> > the reason of his being neutral to his Moola trikona Rasi

> Sagitarius as

> > stated by parashara would be wrong if we accept the

hypothessis of

> Jupiter

> > being auscpicious no matter what and where.

> >

> > You could find out whether the principle is right or wrong by

> applying to

> > real life charts. This is the only way to ascertain whether a

> hypothesis is

> > correct or not.

> >

> > Hope this helps,

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> >

> >

> > vijayadas_pradeep [vijayadas_pradeep]

> > Friday, August 29, 2003 9:50 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

> destroying the

> > house it and Saturn Protects//

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear chandrashekar ji

> >

> > Could you kindly quote the shloka related to guru.This is


> out

> > of curiosity.

> >

> > Then from your mails i have understood that,you are very

> particular

> > about the 'Bhrashta' while speaking about jupiter.

> >

> > I believe apart from understanding the inherent meaning, you

> might

> > be having some experience related to the Guru and

> Bhrashta,perhaps

> > with people whom you know well.

> >

> > If you could quote some real life experiences it would become

> more

> > useful.

> > Because if we consider a person having jupiter in 2nd house -


> > person should have problem related to money

> > savings,speech,family,and other aspects reprsntd by 2nd

> house.How is

> > this possible for all the aspects?

> >

> > I am totally with you regarding the strictness which guru


> > impose on the houses in which he is placed - at least


> > first house (because of own experience,also forming hamsa


> >

> > But again first house represents -

> > physique,appearance,intellect,complexion,happiness etc.But


> you

> > explain how or why gurus prescence should result in damage

of all

> > these aspects.

> >

> > I dont want to conclude anything for me.I want to wait and

> > understand what the sages have said.

> >

> > So from your experience and knowledge i am trying to gain


> real

> > understanding regarding this.

> >

> > Also Zoranjis mail was conveying the message - one should

> > differentiate the nature of the planets from other factors.

> > But i understood from your mails that the very nature of

guru is

> > resulting in 'Bhrashta'.So how do we relate this.

> >

> > regds & thanks

> > Pradeep

> >

> > vedic astrology, Zoran Radosavljevic

> > <ahimsa@N...> wrote:

> > > Om Namo Narayanaya,

> > > Dear Chandrakeshar,

> > > I see.. I was relying upon a subject.. This hypotesyse

given as

> > the

> > > subject " Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and


> > > protects" is highly dubious and should not be followed...

> > > Best wishes

> > > Zoran

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Zoran,

> > > >

> > > > You are perhaps misinterpreting the Sanskrita word Guru


> the

> > word

> > > > Guru as planet used in the original post.I was just

trying to

> > clear

> > > > the misunderstanding when Guru as in planet was being


> as

> > Gur as

> > > > in the master by explaining the principles from both the

> > hypothesis.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa@N...]

> > > > Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:50 AM

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter

> capable

> > of

> > > > destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > >

> > > > Om Namo Narayanaya,

> > > > Dear Chandrakeshar and members,

> > > > Sorry for butting in so abrubtly without the


> of the

> > > > previous mails... It has been experience among my

> students

> > and

> > > > those who learn Jyotish

> > > > that some basic confusion is very strong. One should

> never

> > mix

> > > > the natural tendency of a Graha and functional role


> the

> > Graha..

> > > > Natural benefics as Guru who is the Bhagwan of the


> will

> > > > NEVER harm any point but on the contrary will


> all

> > points

> > > > he touches

> > > > in the chart by means of his NATURE. However, each


> has

> > a

> > > > role and different states. For instance, such guru


> rule

> > 8th

> > > > house which is

> > > > Randra or the vulnarable place, the worst house. It


> akin

> > to a

> > > > good person having a negative role. E.G> suppose, a


> > neigbhour

> > > > has to tell you that

> > > > someone who is dear has passed away... it will never

> change

> > his

> > > > nature, he will still remain a good neigbour..

> Furthermore,

> > graha

> > > > may give bad results even if benefic if placed in bad

> > avastas.

> > > > However, it doesnot again change its nature.. The


> > results

> > > > are given due to graha bad mood. Thus, if guru gives


> > results, it

> > > > may give only on the bases of its rulership of bad

> houses, or

> > > > being placed in bad avastas. It can never change his

> natural

> > > > benefic tendency..

> > > > Hope this may help

> > > > Best wishes

> > > > Zoran

> > > >

> > > > Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:

> > > >

> > > >> Dear Pradeep,

> > > >>

> > > >> The analogy of student/king is misunderstood. It

was an

> > aside to

> > > >> the main topic and just to understand the idea of


> the

> > > >> student's hous e would feel unconfortable by

presence of

> > Guru.

> > > >>

> > > >> It is well to understand that the results that


> will

> > give

> > > >> in each case would vary depending on his house


> and

> > house

> > > >> of placement. However the streak of damage

(Bhrashta) to

> the

> > house

> > > >> would remain, though modified.If he house is bad the

> results

> > > >> could actually be good as the bad efects get


> > > >>

> > > >> Chandrashekhar.

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >> vijayadas_pradeep [

> > vijayadas_pradeep ]

> > > >> Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:39 AM

> > > >> vedic astrology

> > > >> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter

> > capable of

> > > >> destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > >>

> > > >> Dear Chandrashekar ji

> > > >>

> > > >> This suggestion is really good.

> > > >> I too feel one should learn astrology from the

> original

> > textual

> > > >> language or its derivatives, after reading your

> mail.

> > > >>

> > > >> But now after seeing your mail for amol ji,i am

> still

> > having

> > > >> some

> > > >> doubts.

> > > >>

> > > >> As you have said, even though your example-


> > > >> student,guru

> > > >> and all cannot be generalised - I am taking that

> > example to

> > > >> clear my

> > > >> doubts.

> > > >>

> > > >> Here i believe the nature of the students and


> has

> > to be

> > > >> considered - Similarly the king and minister.

> > > >>

> > > >> If both are of the same nature - then no one

has to

> > > >> suffer,'Bhrashta'.

> > > >> 1)Similarly if jupiter is placed in a friendly

> house or

> > > >> deeptha or

> > > >> swakshethra - harmony is not troubled ,under


> > > >> circumstances.

> > > >>

> > > >> 2)But as the lagna or the individual is subject


> > various

> > > >> influences within the chart - there can be

> disharmony.

> > > >>

> > > >> Hence do you consider my point(1) as haaving


> > relevance?

> > > >> or shld we always give importance only to point


> > > >>

> > > >> Please pardon me from asking questions like

this as

> i

> > am no

> > > >> person

> > > >> to debate with you - either by knowledge or age.

> > > >>

> > > >> Thanks again

> > > >> Pradeep

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >> vedic-

> > astrology , "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> > > >> <boxdel> wrote:

> > > >> > Dear Pradeep,

> > > >> > The confusion arises because of the fact that


> > > >> Sanskrita words

> > > >> loose

> > > >> > their import when translated to English. The

> shloka

> > does

> > > >> not say

> > > >> Damage or

> > > >> > Harm. It says"Bhrashta". The word has


> > conotations

> > > >> depending on the

> > > >> > context. Like Sthanabhrashta would be


> like

> > > >> loosing one's

> > > >> place

> > > >> > whereas Sheelabhrashta would mean one whose


> are

> > > >> loose. The

> > > >> same when

> > > >> > said to be done by other would mean harming or

> > damaging

> > > >> other's

> > > >> modesty.

> > > >> > Limitations of the language does sometimes

pose a

> > problem in

> > > >> conveyance of

> > > >> > the corect meaning of sanskrita words. This is

> why I

> > have said

> > > >> many a times

> > > >> > that Astrology is better understood if one


> it

> > in

> > > >> Sanskrit

> > > >> or Sanskrit

> > > >> > based Indian languages.

> > > >> > Hope this helps,

> > > >> > Chandrashekhar.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > vijayadas_pradeep [

> > vijayadas_pradeep@y ...]

> > > >> > Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:38 PM

> > > >> > vedic astrology

> > > >> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is //


> > capable of

> > > >> destroying the

> > > >> > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > >> >

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Dear Chandrashekar ji

> > > >> >

> > > >> > I now understand why Jupiter placement can

> result in

> > > >> difficult

> > > >> > outcomes.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Do you mean to say if jupiter is placed in

> > puthrasthana

> > > >> ,then the

> > > >> > individuals can be intelligent but their

> children

> > will

> > > >> suffer.This is

> > > >> > just to make sure, if i have understood your

> > example.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > But i have one slight difference in opinion

> > regarding the

> > > >> statement -

> > > >> > 'Jupiter destroys or harms'.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > This statement makes us puzzled about the

> meaning

> > > >> vis-a-vis the

> > > >> > nature of Jupiter.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Because when we say it destroys - it means

> jupiter's

> > > >> action was

> > > >> > intented towards destruction.But that is

not the

> > > >> case.Jupiter

> > > >> tends

> > > >> > to stick to principles even during adverse

> > situations.This

> > > >> behaviour

> > > >> > makes him unable to protect.But his


> was

> > never to

> > > >> destroy

> > > >> > nor the behaviour deserves destruction.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > But if you take another example

> > > >> > When Ravana abducted Sita ,his behaviour

> deserved

> > > >> destruction.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Though both the behaviours resulted(ends)

in the

> > > >> destruction of

> > > >> > the 'houses',the means are not the same.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Hence i believe if we say Jupiter is unable


> > protect

> > > >> the house

> > > >> in

> > > >> > which it is placed,during all

circumstances, it

> > becomes less

> > > >> ambigue -

> > > >> > vis-a-vis its nature,because destruction was

> never

> > intended.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Though the end result is same i feel there

is a

> > > >> difference in the

> > > >> > inherent meaning.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Kindly correct me if i am wrong.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Also should one learn something from this

> lesson -

> > to

> > > >> live in

> > > >> Kali

> > > >> > Yuga!

> > > >> >

> > > >> > Thanks and respect

> > > >> > Pradeep

> > > >> >

> > > >> > vedic-

> > astrology , "Chandrashekhar

> > > >> Sharma"

> > > >> > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > >> > > Dear Pradeep,

> > > >> > > Certain principles are given by the sages


> are

> > found

> > > >> to be

> > > >> true

> > > >> > in their

> > > >> > > application. Having said that, have you

> observed

> > that the

> > > >> children

> > > >> > living

> > > >> > > with highly intelligent parents rarely


> > This is

> > > >> what

> > > >> happens

> > > >> > with

> > > >> > > Jupiter placement in a house. You will


> > not ,if one

> > > >> wants

> > > >> to go

> > > >> > to

> > > >> > > Puranas that Deva's abode was attacked by


> > Daanaavas

> > > >> more

> > > >> often

> > > >> > than

> > > >> > > other way round, though Brihaspati resided

> there.

> > Devas

> > > >> invariably

> > > >> > got

> > > >> > > defeated and had to be rescued by


> > Vishnu,

> > > >> Durga etc.

> > > >> > Saturn

> > > >> > > usually sided with the danavas and his

> samdharmi

> > Rahu

> > > >> was their

> > > >> > Senapati.

> > > >> > > About Saturn being good in bad houses has


> do

> > with his

> > > >> ability to

> > > >> > protect.

> > > >> > > He protects one from bad indications of


> > house.

> > > >> These are

> > > >> my

> > > >> > personal

> > > >> > > opinions and other worthies might have

> different

> > opinions.

> > > >> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > ----

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > vedic astrology

> > > >> > > Monday, August 25, 2003 08:17:02 PM

> > > >> > > vedic astrology

> > > >> > > [vedic astrology] Why is //


> > capable of

> > > >> destroying

> > > >> > the house

> > > >> > > it and Saturn Protects//

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > Dear Chandrashekar ji and learned members.

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > I have seen from the archives ,where you


> > > >> participated in

> > > >> > > discussions,that Jupiter has the capacity


> > destroy

> > > >> the bhava

> > > >> in

> > > >> > > which

> > > >> > > it is placed and Saturn Protects.

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > Here I have some queries.

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > What is the reason for a benevolent planet

> like

> > jupiter

> > > >> to try

> > > >> and

> > > >> > > harm

> > > >> > > or destroy.

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > Also i have read that saturn can be good


> bad

> > houses

> > > >> (6,8,12

> > > >> > etc) -

> > > >> > > because ,saturn by nature is bad and

hence bad

> > and bad

> > > >> > > (negative,negative results in positive)


> > bring

> > > >> good. But

> > > >> if

> > > >> > > saturn

> > > >> > > can protect all the houses where it is

> > placed ,then the

> > > >> above

> > > >> > > statement

> > > >> > > loses ist significance.Pls correct if my

> > understanding

> > > >> of this

> > > >> > > 'negative-negative' is wrong.

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > When i try to understand the nature of

> jupiter -

> > I feel

> > > >> it can

> > > >> test

> > > >> > > the

> > > >> > > individual always on the path of


> can be

> > > >> painfull and

> > > >> > hard

> > > >> > > as

> > > >> > > well at times. Why is this? Is it because

> such an

> > > >> individual

> > > >> can

> > > >> > > combat

> > > >> > > the tests and hardships,as jupiter gives


> lots

> > of

> > > >> patience

> > > >> and

> > > >> > > other

> > > >> > > mental strengths or more concern for


> Am i

> > right?

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > But why is it trying to destroy?

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > Also doesn't other considerations like

> > > >> strength,position etc

> > > >> come

> > > >> > > into

> > > >> > > play while deciding on this?

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > If you can explain the inherent nature of

> > Jupiter, by

> > > >> virtue of

> > > >> > > which

> > > >> > > it

> > > >> > > is trying to behave like this, it would be

> > helpful.

> > > >> > >

> > > >> > > Moreover i can give input on my real

> experiences

> > (good

> > > >> and bad)

> > > >> > about

> > > >> > > jupiter placed in ascendant.

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for tolerating my 'impatience'- I see your gentle persistence

as an eye-opener to me, I appreciate that.

Haste makes vaste, :(


Warm wishes,




Chandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Anna,

Thank you for your kind words.


AR [bona_mente ]Sunday,

August 31, 2003 8:54 AMvedic astrologySubject: RE:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//

Dear Chandrashekhar,


Thank you for this thread. I realize it's not easy to clearly get point accross

in complex issues like this one is- My understanding is- Ju can be both 'papa'

and 'benefic', depending on H.Lordship and aspects. And it's quite a success

that you've lead this thread without falling into black and white trap.


As a result, I also understand better your point, you've consistently

communicated to us, re bravity of shlokas- Ju in 1st for Ta and Ge /for

example/ brings benefits to fifth and seventh house, but not first . It seems

to be easily verifiable.

Thank you for all of this,




Best Regards,

AnnaChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Pradeep,

If you remember my posts on various subjects on this list, you will remember

that I have said, it is very easy to ignore that which faces you and

concentrate on only one factor. This leads one to draw wrong conclusions. In

the case of Jupiter in 1st house your question though right, misses out on one

important fact. This is that Jupiter in 1st aspects 5th 7th and 9th. Look at

the names given to these houses and the answer is obvious. I have already said

that Jupiter's aaspect protects whereas Saturn's ( barring exception already

mentioned earlier) harms.



[vijayadas_pradeep ]Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:49 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter

capable of destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//Dear

ChandrashekarjiThanks for the detailed reply.So i understand jeevaha and

mandaha references are jupiter and saturn respectively.No statement can stand

own its own.What is the circumstance in which this shloka is told by Parashara.

Jupiter placement in first house(in own sign) ofcourse puts one under tremendous

pressure to be just to everyone and react fast to things which one think are not

correct.Thus this placement might help others more, than the self, atleast in

certain aspects(because you have to lose something to balance

the other)But at the same time i should say this gives one great craving for

knowledge and also the blessing named luck.Really helps fifth and ninth

houses.So i feel though there are difficulties due to the strictness,overall it

is a blessing,if in strength plus other factors .The brevity of sanskrit is

amazing.Also your statement ' Guru for Sagittarius' is neutral - keeps me

thinking.Plus Papa for some 6 rashis!Thanks a lotPradeep--- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:>

Dear Pradeep.> It is "Sthana bhrashta karoti jeevaha. sthana rakshati

mandaha.". I have not> said that Jupiter damages all indications of a house.

Astrology is not a> mathematical science, though projected as such by many. The

Astrologer has> to assess the chart as a whole and arrive at the impact the

relative> planetary position will have

on the horoscope as a whole.> > About 2nd house placement of Jupiter , it does

cause problems to 2nd house> unless placed in his own Rasi.About his placement

in 1st house ,as you say> you have own experience.> > I have nowhere said that

nature of Guru is Bhrashtra. I have said that Guru> causes the indication of

the sthana in which he is placed to become> blemished(Bharashtra).I am

emphasising on word Bhrashta, because that is> what the shloka says and its

translation into english is indeed difficult. I> look at astrological

principles from an analytical point of view. I> ,generally, do not try to

associate them with Scriptural stories.> > The reason is that the meaning

depends on one's own interpretation of> scriptures.And believe me they are

capable of different interpretations,> because of brevity of Sanskrit language.

The sanskrit grammar has

undergone> many changes over the thousands of years that it has been in

existence. It> is said " Laksham Vyakaranam Proktam, Chaturlaksham Tu

Jyotisham."> > However some tend to think that the planets have fixed nature (

and they> might have their own experiences to believe such), whereas the

nature> vis-a-vis a Jataka would depend on many factors such as house

ownership,> placement,aspects, Varga positions and so on.> > The theory being

advanced that Jupiter always protects, though attractive> does not explain why

his place ment in 5th in strength is harmful to getting> progeny or 2nd house

placement gives not favourable results. It also tends> to ridicule the Great

parashara who says that Jupiter is said to be "Papa" a> malefic for

Taurus,Gemini,Virgo,Libra,Capricorn and Aquarius.In addition ,> the reason of

his being neutral to his Moola

trikona Rasi Sagitarius as> stated by parashara would be wrong if we accept the

hypothessis of Jupiter> being auscpicious no matter what and where.> > You

could find out whether the principle is right or wrong by applying to> real

life charts. This is the only way to ascertain whether a hypothesis is> correct

or not.> > Hope this helps,> Chandrashekhar.> > > >

vijayadas_pradeep [vijayadas_pradeep]> Friday, August

29, 2003 9:50 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > > Dear chandrashekar ji> > Could you kindly quote the

shloka related to guru.This is just out> of curiosity.>

> Then from your mails i have understood that,you are very particular> about

the 'Bhrashta' while speaking about jupiter.> > I believe apart from

understanding the inherent meaning, you might> be having some experience

related to the Guru and Bhrashta,perhaps> with people whom you know well.> >

If you could quote some real life experiences it would become more> useful.>

Because if we consider a person having jupiter in 2nd house - The> person

should have problem related to money> savings,speech,family,and other aspects

reprsntd by 2nd house.How is> this possible for all the aspects?> > I am

totally with you regarding the strictness which guru might> impose on the

houses in which he is placed - at

least regarding> first house (because of own experience,also forming hamsa

yoga).> > But again first house represents ->

physique,appearance,intellect,complexion,happiness etc.But could you> explain

how or why gurus prescence should result in damage of all> these aspects.> >

I dont want to conclude anything for me.I want to wait and> understand what

the sages have said.> > So from your experience and knowledge i am trying to

gain some real> understanding regarding this.> > Also Zoranjis mail was

conveying the message - one should> differentiate the nature of the planets

from other factors.> But i understood from your mails that the very nature of

guru is> resulting in 'Bhrashta'.So how do we relate

this.> > regds & thanks> Pradeep> > --- In

vedic astrology, Zoran Radosavljevic> <ahimsa@N...> wrote:>

> Om Namo Narayanaya,> > Dear Chandrakeshar,> > I see.. I was relying upon a

subject.. This hypotesyse given as> the> > subject " Jupiter capable of

destroying the house it and Saturn> > protects" is highly dubious and should

not be followed...> > Best wishes> > Zoran> >> > Chandrashekhar Sharma

wrote:> >> > > Dear Zoran,> > >> > > You are perhaps misinterpreting

the Sanskrita word Guru with the> word> > > Guru

as planet used in the original post.I was just trying to> clear> > > the

misunderstanding when Guru as in planet was being taken as> Gur as> > > in

the master by explaining the principles from both the> hypothesis.> > >>

> > Regards,> > >> > > Chandrashekhar.> > >> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa@N...]> > >

Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:50 AM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > Re: [vedic astrology] Re:

Why is // Jupiter

capable> of> > > destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//> > >>

> > Om Namo Narayanaya,> > > Dear Chandrakeshar and members,> > >

Sorry for butting in so abrubtly without the following of the> > >

previous mails... It has been experience among my students> and> > >

those who learn Jyotish> > > that some basic confusion is very strong.

One should never> mix> > > the natural tendency of a Graha and

functional role of the> Graha..> >

> Natural benefics as Guru who is the Bhagwan of the chart will> > >

NEVER harm any point but on the contrary will IMPROVE all> points> > >

he touches> > > in the chart by means of his NATURE. However, each graha

has> a> > > role and different states. For instance, such guru may

rule> 8th> > > house which is> > > Randra or the vulnarable

place, the worst house. It is akin> to a> > > good person having a

negative role. E.G> suppose, a good> neigbhour> >

> has to tell you that> > > someone who is dear has passed away... it

will never change> his> > > nature, he will still remain a good

neigbour.. Furthermore,> graha> > > may give bad results even if

benefic if placed in bad> avastas.> > > However, it doesnot again

change its nature.. The malefic> results> > > are given due to graha

bad mood. Thus, if guru gives bad> results, it> > > may give only on

the bases of its rulership of bad houses, or> > > being placed in bad

avastas. It can never change his

natural> > > benefic tendency..> > > Hope this may help> > >

Best wishes> > > Zoran> > >> > > Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:>

> >> > >> Dear Pradeep,> > >>> > >> The analogy of student/king

is misunderstood. It was an> aside to> > >> the main topic and just to

understand the idea of why the> > >> student's hous e would feel

unconfortable by presence of> Guru.> > >>> >

>> It is well to understand that the results that Jupiter will> give> >

>> in each case would vary depending on his house lordship and> house>

> >> of placement. However the streak of damage(Bhrashta) to the> house>

> >> would remain, though modified.If he house is bad the results> > >>

could actually be good as the bad efects get lessened.> > >>> > >>

Chandrashekhar.> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> -----Original

Message-----> >

>> vijayadas_pradeep [> vijayadas_pradeep ]> > >>

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:39 AM> > >> To:

vedic astrology> > >> [vedic astrology] Re:

Why is // Jupiter> capable of> > >> destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//> > >>> > >> Dear Chandrashekar ji> > >>> > >>

This suggestion is really good.> >

>> I too feel one should learn astrology from the original> textual>

> >> language or its derivatives, after reading your mail.> > >>> >

>> But now after seeing your mail for amol ji,i am still> having> >

>> some> > >> doubts.> > >>> > >> As you have

said, even though your example-regarding> > >> student,guru> >

>> and all cannot be generalised - I am taking that> example to> >

>> clear my> > >> doubts.> > >>> > >> Here i

believe the nature of the students and guru has> to be> > >>

considered - Similarly the king and minister.> > >>> > >> If both

are of the same nature - then no one has to> > >> suffer,'Bhrashta'.>

> >>

1)Similarly if jupiter is placed in a friendly house or> > >> deeptha

or> > >> swakshethra - harmony is not troubled ,under normal> > >>

circumstances.> > >>> > >> 2)But as the lagna or the

individual is subject to> various> > >> influences within the chart

- there can be disharmony.> > >>> > >> Hence do you consider my

point(1) as haaving some> relevance?> >

>> or shld we always give importance only to point (2).> > >>> > >>

Please pardon me from asking questions like this as i> am no> > >>

person> > >> to debate with you - either by knowledge or age.>

> >>> > >> Thanks again> > >> Pradeep> > >>> > >>> >

>>> > >> vedic-> astrology ,

"Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > >> <boxdel> wrote:> > >> >

Dear Pradeep,> > >> > The confusion arises because of the fact that

some> > >> Sanskrita words> > >> loose> > >> >

their import when translated to English. The shloka> does> > >> not

say> > >> Damage or> > >> >

Harm. It says"Bhrashta". The word has different> conotations> > >>

depending on the> > >> > context. Like Sthanabhrashta would be

something like> > >> loosing one's> > >> place> > >>

> whereas Sheelabhrashta would mean one whose moral are> > >>

loose. The> > >> same when> > >> > said to be done by other

would mean harming or>

damaging> > >> other's> > >> modesty.> > >> >

Limitations of the language does sometimes pose a> problem in> > >>

conveyance of> > >> > the corect meaning of sanskrita words. This is

why I> have said> > >> many a times> > >> > that

Astrology is better understood if one learns it> in> > >>

Sanskrit> > >> or Sanskrit> > >> > based Indian languages.>

> >> > Hope this helps,> > >> > Chandrashekhar.> > >>

> > > >> > vijayadas_pradeep [>

vijayadas_pradeep@y ...]> > >> > Tuesday, August 26,

2003 7:38 PM> > >> > To:

vedic astrology> > >> > [vedic astrology]

Re: Why is // Jupiter> capable of> > >> destroying the> > >>

> house it and Saturn Protects//> > >> >> > >> >> > >>

> Dear Chandrashekar ji> > >> >> > >> > I now

understand why Jupiter placement can result in> >

>> difficult> > >> > outcomes.> > >> >> > >>

> Do you mean to say if jupiter is placed in> puthrasthana> > >>

,then the> > >> > individuals can be intelligent but their

children> will> > >> suffer.This is> > >> > just to

make sure, if i have understood your> example.>

> >> >> > >> > But i have one slight difference in opinion>

regarding the> > >> statement -> > >> > 'Jupiter destroys

or harms'.> > >> >> > >> > This statement makes us puzzled

about the meaning> > >> vis-a-vis the> > >> > nature of

Jupiter.> >

>> >> > >> > Because when we say it destroys - it means

jupiter's> > >> action was> > >> > intented towards

destruction.But that is not the> > >> case.Jupiter> > >>

tends> > >> > to stick to principles even during adverse>

situations.This> > >> behaviour> > >>

> makes him unable to protect.But his intention was> never to> > >>

destroy> > >> > nor the behaviour deserves destruction.> > >>

>> > >> > But if you take another example> > >> >

When Ravana abducted Sita ,his behaviour deserved> > >> destruction.>

> >> >> > >> > Though both the

behaviours resulted(ends) in the> > >> destruction of> > >>

> the 'houses',the means are not the same.> > >> >> > >>

> Hence i believe if we say Jupiter is unable to> protect> > >>

the house> > >> in> > >> > which it is placed,during all

circumstances, it> becomes less> > >> ambigue

-> > >> > vis-a-vis its nature,because destruction was never>

intended.> > >> >> > >> > Though the end result is same i

feel there is a> > >> difference in the> > >> > inherent

meaning.> > >> >> > >> > Kindly correct me if i am

wrong.> > >> >> >

>> > Also should one learn something from this lesson -> to> > >>

live in> > >> Kali> > >> > Yuga!> > >> >>

> >> > Thanks and respect> > >> > Pradeep> > >>

>> > >> > vedic-> astrology ,

"Chandrashekhar> > >> Sharma"> > >> > <boxdel>

wrote:> > >> > > Dear Pradeep,> > >> > > Certain

principles are given by the sages and are> found> > >> to be> >

>> true> > >> > in their> > >> > > application.

Having said that, have you observed>

that the> > >> children> > >> > living> > >> >

> with highly intelligent parents rarely suceed?> This is> > >>

what> > >> happens> > >> > with> > >> > >

Jupiter placement in a house. You will also> not ,if one> > >>

wants> >

>> to go> > >> > to> > >> > > Puranas that

Deva's abode was attacked by the> Daanaavas> > >> more> > >>

often> > >> > than> > >> > > other way round, though

Brihaspati resided there.> Devas> > >> invariably> > >>

> got> > >> > > defeated and had to be rescued by Mahadeva,>

Vishnu,> > >> Durga etc.> > >> > Saturn> > >> >

> usually sided with the danavas and his samdharmi> Rahu> > >> was

their> > >> > Senapati.> > >> > > About Saturn being

good in bad houses has to do> with his> >

>> ability to> > >> > protect.> > >> > > He

protects one from bad indications of that> house.> > >> These are>

> >> my> > >> > personal> > >> > > opinions and

other worthies might have different> opinions.> > >> > >

Chandrashekhar.> >

>> > >> > >> > > ----> > >>

> >> > >> > > vedic astrology> > >>

> > Monday, August 25, 2003 08:17:02 PM> > >> > > To:

vedic astrology> > >> > > Subject:

[vedic astrology] Why is // Jupiter> capable of> >

>> destroying> > >> > the house> > >> > > it and

Saturn Protects//> > >> > >> > >> > > Dear Chandrashekar

ji and learned members.> > >> > >> > >> > > I have seen

from the archives ,where you had> > >> participated in> > >>


> > discussions,that Jupiter has the capacity to> destroy> > >>

the bhava> > >> in> > >> > > which> > >> > >

it is placed and Saturn Protects.> > >> > >> > >> > >

Here I have some queries.> > >> > >> > >> > > What is

the reason for a benevolent

planet like> jupiter> > >> to try> > >> and> > >>

> > harm> > >> > > or destroy.> > >> > >> > >>

> > Also i have read that saturn can be good in bad> houses> > >>

(6,8,12> > >> > etc) -> >

>> > > because ,saturn by nature is bad and hence bad> and bad> >

>> > > (negative,negative results in positive) should> bring> >

>> good. But> > >> if> > >> > > saturn> > >>

> > can protect all the houses where it is> placed ,then the> > >>

above> > >> > >

statement> > >> > > loses ist significance.Pls correct if my>

understanding> > >> of this> > >> > > 'negative-negative'

is wrong.> > >> > >> > >> > > When i try to understand

the nature of jupiter -> I feel> > >> it can> > >> test>

> >> > >

the> > >> > > individual always on the path of life,which can be>

> >> painfull and> > >> > hard> > >> > > as>

> >> > > well at times. Why is this? Is it because such an> > >>

individual> > >> can> > >> > > combat> >

>> > > the tests and hardships,as jupiter gives him lots> of> > >>

patience> > >> and> > >> > > other> > >>

> > mental strengths or more concern for others? Am i> right?> > >>

> >> > >> > > But why is it trying to destroy?> > >> >

>> >

>> > > Also doesn't other considerations like> > >>

strength,position etc> > >> come> > >> > > into> > >>

> > play while deciding on this?> > >> > >> > >> >

> If you can explain the inherent nature of> Jupiter, by> > >>

virtue of> >

>> > > which> > >> > > it> > >> > > is trying

to behave like this, it would be> helpful.> > >> > >> > >>

> > Moreover i can give input on my real experiences> (good> > >>

and bad)> > >> > about> > >> > > jupiter placed in

ascendant.> > >> > >> > >> > > Thanks a lot> > >>

> > Pradeep> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >

>> > >> > > Sponsor> > >> > >> > >>


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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Chandrakeshar,

Yes, I told you that I agreed. I wanted to emphasize that Jupiter nature

can never be malefic , and that he will not harm 2nd house as I read in some

previous mails. He will simply fail to protect 2nd house affairs from other

papas if any. If that is what you wanted to say with a word "bhrashtra" than

I fully agree.

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:

Dear Zaoran,

It appears you agree to most of what I have said. I have one small query.

Nowhere in my correspondence have I said that it is the nature of Guru(Jupiter)

to corrupt. So could you explain the comment"

Even then he will not tend to corrupt, but simply he will FAIL TO PROTECT!!!!  

" ? Again your other statements

bring out exactly what is the intent of the word "Bhrashtra". So what was

the original intent behind questioning it and asking the students not to

use the principle? I am certain that you must have had sound reasons for

this hence the query.




Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net]

Saturday, August 30, 2003 5:38 AM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable

of destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//

Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Chandrakeshar,

Dear Pradeep.

It is "Sthana bhrashta karoti jeevaha. sthana rakshati mandaha.". I

have not said that Jupiter damages all indications of a house. Astrology

is not a mathematical science, though projected as such by many. The

Astrologer has to assess the chart as a whole and arrive at the impact

the relative planetary position will have on the horoscope as a whole.

That is correct. We should have in mind the following: Parashar and Jaimini

are unquestioned authorities. All other classics should be carefully read

and their shlkokas verified. in practical expereince.


About 2nd house placement of Jupiter , it does cause problems to 2nd house

unless placed in his own Rasi.About his placement in 1st house ,as

you say you have own experience.

That is karaka bhava nasha, but why is so. Parashara stated that for finance,

guru in own , multrikon or exalted sign in 2nd or with Mangal anywhere

will give smooth finance. Apart from these signs, guru may be found in

great friend's sign, friend's sign, neutral, enemy, great enemy and debilitated

sign. From neutral sign further, guru will not give smooth finance, not

on the basis of his nature, but on the basis of bad avastas which will

definitely damage the house. Even deena avasta which is formed when guru

is placed in neutral sign is said by Satyacharya to give bad results.The

question remains why would guru in friendly sign not give smooth finance?

Let's see the following situations: Guru in friendly signs may be found

for Kark, Thula, Makar and Meen Lagnas, for each lagna, guru would rule

a dustana house, apart from Meen lagna where guru would rule both kendra

houses, which according to Kendra Adhipatya dosha will lose benevolence.

So Parashara statement about guru in 2nd and smooth finance is clear.

IT is yet doubtfull whether guru's nature is resposnible for damaging

a house. We can also seek the reason in Natural Kal Purush, where guru

rules 12th house of Pisces, so Guru placement in 2nd house or any other house

will always carry the some of the effects of the 12th house.


However some tend to think that the planets have fixed nature ( and

they might have their own experiences to believe such), whereas the

nature vis-a-vis a Jataka would depend on many factors such as house

ownership, placement,aspects, Varga positions and so on.


I agree, but also try to always explain to my students here in Serbia,

not to mix them but to add them all together. For example, if we say that

Shani is Yog karak for Taurus Lagna, we cannot say that he is of moderate

infleunce, since he is natural papa and rulership shuba. No, no way...

If Shani is for example placed in 5th house, as a natural papa he will

still damage living things of a bhava such as children, yet, non-living

things of a bhava such as rise in life will be very well pronounced due

to shani rulership of 9th and 10th houses.. We should evaluate all aspects

and carefully add them together...

The theory being advanced that Jupiter always protects, though attractive

does not explain why his place ment in 5th in strength is harmful to

getting progeny or 2nd house placement gives not favourable results. It also

tends to ridicule the Great parashara who says that Jupiter is said

to be "Papa" a malefic for Taurus,Gemini,Virgo,Libra,Capricorn and Aquarius.In

addition , the reason of his being neutral to his Moola trikona Rasi Sagitarius

as stated by parashara would be wrong if we

accept the hypothessis of Jupiter being auscpicious no matter what and



I wish to emphasize that Jupiter is by NATURE great benefic, however sometimes,

even good people have to partake in some unhappy events. Suppose, someone

has died and a good neigbhour has to bring the news. By bringing the bad

news, he will not become a bad person.. See? So, you are right about this,

but the corruption will never come from the nature of Guru but from his

role in the chart, from his possible placement in bad avastas, bad company

etc.. Even then he will not tend to corrupt, but simply he will FAIL TO

PROTECT!!!!   WHen guru is in 5th house in strength, his karakatwa double,

and his focus goes more on knowledge, not on children.. I do not beleive

that Guru in 5th house will not give progeny, I beleive that Guru in 5th

will simply fail to protect a living things of a house such as children,

from other unfavourable infleunces. See the charts where Guru is placed

in 5th house, and you will see that Lord of 5th was badly placed, and

other influences on the 5th house were bad. Many times when guru in 5th

was placed in good navamsa position children were there, and there were

no problems, even for Kumbha Lagna, where strong guru is said to give

no children. When Parashara says that he is Papa, it is based on his rulership,

since the whole chapter is based on the graha effects as per rulership.

Being Neutral for Dhanu Lagna is stated due to Kendra Adhipati Dosha,

not his own nature.  So it is doubtfull, whether his nature is responsible

for bad effects, see my point? There are certain merits in Karaka Bhava

Nasha theory, I admit, however they should not be overemphasized..


You could find out whether the principle is right or wrong by applying

to real life charts. This is the only way to ascertain whether a hypothesis

is correct or not.


I agree.. Very good mails from you Chandrakeshar... good indeed..


BEst wishes


Hope this helps,





vijayadas_pradeep [



Friday, August 29, 2003 9:50 PM


vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter

capable of destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//

Dear chandrashekar ji

Could you kindly quote the shloka related to guru.This is just out

of curiosity.

Then from your mails i have understood that,you are very particular

about the 'Bhrashta' while speaking about jupiter.

I believe apart from understanding the inherent meaning, you might

be having some experience related to the Guru and Bhrashta,perhaps

with people whom you know well.

If you could quote some real life experiences it would become more


Because if we consider a person having jupiter in 2nd house - The

person should have problem related to money

savings,speech,family,and other aspects reprsntd by 2nd house.How is

this possible for all the aspects?

I am totally with you regarding the strictness which guru might

impose on the houses in which he is placed - at least regarding

first house (because of own experience,also forming hamsa yoga).

But again first house represents -

physique,appearance,intellect,complexion,happiness etc.But could you

explain how or why gurus prescence should result in damage of all

these aspects.

I dont want to conclude anything for me.I want to wait and

understand what the sages have said.

So from your experience and knowledge i am trying to gain some real

understanding regarding this.

Also Zoranjis mail was conveying the message - one should

differentiate the nature of the planets from other factors.

But i understood from your mails that the very nature of guru is

resulting in 'Bhrashta'.So how do we relate this.

regds & thanks



vedic astrology

, Zoran Radosavljevic



> Om Namo Narayanaya,

> Dear Chandrakeshar,

> I see.. I was relying upon a subject.. This hypotesyse given



> subject " Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and Saturn

> protects" is highly dubious and should not be followed...

> Best wishes

> Zoran


> Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:


> > Dear Zoran,

> >

> > You are perhaps misinterpreting the Sanskrita word Guru

with the


> > Guru as planet used in the original post.I was just trying



> > the misunderstanding when Guru as in planet was being taken


Gur as

> > in the master by explaining the principles from both the


> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> >    

> >     Zoran Radosavljevic [



> >     Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:50 AM

> >    

vedic astrology

> >     Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable


> >     destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//

> >

> >     Om Namo Narayanaya,

> >     Dear Chandrakeshar and members,

> >     Sorry for butting in so abrubtly without the following of the

> >     previous mails... It has been experience among my students


> >     those who learn Jyotish

> >     that  some basic confusion is very strong. One

should never


> >     the natural tendency of a Graha and  functional role

of the


> >     Natural benefics as Guru who is the Bhagwan of the chart


> >     NEVER harm  any point but on the contrary will IMPROVE



> >     he touches

> >     in the chart by means of his NATURE. However, each graha has


> >     role and different states. For instance, such guru may



> >     house which is

> >     Randra or the vulnarable place, the worst house.

It is akin

to a

> >     good person having a negative role. E.G> suppose,

a good


> >     has to tell you that

> >     someone who is dear has passed away... it will never



> >     nature, he will still remain a good neigbour.. Furthermore,


> >     may give bad results even if benefic if placed in bad


> >     However, it doesnot again change its nature.. The malefic


> >     are given due to graha bad mood. Thus, if guru gives


results, it

> >     may give only on the bases of its rulership of

bad houses, or

> >     being placed in bad avastas. It can never change his


> >     benefic tendency..

> >     Hope this may help

> >     Best wishes

> >     Zoran

> >

> >     Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:

> >

> >>     Dear Pradeep,

> >>

> >>     The analogy of student/king is misunderstood. It

was an

aside to

> >>     the main topic and just to understand the idea of why the

> >>     student's hous e would feel unconfortable by presence



> >>

> >>     It is well to understand that the results that Jupiter will


> >>     in each case would vary depending on his house lordship



> >>     of placement. However the streak of damage(Bhrashta)

to the


> >>     would remain, though modified.If he house is bad

the results

> >>     could actually be good as the bad efects get lessened.

> >>

> >>     Chandrashekhar.

> >>

> >>     

> >>

> >>        

> >>         vijayadas_pradeep [


.... ]

> >>         Wednesday, August 27, 2003 2:39 AM

> >>        

vedic astrology

> >>         [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter

capable of

> >>         destroying the house it and Saturn Protects//

> >>

> >>         Dear Chandrashekar ji

> >>

> >>         This suggestion is really good.

> >>         I too feel one should learn astrology

from the original


> >>         language or its derivatives, after reading

your mail.

> >>

> >>         But now after seeing your mail for amol

ji,i am still


> >>         some

> >>         doubts.

> >>

> >>         As you have said, even though your example-regarding

> >>         student,guru

> >>         and all cannot be generalised - I am

taking that

example to

> >>         clear my

> >>         doubts.

> >>

> >>         Here i believe the nature of the students and

guru has

to be

> >>         considered - Similarly the king and minister.

> >>

> >>         If both are of the same nature - then

no one has to

> >>         suffer,'Bhrashta'.

> >>         1)Similarly if jupiter is placed in a

friendly house or

> >>         deeptha or

> >>         swakshethra - harmony is not troubled ,under


> >>         circumstances.

> >>

> >>         2)But as the lagna or the individual

is subject to


> >>         influences within the chart - there can

be disharmony.

> >>

> >>         Hence do you consider my point(1) as

haaving some


> >>         or shld we always give importance only

to point (2).

> >>

> >>         Please pardon me from asking questions

like this as i

am no

> >>         person

> >>         to debate with you - either by knowledge

or age.

> >>

> >>         Thanks again

> >>         Pradeep

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>         vedic-


, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> >>        



> >>         > Dear Pradeep,

> >>         > The confusion arises because of the fact

that some

> >>         Sanskrita words

> >>         loose

> >>         > their import when translated to English.

The shloka


> >>         not say

> >>         Damage or

> >>         > Harm. It says"Bhrashta". The word

has different


> >>         depending on the

> >>         > context. Like Sthanabhrashta would be something


> >>         loosing one's

> >>         place

> >>         > whereas Sheelabhrashta would mean one whose

moral are

> >>         loose. The

> >>         same when

> >>         > said to be done by other would mean harming



> >>         other's

> >>         modesty.

> >>         > Limitations of the language does

sometimes pose a

problem in

> >>         conveyance of

> >>         > the corect meaning of sanskrita words.

This is why I

have said

> >>         many a times

> >>         > that Astrology is better understood if

one learns it


> >>         Sanskrit

> >>         or Sanskrit

> >>         > based Indian languages.

> >>         > Hope this helps,

> >>         > Chandrashekhar.

> >>         >  

> >>         >   vijayadas_pradeep [



> >>         >   Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:38 PM

> >>         >  

vedic astrology

> >>         >   [vedic astrology] Re:

Why is // Jupiter

capable of

> >>         destroying the

> >>         > house it and Saturn Protects//

> >>         >

> >>         >

> >>         >   Dear Chandrashekar ji

> >>         >

> >>         >   I now understand why Jupiter placement

can result in

> >>         difficult

> >>         >   outcomes.

> >>         >

> >>         >   Do you mean to say if jupiter is placed



> >>         ,then the

> >>         >   individuals can be intelligent

but their children


> >>         suffer.This is

> >>         >   just to make sure, if i have understood



> >>         >

> >>         >   But i have one slight difference

in opinion

regarding the

> >>         statement -

> >>         >   'Jupiter destroys or harms'.

> >>         >

> >>         >   This statement makes us puzzled

about the meaning

> >>         vis-a-vis the

> >>         >   nature of Jupiter.

> >>         >

> >>         >   Because when we say it destroys

- it means jupiter's

> >>         action was

> >>         >   intented towards destruction.But that

is not the

> >>         case.Jupiter

> >>         tends

> >>         >   to stick to principles even during



> >>         behaviour

> >>         >   makes him unable to protect.But

his intention was

never to

> >>         destroy

> >>         >   nor the behaviour deserves destruction.

> >>         >

> >>         >   But if you take another example

> >>         >   When Ravana abducted Sita ,his

behaviour deserved

> >>         destruction.

> >>         >

> >>         >   Though both the behaviours resulted(ends)

in the

> >>         destruction of

> >>         >   the 'houses',the means are not the same.

> >>         >

> >>         >   Hence i believe if we say Jupiter

is unable to


> >>         the house

> >>         in

> >>         >   which it is placed,during all

circumstances, it

becomes less

> >>         ambigue -

> >>         >   vis-a-vis its nature,because destruction

was never


> >>         >

> >>         >   Though the end result is same

i feel there is a

> >>         difference in the

> >>         >   inherent meaning.

> >>         >

> >>         >   Kindly correct me if i am wrong.

> >>         >

> >>         >   Also should one learn something

from this lesson -


> >>         live in

> >>         Kali

> >>         >   Yuga!

> >>         >

> >>         >   Thanks and respect

> >>         >   Pradeep

> >>         >

> >>         >   vedic-


, "Chandrashekhar

> >>         Sharma"

> >>         >  



> >>         >   > Dear Pradeep,

> >>         >   > Certain principles are given

by the sages and are


> >>         to be

> >>         true

> >>         >   in their

> >>         >   > application. Having said that, have

you observed

that the

> >>         children

> >>         >   living

> >>         >   > with highly intelligent parents

rarely suceed?

This is

> >>         what

> >>         happens

> >>         >   with

> >>         >   > Jupiter placement in a house. You

will also

not ,if one

> >>         wants

> >>         to go

> >>         >   to

> >>         >   > Puranas that Deva's abode

was attacked by the


> >>         more

> >>         often

> >>         >   than

> >>         >   > other way round, though Brihaspati

resided there.


> >>         invariably

> >>         >   got

> >>         >   > defeated and had to be rescued by



> >>         Durga etc.

> >>         >   Saturn

> >>         >   > usually sided with the danavas

and his samdharmi


> >>         was their

> >>         >   Senapati.

> >>         >   > About Saturn being good in bad houses

has to do

with his

> >>         ability to

> >>         >   protect.

> >>         >   > He protects one from bad

indications of that


> >>         These are

> >>         my

> >>         >   personal

> >>         >   > opinions and other worthies might

have different


> >>         >   > Chandrashekhar.

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > ----

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   >

vedic astrology

> >>         >   > Monday, August 25,

2003 08:17:02 PM

> >>         >   >

vedic astrology

> >>         >   > [vedic astrology]

Why is // Jupiter

capable of

> >>         destroying

> >>         >   the house

> >>         >   > it and Saturn Protects//

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Dear Chandrashekar ji and learned


> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > I have seen from the archives ,where

you had

> >>         participated in

> >>         >   > discussions,that Jupiter has the

capacity to


> >>         the bhava

> >>         in

> >>         >   > which

> >>         >   > it is placed and Saturn Protects.

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Here I have some queries.

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > What is the reason for a benevolent

planet like


> >>         to try

> >>         and

> >>         >   > harm

> >>         >   > or destroy.

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Also i have read that saturn can

be good in bad


> >>         (6,8,12

> >>         >   etc) -

> >>         >   > because ,saturn by nature is bad

and hence bad

and bad

> >>         >   > (negative,negative results

in positive) should


> >>         good. But

> >>         if

> >>         >   > saturn

> >>         >   > can protect all the houses

where it is

placed ,then the

> >>         above

> >>         >   > statement

> >>         >   > loses ist significance.Pls

correct if my


> >>         of this

> >>         >   > 'negative-negative' is wrong.

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > When i try to understand the nature

of jupiter -

I feel

> >>         it can

> >>         test

> >>         >   > the

> >>         >   > individual always on the path of

life,which can be

> >>         painfull and

> >>         >   hard

> >>         >   > as

> >>         >   > well at times. Why is this?

Is it because such an

> >>         individual

> >>         can

> >>         >   > combat

> >>         >   > the tests and hardships,as

jupiter gives him lots


> >>         patience

> >>         and

> >>         >   > other

> >>         >   > mental strengths or more

concern for others? Am i


> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > But why is it trying to destroy?

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Also doesn't other considerations


> >>         strength,position etc

> >>         come

> >>         >   > into

> >>         >   > play while deciding on this?

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > If you can explain the inherent

nature of

Jupiter, by

> >>         virtue of

> >>         >   > which

> >>         >   > it

> >>         >   > is trying to behave like this, it

would be


> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Moreover i can give input on my

real experiences


> >>         and bad)

> >>         >   about

> >>         >   > jupiter placed in ascendant.

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Thanks a lot

> >>         >   > Pradeep

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Sponsor

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Archives:



> >>         >   >

> >>         >   > Group info:


> >>         astrology/info.html

> >>         >   >

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> >>         >  


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> >>         >   > ........ May Jupiter's light shine

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Chandrashekhar ji Namaste


It seems that you are angry with me. I am sorry that I tested your

patience more than I am allowed to. But I hope that you will pardon

my adventure. I did not want to get a abnormal death to the Thread,

at least not before getting fully satisfied, but it seems that i

must realize "Sthana Brhasta Karoti........" principle of Guru.

Just a small request,if you dont take otherwise,please give explicit

table of possible Brhastachar of Guru per sthana(or should it be

Brhastachar of Sthana because of Guru.) As implicit examples are too

far from my little brain I request you to make it as explicit as



I know that there wont be any discussions further but to put some of

the Krishnas reactions will be interesting for you.


Before the start of the war Darupadi told her agony regarding

Vastraharan in the Rajashabha in fornt of all Gurus and Krishna was

very distressed to hear that. He expressed his SatyaKriya as




"Rodayishyanti striyo heyveam yesham krudhaasi bhavini |

Bibhastasusharmsanchannachonitaoopariplutan ||

Nihatan valabhan vikshaya shayanan vasudhatale |

yat samartham pandavanam tat kariyashami shuchaH||


As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken insult of Daupadi as a

Yogi but he did not.



In the course of war one day Bhisma was furious at Pandavsena and

that resulted in many deaths in pandav side. Krishna could not

tolerate death of his near and dear ones and inspite of his pleadge,

opted for picking-up the dhanushya to destroy Bhisma. Here, Krishna

did not remember what he preached himself to Arjuna(SukhaDukhe Same

Krutwa...) before start of the war.


As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken death of pandavsena as

a Yogi but he did not.


And at the end of the war when Aashawatthama and Arjuna applied

Brahmastra on each other, Arjuna called his astra back on the

request of Vyas but Ashwatthama refused saying that it is for

destruction of last Pandav vansha. It was aimed at the Garbha of

uttara,wife of Abhimanyu. Hearing this Krishna was very distrubed

and cursed Ashwatthama. I think Krishna gave curse only once in his

life and that to a Brahman.


As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken death of pandav

vanshaja as a Yogi but he did not.



So there is no question of interpreting scriptures according to our

needs. What is stated by Vyasa is plain and simple. One has to read

it in totality.


Once again I am extremly sorry for the trouble I created for you.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.




vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandar,

> I had already said that the example of Guru/student/king is an

aside from

> astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation of


> you intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva shochastvam

> pradnyavadasch bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha nanushochanti


> Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and the subsequent shlokas 15,28 and so on. It


> ,indeed, be interesting to see the interpretation of these.

> I am aware that there are many interpretations of the Holy Gita

and that

> sometimes people like to distort it to suit their meaning to the

> circumstances. However this does not add to knowledge which we

seek. I have

> seen people claiming someone's being happy on receiving news of

death of

> other as a mark of yogi per Gita. I do not find the Lord saying


> anywhere.

> Anyway since you have decided that Jupiter helps the house in

which he is

> situated, without exception it is your prerogative and I would not

like to

> comment on it. I had only given what has been stated by Sages.

> Hope this helps

> Chandrashekhar.


> amolmandar [amolmandar]

> Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

destroying the

> house it and Saturn Protects//



> Chandrashekhar ji Namaste


> >I have said student /king feels disturbed in presence of the


> >him being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.


> This statement is not clear with the astrological context. In the

> non-astrological sense as well why would student

feel 'distrubed' in

> the presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to Guru's


> i.e. School but when Guru has come to the student house why


> should feel distrubed? I suppose it should be a occasion to

> celebrate. Your argument is valid only if student has gone to


> place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think


> anything that his Guru does not like. So there is no question

> of 'distrubed' feeling for the student. So when Guru goes to a


> (student) it must get protection from the Guru. The capabilities


> the House should become more expressive with the blessings from


> Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not harmful) but

> certainly not when in your house.When I said all Gurus except

> Krishna faild I wanted to say that in all the incidences of

> Mahabharat whenever there was a conflict between 'good'

and 'bad' in

> the presence of the Gurus, 'bad' prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan,

> Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several other things can be


> where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these things


> Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna did

> not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas mind to fight.


> As far as Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there is absolutly

> nothing wrong in Arjunas reaction. Krishna never said not to


> on the death of near and dear ones. Rather in the VAlmiki


> Rama himself grieved like a child so much so that Lakshaman had


> say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the death of


> and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium


> expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam


> he said with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka


> it would be clear.


> SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |

> tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||


> Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss), Jaya-PArajaya as


> you should be ready for the war.


> So when your relatives are ready for the war you should not act

as a

> klib. you should not feel grief on these relatives. But that does

> not mean that Arjuna should not haved greived over the death of


> own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna expressed any


> over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed the war then it

> could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary Krishna has

> further said


> "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|

> shariyatrapi cha te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"


> So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting knowledge to


> and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because Krishna


> was with him.



> Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


> AmolMAndar






> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> <boxdel> wrote:

> > Dear Amolmandar,

> > You are again missing the point. I have not said that student


> anything

> > bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in presence of


> Guru, him

> > being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma. Thus the


> does not

> > express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta while


> effect of

> > Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that the example


> meant only

> > to amplify the concept and the example, though based on

> astrological

> > concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I do not

> understand the

> > concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata.

> Their

> > shishyas might have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna.

> You know

> > that I do not generally enter into debates based on perception


> > scriptures. But let me make it clear what I mean by Arjuna


> failed.

> > Read Bhagvadgita and see what te Lord told him to achieve. The

> lord asked

> > him to be a Yogi and described attributes of Yogi. This

> included"Sukha

> > Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still he grieved on death of Abhimanyu


> swore

> > death to Jayadratha before the Sun sets, a situation out of


> the Lord

> > had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and

> those of

> > others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by


> he grieved

> > again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord


> to impart

> > knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One


> to

> > understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru

> principle

> > represented by Jupiter.

> > Hope this helps.

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:15 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

> destroying the

> > house it and Saturn Protects//

> >

> >

> > Chandrashekharji NAmaste

> >

> > Yes there was no explicit reference of student/king as bad


> tone

> > I thought was implicit towards classifying student/king as


> >

> > > > something which the Guru forbids being bad.

> >

> > So even if we now take the last post still I am not clear


> > student/king as house and its youth and bad activity. What

is the

> > youth of a house? And what bad it performs which Guru being

> placed

> > their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru fails because


> ego

> > and lack of courage? MAhabharat is the best example. Every


> > except for Shri Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of


> of

> > these qualities . SO when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is with


> you

> > are bound to succeed. But the company of semi-guru will


> > problems. Astrology I suppose must be considering Guru as


> one.

> > That is why I feel,Guru should never fail.

> >

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> >

> > AmolMAndar

> > vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar


> > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > Dear Amol Mandar,

> > > Read the previous mail carefully again. I have not said


> > Student/King is

> > > bad. I have said to see what student / king feel about a

> > displinarian Guru

> > > living with him, though he understands that the lessons

are for

> > his own

> > > good.

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > >

> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM

> > > vedic astrology

> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable


> > destroying the

> > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > >

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste

> > >

> > > Now some confusion. In the analogy of student/king and

> > > teacher/minister why do we consider by default,student or

> king

> > > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru in that

> should

> > > protect their good and at least should not spoil the


> > > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the


> of

> > Guru,

> > > student would be interested in doing something bad? A


> > student

> > > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru


> > enhance

> > > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance Sthanas

> capabilty.

> > If

> > > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas without. As it

> would

> > fail

> > > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru should have


> much

> > > discremination power. Or is it that in the case of


> i.e.

> > > with good student Guru fails because of his elevated

ego? In

> that

> > > case we can say that Guru will always fail. In the

company of

> > good

> > > student because of his big EGO and in the company of bad

> student

> > > because of his lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if

> student

> > is

> > > really bad then Guru must make him good and in the case


> good

> > > student Guru must appriciate student.

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > >

> > > AmolMAndar

> > >

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

> Sharma"

> > > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > > Dear Amolmandar,

> > > > I will give you an example outside astrology and

> religion.Guru

> > > represents

> > > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher tells that which


> > right.

> > > Students

> > > > many a times feel unconfortable in the presence of the

> Teacher

> > as he

> > > > monitors their behaviour, specially if in their youth


> > want to

> > > do

> > Simialr is the case with

> > > the king

> > > > whose ministers forbids him from doing something that


> > against

> > > RajDharma.

> > > > Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the

> > student/King

> > > and

> > > > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house


> be

> > clear.

> > > > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at

> looking

> > at it

> > > in order

> > > > to understand why this happens, and the Sages'


> are

> > given

> > > to us as

> > > > such without the reasons behind them. We have to apply


> > Viveka

> > > to fathom

> > > > the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold different

> views.

> > > > Hope this helps understand the concept.

> > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > >

> > > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > > Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter


> of

> > > destroying the

> > > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Chandrashekharji Namste

> > > >

> > > > As usual you explained the things very lucidly but


> > slight

> > > doubt.

> > > > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma (not


> and

> > it

> > > is as

> > > > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but


> fails.

> > > Hence

> > > > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So


> > should also

> > > > never fail. Then why it fails with respect to house?


> > MAYA

> > > play

> > > > any role in this?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > > >

> > > > AmolMAndar

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sponsor

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Archives: vedic-


> > > >

> > > > Group info: vedic-

> > astrology/info.html

> > > >

> > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-

> > >

> > > >

> > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> > > >

> > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> > > >

> > > >


> of

> > > Service.

> > > >

> > > > ---

> > > > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> > > > Checked by AVG anti-virus system


> > > > Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date:

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> > >

> > >

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> > > Group info: vedic-

> > astrology/info.html

> > >

> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-

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> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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> > > Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date:


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> >

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> > Group info: vedic-

> astrology/info.html

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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> >

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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Dear Amolmandar,

You know me too well to understand that I am not given to anger.I got

exasperated when you tried to twist what the Lord Krishna said about how yogi

faces death, though you are well versed in scriptures.


It serves no purpose to read meanings where there are none. I have noted this

tendency in quite a few mails, not of yours only. For a fruitful discussion it

is better to stick to one thread, so that everybody's knowledge increases. Even

now you think in terms of Bhrashtachar of Guru.Could you tell me where have I

ever said that Guru is responsible for Bhrashtachara( you said"possible

Brhastachar of Guru ".)?.


Again in the examples given by you you are deviating from what has been said in

Gita. If I remember right,the point was whether shishyas failed or Gurus. The

discussion was about grieving over death and not about anger.I had quoted

specific shlokas and do not understand why you chose not to answer about them

and veered to selective parts of Mahabharata.


If you feel Krishna's word is inferior to what is supposed to be stated by

Vyasa, I do not to this view. You must be aware that most of the

epics were gilded later on by additions by other writers and these include,

both Ramayana and Mahabharata. It is like pitting what has been said in Padma

Purana against that given in Linga Purana, without understanding the essense of

the Hindu philisophy. Such discussions lead one nowhere. I have already told you

to apply the given principles yourself and find out what are the results.This is

the best way to learn the science.

Hope this helps.


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Monday, September 01, 2003 4:50 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NamasteIt seems that you are angry with me.

I am sorry that I tested your patience more than I am allowed to. But I hope

that you will pardon my adventure. I did not want to get a abnormal death to

the Thread, at least not before getting fully satisfied, but it seems that i

must realize "Sthana Brhasta Karoti........" principle of Guru. Just a small

request,if you dont take otherwise,please give explicit table of possible

Brhastachar of Guru per sthana(or should it be Brhastachar of Sthana because of

Guru.) As implicit examples are too far from my little brain I request you to

make it as explicit as possible. I know that there wont be any discussions

further but to put some of the Krishnas reactions will be interesting for

you. Before the start of the war Darupadi told her agony regarding Vastraharan

in the Rajashabha in fornt of all Gurus and Krishna was very distressed to hear

that. He expressed his SatyaKriya as this "Rodayishyanti striyo heyveam yesham

krudhaasi bhavini |Bibhastasusharmsanchannachonitaoopariplutan ||Nihatan

valabhan vikshaya shayanan vasudhatale |yat samartham pandavanam tat

kariyashami shuchaH||As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken insult of

Daupadi as a Yogi but he did not.In the course of war one day Bhisma was

furious at Pandavsena and that resulted in many deaths in pandav side. Krishna

could not tolerate death of his near and dear ones and inspite of his pleadge,

opted for picking-up the dhanushya to destroy Bhisma. Here, Krishna did not

remember what he preached himself to Arjuna(SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa...) before

start of the war. As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken death of

pandavsena as a Yogi but he did not.And at the end of the war when

Aashawatthama and Arjuna applied Brahmastra on each other, Arjuna called his

astra back on the request of Vyas but Ashwatthama refused saying that it is for

destruction of last Pandav vansha. It was aimed at the Garbha of uttara,wife of

Abhimanyu. Hearing this Krishna was very distrubed and cursed Ashwatthama. I

think Krishna gave curse only once in his life and that to a Brahman.As a

matter of fact Krishna should have taken death of pandav vanshaja as a Yogi but

he did not. So there is no question of interpreting scriptures according to our

needs. What is stated by Vyasa is plain and simple. One has to read it in

totality. Once again I am extremly sorry for the trouble I created for

you.Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar--- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:>

Dear Amolmandar,> I had already said that the example of Guru/student/king is

an aside from> astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation of

Bhagvadgita.Could> you intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva

shochastvam> pradnyavadasch bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha nanushochanti

panditah"?> Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and the subsequent shlokas 15,28 and so on. It

would> ,indeed, be interesting to see the interpretation of these.> I am aware

that there are many interpretations of the Holy Gita and that> sometimes people

like to distort it to suit their meaning to the> circumstances. However this

does not add to knowledge which we seek. I have> seen people claiming someone's

being happy on receiving news of death of> other as a mark of yogi per Gita. I

do not find the Lord saying this> anywhere.> Anyway since you have decided that

Jupiter helps the house in which he is> situated, without exception it is your

prerogative and I would not like to> comment on it. I had only given what has

been stated by Sages.> Hope this helps> Chandrashekhar.> -----Original

Message-----> amolmandar [amolmandar]> Saturday,

August 30, 2003 2:19 PM> vedic astrology> Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and

Saturn Protects//> > > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> > >I have said student

/king feels disturbed in presence of the Guru,> >him being a displinaranian

regarding study and Dharma.> > This statement is not clear with the

astrological context. In the> non-astrological sense as well why would

student feel 'distrubed' in> the presence of Guru? It is ok if student has

gone to Guru's place.> i.e. School but when Guru has come to the student

house why student> should feel distrubed? I suppose it should be a occasion

to> celebrate. Your argument is valid only if student has gone to Gurus>

place. When Guru has come to your place student will never think of> anything

that his Guru does not like. So there is no question> of 'distrubed' feeling

for the student. So when Guru goes to a House> (student) it must get

protection from the Guru. The capabilities of> the House should become more

expressive with the blessings from the> Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha'

unfavorable( and not harmful) but> certainly not when in your house.When I

said all Gurus except> Krishna faild I wanted to say that in all the

incidences of> Mahabharat whenever there was a conflict between 'good' and

'bad' in> the presence of the Gurus, 'bad' prevailed. Draupadi vastraharan,>

Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several other things can be put,> where, in

the presence of all learned gurus, these things happened.> Possibly because of

their lack of courage or big Ego. Krishna did> not fail because of Gita. He

could change Arjunas mind to fight.> > As far as Arjunas shoka is concerned,

I think there is absolutly> nothing wrong in Arjunas reaction. Krishna never

said not to grief> on the death of near and dear ones. Rather in the VAlmiki

Ranmayana> Rama himself grieved like a child so much so that Lakshaman had

to> say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at the death of near>

and dear is a must for every grihastha. The intensity and medium of>

expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...".> he said

with reference to Yudha. If we see the complete shloka then> it would be

clear.> > SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |> tato Yudhaya

Yujuyaswa naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||> > Treating Sukha-Dukha,

Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss), Jaya-PArajaya as same> you should be ready for the

war.> > So when your relatives are ready for the war you should not act as a>

klib. you should not feel grief on these relatives. But that does> not mean

that Arjuna should not haved greived over the death of his> own son with whom

he had no fights. HAd Arjuna expressed any grief> over the death of relatives

whom he himelf killed the war then it> could have been failure of Krishna. On

the contarary Krishna has> further said> > "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma

jyayo ayhakarmanaH|> shariyatrapi cha te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"> > So I

think Krishna has not failed in imparting knowledge to Arjuna> and neither

Arjuna failed in implementing it because Krishna (guru)> was with him.> > >

Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> > AmolMAndar> > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"> <boxdel>

wrote:> > Dear Amolmandar,> > You are again missing the point. I have not

said that student does> anything> > bad. I have said student /king feels

disturbed in presence of the> Guru, him> > being a displinaranian regarding

study and Dharma. Thus the house> does not> > express itself fully hence the

specific Bharashta while indicating> effect of> > Guru's joining a house. I

have already stated that the example is> meant only> > to amplify the

concept and the example, though based on> astrological> > concepts is not

from an astrological work. Again I do not> understand the> > concept of all

Gurus other than Krishna failing in Mahabharata.> Their> > shishyas might

have failed as indeed they did including Arjuna.> You know> > that I do not

generally enter into debates based on perception of> > scriptures. But let me

make it clear what I mean by Arjuna having> failed.> > Read Bhagvadgita and

see what te Lord told him to achieve. The> lord asked> > him to be a Yogi

and described attributes of Yogi. This> included"Sukha> > Dukkha sam

krutwa...". Still he grieved on death of Abhimanyu and> swore> > death to

Jayadratha before the Sun sets, a situation out of which> the Lord> > had

to retrieve him.And later, on death of his other sons and> those of> >

others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain by Ashwatthama> he grieved>

> again.Now would you interprete this to mean that the Lord failed> to

impart> > knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to Arjuna? One has>

to> > understand the difference between physical Guru and the Guru>

principle> > represented by Jupiter.> > Hope this helps.> >

Chandrashekhar.> > > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:15 PM> >

vedic astrology> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter capable of> destroying the> > house it and Saturn Protects//>

>> >> > Chandrashekharji NAmaste> >> > Yes there was no explicit

reference of student/king as bad but> tone> > I thought was implicit

towards classifying student/king as bad.> >> > > > something which the

Guru forbids being bad.> >> > So even if we now take the last post still

I am not clear about> > student/king as house and its youth and bad

activity. What is the> > youth of a house? And what bad it performs which

Guru being> placed> > their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru

fails because of> ego> > and lack of courage? MAhabharat is the best

example. Every Guru> > except for Shri Krishna, failed in Mahabharat

because of either> of> > these qualities . SO when ideal Guru(Shri

Krishna) is with you,> you> > are bound to succeed. But the company of

semi-guru will create> > problems. Astrology I suppose must be considering

Guru as ideal> one.> > That is why I feel,Guru should never fail.> >>

>> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >> > AmolMAndar> > ---

In vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel>

wrote:> > > Dear Amol Mandar,> > > Read the previous mail carefully

again. I have not said that> > Student/King is> > > bad. I have said to

see what student / king feel about a> > displinarian Guru> > > living

with him, though he understands that the lessons are for> > his own> >

> good.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > >> > > -----Original

Message-----> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > >

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM> > > To:

vedic astrology> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why

is // Jupiter capable of> > destroying the> > > house it and Saturn

Protects//> > >> > >> > > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> > >> >

> Now some confusion. In the analogy of student/king and> > >

teacher/minister why do we consider by default,student or> king> > > as

'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and Guru in that> should> > >

protect their good and at least should not spoil the effect.> > >

Moreover, why should we asume that everytime in the presence> of> >

Guru,> > > student would be interested in doing something bad? A good>

> student> > > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the presence of Guru

should> > enhance> > > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance

Sthanas> capabilty.> > If> > > in Susthanas with consent and in

Dusthanas without. As it> would> > fail> > > to make 'bad' student

'good'. At least Guru should have that> much> > > discremination power.

Or is it that in the case of Susthanas> i.e.> > > with good student Guru

fails because of his elevated ego? In> that> > > case we can say that

Guru will always fail. In the company of> > good> > > student because

of his big EGO and in the company of bad> student> > > because of his

lack of courage. As a matter of fact, if> student> > is> > > really

bad then Guru must make him good and in the case of> good> > > student

Guru must appriciate student.> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your Time

and Space.> > >> > > AmolMAndar> > >> > >> > > --- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar> Sharma"> > >

<boxdel> wrote:> > > > Dear Amolmandar,> > > > I will give you

an example outside astrology and> religion.Guru> > > represents> > >

> Minister or the teacher . Now teacher tells that which is> > right.> >

> Students> > > > many a times feel unconfortable in the presence of

the> Teacher> > as he> > > > monitors their behaviour, specially if

in their youth they> > want to> > > do> > Simialr is the case

with> > > the king> > > > whose ministers forbids him from doing

something that is> > against> > > RajDharma.> > > > Now imagine

House where Jupiter is posited being the> > student/King> > > and> >

> > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the house would> be> >

clear.> > > > Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at>

looking> > at it> > > in order> > > > to understand why this

happens, and the Sages' principles> are> > given> > > to us as> >

> > such without the reasons behind them. We have to apply our> >

Viveka> > > to fathom> > > > the logic behind it.Other worthies

might hold different> views.> > > > Hope this helps understand the

concept.> > > > Chandrashekhar.> > > > -----Original

Message-----> > > > amolmandar [amolmandar]> > >

> Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM> > > > To:

vedic astrology> > > > [vedic astrology] Re:

Why is // Jupiter capable> of> > > destroying the> > > > house it

and Saturn Protects//> > > >> > > >> > > > Chandrashekharji

Namste> > > >> > > > As usual you explained the things very

lucidly but just> > slight> > > doubt.> > > > It is said many

times that Guru is Dharma (not religion)> and> > it> > > is as> >

> > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually> fails.> >

> Hence> > > > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru>

> should also> > > > never fail. Then why it fails with respect to

house? Does> > MAYA> > > play> > > > any role in this?> >

> >> > > >> > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> > >

>> > > > AmolMAndar> > > >> > > >> > > >

Sponsor> > > > > > > >>

> > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > > >> > > > Group

info: vedic-> > astrology/info.html> > >

>> > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > >

> > > >> > > > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > > >> > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||> > > >> > > > Your use of

Groups is subject to the Terms> of> > > Service.> > > >>

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Chandrashekhar ji NAmste


Now the things are moving in unecessary directions. When you trace

the history,trace it from the begining and not at a point suitable

to you. It was from you who brought Gita and Krishna-Arjuna as Guru-

Shishya. Against that only I replied whatever you have quoted.

Please follow the thread very carefully. There is no point in

twisting the meanings and claiming things. There is no doubt that

Krishna is Guru of whole mankind including pandavas and Kauravas.

Only thing is that those who are Kauravas feel different and get

sided opposite to HIM. In that case it is not fault of Krishna.


I made it very clear in the last mail itself that due to your

repeated orders only I am giving my understanding of the shlokas you

wanted me to make. In that it was important for me to tell what was

the reason of your shloka and hence I put all of them in the

message. (At least how to explain should be left to me). Now I am

surprised that you are accusing me for waste of space. There is no

point in debating on the issuse about which we are not ready to

appriciate or at least give a thought to what other person is

saying. I know that MAdhusudhan and Arisudhana are pure names of

Krishna but they are the names of Vishnu as well. (Atleast

Madhusudhan) Now Killer of demon Madhu becomes Madhusudhan then this

demon must have existed only once and hence either Vishnu or Krishna

must have killed him. That is the main reason I did not want to get

into Gita disscussions. When we analyse Gita we have to read it more

carefully. Every word has definite use in Gita. It is not matter of

chance that in the 2 Adhyaya when Arjuna talks like a psudo-

intelligent person and of the traditions that are on the face of it

seem very good and convincing but are anti-vedic, Ved Vyasa used the

word Madhusudan and Arisudana. Is it so foolish that at the whims of

the Ved Vyasa Krishna names have been used in Gita? At least I dont

think so. When context is not clear then it becomes very important

to make it clear. That is what I did. So, before dissmissing my

logic just read it carefully and give a thought to it.


According to the MAhabharata in the Rajasuya yjana of Yudishthir,

after killing Shishupal,Krishna showed his Virat rupa. Any copy of

Mahabharata should confirm this. I am not saying anything from my

little brain. Ved Vyasa has written it explicity. I only reproduced

it. So if at all any 'loose' talk has been done then Ved Vyasa is

responsible for that!. But as far as Krishna telling later in the

Gita that this virat darshan is for you there is some another hidden

spiritual reference which I am sure you will not appriciate it from

me. So I will not comment on that. The Virat Rupa seen by every one

and by Arjuna only, these two things are clear to my mind but there

is a saying in hindi "Sher ko tabhi bolo jab use uthane wale ho".


As far as gain in the knowledge, let it be decided by the list

owner. Why should we worry. It was your statement that Sthana

Brhasta Karotri Jeeva. In your last mail you did not say anything

regarding that. I asked about its useage to be done on hindsight or

not. You are silent about it. It seems that you are more interested

in Gita than Sthana Brahstha.. principle. I am not getting this

knowledge that is for sure.

The irony is that without getting any knowledge, I got the

adjectives as 'Twisting the thread,loose usage of event,loss of

space.etc.etc. 'Hat dakhavun Avalakshan' is this I suppose!. Now

since list is not likely to gain any 'knowledge' I request you to

allow me to stop at this point.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.





vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandar,


> Perhaps the whole confusion arises out of the difference between


> perception and mine on the meaning of Guru. As far as I know the

word GURU

> is derived from two letters GU and RU and implies one who removes


> darkness of ignorance. That being the case if you accept somebody

as GURU of

> somebody, it would be the Shishya who could fail and not the GURU.


> since you want to indulge in semantics, let us examine again the

history of

> this thread.


> If you remember ,on your statement of Guru failing shishya

message, my reply

> was that it is not Guru who fails shishya but shishyas that fail


> your convinience I will paste the same from this message it

self "Again I do

> not understand the concept of all Gurus other than Krishna

failing in

> Mahabharata.Their shishyas might have failed as indeed they did


> Arjuna." Having made my position clear , I answered you and you


> with, "So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting knowledge to


> and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because Krishna (guru)

was with

> him."


> Again you have not yet explained how without Gita coming in to the

> discussion, Arjuna's shishyatva of Krishna or Krishna being Guru

of Arjuna

> prior to Gita when Arjuna himself called him Sakha or friend till

that time.

> Trying to state what Krishan's being accepted aas Vishnu does not

make him

> Guru of Arjuna pre Gita. If you apply this principle then by your

own logic

> all those who accepted this, including the Kauravas, were Krisha's


> and since Kauravas lost both their lives and their kingdom by your


> Krishna failed to teach all of them and as such failed as a

Guru.In that

> case your earlier statement of Krishna not having failed as Guru

would be

> wrong. In caseyou find fault with this logic and insist that by

virtue of

> being accepted as God earlier he becomes exclusive Guru of Arjuna


> argument if put forth defies logic) and Arjuna did everything

right as (as

> you said) his guru was with him. Then pray why did Arjuna not

learn and did

> not want to go to war with the Kauravas, by your logic this in

itself would

> be failure of Krishna as guru(since Krishna was physically present

with him

> in the chariot).

> If you want to deviate from this logic, then explain why even

after the Lord

> told Arjuna to be fixed in Yoga and also that for all yogis, final

> emancipation and reach his(Krishna's) abode(Swarga) is the goal;

and adviced

> him to strive for it, did not Arjuna reach Swarga, unlike

Yudhishthira and

> his Dog. By your logic, this would indicate that Krishna failed as

a Guru.


> Either you are using the term Virata darshan of Kishna in a very

loose way

> when you say that at Rajsuya Yagna "In that

> assembly everyone was lucky enough to see that Virat darshan of

> Krishna."or you imply that when Krishna told Arjuna that this Rupa

cannot be

> seen even by Arjuna with his human eyes and so granted him the


> drishti, he made a wrong statement.


> Clarify your position on above two points before we go on debating

> fruitlessly. Giving endless shlokas of Gita with misplaced

translation does

> not make wrong right. "Gatasoonagataasuscha" does not refer to "

persons may

> come and may

> go" but those dead and those yet to be born. I do not understand

why the

> shloka is "freely" translated as such. It would ,indeed be

interesting to

> see your translation of" avyaktadini Bhootaani.....Tatra

kaparivedana" Ad.2

> Sh.28.


> Trivialising the divine knowledge which the Lord himself says is "


> yoga a dovine secret (worthy of being kept secret)" by calling

it " Krishna

> gives correct doze to Arjuna" is not correct. Similar is the


> translation of Madhusudana and Arisudana. Krishna had killed many

demons and

> Madhu and Ari were amongst them.Madhusudana means "One who has

killed Madhu"

> and similar is the meaning of Arisudana. Trying to take out a


> meaning out of these names of Krishna to suit an argument is not


> correct.


> Already a lot of valuable space is being wasted on the list by

giving full

> versions of shlokas and out of context material. So please at

least reply to

> this by giving replies to the points raised specifically. Also if

you can

> look at this as a discussion to gain knowledge rather than as an


> between two sides reducing it to a caricature of Kaurava Pandava


> your quote"As far as Gita and shlokas put up by your side " )

may be the

> concept would become clear.

> Chandrashekhar.



> amolmandar [amolmandar]

> Wednesday, September 03, 2003 5:07 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

destroying the

> house it and Saturn Protects//



> Chandrashekhar ji Namaste


> Last time you wrote


> "You reffered to Shishyas failing Gurus except Arjuna failing


> Krishna in Mahabharata."


> I beg your pardon. I never said this.


> I said, failing of Gurus in Mahabharta except Krishna. I never


> that shishyas failing Gurus except Arjuna failing Krishna. These


> not my words. I will reproduce it for your kind considerations.


> "Dont you think Guru fails because of ego and lack of courage?

> MAhabharat is the best example.

> Every Guru except for Shri Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because


> either of these qualities . SO when ideal Guru(Shri Krishna) is

> with you,you are bound to succeed."


> SO where is the question of I refering,Arjuna failing Krishna or


> that matter any shishya failing guru? I was reffering to the fact

> that if at all, Guru fails it is usually because of big EGO or


> of courage. In this context Krishna never failed in Mahabharata.

> This is what all I said. I never compared Krishna-Arjuna as Guru-

> Shishyas. Krishna was GURU of all mankind and not only Arjuna

> although Arjuna was his best companion.He loved Arjuna like

> father,friend,elder brother and a Guru.


> That is why I said you shifted from main thread to secondary.


> Now as far as pre-Gita relationship of Krishna-Arjuna, I would


> to first say that krishna was considered as Vishnuavatar by

> pandavs,Bhisma,Drona,Kripa and all known 'Gurus' at the Kurukul.


> the Rajsuya yagnya of Yudhisthir, everyone agreed to worship


> first he being Vishnu himself. Shishipal did not agree and was


> killed by Sudarshanchakra of Vishnu possesed by Krishna. In that

> assembly everyone was lucky enough to see that Virat darshan of

> Krishna. So it confirms that Krishna was considered as Bhagawan


> one and all. If we have to argue on 'Guru' and Bhagawan is not


> then possibly we would loose the point of contention. All

> Devas,Bhagawan,Lords are Gurus. Because the word Guru itself



> "gakaraH sidhadhida proktato refaH papasya harakaH|

> ukaro vishnurvyatastitayatma GuruH paraH||"



> As far as Gita and shlokas put up by your side I would like to


> out the very fact that the Adhyaya in which these are present,

> begins with a very interesting situation. With your permissions I

> would like to put forward it in best possible manner.


> First Skloka of 2 Adhyaya


> "Tam Tatha Krupayavisthamshrupurna kule kishnam |

> vishidadantamidim vakyamuvacha madhusudan||1||


> [Free translation]

> Seeing Arjuna full of compassion, deeply conserned and his eyes


> of tears, Madhusudan spoke following sentences.


> "Krutstva kshmlamidim vishame samupisthitham |

> Anayajusthamswargamkirtirimjuna ||2 ||


> [Free translation]

> O,Arjuna how have these impurites come upon you at such time?


> are unprogressive,derogative and bringing infamy.


> "Klibyam ma sma gamaH partha naiitatvayayuppdhyete|

> kishudra hridayamdaurbalam tyavaktvotisthi paramtap||3||


> [Free translation]

> O Son of Protha, do not succumb to degrading impotence. It does


> benefit you. Cast off such nasty weakness of heart and stand up


> the greater cause,O great performance of penance.


> Upon this Arjuna again said


> "KAtham bhishmaham sankhe dronam cha madhusudan |

> ishubhihi prati yooiityasyami poojarvasrisudhan||4||


> [Free translation]

> O madhusudhan,O arisudhana, how can I counterattack with arrows

> personalities like bhishma and dorna,who are worthy of worship?


> After that Arjuna said similar things till shlokas 9.


> At 5th shloka Arjuna says "It is better to live begging than to


> by killing these people worthy of worship."


> In 6th he adds that it is not good to live by killing the sons of

> Dhritrashra.


> In the 7th shloka he makes his position clear,he says that now I


> suffering from mental weakness and hence I am confused about


> (Constitutional duty). I am asking you to tell me clearly what is

> best for me because I have surrendered myself to you as your

> disciple.


> In the shloka 8th he further adds that I find no way out of this

> whirlpool of grief which is drying my senses.



> Common persons,proud of their intelligence,generally take

shelter of

> the religious assumptions and ethical suppositions of their

time, in

> order to show that their thoughts and actions thereto are quite

> correct and worthy of praise. They never feel that they are


> The Arjun here has been shown by Ved Vyasa, of similar

> mentality.Hence Arjuna here has been shown to say that he would

> better beg than to kill the so called supiriors who are openly

> siding the enemies. Many a times persons having a place in the

> society also speak such thoughts as Arjuna did but such thoughts


> impotant and detrimental for the health of the society and even

> individual. Ved Vyasa right away discards such thought as

> impotence,dirty and improper for the Arya person. That is why

> Krishna in shloka 4th is called Madhusudana and Arisudana.

> Madhusudan is killer of so called sweet engagements(false


> given in sweet words) and Arisudana meaning killer of unhealthy

> tendencies. Looking at this condition of great kshatriya like

> Arjuna, Krishna starts with Sankhya philosophy. The first of this

> was Ashocchananva... since Arjuna a great worrier was speaking


> a commoner and a miser. Now at this juncture Krishna says


> "Aashochyananyashochstvam prdgyavadamshcha Bhasache|

> Gatasunagatasuscha nanushochanti panditaH||11||


> [Free translation]

> You are talking things of knowledge and at the same time you are

> lamenting for what is not worthy of greif. persons may come and


> go , but wise do not lament for the same.


> Arjuna was speaking about traditiona conception and thus thinking

> that he was really speaking knowledge,which is the terminus of


> life. But soul or atman is greater than such traditional social

> conceptions and hence Krishna gives correct doze to Arjuna,who


> professing about what he was not.


> With this begining of Sankhya, Krishna then goes on to give all

> posiible ways of seeking true knowledge. That is why it gets in

> Karmayoga and Bhakti yoga as well. Because Ved Vyasa wanted to

> counter the false perception of traditions and to counter the

> philosophy of dejection and false tyaga, every possible way of

> seeking knowlwdge in Vedic way was put in Gita. As this


> on the face of it seems very convincing and sweet a gereater


> is required and that is why it touches the spiritual aspect as

> well. But there is no doubt that it begins with a dejected


> and his unnecessary thinking of traditions vis-a-vis swadharma.


> [i have not twisted anything form Gita to suit my interpretation

> rather to understand the shloka i have followed the general

rules to

> understand the semantics of words used in the shloka without


> I have not used here Analogy to come to the meaning of the




> Now regarding tabular form,


> you said that "You had said about a tabular form of


> of Guru in different places."


> No I said that with respect to "Sthana Brhastha karoti.."


> of Guru/Jupiter please give me tabular information per sthana. At

> this you said that this is to be applied in wholistic manner and


> in isolation. Does this mean to apply this principle on


> If nothig seems to justify then blame it on Sthana bhrastha


> principle of Guru!.


> Last time only I said that when Guru does Brhastha of sthana

then it

> must be because of brahsthachar of either Guru or sthana

> personified. Is there anything wrong in this? Anything go


> only if some brhasthachar gets done. So I wanted to know in what


> Guru does Brhasthachar given a position OR How Sthana pserforms

> brhasthachar my mere presence of Guru? And since there is no good

> answer to this it becomes a rule to be applied on the hindsight.


> So following things are worth noting. I did refer to MAhabharat


> and never mentioned Arjuna or Gita from my side first. I never

> mentioned Krishna-Arjuna as Guru-Shishya first, rather you


> that I am referring to that, for the reasons best known to you.


> shifted to these issues and drifted discussions towards these

> points. On repeated orders from you, I tried to analyse shlokas


> Gita. That may have caused my mail lengthy please excuse me for

> that. After repeated request, you siad that the "Sthana Brhastha

> karoti..." principle is to be applied on wholistic manner and

not in

> isolation. May be on the hindsights. Am I right?



> Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


> AmolMandar




> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> <boxdel> wrote:

> > Dear Amolmandar,

> >

> > You are confusing the issues. You reffered to Shishyas failing

> Gurus except

> > Arjuna failing Lord Krishna in Mahabharata.No doubt, you


> to

> > Mahabharata and not Gita and Gita subject was brought in by me.

> However are

> > there references in Mahabharata where Krishna is reffered to as

> Guru of

> > Arjuna prior to his recital of Gita to Arjuna?

> >

> > The Mahabharata that I know tells about Krupacharya being Guru


> Kuruvansha

> > and Dronacharya being Guru of Kuru Rajkumars for warfare.

Again in

> Gita

> > itself Arjuna begs pardon of the Lord for having reffered to

him as

> > Sakha(Friend) after the Vishvarupa is revealed by the


> you doubt

> > existence of the shloka refer to Adhyaya 11 shloka 41 and 42.

> >

> > This being the case, I do not understand how I have "shifted"


> the

> > thread by giving Gita shloka and the arguments.In case some


> reference

> > of Krishna as Guru of Arjuna pre Gita revelation is available


> the edition

> > of Gita available with you, kindly quote from it so that my

> knowledge of

> > scriptures can increase.

> >

> > I have said that the attributes of yogi included Sukh dukkhe


> krutwa

> > since after telling Arjuna about Ashocchananva shochaste... at

> Adhyaya2 Sh.

> > 11 and other shlokas , as you call them, Sukh dukkhe same


> appears as

> > shloka 39 in the same adhyaaya and the statement there in


> to what the

> > Lor has told Arjuna vide Ashocchananva...Adhyaya 2 sh11. which

> incidentally

> > is the begining of the Lord's upadesha in that Adhyaya. The

> meaning of any

> > shashtra is to be taken into its entirety and not from


> shlokas,

> > is the teaching of the Gurus(and even Lord Krishna instructs

> Arjuna about

> > how study of is to be done in Gita). If you need reference for

> this

> > statement of mine, refer to Neelakantha Tajiki on


> Therefore

> > it(Sukhadukkhe..) does not only refer to the war but the very

> basis of

> > Arjuna wanting to avoid war, which was his grief on the


> of their

> > dying at his hands.

> >

> > Whether grieving for departed ones is justified or not,was not


> original

> > point under discussions. It was about your statement that in

> Mahabharata

> > every Guru but Krishna failed his shishya. I merely pointed out

> that it is

> > not the Guru failed the shishya but shishyas failed their Gurus

> and added

> > that even Arjuna failed Lord Krishna who was his Adhyatmic

Guru by

> virtue of

> > revelation of Bhagvadgita. If failure of a shishya is not


> the

> > principles taught by his Guru to real life situation, kindly

> enlighten what

> > is the test of a shishya.

> >

> > You have said "What ever Krishna in the Gita has said

> > it was to convince a dejected Kshtriya who opted to quit from


> > battle field." and you are entitled to that opinion.However


> is much

> > more than that, it is revelation of the essence of Hindu

> philosophy, duties,

> > interpretation of rituals and encompasses Vedas and


> Arjuna

> > having been convinced about the necessity of figthing as you


> it by the

> > Vishvarupa darshan Adhyaaya 11, seeks further knowledge of


> Sanyasa

> > Yogis and the Lord reveals deep philosophy including Kshetra-

> Kshtreja

> > knowledge in the remaining 7 adhyaayas. Therefore the logic of

> calling Gita

> > as "to convince a dejected kshtriya" is an explaination


> to digest

> > for me.

> >

> > It is you who talked about Bhrashtachar of Guru, though I had


> to

> > distinguish between Guru as in Jupiter planet and Guru as in

> Teacher. I had

> > clearly stated that the example of Teacher/Guru-student/king is

> given as

> > strictly apart from astrology and only in order to explain the

> concept

> > better.You had said about a tabular form of interpretation of


> in

> > different places. As already explained the principles are to be

> applied in a

> > wholistic manner and not in isolation or they make one draw


> > conclusions.

> > Some one had,painstakingly,even the results of Guru in


> Rasis and

> > Houses as given in Saravali and other standard texts. If you


> read them,

> > you will understand why one get lead astray by applying


> > nonwholistically.

> >

> > By the way you have not given your explaination

on "Ashochhananva

> > shochastve..." your translation of this would be appreciated.


> would also

> > help us understand the advice given by the Lord to Arjuna about

> grief on

> > passing away of near ones and happiness on birth of one. It


> be

> > interesting to know whether Arjna followed the advice.

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> >

> > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > Tuesday, September 02, 2003 3:12 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

> destroying the

> > house it and Saturn Protects//

> >

> >

> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste

> >

> > "I have noted this tendency in quite a few mails, not of


> > only." I think there is indeed a 'gap' in this.

> >

> > Sir, with all due respect I would like to draw your

attention to

> the

> > following facts.There are again few stops.

> >

> > Lets trace out the things:

> >

> > In one of my mails I said

> >

> > [Me]>>MAhabharat is the best example. Every Guru

> > except for Shri Krishna, failed in Mahabharat because of

> > either of these qualities . SO when ideal Guru(Shri


> is

> > with you,you are bound to succeed.

> >

> >

> > Sir, Please note , I said only Mahabharat and without any

> reference

> > to Gita. The MAhabhart and Krishna reference was to put


> that

> > when real Guru is with you, you will succeed.

> >

> > In response to this, discussion was sifted by you to Bhagvat


> > and made main point of thread by puting half shloka from the

> gita.

> >

> >

> > [You]>>Read Bhagvadgita and see what te Lord told him to


> > The lord asked him to be a Yogi and described attributes of


> > This included"Sukha Dukkha sam krutwa...".

> >

> > You as well said that since Arjuna grieved at the loss of


> and

> > dear ones does it attribute to faliure of either Krishna or

> Arjuna.

> >

> > Now since I thought that the shloka which you quoted should


> taken

> > in totality and not in parts I said that "SUkha Dukkha Sama

> > krutva.." was in regard with War and gave the complete

shloka .

> I as

> > well put forward the example of Rama who grieved like child


> > Valmiki Ramayana at the loss of Sita (which you did not take

> > cognizance of!). With Lord Rama grieving at the loss of near


> > dear, Arjunas greiving is well justified and hence said


> > Krishna nor Arjuna failed. To greif at the loss of near and


> is

> > a duty of every Grihasta. Nothing unsual about it.

> >

> > At this, you were amazed and put up few more shlokas from


> > Since they were all related to same part of the Mahabharata


> > making Arjuna realized futility of human relation at the

time of

> war

> > I thought that I would give example of Krishnas behaviour


> and

> > after war.

> >

> > Sir, it was not simple anger but grief as well in the


> of

> > Krisha in the case of Draupadi,Bhishma and later Uttara. My


> > was to prove that quoting Krishna from Gita and his teachings

> from

> > only Gita is not sufficient. What ever Krishna in the Gita


> said

> > it was to convince a dejected Kshtriya who opted to quit

from the

> > battle field. Gita is more of spiritual nature rather than


> > philosophical. We must see the Krishna in entire Mahabharata.

> >

> > I never shifted from my any of points. The two examples,

> > student/king and Krishna/Arjuna/Gita which you put forward,

I was

> > not able to understand properly. That is why I tried to get


> > through.

> >

> > If you still allow me to say, I wished to have clear-cut


> > information regarding the Bhrstachar done or caused by

> Guru/Sthana

> > vis-a-vis "Sthana Brhashta Karoti...". When Guru is


> for

> > Brahstha of Sthana then it must be either brahstachar of

Guru or

> > Sthana. Otherwise Brahstha will not occur. It must Guru at a

> sthana

> > doing Brahstachar or Stahana attributes getting Brahstha


> of

> > Guru. If we personify SThana, as Lagna as self and 9/10 as


> > then brahstachar should be from that respective person.Is


> any

> > other possibility?

> >

> > I never said that Guru is not papi or malefic. It can be

good or

> > bad to a lagna but I could not understand when Guru is at


> place

> > how can it be malefic or why it does brhasta of sthana?

> >

> > It was 'distrubed' feeling which was main line of argument. I

> > thought that, this argument lacks universality and since


> > astrological hindu principles are usually universal I wanted


> put

> > forward my line of argument against this statement. So I


> > wanted to request to reconsider the statement of yours

that "I

> have

> > noted this tendency in quite a few mails, not of yours

only." I

> dont

> > have a tendency to surf on emotional thought process without

> > supporting logic from scriptures/text books.

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> >

> > AmolMandar

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar


> > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > Dear Amolmandar,

> > > You know me too well to understand that I am not given to

> anger.I

> > got

> > > exasperated when you tried to twist what the Lord Krishna


> > about how

> > > yogi faces death, though you are well versed in scriptures.

> > >

> > > It serves no purpose to read meanings where there are

none. I

> have

> > noted

> > > this tendency in quite a few mails, not of yours only. For


> > fruitful

> > > discussion it is better to stick to one thread, so that

> everybody's

> > > knowledge increases. Even now you think in terms of

> Bhrashtachar of

> > > Guru.Could you tell me where have I ever said that Guru is

> > responsible for

> > > Bhrashtachara( you said"possible Brhastachar of Guru ".)?.

> > >

> > > Again in the examples given by you you are deviating from


> has

> > been said

> > > in Gita. If I remember right,the point was whether shishyas

> failed

> > or Gurus.

> > > The discussion was about grieving over death and not about

> anger.I

> > had

> > > quoted specific shlokas and do not understand why you chose

> not to

> > answer

> > > about them and veered to selective parts of Mahabharata.

> > >

> > > If you feel Krishna's word is inferior to what is supposed


> be

> > stated by

> > > Vyasa, I do not to this view. You must be aware


> > most of the

> > > epics were gilded later on by additions by other writers


> > these include,

> > > both Ramayana and Mahabharata. It is like pitting what has


> > said in

> > > Padma Purana against that given in Linga Purana, without

> > understanding the

> > > essense of the Hindu philisophy. Such discussions lead one

> > nowhere. I have

> > > already told you to apply the given principles yourself and

> find

> > out what

> > > are the results.This is the best way to learn the science.

> > > Hope this helps.

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > Monday, September 01, 2003 4:50 PM

> > > vedic astrology

> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable


> > destroying the

> > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > >

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste

> > >

> > > It seems that you are angry with me. I am sorry that I


> > your

> > > patience more than I am allowed to. But I hope that you


> > pardon

> > > my adventure. I did not want to get a abnormal death to


> > Thread,

> > > at least not before getting fully satisfied, but it seems

> that i

> > > must realize "Sthana Brhasta Karoti........" principle


> Guru.

> > > Just a small request,if you dont take otherwise,please


> > explicit

> > > table of possible Brhastachar of Guru per sthana(or


> it be

> > > Brhastachar of Sthana because of Guru.) As implicit


> are

> > too

> > > far from my little brain I request you to make it as

> explicit as

> > > possible.

> > >

> > > I know that there wont be any discussions further but to


> > some of

> > > the Krishnas reactions will be interesting for you.

> > >

> > > Before the start of the war Darupadi told her agony


> > > Vastraharan in the Rajashabha in fornt of all Gurus and

> Krishna

> > was

> > > very distressed to hear that. He expressed his

SatyaKriya as

> > >

> > > this

> > >

> > > "Rodayishyanti striyo heyveam yesham krudhaasi bhavini |

> > > Bibhastasusharmsanchannachonitaoopariplutan ||

> > > Nihatan valabhan vikshaya shayanan vasudhatale |

> > > yat samartham pandavanam tat kariyashami shuchaH||

> > >

> > > As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken insult of

> Daupadi

> > as a

> > > Yogi but he did not.

> > >

> > >

> > > In the course of war one day Bhisma was furious at

> Pandavsena and

> > > that resulted in many deaths in pandav side. Krishna


> not

> > > tolerate death of his near and dear ones and inspite of


> > pleadge,

> > > opted for picking-up the dhanushya to destroy Bhisma.


> > Krishna

> > > did not remember what he preached himself to Arjuna

> (SukhaDukhe

> > Same

> > > Krutwa...) before start of the war.

> > >

> > > As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken death of

> > pandavsena as

> > > a Yogi but he did not.

> > >

> > > And at the end of the war when Aashawatthama and Arjuna

> applied

> > > Brahmastra on each other, Arjuna called his astra back

on the

> > > request of Vyas but Ashwatthama refused saying that it

is for

> > > destruction of last Pandav vansha. It was aimed at the

> Garbha of

> > > uttara,wife of Abhimanyu. Hearing this Krishna was very

> distrubed

> > > and cursed Ashwatthama. I think Krishna gave curse only


> in

> > his

> > > life and that to a Brahman.

> > >

> > > As a matter of fact Krishna should have taken death of


> > > vanshaja as a Yogi but he did not.

> > >

> > >

> > > So there is no question of interpreting scriptures


> to

> > our

> > > needs. What is stated by Vyasa is plain and simple. One


> to

> > read

> > > it in totality.

> > >

> > > Once again I am extremly sorry for the trouble I created


> you.

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > >

> > > AmolMAndar

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

> Sharma"

> > > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > > Dear Amolmandar,

> > > > I had already said that the example of


> is an

> > > aside from

> > > > astrology. However I am amazed at your interpretation


> > > Bhagvadgita.Could

> > > > you intereprete what is the meaning of "Ashochyananva

> > shochastvam

> > > > pradnyavadasch bhaashse, gatasunagatasunscha


> > > panditah"?

> > > > Adhyaya2 Shloka 11 and the subsequent shlokas 15,28

and so

> on.

> > It

> > > would

> > > > ,indeed, be interesting to see the interpretation of


> > > > I am aware that there are many interpretations of the


> Gita

> > > and that

> > > > sometimes people like to distort it to suit their


> to

> > the

> > > > circumstances. However this does not add to knowledge

> which we

> > > seek. I have

> > > > seen people claiming someone's being happy on receiving

> news of

> > > death of

> > > > other as a mark of yogi per Gita. I do not find the


> saying

> > > this

> > > > anywhere.

> > > > Anyway since you have decided that Jupiter helps the


> in

> > > which he is

> > > > situated, without exception it is your prerogative and


> would

> > not

> > > like to

> > > > comment on it. I had only given what has been stated by

> Sages.

> > > > Hope this helps

> > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > >

> > > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > > Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:19 PM

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter


> of

> > > destroying the

> > > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste

> > > >

> > > > >I have said student /king feels disturbed in


> of the

> > > Guru,

> > > > >him being a displinaranian regarding study and


> > > >

> > > > This statement is not clear with the astrological

> context.

> > In the

> > > > non-astrological sense as well why would student

> > > feel 'distrubed' in

> > > > the presence of Guru? It is ok if student has gone to

> Guru's

> > > place.

> > > > i.e. School but when Guru has come to the student


> why

> > > student

> > > > should feel distrubed? I suppose it should be a


> to

> > > > celebrate. Your argument is valid only if student has

> gone to

> > > Gurus

> > > > place. When Guru has come to your place student will

> never

> > think

> > > of

> > > > anything that his Guru does not like. So there is no

> question

> > > > of 'distrubed' feeling for the student. So when Guru

> goes to

> > a

> > > House

> > > > (student) it must get protection from the Guru. The

> > capabilities

> > > of

> > > > the House should become more expressive with the

> blessings

> > from

> > > the

> > > > Guru. So Guru can be 'Anistha' unfavorable( and not

> harmful)

> > but

> > > > certainly not when in your house.When I said all


> except

> > > > Krishna faild I wanted to say that in all the


> of

> > > > Mahabharat whenever there was a conflict

between 'good'

> > > and 'bad' in

> > > > the presence of the Gurus, 'bad' prevailed. Draupadi

> > vastraharan,

> > > > Dyuta-krida, Abhimanyu Vadha, and several other


> can be

> > > put,

> > > > where, in the presence of all learned gurus, these


> > > happened.

> > > > Possibly because of their lack of courage or big Ego.

> > Krishna did

> > > > not fail because of Gita. He could change Arjunas

mind to

> > fight.

> > > >

> > > > As far as Arjunas shoka is concerned, I think there


> > absolutly

> > > > nothing wrong in Arjunas reaction. Krishna never said

> not to

> > > grief

> > > > on the death of near and dear ones. Rather in the


> > > Ranmayana

> > > > Rama himself grieved like a child so much so that

> Lakshaman

> > had

> > > to

> > > > say some strong words to Rama. To express grief at


> death

> > of

> > > near

> > > > and dear is a must for every grihastha. The

intensity and

> > medium

> > > of

> > > > expression may vary. when Krishna said "Sukha Dukkha


> > > krutwa...".

> > > > he said with reference to Yudha. If we see the


> > shloka

> > > then

> > > > it would be clear.

> > > >

> > > > SukhaDukhe Same Krutwa Labhalaboo Jayajayoo |

> > > > tato Yudhaya Yujuyaswa naivam papamvapyasi ||2.38||

> > > >

> > > > Treating Sukha-Dukha, Labha(Gain)-Hani(loss), Jaya-

> PArajaya

> > as

> > > same

> > > > you should be ready for the war.

> > > >

> > > > So when your relatives are ready for the war you


> not

> > act

> > > as a

> > > > klib. you should not feel grief on these relatives.


> that

> > does

> > > > not mean that Arjuna should not haved greived over


> death

> > of

> > > his

> > > > own son with whom he had no fights. HAd Arjuna


> any

> > > grief

> > > > over the death of relatives whom he himelf killed

the war

> > then it

> > > > could have been failure of Krishna. On the contarary

> Krishna

> > has

> > > > further said

> > > >

> > > > "Niyatam Kuru karma tvam karma jyayo ayhakarmanaH|

> > > > shariyatrapi cha te na prasidhyedkarmanaH||"

> > > >

> > > > So I think Krishna has not failed in imparting


> to

> > > Arjuna

> > > > and neither Arjuna failed in implementing it because

> Krishna

> > > (guru)

> > > > was with him.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > > >

> > > > AmolMAndar

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > vedic-

astrology, "Chandrashekhar

> > Sharma"

> > > > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > > > Dear Amolmandar,

> > > > > You are again missing the point. I have not said


> > student

> > > does

> > > > anything

> > > > > bad. I have said student /king feels disturbed in

> presence

> > of

> > > the

> > > > Guru, him

> > > > > being a displinaranian regarding study and Dharma.

> Thus the

> > > house

> > > > does not

> > > > > express itself fully hence the specific Bharashta


> > > indicating

> > > > effect of

> > > > > Guru's joining a house. I have already stated that


> > example

> > > is

> > > > meant only

> > > > > to amplify the concept and the example, though

based on

> > > > astrological

> > > > > concepts is not from an astrological work. Again I


> not

> > > > understand the

> > > > > concept of all Gurus other than Krishna failing in

> > Mahabharata.

> > > > Their

> > > > > shishyas might have failed as indeed they did


> > Arjuna.

> > > > You know

> > > > > that I do not generally enter into debates based on

> > perception

> > > of

> > > > > scriptures. But let me make it clear what I mean by

> Arjuna

> > > having

> > > > failed.

> > > > > Read Bhagvadgita and see what te Lord told him to

> achieve.

> > The

> > > > lord asked

> > > > > him to be a Yogi and described attributes of Yogi.


> > > > included"Sukha

> > > > > Dukkha sam krutwa...". Still he grieved on death of

> > Abhimanyu

> > > and

> > > > swore

> > > > > death to Jayadratha before the Sun sets, a


> out of

> > > which

> > > > the Lord

> > > > > had to retrieve him.And later, on death of his


> sons

> > and

> > > > those of

> > > > > others, at end of the Yuddha when they were slain


> > > Ashwatthama

> > > > he grieved

> > > > > again.Now would you interprete this to mean that


> Lord

> > > failed

> > > > to impart

> > > > > knowledge about the indestructibility of Atman to

> Arjuna?

> > One

> > > has

> > > > to

> > > > > understand the difference between physical Guru

and the

> > Guru

> > > > principle

> > > > > represented by Jupiter.

> > > > > Hope this helps.

> > > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > > >

> > > > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > > > Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:15 PM

> > > > > vedic astrology

> > > > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter

> capable

> > of

> > > > destroying the

> > > > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Chandrashekharji NAmaste

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes there was no explicit reference of


> as

> > bad

> > > but

> > > > tone

> > > > > I thought was implicit towards classifying

> student/king

> > as

> > > bad.

> > > > >

> > > > > > > something which the Guru forbids being bad.

> > > > >

> > > > > So even if we now take the last post still I am


> clear

> > > about

> > > > > student/king as house and its youth and bad


> > What

> > > is the

> > > > > youth of a house? And what bad it performs which


> > being

> > > > placed

> > > > > their forbids it to do so? Dont you think Guru


> > because

> > > of

> > > > ego

> > > > > and lack of courage? MAhabharat is the best


> > Every

> > > Guru

> > > > > except for Shri Krishna, failed in Mahabharat

> because of

> > > either

> > > > of

> > > > > these qualities . SO when ideal Guru(Shri


> is

> > with

> > > you,

> > > > you

> > > > > are bound to succeed. But the company of semi-


> will

> > > create

> > > > > problems. Astrology I suppose must be considering

> Guru as

> > > ideal

> > > > one.

> > > > > That is why I feel,Guru should never fail.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > > > >

> > > > > AmolMAndar

> > > > > vedic-

> astrology, "Chandrashekhar

> > > Sharma"

> > > > > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > > > > Dear Amol Mandar,

> > > > > > Read the previous mail carefully again. I have


> said

> > > that

> > > > > Student/King is

> > > > > > bad. I have said to see what student / king


> about

> > a

> > > > > displinarian Guru

> > > > > > living with him, though he understands that the

> lessons

> > > are for

> > > > > his own

> > > > > > good.

> > > > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > > > > Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:42 PM

> > > > > > vedic astrology

> > > > > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is //


> > capable

> > > of

> > > > > destroying the

> > > > > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now some confusion. In the analogy of

> student/king

> > and

> > > > > > teacher/minister why do we consider by

> > default,student or

> > > > king

> > > > > > as 'bad'? The Susthanas represent good and


> in

> > that

> > > > should

> > > > > > protect their good and at least should not


> the

> > > effect.

> > > > > > Moreover, why should we asume that everytime


> the

> > > presence

> > > > of

> > > > > Guru,

> > > > > > student would be interested in doing


> bad? A

> > > good

> > > > > student

> > > > > > i.e. good house i.e. Susthana in the

presence of

> Guru

> > > should

> > > > > enhance

> > > > > > its capability. Therefore Guru should enhance

> Sthanas

> > > > capabilty.

> > > > > If

> > > > > > in Susthanas with consent and in Dusthanas

> without.

> > As it

> > > > would

> > > > > fail

> > > > > > to make 'bad' student 'good'. At least Guru

> should

> > have

> > > that

> > > > much

> > > > > > discremination power. Or is it that in the


> of

> > > Susthanas

> > > > i.e.

> > > > > > with good student Guru fails because of his

> elevated

> > > ego? In

> > > > that

> > > > > > case we can say that Guru will always fail.


> the

> > > company of

> > > > > good

> > > > > > student because of his big EGO and in the

> company of

> > bad

> > > > student

> > > > > > because of his lack of courage. As a matter


> fact,

> > if

> > > > student

> > > > > is

> > > > > > really bad then Guru must make him good and


> the

> > case

> > > of

> > > > good

> > > > > > student Guru must appriciate student.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > AmolMAndar

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > vedic-

> > astrology, "Chandrashekhar

> > > > Sharma"

> > > > > > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > > > > > Dear Amolmandar,

> > > > > > > I will give you an example outside


> and

> > > > religion.Guru

> > > > > > represents

> > > > > > > Minister or the teacher . Now teacher tells

> that

> > which

> > > is

> > > > > right.

> > > > > > Students

> > > > > > > many a times feel unconfortable in the

> presence of

> > the

> > > > Teacher

> > > > > as he

> > > > > > > monitors their behaviour, specially if in


> > youth

> > > they

> > > > > want to

> > > > > > do

> > > > > Simialr is the case with

> > > > > > the king

> > > > > > > whose ministers forbids him from doing

> something

> > that

> > > is

> > > > > against

> > > > > > RajDharma.

> > > > > > > Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited

> being

> > the

> > > > > student/King

> > > > > > and

> > > > > > > Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for


> > house

> > > would

> > > > be

> > > > > clear.

> > > > > > > Of course , as I said earlier this is only


> way

> > at

> > > > looking

> > > > > at it

> > > > > > in order

> > > > > > > to understand why this happens, and the


> > > principles

> > > > are

> > > > > given

> > > > > > to us as

> > > > > > > such without the reasons behind them. We


> to

> > apply

> > > our

> > > > > Viveka

> > > > > > to fathom

> > > > > > > the logic behind it.Other worthies might


> > different

> > > > views.

> > > > > > > Hope this helps understand the concept.

> > > > > > > Chandrashekhar.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > > > > > > Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 PM

> > > > > > > vedic astrology

> > > > > > > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is //

> Jupiter

> > > capable

> > > > of

> > > > > > destroying the

> > > > > > > house it and Saturn Protects//

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Chandrashekharji Namste

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > As usual you explained the things very

> lucidly

> > but

> > > just

> > > > > slight

> > > > > > doubt.

> > > > > > > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma

> (not

> > > religion)

> > > > and

> > > > > it

> > > > > > is as

> > > > > > > well said that Guru tries to uphold


> but

> > > usually

> > > > fails.

> > > > > > Hence

> > > > > > > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never

> fails. So

> > > Guru

> > > > > should also

> > > > > > > never fail. Then why it fails with

respect to

> > house?

> > > Does

> > > > > MAYA

> > > > > > play

> > > > > > > any role in this?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > AmolMAndar

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sponsor

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Archives:


> > > astrology

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Group info:

> vedic-

> > > > > astrology/info.html

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic-

> astrology-

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on

> us .......

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

> > > Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Your use of is subject to


> >

> > > Terms

> > > > of

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> > > > > > > Checked by AVG anti-virus system

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> > Date:

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> > > > > astrology/info.html

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic-


> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on

us .......

> > > > > >

> > > > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

> > Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Your use of is subject to the


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> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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> > > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

> Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> > > > >

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> > > >

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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Dear Amol mandar,

If you want to stick to "sthana brashta karoti.." I am glad.However as you seem

to suggest that I started deviating from the astrological principle of "Sthana

Bhrashta Karoti, I would like to refresh your memory by giving your mail of

August 26th below.You brought in religion in to the discussion by saying,

please do not point to the (not religion) in the mail because the subsequent

sentence" Dharma never fails" makes the meaning amply clear.

" Chandrashekharji Namste

As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just slight doubt.It is said

many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it is aswell said that Guru

tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails. HenceDharma fails. But many say

Dharma never fails. So Guru should also never fail. Then why it fails with

respect to house?Does MAYA play any role in this?Thanks a lot for your Time and



This was your response to my mail as under:

"Dear Amolmandar,I will give you an example outside astrology and religion.Guru

represents Minister or the teacher . Now teacher tells that which is

right.Students many a times feel unconfortable in the presence of the Teacher

as he monitors their behaviour, specially if in their youth they want to do

that he might not approve.Similar is the case with the king whose ministers

forbids him from doing something thatis against RajDharma.Now imagine House

where Jupiter is posited being thestudent/King and Jupiter being the Teacher.

The results for the house wouldbe clear.Of course , as I said earlier this is

only my way at looking at it in order to understand why this happens, and the

Sages' principles are given to us as such without the reasons behind them. We

have to apply our Viveka to fathom the logic behind it.Other worthies might

hold different views.

Hope this helps understand the concept.Chandrashekhar."

Could you show me where in my mail have I brought in religion? I could give you

lots of examples but as you have made up your mind that you were not the one

who brought religion in to the discussions and that Mahabharata does not

include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your own mail message, it is

futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna

said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47 is false by

pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the intent of needless

argument very clear.


About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this comment is not only

unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have mastered Scriptures, as you

imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to other's opinion and does not

call himself "Sher".

If your contention changes to the statement being related to "Sher" of Jungle,

alas the Sher part cannot, now, be tested against real Sher of Jungle as

Hunting of wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in my youth when we tested

ourselves against "Sher" of the live variety.


Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing that all Gurus

failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then again stating that

Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is some logic of a great brain

that mere mortals like me do neither understand nor accept as part of a serious

discussion. I would have enjoyed your explainations of why in different shlokas

Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya, Kurunandana, Partha,

Bharata, Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,



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Chandrashekhar ji Namaste



Again, the mails you put for me is not proving any point to me. I

said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to uphold the Dharma but

Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position. I as well

said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about

Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana

Brahstha means not following Dharma. But if it happens in the

presence of Guru who is suppose to uphold it then it is faliure of

Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO or he does not have

enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and hence

Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this arguments I

quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has many such

incidances where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these two

qualities. But in entire Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in

upholding the Dharma and hence I said except Krishna every one

failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like Krishna then

you are bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna not

failing by drifting the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna told

Arjuna in Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna grieved. This way you

tried to show that it is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make him

to fail.





It seems that I am not able to express myself properly. In the days

of Mirza Galib, conducting the mushayara was a usual practice in

India. The participents used to say their Sher( 4 lines or 2 lines

of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect the feeling of

the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after him. This

act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher ko

Uthana'. This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for

your Sher there no one to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is not

ready to accept you as shayer either it is not worthy or Mushayara

is not capable of understanding the sher.

That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala ho".

Mirza in his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many

times because of this reason.


I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects related

to Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware of this

custom that is why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle sher.

Nor do I reffered myself as Sher or for that matter anyone as Sher.

I was refering to a custom. As you seemed to be rejecting what I

have explained about Gita without giving a thought, possibly

thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might be some

another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you

were exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens

only if one consideres the other person is not worth and hence his

opinion or one is not sure about his own stand on the topic of

discussions. Here you quote Great Parashar as who gives weightage to

other's opinion but seem to forget it peacefully. The irony is that

you blemed all these things on me. At least I never cross my limits

and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.


>>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya,

Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,


>>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,


{{Let me make it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am

writting about it. I am not starting this from myside. I am doing it

to the best of my capacity and if you find something wanting then

correct me but dont accuse me.}}


Now I will try to highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used names

of Krishna-Arjuna with a purpose in Gita. Take the case of

Dhananjaya. The word Dhananjaya means contoller/conqueror of pinda.

That is why in the Yogshastra, there exists a yognadi termed as

Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence universe. The yogi

strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda and

hence try to become master of universe. One of the place where it is

used is 1st Adhaya and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must

write the shloka to express myself fully.


"PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|

Paundram dadhamaou mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||


The name of Krishna here is given as rishikesha and his conch as

PAnchaJanya. The name of Arjuna is given here as DHananjaya and his

conch as devadatta.'Rishik' means sense organs and 'Kesh' means

controller of the same. The word Shankha here means human body. They

are not normal conches found in sea. If you are aware there is

custom of 'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is

completly cleaned i.e. Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water. The

Shankah is Human body. The rishikesh means perfect yogi will have

perfect body(Shankha) that would be derived or given birth from five

elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap

and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five principle

elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the human

body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya menas

contoller of 'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda' must be

devine that is why his humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e.

given/alloted by Devas or devine entities.

This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat

war is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas.

Similarly the second line of the shloka can be interpreted but I

will desist myself for the obvious special reasons.

So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a word for Krish-

Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will

take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I said.

Every synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.



Brhasth Karoti


What about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of this

principle? Does that mean a way to use this principle on hindsight?


Thanks a lot for your time and Space.






vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Amol mandar,

> If you want to stick to "sthana brashta karoti.." I am

glad.However as you

> seem to suggest that I started deviating from the astrological

principle of

> "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti, I would like to refresh your memory by

giving your

> mail of August 26th below.You brought in religion in to the

discussion by

> saying, please do not point to the (not religion) in the mail

because the

> subsequent sentence" Dharma never fails" makes the meaning amply


> " Chandrashekharji Namste

> As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just slight


> It is said many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it is as

> well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails. Hence

> Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru should also


> fail. Then why it fails with respect to house?

> Does MAYA play any role in this?


> Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> AmolMAndar."


> This was your response to my mail as under:

> "Dear Amolmandar,

> I will give you an example outside

> astrology and religion.Guru represents Minister or the teacher .

Now teacher

> tells that which is right.Students many a times feel unconfortable

in the

> presence of the Teacher as he monitors their behaviour, specially

if in

> their youth they want to do that he might not approve.Similar is

the case

> with the king whose ministers forbids him from doing something that

> is against RajDharma.Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited

being the

> student/King and Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the

house would

> be clear.Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at

looking at it

> in order to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles

are given

> to us as such without the reasons behind them. We have to apply

our Viveka

> to fathom the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold different


> Hope this helps understand the concept.

> Chandrashekhar."


> Could you show me where in my mail have I brought in religion? I

could give

> you lots of examples but as you have made up your mind that you

were not the

> one who brought religion in to the discussions and that

Mahabharata does not

> include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your own mail

message, it is

> futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna

> said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47

is false

> by pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the intent


> needless argument very clear.


> About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this comment is

not only

> unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have mastered

Scriptures, as

> you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to other's

opinion and

> does not call himself "Sher".

> If your contention changes to the statement being related

to "Sher" of

> Jungle, alas the Sher part cannot, now, be tested against real

Sher of

> Jungle as Hunting of wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in my youth

when we

> tested ourselves against "Sher" of the live variety.


> Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing that

all Gurus

> failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then again


> that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is some

logic of a

> great brain that mere mortals like me do neither understand nor

accept as

> part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed your

explainations of why

> in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha,


> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,


> Savyasachi,


> Chandrashekhar.



> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03

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Dear Amolmandar,

Following is what His Holiness Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamkoti Peetham has to

say about what is Guru and the difference between God and Guru. If you do not

consider him to be THE authority on interpretation of Hindu scriptures, I can

not help it.


Guru Bhakthi

His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Sarasvathi Svamigal Sri Sankaracharya of

Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham

It is said that Guru(preceptor) is greater than God, devotion to preceptor is

more meritorious than that to God. If we ask why, the answer is that God has

not been seen by any one, But the preceptor is present here and now before us.

If a Preceptor who is immaculate and pure, full of wisdom and steadiness of

vision completely free from weakness, were available to us, the mental peace in

search of which we pray to God is at our reach by devotion to the preceptor.

Hence it is declared

"Gurur - Brahma Gurur - Vishnuh Guru -devo Maheswarah Gurur - sakshat Param

Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave namah

The Preceptor is Brahma, Vishnu, is the God Maheswara, is verily Brahma itself.

Salutation to such a Preceptor

In this verse it is to be noted that total identity between the Preceptor and

Brahman reality is declared. Incidentally, since in this verse both Siva and

Vishnu are clubbed together, if we prostrate before the preceptor uttering this

verse we will get the sense of the identity of Siva and Vishnu.

God performs the works like creating and protecting the world. But the preceptor

does not have these responsibilities. God has an 'office' while the Preceptor

does not have one. It is much easier to get things done by the grace of the

preceptor than by the officer God whom we will have to disturb."

If this does not clarify the original concept nothing will.


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NamasteAgain, the mails you put for me is

not proving any point to me. I said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to

uphold the Dharma but Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position.

I as well said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about

Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana Brahstha means

not following Dharma. But if it happens in the presence of Guru who is suppose

to uphold it then it is faliure of Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO

or he does not have enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and

hence Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this arguments I

quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has many such incidances

where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these two qualities. But in entire

Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in upholding the Dharma and hence I said

except Krishna every one failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like

Krishna then you are bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna not

failing by drifting the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna told Arjuna in

Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna grieved. This way you tried to show that it

is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make him to fail. SherIt seems that I am

not able to express myself properly. In the days of Mirza Galib, conducting the

mushayara was a usual practice in India. The participents used to say their

Sher( 4 lines or 2 lines of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect

the feeling of the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after him.

This act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher ko Uthana'.

This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for your Sher there no one

to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is not ready to accept you as shayer

either it is not worthy or Mushayara is not capable of understanding the sher.

That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala ho". Mirza in

his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many times because of this

reason. I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects related to

Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware of this custom that is

why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle sher. Nor do I reffered myself as

Sher or for that matter anyone as Sher. I was refering to a custom. As you

seemed to be rejecting what I have explained about Gita without giving a

thought, possibly thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might

be some another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you were

exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens only if one

consideres the other person is not worth and hence his opinion or one is not

sure about his own stand on the topic of discussions. Here you quote Great

Parashar as who gives weightage to other's opinion but seem to forget it

peacefully. The irony is that you blemed all these things on me. At least I

never cross my limits and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.

>>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya, Kurunandana, Partha,

Bharata, >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,{{Let me make

it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am writting about it. I am not

starting this from myside. I am doing it to the best of my capacity and if you

find something wanting then correct me but dont accuse me.}}Now I will try to

highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used names of Krishna-Arjuna with a

purpose in Gita. Take the case of Dhananjaya. The word Dhananjaya means

contoller/conqueror of pinda. That is why in the Yogshastra, there exists a

yognadi termed as Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence universe. The

yogi strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda and hence try

to become master of universe. One of the place where it is used is 1st Adhaya

and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must write the shloka to express myself

fully."PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|Paundram dadhamaou

mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||The name of Krishna here is given as

rishikesha and his conch as PAnchaJanya. The name of Arjuna is given here as

DHananjaya and his conch as devadatta.'Rishik' means sense organs and 'Kesh'

means controller of the same. The word Shankha here means human body. They are

not normal conches found in sea. If you are aware there is custom of

'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is completly cleaned i.e.

Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water. The Shankah is Human body. The

rishikesh means perfect yogi will have perfect body(Shankha) that would be

derived or given birth from five elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as

Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five

principle elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the human

body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya menas contoller of

'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda' must be devine that is why his

humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e. given/alloted by Devas or devine

entities. This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat war

is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas. Similarly the

second line of the shloka can be interpreted but I will desist myself for the

obvious special reasons.So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a

word for Krish-Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will

take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I said. Every

synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.Brhasth KarotiWhat

about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of this principle? Does

that mean a way to use this principle on hindsight? Thanks a lot for your time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amol mandar,> If you want to stick to

"sthana brashta karoti.." I am glad.However as you> seem to suggest that I

started deviating from the astrological principle of> "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti,

I would like to refresh your memory by giving your> mail of August 26th

below.You brought in religion in to the discussion by> saying, please do not

point to the (not religion) in the mail because the> subsequent sentence"

Dharma never fails" makes the meaning amply clear.> " Chandrashekharji Namste>

As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just slight doubt.> It is

said many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it is as> well said that

Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails. Hence> Dharma fails. But many

say Dharma never fails. So Guru should also never> fail. Then why it fails with

respect to house?> Does MAYA play any role in this?> > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> AmolMAndar."> > This was your response to my mail as under:>

"Dear Amolmandar,> I will give you an example outside> astrology and

religion.Guru represents Minister or the teacher . Now teacher> tells that

which is right.Students many a times feel unconfortable in the> presence of the

Teacher as he monitors their behaviour, specially if in> their youth they want

to do that he might not approve.Similar is the case> with the king whose

ministers forbids him from doing something that> is against RajDharma.Now

imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the> student/King and Jupiter

being the Teacher. The results for the house would> be clear.Of course , as I

said earlier this is only my way at looking at it> in order to understand why

this happens, and the Sages' principles are given> to us as such without the

reasons behind them. We have to apply our Viveka> to fathom the logic behind

it.Other worthies might hold different views.> Hope this helps understand the

concept.> Chandrashekhar."> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought

in religion? I could give> you lots of examples but as you have made up your

mind that you were not the> one who brought religion in to the discussions and

that Mahabharata does not> include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your

own mail message, it is> futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna>

said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47 is false> by

pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the intent of> needless

argument very clear.> > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this

comment is not only> unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have

mastered Scriptures, as> you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to

other's opinion and> does not call himself "Sher".> If your contention changes

to the statement being related to "Sher" of> Jungle, alas the Sher part cannot,

now, be tested against real Sher of> Jungle as Hunting of wild beasts is

prohibited, unlike in my youth when we> tested ourselves against "Sher" of the

live variety.> > Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing

that all Gurus> failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then

again stating> that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is some

logic of a> great brain that mere mortals like me do neither understand nor

accept as> part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed your

explainations of why> in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap,

Gudakesha, Kaunteya,> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,> Savyasachi,> > Chandrashekhar.> > >

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8/19/03Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Amolmandar,

Incontinuation to my mail giving the opinion of H.H. Shankaracharya of Kanchi

Kamakoti Peetham, I forgot to reply to your statement "This way you tried to

show that it is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make him to fail."

First, I never said that shishyas made the Guru to fail. What I said was that it

is shishyas that might fail and not the Guru, and in that reference I

demonstrated how Arjuna failed to implement the teachings of Krishna. Second,it

appears that my usage of english is not understood as I might be defficient in

that language as you are not, being "Sher"


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NamasteAgain, the mails you put for me is

not proving any point to me. I said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to

uphold the Dharma but Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position.

I as well said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about

Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana Brahstha means

not following Dharma. But if it happens in the presence of Guru who is suppose

to uphold it then it is faliure of Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO

or he does not have enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and

hence Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this arguments I

quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has many such incidances

where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these two qualities. But in entire

Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in upholding the Dharma and hence I said

except Krishna every one failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like

Krishna then you are bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna not

failing by drifting the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna told Arjuna in

Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna grieved. This way you tried to show that it

is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make him to fail. SherIt seems that I am

not able to express myself properly. In the days of Mirza Galib, conducting the

mushayara was a usual practice in India. The participents used to say their

Sher( 4 lines or 2 lines of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect

the feeling of the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after him.

This act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher ko Uthana'.

This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for your Sher there no one

to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is not ready to accept you as shayer

either it is not worthy or Mushayara is not capable of understanding the sher.

That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala ho". Mirza in

his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many times because of this

reason. I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects related to

Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware of this custom that is

why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle sher. Nor do I reffered myself as

Sher or for that matter anyone as Sher. I was refering to a custom. As you

seemed to be rejecting what I have explained about Gita without giving a

thought, possibly thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might

be some another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you were

exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens only if one

consideres the other person is not worth and hence his opinion or one is not

sure about his own stand on the topic of discussions. Here you quote Great

Parashar as who gives weightage to other's opinion but seem to forget it

peacefully. The irony is that you blemed all these things on me. At least I

never cross my limits and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.

>>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya, Kurunandana, Partha,

Bharata, >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,{{Let me make

it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am writting about it. I am not

starting this from myside. I am doing it to the best of my capacity and if you

find something wanting then correct me but dont accuse me.}}Now I will try to

highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used names of Krishna-Arjuna with a

purpose in Gita. Take the case of Dhananjaya. The word Dhananjaya means

contoller/conqueror of pinda. That is why in the Yogshastra, there exists a

yognadi termed as Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence universe. The

yogi strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda and hence try

to become master of universe. One of the place where it is used is 1st Adhaya

and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must write the shloka to express myself

fully."PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|Paundram dadhamaou

mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||The name of Krishna here is given as

rishikesha and his conch as PAnchaJanya. The name of Arjuna is given here as

DHananjaya and his conch as devadatta.'Rishik' means sense organs and 'Kesh'

means controller of the same. The word Shankha here means human body. They are

not normal conches found in sea. If you are aware there is custom of

'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is completly cleaned i.e.

Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water. The Shankah is Human body. The

rishikesh means perfect yogi will have perfect body(Shankha) that would be

derived or given birth from five elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as

Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five

principle elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the human

body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya menas contoller of

'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda' must be devine that is why his

humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e. given/alloted by Devas or devine

entities. This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat war

is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas. Similarly the

second line of the shloka can be interpreted but I will desist myself for the

obvious special reasons.So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a

word for Krish-Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will

take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I said. Every

synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.Brhasth KarotiWhat

about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of this principle? Does

that mean a way to use this principle on hindsight? Thanks a lot for your time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amol mandar,> If you want to stick to

"sthana brashta karoti.." I am glad.However as you> seem to suggest that I

started deviating from the astrological principle of> "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti,

I would like to refresh your memory by giving your> mail of August 26th

below.You brought in religion in to the discussion by> saying, please do not

point to the (not religion) in the mail because the> subsequent sentence"

Dharma never fails" makes the meaning amply clear.> " Chandrashekharji Namste>

As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just slight doubt.> It is

said many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it is as> well said that

Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails. Hence> Dharma fails. But many

say Dharma never fails. So Guru should also never> fail. Then why it fails with

respect to house?> Does MAYA play any role in this?> > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> AmolMAndar."> > This was your response to my mail as under:>

"Dear Amolmandar,> I will give you an example outside> astrology and

religion.Guru represents Minister or the teacher . Now teacher> tells that

which is right.Students many a times feel unconfortable in the> presence of the

Teacher as he monitors their behaviour, specially if in> their youth they want

to do that he might not approve.Similar is the case> with the king whose

ministers forbids him from doing something that> is against RajDharma.Now

imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the> student/King and Jupiter

being the Teacher. The results for the house would> be clear.Of course , as I

said earlier this is only my way at looking at it> in order to understand why

this happens, and the Sages' principles are given> to us as such without the

reasons behind them. We have to apply our Viveka> to fathom the logic behind

it.Other worthies might hold different views.> Hope this helps understand the

concept.> Chandrashekhar."> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought

in religion? I could give> you lots of examples but as you have made up your

mind that you were not the> one who brought religion in to the discussions and

that Mahabharata does not> include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your

own mail message, it is> futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna>

said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47 is false> by

pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the intent of> needless

argument very clear.> > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this

comment is not only> unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have

mastered Scriptures, as> you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to

other's opinion and> does not call himself "Sher".> If your contention changes

to the statement being related to "Sher" of> Jungle, alas the Sher part cannot,

now, be tested against real Sher of> Jungle as Hunting of wild beasts is

prohibited, unlike in my youth when we> tested ourselves against "Sher" of the

live variety.> > Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing

that all Gurus> failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then

again stating> that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is some

logic of a> great brain that mere mortals like me do neither understand nor

accept as> part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed your

explainations of why> in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap,

Gudakesha, Kaunteya,> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,> Savyasachi,> > Chandrashekhar.> > >

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(http://www.grisoft.com).> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release

8/19/03Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Chandrashekhar ji NAmaste


Thanks for the information. H.H Shankaracharya says


"Gurur - Brahma

Gurur - Vishnuh

Guru -devo Maheswarah

Gurur - sakshat Param Brahma

Tasmai Sri Gurave namah "


but you will defend Sthanabrahasta karoti principle of Guru very



>>>I might be defficient in that language as you are not,

being "Sher"


Here you are sounding sarcastic and tendency of pushing the things.

Now I realized your obsessions with 'Sthana Brahstha karoti'



I am extermly sorry that I put myself against your principle stand.

But I assure you that I will never cross my boundaries again and

please accept my pranams.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.





vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandar,

> Incontinuation to my mail giving the opinion of H.H.

Shankaracharya of

> Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, I forgot to reply to your statement "This

way you

> tried to show that it is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make


> to fail."

> First, I never said that shishyas made the Guru to fail. What I

said was

> that it is shishyas that might fail and not the Guru, and in that


> I demonstrated how Arjuna failed to implement the teachings of


> Second,it appears that my usage of english is not understood as I

might be

> defficient in that language as you are not, being "Sher"

> Chandrashekhar.


> amolmandar [amolmandar]

> Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

destroying the

> house it and Saturn Protects//



> Chandrashekhar ji Namaste



> Again, the mails you put for me is not proving any point to me. I

> said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to uphold the Dharma


> Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position. I as


> said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about

> Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana

> Brahstha means not following Dharma. But if it happens in the

> presence of Guru who is suppose to uphold it then it is faliure


> Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO or he does not have

> enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and hence

> Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this

arguments I

> quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has many


> incidances where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these two

> qualities. But in entire Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in

> upholding the Dharma and hence I said except Krishna every one

> failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like Krishna


> you are bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna


> failing by drifting the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna


> Arjuna in Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna grieved. This way


> tried to show that it is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make


> to fail.



> Sher


> It seems that I am not able to express myself properly. In the


> of Mirza Galib, conducting the mushayara was a usual practice in

> India. The participents used to say their Sher( 4 lines or 2


> of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect the

feeling of

> the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after him.


> act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher ko

> Uthana'. This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for

> your Sher there no one to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is


> ready to accept you as shayer either it is not worthy or


> is not capable of understanding the sher.

> That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala


> Mirza in his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many

> times because of this reason.


> I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects


> to Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware of


> custom that is why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle


> Nor do I reffered myself as Sher or for that matter anyone as


> I was refering to a custom. As you seemed to be rejecting what I

> have explained about Gita without giving a thought, possibly

> thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might be


> another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you

> were exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens

> only if one consideres the other person is not worth and hence


> opinion or one is not sure about his own stand on the topic of

> discussions. Here you quote Great Parashar as who gives

weightage to

> other's opinion but seem to forget it peacefully. The irony is


> you blemed all these things on me. At least I never cross my


> and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.


> >>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya,

> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,


> >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,


> {{Let me make it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am

> writting about it. I am not starting this from myside. I am

doing it

> to the best of my capacity and if you find something wanting then

> correct me but dont accuse me.}}


> Now I will try to highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used


> of Krishna-Arjuna with a purpose in Gita. Take the case of

> Dhananjaya. The word Dhananjaya means contoller/conqueror of


> That is why in the Yogshastra, there exists a yognadi termed as

> Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence universe. The yogi

> strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda and

> hence try to become master of universe. One of the place where

it is

> used is 1st Adhaya and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must

> write the shloka to express myself fully.


> "PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|

> Paundram dadhamaou mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||


> The name of Krishna here is given as rishikesha and his conch as

> PAnchaJanya. The name of Arjuna is given here as DHananjaya and


> conch as devadatta.'Rishik' means sense organs and 'Kesh' means

> controller of the same. The word Shankha here means human body.


> are not normal conches found in sea. If you are aware there is

> custom of 'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is

> completly cleaned i.e. Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water.


> Shankah is Human body. The rishikesh means perfect yogi will have

> perfect body(Shankha) that would be derived or given birth from


> elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as


> and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five


> elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the


> body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya menas

> contoller of 'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda'

must be

> devine that is why his humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e.

> given/alloted by Devas or devine entities.

> This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat

> war is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas.

> Similarly the second line of the shloka can be interpreted but I

> will desist myself for the obvious special reasons.

> So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a word for


> Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will

> take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I


> Every synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.



> Brhasth Karoti


> What about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of


> principle? Does that mean a way to use this principle on



> Thanks a lot for your time and Space.


> AmolMandar




> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> <boxdel> wrote:

> > Dear Amol mandar,

> > If you want to stick to "sthana brashta karoti.." I am

> glad.However as you

> > seem to suggest that I started deviating from the astrological

> principle of

> > "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti, I would like to refresh your memory by

> giving your

> > mail of August 26th below.You brought in religion in to the

> discussion by

> > saying, please do not point to the (not religion) in the mail

> because the

> > subsequent sentence" Dharma never fails" makes the meaning


> clear.

> > " Chandrashekharji Namste

> > As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just slight

> doubt.

> > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it

is as

> > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails.


> > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru should


> never

> > fail. Then why it fails with respect to house?

> > Does MAYA play any role in this?

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > AmolMAndar."

> >

> > This was your response to my mail as under:

> > "Dear Amolmandar,

> > I will give you an example outside

> > astrology and religion.Guru represents Minister or the

teacher .

> Now teacher

> > tells that which is right.Students many a times feel


> in the

> > presence of the Teacher as he monitors their behaviour,


> if in

> > their youth they want to do that he might not approve.Similar


> the case

> > with the king whose ministers forbids him from doing something


> > is against RajDharma.Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited

> being the

> > student/King and Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the

> house would

> > be clear.Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at

> looking at it

> > in order to understand why this happens, and the Sages'


> are given

> > to us as such without the reasons behind them. We have to apply

> our Viveka

> > to fathom the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold


> views.

> > Hope this helps understand the concept.

> > Chandrashekhar."

> >

> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought in religion?


> could give

> > you lots of examples but as you have made up your mind that you

> were not the

> > one who brought religion in to the discussions and that

> Mahabharata does not

> > include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your own mail

> message, it is

> > futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna

> > said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh


> is false

> > by pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the


> of

> > needless argument very clear.

> >

> > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this comment


> not only

> > unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have mastered

> Scriptures, as

> > you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to other's

> opinion and

> > does not call himself "Sher".

> > If your contention changes to the statement being related

> to "Sher" of

> > Jungle, alas the Sher part cannot, now, be tested against real

> Sher of

> > Jungle as Hunting of wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in my


> when we

> > tested ourselves against "Sher" of the live variety.

> >

> > Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing


> all Gurus

> > failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then


> stating

> > that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is some

> logic of a

> > great brain that mere mortals like me do neither understand nor

> accept as

> > part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed your

> explainations of why

> > in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap,


> Kaunteya,

> > Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

> Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,

> > Savyasachi,

> >

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> >

> > ---

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Dear Amolmandar,

You are missing the point again. The article by Shankaracharya was given to make

you understand what the Shankaracharya says about Guru being different grom God

and this is why I wanted to convey that perhaps my understanding of the English

language is different than you. To reiterate the point I paste the relavant

portion again, below.

"God performs the works like creating and protecting the world. But the

preceptor does not have these responsibilities. God has an 'office' while the

Preceptor does not have one."

This makes it clear that Guru is not supposed to protect but only instruct about

Dharma. I had , as a matter of fact posted this in bold as many have , in the

past taken this line of Guru Protecting Dharma. Guru will only protect

Shishya(by giving him true knowledge) when he is satisfied about shishya's

following the Path of Dharma. He does so by bestowing his grace and not by mere

presence.I had given only part of the article to avoid misinterpretation. What

His Holiness says in the same article would put the Guru God dilemma in proper

perspective and as such I am giving a small relevant portion below.

"In the Chandogya Upanishad itself it is declared that only by the grace of the

Guru true knowledge is possible. It says "aacaaryavaan purusho veda" (only one

who has a Preceptor, gains true knowledge). "

Whereas you found His Holiness to mean that Guru is God by referring to the

first words with out what has been said in its entirety. As a matter of fact

,immediately after the shloka His Holiness gives its meaning. This makes it

clear that it is salutation to the Perceptor(Guru). When one says"Twameva Mata

Pita Twameva...." it does not mean that the Bhakta is referring to biological

Mother and Father.Now this how we were taught to understand any prayer to the

Almighty or Guru or even odes eulogising kings , be it in any language. Since

your interpretations give a totally different meaning, the only explaination is

that my perception of concepts of euoligies prayers etc. are defficient.So no

sarcasm was intended.


About the "Sher" thing, this is what you said about your own knowledge and I

have made my opinion about such a comment amply clear.


Hope this helps.



amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, September 06, 2003 1:56 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NAmasteThanks for the information. H.H

Shankaracharya says "Gurur - Brahma Gurur - Vishnuh Guru -devo Maheswarah Gurur

- sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave namah "but you will defend

Sthanabrahasta karoti principle of Guru very amezing!>>>I might be defficient

in that language as you are not, being "Sher"Here you are sounding sarcastic

and tendency of pushing the things. Now I realized your obsessions with 'Sthana

Brahstha karoti' principle.I am extermly sorry that I put myself against your

principle stand. But I assure you that I will never cross my boundaries again

and please accept my pranams. Thanks a lot for your Time and

Space.AmolMAndarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> Incontinuation to my mail giving the

opinion of H.H. Shankaracharya of> Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, I forgot to reply

to your statement "This way you> tried to show that it is not Guru who fails

but his shisyas make him> to fail."> First, I never said that shishyas made the

Guru to fail. What I said was> that it is shishyas that might fail and not the

Guru, and in that reference> I demonstrated how Arjuna failed to implement the

teachings of Krishna.> Second,it appears that my usage of english is not

understood as I might be> defficient in that language as you are not, being

"Sher"> Chandrashekhar.> > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PM> To:

vedic astrology> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is //

Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and Saturn Protects//> > >

Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> > > Again, the mails you put for me is not proving

any point to me. I> said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to uphold the

Dharma but> Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position. I as

well> said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about>

Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana> Brahstha

means not following Dharma. But if it happens in the> presence of Guru who is

suppose to uphold it then it is faliure of> Guru. This happens only if Guru

has BIG EGO or he does not have> enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why

he fails and hence> Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this

arguments I> quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has many

such> incidances where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these two>

qualities. But in entire Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in> upholding the

Dharma and hence I said except Krishna every one> failed. That is why I said,

If you have real Guru like Krishna then> you are bound to succeed. You picked

up the argument on Krishna not> failing by drifting the thread to Gita and

quoting that Krishna told> Arjuna in Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna

grieved. This way you> tried to show that it is not Guru who fails but his

shisyas make him> to fail.> > > Sher> > It seems that I am not able to

express myself properly. In the days> of Mirza Galib, conducting the

mushayara was a usual practice in> India. The participents used to say their

Sher( 4 lines or 2 lines> of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents

respect the feeling of> the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines

after him. This> act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher

ko> Uthana'. This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for> your

Sher there no one to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is not> ready to

accept you as shayer either it is not worthy or Mushayara> is not capable of

understanding the sher.> That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi

Uthane Wala ho".> Mirza in his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara

many> times because of this reason.> > I never ever claimed any authority

over any of the subjects related> to Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that

you might be aware of this> custom that is why I said that. I was not

refering to Jungle sher.> Nor do I reffered myself as Sher or for that matter

anyone as Sher.> I was refering to a custom. As you seemed to be rejecting

what I> have explained about Gita without giving a thought, possibly>

thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might be some> another

reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you> were exasperated or

irritated because of some thing. This happens> only if one consideres the

other person is not worth and hence his> opinion or one is not sure about his

own stand on the topic of> discussions. Here you quote Great Parashar as who

gives weightage to> other's opinion but seem to forget it peacefully. The

irony is that> you blemed all these things on me. At least I never cross my

limits> and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.> > >>Arjuna is

reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya,> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,>

> >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,> > {{Let me make

it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am> writting about it. I am not

starting this from myside. I am doing it> to the best of my capacity and if

you find something wanting then> correct me but dont accuse me.}}> > Now I

will try to highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used names> of

Krishna-Arjuna with a purpose in Gita. Take the case of> Dhananjaya. The word

Dhananjaya means contoller/conqueror of pinda.> That is why in the Yogshastra,

there exists a yognadi termed as> Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence

universe. The yogi> strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over

pinda and> hence try to become master of universe. One of the place where it

is> used is 1st Adhaya and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must> write

the shloka to express myself fully.> > "PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta

Dhananjaya:|> Paundram dadhamaou mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||> >

The name of Krishna here is given as rishikesha and his conch as> PAnchaJanya.

The name of Arjuna is given here as DHananjaya and his> conch as

devadatta.'Rishik' means sense organs and 'Kesh' means> controller of the

same. The word Shankha here means human body. They> are not normal conches

found in sea. If you are aware there is> custom of 'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog

shastra. In this, body is> completly cleaned i.e. Prashalan. by repetedly

drinking water. The> Shankah is Human body. The rishikesh means perfect yogi

will have> perfect body(Shankha) that would be derived or given birth from

five> elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap>

and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five principle> elements

and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the human> body of 'Pinda' as

it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya menas> contoller of 'Pinda' and the one

who is contoller of 'Pinda' must be> devine that is why his humanbody is

caleed as Devadatta. i.e.> given/alloted by Devas or devine entities.> This

sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat> war is a war of

tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas.> Similarly the second line

of the shloka can be interpreted but I> will desist myself for the obvious

special reasons.> So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a word

for Krish-> Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will>

take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I said.> Every

synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.> > > Brhasth

Karoti> > What about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of

this> principle? Does that mean a way to use this principle on hindsight?> >

Thanks a lot for your time and Space.> > AmolMandar> > > > --- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"> <boxdel>

wrote:> > Dear Amol mandar,> > If you want to stick to "sthana brashta

karoti.." I am> glad.However as you> > seem to suggest that I started

deviating from the astrological> principle of> > "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti, I

would like to refresh your memory by> giving your> > mail of August 26th

below.You brought in religion in to the> discussion by> > saying, please do

not point to the (not religion) in the mail> because the> > subsequent

sentence" Dharma never fails" makes the meaning amply> clear.> > "

Chandrashekharji Namste> > As usual you explained the things very lucidly but

just slight> doubt.> > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma(not

religion)and it is as> > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but

usually fails. Hence> > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So

Guru should also> never> > fail. Then why it fails with respect to house?>

> Does MAYA play any role in this?> >> > Thanks a lot for your Time and

Space.> > AmolMAndar."> >> > This was your response to my mail as under:>

> "Dear Amolmandar,> > I will give you an example outside> > astrology and

religion.Guru represents Minister or the teacher .> Now teacher> > tells

that which is right.Students many a times feel unconfortable> in the> >

presence of the Teacher as he monitors their behaviour, specially> if in> >

their youth they want to do that he might not approve.Similar is> the case>

> with the king whose ministers forbids him from doing something that> > is

against RajDharma.Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited> being the> >

student/King and Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the> house would>

> be clear.Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way at> looking at

it> > in order to understand why this happens, and the Sages' principles>

are given> > to us as such without the reasons behind them. We have to apply>

our Viveka> > to fathom the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold

different> views.> > Hope this helps understand the concept.> >

Chandrashekhar."> >> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought in

religion? I> could give> > you lots of examples but as you have made up your

mind that you> were not the> > one who brought religion in to the

discussions and that> Mahabharata does not> > include Bhagvadgita, despite

your mails below your own mail> message, it is> > futile to argue.

Specially implying that what Krishna> > said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na

drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47> is false> > by pitting Vedavyasa's

authority against the Lord makes the intent> of> > needless argument very

clear.> >> > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this comment

is> not only> > unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have mastered>

Scriptures, as> > you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to

other's> opinion and> > does not call himself "Sher".> > If your

contention changes to the statement being related> to "Sher" of> > Jungle,

alas the Sher part cannot, now, be tested against real> Sher of> > Jungle

as Hunting of wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in my youth> when we> >

tested ourselves against "Sher" of the live variety.> >> > Trying to call

Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing that> all Gurus> > failed

other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then again> stating> >

that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is some> logic of a>

> great brain that mere mortals like me do neither understand nor> accept as>

> part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed your> explainations of

why> > in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha,>

Kaunteya,> > Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,>

Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,> > Savyasachi,> >> >

Chandrashekhar.> >> >> > ---> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.>

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).> > Version:

6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release 8/19/03> > >

Groups Sponsor> > > > > > Archives:

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vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >

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Here I am making a cut and paste from SatyarthPrakash (Light Of Truth) by Swami

Dayananda Saraswati, this book is available online at




This portion I have taken from chapter 11 of the said book at




Readers can themselves decide whether the statements made by Chandreshekhar Ji

is true or false.So here it goes ...............



"The Guru is Brahmaa, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is the Almighty Lord, the

Guru is even Brahmaa (Great Lord); therefore, we bow unto the Guru."


Is this kind of Guru-worship right?


A. ~ No, it is not right. Brahmaa, Vishnu, Maheshewara and Paara-brahmaa are all

names of God, the guru can never equal Him. This book (from which the verse

quoted above has been mentioned), called Gurugitaa which teaches the great

sanctity of the guru, is the work of some pope(Wolf in the fleece of a ship).

It inculcates extremely popish(bad,crookery, thugs) practices. The true gurus

are one's father, mother, tutor, and ATITHIS (altruistic teachers)

To serve them and acquire knowledge and culture from them is the duty of the

children and pupils, but if a guru be covetous, worldly, sensual or possesses a

nasty temper these men (i.e. the so-called gurus or holy men) should be left

alone (but it is the duty of the king) to correct these men first by gently

admonition, if still intractable to inflict bodily punishments or ever to put

them to death. There is nothing wrong in punishing them, such men do not become

gurus by virtue of possessing learning and other good qualities. They are false

gurus who tie strings of beads round the necks of their (chelas) dupes, make

marks on their foreheads called tilakas, and teach mantras (mystic words),

etc., quite oppose to the teachings of the Vedas. They are not gurus but

shepherds, because just as shepherds keep goats and sheep for the purpose of

obtaining milk, etc., likewise these so-called gurus have male and female

disciples (chelas and chelis) in order to strip them of their money with which

they enjoy themselves. It is said of them by some one: "The greedy guru and the

avaricious disciple play tricks with each other. They are drowned in the sea of

misery (like those who try to cross the sea in a boat made of stone)." The Guru

thinks that his male and female disciples are sure to give him something, whilst

the latter think that even if the guru is of not other use he is good enough for

swearing (falsely) by or for obtaining absolution from sins. They are both

selfish and embodiments of hypocrisy. They get drowned in the ocean of misery

in this world like those who try to cross the sea in a boat made of stone. Fie

on such gurus and disciples. Let no one associate with such persons, but

whoever does so, will sink to the greatest depths of misery. The imposture of

these shepherd gurus is just like that of the Puranic priests. They are

extremely selfish people. Those who have the good of the public at heart may

have themselves to suffer, out never do they cease doing what is good for the

world. Both the guru-mahatamya (doctrine of the sanctity of the person of the

guru) and the Gurugita are the inventions of these immoral, wicked gurus.




RajeevChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Amolmandar,

Following is what His Holiness Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamkoti Peetham has to

say about what is Guru and the difference between God and Guru. If you do not

consider him to be THE authority on interpretation of Hindu scriptures, I can

not help it.

" Guru Bhakthi

His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Sarasvathi Svamigal Sri Sankaracharya of

Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham

It is said that Guru(preceptor) is greater than God, devotion to preceptor is

more meritorious than that to God. If we ask why, the answer is that God has

not been seen by any one, But the preceptor is present here and now before us.

If a Preceptor who is immaculate and pure, full of wisdom and steadiness of

vision completely free from weakness, were available to us, the mental peace in

search of which we pray to God is at our reach by devotion to the preceptor.

Hence it is declared

"Gurur - Brahma Gurur - Vishnuh Guru -devo Maheswarah Gurur - sakshat Param

Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave namah

The Preceptor is Brahma, Vishnu, is the God Maheswara, is verily Brahma itself.

Salutation to such a Preceptor

In this verse it is to be noted that total identity between the Preceptor and

Brahman reality is declared. Incidentally, since in this verse both Siva and

Vishnu are clubbed together, if we prostrate before the preceptor uttering this

verse we will get the sense of the identity of Siva and Vishnu.

God performs the works like creating and protecting the world. But the preceptor

does not have these responsibilities. God has an 'office' while the Preceptor

does not have one. It is much easier to get things done by the grace of the

preceptor than by the officer God whom we will have to disturb."

If this does not clarify the original concept nothing will.


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NamasteAgain, the mails you put for me is

not proving any point to me. I said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to

uphold the Dharma but Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position.

I as well said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about

Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana Brahstha means

not following Dharma. But if it happens in the presence of Guru who is suppose

to uphold it then

it is faliure of Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO or he does not have

enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and hence Sthana Brahstha

principle is applicable. To suport this arguments I quoted Mahabharat. Because

in my opinion, Mahabharat has many such incidances where all 'Gurus' have

failed because of these two qualities. But in entire Mahabahrata Krishna never

failed in upholding the Dharma and hence I said except Krishna every one

failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like Krishna then you are

bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna not failing by drifting

the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna told Arjuna in Gita not to Grief but

later Arjuna grieved. This way you tried to show that it is not Guru who fails

but his shisyas make him to fail. SherIt seems that I am not able to express

myself properly. In the days of Mirza Galib, conducting the

mushayara was a usual practice in India. The participents used to say their

Sher( 4 lines or 2 lines of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect

the feeling of the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after him.

This act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher ko Uthana'.

This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for your Sher there no one

to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is not ready to accept you as shayer

either it is not worthy or Mushayara is not capable of understanding the sher.

That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala ho". Mirza in

his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many times because of this

reason. I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects related to

Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware of this custom that is

why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle sher. Nor do I reffered

myself as Sher or for that matter anyone as Sher. I was refering to a custom. As

you seemed to be rejecting what I have explained about Gita without giving a

thought, possibly thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might

be some another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you were

exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens only if one

consideres the other person is not worth and hence his opinion or one is not

sure about his own stand on the topic of discussions. Here you quote Great

Parashar as who gives weightage to other's opinion but seem to forget it

peacefully. The irony is that you blemed all these things on me. At least I

never cross my limits and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.

>>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya, Kurunandana, Partha,

Bharata, >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,

Savyasachi,{{Let me make it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am

writting about it. I am not starting this from myside. I am doing it to the

best of my capacity and if you find something wanting then correct me but dont

accuse me.}}Now I will try to highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used names

of Krishna-Arjuna with a purpose in Gita. Take the case of Dhananjaya. The word

Dhananjaya means contoller/conqueror of pinda. That is why in the Yogshastra,

there exists a yognadi termed as Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence

universe. The yogi strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda

and hence try to become master of universe. One of the place where it is used

is 1st Adhaya and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must write the shloka to

express myself fully."PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|Paundram

dadhamaou mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||The

name of Krishna here is given as rishikesha and his conch as PAnchaJanya. The

name of Arjuna is given here as DHananjaya and his conch as devadatta.'Rishik'

means sense organs and 'Kesh' means controller of the same. The word Shankha

here means human body. They are not normal conches found in sea. If you are

aware there is custom of 'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is

completly cleaned i.e. Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water. The Shankah is

Human body. The rishikesh means perfect yogi will have perfect body(Shankha)

that would be derived or given birth from five elements (PanchaJanya). These

five elements as Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates

through the five principle elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the

same is the human body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya

menas contoller of 'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda' must be

devine that is

why his humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e. given/alloted by Devas or devine

entities. This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat war

is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas. Similarly the

second line of the shloka can be interpreted but I will desist myself for the

obvious special reasons.So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a

word for Krish-Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will

take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I said. Every

synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.Brhasth KarotiWhat

about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of this principle? Does

that mean a way to use this principle on hindsight? Thanks a lot for your time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amol mandar,> If you want to stick to "sthana

brashta karoti.." I am glad.However as you> seem to suggest that I started

deviating from the astrological principle of> "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti, I would

like to refresh your memory by giving your> mail of August 26th below.You

brought in religion in to the discussion by> saying, please do not point to the

(not religion) in the mail because the> subsequent sentence" Dharma never fails"

makes the meaning amply clear.> " Chandrashekharji Namste> As usual you

explained the things very lucidly but just slight doubt.> It is said many times

that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it is as> well said that Guru tries to

uphold Dharma but usually fails. Hence> Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never

fails. So Guru should also never> fail. Then why it

fails with respect to house?> Does MAYA play any role in this?> > Thanks a lot

for your Time and Space.> AmolMAndar."> > This was your response to my mail as

under:> "Dear Amolmandar,> I will give you an example outside> astrology and

religion.Guru represents Minister or the teacher . Now teacher> tells that

which is right.Students many a times feel unconfortable in the> presence of the

Teacher as he monitors their behaviour, specially if in> their youth they want

to do that he might not approve.Similar is the case> with the king whose

ministers forbids him from doing something that> is against RajDharma.Now

imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the> student/King and Jupiter

being the Teacher. The results for the house would> be clear.Of course , as I

said earlier this is only my way at looking at it> in order to understand why

this happens, and the Sages' principles are given> to us as such without the

reasons behind them. We have to apply our Viveka> to fathom the logic behind

it.Other worthies might hold different views.> Hope this helps understand the

concept.> Chandrashekhar."> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought

in religion? I could give> you lots of examples but as you have made up your

mind that you were not the> one who brought religion in to the discussions and

that Mahabharata does not> include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your

own mail message, it is> futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna>

said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47 is false> by

pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the intent of> needless

argument very clear.> > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state

that this comment is not only> unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to

have mastered Scriptures, as> you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives

weightage to other's opinion and> does not call himself "Sher".> If your

contention changes to the statement being related to "Sher" of> Jungle, alas

the Sher part cannot, now, be tested against real Sher of> Jungle as Hunting of

wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in my youth when we> tested ourselves against

"Sher" of the live variety.> > Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one

mail, proposing that all Gurus> failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in

another and then again stating> that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is

Guru, is some logic of a> great brain that mere mortals like me do neither

understand nor accept as> part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed

your explainations

of why> in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha,

Kaunteya,> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,> Savyasachi,> > Chandrashekhar.> > >

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Chandrashekhar ji Namaste


I think there is yet another deviation.


H.H has said "God performs the works like creating and protecting

the world. But the preceptor does not have these responsibilities.

God has an 'office' while the Preceptor does not have one."


On this you commented as


"This makes it clear that Guru is not supposed to protect but only

instruct about Dharma."


I think it is not so. I may be wrong in analysing H.H statement but

I feel that When shankaracharya differentiated between God and Guru

it was to indicate that God has much greater role to play in the

world than Guru. May be he wanted to convey that Guru is God

personified but not exactly God. So naturally the responsibility of

God is much more than that of GUru. The comment of H.H does not say

anything Dharma vis-avis Guru,rather it hightlights the greatness of

nature of God and the way HE performs. HE has to take care of entire

WORLD. Guru naturally is not supose to create or destroy world and

hence has some less work to do. The creation,maintenance,and

destruction is what GOD is suppose to do but Guru naturally does not

have this burden. It was to make clear the position of Guru vis-avis

God. To my mind H.H has not said that God is not Guru. Every God is

Guru but Evry Guru may not be God. If Guru is not burdened for world

affairs as regards to its creation and destruction then why do we

compare Guru with God? It is because Guru is burdened to uphold the

Dharma(maintenance part of GOD). Protect the Dharma. Dharma is

essence of life. If Dhrama is not there then there is Brahsthachar.

This leads to chaos. So Guru must first estabilish Dharma and ensure

that it is always honored. If this is not done, Guru is no Guru.


So point is that H.H possibly warned us to blindly consider Guru as

God and made it clear how two differ. But I suppose no one can deny

that every God is Guru. That is why krishna being God, is Guru of

all mankind. If one does not belive this and stands against HIM,its

not HIS fault and problem.



As far as 'Sher' is concerned, I made it clear that I was refering

to custom. You naturally dont want to accept this and its your way

of looking at things. I can not interfere in this.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.





vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandar,

> You are missing the point again. The article by Shankaracharya was

given to

> make you understand what the Shankaracharya says about Guru being


> grom God and this is why I wanted to convey that perhaps my

understanding of

> the English language is different than you. To reiterate the point

I paste

> the relavant portion again, below.

> "God performs the works like creating and protecting the world.

But the

> preceptor does not have these responsibilities. God has

an 'office' while

> the Preceptor does not have one."

> This makes it clear that Guru is not supposed to protect but only


> about Dharma. I had , as a matter of fact posted this in bold as

many have ,

> in the past taken this line of Guru Protecting Dharma. Guru will


> protect Shishya(by giving him true knowledge) when he is satisfied


> shishya's following the Path of Dharma. He does so by bestowing

his grace

> and not by mere presence.I had given only part of the article to


> misinterpretation. What His Holiness says in the same article

would put the

> Guru God dilemma in proper perspective and as such I am giving a


> relevant portion below.

> "In the Chandogya Upanishad itself it is declared that only by the

grace of

> the Guru true knowledge is possible. It says "aacaaryavaan purusho


> (only one who has a Preceptor, gains true knowledge). "

> Whereas you found His Holiness to mean that Guru is God by

referring to the

> first words with out what has been said in its entirety. As a

matter of fact

> ,immediately after the shloka His Holiness gives its meaning. This

makes it

> clear that it is salutation to the Perceptor(Guru). When one


> Mata Pita Twameva...." it does not mean that the Bhakta is

referring to

> biological Mother and Father.Now this how we were taught to

understand any

> prayer to the Almighty or Guru or even odes eulogising kings , be

it in any

> language. Since your interpretations give a totally different

meaning, the

> only explaination is that my perception of concepts of euoligies


> etc. are defficient.So no sarcasm was intended.


> About the "Sher" thing, this is what you said about your own

knowledge and I

> have made my opinion about such a comment amply clear.


> Hope this helps.

> Chandrashekhar.



> amolmandar [amolmandar]

> Saturday, September 06, 2003 1:56 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

destroying the

> house it and Saturn Protects//



> Chandrashekhar ji NAmaste


> Thanks for the information. H.H Shankaracharya says


> "Gurur - Brahma

> Gurur - Vishnuh

> Guru -devo Maheswarah

> Gurur - sakshat Param Brahma

> Tasmai Sri Gurave namah "


> but you will defend Sthanabrahasta karoti principle of Guru very

> amezing!


> >>>I might be defficient in that language as you are not,

> being "Sher"


> Here you are sounding sarcastic and tendency of pushing the


> Now I realized your obsessions with 'Sthana Brahstha karoti'

> principle.


> I am extermly sorry that I put myself against your principle


> But I assure you that I will never cross my boundaries again and

> please accept my pranams.


> Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


> AmolMAndar



> vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

> <boxdel> wrote:

> > Dear Amolmandar,

> > Incontinuation to my mail giving the opinion of H.H.

> Shankaracharya of

> > Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, I forgot to reply to your

statement "This

> way you

> > tried to show that it is not Guru who fails but his shisyas


> him

> > to fail."

> > First, I never said that shishyas made the Guru to fail. What I

> said was

> > that it is shishyas that might fail and not the Guru, and in


> reference

> > I demonstrated how Arjuna failed to implement the teachings of

> Krishna.

> > Second,it appears that my usage of english is not understood

as I

> might be

> > defficient in that language as you are not, being "Sher"

> > Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of

> destroying the

> > house it and Saturn Protects//

> >

> >

> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste

> >

> >

> > Again, the mails you put for me is not proving any point to

me. I

> > said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to uphold the


> but

> > Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position. I as

> well

> > said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything


> > Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread.


> > Brahstha means not following Dharma. But if it happens in the

> > presence of Guru who is suppose to uphold it then it is


> of

> > Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO or he does not


> > enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and


> > Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this

> arguments I

> > quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has many

> such

> > incidances where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these two

> > qualities. But in entire Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in

> > upholding the Dharma and hence I said except Krishna every


> > failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like


> then

> > you are bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on


> not

> > failing by drifting the thread to Gita and quoting that


> told

> > Arjuna in Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna grieved. This


> you

> > tried to show that it is not Guru who fails but his shisyas


> him

> > to fail.

> >

> >

> > Sher

> >

> > It seems that I am not able to express myself properly. In


> days

> > of Mirza Galib, conducting the mushayara was a usual

practice in

> > India. The participents used to say their Sher( 4 lines or 2

> lines

> > of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect the

> feeling of

> > the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after


> This

> > act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher


> > Uthana'. This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If


> > your Sher there no one to Uthao your Sher, it means

Mushayara is

> not

> > ready to accept you as shayer either it is not worthy or

> Mushayara

> > is not capable of understanding the sher.

> > That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane


> ho".

> > Mirza in his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara


> > times because of this reason.

> >

> > I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects

> related

> > to Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware


> this

> > custom that is why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle

> sher.

> > Nor do I reffered myself as Sher or for that matter anyone as

> Sher.

> > I was refering to a custom. As you seemed to be rejecting

what I

> > have explained about Gita without giving a thought, possibly

> > thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might


> some

> > another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that


> > were exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This


> > only if one consideres the other person is not worth and


> his

> > opinion or one is not sure about his own stand on the topic


> > discussions. Here you quote Great Parashar as who gives

> weightage to

> > other's opinion but seem to forget it peacefully. The irony


> that

> > you blemed all these things on me. At least I never cross my

> limits

> > and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.

> >

> > >>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya,

> > Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

> >

> > >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,

> >

> > {{Let me make it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am

> > writting about it. I am not starting this from myside. I am

> doing it

> > to the best of my capacity and if you find something wanting


> > correct me but dont accuse me.}}

> >

> > Now I will try to highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used

> names

> > of Krishna-Arjuna with a purpose in Gita. Take the case of

> > Dhananjaya. The word Dhananjaya means contoller/conqueror of

> pinda.

> > That is why in the Yogshastra, there exists a yognadi termed


> > Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence universe. The


> > strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda


> > hence try to become master of universe. One of the place


> it is

> > used is 1st Adhaya and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I


> > write the shloka to express myself fully.

> >

> > "PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|

> > Paundram dadhamaou mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||

> >

> > The name of Krishna here is given as rishikesha and his

conch as

> > PAnchaJanya. The name of Arjuna is given here as DHananjaya


> his

> > conch as devadatta.'Rishik' means sense organs and 'Kesh'


> > controller of the same. The word Shankha here means human


> They

> > are not normal conches found in sea. If you are aware there


> > custom of 'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is

> > completly cleaned i.e. Prashalan. by repetedly drinking


> The

> > Shankah is Human body. The rishikesh means perfect yogi will


> > perfect body(Shankha) that would be derived or given birth


> five

> > elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as

> Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap

> > and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five

> principle

> > elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the

> human

> > body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya


> > contoller of 'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda'

> must be

> > devine that is why his humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e.

> > given/alloted by Devas or devine entities.

> > This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because


> > war is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and


> > Similarly the second line of the shloka can be interpreted

but I

> > will desist myself for the obvious special reasons.

> > So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a word for

> Krish-

> > Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that


> > take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I

> said.

> > Every synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a


> >

> >

> > Brhasth Karoti

> >

> > What about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use


> this

> > principle? Does that mean a way to use this principle on

> hindsight?

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your time and Space.

> >

> > AmolMandar

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar


> > <boxdel> wrote:

> > > Dear Amol mandar,

> > > If you want to stick to "sthana brashta karoti.." I am

> > glad.However as you

> > > seem to suggest that I started deviating from the


> > principle of

> > > "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti, I would like to refresh your

memory by

> > giving your

> > > mail of August 26th below.You brought in religion in to the

> > discussion by

> > > saying, please do not point to the (not religion) in the


> > because the

> > > subsequent sentence" Dharma never fails" makes the meaning

> amply

> > clear.

> > > " Chandrashekharji Namste

> > > As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just


> > doubt.

> > > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and


> is as

> > > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually


> Hence

> > > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru


> also

> > never

> > > fail. Then why it fails with respect to house?

> > > Does MAYA play any role in this?

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > > AmolMAndar."

> > >

> > > This was your response to my mail as under:

> > > "Dear Amolmandar,

> > > I will give you an example outside

> > > astrology and religion.Guru represents Minister or the

> teacher .

> > Now teacher

> > > tells that which is right.Students many a times feel

> unconfortable

> > in the

> > > presence of the Teacher as he monitors their behaviour,

> specially

> > if in

> > > their youth they want to do that he might not


> is

> > the case

> > > with the king whose ministers forbids him from doing


> that

> > > is against RajDharma.Now imagine House where Jupiter is


> > being the

> > > student/King and Jupiter being the Teacher. The results

for the

> > house would

> > > be clear.Of course , as I said earlier this is only my way


> > looking at it

> > > in order to understand why this happens, and the Sages'

> principles

> > are given

> > > to us as such without the reasons behind them. We have to


> > our Viveka

> > > to fathom the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold

> different

> > views.

> > > Hope this helps understand the concept.

> > > Chandrashekhar."

> > >

> > > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought in


> I

> > could give

> > > you lots of examples but as you have made up your mind

that you

> > were not the

> > > one who brought religion in to the discussions and that

> > Mahabharata does not

> > > include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your own mail

> > message, it is

> > > futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna

> > > said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam"

Adhyaaya11 Sh

> 47

> > is false

> > > by pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the

> intent

> > of

> > > needless argument very clear.

> > >

> > > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this


> is

> > not only

> > > unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have mastered

> > Scriptures, as

> > > you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to


> > opinion and

> > > does not call himself "Sher".

> > > If your contention changes to the statement being related

> > to "Sher" of

> > > Jungle, alas the Sher part cannot, now, be tested against


> > Sher of

> > > Jungle as Hunting of wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in


> youth

> > when we

> > > tested ourselves against "Sher" of the live variety.

> > >

> > > Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail,


> that

> > all Gurus

> > > failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and


> again

> > stating

> > > that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is


> > logic of a

> > > great brain that mere mortals like me do neither

understand nor

> > accept as

> > > part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed your

> > explainations of why

> > > in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap,

> Gudakesha,

> > Kaunteya,

> > > Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

> > Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,

> > > Savyasachi,

> > >

> > > Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > >

> > > ---

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> >

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> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> astrology/info.html

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Dear Amolmandar,

As I already said, you are free to impute any meaning to what His Holiness has

said as I am defficient in English.

However, this is what His Holiness says further"There is no one greater than the

preceptor. We should have full faith in him. It should be genuine faith. if we

have faith that God himself has appeared in the preceptor's form, then even God

is not necessary. This faith and the devotion that we nourish towards Him, will

of themselves redeem us.There is no one greater than the preceptor. We should

have full faith in him. It should be genuine faith. if we have faith that God

himself has appeared in the preceptor's form, then even God is not necessary.

This faith and the devotion that we nourish towards Him, will of themselves

redeem us."


And he further says "

The Preceptor can intercede on behalf of the disciple and recommend to God to

pardon the sinner. God will never disregard this recommendation. If, on the

contrary, the preceptor is sinned against there could be none to protect the

sinner. There is a verse which tells us this.

"Gurur-pitaa, gurur-maataa, guru-daivam, guru-gatih, Sive-rysgte gurustraataa,

gurur rushte na kascana. "

This I am only enclosing for your information, note the His Holiness says theat

Perceptor"CAN" and not "Has to". But perhaps you will again find a different

meaning from His Holiness's statement.I can not help that.


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Sunday, September 07, 2003 9:20 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NamasteI think there is yet another

deviation. H.H has said "God performs the works like creating and protecting

the world. But the preceptor does not have these responsibilities. God has an

'office' while the Preceptor does not have one." On this you commented as "This

makes it clear that Guru is not supposed to protect but only instruct about

Dharma."I think it is not so. I may be wrong in analysing H.H statement but I

feel that When shankaracharya differentiated between God and Guru it was to

indicate that God has much greater role to play in the world than Guru. May be

he wanted to convey that Guru is God personified but not exactly God. So

naturally the responsibility of God is much more than that of GUru. The comment

of H.H does not say anything Dharma vis-avis Guru,rather it hightlights the

greatness of nature of God and the way HE performs. HE has to take care of

entire WORLD. Guru naturally is not supose to create or destroy world and hence

has some less work to do. The creation,maintenance,and destruction is what GOD

is suppose to do but Guru naturally does not have this burden. It was to make

clear the position of Guru vis-avis God. To my mind H.H has not said that God

is not Guru. Every God is Guru but Evry Guru may not be God. If Guru is not

burdened for world affairs as regards to its creation and destruction then why

do we compare Guru with God? It is because Guru is burdened to uphold the

Dharma(maintenance part of GOD). Protect the Dharma. Dharma is essence of life.

If Dhrama is not there then there is Brahsthachar. This leads to chaos. So Guru

must first estabilish Dharma and ensure that it is always honored. If this is

not done, Guru is no Guru.So point is that H.H possibly warned us to blindly

consider Guru as God and made it clear how two differ. But I suppose no one can

deny that every God is Guru. That is why krishna being God, is Guru of all

mankind. If one does not belive this and stands against HIM,its not HIS fault

and problem. As far as 'Sher' is concerned, I made it clear that I was refering

to custom. You naturally dont want to accept this and its your way of looking at

things. I can not interfere in this. Thanks a lot for your Time and

Space.AMolMAndarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"

<boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amolmandar,> You are missing the point again. The

article by Shankaracharya was given to> make you understand what the

Shankaracharya says about Guru being different> grom God and this is why I

wanted to convey that perhaps my understanding of> the English language is

different than you. To reiterate the point I paste> the relavant portion again,

below.> "God performs the works like creating and protecting the world. But the>

preceptor does not have these responsibilities. God has an 'office' while> the

Preceptor does not have one."> This makes it clear that Guru is not supposed to

protect but only instruct> about Dharma. I had , as a matter of fact posted this

in bold as many have ,> in the past taken this line of Guru Protecting Dharma.

Guru will only> protect Shishya(by giving him true knowledge) when he is

satisfied about> shishya's following the Path of Dharma. He does so by

bestowing his grace> and not by mere presence.I had given only part of the

article to avoid> misinterpretation. What His Holiness says in the same article

would put the> Guru God dilemma in proper perspective and as such I am giving a

small> relevant portion below.> "In the Chandogya Upanishad itself it is

declared that only by the grace of> the Guru true knowledge is possible. It

says "aacaaryavaan purusho veda"> (only one who has a Preceptor, gains true

knowledge). "> Whereas you found His Holiness to mean that Guru is God by

referring to the> first words with out what has been said in its entirety. As a

matter of fact> ,immediately after the shloka His Holiness gives its meaning.

This makes it> clear that it is salutation to the Perceptor(Guru). When one

says"Twameva> Mata Pita Twameva...." it does not mean that the Bhakta is

referring to> biological Mother and Father.Now this how we were taught to

understand any> prayer to the Almighty or Guru or even odes eulogising kings ,

be it in any> language. Since your interpretations give a totally different

meaning, the> only explaination is that my perception of concepts of euoligies

prayers> etc. are defficient.So no sarcasm was intended.> > About the "Sher"

thing, this is what you said about your own knowledge and I> have made my

opinion about such a comment amply clear.> > Hope this helps.> Chandrashekhar.>

> > amolmandar [amolmandar]>

Saturday, September 06, 2003 1:56 PM> To:

vedic astrology> [vedic astrology] Re: Why is //

Jupiter capable of destroying the> house it and Saturn Protects//> > >

Chandrashekhar ji NAmaste> > Thanks for the information. H.H Shankaracharya

says> > "Gurur - Brahma> Gurur - Vishnuh> Guru -devo Maheswarah> Gurur

- sakshat Param Brahma> Tasmai Sri Gurave namah "> > but you will defend

Sthanabrahasta karoti principle of Guru very> amezing!> > >>>I might be

defficient in that language as you are not,> being "Sher"> > Here you are

sounding sarcastic and tendency of pushing the things.> Now I realized your

obsessions with 'Sthana Brahstha karoti'> principle.> > I am extermly sorry

that I put myself against your principle stand.> But I assure you that I will

never cross my boundaries again and> please accept my pranams.> > Thanks a

lot for your Time and Space.> > AmolMAndar> > > --- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"> <boxdel>

wrote:> > Dear Amolmandar,> > Incontinuation to my mail giving the opinion

of H.H.> Shankaracharya of> > Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, I forgot to reply to

your statement "This> way you> > tried to show that it is not Guru who fails

but his shisyas make> him> > to fail."> > First, I never said that

shishyas made the Guru to fail. What I> said was> > that it is shishyas

that might fail and not the Guru, and in that> reference> > I demonstrated

how Arjuna failed to implement the teachings of> Krishna.> > Second,it

appears that my usage of english is not understood as I> might be> >

defficient in that language as you are not, being "Sher"> > Chandrashekhar.>

> > > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> > Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PM> >

vedic astrology> > [vedic astrology] Re: Why is

// Jupiter capable of> destroying the> > house it and Saturn Protects//>

>> >> > Chandrashekhar ji Namaste> >> >> > Again, the mails you

put for me is not proving any point to me. I> > said Guru is DHarma and

Guru fails trying to uphold the Dharma> but> > Dharma never fails so how

come Guru fails in a position. I as> well> > said that Dharma is not

religion. And I never said anything about> > Religion or Dharma as to who

brought it in the thread. Sthana> > Brahstha means not following Dharma.

But if it happens in the> > presence of Guru who is suppose to uphold it

then it is faliure> of> > Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO or

he does not have> > enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails

and hence> > Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this>

arguments I> > quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has

many> such> > incidances where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these

two> > qualities. But in entire Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in> >

upholding the Dharma and hence I said except Krishna every one> > failed.

That is why I said, If you have real Guru like Krishna> then> > you are

bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna> not> > failing

by drifting the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna> told> > Arjuna

in Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna grieved. This way> you> > tried to

show that it is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make> him> > to fail.>

>> >> > Sher> >> > It seems that I am not able to express myself

properly. In the> days> > of Mirza Galib, conducting the mushayara was a

usual practice in> > India. The participents used to say their Sher( 4

lines or 2> lines> > of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents

respect the> feeling of> > the one who is saying it, by reciting the same

lines after him.> This> > act of others who repeat the lines of sher is

known as 'Sher ko> > Uthana'. This was to show the appriciation of the

Shayaer.If for> > your Sher there no one to Uthao your Sher, it means

Mushayara is> not> > ready to accept you as shayer either it is not

worthy or> Mushayara> > is not capable of understanding the sher.> >

That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala> ho".> >

Mirza in his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many> > times

because of this reason.> >> > I never ever claimed any authority over any

of the subjects> related> > to Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you

might be aware of> this> > custom that is why I said that. I was not

refering to Jungle> sher.> > Nor do I reffered myself as Sher or for that

matter anyone as> Sher.> > I was refering to a custom. As you seemed to be

rejecting what I> > have explained about Gita without giving a thought,

possibly> > thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might

be> some> > another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that

you> > were exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens>

> only if one consideres the other person is not worth and hence> his> >

opinion or one is not sure about his own stand on the topic of> >

discussions. Here you quote Great Parashar as who gives> weightage to> >

other's opinion but seem to forget it peacefully. The irony is> that> >

you blemed all these things on me. At least I never cross my> limits> >

and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.> >> > >>Arjuna is

reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya,> > Kurunandana, Partha,

Bharata,> >> > >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,>

>> > {{Let me make it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am> >

writting about it. I am not starting this from myside. I am> doing it> >

to the best of my capacity and if you find something wanting then> >

correct me but dont accuse me.}}> >> > Now I will try to highlight the

fact that VedVyasa have used> names> > of Krishna-Arjuna with a purpose

in Gita. Take the case of> > Dhananjaya. The word Dhananjaya means

contoller/conqueror of> pinda.> > That is why in the Yogshastra, there

exists a yognadi termed as> > Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence

universe. The yogi> > strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over

pinda and> > hence try to become master of universe. One of the place where>

it is> > used is 1st Adhaya and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must>

> write the shloka to express myself fully.> >> > "PAnchaJanya

rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|> > Paundram dadhamaou mahashankham

bhimakarma vukrodara||15||> >> > The name of Krishna here is given as

rishikesha and his conch as> > PAnchaJanya. The name of Arjuna is given

here as DHananjaya and> his> > conch as devadatta.'Rishik' means sense

organs and 'Kesh' means> > controller of the same. The word Shankha here

means human body.> They> > are not normal conches found in sea. If you

are aware there is> > custom of 'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this,

body is> > completly cleaned i.e. Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water.>

The> > Shankah is Human body. The rishikesh means perfect yogi will have>

> perfect body(Shankha) that would be derived or given birth from> five>

> elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as> Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap> >

and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five> principle> >

elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the> human> >

body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya menas> >

contoller of 'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda'> must be> >

devine that is why his humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e.> >

given/alloted by Devas or devine entities.> > This sholka comes in the very

begining of Gita because MAhabharat> > war is a war of tendencies fought

between Kauravas and pandavas.> > Similarly the second line of the shloka

can be interpreted but I> > will desist myself for the obvious special

reasons.> > So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a word for>

Krish-> > Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will>

> take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I> said.> >

Every synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.> >> >> >

Brhasth Karoti> >> > What about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is

wholistic use of> this> > principle? Does that mean a way to use this

principle on> hindsight?> >> > Thanks a lot for your time and Space.>

>> > AmolMandar> >> >> >> > --- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma"> > <boxdel>

wrote:> > > Dear Amol mandar,> > > If you want to stick to "sthana

brashta karoti.." I am> > glad.However as you> > > seem to suggest that

I started deviating from the astrological> > principle of> > > "Sthana

Bhrashta Karoti, I would like to refresh your memory by> > giving your> >

> mail of August 26th below.You brought in religion in to the> >

discussion by> > > saying, please do not point to the (not religion) in the

mail> > because the> > > subsequent sentence" Dharma never fails" makes

the meaning> amply> > clear.> > > " Chandrashekharji Namste> > >

As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just slight> > doubt.>

> > It is said many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it> is as>

> > well said that Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails.> Hence>

> > Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never fails. So Guru should> also> >

never> > > fail. Then why it fails with respect to house?> > > Does

MAYA play any role in this?> > >> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and

Space.> > > AmolMAndar."> > >> > > This was your response to my

mail as under:> > > "Dear Amolmandar,> > > I will give you an example

outside> > > astrology and religion.Guru represents Minister or the>

teacher .> > Now teacher> > > tells that which is right.Students many a

times feel> unconfortable> > in the> > > presence of the Teacher as he

monitors their behaviour,> specially> > if in> > > their youth they

want to do that he might not approve.Similar> is> > the case> > >

with the king whose ministers forbids him from doing something> that> > >

is against RajDharma.Now imagine House where Jupiter is posited> > being

the> > > student/King and Jupiter being the Teacher. The results for the>

> house would> > > be clear.Of course , as I said earlier this is only my

way at> > looking at it> > > in order to understand why this happens,

and the Sages'> principles> > are given> > > to us as such without

the reasons behind them. We have to apply> > our Viveka> > > to fathom

the logic behind it.Other worthies might hold> different> > views.> >

> Hope this helps understand the concept.> > > Chandrashekhar."> > >>

> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought in religion?> I> >

could give> > > you lots of examples but as you have made up your mind that

you> > were not the> > > one who brought religion in to the discussions

and that> > Mahabharata does not> > > include Bhagvadgita, despite your

mails below your own mail> > message, it is> > > futile to argue.

Specially implying that what Krishna> > > said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen

na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh> 47> > is false> > > by pitting

Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the> intent> > of> > >

needless argument very clear.> > >> > > About your "Sher ko tabhi

bolo",let me state that this comment> is> > not only> > > unwarranted

but unworthy of one who claims to have mastered> > Scriptures, as> > >

you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to other's> > opinion

and> > > does not call himself "Sher".> > > If your contention changes

to the statement being related> > to "Sher" of> > > Jungle, alas the

Sher part cannot, now, be tested against real> > Sher of> > > Jungle as

Hunting of wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in my> youth> > when we> >

> tested ourselves against "Sher" of the live variety.> > >> > > Trying

to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing> that> > all Gurus>

> > failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then> again>

> stating> > > that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is

some> > logic of a> > > great brain that mere mortals like me do

neither understand nor> > accept as> > > part of a serious discussion.

I would have enjoyed your> > explainations of why> > > in different

shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap,> Gudakesha,> > Kaunteya,> >

> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,> >

Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,> > > Savyasachi,> > >> >

> Chandrashekhar.> > >> > >> > > ---> > > Outgoing mail is

certified Virus Free.> > > Checked by AVG anti-virus system

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Release 8/19/03> >> >> > Sponsor> >

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vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic-> astrology/info.html> >> > To

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Dear Rajeev,

I fail to understand what you are reffering to as , if I am not mistaken I had

you sent you HH Shankarcharya's statement on Jyptish being Vedanga , which was

the thread under discussion.If it is with reference to Guru Bhrashtakaroti, you

must have read His Holiness's thoughts on that on the thread, that I had posted.

For interpretation of Hindu scriptures there is no authority greater than His

Holiness Shankaracharya and I would not like to comment on Dayanand's

interpretations. I also observe you are still arguing about Jyotish not having

Vedic origins with others though you have received the interpretation of HIs

Holiness, so it appears you are more interested in creating controversie than

serious discusions.


Rajeev Kumar [satpath1 ]Sent:

Sunday, September 07, 2003 8:00 PMvedic astrologySubject:

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it

and Saturn Protects//

Namaste Chandreshekhar Ji,


Here I am making a cut and paste from SatyarthPrakash (Light Of Truth) by Swami

Dayananda Saraswati, this book is available online at




This portion I have taken from chapter 11 of the said book at




Readers can themselves decide whether the statements made by Chandreshekhar Ji

is true or false.So here it goes ...............



"The Guru is Brahmaa, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is the Almighty Lord, the

Guru is even Brahmaa (Great Lord); therefore, we bow unto the Guru."


Is this kind of Guru-worship right?


A. ~ No, it is not right. Brahmaa, Vishnu, Maheshewara and Paara-brahmaa are all

names of God, the guru can never equal Him. This book (from which the verse

quoted above has been mentioned), called Gurugitaa which teaches the great

sanctity of the guru, is the work of some pope(Wolf in the fleece of a ship).

It inculcates extremely popish(bad,crookery, thugs) practices. The true gurus

are one's father, mother, tutor, and ATITHIS (altruistic teachers)

To serve them and acquire knowledge and culture from them is the duty of the

children and pupils, but if a guru be covetous, worldly, sensual or possesses a

nasty temper these men (i.e. the so-called gurus or holy men) should be left

alone (but it is the duty of the king) to correct these men first by gently

admonition, if still intractable to inflict bodily punishments or ever to put

them to death. There is nothing wrong in punishing them, such men do not become

gurus by virtue of possessing learning and other good qualities. They are false

gurus who tie strings of beads round the necks of their (chelas) dupes, make

marks on their foreheads called tilakas, and teach mantras (mystic words),

etc., quite oppose to the teachings of the Vedas. They are not gurus but

shepherds, because just as shepherds keep goats and sheep for the purpose of

obtaining milk, etc., likewise these so-called gurus have male and female

disciples (chelas and chelis) in order to strip them of their money with which

they enjoy themselves. It is said of them by some one: "The greedy guru and the

avaricious disciple play tricks with each other. They are drowned in the sea of

misery (like those who try to cross the sea in a boat made of stone)." The Guru

thinks that his male and female disciples are sure to give him something, whilst

the latter think that even if the guru is of not other use he is good enough for

swearing (falsely) by or for obtaining absolution from sins. They are both

selfish and embodiments of hypocrisy. They get drowned in the ocean of misery

in this world like those who try to cross the sea in a boat made of stone. Fie

on such gurus and disciples. Let no one associate with such persons, but

whoever does so, will sink to the greatest depths of misery. The imposture of

these shepherd gurus is just like that of the Puranic priests. They are

extremely selfish people. Those who have the good of the public at heart may

have themselves to suffer, out never do they cease doing what is good for the

world. Both the guru-mahatamya (doctrine of the sanctity of the person of the

guru) and the Gurugita are the inventions of these immoral, wicked gurus.




RajeevChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Amolmandar,

Following is what His Holiness Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamkoti Peetham has to

say about what is Guru and the difference between God and Guru. If you do not

consider him to be THE authority on interpretation of Hindu scriptures, I can

not help it.

" Guru Bhakthi

His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Sarasvathi Svamigal Sri Sankaracharya of

Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham

It is said that Guru(preceptor) is greater than God, devotion to preceptor is

more meritorious than that to God. If we ask why, the answer is that God has

not been seen by any one, But the preceptor is present here and now before us.

If a Preceptor who is immaculate and pure, full of wisdom and steadiness of

vision completely free from weakness, were available to us, the mental peace in

search of which we pray to God is at our reach by devotion to the preceptor.

Hence it is declared

"Gurur - Brahma Gurur - Vishnuh Guru -devo Maheswarah Gurur - sakshat Param

Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave namah

The Preceptor is Brahma, Vishnu, is the God Maheswara, is verily Brahma itself.

Salutation to such a Preceptor

In this verse it is to be noted that total identity between the Preceptor and

Brahman reality is declared. Incidentally, since in this verse both Siva and

Vishnu are clubbed together, if we prostrate before the preceptor uttering this

verse we will get the sense of the identity of Siva and Vishnu.

God performs the works like creating and protecting the world. But the preceptor

does not have these responsibilities. God has an 'office' while the Preceptor

does not have one. It is much easier to get things done by the grace of the

preceptor than by the officer God whom we will have to disturb."

If this does not clarify the original concept nothing will.


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NamasteAgain, the mails you put for me is

not proving any point to me. I said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to

uphold the Dharma but Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position.

I as well said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about

Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana Brahstha means

not following Dharma. But if it happens in the presence of Guru who is suppose

to uphold it then it is faliure of Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO

or he does not have enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and

hence Sthana Brahstha principle is applicable. To suport this arguments I

quoted Mahabharat. Because in my opinion, Mahabharat has many such incidances

where all 'Gurus' have failed because of these two qualities. But in entire

Mahabahrata Krishna never failed in upholding the Dharma and hence I said

except Krishna every one failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like

Krishna then you are bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna not

failing by drifting the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna told Arjuna in

Gita not to Grief but later Arjuna grieved. This way you tried to show that it

is not Guru who fails but his shisyas make him to fail. SherIt seems that I am

not able to express myself properly. In the days of Mirza Galib, conducting the

mushayara was a usual practice in India. The participents used to say their

Sher( 4 lines or 2 lines of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect

the feeling of the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after him.

This act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher ko Uthana'.

This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for your Sher there no one

to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is not ready to accept you as shayer

either it is not worthy or Mushayara is not capable of understanding the sher.

That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala ho". Mirza in

his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many times because of this

reason. I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects related to

Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware of this custom that is

why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle sher. Nor do I reffered myself as

Sher or for that matter anyone as Sher. I was refering to a custom. As you

seemed to be rejecting what I have explained about Gita without giving a

thought, possibly thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might

be some another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you were

exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens only if one

consideres the other person is not worth and hence his opinion or one is not

sure about his own stand on the topic of discussions. Here you quote Great

Parashar as who gives weightage to other's opinion but seem to forget it

peacefully. The irony is that you blemed all these things on me. At least I

never cross my limits and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.

>>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya, Kurunandana, Partha,

Bharata, >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha, Savyasachi,{{Let me make

it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am writting about it. I am not

starting this from myside. I am doing it to the best of my capacity and if you

find something wanting then correct me but dont accuse me.}}Now I will try to

highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used names of Krishna-Arjuna with a

purpose in Gita. Take the case of Dhananjaya. The word Dhananjaya means

contoller/conqueror of pinda. That is why in the Yogshastra, there exists a

yognadi termed as Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence universe. The

yogi strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda and hence try

to become master of universe. One of the place where it is used is 1st Adhaya

and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must write the shloka to express myself

fully."PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|Paundram dadhamaou

mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||The name of Krishna here is given as

rishikesha and his conch as PAnchaJanya. The name of Arjuna is given here as

DHananjaya and his conch as devadatta.'Rishik' means sense organs and 'Kesh'

means controller of the same. The word Shankha here means human body. They are

not normal conches found in sea. If you are aware there is custom of

'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is completly cleaned i.e.

Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water. The Shankah is Human body. The

rishikesh means perfect yogi will have perfect body(Shankha) that would be

derived or given birth from five elements (PanchaJanya). These five elements as

Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates through the five

principle elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the same is the human

body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya menas contoller of

'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda' must be devine that is why his

humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e. given/alloted by Devas or devine

entities. This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat war

is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas. Similarly the

second line of the shloka can be interpreted but I will desist myself for the

obvious special reasons.So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a

word for Krish-Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will

take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I said. Every

synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.Brhasth KarotiWhat

about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of this principle? Does

that mean a way to use this principle on hindsight? Thanks a lot for your time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amol mandar,> If you want to stick to

"sthana brashta karoti.." I am glad.However as you> seem to suggest that I

started deviating from the astrological principle of> "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti,

I would like to refresh your memory by giving your> mail of August 26th

below.You brought in religion in to the discussion by> saying, please do not

point to the (not religion) in the mail because the> subsequent sentence"

Dharma never fails" makes the meaning amply clear.> " Chandrashekharji Namste>

As usual you explained the things very lucidly but just slight doubt.> It is

said many times that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it is as> well said that

Guru tries to uphold Dharma but usually fails. Hence> Dharma fails. But many

say Dharma never fails. So Guru should also never> fail. Then why it fails with

respect to house?> Does MAYA play any role in this?> > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Space.> AmolMAndar."> > This was your response to my mail as under:>

"Dear Amolmandar,> I will give you an example outside> astrology and

religion.Guru represents Minister or the teacher . Now teacher> tells that

which is right.Students many a times feel unconfortable in the> presence of the

Teacher as he monitors their behaviour, specially if in> their youth they want

to do that he might not approve.Similar is the case> with the king whose

ministers forbids him from doing something that> is against RajDharma.Now

imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the> student/King and Jupiter

being the Teacher. The results for the house would> be clear.Of course , as I

said earlier this is only my way at looking at it> in order to understand why

this happens, and the Sages' principles are given> to us as such without the

reasons behind them. We have to apply our Viveka> to fathom the logic behind

it.Other worthies might hold different views.> Hope this helps understand the

concept.> Chandrashekhar."> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought

in religion? I could give> you lots of examples but as you have made up your

mind that you were not the> one who brought religion in to the discussions and

that Mahabharata does not> include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your

own mail message, it is> futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna>

said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47 is false> by

pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the intent of> needless

argument very clear.> > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state that this

comment is not only> unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to have

mastered Scriptures, as> you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives weightage to

other's opinion and> does not call himself "Sher".> If your contention changes

to the statement being related to "Sher" of> Jungle, alas the Sher part cannot,

now, be tested against real Sher of> Jungle as Hunting of wild beasts is

prohibited, unlike in my youth when we> tested ourselves against "Sher" of the

live variety.> > Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one mail, proposing

that all Gurus> failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in another and then

again stating> that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is Guru, is some

logic of a> great brain that mere mortals like me do neither understand nor

accept as> part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed your

explainations of why> in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap,

Gudakesha, Kaunteya,> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,> Savyasachi,> > Chandrashekhar.> > >

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I gave my opinion on your views on God and Guru. I have already said that

Jyotish is in Vedas but by Jyotish we accept true sciences like

Astronomy,Mathematics , geometry etc.

Moreover the 4 Vedas(Samhita Part) are the supreme authority (above any

humanbeing whether it is Swami Dayananda Ji or Shankracharya Ji or anybody else

)and Vedangas, upvedas etc. are worth evidence but so long they are in

accordance with Vedas.This is not my view but of Vedic Rishis.


If discussion on deciding truth is taken as creating controversies then its your

fault. Because the chief aim of human life is to decide and accept truth from








Chandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Rajeev,

I fail to understand what you are reffering to as , if I am not mistaken I had

you sent you HH Shankarcharya's statement on Jyptish being Vedanga , which was

the thread under discussion.If it is with reference to Guru Bhrashtakaroti, you

must have read His Holiness's thoughts on that on the thread, that I had posted.

For interpretation of Hindu scriptures there is no authority greater than His

Holiness Shankaracharya and I would not like to comment on Dayanand's

interpretations. I also observe you are still arguing about Jyotish not having

Vedic origins with others though you have received the interpretation of HIs

Holiness, so it appears you are more interested in creating controversie than

serious discusions.


Rajeev Kumar [satpath1 ]Sent:

Sunday, September 07, 2003 8:00 PMvedic astrologySubject:

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it

and Saturn Protects//

Namaste Chandreshekhar Ji,


Here I am making a cut and paste from SatyarthPrakash (Light Of Truth) by Swami

Dayananda Saraswati, this book is available online at




This portion I have taken from chapter 11 of the said book at




Readers can themselves decide whether the statements made by Chandreshekhar Ji

is true or false.So here it goes ...............



"The Guru is Brahmaa, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is the Almighty Lord, the

Guru is even Brahmaa (Great Lord); therefore, we bow unto the Guru."


Is this kind of Guru-worship right?


A. ~ No, it is not right. Brahmaa, Vishnu, Maheshewara and Paara-brahmaa are all

names of God, the guru can never equal Him. This book (from which the verse

quoted above has been mentioned), called Gurugitaa which teaches the great

sanctity of the guru, is the work of some pope(Wolf in the fleece of a ship).

It inculcates extremely popish(bad,crookery, thugs) practices. The true gurus

are one's father, mother, tutor, and ATITHIS (altruistic teachers)

To serve them and acquire knowledge and culture from them is the duty of the

children and pupils, but if a guru be covetous, worldly, sensual or possesses a

nasty temper these men (i.e. the so-called gurus or holy men) should be left

alone (but it is the duty of the king) to correct these men first by gently

admonition, if still intractable to inflict bodily punishments or ever to put

them to death. There is nothing wrong in punishing them, such men do not become

gurus by virtue of possessing learning and other good qualities. They are false

gurus who tie strings of beads round the necks of their (chelas) dupes, make

marks on their foreheads called tilakas, and teach mantras (mystic words),

etc., quite oppose to the teachings of the Vedas. They are not gurus but

shepherds, because just as shepherds keep goats and sheep for the purpose of

obtaining milk, etc., likewise these so-called gurus have male and female

disciples (chelas and chelis) in order to strip them of their money with which

they enjoy themselves. It is said of them by some one: "The greedy guru and the

avaricious disciple play tricks with each other. They are drowned in the sea of

misery (like those who try to cross the sea in a boat made of stone)." The Guru

thinks that his male and female disciples are sure to give him something, whilst

the latter think that even if the guru is of not other use he is good enough for

swearing (falsely) by or for obtaining absolution from sins. They are both

selfish and embodiments of hypocrisy. They get drowned in the ocean of misery

in this world like those who try to cross the sea in a boat made of stone. Fie

on such gurus and disciples. Let no one associate with such persons, but

whoever does so, will sink to the greatest depths of misery. The imposture of

these shepherd gurus is just like that of the Puranic priests. They are

extremely selfish people. Those who have the good of the public at heart may

have themselves to suffer, out never do they cease doing what is good for the

world. Both the guru-mahatamya (doctrine of the sanctity of the person of the

guru) and the Gurugita are the inventions of these immoral, wicked gurus.




RajeevChandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Amolmandar,

Following is what His Holiness Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamkoti Peetham has to

say about what is Guru and the difference between God and Guru. If you do not

consider him to be THE authority on interpretation of Hindu scriptures, I can

not help it.

" Guru Bhakthi

His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Sarasvathi Svamigal Sri Sankaracharya of

Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham

It is said that Guru(preceptor) is greater than God, devotion to preceptor is

more meritorious than that to God. If we ask why, the answer is that God has

not been seen by any one, But the preceptor is present here and now before us.

If a Preceptor who is immaculate and pure, full of wisdom and steadiness of

vision completely free from weakness, were available to us, the mental peace in

search of which we pray to God is at our reach by devotion to the preceptor.

Hence it is declared

"Gurur - Brahma Gurur - Vishnuh Guru -devo Maheswarah Gurur - sakshat Param

Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave namah

The Preceptor is Brahma, Vishnu, is the God Maheswara, is verily Brahma itself.

Salutation to such a Preceptor

In this verse it is to be noted that total identity between the Preceptor and

Brahman reality is declared. Incidentally, since in this verse both Siva and

Vishnu are clubbed together, if we prostrate before the preceptor uttering this

verse we will get the sense of the identity of Siva and Vishnu.

God performs the works like creating and protecting the world. But the preceptor

does not have these responsibilities. God has an 'office' while the Preceptor

does not have one. It is much easier to get things done by the grace of the

preceptor than by the officer God whom we will have to disturb."

If this does not clarify the original concept nothing will.


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Friday, September 05, 2003 2:27 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Why is // Jupiter capable of destroying the house it and

Saturn Protects//Chandrashekhar ji NamasteAgain, the mails you put for me is

not proving any point to me. I said Guru is DHarma and Guru fails trying to

uphold the Dharma but Dharma never fails so how come Guru fails in a position.

I as well said that Dharma is not religion. And I never said anything about

Religion or Dharma as to who brought it in the thread. Sthana Brahstha means

not following Dharma. But if it happens in the presence of Guru who is suppose

to uphold it then

it is faliure of Guru. This happens only if Guru has BIG EGO or he does not have

enough courge to protect Dharma. That is why he fails and hence Sthana Brahstha

principle is applicable. To suport this arguments I quoted Mahabharat. Because

in my opinion, Mahabharat has many such incidances where all 'Gurus' have

failed because of these two qualities. But in entire Mahabahrata Krishna never

failed in upholding the Dharma and hence I said except Krishna every one

failed. That is why I said, If you have real Guru like Krishna then you are

bound to succeed. You picked up the argument on Krishna not failing by drifting

the thread to Gita and quoting that Krishna told Arjuna in Gita not to Grief but

later Arjuna grieved. This way you tried to show that it is not Guru who fails

but his shisyas make him to fail. SherIt seems that I am not able to express

myself properly. In the days of Mirza Galib, conducting the

mushayara was a usual practice in India. The participents used to say their

Sher( 4 lines or 2 lines of Urdu/Farsi) only if remaining participents respect

the feeling of the one who is saying it, by reciting the same lines after him.

This act of others who repeat the lines of sher is known as 'Sher ko Uthana'.

This was to show the appriciation of the Shayaer.If for your Sher there no one

to Uthao your Sher, it means Mushayara is not ready to accept you as shayer

either it is not worthy or Mushayara is not capable of understanding the sher.

That is why it is said "Sher ko tab hi bolo jab koi Uthane Wala ho". Mirza in

his initial days as shayar,had left the Mushayara many times because of this

reason. I never ever claimed any authority over any of the subjects related to

Jyotish or scriptures. I thought that you might be aware of this custom that is

why I said that. I was not refering to Jungle sher. Nor do I reffered

myself as Sher or for that matter anyone as Sher. I was refering to a custom. As

you seemed to be rejecting what I have explained about Gita without giving a

thought, possibly thinking that it just a jugglery of Sanskrit. Or there might

be some another reason but I remember in a thread you once said that you were

exasperated or irritated because of some thing. This happens only if one

consideres the other person is not worth and hence his opinion or one is not

sure about his own stand on the topic of discussions. Here you quote Great

Parashar as who gives weightage to other's opinion but seem to forget it

peacefully. The irony is that you blemed all these things on me. At least I

never cross my limits and do not hesitate to apologize if found guilty.

>>Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha, Kaunteya, Kurunandana, Partha,

Bharata, >>Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,

Savyasachi,{{Let me make it very clear,You asked me this and hence I am

writting about it. I am not starting this from myside. I am doing it to the

best of my capacity and if you find something wanting then correct me but dont

accuse me.}}Now I will try to highlight the fact that VedVyasa have used names

of Krishna-Arjuna with a purpose in Gita. Take the case of Dhananjaya. The word

Dhananjaya means contoller/conqueror of pinda. That is why in the Yogshastra,

there exists a yognadi termed as Dhananjaya. That contol the pinda and hence

universe. The yogi strives to become Dhananjaya to gain the control over pinda

and hence try to become master of universe. One of the place where it is used

is 1st Adhaya and 15th shloka. Please excuse me but I must write the shloka to

express myself fully."PAnchaJanya rishikesho devadatta Dhananjaya:|Paundram

dadhamaou mahashankham bhimakarma vukrodara||15||The

name of Krishna here is given as rishikesha and his conch as PAnchaJanya. The

name of Arjuna is given here as DHananjaya and his conch as devadatta.'Rishik'

means sense organs and 'Kesh' means controller of the same. The word Shankha

here means human body. They are not normal conches found in sea. If you are

aware there is custom of 'Shanka-Prashalan' in yog shastra. In this, body is

completly cleaned i.e. Prashalan. by repetedly drinking water. The Shankah is

Human body. The rishikesh means perfect yogi will have perfect body(Shankha)

that would be derived or given birth from five elements (PanchaJanya). These

five elements as Akash,Vayu,Tejas,Aap and Prithvi. The whole creation vibrates

through the five principle elements and the embodiment or incarnation of the

same is the human body of 'Pinda' as it is called. The Arjuna is Dhananjaya

menas contoller of 'Pinda' and the one who is contoller of 'Pinda' must be

devine that is

why his humanbody is caleed as Devadatta. i.e. given/alloted by Devas or devine

entities. This sholka comes in the very begining of Gita because MAhabharat war

is a war of tendencies fought between Kauravas and pandavas. Similarly the

second line of the shloka can be interpreted but I will desist myself for the

obvious special reasons.So the point is one can see the purpose in use of a

word for Krish-Arjuna in Gita. I can try on other names as well but that will

take 'space' and you wont like it. But I am sure about what I said. Every

synonm for Krishna-Arjuna in Gita is used with a purpose.Brhasth KarotiWhat

about Brhasta karoti principle.? What is wholistic use of this principle? Does

that mean a way to use this principle on hindsight? Thanks a lot for your time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar

Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:> Dear Amol mandar,> If you want to stick to "sthana

brashta karoti.." I am glad.However as you> seem to suggest that I started

deviating from the astrological principle of> "Sthana Bhrashta Karoti, I would

like to refresh your memory by giving your> mail of August 26th below.You

brought in religion in to the discussion by> saying, please do not point to the

(not religion) in the mail because the> subsequent sentence" Dharma never fails"

makes the meaning amply clear.> " Chandrashekharji Namste> As usual you

explained the things very lucidly but just slight doubt.> It is said many times

that Guru is Dharma(not religion)and it is as> well said that Guru tries to

uphold Dharma but usually fails. Hence> Dharma fails. But many say Dharma never

fails. So Guru should also never> fail. Then why it

fails with respect to house?> Does MAYA play any role in this?> > Thanks a lot

for your Time and Space.> AmolMAndar."> > This was your response to my mail as

under:> "Dear Amolmandar,> I will give you an example outside> astrology and

religion.Guru represents Minister or the teacher . Now teacher> tells that

which is right.Students many a times feel unconfortable in the> presence of the

Teacher as he monitors their behaviour, specially if in> their youth they want

to do that he might not approve.Similar is the case> with the king whose

ministers forbids him from doing something that> is against RajDharma.Now

imagine House where Jupiter is posited being the> student/King and Jupiter

being the Teacher. The results for the house would> be clear.Of course , as I

said earlier this is only my way at looking at it> in order to understand why

this happens, and the Sages' principles are given> to us as such without the

reasons behind them. We have to apply our Viveka> to fathom the logic behind

it.Other worthies might hold different views.> Hope this helps understand the

concept.> Chandrashekhar."> > Could you show me where in my mail have I brought

in religion? I could give> you lots of examples but as you have made up your

mind that you were not the> one who brought religion in to the discussions and

that Mahabharata does not> include Bhagvadgita, despite your mails below your

own mail message, it is> futile to argue. Specially implying that what Krishna>

said"Mayaaprasannen...tvadanyen na drustapurvam" Adhyaaya11 Sh 47 is false> by

pitting Vedavyasa's authority against the Lord makes the intent of> needless

argument very clear.> > About your "Sher ko tabhi bolo",let me state

that this comment is not only> unwarranted but unworthy of one who claims to

have mastered Scriptures, as> you imply.Even the Great Parashara gives

weightage to other's opinion and> does not call himself "Sher".> If your

contention changes to the statement being related to "Sher" of> Jungle, alas

the Sher part cannot, now, be tested against real Sher of> Jungle as Hunting of

wild beasts is prohibited, unlike in my youth when we> tested ourselves against

"Sher" of the live variety.> > Trying to call Guru upholder of Dharma in one

mail, proposing that all Gurus> failed other than Krishna in Mahabharata in

another and then again stating> that Guru is Parmatma and therefore Parmatma is

Guru, is some logic of a> great brain that mere mortals like me do neither

understand nor accept as> part of a serious discussion. I would have enjoyed

your explainations

of why> in different shlokas Arjuna is reffered to as Parantap, Gudakesha,

Kaunteya,> Kurunandana, Partha, Bharata,

Kiriti,Dhananjaya,Mahabaho,Kurushreshtha,> Savyasachi,> > Chandrashekhar.> > >

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