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RE: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all concerned)

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My view point is that Astrology is used to predict the future of living beings

based upon the study of planets, sun, moon etc. and also to provide the

solutions to avoid undesirable results and attain desirable effects.


I consider these celestial bodies as non living beings , we can easily predict

with great accuracy their movement in future, like for e.g we can predict the

next sun,moon eclipse ,next task of a machine, but living beings are conscious

entities they are free to think and act accordingly so no body can predict

their future with 100% accuracy.


Had we been not free then our master is the real doer of whatever good or bad.

Like for e.g somebody killed someone with a gun then in this case neither the

maker of the gun nor the gun are culprit but the person who murdered is



As far as the example of moon's effect on human bodies are concerned, offcourse

it may have some effect but at the same time the immune system of human body

is such that it automatically develops resistance to cater such ill effects .

Like for e.g every human being is living under an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm

and our body has been such designed. Similarly astronauts on space mission are

given training and the atmospheric conditions of space are simulated on earth

so that their body gets used to of it.So when our body system is itself there

to take care of these effects then whats these astrologers are doing, are they

doctors to take care of our bodies ?


Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and their believers then all

these people should be far far better than the non believers of Astrology

because they already know the problems and their accurate solutions, moreover

when everything is predestined then again whats the role of Astrologers.


Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a person with same accuracy as astronomers

can predict the movement of celestial bodies or mathematicians can predict the

area of a land? if not then its not a science(truth) but a fraud, because truth

comprise in knowing a thing as it is nothing more and nothing less.


If you say yes then I ask can you change those events ? if you cannot then again

whats the astrologers doing, if you say yes we can then why we have somuch

poverty and illness around ?














amolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Dear Rajeev NAmasteIt is good that we agree on number of AVedas and their names.

Now lets move ahead by building confidance.I wrote previous mail to avoid

unnecesary debate afterwards. Let it be clear that I have some references but

the problem may arise that on hindsight you may put it as astronomy and I may

not agree to it. This may cause us to loose the point. So lets be clear what

reference will be Astronomy and what will be Astrology. In other words, if you

fix up domain of Astronomy it will be good for me to examine myself and then to

decide to put them as proof or not. As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is

shastra of Jyotish. Jyoti is obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of

Jyotish in which we study physical nature,such as its redius,color,its distance

from sun or earth and its speed of rotation

is Astronomy.(right?)And the branch of jyotish in which its effect is express

and accordingly prayer is given then it is not Astronmy and hence can be

Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic of Astrology is that Celestial

Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is acknowledge in Vedas then it

can be said that vedas have reference of Astrology. Do you agree with

this?Lets first fix up line of demarcation between Astronomy and Astrology and

then move ahead. But be assured that I do have some references of Astrology

based on CBAOL, in Vedas. Thanks alot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1> wrote:> Namaste

Amolmandar Ji,> > Yes I also agree with you that there are 4 vedas and these

are Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I have already told that we have references to

astronomy in Vedas. Please

give the references and after analysis of the same I will get back to you.> >

Regards> > Rajeev> > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> Dear Rajeev Namaste>

> Before we get into Good or Bad work and its relation to God,I will > try to

show some reference of Jyotish and Astrology in the Vedas. > For that let me

just know will you accept a sukta or Shloka > describing that the bodies

present in the Brahmanda do affect our > life and we should pray for good

effects from them, as proof for > reference of astrology in any of the four

Vedas. Why I am asking > this is that I have some shlokas from Vedas describing

this. The > reference of NAvagraha directly or indirectly in the Veda will be >

acceptred by you as proof of Astrology in Vedas or not? So if a > shloka says

that we should pray these hevenly bodies and these > bodies

should give us Sukha and Shanti then that should be more than > enough as proof

or not. Or you want all shlokas present in > Astrological Granthas to be

present in Vedas? Let me know this first > and then I will produce for you more

than one proof of Jyotish i.e. > astrological and not astromonical reference in

Vedas.> > One last thing be very clear that Vedas means 1)Rigveda 2)Yajurveda >

3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.> > If you agree on this, please let me know.> >

Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.> > AmolMAndar> > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1> > wrote:> >

Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,> > > > If every work is work of God then are

adulteration, telling lies , > doing fraud with somebody etc. are also work of

God. If we accept > this then God becomes an

adulterator, lier etc.> > > > Vedic God does not expect the help of anybody in

doing his work > because he is all powerful , omniscient. The God which expects

help > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a fraud.> > > > Regards> > >

> Rajeev > > > > > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > Dear

Rajeev Namaste> > > > Thanks for the wonderful link. > > > > >But here the

Astrologers have taken the work of God in their > hand, > > >is it not against

Vedas and Gita ????> > > > Dont you feel that every work is 'work' of God. Why

to single out > > Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in helping God? > > > >

Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> > > > AmolMAndar> > >

> vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > <satpath1> > >

wrote:> > > Namaste,> > > > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the

name Vedas just to > > brand it as a Vedic science.> > > > > > I am of the

view that Astrology is not supported by Vedas . In > > ManuSmriti it is written

that whoever disobeys/disregard Vedas is > an > > athiest. So those books which

are not in accordance with Vedas are > > anti Vedic.> > > > > > I am sure

that all people on this forum are not blind and it > is > > for them only I am

raising this question. > > > > > > I have following point to support my views>

> > > > > Vedas , Gita talk at length about the philosophy of KARMA> (Action)


> and says that you have right to do the action only and result is > in > >

my(God) hand. But here the Astrologers have taken the work of God > in > >

their hand, is it not against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > > In Vedas and

other authoritative scriptures of ancient Vedic > > Rishis no where it is

written that sun moon planets etc do the > acts > > that astrologers generally

talk about.> > > > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic scriptures support all

the true > > sciences like Astronomy but not even a single word we have found >

on > > Astrology. If you came across any then please give the reference.> > > >

> > Moreover by applying tests of truth the truthfulness of > Astrology > > is

not proved. The tests of truth are as follows. I am making a > copy > >

and paste from the following site about the ' Tests of truth '> > >

http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8> > > > > > > > > > > > THE FIVE

TESTS OF TRUTH > > > > > > The truth of every thing that is learnt or taught

should be > > carefully examined by the following five tests:-> > > > > >

The Veda and nature of God - All that conforms to the > teachings > > of the

Vedas, nature, attributes and characteristics of God is > > right, the reverse

is wrong. > > > Laws of Nature - All that tallies with laws of nature is >

true, > > the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement that a child is born >

without > > the sexual union of its parents, being opposed to the laws of >

nature > > can never be true. > > > The practice and teachings of A'ptaas,

-i.e., pious, > truthful, > > unprejudiced, honest, and learned men. All that

is unopposed to > > their practice and teachings is acceptable and the reverse

is > > unacceptable. > > > The purity and conviction of one's own soul. -

What is good > for > > you is good for the world. What is painful to you is

painful to > > others. This ought to be the guiding principle of one's conduct

> > towards others. > > > Eight kinds of evidence> > > > > > > > > Direct

Cognizance. > > > Inference. > > > Analogy. > > > Testimony. >


> History. > > > Deduction. > > > Possibility. > > >

Non-existence or Negation.> > > > > > > > > Direct Cognizance (Praatyaksha)

is that kind of knowledge, > > which is the result of direct contact of the

five senses with > their > > objects,* of the mind (faculty or organ of

attention) with the > > senses, and of the soul with mind. NYAAYA Shaastraa 1:

i, 4. > > > But this knowledge must not be that of the relation of >

words > > with the things signified, as of the word "water" with the fluid > >

called "water", For example, you ask your servant to bring you > some > >

water. He brings water, puts it before you,

and says : 'Here is > > water, Sir.' Now, what you and your servant see is not

the > > word "water" but the object signified by it. So ou have the direct > >

knowledge of the object called water. But the knowledge> > > > > > > > >

> > > This knowledge must not be of temporary or transient > >

character, i.e., not the product of observation under unfavourable > >

circumstances; for example, a person saw something at night and > took > > it

for a man , but when it was daylight he found out his mistake > and > > knew

that it was not a man, but a pillar. Now, his first > impression > > of the

thing was of a temporary or transient nature, which gave > > place to permanent

knowledge later on, when the true nature of the >

> thing was revealed in the light. > > > It should be free from all

elements of doubt, and be > certain > > in character. For example, you see a

river from a distance and > > say: "Is it water there or white clothes spread

out to dry?" Or > take > > another example, you see a man from a distance and

say: Is it Deva > > Datta standing there or Yajna Datta?" Now, as long as you

are in > > doubt and consequently not sure about a thing you observe, your > >

knowledge cannot be called Pratyaksha (Direct Cognizance). To be > > that the

element of doubt must be absolutely eliminated from it. > > > Briefly

therefore, that knowledge alone is said to be Direct > > Cognizance, which is

not the outcome of the relation of name with > > the object signified by it,

nor gained under circumstances > > unfavourable

for observation or experiment (Hence transient in > > character) nor into which

any element of doubt enters> > > > > > > > > > > > Anumaana - inference -

Literally it means that which follows > > direct cognizance. Two things have

been observed to exist together > > at some time and place, when on some other

occasion, one of the > woe > > is observed, the other, i.e., the unknown can be

inferred.* For > > instance, you see a child and you at once infer that he must

have > > had parents. Again, seeing the smoke issuing from behind a hill > you

> > infer the existence of fire. You infer the previous incarnation of > > the

soul form observing unequal joy and sorrow in this world at > the > > present

moment. > > > Inference is of three kinds:-> > > > > >

Purvavat - is one , in which you reason from cause to effect, > > e.g., the

inference of coming rain form the sight of clouds; or, > > again, you see a

wedding and naturally infer that some day the > > wedded couple will have

children. Or, again, you see students > > engaged in the pursuit of knowledge

and you infer that some day > they > > will become men of learning.> > > > > >

> > > Sheshavat - inference is one, in which you reason from effects > to > >

causes. Examples:- You see a flood in the river, and infer that it > > must

have rained on the mountain from which the river issues. > Again, > > you see a

child and at once infer that the child must have had a > > father. Again, you

see this world and infer the existence of the > > Spiritual cause - the

Creator, as well as of a Material cause - > the

> > elementary matter. Or, again, take another example. When you se a > > man in

pleasure and pain, you at once infer that he must have done > a > > virtuous or

sinful deed before, since you have noticed that the > > consequence of a sinful

act is pain, and that of a virtuous deed, > > pleasure. > > > > > > > > >

Aaamaanyatodrishata - is that kind of inference, in which there > is > > no

relation of cause and effect between the known datum and the > > thing to be

inferred, but there is some kind of similarity between > > the two. For

example, you know that no one can get another place > > without moving from the

first, and hence, if you find a person at > a > > certain place, you can easily

infer that he must have come to the > > latter place by moving from the first.>


> > > > > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the knowledge of a thing from its >

likeness > > to another. The thing which is required to be known is called > >

Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means of this knowledge from > some > > kind

of likeness between the two is called Saadhana > > > Examples: - a man says to

his servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu > > Mittra." The latter answers that he does

not know him, as he has > > never seen him before. Thereupon the master says :-

You know Deva > > Datta, don't you?" Upon the servant's answering in the >

affirmative, > > his master continues: "Well, Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva >

Datta." > > So the servant went out to find Vishnu Mittra. As he was passing > >

through a street, he saw a man very much like Deva Datta, and > > thought that,

thta man must be Vishnu

Mittra, and forthwith > brought > > him to his master. > > > Or, take another

example. You want to know what a Yak is. Well, > > some one tells you, it is

just like an ox. Next time you go to a > > jungle and happen to see an animal

very much like an ox, you at > once > > know that it is the Yak you asked your

friend about. Now this kind > > of knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Vishnu Mittra

from his likeness > to > > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its likeness to an ox

is > calledUpamaana > > or knowledge by analogy. The words Vishnu Mittra and

Yak are > called > > Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox are called Saadhana, in

the > above > > two instances. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Shabda - Testimony

(literally, word) - "The word of an A'pt > > (altruistic

teacher) is called Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra 1:,i, 7. > > > An A'pt is a person

who is a thorough scholar, we versed in all > > the sciences and philosophies,

physical and spiritual, is > virtuous, > > truthful, active, free from passions

and desires, imbued with love > > for others, and who is an altruistic teacher

of humanity solely > > actuated with the desire of benefiting the world by his

knowledge, > > experience and convictions. God being the truest and greatest of

> all > > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also included in shabda (Testimony). > >

> > > > > > > Itihaas - History - is that which tells us that such and such a >

> person was so and so, he did such and such a thing. In other > words, > >

Itihaas is the history of a country or the biography of a person. > > NYAAYA

Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The

experience of the past recorded in > > history can be applied to solve many a

difficult question of the > > day. - Tr. > > > > > > > > > Arthaapatti -

Conclusion or deduction. - It is a conclusion > which > > naturally follows

from the statement of a fact; for instance, one > > says to another: "Rain

falls from clouds" or " and effect flows > from > > a cause." The natural

conclusion that can be drawn from the above > > statement is: "There can be no

rain when there are no clouds," > > or "no effects follow when a cause does not

exist." > > > > > > > > > Sambhava - possibility. - When you hear a thing, the

first thing > > that enters your mind is whether such and such a thing is >

possible. > > Anything that runs counter to the laws of nature is not possible,

> > and

hence it can never be true; for example, if you are told that > a > > child was

born without parents, such and such a person raised the > > dead to life again,

or made stones float on the sea, lifted > > mountains, broke the moon into

pieces, was God incarnate, or saw > > horns on the head of a man, or solemnized

the marriage of a couple > > born of sterile mother. You could at once know that

it could not > > have possibly happened, being opposed to the laws of Nature.

That > > alone is possible which is in conformity with the laws of nature. > >

> > > > > > > Abhaava - Absence or Negation.- You infer the existence of a >

thing > > in some other place from its absence from the place where you were >

> told you find it; for instance, a gentleman said to his man: "Go > and > >

bring the elephant from the

elephant-house." He went there but > found > > that the elephant was not there.

He naturally conclude that he > must > > be somewhere near about. So he went

out and looked about for the > > elephant and found him not very far from its

proper place and > > brought him to his master. > > > > > > These eight kinds

of evidence have been briefly described. Their > > number can be reduced to

four fi History be included under > > Testimony, and Deduction, Possibility,

and Negation under > > Inference.* > > > It is only by means of these five

criteria that a man can > > ascertain what is right or wrong and not otherwise>

> > > > > If you test Astrology against these tests it proves to be a > fraud.>

> > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > >

Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Rajeev,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">If you say everything in science can be

accurately measured, what is this uncertainty theory in Quantum Physics

propounded by Heisenberg. Try understanding that and

you shall no that nothing in this world is certain by just probable, with

different degrees of probabilities. Sub-atomic particles are waves or particles

or both… It is both at the same time.... when you want to see it as a

particle, it becomes a particle and when you want to see it as a wave, it

becomes a wave. Isn’t it puzzling? Many things in this life is not that simple as it looks!


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Do you say medicine and psychology fraud?

If medicine can cure diseases, why there are so many of them all around, and if

you say it can’t, then what all these doctors doing! What about the

psychologist… What is the difference between an exact and empirical

science. Can you define the premises, on which it is checked whether or not something

is scientific?


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Best Wishes




Rajeev Kumar

[satpath1 ]

Sunday, September 07, 2003

4:17 PM


vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re:

Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all concerned)


Namaste Amol Ji,


My view point is that Astrology is used to predict the

future of living beings based upon the study of planets, sun, moon etc. and

also to provide the solutions to avoid undesirable results and attain desirable



I consider these celestial bodies as non living beings

, we can easily predict with great accuracy their movement in future, like for

e.g we can predict the next sun,moon eclipse ,next task of a machine, but

living beings are conscious entities they are free to think and act accordingly

so no body can predict their future with 100% accuracy.


Had we been not free then our master is the real doer

of whatever good or bad. Like for e.g somebody killed someone with a gun then

in this case neither the maker of the gun nor the gun are culprit but the

person who murdered is culprit.


As far as the example of moon's effect on human

bodies are concerned, offcourse it may have some effect but at the

same time the immune system of human body is such that it automatically

develops resistance to cater such ill effects . Like for e.g every human

being is living under an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and our body has been

such designed. Similarly astronauts on space mission are given training and the

atmospheric conditions of space are simulated on earth so that their body gets

used to of it.So when our body system is itself there to take care of these

effects then whats these astrologers are doing, are they doctors to take care

of our bodies ?


Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and

their believers then all these people should be far far better than the non

believers of Astrology because they already know the problems and their accurate

solutions, moreover when everything is predestined then again whats the role of



Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a

person with same accuracy as astronomers can predict the movement of celestial

bodies or mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if not then its not a

science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise in knowing a thing as it is

nothing more and nothing less.


If you say yes then I ask can you change those events

? if you cannot then again whats the astrologers doing, if you say yes we can

then why we have somuch poverty and illness around ?














font-style:italic">amolmandar <amolmandar >



Dear Rajeev NAmaste

It is good that we agree on number of AVedas and

their names. Now

lets move ahead by building confidance.

I wrote previous mail to avoid unnecesary debate

afterwards. Let it

be clear that I have some references but the

problem may arise that

on hindsight you may put it as astronomy and I may

not agree to it.

This may cause us to loose the point. So lets be

clear what

reference will be Astronomy and what will be

Astrology. In other

words, if you fix up domain of Astronomy it will

be good for me to

examine myself and then to decide to put them as

proof or not.

As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is shastra of

Jyotish. Jyoti is

obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of

Jyotish in which we

study physical nature,such as its redius,color,its

distance from sun

or earth and its speed of rotation is


And the branch of jyotish in which its effect is

express and

accordingly prayer is given then it is not

Astronmy and hence can be

Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic of

Astrology is that

Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If

this(CBAOL) is

acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said that

vedas have reference

of Astrology. Do you agree with this?

Lets first fix up line of demarcation between

Astronomy and

Astrology and then move ahead. But be assured that

I do have some

references of Astrology based on CBAOL, in Vedas.

Thanks alot for your Time and Space.


vedic astrology, Rajeev

Kumar <satpath1>


> Namaste Amolmandar Ji,


> Yes I also agree with you that there

are 4 vedas and these are

Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I have already told

that we have

references to astronomy in Vedas. Please give the

references and

after analysis of the same I will get back to you.


> Regards


> Rajeev


> amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:

> Dear Rajeev Namaste


> Before we get into Good or Bad work and its

relation to God,I will

> try to show some reference of Jyotish and

Astrology in the Vedas.

> For that let me just know will you accept a

sukta or Shloka

> describing that the bodies present in the

Brahmanda do affect our

> life and we should pray for good effects from

them, as proof for

> reference of astrology in any of the four

Vedas. Why I am asking

> this is that I have some shlokas from Vedas

describing this. The

> reference of NAvagraha directly or indirectly

in the Veda will be

> acceptred by you as proof of Astrology in

Vedas or not? So if a

> shloka says that we should pray these hevenly

bodies and these

> bodies should give us Sukha and Shanti then

that should be more


> enough as proof or not. Or you want all

shlokas present in

> Astrological Granthas to be present in Vedas?

Let me know this


> and then I will produce for you more than one

proof of Jyotish


> astrological and not astromonical reference

in Vedas.


> One last thing be very clear that Vedas means

1)Rigveda 2)


> 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.


> If you agree on this, please let me know.


> Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.


> AmolMAndar



> vedic astrology,

Rajeev Kumar


> wrote:

> > Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,

> >

> > If every work is work of God then are

adulteration, telling

lies ,

> doing fraud with somebody etc. are also work

of God. If we accept

> this then God becomes an adulterator, lier


> >

> > Vedic God does not expect the help

of anybody in doing his work

> because he is all powerful , omniscient. The

God which expects


> from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a


> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Rajeev

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > amolmandar <amolmandar>


> > Dear Rajeev Namaste

> >

> > Thanks for the wonderful link.

> >

> > >But here the Astrologers have taken

the work of God in their

> hand,

> > >is it not against Vedas and Gita


> >

> > Dont you feel that every work is 'work'

of God. Why to single


> > Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in

helping God?

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> >

> > AmolMAndar

> >

> > vedic astrology,

Rajeev Kumar

> <satpath1>

> > wrote:

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are

using the name Vedas just to

> > brand it as a Vedic science.

> > >

> > > I am of the view that Astrology is

not supported by Vedas . In

> > ManuSmriti it is written that whoever

disobeys/disregard Vedas


> an

> > athiest. So those books which are not in

accordance with Vedas


> > anti Vedic.

> > >

> > > I am sure that all

people on this forum are not blind and it

> is

> > for them only I am raising this


> > >

> > > I have following point to support

my views

> > >

> > > Vedas , Gita talk at length about

the philosophy of KARMA

> (Action)

> > and says that you have right to do the

action only and result is

> in

> > my(God) hand. But here the Astrologers

have taken the work of


> in

> > their hand, is it not against Vedas and

Gita ????

> > >

> > > In Vedas and other authoritative

scriptures of ancient Vedic

> > Rishis no where it is written that sun

moon planets etc do the

> acts

> > that astrologers generally talk about.

> > >

> > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic

scriptures support all the


> > sciences like Astronomy but not even a

single word we have found

> on

> > Astrology. If you came across any then

please give the reference.

> > >

> > > Moreover by applying tests of truth

the truthfulness of

> Astrology

> > is not proved. The tests of truth are as

follows. I am making a

> copy

> > and paste from the following site about

the ' Tests of truth '

> > > http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > The truth of every thing that is learnt

or taught should be

> > carefully examined by the following five


> > >

> > > The Veda and

nature of God - All that conforms to the

> teachings

> > of the Vedas, nature, attributes and

characteristics of God is

> > right, the reverse is wrong.

> > > Laws of Nature -

All that tallies with laws of nature is

> true,

> > the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement

that a child is born

> without

> > the sexual union of its parents, being

opposed to the laws of

> nature

> > can never be true.

> > > The practice and

teachings of A'ptaas, -i.e., pious,

> truthful,

> > unprejudiced, honest, and learned men.

All that is unopposed to

> > their practice and teachings is

acceptable and the reverse is

> > unacceptable.

> > > The purity and

conviction of one's own soul. - What is good

> for

> > you is good for the world. What is

painful to you is painful to

> > others. This ought to be the guiding

principle of one's conduct

> > towards others.

> > > Eight kinds of evidence

> > >

> > >

> > >

Direct Cognizance.

> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >

Non-existence or Negation.

> > >

> > >

> > > Direct Cognizance

(Praatyaksha) is that kind of knowledge,

> > which is the result of direct contact of

the five senses with

> their

> > objects,* of the mind (faculty or organ

of attention) with the

> > senses, and of the soul with mind.

NYAAYA Shaastraa 1: i, 4.

> > >

But this knowledge must not be that of the relation of

> words

> > with the things signified, as of the

word "water" with the fluid

> > called "water", For example,

you ask your servant to bring you

> some

> > water. He brings water, puts it before

you, and says : 'Here is

> > water, Sir.' Now, what you and your

servant see is not the

> > word "water" but the object

signified by it. So ou have the


> > knowledge of the object called water.

But the knowledge

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

This knowledge must not be of temporary or transient

> > character, i.e., not the product of

observation under


> > circumstances; for example, a person saw

something at night and

> took

> > it for a man , but when it was daylight

he found out his mistake

> and

> > knew that it was not a man, but a

pillar. Now, his first

> impression

> > of the thing was of a temporary or

transient nature, which gave

> > place to permanent knowledge later on,

when the true nature of


> > thing was revealed in the light.

> > >

It should be free from all elements of doubt, and be

> certain

> > in character. For example, you see a

river from a distance and

> > say: "Is it water there or white

clothes spread out to dry?" Or

> take

> > another example, you see a man from a

distance and say: Is it


> > Datta standing there or Yajna

Datta?" Now, as long as you are in

> > doubt and consequently not sure about a

thing you observe, your

> > knowledge cannot be called Pratyaksha

(Direct Cognizance). To be

> > that the element of doubt must be

absolutely eliminated from it.

> > > Briefly therefore, that knowledge

alone is said to be Direct

> > Cognizance, which is not the outcome of

the relation of name


> > the object signified by it, nor gained

under circumstances

> > unfavourable for observation or

experiment (Hence transient in

> > character) nor into which any element of

doubt enters

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Anumaana - inference - Literally it

means that which follows

> > direct cognizance. Two things have been

observed to exist


> > at some time and place, when on some

other occasion, one of the

> woe

> > is observed, the other, i.e., the

unknown can be inferred.* For

> > instance, you see a child and you at

once infer that he must


> > had parents. Again, seeing the smoke

issuing from behind a hill

> you

> > infer the existence of fire. You infer

the previous incarnation


> > the soul form observing unequal joy and

sorrow in this world at

> the

> > present moment.

> > > Inference is of three kinds:-

> > >

> > > Purvavat - is one

, in which you reason from cause to


> > e.g., the inference of coming rain form

the sight of clouds; or,

> > again, you see a wedding and naturally

infer that some day the

> > wedded couple will have children. Or,

again, you see students

> > engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and

you infer that some day

> they

> > will become men of learning.

> > >

> > >

> > > Sheshavat - inference is one, in

which you reason from effects

> to

> > causes. Examples:- You see a flood in

the river, and infer that


> > must have rained on the mountain from

which the river issues.

> Again,

> > you see a child and at once infer that

the child must have had a

> > father. Again, you see this world and

infer the existence of the

> > Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well

as of a Material cause -

> the

> > elementary matter. Or, again, take

another example. When you se


> > man in pleasure and pain, you at once

infer that he must have


> a

> > virtuous or sinful deed before, since

you have noticed that the

> > consequence of a sinful act is pain, and

that of a virtuous


> > pleasure.

> > >

> > >

> > > Aaamaanyatodrishata - is that kind

of inference, in which


> is

> > no relation of cause and effect between

the known datum and the

> > thing to be inferred, but there is some

kind of similarity


> > the two. For example, you know that no

one can get another place

> > without moving from the first, and

hence, if you find a person


> a

> > certain place, you can easily infer that

he must have come to


> > latter place by moving from the first.

> > >

> > >

> > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the

knowledge of a thing from its

> likeness

> > to another. The thing which is required

to be known is called

> > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means

of this knowledge from

> some

> > kind of likeness between the two is

called Saadhana

> > > Examples: - a man says to his

servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu

> > Mittra." The latter answers that he

does not know him, as he has

> > never seen him before. Thereupon the

master says :- You know


> > Datta, don't you?" Upon the

servant's answering in the

> affirmative,

> > his master continues: "Well, Vishnu

Mittra is just like Deva

> Datta."

> > So the servant went out to find Vishnu

Mittra. As he was passing

> > through a street, he saw a man very much

like Deva Datta, and

> > thought that, thta man must be Vishnu

Mittra, and forthwith

> brought

> > him to his master.

> > > Or, take another example. You want

to know what a Yak is.


> > some one tells you, it is just like an

ox. Next time you go to a

> > jungle and happen to see an animal very

much like an ox, you at

> once

> > know that it is the Yak you asked your

friend about. Now this


> > of knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Vishnu

Mittra from his likeness

> to

> > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its

likeness to an ox is

> calledUpamaana

> > or knowledge by analogy. The words

Vishnu Mittra and Yak are

> called

> > Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox are

called Saadhana, in the

> above

> > two instances.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Shabda - Testimony (literally,

word) - "The word of an A'pt

> > (altruistic teacher) is called

Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra 1:,i, 7.

> > > An A'pt is a person who is a

thorough scholar, we versed in


> > the sciences and philosophies, physical

and spiritual, is

> virtuous,

> > truthful, active, free from passions and

desires, imbued with


> > for others, and who is an altruistic

teacher of humanity solely

> > actuated with the desire of benefiting

the world by his


> > experience and convictions. God being

the truest and greatest of

> all

> > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also

included in shabda


> > >

> > >

> > > Itihaas - History - is that which

tells us that such and such


> > person was so and so, he did such and

such a thing. In other

> words,

> > Itihaas is the history of a country or

the biography of a


> > NYAAYA Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The experience

of the past recorded in

> > history can be applied to solve many a

difficult question of the

> > day. - Tr.

> > >

> > >

> > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or

deduction. - It is a conclusion

> which

> > naturally follows from the statement of

a fact; for instance,


> > says to another: "Rain falls from

clouds" or " and effect flows

> from

> > a cause." The natural conclusion

that can be drawn from the


> > statement is: "There can be no rain

when there are no clouds,"

> > or "no effects follow when a cause

does not exist."

> > >

> > >

> > > Sambhava - possibility. - When you

hear a thing, the first


> > that enters your mind is whether such

and such a thing is

> possible.

> > Anything that runs counter to the laws

of nature is not


> > and hence it can never be true; for

example, if you are told


> a

> > child was born without parents, such and

such a person raised


> > dead to life again, or made stones float

on the sea, lifted

> > mountains, broke the moon into pieces,

was God incarnate, or saw

> > horns on the head of a man, or

solemnized the marriage of a


> > born of sterile mother. You could at

once know that it could not

> > have possibly happened, being opposed to

the laws of Nature.


> > alone is possible which is in conformity

with the laws of


> > >

> > >

> > > Abhaava - Absence or Negation.- You

infer the existence of a

> thing

> > in some other place from its absence

from the place where you


> > told you find it; for instance, a gentleman

said to his man: "Go

> and

> > bring the elephant from the

elephant-house." He went there but

> found

> > that the elephant was not there. He

naturally conclude that he

> must

> > be somewhere near about. So he went out

and looked about for the

> > elephant and found him not very far from

its proper place and

> > brought him to his master.

> > >

> > > These eight kinds of evidence have

been briefly described.


> > number can be reduced to four fi History

be included under

> > Testimony, and Deduction, Possibility,

and Negation under

> > Inference.*

> > > It is only by means of these five

criteria that a man can

> > ascertain what is right or wrong and not


> > >

> > > If you test Astrology against

these tests it proves to be a

> fraud.

> > >

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Rajeev

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> >

> >

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> >

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I never said that medicine is fraud or doctors are fraud , i only say that

Astrology and astrologers are fraud.


Probability of death of all living beings is 100%.


As far as Heisenberg's uncertanity principle is concerned, he himself has used

the term uncertanity in it, as we don't have control over these particles.

But lets take the example of geometry , the area of a circle of a given radius

is same whether u measure it in India or any where in the world.Similarly lets

take mathematics if you multiply 3 by 2 then result will be 6 and 6 only.


Probability is used by statistician to measure the outcome of a result over

which we have very limited control based upon the data collected from events in

the past. For e.g the probability of the outcome of heads or tails when

throwing a coin is 50%, because nobody has no control over it once the coin is

thrown.But one thing is certain in this and that is either heads will come or

tails will come.





Sarajit Poddar <sarajit (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Rajeev,


If you say everything in science can be accurately measured, what is this

uncertainty theory in Quantum Physics propounded by Heisenberg. Try

understanding that and you shall no that nothing in this world is certain by

just probable, with different degrees of probabilities. Sub-atomic particles

are waves or particles or both… It is both at the same time.... when you want

to see it as a particle, it becomes a particle and when you want to see it as a

wave, it becomes a wave. Isn’t it puzzling? Many things in this life is not that

simple as it looks!


Do you say medicine and psychology fraud? If medicine can cure diseases, why

there are so many of them all around, and if you say it can’t, then what all

these doctors doing! What about the psychologist… What is the difference

between an exact and empirical science. Can you define the premises, on which

it is checked whether or not something is scientific?


Best WishesSarajit


Rajeev Kumar [satpath1 ] Sent:

Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:17 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all



Namaste Amol Ji,


My view point is that Astrology is used to predict the future of living beings

based upon the study of planets, sun, moon etc. and also to provide the

solutions to avoid undesirable results and attain desirable effects.


I consider these celestial bodies as non living beings , we can easily predict

with great accuracy their movement in future, like for e.g we can predict the

next sun,moon eclipse ,next task of a machine, but living beings are conscious

entities they are free to think and act accordingly so no body can predict

their future with 100% accuracy.


Had we been not free then our master is the real doer of whatever good or bad.

Like for e.g somebody killed someone with a gun then in this case neither the

maker of the gun nor the gun are culprit but the person who murdered is



As far as the example of moon's effect on human bodies are concerned, offcourse

it may have some effect but at the same time the immune system of human body

is such that it automatically develops resistance to cater such ill effects .

Like for e.g every human being is living under an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm

and our body has been such designed. Similarly astronauts on space mission are

given training and the atmospheric conditions of space are simulated on earth

so that their body gets used to of it.So when our body system is itself there

to take care of these effects then whats these astrologers are doing, are they

doctors to take care of our bodies ?


Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and their believers then all

these people should be far far better than the non believers of Astrology

because they already know the problems and their accurate solutions, moreover

when everything is predestined then again whats the role of Astrologers.


Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a person with same accuracy as astronomers

can predict the movement of celestial bodies or mathematicians can predict the

area of a land? if not then its not a science(truth) but a fraud, because truth

comprise in knowing a thing as it is nothing more and nothing less.


If you say yes then I ask can you change those events ? if you cannot then again

whats the astrologers doing, if you say yes we can then why we have somuch

poverty and illness around ?














amolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Dear Rajeev NAmasteIt is good that we agree on number of AVedas and their names.

Now lets move ahead by building confidance.I wrote previous mail to avoid

unnecesary debate afterwards. Let it be clear that I have some references but

the problem may arise that on hindsight you may put it as astronomy and I may

not agree to it. This may cause us to loose the point. So lets be clear what

reference will be Astronomy and what will be Astrology. In other words,

if you fix up domain of Astronomy it will be good for me to examine myself and

then to decide to put them as proof or not. As far as as Jyotish is

concerned,it is shastra of Jyotish. Jyoti is obtained from celestial bodies.The

branch of Jyotish in which we study physical nature,such as its redius,color,its

distance from sun or earth and its speed of rotation is Astronomy.(right?)And

the branch of jyotish in which its effect is express and accordingly prayer is

given then it is not Astronmy and hence can be Astrology. Do you agree? Many

say that basic of Astrology is that

New">Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is acknowledge in

Vedas then it can be said that vedas have reference of Astrology. Do you agree

with this?Lets first fix up line of demarcation between Astronomy and Astrology

and then move ahead. But be assured that I do have some references of Astrology

based on CBAOL, in Vedas. Thanks alot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1> wrote:> Namaste

Amolmandar Ji,> > Yes I also agree with you that there are 4 vedas and these

are Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I have already told that we have references to

astronomy in Vedas. Please give the references and after analysis of the same I

will get back to you.> > Regards> > Rajeev> > amolmandar <amolmandar>

wrote:> Dear Rajeev Namaste> >

Before we get into Good or Bad work and its relation to God,I will > try to show

some reference of Jyotish and Astrology in the Vedas. > For that let me just

know will you accept a sukta or Shloka > describing that the bodies present in

the Brahmanda do affect our > life and we should pray for good effects from

them, as proof for > reference of astrology in any of the four Vedas. Why I am

asking > this is that I have some shlokas from Vedas describing this. The >

reference of NAvagraha directly or indirectly in the Veda will be > acceptred

by you as proof of Astrology in Vedas or not? So if a

> shloka says that we should pray these hevenly bodies and these > bodies should

give us Sukha and Shanti then that should be more than > enough as proof or not.

Or you want all shlokas present in > Astrological Granthas to be present in

Vedas? Let me know this first > and then I will produce for you more than one

proof of Jyotish i.e. > astrological and not astromonical reference in Vedas.>

> One last thing be very clear that Vedas means 1)Rigveda

2)Yajurveda > 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.> > If you agree on this, please let me

know.> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.> > AmolMAndar> > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1> > wrote:> >

Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,> >

> > If every work is work of God then are adulteration, telling lies , > doing

fraud with somebody etc. are also work of God. If we accept > this then God

becomes an adulterator, lier etc.> > > > Vedic God does not expect the help of

anybody in doing his work > because he is all powerful , omniscient. The God

which expects help > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a fraud.> > >

> Regards> >

> > Rajeev > > > > > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > Dear

Rajeev Namaste> > > > Thanks for the wonderful link. > > > > >But here the

Astrologers have taken the work of God in their > hand, > > >is it not against

Vedas and Gita ????> >

> > Dont you feel that every work is 'work' of God. Why to single out > >

Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in helping God? > > > > Thanks a lot for

your Time and Space.> > > > AmolMAndar> > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > <satpath1> > > wrote:> > >

Namaste,> > > > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the name Vedas just

to > > brand it as a Vedic science.> > > > > > I am of the view that Astrology

is not supported by Vedas . In > > ManuSmriti it is written that whoever

disobeys/disregard Vedas is > an > > athiest. So those books which are not in

accordance with Vedas are > > anti Vedic.> > > > > > I am sure that all

people on this

forum are not blind and it > is > > for them only I am raising this question. >

> > > > > I have following point to support my views> > > > > > Vedas , Gita

talk at length about the philosophy of KARMA> (Action) > > and says that you

have right to do the action only and result is > in > > my(God) hand. But here

the Astrologers have taken the work of God > in

> > their hand, is it not against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > > In Vedas and

other authoritative scriptures of ancient Vedic > > Rishis no where it is

written that sun moon planets etc do the > acts > > that astrologers generally

talk about.> > > > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic scriptures support all

the true > > sciences like Astronomy but not even a single word we have found >

on > > Astrology. If you came across any then please give the reference.> > > >

> > Moreover by applying tests of truth the truthfulness of > Astrology > > is

not proved. The tests of truth are as follows. I am making a > copy > > and

paste from the following site about the ' Tests of truth '> > >

http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8> > > > > > > > >

> > > THE FIVE TESTS OF TRUTH > > > > > > The truth of every thing that is

learnt or taught should be > > carefully examined by the following five

tests:-> > > > > > The Veda and nature of God - All that conforms to the >

teachings > > of the Vedas, nature, attributes and characteristics of God is >

> right, the reverse is wrong. > > > Laws of Nature - All that tallies with

laws of nature is

New">> true, > > the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement that a child is born >

without > > the sexual union of its parents, being opposed to the laws of >

nature > > can never be true. > > > The practice and teachings of A'ptaas,

-i.e., pious, > truthful, > > unprejudiced, honest, and learned men. All that

is unopposed to > > their practice and teachings is acceptable and the reverse

is > > unacceptable. > >

> The purity and conviction of one's own soul. - What is good > for > > you

is good for the world. What is painful to you is painful to > > others. This

ought to be the guiding principle of one's conduct > > towards others. > > >

Eight kinds of evidence> > > > > > > > > Direct Cognizance. > > >

Inference. > > > Analogy.

> > > Testimony. > > > History. > > > Deduction. > > >

Possibility. > > > Non-existence or Negation.> > > > > > > > > Direct

Cognizance (Praatyaksha) is that kind of knowledge, > > which is the result of

direct contact of the five senses with > their

> > objects,* of the mind (faculty or organ of attention) with the > > senses,

and of the soul with mind. NYAAYA Shaastraa 1: i, 4. > > > But this

knowledge must not be that of the relation of > words > > with the things

signified, as of the word "water" with the fluid > > called "water", For

example, you ask your servant to bring you > some > > water. He brings water,

puts it before you, and says : 'Here is > > water, Sir.' Now, what you and your

servant see is not the > > word "water" but the object signified by it. So ou

have the direct > > knowledge of the object called water. But the knowledge> >

> > > > > > > > > > This knowledge must not be of temporary or

transient > > character, i.e., not the product of observation under

unfavourable > > circumstances; for example, a person saw something at night

and > took

> > it for a man , but when it was daylight he found out his mistake > and > >

knew that it was not a man, but a pillar. Now, his first > impression > > of

the thing was of a temporary or transient nature, which gave > > place to

permanent knowledge later on, when the true nature of the > > thing was

revealed in the light. > > > It should be free from all elements of

doubt, and be > certain > > in character.

For example, you see a river from a distance and > > say: "Is it water there or

white clothes spread out to dry?" Or > take > > another example, you see a man

from a distance and say: Is it Deva > > Datta standing there or Yajna Datta?"

Now, as long as you are in > > doubt and consequently not sure about a thing

you observe, your > > knowledge cannot be called Pratyaksha (Direct

Cognizance). To be > > that the element of doubt must be absolutely eliminated

from it. > > > Briefly therefore, that knowledge alone is said to be Direct

> > Cognizance, which is not the outcome of the relation of name with > > the

object signified by it, nor gained under circumstances > > unfavourable for

observation or experiment (Hence transient in > > character) nor into which any

element of doubt enters> > > > > > > > > > > > Anumaana - inference - Literally

it means that which follows > > direct cognizance. Two things have been

observed to exist together

> > at some time and place, when on some other occasion, one of the > woe > > is

observed, the other, i.e., the unknown can be inferred.* For > > instance, you

see a child and you at once infer that he must have > > had parents. Again,

seeing the smoke issuing from behind a hill > you > > infer the existence of

fire. You infer the previous incarnation of > > the soul form observing unequal

joy and sorrow in this world at > the > > present moment. > > > Inference is of

three kinds:-> > > > > > Purvavat - is one , in which you reason from cause

to effect, > > e.g., the inference of coming rain form the sight of clouds; or,

> > again, you see a wedding and naturally infer that some day the > > wedded

couple will have children. Or, again, you see students > > engaged in the

pursuit of knowledge and you infer that some day > they > > will become men of

learning.> > > > > > > > > Sheshavat - inference is one, in which you reason

from effects > to > > causes. Examples:- You see a flood in the river, and

infer that it > > must have rained on the mountain from which the river issues.

> Again, > > you see a child and at once infer that the child must have had a >

> father. Again, you see this world and infer the existence of the > >

Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well as of a Material

cause - > the > > elementary matter. Or, again, take another example. When you

se a > > man in pleasure and pain, you at once infer that he must have done > a

> > virtuous or sinful deed before, since you have noticed that the > >

consequence of a sinful act is pain, and that of a virtuous deed, > > pleasure.

> > > > > > > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata

- is that kind of inference, in which there > is > > no relation of cause and

effect between the known datum and the > > thing to be inferred, but there is

some kind of similarity between > > the two. For example, you know that no one

can get another place > > without moving from the first, and hence, if you find

a person at > a > > certain place, you can easily infer that he must have come

to the > > latter

place by moving from the first.> > > > > > > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the

knowledge of a thing from its > likeness > > to another. The thing which is

required to be known is called > > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means of

this knowledge from > some > > kind of likeness between the two is called

Saadhana > > > Examples: - a man says to his servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu > >

Mittra." The latter answers that he does not know him, as he has

> > never seen him before. Thereupon the master says :- You know Deva > > Datta,

don't you?" Upon the servant's answering in the > affirmative, > > his master

continues: "Well, Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva > Datta." > > So the servant

went out to find Vishnu Mittra. As he was passing > > through a street, he saw

a man very much like Deva Datta, and > > thought that, thta man must be Vishnu

Mittra, and forthwith > brought > > him to his master.

> > > Or, take another example. You want to know what a Yak is. Well, > > some

one tells you, it is just like an ox. Next time you go to a > > jungle and

happen to see an animal very much like an ox, you at > once > > know that it is

the Yak you asked your friend about. Now this kind > > of knowledge, i.e.,

knowledge of Vishnu Mittra from his likeness > to > > Deva Datta and of a Yak

from its likeness to an ox is > calledUpamaana

> > or knowledge by analogy. The words Vishnu Mittra and Yak are > called > >

Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox are called Saadhana, in the > above > > two

instances. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Shabda - Testimony (literally, word) -

"The word of an A'pt > > (altruistic teacher) is called Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra

1:,i, 7. > > > An A'pt is a person who is a thorough

scholar, we versed in all > > the sciences and philosophies, physical and

spiritual, is > virtuous, > > truthful, active, free from passions and desires,

imbued with love > > for others, and who is an altruistic teacher of humanity

solely > > actuated with the desire of benefiting the world by his knowledge, >

> experience and convictions. God being the truest and greatest of > all > >

A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also included in shabda

(Testimony). > > > > > > > > > Itihaas - History - is that which tells us that

such and such a > > person was so and so, he did such and such a thing. In

other > words, > > Itihaas is the history of a country or the biography of a

person. > > NYAAYA Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The experience of the past recorded in > >

history can be applied to solve many a difficult question of the > > day. - Tr.

> > > > > > > > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or deduction. - It is a conclusion >

which > > naturally follows from the statement of a fact; for instance, one > >

says to another: "Rain falls from clouds" or " and effect flows > from > > a

cause." The natural conclusion that can be drawn from the above > > statement

is: "There can be no rain when there are no clouds," > > or "no effects follow

when a cause does not exist." > > > > > > > > > Sambhava - possibility. - When

you hear a thing, the first thing > > that enters your mind is whether such and

such a thing is > possible. > > Anything that runs counter to the laws of nature

is not possible, > > and hence it can never be true; for example, if you are

told that > a > > child was born without parents, such and such a person raised

the > > dead to life again, or made stones float on the sea, lifted > >

mountains, broke the moon into pieces, was God incarnate, or saw > > horns on

the head of a man, or solemnized the marriage of a couple > > born of sterile

mother. You could at once know that it could not > > have possibly happened,

being opposed to the laws of Nature. That > > alone is possible which is in

conformity with the laws of nature. > > > > > > > > > Abhaava - Absence or

Negation.- You infer the existence of a > thing > > in some other place from

its absence from the place where you were > > told you find it; for instance, a

gentleman said to his man: "Go > and > > bring the elephant from the

elephant-house." He went there but > found > > that the elephant was not there.

He naturally conclude that he > must > > be somewhere near about. So he went out


looked about for the > > elephant and found him not very far from its proper

place and > > brought him to his master. > > > > > > These eight kinds of

evidence have been briefly described. Their > > number can be reduced to four

fi History be included under > > Testimony, and Deduction, Possibility, and

Negation under > > Inference.* > > > It is only by means of these five criteria

that a man can > > ascertain what is right or wrong and not otherwise> > > > > >

If you test Astrology against these tests it proves to be a > fraud.> > > > >

> > > > Regards> > > > > > Rajeev> > > > > > > > >

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Rajeev,


I just applied your thoughts for the astrologers on the doctors. If

doctors are not fraud, why so many people die of diseases?


More adventures with probablities later. Perhaps, for now, you should

study quantum mechanics and try understanding the paradoxes...


Best Wishes




> Namaste Sarajit Ji,


> I never said that medicine is fraud or doctors are fraud , i only say

that Astrology and astrologers are fraud.


> Probability of death of all living beings is 100%.


> As far as Heisenberg's uncertanity principle is concerned, he

himself has used the term uncertanity in it, as we don't have control

over these particles.

> But lets take the example of geometry , the area of a circle of a

given radius is same whether u measure it in India or any where in the

world.Similarly lets take mathematics if you multiply 3 by 2 then

result will be 6 and 6 only.


> Probability is used by statistician to measure the outcome of a

result over which we have very limited control based upon the data

collected from events in the past. For e.g the probability of the

outcome of heads or tails when throwing a coin is 50%, because nobody

has no control over it once the coin is thrown.But one thing is certain

in this and that is either heads will come or tails will come.


> Regards


> Rajeev



> Sarajit Poddar <sarajit wrote:



> v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}

w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}

> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Rajeev,




> If you say everything in science can be accurately measured, what is

this uncertainty theory in Quantum Physics propounded by Heisenberg.

Try understanding that and you shall no that nothing in this world is

certain by just probable, with different degrees of probabilities. Sub-

atomic particles are waves or particles or both… It is both at the same

time.... when you want to see it as a particle, it becomes a particle

and when you want to see it as a wave, it becomes a wave. Isn’t it

puzzling? Many things in this life is not that simple as it looks!




> Do you say medicine and psychology fraud? If medicine can cure

diseases, why there are so many of them all around, and if you say it

can’t, then what all these doctors doing! What about the psychologist…

What is the difference between an exact and empirical science. Can you

define the premises, on which it is checked whether or not something is





> Best Wishes

> Sarajit





> Rajeev Kumar [satpath1]

> Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:17 PM

> vedic astrology

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ????????????

( To all concerned)




> Namaste Amol Ji,






> My view point is that Astrology is used to predict the future of

living beings based upon the study of planets, sun, moon etc. and also

to provide the solutions to avoid undesirable results and attain

desirable effects.






> I consider these celestial bodies as non living beings , we can

easily predict with great accuracy their movement in future, like for

e.g we can predict the next sun,moon eclipse ,next task of a machine,

but living beings are conscious entities they are free to think and act

accordingly so no body can predict their future with 100% accuracy.






> Had we been not free then our master is the real doer of whatever

good or bad. Like for e.g somebody killed someone with a gun then in

this case neither the maker of the gun nor the gun are culprit but the

person who murdered is culprit.






> As far as the example of moon's effect on human bodies are concerned,

offcourse it may have some effect but at the same time the immune

system of human body is such that it automatically develops resistance

to cater such ill effects . Like for e.g every human being is living

under an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and our body has been such

designed. Similarly astronauts on space mission are given training and

the atmospheric conditions of space are simulated on earth so that

their body gets used to of it.So when our body system is itself there

to take care of these effects then whats these astrologers are doing,

are they doctors to take care of our bodies ?






> Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and their believers

then all these people should be far far better than the non believers

of Astrology because they already know the problems and their accurate

solutions, moreover when everything is predestined then again whats the

role of Astrologers.






> Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a person with same accuracy as

astronomers can predict the movement of celestial bodies or

mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if not then its not a

science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise in knowing a thing

as it is nothing more and nothing less.






> If you say yes then I ask can you change those events ? if you cannot

then again whats the astrologers doing, if you say yes we can then why

we have somuch poverty and illness around ?






> Regards






> Rajeev
























amolmandar <amolmandar wrote:




> Dear Rajeev NAmaste


> It is good that we agree on number of AVedas and their names. Now

> lets move ahead by building confidance.


> I wrote previous mail to avoid unnecesary debate afterwards. Let it

> be clear that I have some references but the problem may arise that

> on hindsight you may put it as astronomy and I may not agree to it.

> This may cause us to loose the point. So lets be clear what

> reference will be Astronomy and what will be Astrology. In other

> words, if you fix up domain of Astronomy it will be good for me to

> examine myself and then to decide to put them as proof or not.



> As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is shastra of Jyotish. Jyoti is

> obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of Jyotish in which we

> study physical nature,such as its redius,color,its distance from sun

> or earth and its speed of rotation is Astronomy.(right?)


> And the branch of jyotish in which its effect is express and

> accordingly prayer is given then it is not Astronmy and hence can be

> Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic of Astrology is that

> Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is

> acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said that vedas have reference

> of Astrology. Do you agree with this?


> Lets first fix up line of demarcation between Astronomy and

> Astrology and then move ahead. But be assured that I do have some

> references of Astrology based on CBAOL, in Vedas.


> Thanks alot for your Time and Space.


> AmolMAndar


> vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1>

> wrote:

> > Namaste Amolmandar Ji,

> >

> > Yes I also agree with you that there are 4 vedas and these are

> Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I have already told that we have

> references to astronomy in Vedas. Please give the references and

> after analysis of the same I will get back to you.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Rajeev

> >

> > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:

> > Dear Rajeev Namaste

> >

> > Before we get into Good or Bad work and its relation to God,I will

> > try to show some reference of Jyotish and Astrology in the Vedas.

> > For that let me just know will you accept a sukta or Shloka

> > describing that the bodies present in the Brahmanda do affect our

> > life and we should pray for good effects from them, as proof for

> > reference of astrology in any of the four Vedas. Why I am asking

> > this is that I have some shlokas from Vedas describing this. The

> > reference of NAvagraha directly or indirectly in the Veda will be

> > acceptred by you as proof of Astrology in Vedas or not? So if a

> > shloka says that we should pray these hevenly bodies and these

> > bodies should give us Sukha and Shanti then that should be more

> than

> > enough as proof or not. Or you want all shlokas present in

> > Astrological Granthas to be present in Vedas? Let me know this

> first

> > and then I will produce for you more than one proof of Jyotish

> i.e.

> > astrological and not astromonical reference in Vedas.

> >

> > One last thing be very clear that Vedas means 1)Rigveda 2)

> Yajurveda

> > 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.

> >

> > If you agree on this, please let me know.

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.

> >

> > AmolMAndar

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

> <satpath1>

> > wrote:

> > > Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,

> > >

> > > If every work is work of God then are adulteration, telling

> lies ,

> > doing fraud with somebody etc. are also work of God. If we accept

> > this then God becomes an adulterator, lier etc.

> > >

> > > Vedic God does not expect the help of anybody in doing his work

> > because he is all powerful , omniscient. The God which expects

> help

> > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a fraud.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Rajeev

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:

> > > Dear Rajeev Namaste

> > >

> > > Thanks for the wonderful link.

> > >

> > > >But here the Astrologers have taken the work of God in their

> > hand,

> > > >is it not against Vedas and Gita ????

> > >

> > > Dont you feel that every work is 'work' of God. Why to single

> out

> > > Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in helping God?

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> > >

> > > AmolMAndar

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

> > <satpath1>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the name Vedas just to

> > > brand it as a Vedic science.

> > > >

> > > > I am of the view that Astrology is not supported by Vedas . In

> > > ManuSmriti it is written that whoever disobeys/disregard Vedas

> is

> > an

> > > athiest. So those books which are not in accordance with Vedas

> are

> > > anti Vedic.

> > > >

> > > > I am sure that all people on this forum are not blind and it

> > is

> > > for them only I am raising this question.

> > > >

> > > > I have following point to support my views

> > > >

> > > > Vedas , Gita talk at length about the philosophy of KARMA

> > (Action)

> > > and says that you have right to do the action only and result is

> > in

> > > my(God) hand. But here the Astrologers have taken the work of

> God

> > in

> > > their hand, is it not against Vedas and Gita ????

> > > >

> > > > In Vedas and other authoritative scriptures of ancient Vedic

> > > Rishis no where it is written that sun moon planets etc do the

> > acts

> > > that astrologers generally talk about.

> > > >

> > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic scriptures support all the

> true

> > > sciences like Astronomy but not even a single word we have found

> > on

> > > Astrology. If you came across any then please give the reference.

> > > >

> > > > Moreover by applying tests of truth the truthfulness of

> > Astrology

> > > is not proved. The tests of truth are as follows. I am making a

> > copy

> > > and paste from the following site about the ' Tests of truth '

> > > > http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > The truth of every thing that is learnt or taught should be

> > > carefully examined by the following five tests:-

> > > >

> > > > The Veda and nature of God - All that conforms to the

> > teachings

> > > of the Vedas, nature, attributes and characteristics of God is

> > > right, the reverse is wrong.

> > > > Laws of Nature - All that tallies with laws of nature is

> > true,

> > > the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement that a child is born

> > without

> > > the sexual union of its parents, being opposed to the laws of

> > nature

> > > can never be true.

> > > > The practice and teachings of A'ptaas, -i.e., pious,

> > truthful,

> > > unprejudiced, honest, and learned men. All that is unopposed to

> > > their practice and teachings is acceptable and the reverse is

> > > unacceptable.

> > > > The purity and conviction of one's own soul. - What is good

> > for

> > > you is good for the world. What is painful to you is painful to

> > > others. This ought to be the guiding principle of one's conduct

> > > towards others.

> > > > Eight kinds of evidence

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Direct Cognizance.

> > > > Inference.

> > > > Analogy.

> > > > Testimony.

> > > > History.

> > > > Deduction.

> > > > Possibility.

> > > > Non-existence or Negation.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Direct Cognizance (Praatyaksha) is that kind of knowledge,

> > > which is the result of direct contact of the five senses with

> > their

> > > objects,* of the mind (faculty or organ of attention) with the

> > > senses, and of the soul with mind. NYAAYA Shaastraa 1: i, 4.

> > > > But this knowledge must not be that of the relation of

> > words

> > > with the things signified, as of the word "water" with the fluid

> > > called "water", For example, you ask your servant to bring you

> > some

> > > water. He brings water, puts it before you, and says : 'Here is

> > > water, Sir.' Now, what you and your servant see is not the

> > > word "water" but the object signified by it. So ou have the

> direct

> > > knowledge of the object called water. But the knowledge

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > This knowledge must not be of temporary or transient

> > > character, i.e., not the product of observation under

> unfavourable

> > > circumstances; for example, a person saw something at night and

> > took

> > > it for a man , but when it was daylight he found out his mistake

> > and

> > > knew that it was not a man, but a pillar. Now, his first

> > impression

> > > of the thing was of a temporary or transient nature, which gave

> > > place to permanent knowledge later on, when the true nature of

> the

> > > thing was revealed in the light.

> > > > It should be free from all elements of doubt, and be

> > certain

> > > in character. For example, you see a river from a distance and

> > > say: "Is it water there or white clothes spread out to dry?" Or

> > take

> > > another example, you see a man from a distance and say: Is it

> Deva

> > > Datta standing there or Yajna Datta?" Now, as long as you are in

> > > doubt and consequently not sure about a thing you observe, your

> > > knowledge cannot be called Pratyaksha (Direct Cognizance). To be

> > > that the element of doubt must be absolutely eliminated from it.

> > > > Briefly therefore, that knowledge alone is said to be Direct

> > > Cognizance, which is not the outcome of the relation of name

> with

> > > the object signified by it, nor gained under circumstances

> > > unfavourable for observation or experiment (Hence transient in

> > > character) nor into which any element of doubt enters

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Anumaana - inference - Literally it means that which follows

> > > direct cognizance. Two things have been observed to exist

> together

> > > at some time and place, when on some other occasion, one of the

> > woe

> > > is observed, the other, i.e., the unknown can be inferred.* For

> > > instance, you see a child and you at once infer that he must

> have

> > > had parents. Again, seeing the smoke issuing from behind a hill

> > you

> > > infer the existence of fire. You infer the previous incarnation

> of

> > > the soul form observing unequal joy and sorrow in this world at

> > the

> > > present moment.

> > > > Inference is of three kinds:-

> > > >

> > > > Purvavat - is one , in which you reason from cause to

> effect,

> > > e.g., the inference of coming rain form the sight of clouds; or,

> > > again, you see a wedding and naturally infer that some day the

> > > wedded couple will have children. Or, again, you see students

> > > engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and you infer that some day

> > they

> > > will become men of learning.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sheshavat - inference is one, in which you reason from effects

> > to

> > > causes. Examples:- You see a flood in the river, and infer that

> it

> > > must have rained on the mountain from which the river issues.

> > Again,

> > > you see a child and at once infer that the child must have had a

> > > father. Again, you see this world and infer the existence of the

> > > Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well as of a Material cause -

> > the

> > > elementary matter. Or, again, take another example. When you se

> a

> > > man in pleasure and pain, you at once infer that he must have

> done

> > a

> > > virtuous or sinful deed before, since you have noticed that the

> > > consequence of a sinful act is pain, and that of a virtuous

> deed,

> > > pleasure.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata - is that kind of inference, in which

> there

> > is

> > > no relation of cause and effect between the known datum and the

> > > thing to be inferred, but there is some kind of similarity

> between

> > > the two. For example, you know that no one can get another place

> > > without moving from the first, and hence, if you find a person

> at

> > a

> > > certain place, you can easily infer that he must have come to

> the

> > > latter place by moving from the first.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the knowledge of a thing from its

> > likeness

> > > to another. The thing which is required to be known is called

> > > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means of this knowledge from

> > some

> > > kind of likeness between the two is called Saadhana

> > > > Examples: - a man says to his servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu

> > > Mittra." The latter answers that he does not know him, as he has

> > > never seen him before. Thereupon the master says :- You know

> Deva

> > > Datta, don't you?" Upon the servant's answering in the

> > affirmative,

> > > his master continues: "Well, Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva

> > Datta."

> > > So the servant went out to find Vishnu Mittra. As he was passing

> > > through a street, he saw a man very much like Deva Datta, and

> > > thought that, thta man must be Vishnu Mittra, and forthwith

> > brought

> > > him to his master.

> > > > Or, take another example. You want to know what a Yak is.

> Well,

> > > some one tells you, it is just like an ox. Next time you go to a

> > > jungle and happen to see an animal very much like an ox, you at

> > once

> > > know that it is the Yak you asked your friend about. Now this

> kind

> > > of knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Vishnu Mittra from his likeness

> > to

> > > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its likeness to an ox is

> > calledUpamaana

> > > or knowledge by analogy. The words Vishnu Mittra and Yak are

> > called

> > > Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox are called Saadhana, in the

> > above

> > > two instances.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Shabda - Testimony (literally, word) - "The word of an A'pt

> > > (altruistic teacher) is called Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra 1:,i, 7.

> > > > An A'pt is a person who is a thorough scholar, we versed in

> all

> > > the sciences and philosophies, physical and spiritual, is

> > virtuous,

> > > truthful, active, free from passions and desires, imbued with

> love

> > > for others, and who is an altruistic teacher of humanity solely

> > > actuated with the desire of benefiting the world by his

> knowledge,

> > > experience and convictions. God being the truest and greatest of

> > all

> > > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also included in shabda

> (Testimony).

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Itihaas - History - is that which tells us that such and such

> a

> > > person was so and so, he did such and such a thing. In other

> > words,

> > > Itihaas is the history of a country or the biography of a

> person.

> > > NYAAYA Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The experience of the past recorded in

> > > history can be applied to solve many a difficult question of the

> > > day. - Tr.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or deduction. - It is a conclusion

> > which

> > > naturally follows from the statement of a fact; for instance,

> one

> > > says to another: "Rain falls from clouds" or " and effect flows

> > from

> > > a cause." The natural conclusion that can be drawn from the

> above

> > > statement is: "There can be no rain when there are no clouds,"

> > > or "no effects follow when a cause does not exist."

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sambhava - possibility. - When you hear a thing, the first

> thing

> > > that enters your mind is whether such and such a thing is

> > possible.

> > > Anything that runs counter to the laws of nature is not

> possible,

> > > and hence it can never be true; for example, if you are told

> that

> > a

> > > child was born without parents, such and such a person raised

> the

> > > dead to life again, or made stones float on the sea, lifted

> > > mountains, broke the moon into pieces, was God incarnate, or saw

> > > horns on the head of a man, or solemnized the marriage of a

> couple

> > > born of sterile mother. You could at once know that it could not

> > > have possibly happened, being opposed to the laws of Nature.

> That

> > > alone is possible which is in conformity with the laws of

> nature.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Abhaava - Absence or Negation.- You infer the existence of a

> > thing

> > > in some other place from its absence from the place where you

> were

> > > told you find it; for instance, a gentleman said to his man: "Go

> > and

> > > bring the elephant from the elephant-house." He went there but

> > found

> > > that the elephant was not there. He naturally conclude that he

> > must

> > > be somewhere near about. So he went out and looked about for the

> > > elephant and found him not very far from its proper place and

> > > brought him to his master.

> > > >

> > > > These eight kinds of evidence have been briefly described.

> Their

> > > number can be reduced to four fi History be included under

> > > Testimony, and Deduction, Possibility, and Negation under

> > > Inference.*

> > > > It is only by means of these five criteria that a man can

> > > ascertain what is right or wrong and not otherwise

> > > >

> > > > If you test Astrology against these tests it proves to be a

> > fraud.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > > > Rajeev

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sponsor

> > >

> > >

> > > Group info: vedic-

> astrology/info.html

> > >

> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-

> >

> > >

> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Terms of

> > Service.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >










> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......



















> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......









> Sponsor








> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......











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I have alreday told about my mptive in many mails it is surprising that you have

not known it so far.

Let it be known to everybody on this forum that my only motive is to decide truth.

I answered ChandraShekar on another thread because of the wrong things he is

preaching on God and Guru.


I have appropriately answered to all the people you are talking about except the

current mail of Sh.. AmolMandar. Right now I am in a location where I donot have

access to Vedas to confirm his points. I will answer him appropriately after

analysing the references with Vedas very soon.


As per me in Vedas since there is no quote about Astrology thats why I have not

given the references and asking you people to give it, till the time Astrology

reference in Vedas is not proven it will remain a fraud to me.


It is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion of their Gurus

and even accept that Guru is greater than God. I will reject anybody's opinion

whether it is of Swami Dayananda or ShankraCharya if it is found untruth.








onlyhari <onlyhari > wrote:

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Rajeev ji,Repeatedly you have said that astrology

and astrologers are fraud without citing a single quote from the Vedas to prove

your case. Yet you persist in asking the people on this forum for a quote from

the Vedas to prove that there is a reference to astrology.Amol Mandar responded

to your query in the most balanced and step-by-step way and also furnished a

quotation from the Vedas with a promise to show more. Yet you have not

responded to Amol Mander so far! Rajesh Mohan also posed the logical question

that why was the Vedas revealed only in Sanskrit and confined only to a

specific area of the world and not the entire world if it be for the benefit of

man. You have skirted this question completely while reiterating your belief in

the Vedas.Chandrasekhar sent you an

excerpt from the teachings of the Late Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti on this

subject yet you say you have given your opinion on the same based on the

teachings of Swami Dayanand. The Paramacharya of Kanchi is considered by many

to be an authority on the religious scriptures including the Vedas. But I find

that it is not your opinion but that of Swami Dayanand!Sarajit raised the issue

that nothing in this world can be truly certain. If you say that medicine and

doctors are not fraud, then why are there so many diseases still in the world?

This is the counterpoint to your question : if there are astrologers, then why

is there so much misery in this world?I join issue with Rajesh in questioning

what is the real motive of raising such a debate as this. It seems to me that

you want others to address the issues defined by you but are not interested in

answering clearly the issues raised by others. On the contrary, you

jumped into another discussion thread when there was no need to. I must also ask

you whether you have studied the vedas, and astrology or are you just parroting

the opinion of Swami Dayanand and seeking a debate without satisfying yourself

first?regardsHariArchives: vedic astrologyGroup

info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's

light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu




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People dies of diseases because of the limited knowledge of doctors on some

diseases as well as people dies due to aging also.Moreover death is the

ultimate truth which even doctors face for themselves.


Look doctors care for the physical body of their patients where as Astrologers

straight away talk of controlling the fate of somebody to acquire desired

results by pleasing the celestial bodies etc.





Sarajit Poddar <sarajit (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Rajeev,I just applied your thoughts for the astrologers

on the doctors. If doctors are not fraud, why so many people die of

diseases?More adventures with probablities later. Perhaps, for now, you should

study quantum mechanics and try understanding the paradoxes... Best

WishesSarajit> > Namaste Sarajit Ji,> > I never said that medicine is fraud or

doctors are fraud , i only say that Astrology and astrologers are fraud.> >

Probability of death of all living beings is 100%.> > As far as Heisenberg's

uncertanity principle is concerned, he himself has used the term uncertanity in

it, as we don't have control over these particles.> But lets take the example of

geometry , the area of a circle of a given radius is same

whether u measure it in India or any where in the world.Similarly lets take

mathematics if you multiply 3 by 2 then result will be 6 and 6 only.> >

Probability is used by statistician to measure the outcome of a result over

which we have very limited control based upon the data collected from events in

the past. For e.g the probability of the outcome of heads or tails when

throwing a coin is 50%, because nobody has no control over it once the coin is

thrown.But one thing is certain in this and that is either heads will come or

tails will come.> > Regards> > Rajeev> > > Sarajit Poddar

<sarajit (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:> > > v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o\:*

{behavior:url(#default#VML);}w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape

{behavior:url(#default#VML);}> || Jaya Jagannath ||> Dear Rajeev,> > >

> If you say everything in science can be accurately measured, what is this

uncertainty theory in Quantum Physics propounded by Heisenberg. Try

understanding that and you shall no that nothing in this world is certain by

just probable, with different degrees of probabilities. Sub-atomic particles

are waves or particles or both… It is both at the same time.... when you want

to see it as a particle, it becomes a particle and when you want to see it as a

wave, it becomes a wave. Isn’t it puzzling? Many things in this life is not that

simple as it looks!> > > > Do you say medicine and psychology fraud? If

medicine can cure diseases, why there are so many of them all around, and if

you say it can’t, then what all these doctors doing! What about the

psychologist… What is the difference between an exact and empirical science.

Can you define the premises, on which it is checked whether or not something is

scientific?> > > > Best Wishes> Sarajit> > > > >

Rajeev Kumar [satpath1 ] > Sunday, September 07,

2003 4:17 PM> vedic astrology> Re:

[vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all concerned)> >

> > Namaste Amol Ji,> > > > > > My view point is that Astrology is used to

predict the future of living beings based upon the study of planets, sun, moon

etc. and also to provide the solutions to avoid undesirable results and attain

desirable effects.> > > > > > I consider these celestial bodies as non living

beings , we can easily predict with great accuracy their movement in future,

like for e.g we can predict the next sun,moon

eclipse ,next task of a machine, but living beings are conscious entities they

are free to think and act accordingly so no body can predict their future with

100% accuracy.> > > > > > Had we been not free then our master is the real

doer of whatever good or bad. Like for e.g somebody killed someone with a gun

then in this case neither the maker of the gun nor the gun are culprit but the

person who murdered is culprit.> > > > > > As far as the example of moon's

effect on human bodies are concerned, offcourse it may have some effect but at

the same time the immune system of human body is such that it automatically

develops resistance to cater such ill effects . Like for e.g every human being

is living under an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and our body has been such

designed. Similarly astronauts on space mission are given training and the

atmospheric conditions of space are simulated on earth so that their body gets

used to of it.So when our body system is itself there to take care of these

effects then whats these astrologers are doing, are they doctors to take care

of our bodies ?> > > > > > Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and

their believers then all these people should be far far better than the non

believers of Astrology because they already know the problems and their

accurate solutions, moreover when everything is predestined then again whats

the role of Astrologers. > > > > > > Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a

person with same accuracy as astronomers can predict the movement of celestial

bodies or mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if not then its not a

science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise in knowing a thing as it is

nothing more and nothing less.> > > > > > If you say yes then I ask can you

change those events ? if you cannot then again whats the astrologers doing, if

you say yes we can then why we have somuch poverty and illness around ?> > > >

> > Regards> > > > > > Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:> > > > Dear Rajeev

NAmaste> > It is good that we agree on number of AVedas and their names. Now >

lets move ahead by building confidance.> > I wrote

previous mail to avoid unnecesary debate afterwards. Let it > be clear that I

have some references but the problem may arise that > on hindsight you may put

it as astronomy and I may not agree to it. > This may cause us to loose the

point. So lets be clear what > reference will be Astronomy and what will be

Astrology. In other > words, if you fix up domain of Astronomy it will be good

for me to > examine myself and then to decide to put them as proof or not. > >

> As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is shastra of Jyotish. Jyoti is >

obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of Jyotish in which we > study

physical nature,such as its redius,color,its distance from sun > or earth and

its speed of rotation is Astronomy.(right?)> > And the branch of jyotish in

which its effect is express and > accordingly prayer is given then it is not

Astronmy and hence can be > Astrology. Do

you agree? Many say that basic of Astrology is that > Celestial Bodies Affect

Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is > acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said

that vedas have reference > of Astrology. Do you agree with this?> > Lets

first fix up line of demarcation between Astronomy and > Astrology and then

move ahead. But be assured that I do have some > references of Astrology based

on CBAOL, in Vedas. > > Thanks alot for your Time and Space.> > AmolMAndar > >

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1> > wrote:>

> Namaste Amolmandar Ji,> > > > Yes I also agree with you that there are 4

vedas and these are > Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I have already told that we

have > references to astronomy in Vedas. Please give the references and > after

analysis of the same I will get back to

you.> > > > Regards> > > > Rajeev> > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:>

> Dear Rajeev Namaste> > > > Before we get into Good or Bad work and its

relation to God,I will > > try to show some reference of Jyotish and Astrology

in the Vedas. > > For that let me just know will you accept a sukta or Shloka

> > describing that the bodies present in the Brahmanda do affect our > > life

and we should pray for good effects from them, as proof for > > reference of

astrology in any of the four Vedas. Why I am asking > > this is that I have

some shlokas from Vedas describing this. The > > reference of NAvagraha

directly or indirectly in the Veda will be > > acceptred by you as proof of

Astrology in Vedas or not? So if a > > shloka says that we should pray these

hevenly bodies and these

> > bodies should give us Sukha and Shanti then that should be more > than > >

enough as proof or not. Or you want all shlokas present in > > Astrological

Granthas to be present in Vedas? Let me know this > first > > and then I will

produce for you more than one proof of Jyotish > i.e. > > astrological and not

astromonical reference in Vedas.> > > > One last thing be very clear that Vedas

means 1)Rigveda 2)> Yajurveda > > 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.> > > > If you agree

on this, please let me know.> > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.> > > >

AmolMAndar> > > > > > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar >

<satpath1> > > wrote:> > > Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,> > > > > > If every work

is work of God then are

adulteration, telling > lies , > > doing fraud with somebody etc. are also work

of God. If we accept > > this then God becomes an adulterator, lier etc.> > > >

> > Vedic God does not expect the help of anybody in doing his work > > because

he is all powerful , omniscient. The God which expects > help > > from anybody

is not God but a humanbeing or a fraud.> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Rajeev >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > > Dear

Rajeev Namaste> > > > > > Thanks for the wonderful link. > > > > > > >But here

the Astrologers have taken the work of God in their > > hand, > > > >is it not

against Vedas and Gita ????> > > >

> > Dont you feel that every work is 'work' of God. Why to single > out > > >

Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in helping God? > > > > > > Thanks a lot

for your Time and Space.> > > > > > AmolMAndar> > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > > <satpath1> > > > wrote:>

> > > Namaste,> > > > > > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the name

Vedas just to > > > brand it as a Vedic science.> > > > > > > > I am of the

view that Astrology is not supported by Vedas . In > > > ManuSmriti it is

written that whoever disobeys/disregard Vedas > is > > an > > > athiest. So

those books which are not in accordance with Vedas > are > > > anti Vedic.> >

> > > > > > I am sure that all people on this forum are not blind and it > >

is > > > for them only I am raising this question. > > > > > > > > I have

following point to support my views> > > > > > > > Vedas , Gita talk at length

about the philosophy of KARMA> > (Action) > > > and says that you have right to

do the action only and result is > > in > > > my(God) hand. But here the

Astrologers have taken the work of > God > > in > > > their hand, is it not

against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > > > > In Vedas and other authoritative

scriptures of ancient Vedic > > > Rishis no where it is written that sun moon

planets etc do the > > acts > > > that astrologers generally talk about.> > >

> > > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic scriptures support all the > true > >

> sciences like Astronomy but not even a single word we have found > > on > > >

Astrology. If you came across any then please give the reference.> > > > > > >

> Moreover by applying tests of truth the truthfulness of > > Astrology > > > is

not proved. The tests of truth are as follows. I am making a > > copy > > > and

paste from the following site about the ' Tests of truth '> > > >

http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

THE FIVE TESTS OF TRUTH > > > > > > > > The truth of every thing that is learnt

or taught should be > > >

carefully examined by the following five tests:-> > > > > > > > The Veda and

nature of God - All that conforms to the > > teachings > > > of the Vedas,

nature, attributes and characteristics of God is > > > right, the reverse is

wrong. > > > > Laws of Nature - All that tallies with laws of nature is > >

true, > > > the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement that a child is born > >

without > > > the sexual union of its parents, being opposed to the laws of > >

nature > > > can never be true. > > > > The practice and teachings of

A'ptaas, -i.e., pious, > > truthful, > > > unprejudiced, honest, and learned

men. All that is unopposed to > > > their practice and teachings is acceptable

and the reverse is > > >

unacceptable. > > > > The purity and conviction of one's own soul. - What is

good > > for > > > you is good for the world. What is painful to you is painful

to > > > others. This ought to be the guiding principle of one's conduct > > >

towards others. > > > > Eight kinds of evidence> > > > > > > > > > > >

Direct Cognizance. > > > > Inference. > > > > Analogy. > > > >

Testimony. > > > > History. > > > > Deduction. > > > >

Possibility. > > > >

Non-existence or Negation.> > > > > > > > > > > > Direct Cognizance

(Praatyaksha) is that kind of knowledge, > > > which is the result of direct

contact of the five senses with > > their > > > objects,* of the mind (faculty

or organ of attention) with the > > > senses, and of the soul with mind. NYAAYA

Shaastraa 1: i, 4. > > > > But this knowledge must not be that of the

relation of > > words > > > with the things signified, as of the word "water"

with the fluid > > > called "water", For example, you ask your servant to bring

you > > some > > > water. He brings water, puts it before you, and says : 'Here

is > > > water, Sir.' Now, what you and your servant see is not the > > > word

"water" but the object signified by it. So ou have the

> direct > > > knowledge of the object called water. But the knowledge> > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > This knowledge must not be of temporary or

transient > > > character, i.e., not the product of observation under >

unfavourable > > > circumstances; for example, a person saw something at night

and > > took > > > it for a man , but when it was daylight he found out his

mistake > > and > > > knew that it was not a man, but a pillar. Now, his first

> > impression > > > of the thing was of a temporary or transient nature, which

gave > > > place to permanent knowledge later on, when the true nature of > the

> > > thing was revealed in the light. > > >

> It should be free from all elements of doubt, and be > > certain > > >

in character. For example, you see a river from a distance and > > > say: "Is

it water there or white clothes spread out to dry?" Or > > take > > > another

example, you see a man from a distance and say: Is it > Deva > > > Datta

standing there or Yajna Datta?" Now, as long as you are in > > > doubt and

consequently not sure about a thing you observe, your > > > knowledge cannot be

called Pratyaksha (Direct Cognizance). To be > > > that the element of doubt

must be absolutely eliminated from it. > > > > Briefly therefore, that

knowledge alone is said to be Direct > > > Cognizance, which is not the outcome

of the relation of name > with > > > the object signified by it, nor gained

under circumstances >

> > unfavourable for observation or experiment (Hence transient in > > >

character) nor into which any element of doubt enters> > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > Anumaana - inference - Literally it means that which follows > > > direct

cognizance. Two things have been observed to exist > together > > > at some time

and place, when on some other occasion, one of the > > woe > > > is observed,

the other, i.e., the unknown can be inferred.* For > > > instance, you see a

child and you at once infer that he must > have > > > had parents. Again,

seeing the smoke issuing from behind a hill > > you > > > infer the existence

of fire. You infer the previous incarnation > of > > > the soul form observing

unequal joy and sorrow in this world at > > the > > >

present moment. > > > > Inference is of three kinds:-> > > > > > > > Purvavat

- is one , in which you reason from cause to > effect, > > > e.g., the inference

of coming rain form the sight of clouds; or, > > > again, you see a wedding and

naturally infer that some day the > > > wedded couple will have children. Or,

again, you see students > > > engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and you infer

that some day > > they > > > will become men of learning.> > > > > > > > > > > >

Sheshavat - inference is one, in which you reason from effects > > to > > >

causes. Examples:- You see a flood in the river, and infer that > it > > > must

have rained on the mountain from which the river issues. > > Again, > > > you

see a child and at once

infer that the child must have had a > > > father. Again, you see this world and

infer the existence of the > > > Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well as of a

Material cause - > > the > > > elementary matter. Or, again, take another

example. When you se > a > > > man in pleasure and pain, you at once infer that

he must have > done > > a > > > virtuous or sinful deed before, since you have

noticed that the > > > consequence of a sinful act is pain, and that of a

virtuous > deed, > > > pleasure. > > > > > > > > > > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata -

is that kind of inference, in which > there > > is > > > no relation of cause

and effect between the known datum and the > > > thing to be inferred, but

there is some kind of similarity > between > > > the

two. For example, you know that no one can get another place > > > without

moving from the first, and hence, if you find a person > at > > a > > > certain

place, you can easily infer that he must have come to > the > > > latter place

by moving from the first.> > > > > > > > > > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the

knowledge of a thing from its > > likeness > > > to another. The thing which is

required to be known is called > > > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means of

this knowledge from > > some > > > kind of likeness between the two is called

Saadhana > > > > Examples: - a man says to his servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu >

> > Mittra." The latter answers that he does not know him, as he has > > > never

seen him before. Thereupon the master says :- You know > Deva

> > > Datta, don't you?" Upon the servant's answering in the > > affirmative, >

> > his master continues: "Well, Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva > > Datta." >

> > So the servant went out to find Vishnu Mittra. As he was passing > > >

through a street, he saw a man very much like Deva Datta, and > > > thought

that, thta man must be Vishnu Mittra, and forthwith > > brought > > > him to

his master. > > > > Or, take another example. You want to know what a Yak is. >

Well, > > > some one tells you, it is just like an ox. Next time you go to a > >

> jungle and happen to see an animal very much like an ox, you at > > once > > >

know that it is the Yak you asked your friend about. Now this > kind > > > of

knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Vishnu Mittra from his likeness > > to >

> > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its likeness to an ox is > > calledUpamaana > >

> or knowledge by analogy. The words Vishnu Mittra and Yak are > > called > > >

Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox are called Saadhana, in the > > above > > >

two instances. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Shabda - Testimony

(literally, word) - "The word of an A'pt > > > (altruistic teacher) is called

Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra 1:,i, 7. > > > > An A'pt is a person who is a thorough

scholar, we versed in > all > > > the sciences and philosophies, physical and

spiritual, is > > virtuous, > > > truthful, active, free from passions and

desires, imbued with > love > > > for others, and who is an altruistic teacher

of humanity solely > > > actuated

with the desire of benefiting the world by his > knowledge, > > > experience and

convictions. God being the truest and greatest of > > all > > > A'ptas, HIs word

the Veda is also included in shabda > (Testimony). > > > > > > > > > > > >

Itihaas - History - is that which tells us that such and such > a > > > person

was so and so, he did such and such a thing. In other > > words, > > > Itihaas

is the history of a country or the biography of a > person. > > > NYAAYA

Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The experience of the past recorded in > > > history can be

applied to solve many a difficult question of the > > > day. - Tr. > > > > > >

> > > > > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or deduction. - It is a conclusion > >

which > > > naturally follows from the

statement of a fact; for instance, > one > > > says to another: "Rain falls from

clouds" or " and effect flows > > from > > > a cause." The natural conclusion

that can be drawn from the > above > > > statement is: "There can be no rain

when there are no clouds," > > > or "no effects follow when a cause does not

exist." > > > > > > > > > > > > Sambhava - possibility. - When you hear a

thing, the first > thing > > > that enters your mind is whether such and such a

thing is > > possible. > > > Anything that runs counter to the laws of nature is

not > possible, > > > and hence it can never be true; for example, if you are

told > that > > a > > > child was born without parents, such and such a person

raised > the > > > dead to life again, or made stones

float on the sea, lifted > > > mountains, broke the moon into pieces, was God

incarnate, or saw > > > horns on the head of a man, or solemnized the marriage

of a > couple > > > born of sterile mother. You could at once know that it

could not > > > have possibly happened, being opposed to the laws of Nature. >

That > > > alone is possible which is in conformity with the laws of > nature.

> > > > > > > > > > > > Abhaava - Absence or Negation.- You infer the existence

of a > > thing > > > in some other place from its absence from the place where

you > were > > > told you find it; for instance, a gentleman said to his man:

"Go > > and > > > bring the elephant from the elephant-house." He went there

but > > found > > > that the elephant was not there. He naturally

conclude that he > > must > > > be somewhere near about. So he went out and

looked about for the > > > elephant and found him not very far from its proper

place and > > > brought him to his master. > > > > > > > > These eight kinds of

evidence have been briefly described. > Their > > > number can be reduced to

four fi History be included under > > > Testimony, and Deduction, Possibility,

and Negation under > > > Inference.* > > > > It is only by means of these five

criteria that a man can > > > ascertain what is right or wrong and not

otherwise> > > > > > > > If you test Astrology against these tests it proves

to be a > > fraud.> > > > > > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > >

Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Do you

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Dear Rajeev,

What you said to me in mail was"

Namaste Chandrashekhar Ji,


"I gave my opinion on your views on God and Guru. I have already said that

Jyotish is in Vedas but by Jyotish we accept true sciences like

Astronomy,Mathematics , geometry etc.

Moreover the 4 Vedas(Samhita Part) are the supreme authority (above any

humanbeing whether it is Swami Dayananda Ji or Shankracharya Ji or anybody else

)and Vedangas, upvedas etc. are worth evidence but so long they are in

accordance with Vedas.This is not my view but of Vedic Rishis."

And on other posts you say that Jyotish is fraud. You have also not quoted view

of Vedic Rishis. Swami Dayanand is not a Vedic Rishi, in so far as I know. Do

not try to mislead others.


Rajeev Kumar [satpath1 ]Sent:

Monday, September 08, 2003 2:29 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all


Namaste Hari Ji,


I have alreday told about my mptive in many mails it is surprising that you have

not known it so far.

Let it be known to everybody on this forum that my only motive is to decide truth.

I answered ChandraShekar on another thread because of the wrong things he is

preaching on God and Guru.


I have appropriately answered to all the people you are talking about except the

current mail of Sh.. AmolMandar. Right now I am in a location where I donot have

access to Vedas to confirm his points. I will answer him appropriately after

analysing the references with Vedas very soon.


As per me in Vedas since there is no quote about Astrology thats why I have not

given the references and asking you people to give it, till the time Astrology

reference in Vedas is not proven it will remain a fraud to me.


It is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion of their Gurus

and even accept that Guru is greater than God. I will reject anybody's opinion

whether it is of Swami Dayananda or ShankraCharya if it is found untruth.








onlyhari <onlyhari > wrote:

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Rajeev ji,Repeatedly you have said that astrology

and astrologers are fraud without citing a single quote from the Vedas to prove

your case. Yet you persist in asking the people on this forum for a quote from

the Vedas to prove that there is a reference to astrology.Amol Mandar responded

to your query in the most balanced and step-by-step way and also furnished a

quotation from the Vedas with a promise to show more. Yet you have not

responded to Amol Mander so far! Rajesh Mohan also posed the logical question

that why was the Vedas revealed only in Sanskrit and confined only to a

specific area of the world and not the entire world if it be for the benefit of

man. You have skirted this question completely while reiterating your belief in

the Vedas.Chandrasekhar sent you an excerpt from the teachings of the Late

Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti on this subject yet you say you have given your

opinion on the same based on the teachings of Swami Dayanand. The Paramacharya

of Kanchi is considered by many to be an authority on the religious scriptures

including the Vedas. But I find that it is not your opinion but that of Swami

Dayanand!Sarajit raised the issue that nothing in this world can be truly

certain. If you say that medicine and doctors are not fraud, then why are there

so many diseases still in the world? This is the counterpoint to your question :

if there are astrologers, then why is there so much misery in this world?I join

issue with Rajesh in questioning what is the real motive of raising such a

debate as this. It seems to me that you want others to address the issues

defined by you but are not interested in answering clearly the issues raised by

others. On the contrary, you jumped into another discussion thread when there

was no need to. I must also ask you whether you have studied the vedas, and

astrology or are you just parroting the opinion of Swami Dayanand and seeking a

debate without satisfying yourself first?regardsHariArchives:

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Yes celestial bodies affect us, but so does things and people around us like a

thief may affect us, similarly the air we breathe affect us As far as the

effect of Celestial body on humans is concerned I agree that sun rays heats

and lights our body and everthing around us ,similarly for other celestial



These bodies affect only the body part and as I said God has created our body

system that it has the capacity to nullify the bad effects, like when the body

temperature rises the perspiration process cools the body etc.

But if somebody says that celestial bodies decide your getting the job or

marriage etc. then how can it be possible as celestial bodies are nothing but

non living beings.


Whether you(Atma) is the controller of your body or your body controls the fate of yours.


There are four elements necessary to convey a complete sense of a passage.


1.Akankasha consists in entering the spirit of the speaker or the author.


2. Yogyata in the fitness of compatability of sense. For instance, when it is

said "water irrigates" there is nothing absurd in the mutual connection between

the objects signified by the words.

3. Asatti consists in regarding or speaking words in proper sequence, i.e.,

without detaching them from their context.

4. Tatparya is to give the same meaning to the words of a writer or a speaker

which he intended that they should convey..


There are many people who, through bigotry and wrong-headedness, misconstrue the

meaning of the writer. The sectaries are the greatest sinners in this respect

because their intellect is wrapped by bigotry.


So if you want to show me the evidences which in Vedas are for astronomical

purpose as astrolgical, then they won't be accepted as evidences.


Show me all the evidences within 2-3 days and I will get back to you after analysis.





amolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Dear Rajeev NamasteLets get back to basics. You said "My view point is that

Astrology is used to predict the future of living beings based upon the study

of planets, sun, moon etc. and also to provide the solutions to avoid

undesirable results and attain desirable effects." Yes, but for that purpose

one must accept that these celestial bodies affect out life. This is the basic

of Astrology in the view of many. Put it as yes or no. I never said that Moon

affects our body, I say whole lot of Celestial bodies affect our life. There is

no reference as far as I know about moon affecting human body, in Vedas. But

there is clear cut refernce of clelestial bodies affect our life. How

accuractly we can predic future of anybody is matter of another disscussions.

Right now we are hitting on one point and it is

Astrology has refence in Vedas or not. For that purpose first we must be clear

about domain of Astrology. That is why I ask some basic questions about your

understanding of Astrology and Astronomy. Again I request you to put it yes or

no for "Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life" principle. I am not saying

specifically about moon but rather all celestial bodies. Once I get clear

answer on this I will produce my proofs. To make it clear that I have proof

just read this.The richas of ShanuHshepa rishi Ami ya ruksha nihitas uchha

naktam dadrushre kuha citda diveyuH|adabdhani varunasya vratani

vichakashchandrama naktameti|(rig 1/24/10)Followed by Veda yo veenam

padamantariskhena patatam|Veda NAvaH Samudriya||Veda Maso

Dhrutavrato dwadasha

prajavatH|Veda ya upajayate||Please analyse these two

richas and comment on them. Later I will produce more of them.Thanks a lot for

your Time and Space.AmolMAndarvedic astrology, Rajeev

Kumar <satpath1> wrote:> Namaste Amol Ji,> > My view point is that

Astrology is used to predict the future of living beings based upon the study

of planets, sun, moon etc. and also to provide the solutions to avoid

undesirable results and attain desirable effects.> > I consider these

celestial bodies as non living beings , we can easily predict with great

accuracy their movement in future, like for e.g we can predict the next

sun,moon eclipse ,next task of a machine, but living beings are conscious

entities they are free to

think and act accordingly so no body can predict their future with 100%

accuracy.> > Had we been not free then our master is the real doer of whatever

good or bad. Like for e.g somebody killed someone with a gun then in this case

neither the maker of the gun nor the gun are culprit but the person who

murdered is culprit.> > As far as the example of moon's effect on human bodies

are concerned, offcourse it may have some effect but at the same time the

immune system of human body is such that it automatically develops resistance

to cater such ill effects . Like for e.g every human being is living under an

atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and our body has been such designed. Similarly

astronauts on space mission are given training and the atmospheric conditions

of space are simulated on earth so that their body gets used to of it.So when

our body system is itself there to take care of these

effects then whats these astrologers are doing, are they doctors to take care of

our bodies ?> > Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and their

believers then all these people should be far far better than the non believers

of Astrology because they already know the problems and their accurate

solutions, moreover when everything is predestined then again whats the role of

Astrologers. > > Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a person with same

accuracy as astronomers can predict the movement of celestial bodies or

mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if not then its not a

science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise in knowing a thing as it is

nothing more and nothing less.> > If you say yes then I ask can you change

those events ? if you cannot then again whats the astrologers doing, if you say

yes we can then why we have somuch poverty and

illness around ?> > Regards> > Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > amolmandar

<amolmandar> wrote:> > Dear Rajeev NAmaste> > It is good that we agree on

number of AVedas and their names. Now > lets move ahead by building

confidance.> > I wrote previous mail to avoid unnecesary debate afterwards. Let

it > be clear that I have some references but the problem may arise that > on

hindsight you may put it as astronomy and I may not agree to it. > This may

cause us to loose the point. So lets be clear what > reference will be

Astronomy and what will be Astrology. In other > words, if you fix up domain of

Astronomy it will be good for me to > examine myself and then to decide to put

them as proof or not. > >

> As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is shastra of Jyotish. Jyoti is >

obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of Jyotish in which we > study

physical nature,such as its redius,color,its distance from sun > or earth and

its speed of rotation is Astronomy.(right?)> > And the branch of jyotish in

which its effect is express and > accordingly prayer is given then it is not

Astronmy and hence can be > Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic of

Astrology is that > Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is

> acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said that vedas have reference > of

Astrology. Do you agree with this?> > Lets first fix up line of demarcation

between Astronomy and > Astrology and then move ahead. But be assured that I do

have some > references of Astrology based on CBAOL, in Vedas. > > Thanks alot

for your Time and

Space.> > AmolMAndar > > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

<satpath1> > wrote:> > Namaste Amolmandar Ji,> > > > Yes I also agree

with you that there are 4 vedas and these are > Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I

have already told that we have > references to astronomy in Vedas. Please give

the references and > after analysis of the same I will get back to you.> > > >

Regards> > > > Rajeev> > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > Dear Rajeev

Namaste> > > > Before we get into Good or Bad work and its relation to God,I

will > > try to show some reference of Jyotish and Astrology in the Vedas. > >

For that let me just know will you accept a sukta or Shloka > > describing

that the bodies present in the

Brahmanda do affect our > > life and we should pray for good effects from them,

as proof for > > reference of astrology in any of the four Vedas. Why I am

asking > > this is that I have some shlokas from Vedas describing this. The > >

reference of NAvagraha directly or indirectly in the Veda will be > > acceptred

by you as proof of Astrology in Vedas or not? So if a > > shloka says that we

should pray these hevenly bodies and these > > bodies should give us Sukha and

Shanti then that should be more > than > > enough as proof or not. Or you want

all shlokas present in > > Astrological Granthas to be present in Vedas? Let me

know this > first > > and then I will produce for you more than one proof of

Jyotish > i.e. > > astrological and not astromonical reference in Vedas.> > > >

One last thing be very clear that Vedas means

1)Rigveda 2)> Yajurveda > > 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.> > > > If you agree on

this, please let me know.> > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.> > > >

AmolMAndar> > > > > > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar >

<satpath1> > > wrote:> > > Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,> > > > > > If every work

is work of God then are adulteration, telling > lies , > > doing fraud with

somebody etc. are also work of God. If we accept > > this then God becomes an

adulterator, lier etc.> > > > > > Vedic God does not expect the help of

anybody in doing his work > > because he is all powerful , omniscient. The God

which expects > help > > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a fraud.>

> > > > >

Regards> > > > > > Rajeev > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > amolmandar

<amolmandar> wrote:> > > Dear Rajeev Namaste> > > > > > Thanks for the

wonderful link. > > > > > > >But here the Astrologers have taken the work of

God in their > > hand, > > > >is it not against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > >

Dont you feel that every work is 'work' of God. Why to single > out > > >

Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in helping God? > > > > > > Thanks a lot

for your Time and Space.> > > > > > AmolMAndar> > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > > <satpath1> > > > wrote:>

> > > Namaste,> > >

> > > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the name Vedas just to > > >

brand it as a Vedic science.> > > > > > > > I am of the view that Astrology is

not supported by Vedas . In > > > ManuSmriti it is written that whoever

disobeys/disregard Vedas > is > > an > > > athiest. So those books which are

not in accordance with Vedas > are > > > anti Vedic.> > > > > > > > I am sure

that all people on this forum are not blind and it > > is > > > for them only I

am raising this question. > > > > > > > > I have following point to support my

views> > > > > > > > Vedas , Gita talk at length about the philosophy of

KARMA> > (Action) > > > and says that you have right to

do the action only and result is > > in > > > my(God) hand. But here the

Astrologers have taken the work of > God > > in > > > their hand, is it not

against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > > > > In Vedas and other authoritative

scriptures of ancient Vedic > > > Rishis no where it is written that sun moon

planets etc do the > > acts > > > that astrologers generally talk about.> > > >

> > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic scriptures support all the > true > > >

sciences like Astronomy but not even a single word we have found > > on > > >

Astrology. If you came across any then please give the reference.> > > > > > >

> Moreover by applying tests of truth the truthfulness of > > Astrology > > > is

not proved. The

tests of truth are as follows. I am making a > > copy > > > and paste from the

following site about the ' Tests of truth '> > > >

http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

THE FIVE TESTS OF TRUTH > > > > > > > > The truth of every thing that is learnt

or taught should be > > > carefully examined by the following five tests:-> > >

> > > > > The Veda and nature of God - All that conforms to the > >

teachings > > > of the Vedas, nature, attributes and characteristics of God is

> > > right, the reverse is wrong. > > > > Laws of Nature - All that tallies

with laws of nature is > > true, > > >

the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement that a child is born > > without > > >

the sexual union of its parents, being opposed to the laws of > > nature > > >

can never be true. > > > > The practice and teachings of A'ptaas, -i.e.,

pious, > > truthful, > > > unprejudiced, honest, and learned men. All that is

unopposed to > > > their practice and teachings is acceptable and the reverse

is > > > unacceptable. > > > > The purity and conviction of one's own soul.

- What is good > > for > > > you is good for the world. What is painful to you

is painful to > > > others. This ought to be the guiding principle of one's

conduct > > > towards others. > > > > Eight kinds of evidence> > > > > > > > >

> >

> Direct Cognizance. > > > > Inference. > > > > Analogy. > > >

> Testimony. > > > > History. > > > > Deduction. > > > >

Possibility. > > > > Non-existence or Negation.> > > > > > > > > > > >

Direct Cognizance (Praatyaksha) is that kind of knowledge, > > > which is the

result of direct contact of the five senses with > > their > > > objects,* of

the mind (faculty or organ of attention) with the > > > senses, and of the soul

with mind. NYAAYA Shaastraa 1: i, 4. >

> > > But this knowledge must not be that of the relation of > > words > >

> with the things signified, as of the word "water" with the fluid > > > called

"water", For example, you ask your servant to bring you > > some > > > water.

He brings water, puts it before you, and says : 'Here is > > > water, Sir.'

Now, what you and your servant see is not the > > > word "water" but the object

signified by it. So ou have the > direct > > > knowledge of the object called

water. But the knowledge> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > This

knowledge must not be of temporary or transient > > > character, i.e., not the

product of observation under > unfavourable > >

> circumstances; for example, a person saw something at night and > > took > > >

it for a man , but when it was daylight he found out his mistake > > and > > >

knew that it was not a man, but a pillar. Now, his first > > impression > > >

of the thing was of a temporary or transient nature, which gave > > > place to

permanent knowledge later on, when the true nature of > the > > > thing was

revealed in the light. > > > > It should be free from all elements of

doubt, and be > > certain > > > in character. For example, you see a river from

a distance and > > > say: "Is it water there or white clothes spread out to

dry?" Or > > take > > > another example, you see a man from a distance and say:

Is it > Deva > > > Datta standing there or

Yajna Datta?" Now, as long as you are in > > > doubt and consequently not sure

about a thing you observe, your > > > knowledge cannot be called Pratyaksha

(Direct Cognizance). To be > > > that the element of doubt must be absolutely

eliminated from it. > > > > Briefly therefore, that knowledge alone is said to

be Direct > > > Cognizance, which is not the outcome of the relation of name >

with > > > the object signified by it, nor gained under circumstances > > >

unfavourable for observation or experiment (Hence transient in > > > character)

nor into which any element of doubt enters> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Anumaana - inference - Literally it means that which follows > > > direct

cognizance. Two things have been observed to exist > together > > > at some

time and place, when on some other occasion, one of the > > woe > > > is

observed, the other, i.e., the unknown can be inferred.* For > > > instance,

you see a child and you at once infer that he must > have > > > had parents.

Again, seeing the smoke issuing from behind a hill > > you > > > infer the

existence of fire. You infer the previous incarnation > of > > > the soul form

observing unequal joy and sorrow in this world at > > the > > > present moment.

> > > > Inference is of three kinds:-> > > > > > > > Purvavat - is one , in

which you reason from cause to > effect, > > > e.g., the inference of coming

rain form the sight of clouds; or, > > > again, you see a wedding and naturally

infer that some day the > > > wedded couple

will have children. Or, again, you see students > > > engaged in the pursuit of

knowledge and you infer that some day > > they > > > will become men of

learning.> > > > > > > > > > > > Sheshavat - inference is one, in which you

reason from effects > > to > > > causes. Examples:- You see a flood in the

river, and infer that > it > > > must have rained on the mountain from which

the river issues. > > Again, > > > you see a child and at once infer that the

child must have had a > > > father. Again, you see this world and infer the

existence of the > > > Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well as of a Material

cause -> > the > > > elementary matter. Or, again, take another example. When

you se > a > > > man in pleasure and pain, you at once

infer that he must have > done > > a > > > virtuous or sinful deed before, since

you have noticed that the > > > consequence of a sinful act is pain, and that of

a virtuous > deed, > > > pleasure. > > > > > > > > > > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata -

is that kind of inference, in which > there > > is > > > no relation of cause

and effect between the known datum and the > > > thing to be inferred, but

there is some kind of similarity > between > > > the two. For example, you know

that no one can get another place > > > without moving from the first, and

hence, if you find a person > at > > a > > > certain place, you can easily

infer that he must have come to > the > > > latter place by moving from the

first.> > > > >

> > > > > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the knowledge of a thing from its > >

likeness > > > to another. The thing which is required to be known is called >

> > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means of this knowledge from > > some >

> > kind of likeness between the two is called Saadhana > > > > Examples: - a

man says to his servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu > > > Mittra." The latter

answers that he does not know him, as he has > > > never seen him before.

Thereupon the master says :- You know > Deva > > > Datta, don't you?" Upon the

servant's answering in the > > affirmative, > > > his master continues: "Well,

Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva > > Datta." > > > So the servant went out to

find Vishnu Mittra. As he was passing > > > through a street, he saw a man very


like Deva Datta, and > > > thought that, thta man must be Vishnu Mittra, and

forthwith > > brought > > > him to his master. > > > > Or, take another

example. You want to know what a Yak is. > Well, > > > some one tells you, it

is just like an ox. Next time you go to a > > > jungle and happen to see an

animal very much like an ox, you at > > once > > > know that it is the Yak you

asked your friend about. Now this > kind > > > of knowledge, i.e., knowledge of

Vishnu Mittra from his likeness > > to > > > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its

likeness to an ox is > > calledUpamaana > > > or knowledge by analogy. The

words Vishnu Mittra and Yak are > > called > > > Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and

ox are called Saadhana, in the > > above > > > two instances. >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Shabda - Testimony (literally, word) -

"The word of an A'pt > > > (altruistic teacher) is called Shabda." NYAAYA

Shaastra 1:,i, 7. > > > > An A'pt is a person who is a thorough scholar, we

versed in > all > > > the sciences and philosophies, physical and spiritual, is

> > virtuous, > > > truthful, active, free from passions and desires, imbued

with > love > > > for others, and who is an altruistic teacher of humanity

solely > > > actuated with the desire of benefiting the world by his >

knowledge, > > > experience and convictions. God being the truest and greatest

of > > all > > > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also included in shabda >

(Testimony). > > > > > > > > > >

> > Itihaas - History - is that which tells us that such and such > a > > >

person was so and so, he did such and such a thing. In other > > words, > > >

Itihaas is the history of a country or the biography of a > person. > > >

NYAAYA Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The experience of the past recorded in > > > history

can be applied to solve many a difficult question of the > > > day. - Tr. > > >

> > > > > > > > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or deduction. - It is a conclusion >

> which > > > naturally follows from the statement of a fact; for instance, >

one > > > says to another: "Rain falls from clouds" or " and effect flows > >

from > > > a cause." The natural conclusion that can be drawn from the > above

> > > statement is: "There can be no rain when there are

no clouds," > > > or "no effects follow when a cause does not exist." > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sambhava - possibility. - When you hear a thing, the first >

thing > > > that enters your mind is whether such and such a thing is > >

possible. > > > Anything that runs counter to the laws of nature is not >

possible, > > > and hence it can never be true; for example, if you are told >

that > > a > > > child was born without parents, such and such a person raised

> the > > > dead to life again, or made stones float on the sea, lifted > > >

mountains, broke the moon into pieces, was God incarnate, or saw > > > horns on

the head of a man, or solemnized the marriage of a > couple > > > born of

sterile mother. You could at once know that it could not > > >

have possibly happened, being opposed to the laws of Nature. > That > > > alone

is possible which is in conformity with the laws of > nature. > > > > > > > > >

> > > Abhaava - Absence or Negation.- You infer the existence of a > > thing > >

> in some other place from its absence from the place where you > were > > >

told you find it; for instance, a gentleman said to his man: "Go > > and > > >

bring the elephant from the elephant-house." He went there but > > found > > >

that the elephant was not there. He naturally conclude that he > > must > > >

be somewhere near about. So he went out and looked about for the > > > elephant

and found him not very far from its proper place and > > > brought him to his

master. > > > > > > > > These

eight kinds of evidence have been briefly described. > Their > > > number can be

reduced to four fi History be included under > > > Testimony, and Deduction,

Possibility, and Negation under > > > Inference.* > > > > It is only by means

of these five criteria that a man can > > > ascertain what is right or wrong

and not otherwise> > > > > > > > If you test Astrology against these tests it

proves to be a > > fraud.> > > > > > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > >

Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Do you

?> > > > >

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Rajeev,


Let me narrate a small story. There was a village in one of the farthest

corner of earth on an island, where people lived happily but without in

touch with the outside world. There was everything, but only one thing

lacked. There was nothing in that place which tasted sour. However, that

did not make any difference to them as they were satisfied with Sweet,

Salty, Bitter, Astringent or the mixture of one or more of them.


Once it so happened that after a shipwreck, a sailor, reached that

island with a handful of his crew member. They were skeptically accepted

by the habitants of the island as they never knew that there existed

anything else beyond their island. They couldn't believe for long that

there other places, which are inhabited by people who looked like



However, when days passed by, they started mingling with the strangers.

However, to the dismay of the crew members, who liked sour food, there

was nothing in the island which could give them that taste. They thought

of enquiring with the inhabitants, however, they found that they are

almost incapable of making the inhabitants, how the sour food taste

like. They tried, tried and tried and ultimately gave up, as they could

not make them taste what it meant to be sour.


Days passed by and the crew members built a big raft to sail back to

their homeland. Now they thought of bringing a few inhabitants with them

so that when they return, they can narrate their experiences with their

own tongue. Time passed, the inhabitants came back from their journey to

foreign lands. However, they brought back some sour citrus with them.

Only after the inhabitants tasted them, they could realize that there is

something else which is beyond their conception.


Can there be possibility of existence of one more such taste, which we

are not aware of, which is not sour, salty, sweet, bitter or astringent.

Probably there is... who knows!


We must realize that, with experience, our past assumptions and the

whole thinking process change. We start accepting newer things. With

someone it might happen that he has met a few fraud Jyotisha in his

childhood and realize that this is all fraud, however, the moment he

meets some others, who have predicted everything beyond his imagination,

he would start believing that... So isn't it possible that, the closed

doors of our mind is stopping us to see something we should... Keep the

mind open, lest one might miss out something outstanding.


It's only a matter of time and experiences; one changes his thinking and

feeling. One of my uncle and father died due to the wrong diagnosis of

doctors and hence should I call doctors and medicine as fraud...

Probably not, as I didn't close my mind with few such experiences.


Its is possible that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg with our

direct experiencing not realizing that there is a big mountain below the



Best Wishes




amolmandar [amolmandar]

Monday, September 08, 2003 6:30 PM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To

all concerned)


Dear Rajeev Namaste


You wrote to Hari ji


>>It is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion....


I apriciate your faith/belief in truth but does that necessarily

mean that you should criticise a gentelman like Chandrashekharji? He

has not said any thing about your personal faiths and the way you

gained knowledge. At the age of 60 he listens to a duffer like me

and accepts me as his shishya. I fight with him as I fight with my

father(My father name is as well Chandrashekhar!).


So, if you want to get a argument with him he will take careof you

and all but dont call him with unwanted adjectives. I think in the

path of Truth,one must see that he is not insulting seniors and

Knowlegable persons. See the quote from Rig at the end.


I know you are intelligent and this must have happened in spur of

the moment. As a matter of fact you should have shown greater

strength as you are hitting the integrity of people of the

astrological group by calling astrologers as fraud. So voilent

reaction against you must be expected to you. But at the same time

you should be careful about point of disscussions. So at least do

not get in pointing fingers at people like CHandrashekharji who

never say anything personal about anybody.


Although,Chandrashekhar ji is capable of answering your query I

stepped in to let you know that in the eyes of many he is a

respected and knowledgeable member (And it is a TRUTH). Seeker of

Truth will appriciate this Truth I suppose.


After all you know being student of vedas


"Suvigyan chikituShu janaya sachhasacha vachasi psprudhate|

tayoyarta satyam yaterdrujiyastadita somoavati hantyasat||(rig





Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.




vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1>


> Namaste Hari Ji,


> I have alreday told about my mptive in many mails it is surprising

that you have not known it so far.

> Let it be known to everybody on this forum that my only motive is

to decide truth.

> I answered ChandraShekar on another thread because of the wrong

things he is preaching on God and Guru.


> I have appropriately answered to all the people you are talking

about except the current mail of Sh.. AmolMandar. Right now I am in

a location where I donot have access to Vedas to confirm his points.

I will answer him appropriately after analysing the references with

Vedas very soon.


> As per me in Vedas since there is no quote about Astrology thats

why I have not given the references and asking you people to give

it, till the time Astrology reference in Vedas is not proven it will

remain a fraud to me.


> It is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion of

their Gurus and even accept that Guru is greater than God. I will

reject anybody's opinion whether it is of Swami Dayananda or

ShankraCharya if it is found untruth.


> Regards


> Rajeev






> onlyhari <onlyhari> wrote:

> ||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


> Dear Rajeev ji,


> Repeatedly you have said that astrology and astrologers are fraud

> without citing a single quote from the Vedas to prove your case.


> you persist in asking the people on this forum for a quote from


> Vedas to prove that there is a reference to astrology.


> Amol Mandar responded to your query in the most balanced and step-


> step way and also furnished a quotation from the Vedas with a

> promise to show more. Yet you have not responded to Amol Mander so

> far!


> Rajesh Mohan also posed the logical question that why was the


> revealed only in Sanskrit and confined only to a specific area of

> the world and not the entire world if it be for the benefit of


> You have skirted this question completely while reiterating your

> belief in the Vedas.


> Chandrasekhar sent you an excerpt from the teachings of the Late

> Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti on this subject yet you say you


> given your opinion on the same based on the teachings of Swami

> Dayanand. The Paramacharya of Kanchi is considered by many to be


> authority on the religious scriptures including the Vedas. But I

> find that it is not your opinion but that of Swami Dayanand!


> Sarajit raised the issue that nothing in this world can be truly

> certain. If you say that medicine and doctors are not fraud, then

> why are there so many diseases still in the world? This is the

> counterpoint to your question : if there are astrologers, then why

> is there so much misery in this world?


> I join issue with Rajesh in questioning what is the real motive of

> raising such a debate as this. It seems to me that you want others

> to address the issues defined by you but are not interested in

> answering clearly the issues raised by others. On the contrary,


> jumped into another discussion thread when there was no need to.


> I must also ask you whether you have studied the vedas, and

> astrology or are you just parroting the opinion of Swami Dayanand

> and seeking a debate without satisfying yourself first?


> regards

> Hari




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Yes I wrote that mistakenly about you.


Why did God reveal the Veda in Sanskrit instead of a language of some particular

country? A.~ Had He revealed the Veda in the language of some particular

country, He would have been partial to that country, because it would have been

easier for the people of that country to learn and teach the Veda than for the

foreigners, therefore, it is that He did it in Sanskrit that belongs to no

country, and is the mother of all other languages. Just as He has ordained the

material creation such as the earth, etc., which is also the source of all the

useful arts, for the equal good of all, so should the language of the Divine

revelation be accessible to all countries and nations with the same amount of

labour. Hence the revelation of the Veda in Sanskrit does not make God partial

to any nation.



Q.What evidence have you to prove that the Veda in Sanskrit is of Divine origin

and not the work of man? The book in which God is described as He is, viz.,

Holy, Omniscient, Pure in nature, character and attributes, Just, Merciful,

etc., and in which nothing is said that is opposed to the laws of nature,

reason, the evidence of direct cognizance, etc., the teachings of the highly

learned altruistic teachers of humanity (A'ptas), and the intuition of pure

souls, and in which the laws, nature, and properties of matter and the soul are

propounded as they are to be inferred from the order of nature as fixed by God,

is the book of Divine revelation. Now the Vedas alone fulfil all the above

conditions, hence they are the revealed books and not books, like the Bible and

the Q'uran .

Q.There is no necessity for the Veda to be revealed by God. Men can by

themselves by degrees augment their knowledge and thereafter make books as

well. A.- No, they cannot do that, because there can be no effect without a

cause. Look at savages such as the Bhils. Do they ever become enlightened by

themselves without being instructed by others? The same is true of men in

civilized communities, they need to be taught before they become educated.

Similarly, had not God instructed the primitive sages in the knowledge of the

Veda and had not they in their turn taught other men, all men would have

remained ignorant. If a child were kept in a sequestered place from its very

birth with no other company but that of illiterate persons or animals, on

attaining maturity he would be no better than one of his company. Take for

example the case of Egypt, Greece, or the Continent of Europe. The people of

all these countries were without a trace of learning before the spread of

knowledge from India. In the same way before Columbus and other Europeans went

to America, the natives had been without any learning for hundreds and

thousands of years. Now some of them have become enlightened after receiving

education from the Europeans. Similarly, in the beginning of the world men

received knowledge from God and since then there have been various learned men

in different periods, Says Patanjali in his Yoga Shastra. "As in the present

time we become enlightened only after being taught by our teachers, so were in

the beginning of the world, Agni and the other three Rishis (sages), taught by

the greatest of all teachers - God." YOGA SHASTRA SAMADHI, 26. His knowledge is

eternal. He is quite unlike the human soul that becomes devoid of consciousness

in profound sleep and during the period of dissolution. It is certain,

therefore, that no effect can be produced without a cause.


More on God and Vedas can be read at





onlyhari <onlyhari > wrote:

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Rajeev ji.Namaste. You are making a lot of

extrapolations that have no basis. For instance, you say I am parroting

opinions of Gurus and claiming Guru is greater than God. Now where did I say

that? To the best of my knowledge, I didnt say any such statements in my

correspondence with you. This amounts to an extrapolation made by you and has

no basis whatsoever. You are bringing in personal interpretations where they

are not warranted at all. It is my opinion that you have not answered all the

people appropriately as you put it. For instance, Rajesh asked why was the

Vedas revealed only in India? Or Sarajit asked with respect to medical doctors

as a counterquestion to your own question concerning astrologers. You say that

there is no statement in the Vedas that refer to

astrology. Does that mean it is a fraud? You seem to assert this is so but again

your assertion has no basis whatsoever. Therefore it can be rejected as

untruth.I wish you success in finding the ultimate truth.regardsHari--- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1> wrote:> Namaste

Hari Ji,> > I have alreday told about my mptive in many mails it is surprising

that you have not known it so far.> Let it be known to everybody on this forum

that my only motive is to decide truth.> I answered ChandraShekar on another

thread because of the wrong things he is preaching on God and Guru.> > I have

appropriately answered to all the people you are talking about except the

current mail of Sh.. AmolMandar. Right now I am in a location where I donot

have access to Vedas to confirm his points. I will answer him appropriately


analysing the references with Vedas very soon.> > As per me in Vedas since

there is no quote about Astrology thats why I have not given the references and

asking you people to give it, till the time Astrology reference in Vedas is not

proven it will remain a fraud to me.> > It is people like you and

ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion of their Gurus and even accept that Guru

is greater than God. I will reject anybody's opinion whether it is of Swami

Dayananda or ShankraCharya if it is found untruth.> > Regards> > Rajeev> >

> > > > onlyhari <onlyhari> wrote:> ||Om Brihaspataye Namah||> > Dear

Rajeev ji,> > Repeatedly you have said that astrology and astrologers are fraud

> without citing a single quote from the Vedas to prove your case. Yet >

you persist in asking the people on this forum for a quote from the > Vedas to

prove that there is a reference to astrology.> > Amol Mandar responded to your

query in the most balanced and step-by-> step way and also furnished a

quotation from the Vedas with a > promise to show more. Yet you have not

responded to Amol Mander so > far! > > Rajesh Mohan also posed the logical

question that why was the Vedas > revealed only in Sanskrit and confined only

to a specific area of > the world and not the entire world if it be for the

benefit of man. > You have skirted this question completely while reiterating

your > belief in the Vedas.> > Chandrasekhar sent you an excerpt from the

teachings of the Late > Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti on this subject yet you

say you have > given your opinion on the same based on the teachings of Swami >

Dayanand. The

Paramacharya of Kanchi is considered by many to be an > authority on the

religious scriptures including the Vedas. But I > find that it is not your

opinion but that of Swami Dayanand!> > Sarajit raised the issue that nothing in

this world can be truly > certain. If you say that medicine and doctors are not

fraud, then > why are there so many diseases still in the world? This is the >

counterpoint to your question : if there are astrologers, then why > is there

so much misery in this world?> > I join issue with Rajesh in questioning what

is the real motive of > raising such a debate as this. It seems to me that you

want others > to address the issues defined by you but are not interested in >

answering clearly the issues raised by others. On the contrary, you > jumped

into another discussion thread when there was no need to. > > I must also ask

you whether you have

studied the vedas, and > astrology or are you just parroting the opinion of

Swami Dayanand > and seeking a debate without satisfying yourself first?> >

regards> Hari> > > > Sponsor> Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > > >

> > >


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I will accept whatever is truth.


I said that celestial bodies have effect on our body. Like for e.g the cosmic

radiations coming from Sun and stars . Many of these like sun,moon,earth,shani,

brihaspati and other graha have been described as Vasu in Vedas. I don't think

shani, brihaspati they have any remarkable effect (except gravitational force)

on us compared to moon . One of the main usage of celestial bodies is for

time calculation and finding the directions also.



As far as translating of Vedas is concerned , yes I don't have knowledge of

Sanskrit language. I have never said in any of my mail that I know Sanskrit.


But then why Vedas were translated into Hindi, English and other languages ?

simply because even those who donot understand sanskrit can read and understand



If you end up the discussion simply because my inability to translate Veda

mantra then tell me why these translations are available then???








amolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Dear Rajeev NamsteYou wrote "As far as the effect of Celestial body on humans is

concerned I agree that sun rays heats and lights our body and everthing around

us ,similarly for other celestial bodies."Here you agree that celestial bodies

affect our life but not fully. I dont understand your last portion "similarly

for other celestial bodies". Can you please tell me other than Moon and Sun

which celestial body affect your body? People say that there is Graha Called

Shani far away from earth. Atleast I have not seen anybody whose body is

affected because of this Shani Graha like Sun. You say that like Sun other

celestial bodies affect your Body? Please share your expirences with us about

this.I never said that celesital bodies affect your Job prospocts till now.

Right now we want to fix up the issue of

Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life principle. You have agreed but partially. So

lets agree fully then we shall come to other quries.The verses which I gave you

should be more than sufficent for you to decide. Please give me the actual

translation of it. Why are you waiting for Vedas copy? Does that mean you are

not capable of translating Sanskrit yourself? Please give me the translation

first. On the other hand I expected it in this reply only. Without that there

is no point in arguing. In case you are going to refer someone else or

Book,please let me know. Becasue that will add another indirection. So right

now answer my question How a Graha(Celestial Body) called by many as Shani

affects your Body? Or How Nakshatra affects your Body? NAkshatra is collection

of stars. Above all there is a psudo-graha called as Rahu which is not even

non-living being but Vedas say that it affects our body. What do you say

about this? According to your logic only Living beings can affcet your life and

non living beings can affcet your body like Sun and Moon but can there be any

affect of Rahu which is neither Living nor non-Living being? Vedas approve of

this. So think more about this before you form your opinion.As you have not

commented on my earlier proofs I will not produce other. Do not try to direct

the things by saying "Show me all the evidences within 2-3 days..." Now the

speed will be decided by your answers and not by your wish.One last point I

hope you will not come up with the excuse by saying "My copy of Vedas dont have

richas given by you so Your source of Vedas is not correct but mine is". I have

everything from Gita Press Gorakpur which is considered as Authority in

printing Vedic sahitya.Thnaks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar--- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

<satpath1> wrote:> Namaste AmolMandar Ji,> > Yes celestial bodies affect

us, but so does things and people around us like a thief may affect us,

similarly the air we breathe affect us As far as the effect of Celestial body

on humans is concerned I agree that sun rays heats and lights our body and

everthing around us ,similarly for other celestial bodies.> > These bodies

affect only the body part and as I said God has created our body system that it

has the capacity to nullify the bad effects, like when the body temperature

rises the perspiration process cools the body etc.> But if somebody says that

celestial bodies decide your getting the job or marriage etc. then how can it

be possible as celestial bodies are nothing but non living beings. > > Whether

you(Atma) is the controller of your body or your body controls the fate of

yours.> > There are four elements necessary to convey a complete sense of a

passage.> > 1.Akankasha consists in entering the spirit of the speaker or the

author. > > 2. Yogyata in the fitness of compatability of sense. For instance,

when it is said "water irrigates" there is nothing absurd in the mutual

connection between the objects signified by the words. > 3. Asatti consists in

regarding or speaking words in proper sequence, i.e., without detaching them

from their context. > 4. Tatparya is to give the same meaning to the words of a

writer or a speaker which he intended that they should convey.. > > There are

many people who, through bigotry and wrong-headedness, misconstrue the meaning

of the writer. The sectaries are the greatest sinners in this respect because

their intellect is wrapped by bigotry. > > So if you want to show

me the evidences which in Vedas are for astronomical purpose as astrolgical,

then they won't be accepted as evidences.> > Show me all the evidences within

2-3 days and I will get back to you after analysis.> > Regards> > Rajeev> >

amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> Dear Rajeev Namaste> > Lets get back to

basics. You said "My view point is that Astrology > is used to predict the

future of living beings based upon the study > of planets, sun, moon etc. and

also to provide the solutions to > avoid undesirable results and attain

desirable effects." > > Yes, but for that purpose one must accept that these

celestial > bodies affect out life. This is the basic of Astrology in the view

> of many. Put it as yes or no. > > I never said that Moon affects our body, I

say whole lot of > Celestial

bodies affect our life. > > There is no reference as far as I know about moon

affecting human > body, in Vedas. But there is clear cut refernce of clelestial

bodies > affect our life. How accuractly we can predic future of anybody is >

matter of another disscussions. Right now we are hitting on one > point and it

is Astrology has refence in Vedas or not. For that > purpose first we must be

clear about domain of > > Astrology. That is why I ask some basic questions

about your > understanding of Astrology and Astronomy. Again I request you to

put > it yes or no for "Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life" principle. I am > not

saying specifically about moon but rather all celestial bodies. > > Once I get

clear answer on this I will produce my proofs. > > To make it clear that I have

proof just read this.> > The richas of ShanuHshepa rishi

> > Ami ya ruksha nihitas uchha naktam dadrushre kuha citda diveyuH|> adabdhani

varunasya vratani vichakashchandrama naktameti|(rig > 1/24/10)> > Followed by >

> Veda yo veenam padamantariskhena patatam|> Veda NAvaH

Samudriya||> Veda Maso Dhrutavrato dwadasha prajavatH|> Veda ya

upajayate||> > > Please analyse these two richas and comment on them.

Later I will > produce more of them.> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.>

> AmolMAndar> > > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

<satpath1> > wrote:> > Namaste Amol Ji,>

> > > My view point is that Astrology is used to predict the future of > living

beings based upon the study of planets, sun, moon etc. and > also to provide the

solutions to avoid undesirable results and > attain desirable effects.> > > > I

consider these celestial bodies as non living beings , we can > easily predict

with great accuracy their movement in future, like > for e.g we can predict the

next sun,moon eclipse ,next task of a > machine, but living beings are conscious

entities they are free to > think and act accordingly so no body can predict

their future with > 100% accuracy.> > > > Had we been not free then our master

is the real doer of whatever > good or bad. Like for e.g somebody killed someone

with a gun then in > this case neither the maker of the gun nor the gun are

culprit but > the person who murdered is

culprit.> > > > As far as the example of moon's effect on human bodies are >

concerned, offcourse it may have some effect but at the same time > the immune

system of human body is such that it automatically > develops resistance to

cater such ill effects . Like for e.g every > human being is living under an

atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and our > body has been such designed. Similarly

astronauts on space mission > are given training and the atmospheric conditions

of space are > simulated on earth so that their body gets used to of it.So when

our > body system is itself there to take care of these effects then whats >

these astrologers are doing, are they doctors to take care of our > bodies ?> >

> > Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and their > believers then

all these people should be far far better than the > non

believers of Astrology because they already know the problems > and their

accurate solutions, moreover when everything is > predestined then again whats

the role of Astrologers. > > > > Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a

person with same accuracy > as astronomers can predict the movement of

celestial bodies or > mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if not

then its not a > science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise in knowing

a > thing as it is nothing more and nothing less.> > > > If you say yes then I

ask can you change those events ? if you > cannot then again whats the

astrologers doing, if you say yes we can > then why we have somuch poverty and

illness around ?> > > > Regards> > > > Rajeev> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > > > Dear

Rajeev NAmaste> > > > It is good that we agree on number of AVedas and their

names. Now > > lets move ahead by building confidance.> > > > I wrote previous

mail to avoid unnecesary debate afterwards. Let > it > > be clear that I have

some references but the problem may arise > that > > on hindsight you may put

it as astronomy and I may not agree to > it. > > This may cause us to loose the

point. So lets be clear what > > reference will be Astronomy and what will be

Astrology. In other > > words, if you fix up domain of Astronomy it will be

good for me to > > examine myself and then to decide to put them as proof or

not. > > > > > > As far as

as Jyotish is concerned,it is shastra of Jyotish. Jyoti > is > > obtained from

celestial bodies.The branch of Jyotish in which we > > study physical

nature,such as its redius,color,its distance from > sun > > or earth and its

speed of rotation is Astronomy.(right?)> > > > And the branch of jyotish in

which its effect is express and > > accordingly prayer is given then it is not

Astronmy and hence can > be > > Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic of

Astrology is that > > Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is

> > acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said that vedas have reference > > of

Astrology. Do you agree with this?> > > > Lets first fix up line of

demarcation between Astronomy and > > Astrology and then move ahead. But be

assured that I do have some > > references of

Astrology based on CBAOL, in Vedas. > > > > Thanks alot for your Time and

Space.> > > > AmolMAndar > > > > vedic astrology, Rajeev

Kumar > <satpath1> > > wrote:> > > Namaste Amolmandar Ji,> > > > > > Yes I

also agree with you that there are 4 vedas and these are > > Rig,Yajur,Sam and

Atharva. I have already told that we have > > references to astronomy in Vedas.

Please give the references and > > after analysis of the same I will get back to

you.> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Rajeev> > > > > > amolmandar

<amolmandar> wrote:> > > Dear Rajeev Namaste> > > > > > Before we get into

Good or Bad work and its relation to God,I > will > > >

try to show some reference of Jyotish and Astrology in the > Vedas. > > > For

that let me just know will you accept a sukta or Shloka > > > describing that

the bodies present in the Brahmanda do affect > our > > > life and we should

pray for good effects from them, as proof for > > > reference of astrology in

any of the four Vedas. Why I am asking > > > this is that I have some shlokas

from Vedas describing this. The > > > reference of NAvagraha directly or

indirectly in the Veda will > be > > > acceptred by you as proof of Astrology

in Vedas or not? So if a > > > shloka says that we should pray these hevenly

bodies and these > > > bodies should give us Sukha and Shanti then that should

be more > > than > > > enough as proof or not. Or you want all shlokas present

in > > > Astrological

Granthas to be present in Vedas? Let me know this > > first > > > and then I

will produce for you more than one proof of Jyotish > > i.e. > > > astrological

and not astromonical reference in Vedas.> > > > > > One last thing be very clear

that Vedas means 1)Rigveda 2)> > Yajurveda > > > 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.> > >

> > > If you agree on this, please let me know.> > > > > > Thanks a lot for your

Time and Sapce.> > > > > > AmolMAndar> > > > > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > > <satpath1> > > > wrote:>

> > > Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,> > > > > > > > If every work is work of God then

are adulteration, telling > > lies , > > > doing fraud with

somebody etc. are also work of God. If we > accept > > > this then God becomes

an adulterator, lier etc.> > > > > > > > Vedic God does not expect the help of

anybody in doing his > work > > > because he is all powerful , omniscient. The

God which expects > > help > > > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a

fraud.> > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > > Rajeev > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > > > Dear Rajeev Namaste> >

> > > > > > Thanks for the wonderful link. > > > > > > > > >But here the

Astrologers have taken the work of God in their > > > hand, > > > > >is it

not against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > > > > Dont you feel that every work is

'work' of God. Why to single > > out > > > > Astrologers? Moreover, what is

wrong in helping God? > > > > > > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> >

> > > > > > AmolMAndar> > > > > > > > vedic astrology,

Rajeev Kumar > > > <satpath1> > > > > wrote:> > > > > Namaste,> > > > > >

> > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the name Vedas just > to > > > >

brand it as a Vedic science.> > > > > > > > > > I am of the view that Astrology

is not supported by Vedas . > In > > > > ManuSmriti it is written that whoever

disobeys/disregard Vedas > > is > > > an > > > > athiest. So those books which

are not in accordance with Vedas > > are > > > > anti Vedic.> > > > > > > > >

> I am sure that all people on this forum are not blind and > it > > > is > >

> > for them only I am raising this question. > > > > > > > > > > I have

following point to support my views> > > > > > > > > > Vedas , Gita talk at

length about the philosophy of KARMA> > > (Action) > > > > and says that you

have right to do the action only and result > is > > > in > > > > my(God) hand.

But here the Astrologers have taken the work of > > God > > > in > > > > their

hand, is

it not against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > > > > > > In Vedas and other

authoritative scriptures of ancient Vedic > > > > Rishis no where it is written

that sun moon planets etc do the > > > acts > > > > that astrologers generally

talk about.> > > > > > > > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic scriptures

support all the > > true > > > > sciences like Astronomy but not even a single

word we have > found > > > on > > > > Astrology. If you came across any then

please give the > reference.> > > > > > > > > > Moreover by applying tests of

truth the truthfulness of > > > Astrology > > > > is not proved. The tests of

truth are as follows. I am making > a > > > copy > > > >

and paste from the following site about the ' Tests of truth '> > > > >

http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > THE FIVE TESTS OF TRUTH > > > > > > > > > > The truth of every thing that

is learnt or taught should be > > > > carefully examined by the following five

tests:-> > > > > > > > > > The Veda and nature of God - All that conforms to

the > > > teachings > > > > of the Vedas, nature, attributes and characteristics

of God is > > > > right, the reverse is wrong. > > > > > Laws of Nature - All

that tallies with laws of nature is > > > true, > >

> > the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement that a child is born > > > without >

> > > the sexual union of its parents, being opposed to the laws of > > > nature

> > > > can never be true. > > > > > The practice and teachings of A'ptaas,

-i.e., pious, > > > truthful, > > > > unprejudiced, honest, and learned men.

All that is unopposed > to > > > > their practice and teachings is acceptable

and the reverse is > > > > unacceptable. > > > > > The purity and conviction

of one's own soul. - What is > good > > > for > > > > you is good for the world.

What is painful to you is painful > to > > > > others. This ought to be the

guiding principle of one's > conduct > > > > towards others. > >

> > > Eight kinds of evidence> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Direct

Cognizance. > > > > > Inference. > > > > > Analogy. > > > > >

Testimony. > > > > > History. > > > > > Deduction. > > > > >

Possibility. > > > > > Non-existence or Negation.> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > Direct Cognizance (Praatyaksha) is that kind of > knowledge, > > > >

which is the result of direct contact of the five senses with >

> > their > > > > objects,* of the mind (faculty or organ of attention) with the

> > > > senses, and of the soul with mind. NYAAYA Shaastraa 1: i, 4. > > > > >

But this knowledge must not be that of the relation of > > > words > > > >

with the things signified, as of the word "water" with the > fluid > > > >

called "water", For example, you ask your servant to bring you > > > some > > >

> water. He brings water, puts it before you, and says : 'Here > is > > > >

water, Sir.' Now, what you and your servant see is not the > > > > word "water"

but the object signified by it. So ou have the > > direct > > > > knowledge of

the object called water. But the knowledge> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > This knowledge must not be of temporary or

transient > > > > character, i.e., not the product of observation under > >

unfavourable > > > > circumstances; for example, a person saw something at

night > and > > > took > > > > it for a man , but when it was daylight he found

out his > mistake > > > and > > > > knew that it was not a man, but a pillar.

Now, his first > > > impression > > > > of the thing was of a temporary or

transient nature, which > gave > > > > place to permanent knowledge later on,

when the true nature of > > the > > > > thing was revealed in the light. > > >

> > It should be free from all

elements of doubt, and be > > > certain > > > > in character. For example, you

see a river from a distance and > > > > say: "Is it water there or white

clothes spread out to dry?" > Or > > > take > > > > another example, you see a

man from a distance and say: Is it > > Deva > > > > Datta standing there or

Yajna Datta?" Now, as long as you are > in > > > > doubt and consequently not

sure about a thing you observe, > your > > > > knowledge cannot be called

Pratyaksha (Direct Cognizance). To > be > > > > that the element of doubt must

be absolutely eliminated from > it. > > > > > Briefly therefore, that knowledge

alone is said to be Direct > > > > Cognizance, which is not the outcome of the

relation of name > > with > > > >

the object signified by it, nor gained under circumstances > > > > unfavourable

for observation or experiment (Hence transient in > > > > character) nor into

which any element of doubt enters> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Anumaana - inference - Literally it means that which follows > > > > direct

cognizance. Two things have been observed to exist > > together > > > > at some

time and place, when on some other occasion, one of > the > > > woe > > > > is

observed, the other, i.e., the unknown can be inferred.* > For > > > >

instance, you see a child and you at once infer that he must > > have > > > >

had parents. Again, seeing the smoke issuing from behind a > hill > > > you > >

> > infer the existence

of fire. You infer the previous > incarnation > > of > > > > the soul form

observing unequal joy and sorrow in this world > at > > > the > > > > present

moment. > > > > > Inference is of three kinds:-> > > > > > > > > > Purvavat

- is one , in which you reason from cause to > > effect, > > > > e.g., the

inference of coming rain form the sight of clouds; > or, > > > > again, you see

a wedding and naturally infer that some day the > > > > wedded couple will have

children. Or, again, you see students > > > > engaged in the pursuit of

knowledge and you infer that some > day > > > they > > > > will become men of

learning.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sheshavat -

inference is one, in which you reason from > effects > > > to > > > > causes.

Examples:- You see a flood in the river, and infer > that > > it > > > > must

have rained on the mountain from which the river issues. > > > Again, > > > >

you see a child and at once infer that the child must have had > a > > > >

father. Again, you see this world and infer the existence of > the > > > >

Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well as of a Material cause -> > > > the > >

> > elementary matter. Or, again, take another example. When you > se > > a > >

> > man in pleasure and pain, you at once infer that he must have > > done > > >

a > > > > virtuous or sinful deed before, since you have noticed that > the > >


> consequence of a sinful act is pain, and that of a virtuous > > deed, > > > >

pleasure. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata - is that kind of

inference, in which > > there > > > is > > > > no relation of cause and effect

between the known datum and > the > > > > thing to be inferred, but there is

some kind of similarity > > between > > > > the two. For example, you know that

no one can get another > place > > > > without moving from the first, and hence,

if you find a person > > at > > > a > > > > certain place, you can easily infer

that he must have come to > > the > > > > latter place by moving from the

first.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Upamaana - Analogy - is the knowledge of a thing from its > > > likeness > > > >

to another. The thing which is required to be known is called > > > > Saadhya,

and tha which becomes the means of this knowledge > from > > > some > > > >

kind of likeness between the two is called Saadhana > > > > > Examples: - a man

says to his servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu > > > > Mittra." The latter answers

that he does not know him, as he > has > > > > never seen him before. Thereupon

the master says :- You know > > Deva > > > > Datta, don't you?" Upon the

servant's answering in the > > > affirmative, > > > > his master continues:

"Well, Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva > > > Datta." > > > > So the servant

went out to find Vishnu Mittra. As he was > passing

> > > > through a street, he saw a man very much like Deva Datta, and > > > >

thought that, thta man must be Vishnu Mittra, and forthwith > > > brought > > >

> him to his master. > > > > > Or, take another example. You want to know what a

Yak is. > > Well, > > > > some one tells you, it is just like an ox. Next time

you go to > a > > > > jungle and happen to see an animal very much like an ox,

you > at > > > once > > > > know that it is the Yak you asked your friend

about. Now this > > kind > > > > of knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Vishnu Mittra

from his > likeness > > > to > > > > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its likeness

to an ox is > > > calledUpamaana > > > > or knowledge by analogy. The words

Vishnu Mittra and Yak

are > > > called > > > > Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox are called Saadhana,

in the > > > above > > > > two instances. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > Shabda - Testimony (literally, word) - "The word of an A'pt > > > >

(altruistic teacher) is called Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra 1:,i, > 7. > > > > > An

A'pt is a person who is a thorough scholar, we versed in > > all > > > > the

sciences and philosophies, physical and spiritual, is > > > virtuous, > > > >

truthful, active, free from passions and desires, imbued with > > love > > > >

for others, and who is an altruistic teacher of humanity > solely > > > >

actuated with the desire of benefiting the world

by his > > knowledge, > > > > experience and convictions. God being the truest

and greatest > of > > > all > > > > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also included

in shabda > > (Testimony). > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Itihaas - History - is

that which tells us that such and > such > > a > > > > person was so and so, he

did such and such a thing. In other > > > words, > > > > Itihaas is the history

of a country or the biography of a > > person. > > > > NYAAYA Shaastra 2:

2,1.[The experience of the past recorded in > > > > history can be applied to

solve many a difficult question of > the > > > > day. - Tr. > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or

deduction. - It is a conclusion > > > which > > > > naturally follows from the

statement of a fact; for instance, > > one > > > > says to another: "Rain falls

from clouds" or " and effect > flows > > > from > > > > a cause." The natural

conclusion that can be drawn from the > > above > > > > statement is: "There

can be no rain when there are no clouds," > > > > or "no effects follow when a

cause does not exist." > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sambhava - possibility. -

When you hear a thing, the first > > thing > > > > that enters your mind is

whether such and such a thing is > > > possible. > > > > Anything that runs

counter to the laws of nature is not > > possible, > > > > and hence it can

never be true;

for example, if you are told > > that > > > a > > > > child was born without

parents, such and such a person raised > > the > > > > dead to life again, or

made stones float on the sea, lifted > > > > mountains, broke the moon into

pieces, was God incarnate, or > saw > > > > horns on the head of a man, or

solemnized the marriage of a > > couple > > > > born of sterile mother. You

could at once know that it could > not > > > > have possibly happened, being

opposed to the laws of Nature. > > That > > > > alone is possible which is in

conformity with the laws of > > nature. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Abhaava -

Absence or Negation.- You infer the existence of a > > > thing > > > > in some

other place from

its absence from the place where you > > were > > > > told you find it; for

instance, a gentleman said to his > man: "Go > > > and > > > > bring the

elephant from the elephant-house." He went there but > > > found > > > > that

the elephant was not there. He naturally conclude that he > > > must > > > > be

somewhere near about. So he went out and looked about for > the > > > > elephant

and found him not very far from its proper place and > > > > brought him to his

master. > > > > > > > > > > These eight kinds of evidence have been briefly

described. > > Their > > > > number can be reduced to four fi History be

included under > > > > Testimony, and Deduction, Possibility, and Negation

under > > > > Inference.* >

> > > > It is only by means of these five criteria that a man can > > > >

ascertain what is right or wrong and not otherwise> > > > > > > > > > If you

test Astrology against these tests it proves to be a > > > fraud.> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > > > > Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

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Hi Rajeev,


1. As per you admit that people die of diseases for (one of the reason is)

limited knowledge of a doctor. You forgot to mention that even a very

knowledgeable doctor might do occasional mistakes. Similarly an astrologer

might be caught by these too. Very simple example. If you are too little

brained to understand this with 2/3 repeated posts of other members, then

better don't come to such subjects like Vedas and Astrology etc etc. You still

need to grow!


2. Doctors deal with diseases; and as per you say, doctors are not beyond death

too. Similarly an astrologer is not out of his karma / can deny to follow his

karma or fruit of his own action, even though he deals with karma. You do not

seem to understand / know this, so know from me now.


3. A little correction, quoting you, "Probability of death of all living beings

is 100%." Well when something is to happen with 100% assurance, that is not a

'probability' anymore, that is a 'fact'.


4. Summarizing Ajit jee -


it is well known that the vedas (as we have them today) is incomplete. We are

missing entire shakas. Thus, if something is not supported in the incomplete

portion of the vedas available to us today, it would not mean that the complete

vedas don't support them. So, we can only come to a logically sound conclusion

if you can give any reference from the Vedas that it does not support Jyotish.


In reply you said, "How can you presume that the missing part describes

Astrology (concept of fate) ?"


But my question is that, how can YOU insist that the missing part DOES NOT

describe astrology? Just answer me straight.


5. You also said -


"Second strong logic is that in Vedas there are many mantras on Karma(action)

and it is also said in Geeta that result of Karma(action) is in the hand of God

himself. So when it is in the hands of God then what these astrologers are doing

here but confusing and making money from people?"


How you call this to be a 'strong logic' ? If I break your statement into parts and see -


a. "in Vedas there are many mantras on Karma(action)" - No problem with vedic

astrology, since it insists on the karma on prime. It says the planets

positions shows karma and related stuff. It does use the mantras found it

Vedas, so it can never happen that vedic astrology is going against Veda.


b. "and it is also said in Geeta that result of Karma(action) is in the hand of

God himself." - Still no prob with vedic astrology, it does not deny gita.

Karma IS IN the God himself and THAT IS WHY we need to sit and study the charts

TO SEE WHAT KARMA OF US GOD HAS IN HIS HANDS. If Karma was not in the hand of

God then there would be no point to read the horoscope for no reason,

astrologers read charts because they admit and believe that Karma is in Gods

hand what they are trying to read.


Telling you - If any so called 'astrologer' claims that he has your karma in his

hand, then come to me and I will call him fraud with you, too.


c. "then what these astrologers are doing here but confusing and making money

from people?" - Karma is in Gods hand but it might be (it is "Probability")

your karma that you will get a good jyotisha who will GUIDE YOU to good ways,

not "CHANGE YOUR KARMA". It has been said in Geeta that karma is in your hand

but I am sure (it is "fact") that Geeta did not say you to stop trying for

things and sleeping in your home lazy? What Veda / Geeta teaches on this

regard, tell me please.


And anyway what you mean by 'confusing and making money from people' ? First,

reading one's karma and guiding him through some tough times is not confusing

him. If you are to argue then you will always remain in fog but don't blame

anyone else (Not even a fraud astrologer!) for that. Be in some tough time then

see what being in need of help is! I suggest that please stand besides some

troubled people than wasting time in this kind of argument. Otherwise God might

put you in a lot worse trouble than you ever have seen anyone to get in, and

then you would have to go to fraud astrologers (not real one) for help because

that will be your karma!


And charging money for any service isnt legally nor morally bad. Astrologers

dont get all essentials to live life for free. They have family and kids and

have to maintain them. And if they try to live on something else and continue

astrology as a hobby, they will not get the time to devote enough to be a good

astrologer. Because astrology needs full time devotion, it is far more

different from keep arguing on some topic and pretending not to see even after



6. Anyway you called astrologers to be cheaters. Fine. We do not give a damn

because we know what we are! But I suggest that then also call the lawyers

liers! I am NOT doing that but you should do as per what logic you are running.

Lawyers deal with cases and in each case two parties of lawyers are involved and

TRYING TO PROVE TWO COMPLETE OPPOSITE THINGS. But two opposite things can not be

true same time, one must be false. So in ALL THE CASES in the courts, 50% of

lawyers involved are cheaters, if you count all them as unique. So see what

does it mean? Attorneys are very respected but you will have to call them

frauds and cheaters!!!


Also here in our country (Also in some countries in undeveloped Asia) different

doctors prescribe different things and different diagnostic centres come up

with ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT RESULTS of different medical tests!!!!! Then you see



So why being after astrologers who in general charges least for their services

than any other kind of service providers???? If I have no depth for Vedic

Astrology and can not grasp even 1% of it, I should not be balming Astrology

for that !!!!! Because truth is and always will be truth !!!!!


7. As of now, my conclusion is that, Vedas of today is incomplete and with this

incomplete Vedas you can not prove in any way that astrology was not in Vedas.

You do not want to claim that God came from the heaven and told you what was in

the missing part, do you?


That is why you keep arguing with the remaining part you have to quote some line

that goes against of astrology. But then when you are back off to the wall then

you say you have no access to Vedas right now.


But you should have understood that in this discussion you will have to have

access to Vedas and you should have picked up the question when you had access

to vedas, how come!!!???!! Later when someone puts some more good point then

please don't say that you don't have net connection, too! (Even after being

able to email.)


A person might be a Christian without a mention about him in the Bible. If one

is christian / Muslim then it does not mean that the Bible / Quran have to have

his name in them. Rather when the person follows the Bible in his thoughts,

speech, action - we call him a Christian. It will be mentioned in the Bible

that all these such particular qualities will make someone a Christian

follower, and for THAT WAY we will call some one Christian and not for his name

is mentioned in the Bible. But her 'CHARACTERISTICS' / nature will be mentioned

in Bible. Vedic Astrology might not be directly mentioned in the Veda we have

today, but it uses and obeys all the core principles of Vedas and Mantras and

Gods from vedas to build itself. and THIS IS the best possible answer to show

you that there REALLY SHOULD BE something about astrology in the missing part,

this should be called, a "STRONG LOGIC" in your language. On the other hand, to

prove vedic astrology to be 'non-vedic', you have to quote lines from Vedas

which go against it. But that is not possible, since Vedic Astrology itself

uses and OBEYS the core facts and concepts (Gods, karma etc) and mantras from

Vedas. And you already admitted that Veda cant have contradictory mantras. So

when we see that vedic astrology uses concepts of Vedas, we can say that Vedic

Astrology keeps itself in favour of Vedas, and that is why it is not possible

to quote anything from Veda which goes against Vedic Astrology.


And I think that you have got enough answers till now from the Gurus, enough to

awake you. Noe even after being awoke, you pretend sleeping, that is fine, but

please sleep outside this list. And I also do suggest you (Respectfully) that

please leave us in peace now.






What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

ChowdhuryMail tanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comPersonal site

http://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirJyotish site

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Rajeev Kumar

vedic astrology

Monday, September 08, 2003 3:06 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all concerned)

Namaste Sarajit,


People dies of diseases because of the limited knowledge of doctors on some

diseases as well as people dies due to aging also.Moreover death is the

ultimate truth which even doctors face for themselves.


Look doctors care for the physical body of their patients where as Astrologers

straight away talk of controlling the fate of somebody to acquire desired

results by pleasing the celestial bodies etc.





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Friends,In boxing Refree has the last word,"Well fought ----,---- the winner"

and out here We will say"Well fought blue and red,both are winners."There is

going to be no end to this.If some one wants to continue the discussion please

start replying on each others personal email addresses.

Thanking everyone, Jagmeet

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I liked your story.I also have a story to tell.

Once on an island due to some mysterious disease all people became blind and the

effects of that disease were so profound that even the new born childern of all

the generations were born blind. With passage of time those blind people forgot

what is sight and they started believing that there are only 4 senses (except



Then as happened in your story a ship got broken near that island and only one

person could somehow manage to swim to that island. He saw the blind people of

that island and very soon found to his surprise that all of them were blind.

Then he narrated his story to them and told about the importance of eyes. But

as the blinds refused to believe him.They thought of him as mad and forcibly

admitted him to a hospital of mads.

That person tried to explain that he is right there are other parts on earth and

people can see but even the doctor was blind and on hearing this he was fully

convinced that this guy is mad . So he ordered to put him in a special ward

built for severe cases.


One day that person somehow tried to escape from that hospital but he was soon

caught by blinds . He was then forced to appear before the court, he tried to

explain his point to the judge but even the judge was blind , and was again

sent to the same hospital.


Morale of the story can be decided by the readers themselves as Blinds will

decide differently and eyed person will decide differently.







Sarajit Poddar <sarajit (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Rajeev,Let me narrate a small story. There was a

village in one of the farthestcorner of earth on an island, where people lived

happily but without intouch with the outside world. There was everything, but

only one thinglacked. There was nothing in that place which tasted sour.

However, thatdid not make any difference to them as they were satisfied with

Sweet,Salty, Bitter, Astringent or the mixture of one or more of them. Once it

so happened that after a shipwreck, a sailor, reached thatisland with a handful

of his crew member. They were skeptically acceptedby the habitants of the island

as they never knew that there existedanything else beyond their island. They

couldn't believe for long thatthere other places, which are inhabited by people

who looked likethemselves.However, when days

passed by, they started mingling with the strangers.However, to the dismay of

the crew members, who liked sour food, therewas nothing in the island which

could give them that taste. They thoughtof enquiring with the inhabitants,

however, they found that they arealmost incapable of making the inhabitants,

how the sour food tastelike. They tried, tried and tried and ultimately gave

up, as they couldnot make them taste what it meant to be sour.Days passed by

and the crew members built a big raft to sail back totheir homeland. Now they

thought of bringing a few inhabitants with themso that when they return, they

can narrate their experiences with theirown tongue. Time passed, the

inhabitants came back from their journey toforeign lands. However, they brought

back some sour citrus with them.Only after the inhabitants tasted them, they

could realize that there issomething else which is beyond their conception.Can

there be

possibility of existence of one more such taste, which weare not aware of, which

is not sour, salty, sweet, bitter or astringent.Probably there is... who

knows!We must realize that, with experience, our past assumptions and thewhole

thinking process change. We start accepting newer things. Withsomeone it might

happen that he has met a few fraud Jyotisha in hischildhood and realize that

this is all fraud, however, the moment hemeets some others, who have predicted

everything beyond his imagination,he would start believing that... So isn't it

possible that, the closeddoors of our mind is stopping us to see something we

should... Keep themind open, lest one might miss out something outstanding.It's

only a matter of time and experiences; one changes his thinking andfeeling. One

of my uncle and father died due to the wrong diagnosis ofdoctors and hence

should I call doctors and medicine as fraud...Probably not, as I didn't

close my mind with few such experiences.Its is possible that we are only seeing

the tip of the iceberg with ourdirect experiencing not realizing that there is

a big mountain below thewater.Best WishesSarajit

amolmandar [amolmandar ] Monday, September 08, 2003 6:30

PMvedic astrologySubject: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology

is it Vedic ???????????? ( Toall concerned)Dear Rajeev NamasteYou wrote to Hari

ji>>It is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion.... I

apriciate your faith/belief in truth but does that necessarily mean that you

should criticise a gentelman like Chandrashekharji? He has not said any thing

about your personal faiths and the way you gained knowledge. At the age of 60

he listens to a duffer like me and accepts me as his shishya. I fight with him

as I fight with my

father(My father name is as well Chandrashekhar!). So, if you want to get a

argument with him he will take careof you and all but dont call him with

unwanted adjectives. I think in the path of Truth,one must see that he is not

insulting seniors and Knowlegable persons. See the quote from Rig at the end.I

know you are intelligent and this must have happened in spur of the moment. As

a matter of fact you should have shown greater strength as you are hitting the

integrity of people of the astrological group by calling astrologers as fraud.

So voilent reaction against you must be expected to you. But at the same time

you should be careful about point of disscussions. So at least do not get in

pointing fingers at people like CHandrashekharji who never say anything

personal about anybody. Although,Chandrashekhar ji is capable of answering your

query I stepped in to let you know that in the eyes of many he is a

respected and knowledgeable member (And it is a TRUTH). Seeker of Truth will

appriciate this Truth I suppose. After all you know being student of

vedas"Suvigyan chikituShu janaya sachhasacha vachasi psprudhate|tayoyarta

satyam yaterdrujiyastadita somoavati hantyasat||(rig 7/104/12)Thanks a lot for

your Time and Space.AmolMAndarvedic astrology, Rajeev

Kumar <satpath1> wrote:> Namaste Hari Ji,> > I have alreday told about my

mptive in many mails it is surprising that you have not known it so far.> Let it

be known to everybody on this forum that my only motive is to decide truth.> I

answered ChandraShekar on another thread because of the wrong things he is

preaching on God and Guru.> > I have appropriately answered to all the people

you are talking about except the current mail of Sh.. AmolMandar. Right now I

am in a location where I donot have access to Vedas to confirm his points. I

will answer him appropriately after analysing the references with Vedas very

soon.> > As per me in Vedas since there is no quote about Astrology thats why

I have not given the references and asking you people to give it, till the time

Astrology reference in Vedas is not proven it will remain a fraud to me.> > It

is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion of their Gurus and

even accept that Guru is greater than God. I will reject anybody's opinion

whether it is of Swami Dayananda or ShankraCharya if it is found untruth.> >

Regards> > Rajeev> > > > > > onlyhari <onlyhari> wrote:> ||Om

Brihaspataye Namah||> > Dear Rajeev ji,> > Repeatedly you have said that

astrology and astrologers are fraud > without citing a single quote from the

Vedas to prove your case. Yet > you persist in asking the people on this forum

for a quote from the > Vedas to prove that there is a reference to astrology.>

> Amol Mandar responded to your query in the most balanced and step-by-> step

way and also furnished a quotation from the Vedas with a > promise to show

more. Yet you have not responded to Amol Mander so > far! > > Rajesh Mohan also

posed the logical question that why was the Vedas > revealed only in Sanskrit

and confined only to a specific area of > the world and not the entire world if

it be for the benefit of man. > You have skirted this question completely while

reiterating your > belief in the Vedas.> > Chandrasekhar sent you an excerpt

from the teachings of the Late > Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti on this

subject yet you say you have > given your opinion on the same based on the

teachings of Swami > Dayanand. The Paramacharya of Kanchi is considered by many

to be an > authority on the religious scriptures including the Vedas. But I >

find that it is not your opinion but that of Swami Dayanand!> > Sarajit raised

the issue that nothing in this world can be truly > certain. If you say that

medicine and doctors are not fraud, then > why are there so many diseases still

in the world? This is the > counterpoint to your question : if there are

astrologers, then why > is there so much misery in this world?> > I join issue

with Rajesh in questioning what is the real motive of > raising such a debate

as this. It seems to me that you want others > to address the issues defined by

you but are not interested in > answering clearly the issues raised by others.

On the contrary, you

> jumped into another discussion thread when there was no need to. > > I must

also ask you whether you have studied the vedas, and > astrology or are you

just parroting the opinion of Swami Dayanand > and seeking a debate without

satisfying yourself first?> > regards> Hari> > > > Sponsor>

Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

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> > > > Do you

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` nmae naray[ay

om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Rajeev Kumar,

This list is for whom to learn Jyotish and its principles and not to argue that

Astrology can not be believed.If you are not interested in believing

astrology,then please remove yourself from this list with honour.Please dont

try to make any arguments against Jyotish.

I hope you understand my simple words.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Rajeev Kumar <satpath1 > wrote:

Namaste Sarjit,


I liked your story.I also have a story to tell.

Once on an island due to some mysterious disease all people became blind and the

effects of that disease were so profound that even the new born childern of all

the generations were born blind. With passage of time those blind people forgot

what is sight and they started believing that there are only 4 senses (except



Then as happened in your story a ship got broken near that island and only one

person could somehow manage to swim to that island. He saw the blind people of

that island and very soon found to his surprise that all of them were blind.

Then he narrated his story to them and told about the importance of eyes. But

as the blinds refused to believe him.They thought of him as mad and forcibly

admitted him to a hospital of mads.

That person tried to explain that he is right there are other parts on earth and

people can see but even the doctor was blind and on hearing this he was fully

convinced that this guy is mad . So he ordered to put him in a special ward

built for severe cases.


One day that person somehow tried to escape from that hospital but he was soon

caught by blinds . He was then forced to appear before the court, he tried to

explain his point to the judge but even the judge was blind , and was again

sent to the same hospital.


Morale of the story can be decided by the readers themselves as Blinds will

decide differently and eyed person will decide differently.







Sarajit Poddar <sarajit (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Rajeev,Let me narrate a small story. There was a

village in one of the farthestcorner of earth on an island, where people lived

happily but without intouch with the outside world. There was everything, but

only one thinglacked. There was nothing in that place which tasted sour.

However, thatdid not make any difference to them as they were satisfied with

Sweet,Salty, Bitter, Astringent or the mixture of one or more of them. Once it

so happened that after a shipwreck, a sailor, reached thatisland with a handful

of his crew member. They were skeptically acceptedby the habitants of the island

as they never knew that there existedanything else beyond their island. They

couldn't believe for long thatthere other places, which are inhabited by people

who looked likethemselves.However, when days

passed by, they started mingling with the strangers.However, to the dismay of

the crew members, who liked sour food, therewas nothing in the island which

could give them that taste. They thoughtof enquiring with the inhabitants,

however, they found that they arealmost incapable of making the inhabitants,

how the sour food tastelike. They tried, tried and tried and ultimately gave

up, as they couldnot make them taste what it meant to be sour.Days passed by

and the crew members built a big raft to sail back totheir homeland. Now they

thought of bringing a few inhabitants with themso that when they return, they

can narrate their experiences with theirown tongue. Time passed, the

inhabitants came back from their journey toforeign lands. However, they brought

back some sour citrus with them.Only after the inhabitants tasted them, they

could realize that there issomething else which is beyond their conception.Can

there be

possibility of existence of one more such taste, which weare not aware of, which

is not sour, salty, sweet, bitter or astringent.Probably there is... who

knows!We must realize that, with experience, our past assumptions and thewhole

thinking process change. We start accepting newer things. Withsomeone it might

happen that he has met a few fraud Jyotisha in hischildhood and realize that

this is all fraud, however, the moment hemeets some others, who have predicted

everything beyond his imagination,he would start believing that... So isn't it

possible that, the closeddoors of our mind is stopping us to see something we

should... Keep themind open, lest one might miss out something outstanding.It's

only a matter of time and experiences; one changes his thinking andfeeling. One

of my uncle and father died due to the wrong diagnosis ofdoctors and hence

should I call doctors and medicine as fraud...Probably not, as I didn't

close my mind with few such experiences.Its is possible that we are only seeing

the tip of the iceberg with ourdirect experiencing not realizing that there is

a big mountain below thewater.Best WishesSarajit

amolmandar [amolmandar ] Monday, September 08, 2003 6:30

PMvedic astrologySubject: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology

is it Vedic ???????????? ( Toall concerned)Dear Rajeev NamasteYou wrote to Hari

ji>>It is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion.... I

apriciate your faith/belief in truth but does that necessarily mean that you

should criticise a gentelman like Chandrashekharji? He has not said any thing

about your personal faiths and the way you gained knowledge. At the age of 60

he listens to a duffer like me and accepts me as his shishya. I fight with him

as I fight with my

father(My father name is as well Chandrashekhar!). So, if you want to get a

argument with him he will take careof you and all but dont call him with

unwanted adjectives. I think in the path of Truth,one must see that he is not

insulting seniors and Knowlegable persons. See the quote from Rig at the end.I

know you are intelligent and this must have happened in spur of the moment. As

a matter of fact you should have shown greater strength as you are hitting the

integrity of people of the astrological group by calling astrologers as fraud.

So voilent reaction against you must be expected to you. But at the same time

you should be careful about point of disscussions. So at least do not get in

pointing fingers at people like CHandrashekharji who never say anything

personal about anybody. Although,Chandrashekhar ji is capable of answering your

query I stepped in to let you know that in the eyes of many he is a

respected and knowledgeable member (And it is a TRUTH). Seeker of Truth will

appriciate this Truth I suppose. After all you know being student of

vedas"Suvigyan chikituShu janaya sachhasacha vachasi psprudhate|tayoyarta

satyam yaterdrujiyastadita somoavati hantyasat||(rig 7/104/12)Thanks a lot for

your Time and Space.AmolMAndarvedic astrology, Rajeev

Kumar <satpath1> wrote:> Namaste Hari Ji,> > I have alreday told about my

mptive in many mails it is surprising that you have not known it so far.> Let it

be known to everybody on this forum that my only motive is to decide truth.> I

answered ChandraShekar on another thread because of the wrong things he is

preaching on God and Guru.> > I have appropriately answered to all the people

you are talking about except the current mail of Sh.. AmolMandar. Right now I

am in a location where I donot have access to Vedas to confirm his points. I

will answer him appropriately after analysing the references with Vedas very

soon.> > As per me in Vedas since there is no quote about Astrology thats why

I have not given the references and asking you people to give it, till the time

Astrology reference in Vedas is not proven it will remain a fraud to me.> > It

is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion of their Gurus and

even accept that Guru is greater than God. I will reject anybody's opinion

whether it is of Swami Dayananda or ShankraCharya if it is found untruth.> >

Regards> > Rajeev> > > > > > onlyhari <onlyhari> wrote:> ||Om

Brihaspataye Namah||> > Dear Rajeev ji,> > Repeatedly you have said that

astrology and astrologers are fraud > without citing a single quote from the

Vedas to prove your case. Yet > you persist in asking the people on this forum

for a quote from the > Vedas to prove that there is a reference to astrology.>

> Amol Mandar responded to your query in the most balanced and step-by-> step

way and also furnished a quotation from the Vedas with a > promise to show

more. Yet you have not responded to Amol Mander so > far! > > Rajesh Mohan also

posed the logical question that why was the Vedas > revealed only in Sanskrit

and confined only to a specific area of > the world and not the entire world if

it be for the benefit of man. > You have skirted this question completely while

reiterating your > belief in the Vedas.> > Chandrasekhar sent you an excerpt

from the teachings of the Late > Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti on this

subject yet you say you have > given your opinion on the same based on the

teachings of Swami > Dayanand. The Paramacharya of Kanchi is considered by many

to be an > authority on the religious scriptures including the Vedas. But I >

find that it is not your opinion but that of Swami Dayanand!> > Sarajit raised

the issue that nothing in this world can be truly > certain. If you say that

medicine and doctors are not fraud, then > why are there so many diseases still

in the world? This is the > counterpoint to your question : if there are

astrologers, then why > is there so much misery in this world?> > I join issue

with Rajesh in questioning what is the real motive of > raising such a debate

as this. It seems to me that you want others > to address the issues defined by

you but are not interested in > answering clearly the issues raised by others.

On the contrary, you

> jumped into another discussion thread when there was no need to. > > I must

also ask you whether you have studied the vedas, and > astrology or are you

just parroting the opinion of Swami Dayanand > and seeking a debate without

satisfying yourself first?> > regards> Hari> > > > Sponsor>

Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > Your use of is subject to the

> > > > Do you

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Rajeev,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">You said “These bodies

affect only the body part and as I said God has created our body system that it

has the capacity to nullify the bad effects”

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">What makes you say that God has created

our body? My body is created by my parents and your body by your parents. Where

from God came into picture? I would like to hear your thoughts on this.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Best Wishes




Rajeev Kumar

[satpath1 ]

Monday, September 08, 2003

6:55 PM


vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re:

Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all concerned)


Namaste AmolMandar Ji,


Yes celestial bodies affect us, but so does things and

people around us like a thief may affect us, similarly the air we breathe

affect us As far as the effect of Celestial body on humans is concerned I

agree that sun rays heats and lights our body and everthing around us

,similarly for other celestial bodies.


These bodies affect only the body part and as I said

God has created our body system that it has the capacity to nullify the bad

effects, like when the body temperature rises the perspiration process cools

the body etc.

But if somebody says that celestial bodies decide your

getting the job or marriage etc. then how can it be possible as celestial

bodies are nothing but non living beings.


Whether you(Atma) is the controller of your

body or your body controls the fate of yours.


There are

four elements necessary to convey a complete sense of a passage.



consists in entering the spirit of the speaker or the author.


2. Yogyata

in the fitness of compatability of sense. For instance, when it is

said "water irrigates" there is nothing absurd in the mutual

connection between the objects signified by the words.

3. Asatti

consists in regarding or speaking words in proper sequence, i.e.,

without detaching them from their context.

4. Tatparya

is to give the same meaning to the words of a writer or a speaker

which he intended that they should convey..


There are many people who, through

bigotry and wrong-headedness, misconstrue the meaning of the writer. The

sectaries are the greatest sinners in this respect because their intellect is

wrapped by bigotry.


So if you want to show me the

evidences which in Vedas are for astronomical purpose as astrolgical,

then they won't be accepted as evidences.


Show me all the evidences within 2-3

days and I will get back to you after analysis.






<amolmandar > wrote:


Dear Rajeev Namaste

Lets get back to basics. You said "My view

point is that Astrology

is used to predict the future of living beings

based upon the study

of planets, sun, moon etc. and also to provide the

solutions to

avoid undesirable results and attain desirable


Yes, but for that purpose one must accept that

these celestial

bodies affect out life. This is the basic of

Astrology in the view

of many. Put it as yes or no.

I never said that Moon affects our body, I say

whole lot of

Celestial bodies affect our life.

There is no reference as far as I know about moon

affecting human

body, in Vedas. But there is clear cut refernce of

clelestial bodies

affect our life. How accuractly we can predic

future of anybody is

matter of another disscussions. Right now we are

hitting on one

point and it is Astrology has refence in Vedas or

not. For that

purpose first we must be clear about domain of

Astrology. That is why I ask some basic questions

about your

understanding of Astrology and Astronomy. Again I

request you to put

it yes or no for "Celestial Bodies Affect Our

Life" principle. I am

not saying specifically about moon but rather all

celestial bodies.

Once I get clear answer on this I will produce my


To make it clear that I have proof just read this.

The richas of ShanuHshepa rishi

Ami ya ruksha nihitas uchha naktam dadrushre kuha

citda diveyuH|

adabdhani varunasya vratani vichakashchandrama



Followed by

Veda yo veenam padamantariskhena patatam|




Veda Maso Dhrutavrato dwadasha prajavatH|




Please analyse these two richas and comment on

them. Later I will

produce more of them.

Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


vedic astrology, Rajeev

Kumar <satpath1>


> Namaste Amol Ji,


> My view point is that Astrology is used to

predict the future of

living beings based upon the study of planets,

sun, moon etc. and

also to provide the solutions to avoid undesirable

results and

attain desirable effects.


> I consider these celestial bodies as non

living beings , we can

easily predict with great accuracy their movement

in future, like

for e.g we can predict the next sun,moon eclipse

,next task of a

machine, but living beings are conscious entities

they are free to

think and act accordingly so no body can predict

their future with

100% accuracy.


> Had we been not free then our master is the

real doer of whatever

good or bad. Like for e.g somebody killed someone

with a gun then in

this case neither the maker of the gun nor the gun

are culprit but

the person who murdered is culprit.


> As far as the example of moon's effect on

human bodies are

concerned, offcourse it may have some effect

but at the same time

the immune system of human body is such that it


develops resistance to cater such ill effects .

Like for e.g every

human being is living under an atmospheric pressure

of 1 atm and our

body has been such designed. Similarly astronauts

on space mission

are given training and the atmospheric conditions

of space are

simulated on earth so that their body gets used to

of it.So when our

body system is itself there to take care of these

effects then whats

these astrologers are doing, are they doctors to

take care of our

bodies ?


> Even if we accept the view point of

Astrologers and their

believers then all these people should be far far

better than the

non believers of Astrology because they already

know the problems

and their accurate solutions, moreover when

everything is

predestined then again whats the role of



> Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a

person with same accuracy

as astronomers can predict the movement of

celestial bodies or

mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if

not then its not a

science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise

in knowing a

thing as it is nothing more and nothing less.


> If you say yes then I ask can you change

those events ? if you

cannot then again whats the astrologers doing, if

you say yes we can

then why we have somuch poverty and illness around



> Regards


> Rajeev










> amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:


> Dear Rajeev NAmaste


> It is good that we agree on number of AVedas

and their names. Now

> lets move ahead by building confidance.


> I wrote previous mail to avoid unnecesary

debate afterwards. Let


> be clear that I have some references but the

problem may arise


> on hindsight you may put it as astronomy and

I may not agree to


> This may cause us to loose the point. So lets

be clear what

> reference will be Astronomy and what will be

Astrology. In other

> words, if you fix up domain of Astronomy it

will be good for me to

> examine myself and then to decide to put them

as proof or not.



> As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is

shastra of Jyotish. Jyoti


> obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of

Jyotish in which we

> study physical nature,such as its

redius,color,its distance from


> or earth and its speed of rotation is



> And the branch of jyotish in which its effect

is express and

> accordingly prayer is given then it is not

Astronmy and hence can


> Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic

of Astrology is that

> Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If

this(CBAOL) is

> acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said that

vedas have reference

> of Astrology. Do you agree with this?


> Lets first fix up line of demarcation between

Astronomy and

> Astrology and then move ahead. But be assured

that I do have some

> references of Astrology based on CBAOL, in



> Thanks alot for your Time and Space.


> AmolMAndar


> vedic astrology,

Rajeev Kumar


> wrote:

> > Namaste Amolmandar Ji,

> >

> > Yes I also agree with you that

there are 4 vedas and these are

> Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I have already

told that we have

> references to astronomy in Vedas. Please give

the references and

> after analysis of the same I will get back to


> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Rajeev

> >

> > amolmandar <amolmandar>


> > Dear Rajeev Namaste

> >

> > Before we get into Good or Bad work and

its relation to God,I


> > try to show some reference of Jyotish

and Astrology in the


> > For that let me just know will you

accept a sukta or Shloka

> > describing that the bodies present in

the Brahmanda do affect


> > life and we should pray for good effects

from them, as proof for

> > reference of astrology in any of the

four Vedas. Why I am asking

> > this is that I have some shlokas from

Vedas describing this. The

> > reference of NAvagraha directly or

indirectly in the Veda will


> > acceptred by you as proof of Astrology

in Vedas or not? So if a

> > shloka says that we should pray these

hevenly bodies and these

> > bodies should give us Sukha and Shanti

then that should be more

> than

> > enough as proof or not. Or you want all

shlokas present in

> > Astrological Granthas to be present in

Vedas? Let me know this

> first

> > and then I will produce for you more

than one proof of Jyotish

> i.e.

> > astrological and not astromonical

reference in Vedas.

> >

> > One last thing be very clear that Vedas

means 1)Rigveda 2)

> Yajurveda

> > 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.

> >

> > If you agree on this, please let me


> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.

> >

> > AmolMAndar

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology,

Rajeev Kumar

> <satpath1>

> > wrote:

> > > Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,

> > >

> > > If every work is work of God then

are adulteration, telling

> lies ,

> > doing fraud with somebody etc. are also

work of God. If we


> > this then God becomes an adulterator,

lier etc.

> > >

> > > Vedic God does not expect the

help of anybody in doing his


> > because he is all powerful , omniscient.

The God which expects

> help

> > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing

or a fraud.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Rajeev

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > amolmandar <amolmandar>


> > > Dear Rajeev Namaste

> > >

> > > Thanks for the wonderful link.

> > >

> > > >But here the Astrologers have

taken the work of God in their

> > hand,

> > > >is it not against Vedas and

Gita ????

> > >

> > > Dont you feel that every work is

'work' of God. Why to single

> out

> > > Astrologers? Moreover, what is

wrong in helping God?

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot for your Time and


> > >

> > > AmolMAndar

> > >

> > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

> > <satpath1>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we

are using the name Vedas just


> > > brand it as a Vedic science.

> > > >

> > > > I am of the view that

Astrology is not supported by Vedas .


> > > ManuSmriti it is written that

whoever disobeys/disregard Vedas

> is

> > an

> > > athiest. So those books which are

not in accordance with Vedas

> are

> > > anti Vedic.

> > > >

> > > > I am sure that all

people on this forum are not blind and


> > is

> > > for them only I am raising this


> > > >

> > > > I have following point to

support my views

> > > >

> > > > Vedas , Gita talk at length

about the philosophy of KARMA

> > (Action)

> > > and says that you have right to do

the action only and result


> > in

> > > my(God) hand. But here the

Astrologers have taken the work of

> God

> > in

> > > their hand, is it not against Vedas

and Gita ????

> > > >

> > > > In Vedas and other

authoritative scriptures of ancient Vedic

> > > Rishis no where it is written that

sun moon planets etc do the

> > acts

> > > that astrologers generally talk


> > > >

> > > > Offcourse Vedas and other

vedic scriptures support all the

> true

> > > sciences like Astronomy but not

even a single word we have


> > on

> > > Astrology. If you came across any

then please give the


> > > >

> > > > Moreover by applying tests of

truth the truthfulness of

> > Astrology

> > > is not proved. The tests of truth

are as follows. I am making


> > copy

> > > and paste from the following site

about the ' Tests of truth '

> > > > http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > The truth of every thing that

is learnt or taught should be

> > > carefully examined by the following

five tests:-

> > > >

> > > > The Veda and

nature of God - All that conforms to the

> > teachings

> > > of the Vedas, nature, attributes

and characteristics of God is

> > > right, the reverse is wrong.

> > > > Laws of

Nature - All that tallies with laws of nature is

> > true,

> > > the reverse untrue; e.g., the

statement that a child is born

> > without

> > > the sexual union of its parents,

being opposed to the laws of

> > nature

> > > can never be true.

> > > > The practice

and teachings of A'ptaas, -i.e., pious,

> > truthful,

> > > unprejudiced, honest, and learned

men. All that is unopposed


> > > their practice and teachings is

acceptable and the reverse is

> > > unacceptable.

> > > > The purity

and conviction of one's own soul. - What is


> > for

> > > you is good for the world. What is

painful to you is painful


> > > others. This ought to be the

guiding principle of one's


> > > towards others.

> > > > Eight kinds of evidence

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> Direct Cognizance.

> > >

> Inference.

> > >

> Analogy.

> > >

> Testimony.

> > >

> History.

> > >

> Deduction.

> > >

> Possibility.

> > >

> Non-existence or Negation.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Direct

Cognizance (Praatyaksha) is that kind of


> > > which is the result of direct

contact of the five senses with

> > their

> > > objects,* of the mind (faculty or

organ of attention) with the

> > > senses, and of the soul with mind.

NYAAYA Shaastraa 1: i, 4.

> > >

> But this knowledge must not be that of

the relation of

> > words

> > > with the things signified, as of

the word "water" with the


> > > called "water", For

example, you ask your servant to bring you

> > some

> > > water. He brings water, puts it

before you, and says : 'Here


> > > water, Sir.' Now, what you and your

servant see is not the

> > > word "water" but the

object signified by it. So ou have the

> direct

> > > knowledge of the object called

water. But the knowledge

> > >


> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> This knowledge must not be of

temporary or transient

> > > character, i.e., not the product of

observation under

> unfavourable

> > > circumstances; for example, a

person saw something at night


> > took

> > > it for a man , but when it was

daylight he found out his


> > and

> > > knew that it was not a man, but a

pillar. Now, his first

> > impression

> > > of the thing was of a temporary or

transient nature, which


> > > place to permanent knowledge later

on, when the true nature of

> the

> > > thing was revealed in the light.

> > >

> It should be free from all elements of

doubt, and be

> > certain

> > > in character. For example, you see

a river from a distance and

> > > say: "Is it water there or

white clothes spread out to dry?"


> > take

> > > another example, you see a man from

a distance and say: Is it

> Deva

> > > Datta standing there or Yajna

Datta?" Now, as long as you are


> > > doubt and consequently not sure

about a thing you observe,


> > > knowledge cannot be called

Pratyaksha (Direct Cognizance). To


> > > that the element of doubt must be

absolutely eliminated from


> > > > Briefly therefore, that

knowledge alone is said to be Direct

> > > Cognizance, which is not the

outcome of the relation of name

> with

> > > the object signified by it, nor

gained under circumstances

> > > unfavourable for observation or

experiment (Hence transient in

> > > character) nor into which any

element of doubt enters

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Anumaana - inference -

Literally it means that which follows

> > > direct cognizance. Two things have

been observed to exist

> together

> > > at some time and place, when on

some other occasion, one of


> > woe

> > > is observed, the other, i.e., the

unknown can be inferred.*


> > > instance, you see a child and you

at once infer that he must

> have

> > > had parents. Again, seeing the

smoke issuing from behind a


> > you

> > > infer the existence of fire. You

infer the previous


> of

> > > the soul form observing unequal joy

and sorrow in this world


> > the

> > > present moment.

> > > > Inference is of three kinds:-

> > > >

> > > > Purvavat -

is one , in which you reason from cause to

> effect,

> > > e.g., the inference of coming rain

form the sight of clouds;


> > > again, you see a wedding and

naturally infer that some day the

> > > wedded couple will have children.

Or, again, you see students

> > > engaged in the pursuit of knowledge

and you infer that some


> > they

> > > will become men of learning.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sheshavat - inference is one,

in which you reason from


> > to

> > > causes. Examples:- You see a flood

in the river, and infer


> it

> > > must have rained on the mountain

from which the river issues.

> > Again,

> > > you see a child and at once infer

that the child must have had


> > > father. Again, you see this world

and infer the existence of


> > > Spiritual cause - the Creator, as

well as of a Material cause -

> > the

> > > elementary matter. Or, again, take

another example. When you


> a

> > > man in pleasure and pain, you at

once infer that he must have

> done

> > a

> > > virtuous or sinful deed before,

since you have noticed that


> > > consequence of a sinful act is

pain, and that of a virtuous

> deed,

> > > pleasure.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata - is that

kind of inference, in which

> there

> > is

> > > no relation of cause and effect

between the known datum and


> > > thing to be inferred, but there is

some kind of similarity

> between

> > > the two. For example, you know that

no one can get another


> > > without moving from the first, and

hence, if you find a person

> at

> > a

> > > certain place, you can easily infer

that he must have come to

> the

> > > latter place by moving from the


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the

knowledge of a thing from its

> > likeness

> > > to another. The thing which is

required to be known is called

> > > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the

means of this knowledge


> > some

> > > kind of likeness between the two is

called Saadhana

> > > > Examples: - a man says to his

servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu

> > > Mittra." The latter answers

that he does not know him, as he


> > > never seen him before. Thereupon

the master says :- You know

> Deva

> > > Datta, don't you?" Upon the

servant's answering in the

> > affirmative,

> > > his master continues: "Well,

Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva

> > Datta."

> > > So the servant went out to find

Vishnu Mittra. As he was


> > > through a street, he saw a man very

much like Deva Datta, and

> > > thought that, thta man must be

Vishnu Mittra, and forthwith

> > brought

> > > him to his master.

> > > > Or, take another example. You

want to know what a Yak is.

> Well,

> > > some one tells you, it is just like

an ox. Next time you go to


> > > jungle and happen to see an animal

very much like an ox, you


> > once

> > > know that it is the Yak you asked

your friend about. Now this

> kind

> > > of knowledge, i.e., knowledge of

Vishnu Mittra from his


> > to

> > > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its

likeness to an ox is

> > calledUpamaana

> > > or knowledge by analogy. The words

Vishnu Mittra and Yak are

> > called

> > > Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox

are called Saadhana, in the

> > above

> > > two instances.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Shabda - Testimony (literally,

word) - "The word of an A'pt

> > > (altruistic teacher) is called

Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra 1:,i,


> > > > An A'pt is a person who is a

thorough scholar, we versed in

> all

> > > the sciences and philosophies,

physical and spiritual, is

> > virtuous,

> > > truthful, active, free from

passions and desires, imbued with

> love

> > > for others, and who is an

altruistic teacher of humanity


> > > actuated with the desire of

benefiting the world by his

> knowledge,

> > > experience and convictions. God

being the truest and greatest


> > all

> > > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also

included in shabda

> (Testimony).

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Itihaas - History - is that

which tells us that such and


> a

> > > person was so and so, he did such

and such a thing. In other

> > words,

> > > Itihaas is the history of a country

or the biography of a

> person.

> > > NYAAYA Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The

experience of the past recorded in

> > > history can be applied to solve

many a difficult question of


> > > day. - Tr.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or

deduction. - It is a conclusion

> > which

> > > naturally follows from the

statement of a fact; for instance,

> one

> > > says to another: "Rain falls

from clouds" or " and effect


> > from

> > > a cause." The natural

conclusion that can be drawn from the

> above

> > > statement is: "There can be no

rain when there are no clouds,"

> > > or "no effects follow when a

cause does not exist."

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sambhava - possibility. - When

you hear a thing, the first

> thing

> > > that enters your mind is whether

such and such a thing is

> > possible.

> > > Anything that runs counter to the

laws of nature is not

> possible,

> > > and hence it can never be true; for

example, if you are told

> that

> > a

> > > child was born without parents,

such and such a person raised

> the

> > > dead to life again, or made stones

float on the sea, lifted

> > > mountains, broke the moon into

pieces, was God incarnate, or


> > > horns on the head of a man, or

solemnized the marriage of a

> couple

> > > born of sterile mother. You could

at once know that it could


> > > have possibly happened, being

opposed to the laws of Nature.

> That

> > > alone is possible which is in

conformity with the laws of

> nature.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Abhaava - Absence or

Negation.- You infer the existence of a

> > thing

> > > in some other place from its

absence from the place where you

> were

> > > told you find it; for instance, a

gentleman said to his

man: "Go

> > and

> > > bring the elephant from the

elephant-house." He went there but

> > found

> > > that the elephant was not there. He

naturally conclude that he

> > must

> > > be somewhere near about. So he went

out and looked about for


> > > elephant and found him not very far

from its proper place and

> > > brought him to his master.

> > > >

> > > > These eight kinds of evidence

have been briefly described.

> Their

> > > number can be reduced to four fi

History be included under

> > > Testimony, and Deduction,

Possibility, and Negation under

> > > Inference.*

> > > > It is only by means of these

five criteria that a man can

> > > ascertain what is right or wrong

and not otherwise

> > > >

> > > > If you test Astrology

against these tests it proves to be a

> > fraud.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > > > Rajeev

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > SiteBuilder - Free,

easy-to-use web site design


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If you don't believe in Astrology let it be. In India we always believe in

personal freedom. Modern day Psychologists stress that personal freedom is the

essential aspect for growth and innovation.


In Europe there were non-believers of Earth as Globe in shape and they killed

the person who professed that the eArth is Globe.


Many healers were burned to death for having practised Healing Art not too long

ago by those who professed faith in Christianity simply because of their

fanatical view that only Lord Jesus is capable of healing and not others. Where

as in India we accepted Lord Jesus and Prophet Mohamed as greet seers and never

differentiated them from others until recently.


In India all intellectuals were welcomed and fruitful debates were conducted on

any subject to bring more light to the the different points of views to enhance

the knowledge.


Astrology is also an evolved Science. Perhaps it is divine's wish that it is

revealed in many parts for ages. Some new light on astrology may show up too

in the future. Astrology involves many calculations and permutations and

combinations and personal experiences of Astrologer

For example if the mood of the Astrologer is not good his readings also can go

wrong. That means the astrology is wrong. It is a great science.


The unnecessary argument whether there is any mentioning in veda about it or not

is very childish. If some believe it is mentioned let it be so. If some people

feel it is not mentioned in Veda let it be so.


But before you even put up an argument please read veda , understand it and then

you can air your views.


As you are aware many relegions are giving their own interpretations about many

things from their scriptures although it is not mentioned.


The scientists of yester years never agreed on Shakti 's presence(Energy) in

everything in the cosmos. Now they agree more and more with our Indian

principles. Ayurved was not an accepted medical science hitherto. Now having

understood that anti biotics are not working anymore on human beings, The so

called accepted medical scientists have turned towards Ayurveda.


It is better you open your mind. You ahave choice of agreeing with astrology or

not agreeing with the Astrology. Both will close your mind and your ability to

improve will be detriorated. If you keep your options open, you can understand

many things. This open mindedness is a key to your increasing wisdom.


Astrology was followed by many civilizations including Arabs, Europeans and

others in some form or others. Many truths about astrology and India's other

scientific developments were destroyed by invaders, thieves and by time. So

please don't try to augue as if you know everything conclusively. There is no

such thing as conclusive evidence for anything in the creation ever including

the so called religions and their faith and their teachings. All are subejct

to changes as we evolve.


Many research work on Astrology were lost due to lack of print technology. Now

we have forums like this where all people can share their views on ASstrology

whether it is right or wrong points of astrology. The right minded people will

take the cue and apply it with emperical case studies of these ideas and find

the truth themselves.


Only insane people will reject the new ideas and points put forth by

others without testing it on their own.


Will you please wake up to the truth ?



Rajeev Kumar <satpath1 > wrote:

Namaste Sarjit,


I liked your story.I also have a story to tell.

Once on an island due to some mysterious disease all people became blind and the

effects of that disease were so profound that even the new born childern of all

the generations were born blind. With passage of time those blind people forgot

what is sight and they started believing that there are only 4 senses (except



Then as happened in your story a ship got broken near that island and only one

person could somehow manage to swim to that island. He saw the blind people of

that island and very soon found to his surprise that all of them were blind.

Then he narrated his story to them and told about the importance of eyes. But

as the blinds refused to believe him.They thought of him as mad and forcibly

admitted him to a hospital of mads.

That person tried to explain that he is right there are other parts on earth and

people can see but even the doctor was blind and on hearing this he was fully

convinced that this guy is mad . So he ordered to put him in a special ward

built for severe cases.


One day that person somehow tried to escape from that hospital but he was soon

caught by blinds . He was then forced to appear before the court, he tried to

explain his point to the judge but even the judge was blind , and was again

sent to the same hospital.


Morale of the story can be decided by the readers themselves as Blinds will

decide differently and eyed person will decide differently.







Sarajit Poddar <sarajit (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Rajeev,Let me narrate a small story. There was a

village in one of the farthestcorner of earth on an island, where people lived

happily but without intouch with the outside world. There was everything, but

only one thinglacked. There was nothing in that place which tasted sour.

However, thatdid not make any difference to them as they were satisfied with

Sweet,Salty, Bitter, Astringent or the mixture of one or more of them. Once it

so happened that after a shipwreck, a sailor, reached thatisland with a handful

of his crew member. They were skeptically acceptedby the habitants of the island

as they never knew that there existedanything else beyond their island. They

couldn't believe for long thatthere other places, which are inhabited by people

who looked likethemselves.However, when days

passed by, they started mingling with the strangers.However, to the dismay of

the crew members, who liked sour food, therewas nothing in the island which

could give them that taste. They thoughtof enquiring with the inhabitants,

however, they found that they arealmost incapable of making the inhabitants,

how the sour food tastelike. They tried, tried and tried and ultimately gave

up, as they couldnot make them taste what it meant to be sour.Days passed by

and the crew members built a big raft to sail back totheir homeland. Now they

thought of bringing a few inhabitants with themso that when they return, they

can narrate their experiences with theirown tongue. Time passed, the

inhabitants came back from their journey toforeign lands. However, they brought

back some sour citrus with them.Only after the inhabitants tasted them, they

could realize that there issomething else which is beyond their conception.Can

there be

possibility of existence of one more such taste, which weare not aware of, which

is not sour, salty, sweet, bitter or astringent.Probably there is... who

knows!We must realize that, with experience, our past assumptions and thewhole

thinking process change. We start accepting newer things. Withsomeone it might

happen that he has met a few fraud Jyotisha in hischildhood and realize that

this is all fraud, however, the moment hemeets some others, who have predicted

everything beyond his imagination,he would start believing that... So isn't it

possible that, the closeddoors of our mind is stopping us to see something we

should... Keep themind open, lest one might miss out something outstanding.It's

only a matter of time and experiences; one changes his thinking andfeeling. One

of my uncle and father died due to the wrong diagnosis ofdoctors and hence

should I call doctors and medicine as fraud...Probably not, as I didn't

close my mind with few such experiences.Its is possible that we are only seeing

the tip of the iceberg with ourdirect experiencing not realizing that there is

a big mountain below thewater.Best WishesSarajit

amolmandar [amolmandar ] Monday, September 08, 2003 6:30

PMvedic astrologySubject: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology

is it Vedic ???????????? ( Toall concerned)Dear Rajeev NamasteYou wrote to Hari

ji>>It is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion.... I

apriciate your faith/belief in truth but does that necessarily mean that you

should criticise a gentelman like Chandrashekharji? He has not said any thing

about your personal faiths and the way you gained knowledge. At the age of 60

he listens to a duffer like me and accepts me as his shishya. I fight with him

as I fight with my

father(My father name is as well Chandrashekhar!). So, if you want to get a

argument with him he will take careof you and all but dont call him with

unwanted adjectives. I think in the path of Truth,one must see that he is not

insulting seniors and Knowlegable persons. See the quote from Rig at the end.I

know you are intelligent and this must have happened in spur of the moment. As

a matter of fact you should have shown greater strength as you are hitting the

integrity of people of the astrological group by calling astrologers as fraud.

So voilent reaction against you must be expected to you. But at the same time

you should be careful about point of disscussions. So at least do not get in

pointing fingers at people like CHandrashekharji who never say anything

personal about anybody. Although,Chandrashekhar ji is capable of answering your

query I stepped in to let you know that in the eyes of many he is a

respected and knowledgeable member (And it is a TRUTH). Seeker of Truth will

appriciate this Truth I suppose. After all you know being student of

vedas"Suvigyan chikituShu janaya sachhasacha vachasi psprudhate|tayoyarta

satyam yaterdrujiyastadita somoavati hantyasat||(rig 7/104/12)Thanks a lot for

your Time and Space.AmolMAndarvedic astrology, Rajeev

Kumar <satpath1> wrote:> Namaste Hari Ji,> > I have alreday told about my

mptive in many mails it is surprising that you have not known it so far.> Let it

be known to everybody on this forum that my only motive is to decide truth.> I

answered ChandraShekar on another thread because of the wrong things he is

preaching on God and Guru.> > I have appropriately answered to all the people

you are talking about except the current mail of Sh.. AmolMandar. Right now I

am in a location where I donot have access to Vedas to confirm his points. I

will answer him appropriately after analysing the references with Vedas very

soon.> > As per me in Vedas since there is no quote about Astrology thats why

I have not given the references and asking you people to give it, till the time

Astrology reference in Vedas is not proven it will remain a fraud to me.> > It

is people like you and ChandraShekar who parrot the opinion of their Gurus and

even accept that Guru is greater than God. I will reject anybody's opinion

whether it is of Swami Dayananda or ShankraCharya if it is found untruth.> >

Regards> > Rajeev> > > > > > onlyhari <onlyhari> wrote:> ||Om

Brihaspataye Namah||> > Dear Rajeev ji,> > Repeatedly you have said that

astrology and astrologers are fraud > without citing a single quote from the

Vedas to prove your case. Yet > you persist in asking the people on this forum

for a quote from the > Vedas to prove that there is a reference to astrology.>

> Amol Mandar responded to your query in the most balanced and step-by-> step

way and also furnished a quotation from the Vedas with a > promise to show

more. Yet you have not responded to Amol Mander so > far! > > Rajesh Mohan also

posed the logical question that why was the Vedas > revealed only in Sanskrit

and confined only to a specific area of > the world and not the entire world if

it be for the benefit of man. > You have skirted this question completely while

reiterating your > belief in the Vedas.> > Chandrasekhar sent you an excerpt

from the teachings of the Late > Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti on this

subject yet you say you have > given your opinion on the same based on the

teachings of Swami > Dayanand. The Paramacharya of Kanchi is considered by many

to be an > authority on the religious scriptures including the Vedas. But I >

find that it is not your opinion but that of Swami Dayanand!> > Sarajit raised

the issue that nothing in this world can be truly > certain. If you say that

medicine and doctors are not fraud, then > why are there so many diseases still

in the world? This is the > counterpoint to your question : if there are

astrologers, then why > is there so much misery in this world?> > I join issue

with Rajesh in questioning what is the real motive of > raising such a debate

as this. It seems to me that you want others > to address the issues defined by

you but are not interested in > answering clearly the issues raised by others.

On the contrary, you

> jumped into another discussion thread when there was no need to. > > I must

also ask you whether you have studied the vedas, and > astrology or are you

just parroting the opinion of Swami Dayanand > and seeking a debate without

satisfying yourself first?> > regards> Hari> > > > Sponsor>

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The maker knows the internal functioning of what he made. The maker can also

correct if the object he made malfunctions . For e.g a car maker knows how the

car works and he can repair all of the problems of the car.


The parents of a child are responsible only to start the process, but does they

know the internal functioning of their ownbody or of their child because if

they know they could correct the problems their new born would face.


Another thing I observed is that all living beings bodies have three stages

1) child stage

2) Youth stage

3) Old stage

4) Death stage


Whereas the things built by man follow the last 3 stages only except the child stage.




RajeevSarajit Poddar <sarajit (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Rajeev,


You said “These bodies affect only the body part and as I said God has created

our body system that it has the capacity to nullify the bad effects”

What makes you say that God has created our body? My body is created by my

parents and your body by your parents. Where from God came into picture? I

would like to hear your thoughts on this.


Best WishesSarajit


Rajeev Kumar [satpath1 ] Sent:

Monday, September 08, 2003 6:55 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all



Namaste AmolMandar Ji,


Yes celestial bodies affect us, but so does things and people around us like a

thief may affect us, similarly the air we breathe affect us As far as the

effect of Celestial body on humans is concerned I agree that sun rays heats

and lights our body and everthing around us ,similarly for other celestial



These bodies affect only the body part and as I said God has created our body

system that it has the capacity to nullify the bad effects, like when the body

temperature rises the perspiration process cools the body etc.

But if somebody says that celestial bodies decide your getting the job or

marriage etc. then how can it be possible as celestial bodies are nothing but

non living beings.


Whether you(Atma) is the controller of your body or your body controls the fate of yours.


There are four elements necessary to convey a complete sense of a passage.


1.Akankasha consists in entering the spirit of the speaker or the author.


2. Yogyata in the fitness of compatability of sense. For instance, when it is

said "water irrigates" there is nothing absurd in the mutual connection between

the objects signified by the words.

3. Asatti consists in regarding or speaking words in proper sequence, i.e.,

without detaching them from their context.

4. Tatparya is to give the same meaning to the words of a writer or a speaker

which he intended that they should convey..


There are many people who, through bigotry and wrong-headedness, misconstrue the

meaning of the writer. The sectaries are the greatest sinners in this respect

because their intellect is wrapped by bigotry.


So if you want to show me the evidences which in Vedas are for astronomical

purpose as astrolgical, then they won't be accepted as evidences.


Show me all the evidences within 2-3 days and I will get back to you after analysis.





amolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Dear Rajeev NamasteLets get back to basics. You said "My view point is that

Astrology is used to predict the future of living beings based upon the study

of planets, sun, moon etc. and also to provide the solutions to avoid

undesirable results and attain desirable effects." Yes, but for that purpose

one must accept that these celestial bodies affect out life. This is the basic

of Astrology in the view of many. Put it as yes or no.

I never said that Moon affects our body, I say whole lot of Celestial bodies

affect our life. There is no reference as far as I know about moon affecting

human body, in Vedas. But there is clear cut refernce of clelestial bodies

affect our life. How accuractly we can predic future of anybody is matter of

another disscussions. Right now we are hitting on one point and it is Astrology

has refence in Vedas or not. For that purpose first we must be clear about

domain of Astrology. That is why I ask some basic questions about your

New">understanding of Astrology and Astronomy. Again I request you to put it yes

or no for "Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life" principle. I am not saying

specifically about moon but rather all celestial bodies. Once I get clear

answer on this I will produce my proofs. To make it clear that I have proof

just read this.The richas of ShanuHshepa rishi Ami ya ruksha nihitas uchha

naktam dadrushre kuha citda diveyuH|adabdhani varunasya vratani

vichakashchandrama naktameti|(rig 1/24/10)Followed by Veda yo veenam

padamantariskhena patatam|Veda NAvaH Samudriya||Veda Maso

Dhrutavrato dwadasha prajavatH|Veda ya upajayate||Please

analyse these two richas and comment on them. Later I will produce more of

them.Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.AmolMAndar--- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1>

New">wrote:> Namaste Amol Ji,> > My view point is that Astrology is used to

predict the future of living beings based upon the study of planets, sun, moon

etc. and also to provide the solutions to avoid undesirable results and attain

desirable effects.> > I consider these celestial bodies as non living beings ,

we can easily predict with great accuracy their movement in future, like for e.g

we can predict the next sun,moon eclipse ,next task of a machine, but living

beings are conscious entities they are free to think and act accordingly so no

body can predict their future with 100% accuracy.> > Had we been not free then

our master is the real doer of whatever good or bad. Like for e.g somebody

killed someone with a gun then in this case neither the maker of the gun nor

the gun are culprit but the person who murdered is culprit.> > As far as the

example of moon's effect on human bodies are concerned, offcourse it may have

some effect but at the same time

the immune system of human body is such that it automatically develops

resistance to cater such ill effects . Like for e.g every human being is living

under an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and our body has been such designed.

Similarly astronauts on space mission are given training and the atmospheric

conditions of space are simulated on earth so that their body gets used to of

it.So when our body system is itself there to take care of these effects then

whats these astrologers are doing, are they doctors to take care of our bodies


New">> > Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and their believers

then all these people should be far far better than the non believers of

Astrology because they already know the problems and their accurate solutions,

moreover when everything is predestined then again whats the role of

Astrologers. > > Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a person with same

accuracy as astronomers can predict the movement of celestial bodies or

mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if not then its not a

New">science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise in knowing a thing as it

is nothing more and nothing less.> > If you say yes then I ask can you change

those events ? if you cannot then again whats the astrologers doing, if you say

yes we can then why we have somuch poverty and illness around ?> > Regards> >

Rajeev> > > >

> > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > Dear Rajeev NAmaste> >

It is good that we agree on number of AVedas and their names. Now > lets move

ahead by building confidance.> > I wrote previous mail to avoid unnecesary

debate afterwards. Let it

New">> be clear that I have some references but the problem may arise that > on

hindsight you may put it as astronomy and I may not agree to it. > This may

cause us to loose the point. So lets be clear what > reference will be

Astronomy and what will be Astrology. In other > words, if you fix up domain of

Astronomy it will be good for me to > examine myself and then to decide to put

them as proof or not. > > > As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is shastra of

Jyotish. Jyoti

New">is > obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of Jyotish in which we >

study physical nature,such as its redius,color,its distance from sun > or earth

and its speed of rotation is Astronomy.(right?)> > And the branch of jyotish in

which its effect is express and > accordingly prayer is given then it is not

Astronmy and hence can be > Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic of

Astrology is that > Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is


acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said that vedas have reference > of

Astrology. Do you agree with this?> > Lets first fix up line of demarcation

between Astronomy and > Astrology and then move ahead. But be assured that I do

have some > references of Astrology based on CBAOL, in Vedas. > > Thanks alot

for your Time and Space.> > AmolMAndar > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

New"><satpath1> > wrote:> > Namaste Amolmandar Ji,> > > > Yes I also agree

with you that there are 4 vedas and these are > Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I

have already told that we have > references to astronomy in Vedas. Please give

the references and > after analysis of the same I will get back to you.> > > >

Regards> > > > Rajeev> > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > Dear Rajeev

Namaste> > > > Before we get into Good or Bad work and its relation to God,I

will > > try to show some reference of Jyotish and Astrology in the Vedas. > >

For that let me just know will you accept a sukta or Shloka > > describing

that the bodies present in the Brahmanda do affect our > > life and we should

pray for good effects from them, as proof for > >

reference of astrology in any of the four Vedas. Why I am asking > > this is

that I have some shlokas from Vedas describing this. The > > reference of

NAvagraha directly or indirectly in the Veda will be > > acceptred by you as

proof of Astrology in Vedas or not? So if a > > shloka says that we should pray

these hevenly bodies and these > > bodies should give us Sukha and Shanti then

that should be more > than > > enough as proof or not. Or you want all shlokas

present in > > Astrological Granthas to be present in Vedas? Let me know this

> first > > and then I will produce for you more than one proof of Jyotish >

i.e. > > astrological and not astromonical reference in Vedas.> > > > One last

thing be very clear that Vedas means 1)Rigveda 2)> Yajurveda > > 3)SamaVeda 4)

Atharvaveda.> > > > If you agree on this, please let me know.> > > > Thanks a

lot for your Time and Sapce.>

> > > AmolMAndar> > > > > > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

> <satpath1> > > wrote:> > > Namaste AmolMAndar Ji,> > > > > > If every

work is work of God then are adulteration, telling > lies , > > doing fraud

with somebody etc. are also work of God. If we accept > > this then God becomes


adulterator, lier etc.> > > > > > Vedic God does not expect the help of anybody

in doing his work > > because he is all powerful , omniscient. The God which

expects > help > > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a fraud.> > > >

> > Regards> > > > > > Rajeev > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > > Dear Rajeev Namaste> > > >

> > Thanks for the wonderful link. > > > > > > >But here the Astrologers have

taken the work of God in their > > hand, > > > >is it not against Vedas and

Gita ????> > > > > > Dont you feel that every work is 'work' of God. Why to

single > out

> > > Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in helping God? > > > > > > Thanks a

lot for your Time and Space.> > > > > > AmolMAndar> > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > > <satpath1> > > > wrote:>

> > > Namaste,> > > > > > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the name

Vedas just

to > > > brand it as a Vedic science.> > > > > > > > I am of the view that

Astrology is not supported by Vedas . In > > > ManuSmriti it is written that

whoever disobeys/disregard Vedas > is > > an > > > athiest. So those books

which are not in accordance with Vedas > are > > > anti Vedic.> > > > > > > >

I am sure that all people on this forum are not blind and it > > is > > > for

them only I am raising this question. > > > > > > > > I have following point

to support my views> > > > > > > > Vedas , Gita talk at length about the

philosophy of KARMA> > (Action) > > > and says that you have right to do the

action only and result is > > in > >

> my(God) hand. But here the Astrologers have taken the work of > God > > in > >

> their hand, is it not against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > > > > In Vedas and

other authoritative scriptures of ancient Vedic > > > Rishis no where it is

written that sun moon planets etc do the > > acts > > > that astrologers

generally talk about.> > > > > > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic

scriptures support all the > true > > > sciences like Astronomy but not even a

single word we have found > > on > > > Astrology. If you came across any then

please give the reference.> > > > > > > > Moreover by applying tests of truth

the truthfulness of > > Astrology > > > is not proved. The tests of truth are

as follows. I am making a > > copy > > > and paste from the

following site about the ' Tests of truth '> > > >

http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

THE FIVE TESTS OF TRUTH > > > > > > > > The truth of every thing that is learnt

or taught should be > > > carefully examined by the following five tests:-> > >

> > > > > The Veda and nature of God - All that

conforms to the > > teachings > > > of the Vedas, nature, attributes and

characteristics of God is > > > right, the reverse is wrong. > > > > Laws of

Nature - All that tallies with laws of nature is > > true, > > > the reverse

untrue; e.g., the statement that a child is born > > without > > > the sexual

union of its parents, being opposed to the laws of > > nature > > > can never

be true. > >

> > The practice and teachings of A'ptaas, -i.e., pious, > > truthful, > > >

unprejudiced, honest, and learned men. All that is unopposed to > > > their

practice and teachings is acceptable and the reverse is > > > unacceptable. > >

> > The purity and conviction of one's own soul. - What is good > > for > > >

you is good for the world. What is painful to you is painful to > > > others.

This ought to be the guiding principle of one's conduct > > > towards others. >

> > > Eight kinds of evidence> > > > > > > > > > > > Direct Cognizance. >

> > > Inference. > > > > Analogy. > > > > Testimony. > > > >

History. > > > > Deduction. > > > > Possibility. > > > >

Non-existence or Negation.> > > > > > > > > > > > Direct Cognizance

(Praatyaksha) is that kind of knowledge, > > > which is the result of direct

contact of the five senses with > > their > > > objects,* of the mind (faculty

or organ of attention) with the

New">> > > senses, and of the soul with mind. NYAAYA Shaastraa 1: i, 4. > > > >

But this knowledge must not be that of the relation of > > words > > > with

the things signified, as of the word "water" with the fluid > > > called

"water", For example, you ask your servant to bring you > > some > > > water.

He brings water, puts it before you, and says : 'Here is > > > water, Sir.'

Now, what you and your servant see is not the > >

> word "water" but the object signified by it. So ou have the > direct > > >

knowledge of the object called water. But the knowledge> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This knowledge must not be of temporary or transient > >

> character, i.e., not the product of observation under > unfavourable > > >

circumstances; for example, a person saw something at night and

> > took > > > it for a man , but when it was daylight he found out his mistake

> > and > > > knew that it was not a man, but a pillar. Now, his first > >

impression > > > of the thing was of a temporary or transient nature, which

gave > > > place to permanent knowledge later on, when the true nature of > the

> > > thing was revealed in the light. > > >

> It should be free from all elements of doubt, and be > > certain > > >

in character. For example, you see a river from a distance and > > > say: "Is

it water there or white clothes spread out to dry?" Or > > take > > > another

example, you see a man from a distance and say: Is it > Deva > > > Datta

standing there or Yajna Datta?" Now, as long as you are in > > > doubt and

consequently not sure about a thing you observe,

your > > > knowledge cannot be called Pratyaksha (Direct Cognizance). To be > >

> that the element of doubt must be absolutely eliminated from it. > > > >

Briefly therefore, that knowledge alone is said to be Direct > > > Cognizance,

which is not the outcome of the relation of name > with > > > the object

signified by it, nor gained under circumstances > > > unfavourable for

observation or experiment (Hence transient in > > >

character) nor into which any element of doubt enters> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > Anumaana - inference - Literally it means that which follows > > > direct

cognizance. Two things have been observed to exist > together > > > at some

time and place, when on some other occasion, one of the > > woe > > > is

observed, the other, i.e., the unknown can be inferred.* For >

> > instance, you see a child and you at once infer that he must > have > > >

had parents. Again, seeing the smoke issuing from behind a hill > > you > > >

infer the existence of fire. You infer the previous incarnation > of > > > the

soul form observing unequal joy and sorrow in this world at > > the > > >

present moment. > > > > Inference is of three

kinds:-> > > > > > > > Purvavat - is one , in which you reason from cause to

> effect, > > > e.g., the inference of coming rain form the sight of clouds;

or, > > > again, you see a wedding and naturally infer that some day the > > >

wedded couple will have children. Or, again, you see students > > > engaged in

the pursuit of knowledge and you infer that some day > > they > > > will become

men of

learning.> > > > > > > > > > > > Sheshavat - inference is one, in which you

reason from effects > > to > > > causes. Examples:- You see a flood in the

river, and infer that > it > > > must have rained on the mountain from which

the river issues. > > Again, > > > you see a child and at once infer that the

child must have had a >

> > father. Again, you see this world and infer the existence of the > > >

Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well as of a Material cause -> > the > > >

elementary matter. Or, again, take another example. When you se > a > > > man

in pleasure and pain, you at once infer that he must have > done > > a > > >

virtuous or sinful deed before, since you have noticed that the > > >

consequence of a sinful act is pain, and that of a virtuous > deed, > > >

pleasure. > > > > > > > > > > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata - is that kind of

inference, in which > there > > is > > > no relation of cause and effect

between the known datum and the > > > thing to be inferred, but there is some

kind of similarity > between > > > the two. For example, you know that no

one can get another place > > > without moving from the first, and hence, if you

find a person > at > > a > > > certain place, you can easily infer that he must

have come to > the > > > latter place by moving from the first.> > > > > > > >

> > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the knowledge of a thing from its > > likeness >

> > to another. The thing which is

required to be known is called > > > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means of

this knowledge from > > some > > > kind of likeness between the two is called

Saadhana > > > > Examples: - a man says to his servant : "Go and fetch Vishnu >

> > Mittra." The latter answers that he does not know him, as he has > > > never

seen him before. Thereupon the master says :- You know > Deva > > > Datta, don't

you?" Upon the servant's answering in the > > affirmative, > > > his master

continues: "Well, Vishnu Mittra is just like Deva > > Datta." > > > So the

servant went out to find Vishnu Mittra. As he was passing > > > through a

street, he saw a man very much like Deva Datta, and > > > thought that, thta

man must be Vishnu Mittra, and forthwith > > brought > > > him to his master. >

> > > Or, take another example. You want to know what a Yak is. > Well, > > >

some one tells you, it is just like an ox. Next time you go to a > > > jungle

and happen to see an animal very much like an ox, you at > > once > > > know

that it is the Yak you asked your friend about. Now this > kind > > > of

knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Vishnu Mittra from his likeness > > to > > > Deva

Datta and of a Yak from its likeness to an ox is > > calledUpamaana > > > or

knowledge by analogy. The words Vishnu Mittra and Yak are > > called > > >

Saadhya, whilst Deva Datta and ox are called Saadhana, in the > > above > > >

two instances. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Shabda - Testimony

(literally, word) - "The word of an A'pt > > > (altruistic teacher) is called

Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra 1:,i, 7. > > > > An A'pt is a person who is a thorough

scholar, we versed in > all > > > the sciences and philosophies, physical and

spiritual, is > > virtuous, > > > truthful, active, free from passions and

desires, imbued with > love > > > for others, and who is an altruistic teacher

of humanity solely > > > actuated with the desire of benefiting the world by

his > knowledge, > > > experience and convictions. God being the truest and


of > > all > > > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also included in shabda >

(Testimony). > > > > > > > > > > > > Itihaas - History - is that which tells us

that such and such > a > > > person was so and so, he did such and such a thing.

In other > > words, > > > Itihaas is the history of a country or the biography

of a > person.

> > > NYAAYA Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The experience of the past recorded in > > >

history can be applied to solve many a difficult question of the > > > day. -

Tr. > > > > > > > > > > > > Arthaapatti - Conclusion or deduction. - It is a

conclusion > > which > > > naturally follows from the statement of a fact; for

instance, > one > > > says to another: "Rain falls from clouds" or " and effect

flows > > from > > > a cause." The natural conclusion that can be drawn from the

> above > > > statement is: "There can be no rain when there are no clouds," > >

> or "no effects follow when a cause does not exist." > > > > > > > > > > > >

Sambhava - possibility. - When you hear a thing, the first > thing > > > that

enters your mind is whether such and such a thing is

New">> > possible. > > > Anything that runs counter to the laws of nature is not

> possible, > > > and hence it can never be true; for example, if you are told >

that > > a > > > child was born without parents, such and such a person raised >

the > > > dead to life again, or made stones float on the sea, lifted > > >

mountains, broke the moon into pieces, was God incarnate, or saw > > > horns on

the head of a man, or

solemnized the marriage of a > couple > > > born of sterile mother. You could at

once know that it could not > > > have possibly happened, being opposed to the

laws of Nature. > That > > > alone is possible which is in conformity with the

laws of > nature. > > > > > > > > > > > > Abhaava - Absence or Negation.- You

infer the existence of a > > thing > > > in some

other place from its absence from the place where you > were > > > told you find

it; for instance, a gentleman said to his man: "Go > > and > > > bring the

elephant from the elephant-house." He went there but > > found > > > that the

elephant was not there. He naturally conclude that he > > must > > > be

somewhere near about. So he went out and looked about for the > > > elephant

and found him not very far from its proper place and

> > > brought him to his master. > > > > > > > > These eight kinds of evidence

have been briefly described. > Their > > > number can be reduced to four fi

History be included under > > > Testimony, and Deduction, Possibility, and

Negation under > > > Inference.* > > > > It is only by means of these five

criteria that a man can > > > ascertain what is right or wrong and not

otherwise> > > > > >

> > If you test Astrology against these tests it proves to be a > > fraud.> > >

> > > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > > Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

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Namaste AmolMandar Ji,


I said that if Astrology (as concept of Fate ) is in Vedas then it will be accepted by me.

I never said that celestial body donot affect our life but the extent to which

they affect is mostly taken care of by our body system.

In case of solar eclipses when the radiation is strong it is astronomy which

helps people to avoid the bad effects of sun rays, likewise during full tide

and low tides people avoid swimming in seas. So it is astronomy using which we

can makes accurate calculations about the effect of celestial bodies on us.


In my many mails I have repeatedly said that Astronomy is a vedic science.


Now coming to the analysis of Vedic Mantras that you have given


The first Mantra u gave is :


There are many Nakshatras present in the Dhulok. They all travel together and

travel in a haphazard manner in a rapid speed. Wishing well for me I worship

all of them and wish that they should give me Sukha and Shanti.Athr 19|7|1

My Analysis on your first mantra :


First of all lets understand what does the worship of Nakshatras means here.

Worship of Nakshatras here means that we should learn about their qualities,

rotation motion etc. and nothing more than that. These are non living

beings(material things) only and worshipping of non living beings lies in

knowing them understanding them as it is, and not like Poraniks who consider

them as living beings and pray them as living beings.


I gave the example of solar eclipse and moon tides above usinng Astronomy we

prevents the bad effect of them on us and this is where the sukh and shanti we

achieve from them.

Because the more we know of them the more better we become it means Astronomy

here and Astrology is not proven by the interpretation you gave.


As far as Stars are concerned they are all like Sun only and are ver far away ,

they can be used in deciding the direction and time and also for learning of

fusion and fission processes for knowing the source to tremendous amount of

energy. But not the kind of time ,direction and power the astrologers preaches.


Worshipping of Gurus ,parents and ancestors lies in respecting them and learning

and acquiring true knowledge from them. The reverse is untruth.


Similarly worshipping of God lies in acquiring true knowledge from him , and

trying to improve the character of self.Like for. e.g God is all powerful so

trying to remain healthy,God is omniscient so we should also try to be

knowledgable, God is kind so we should be kind to others, God is biasless so

we should try to become ,this is the true worship of God and if somebody just

chant Vedic mantra and do not improve his character, his worship to God is a



Here is one more mantra in support of my view


"I am God Almighty, I am the Light of the world like the sun. Neither defeat,

nor death, can ever approach me. I am the controller of the universe, know me

alone as the Creator of all. Strive ye diligently for the acquisition of power

and wealth such ( as true knowledge). Ask ye of me. May ye never lose my

friendship. I give true knowledge, which is real wealth, unto men who are

truthful. I am the revealer of Vedas which declare my true nature. It is

through the Vedas that I advance the knowledge of all. I am the prompter of the

good and true. I reward those who devote themselves to the good of humanity. I

am the cause, I am the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye

never turn away from me. May ye never accept another God in my place, nor

worship him." RIG VEDA, 10:48:5


This mantra clearly states that we should not worship anybody as God but God himself.


The second Mantra u gave is :


[The Nakstaras which become powerful because of Chandrama, all of them should

bring happiness for me in Sky, Antariksha, Water, Earth, Mountains and in all

directions. ]

My analysis on 2nd mantra :

We are able to see stars in night time and thats what there becoming powerful

by chandrama implies.During day due to sun light we are not able to see them.

Sun rays purifies the atmosphere, the radiation kills the bacterias and germs

thereby purifying the air. Because of heat of sun the water rises and clouds

are formed. Since air is purified by sun so when the rain starts we get pure

water free of cost. Mountains are also responsible for raining and for

changing the directions of winds. So what it implies that like these bodies

helps in cleaning the environment so does the humans do. So the true worship of

these entities is by purifying them for e.g by performing Havan the air and

water are purified.Similarly worship of Earth lies in keeping it clean and free

from pollution, the true worship of earth lies in planting more trees and not by

performing anti vedic rituals of paying money to cheats.

So even with this mantra astrology is disapproved to be taken as from Vedas.

The 3rd Mantra you gave :

[28 nakshartas should give me all that which will good and happy. They should

give me power to possess and power to protect. In other words I should get

power to possess along with power to protect and power of protect along with

possess. Namaskar to both Ahoratra.]

My analysis on 3rd mantra :


As I said earlier that celestial bodies are helpful in deciding time and

direction and by learning about the science of stars we become powerful and

protector. Becoming powerful and protector here means learning the fusion and

fission process of stars for making weapons as well as using them for

generating electricity, and medicine sciences etc.


By no other way you become powerful and protector better than this,and this is

what the sukh and shanti we can acquire from them.


Thus even this mantra does not fullfill the objective of all Astrologers of the

world that astrology is Vedic.








amolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Dear RAjeev NamsteI am glad that you are ready to accept whatever is truth. WHat

I could gather from mails is that in your opinion whatever is written in Vedas

is truth. So if there exist a reference present in the Vedas of effect of

Nakstaras and other celestial bodies then you will accept it as Truth. Before

that we have to accept that basic of Vedic Astrology is that Celestial Bodies

Affect Our Life. Once you accept that then I will show that Veads accept this

CBAOL principle and that way you should accept Vedas have references of

Astrology. Do you agree on this.?Regarding, translation of Sanskrit language I

said because you may be then guided by some one eles's thoughts and not of

yours. That may lead to another debate. I did not mean to stop the thread. Now

read some of the Astrological richas from

AtharvavedaChitrani Sakam divi rochanani sarisurpani bhuvane javani|turmisham

sumatimichamano ahani geerbhiH sarparyami nakam|| Athr 19|7|1)Free

translationThere are many Nakshatras present in the Dhulok. They all travel

together and travel in a haphazard manner in a rapid speed. Wishing well for me

I worship all of them and wish that they should give me Sukha and Shanti.This

clearly states that Athrvaveda etablishes the relation between Nakshatras and

human life. The richa says that I worship them(Nakshatras) for my Sukha. It

means that Vedas belive that these Nakshatras Affect Our Life. That is why the

richa.If you dont agree on this then read the next one.Yani Nakshatrani

divyantarikshe apsu bhumaoo yani nageshu dikshu |prakalpyamshachandrama yaneti

sarvani mamiitani shivani santu|| Atrv 19/8/1Free translation[The Nakstaras

which become powerful because of Chandrama, all of

them should bring happiness for me in Sky, Antariksha, Water, Earth, Mountains

and in all directions. ]This clearly shows that Vedas belive that Nakshatras

become powerful because of Chandrama and as well belive that they affect our

life that is why this richa. Purely astrological concept.Next it

saysAsthavishani shivani shagamani saha yogam bhajantu me|yogam prapadhe

kshemam prapadhe yogam cha namoahoratrabhyam stu|| 19/8/2Free translation[28

nakshartas should give me all that which will good and happy. They should give

me power to possess and power to protect. In other words I should get power to

possess along with power to protect and power of protect along with possess.

Namaskar to both Ahoratra.]The thing which you dont have, obtaining it is

called as Yog and controling/protecting what you have is Kshema. Thats why

there is term as 'Yogakhemam'. This richa does exactly that. This makes

amply clear that Vedas belive that clelestial bodies affect our life. Assuming

that you are not too comfortable with Astrology the term 'Ahoratra' is very

important in Astrology which is used in this richa. In that sense as well it

attest Astrology.In the all the richas seen so far it proves that Vedas belive

that celestial bodies affect our life and these bodies are capable of giving us

happiness and that is why they worship these bodies and demand happiness from

them. This is purely Astrological concept. Astronomy does not have these

concept. This means that vedas have references of Astrology as well. And you

are to accept what ever is Truth and present in Vedas. Now I await for your

acceptence of Astrology as Truth.Thanks a lot for your Time and

Space.AmolMAndarvedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

<satpath1> wrote:> Namaste AmolMandar Ji,>

> I will accept whatever is truth.> > I said that celestial bodies have effect

on our body. Like for e.g the cosmic radiations coming from Sun and stars .

Many of these like sun,moon,earth,shani, brihaspati and other graha have been

described as Vasu in Vedas. I don't think shani, brihaspati they have any

remarkable effect (except gravitational force) on us compared to moon . One of

the main usage of celestial bodies is for time calculation and finding the

directions also. > > > As far as translating of Vedas is concerned , yes I

don't have knowledge of Sanskrit language. I have never said in any of my mail

that I know Sanskrit.> > But then why Vedas were translated into Hindi,

English and other languages ? simply because even those who donot understand

sanskrit can read and understand them.> > If you end up the

discussion simply because my inability to translate Veda mantra then tell me why

these translations are available then???> > > > > Regards> > Rajeev> >

amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> Dear Rajeev Namste> > You wrote > > "As

far as the effect of Celestial body on humans is concerned I > agree that sun

rays heats and lights our body and everthing around > us ,similarly for other

celestial bodies."> > Here you agree that celestial bodies affect our life but

not fully. > I dont understand your last portion "similarly for other celestial

> bodies". Can you please tell me other than Moon and Sun which > celestial body

affect your body? People say that there is Graha > Called Shani far away from

earth. Atleast I have not seen anybody > whose body is affected because of this

Shani Graha like Sun. You say > that like Sun other celestial bodies affect your

Body? Please share > your expirences with us about this.> > I never said that

celesital bodies affect your Job prospocts till > now. Right now we want to fix

up the issue of Celestial Bodies > Affect Our Life principle. You have agreed

but partially. So lets > agree fully then we shall come to other quries.> > The

verses which I gave you should be more than sufficent for you to > decide.

Please give me the actual translation of it. Why are you > waiting for Vedas

copy? Does that mean you are not capable of > translating Sanskrit yourself?

Please give me the translation > first. On the other hand I expected it in this

reply only. Without > that there is no point in arguing. > > In case you are

going to refer someone else or Book,please let me > know. Becasue that will

add another indirection. > > So right now answer my question How a

Graha(Celestial Body) called > by many as Shani affects your Body? Or How

Nakshatra affects your > Body? NAkshatra is collection of stars. Above all

there is a psudo-> graha called as Rahu which is not even non-living being but

Vedas > say that it affects our body. What do you say about this? According >

to your logic only Living beings can affcet your life and non living > beings

can affcet your body like Sun and Moon but can there be any > affect of Rahu

which is neither Living nor non-Living being? Vedas > approve of this. So think

more about this before you form your > opinion.> > As you have not commented on

my earlier proofs I will not produce > other. Do not try to direct the things

by saying "Show me all the > evidences within 2-3 days..." Now the speed will

be decided by your > answers

and not by your wish.> > One last point I hope you will not come up with the

excuse by > saying "My copy of Vedas dont have richas given by you so Your >

source of Vedas is not correct but mine is". I have everything from > Gita

Press Gorakpur which is considered as Authority in printing > Vedic sahitya.> >

Thnaks a lot for your Time and Space.> > AmolMAndar> > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1> > wrote:> >

Namaste AmolMandar Ji,> > > > Yes celestial bodies affect us, but so does

things and people > around us like a thief may affect us, similarly the air we

breathe > affect us As far as the effect of Celestial body on humans is >

concerned I agree that sun rays heats and lights our body and > everthing

around us ,similarly for other celestial

bodies.> > > > These bodies affect only the body part and as I said God has >

created our body system that it has the capacity to nullify the bad > effects,

like when the body temperature rises the perspiration > process cools the body

etc.> > But if somebody says that celestial bodies decide your getting the >

job or marriage etc. then how can it be possible as celestial bodies > are

nothing but non living beings. > > > > Whether you(Atma) is the controller of

your body or your body > controls the fate of yours.> > > > There are four

elements necessary to convey a complete sense of a > passage.> > > >

1.Akankasha consists in entering the spirit of the speaker or the > author. > >

> > 2. Yogyata in the fitness of compatability of sense. For instance,

> when it is said "water irrigates" there is nothing absurd in the > mutual

connection between the objects signified by the words. > > 3. Asatti consists

in regarding or speaking words in proper > sequence, i.e., without detaching

them from their context. > > 4. Tatparya is to give the same meaning to the

words of a writer > or a speaker which he intended that they should convey.. >

> > > There are many people who, through bigotry and wrong-headedness, >

misconstrue the meaning of the writer. The sectaries are the > greatest sinners

in this respect because their intellect is wrapped > by bigotry. > > > > So if

you want to show me the evidences which in Vedas are for > astronomical purpose

as astrolgical, then they won't be accepted as > evidences.> > > > Show me all

the evidences within 2-3 days and I will get

back to > you after analysis.> > > > Regards> > > > Rajeev> > > > amolmandar

<amolmandar> wrote:> > Dear Rajeev Namaste> > > > Lets get back to basics.

You said "My view point is that Astrology > > is used to predict the future of

living beings based upon the > study > > of planets, sun, moon etc. and also to

provide the solutions to > > avoid undesirable results and attain desirable

effects." > > > > Yes, but for that purpose one must accept that these

celestial > > bodies affect out life. This is the basic of Astrology in the

view > > of many. Put it as yes or no. > > > > I never said that Moon affects

our body, I say whole lot of > > Celestial bodies affect our life. > > > >

There is no reference as far as I know about moon

affecting human > > body, in Vedas. But there is clear cut refernce of

clelestial > bodies > > affect our life. How accuractly we can predic future of

anybody is > > matter of another disscussions. Right now we are hitting on one >

> point and it is Astrology has refence in Vedas or not. For that > > purpose

first we must be clear about domain of > > > > Astrology. That is why I ask

some basic questions about your > > understanding of Astrology and Astronomy.

Again I request you to > put > > it yes or no for "Celestial Bodies Affect Our

Life" principle. I > am > > not saying specifically about moon but rather all

celestial > bodies. > > > > Once I get clear answer on this I will produce my

proofs. > > > > To make it clear that I have proof just read this.> > > > The

richas of ShanuHshepa

rishi > > > > Ami ya ruksha nihitas uchha naktam dadrushre kuha citda diveyuH|>

> adabdhani varunasya vratani vichakashchandrama naktameti|(rig > > 1/24/10)> >

> > Followed by > > > > Veda yo veenam padamantariskhena patatam|> > Veda

NAvaH Samudriya||> > Veda Maso Dhrutavrato dwadasha

prajavatH|> > Veda ya upajayate||> > > > > > Please

analyse these two richas and comment on them. Later I will > > produce more of

them.> > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> > > > AmolMAndar> > > > > >

--- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > <satpath1> > > wrote:> > >

Namaste Amol Ji,> > > > > > My view point is that Astrology is used to predict

the future of > > living beings based upon the study of planets, sun, moon etc.

and > > also to provide the solutions to avoid undesirable results and > >

attain desirable effects.> > > > > > I consider these celestial bodies as non

living beings , we can > > easily predict with great accuracy their movement in

future, like > > for e.g we can predict the next sun,moon eclipse ,next task of

a > > machine, but living beings are conscious entities they are free to > >

think and act accordingly so no body can predict their future with > > 100%

accuracy.> > > > > > Had we been not free then our

master is the real doer of > whatever > > good or bad. Like for e.g somebody

killed someone with a gun then > in > > this case neither the maker of the gun

nor the gun are culprit but > > the person who murdered is culprit.> > > > > >

As far as the example of moon's effect on human bodies are > > concerned,

offcourse it may have some effect but at the same time > > the immune system

of human body is such that it automatically > > develops resistance to cater

such ill effects . Like for e.g every > > human being is living under an

atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and > our > > body has been such designed.

Similarly astronauts on space mission > > are given training and the

atmospheric conditions of space are > > simulated on earth so that their body

gets used to of it.So when > our > > body

system is itself there to take care of these effects then > whats > > these

astrologers are doing, are they doctors to take care of our > > bodies ?> > >

> > > Even if we accept the view point of Astrologers and their > > believers

then all these people should be far far better than the > > non believers of

Astrology because they already know the problems > > and their accurate

solutions, moreover when everything is > > predestined then again whats the

role of Astrologers. > > > > > > Can Astrologers gurantee the fate of a

person with same > accuracy > > as astronomers can predict the movement of

celestial bodies or > > mathematicians can predict the area of a land? if not

then its not > a > > science(truth) but a fraud, because truth comprise in

knowing a > > thing as it is

nothing more and nothing less.> > > > > > If you say yes then I ask can you

change those events ? if you > > cannot then again whats the astrologers doing,

if you say yes we > can > > then why we have somuch poverty and illness around

?> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:> > > > > >

Dear Rajeev NAmaste> > > > > > It is good that we agree on number of AVedas and

their names. > Now > > > lets move ahead by building confidance.> > > > > > I

wrote previous mail to avoid unnecesary debate

afterwards. Let > > it > > > be clear that I have some references but the

problem may arise > > that > > > on hindsight you may put it as astronomy and I

may not agree to > > it. > > > This may cause us to loose the point. So lets be

clear what > > > reference will be Astronomy and what will be Astrology. In

other > > > words, if you fix up domain of Astronomy it will be good for me >

to > > > examine myself and then to decide to put them as proof or not. > > > >

> > > > > As far as as Jyotish is concerned,it is shastra of Jyotish. > Jyoti >

> is > > > obtained from celestial bodies.The branch of Jyotish in which we > >

> study physical nature,such as its redius,color,its distance from > > sun > > >

or earth and its speed of rotation is

Astronomy.(right?)> > > > > > And the branch of jyotish in which its effect is

express and > > > accordingly prayer is given then it is not Astronmy and hence

> can > > be > > > Astrology. Do you agree? Many say that basic of Astrology is

> that > > > Celestial Bodies Affect Our Life(CBAOL). If this(CBAOL) is > > >

acknowledge in Vedas then it can be said that vedas have > reference > > > of

Astrology. Do you agree with this?> > > > > > Lets first fix up line of

demarcation between Astronomy and > > > Astrology and then move ahead. But be

assured that I do have > some > > > references of Astrology based on CBAOL, in

Vedas. > > > > > > Thanks alot for your Time and Space.> > > > > > AmolMAndar >

> > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > > <satpath1> > > > wrote:>

> > > Namaste Amolmandar Ji,> > > > > > > > Yes I also agree with you that

there are 4 vedas and these > are > > > Rig,Yajur,Sam and Atharva. I have

already told that we have > > > references to astronomy in Vedas. Please give

the references and > > > after analysis of the same I will get back to you.> >

> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > > Rajeev> > > > > > > > amolmandar

<amolmandar> wrote:> > > > Dear Rajeev Namaste> > > > > > > > Before we

get into Good or Bad work and its relation to God,I > > will > > > > try to

show some reference of Jyotish and Astrology in the

> > Vedas. > > > > For that let me just know will you accept a sukta or Shloka

> > > > describing that the bodies present in the Brahmanda do affect > > our >

> > > life and we should pray for good effects from them, as proof > for > > > >

reference of astrology in any of the four Vedas. Why I am > asking > > > > this

is that I have some shlokas from Vedas describing this. > The > > > > reference

of NAvagraha directly or indirectly in the Veda will > > be > > > > acceptred by

you as proof of Astrology in Vedas or not? So if > a > > > > shloka says that we

should pray these hevenly bodies and these > > > > bodies should give us Sukha

and Shanti then that should be > more > > > than > > > > enough as proof or

not. Or you want all

shlokas present in > > > > Astrological Granthas to be present in Vedas? Let me

know this > > > first > > > > and then I will produce for you more than one

proof of Jyotish > > > i.e. > > > > astrological and not astromonical reference

in Vedas.> > > > > > > > One last thing be very clear that Vedas means 1)Rigveda

2)> > > Yajurveda > > > > 3)SamaVeda 4) Atharvaveda.> > > > > > > > If you agree

on this, please let me know.> > > > > > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and

Sapce.> > > > > > > > AmolMAndar> > > > > > > > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > > > <satpath1> > > > >

wrote:> > > > > Namaste AmolMAndar

Ji,> > > > > > > > > > If every work is work of God then are adulteration,

telling > > > lies , > > > > doing fraud with somebody etc. are also work of

God. If we > > accept > > > > this then God becomes an adulterator, lier etc.>

> > > > > > > > > Vedic God does not expect the help of anybody in doing his >

> work > > > > because he is all powerful , omniscient. The God which expects >

> > help > > > > from anybody is not God but a humanbeing or a fraud.> > > > >

> > > > > Regards> > > > > > > > > > Rajeev > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > amolmandar <amolmandar> wrote:>

> > > > Dear Rajeev Namaste> > > > > > > > > > Thanks for the wonderful link. >

> > > > > > > > > >But here the Astrologers have taken the work of God in >

their > > > > hand, > > > > > >is it not against Vedas and Gita ????> > > > > >

> > > > Dont you feel that every work is 'work' of God. Why to > single > > >

out > > > > > Astrologers? Moreover, what is wrong in helping God? > > > > > >

> > > > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.> > > > > > > > > > AmolMAndar> >

> > > > > > > > vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar > > > >

<satpath1> > > > > > wrote:> > > > > >

Namaste,> > > > > > > > > > > > Astrology is it Vedic ? or we are using the

name Vedas > just > > to > > > > > brand it as a Vedic science.> > > > > > > >

> > > > I am of the view that Astrology is not supported by > Vedas . > > In > >

> > > ManuSmriti it is written that whoever disobeys/disregard > Vedas > > > is

> > > > an > > > > > athiest. So those books which are not in accordance with >

Vedas > > > are > > > > > anti Vedic.> > > > > > > > > > > > I am sure that

all people on this forum are not blind > and > > it > > > > is > > > > > for

them only I am raising this question. > > > > >

> > > > > > > I have following point to support my views> > > > > > > > > > >

> Vedas , Gita talk at length about the philosophy of KARMA> > > > (Action) > >

> > > and says that you have right to do the action only and > result > > is > >

> > in > > > > > my(God) hand. But here the Astrologers have taken the work > of

> > > God > > > > in > > > > > their hand, is it not against Vedas and Gita

????> > > > > > > > > > > > In Vedas and other authoritative scriptures of

ancient > Vedic > > > > > Rishis no where it is written that sun moon planets

etc do > the > > > > acts > > > > > that astrologers generally talk about.> > >

> >

> > > > > > > Offcourse Vedas and other vedic scriptures support all the > > >

true > > > > > sciences like Astronomy but not even a single word we have > >

found > > > > on > > > > > Astrology. If you came across any then please give

the > > reference.> > > > > > > > > > > > Moreover by applying tests of truth

the truthfulness of > > > > Astrology > > > > > is not proved. The tests of

truth are as follows. I am > making > > a > > > > copy > > > > > and paste from

the following site about the ' Tests of > truth '> > > > > >

http://www.vjsingh.com/chapterthree.html#8> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > THE FIVE TESTS OF TRUTH > > > > > > > > > > > > The

truth of every thing that is learnt or taught should > be > > > > > carefully

examined by the following five tests:-> > > > > > > > > > > > The Veda and

nature of God - All that conforms to the > > > > teachings > > > > > of the

Vedas, nature, attributes and characteristics of God > is > > > > > right, the

reverse is wrong. > > > > > > Laws of Nature - All that tallies with laws of

nature > is > > > > true, > > > > > the reverse untrue; e.g., the statement that

a child is born > > > > without > > > > > the sexual union of its parents, being

opposed to the laws > of > > > > nature > > > > > can never be true. > > > > > >

The practice and teachings of A'ptaas, -i.e., pious, > > > > truthful, > > >

> > unprejudiced, honest, and learned men. All that is unopposed > > to > > > >

> their practice and teachings is acceptable and the reverse > is > > > > >

unacceptable. > > > > > > The purity and conviction of one's own soul. -

What is > > good > > > > for > > > > > you is good for the world. What is

painful to you is painful > > to > > > > > others. This ought to be the guiding

principle of one's > > conduct > > > > > towards others. > > > > > > Eight kinds

of evidence> >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Direct Cognizance. > > > > > >

Inference. > > > > > > Analogy. > > > > > > Testimony. > > > > > >

History. > > > > > > Deduction. > > > > > > Possibility. > > >

> > > Non-existence or Negation.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Direct Cognizance (Praatyaksha) is that kind of > > knowledge, > > > > > which

is the result of direct contact of the five

senses > with > > > > their > > > > > objects,* of the mind (faculty or organ of

attention) with > the > > > > > senses, and of the soul with mind. NYAAYA

Shaastraa 1: i, 4. > > > > > > But this knowledge must not be that of the

relation > of > > > > words > > > > > with the things signified, as of the word

"water" with the > > fluid > > > > > called "water", For example, you ask your

servant to bring > you > > > > some > > > > > water. He brings water, puts it

before you, and says : 'Here > > is > > > > > water, Sir.' Now, what you and

your servant see is not the > > > > > word "water" but the object signified by

it. So ou have the > > > direct > > > >

> knowledge of the object called water. But the knowledge> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > This knowledge must not be of temporary

or transient > > > > > character, i.e., not the product of observation under >

> > unfavourable > > > > > circumstances; for example, a person saw something

at night > > and > > > > took > > > > > it for a man , but when it was daylight

he found out his > > mistake > > > > and > > > > > knew that it was not a man,

but a pillar. Now, his first > > > > impression > > > > > of the thing was of a

temporary or transient nature, which > > gave > > > > > place

to permanent knowledge later on, when the true nature > of > > > the > > > > >

thing was revealed in the light. > > > > > > It should be free from all

elements of doubt, and be > > > > certain > > > > > in character. For example,

you see a river from a distance > and > > > > > say: "Is it water there or

white clothes spread out to dry?" > > Or > > > > take > > > > > another

example, you see a man from a distance and say: Is > it > > > Deva > > > > >

Datta standing there or Yajna Datta?" Now, as long as you > are > > in > > > >

> doubt and consequently not sure about a thing you observe, > > your > > > > >

knowledge cannot be called Pratyaksha (Direct Cognizance).

> To > > be > > > > > that the element of doubt must be absolutely eliminated

from > > it. > > > > > > Briefly therefore, that knowledge alone is said to be

> Direct > > > > > Cognizance, which is not the outcome of the relation of name

> > > with > > > > > the object signified by it, nor gained under circumstances

> > > > > unfavourable for observation or experiment (Hence transient > in > >

> > > character) nor into which any element of doubt enters> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Anumaana - inference - Literally it means that

which > follows > > > > > direct cognizance. Two things have been observed to

exist > > > together > > > > > at some

time and place, when on some other occasion, one of > > the > > > > woe > > > >

> is observed, the other, i.e., the unknown can be inferred.* > > For > > > > >

instance, you see a child and you at once infer that he must > > > have > > > >

> had parents. Again, seeing the smoke issuing from behind a > > hill > > > >

you > > > > > infer the existence of fire. You infer the previous > >

incarnation > > > of > > > > > the soul form observing unequal joy and sorrow

in this world > > at > > > > the > > > > > present moment. > > > > > >

Inference is of three kinds:-> > > > > > > > > > > > Purvavat - is one , in

which you reason from cause to > >

> effect, > > > > > e.g., the inference of coming rain form the sight of clouds;

> > or, > > > > > again, you see a wedding and naturally infer that some day >

the > > > > > wedded couple will have children. Or, again, you see > students >

> > > > engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and you infer that some > > day > >

> > they > > > > > will become men of learning.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > Sheshavat - inference is one, in which you reason from > > effects > > > >

to > > > > > causes. Examples:- You see a flood in the river, and infer > >

that > > > it > > > > > must have rained on the mountain from which the river >

issues. > > > > Again, >

> > > > you see a child and at once infer that the child must have > had > > a >

> > > > father. Again, you see this world and infer the existence of > > the > >

> > > Spiritual cause - the Creator, as well as of a Material > cause -> > > > >

> the > > > > > elementary matter. Or, again, take another example. When you > >

se > > > a > > > > > man in pleasure and pain, you at once infer that he must >

have > > > done > > > > a > > > > > virtuous or sinful deed before, since you

have noticed that > > the > > > > > consequence of a sinful act is pain, and

that of a virtuous > > > deed, > > > > > pleasure. > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > Aaamaanyatodrishata - is that kind of inference, in which > > > there >

> > > is > > > > > no relation of cause and effect between the known datum and

> > the > > > > > thing to be inferred, but there is some kind of similarity >

> > between > > > > > the two. For example, you know that no one can get

another > > place > > > > > without moving from the first, and hence, if you

find a > person > > > at > > > > a > > > > > certain place, you can easily

infer that he must have come > to > > > the > > > > > latter place by moving

from the first.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Upamaana - Analogy - is the

knowledge of a thing from its > > >

> likeness > > > > > to another. The thing which is required to be known is >

called > > > > > Saadhya, and tha which becomes the means of this knowledge > >

from > > > > some > > > > > kind of likeness between the two is called Saadhana

> > > > > > Examples: - a man says to his servant : "Go and fetch > Vishnu > >

> > > Mittra." The latter answers that he does not know him, as he > > has > >

> > > never seen him before. Thereupon the master says :- You know > > > Deva >

> > > > Datta, don't you?" Upon the servant's answering in the > > > >

affirmative, > > > > > his master continues: "Well, Vishnu Mittra is just like

Deva > > > > Datta." > > > > > So the servant went out to find Vishnu Mittra.

As he was

> > passing > > > > > through a street, he saw a man very much like Deva Datta,

> and > > > > > thought that, thta man must be Vishnu Mittra, and forthwith > >

> > brought > > > > > him to his master. > > > > > > Or, take another example.

You want to know what a Yak is. > > > Well, > > > > > some one tells you, it is

just like an ox. Next time you go > to > > a > > > > > jungle and happen to see

an animal very much like an ox, you > > at > > > > once > > > > > know that it

is the Yak you asked your friend about. Now > this > > > kind > > > > > of

knowledge, i.e., knowledge of Vishnu Mittra from his > > likeness > > > > to >

> > > > Deva Datta and of a Yak from its

likeness to an ox is > > > > calledUpamaana > > > > > or knowledge by analogy.

The words Vishnu Mittra and Yak are > > > > called > > > > > Saadhya, whilst

Deva Datta and ox are called Saadhana, in > the > > > > above > > > > > two

instances. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Shabda -

Testimony (literally, word) - "The word of an > A'pt > > > > > (altruistic

teacher) is called Shabda." NYAAYA Shaastra > 1:,i, > > 7. > > > > > > An A'pt

is a person who is a thorough scholar, we versed > in > > > all > > > > > the

sciences and philosophies, physical and spiritual, is > > > > virtuous, > > > >


truthful, active, free from passions and desires, imbued > with > > > love > > >

> > for others, and who is an altruistic teacher of humanity > > solely > > > >

> actuated with the desire of benefiting the world by his > > > knowledge, > >

> > > experience and convictions. God being the truest and > greatest > > of >

> > > all > > > > > A'ptas, HIs word the Veda is also included in shabda > > >

(Testimony). > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Itihaas - History - is that

which tells us that such and > > such > > > a > > > > > person was so and so,

he did such and such a thing. In other > > > > words, > > > > > Itihaas is the

history of a country or the biography of a >

> > person. > > > > > NYAAYA Shaastra 2: 2,1.[The experience of the past

recorded > in > > > > > history can be applied to solve many a difficult

question of > > the > > > > > day. - Tr. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Arthaapatti - Conclusion or deduction. - It is a > conclusion > > > > which > >

> > > naturally follows from the statement of a fact; for > instance, > > > one

> > > > > says to another: "Rain falls from clouds" or " and effect > > flows >

> > > from > > > > > a cause." The natural conclusion that can be drawn from the

> > > above > > > > > statement is: "There can be no rain when there are no >

clouds," > > > > > or "no effects

follow when a cause does not exist." > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Sambhava - possibility. - When you hear a thing, the first > > > thing > > > >

> that enters your mind is whether such and such a thing is > > > > possible. >

> > > > Anything that runs counter to the laws of nature is not > > > possible,

> > > > > and hence it can never be true; for example, if you are told > > >

that > > > > a > > > > > child was born without parents, such and such a person

> raised > > > the > > > > > dead to life again, or made stones float on the

sea, lifted > > > > > mountains, broke the moon into pieces, was God incarnate,

or > > saw > > > > > horns on the head of a man, or

solemnized the marriage of a > > > couple > > > > > born of sterile mother. You

could at once know that it could > > not > > > > > have possibly happened,

being opposed to the laws of Nature. > > > That > > > > > alone is possible

which is in conformity with the laws of > > > nature. > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > Abhaava - Absence or Negation.- You infer the existence of > a > > > >

thing > > > > > in some other place from its absence from the place where > you

> > > were > > > > > told you find it; for instance, a gentleman said to his >

> man: "Go > > > > and > > > > > bring the elephant from the elephant-house."

He went there > but > > > >

found > > > > > that the elephant was not there. He naturally conclude that > he

> > > > must > > > > > be somewhere near about. So he went out and looked about

for > > the > > > > > elephant and found him not very far from its proper place

> and > > > > > brought him to his master. > > > > > > > > > > > > These eight

kinds of evidence have been briefly described. > > > Their > > > > > number can

be reduced to four fi History be included under > > > > > Testimony, and

Deduction, Possibility, and Negation under > > > > > Inference.* > > > > > > It

is only by means of these five criteria that a man can > > > > > ascertain what

is right or wrong and not otherwise> > > > > > >

> > > > > If you test Astrology against these tests it proves to be > a > > > >

fraud.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > > > > > >

Rajeev> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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How about not answering or counter attacking Rajeev on this subject.

I think we have provided him enough evidence. If he is of the mindset that he is

not going to accept the truth, let him live with myth "astrology is not vedic"

There is a saying in my native language which says "the stubborn man is more

powerful than the king". We cannot prove anything to anyone who is not ready to


I would request all the followers of Jyotish on this list to please not respond

to such discussions, just to avoid any kind of distraction to our astrological


I hope Guru Narasimha would not mind me putting this message here.


Sai"Sarajit Poddar"

<sarajit (AT) (DOT) org>2003/09/08 19:16:01To:

<vedic astrology>Cc: RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all concerned)

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Namaste AmolMandar Ji,

Amol Ji You wrote :"I knew that you would reject but I never thought that you

would do it in this fashion. "

Rajeev’s Reply :

Before my answering you, it was known to you that what my reply would be, that’s

why you have not analysed my reply properly and thus raising such funny

objections. Now tell me how did you know what my reply would be ? , is it

because of the Astrological studies. If you say no, then what it ultimately

proves is that you have a static intellect. A static intellect is when

predetermination takes the place of honest inquiry and truth is suppressed.

If you say that through Astrology you knew it then even that is doubtful as no

where I have given you my birth chart details.

Amol Ji You wrote :

"In that case they should have written 'I learn' instead I worship. Universally

worship means pooja and Learning means Abyasa. See the words used for

indicating worship in the sloka.Does that mean Learning? No. It does not mean

by any chance learning. WHat ever you have done is pure rationlization of the

shloka. If you see the actual word used in the shlokas then you will

understand. It is your interpretation that worship means learning but not

supoorted by Sanskrit or English dictionary. "

Rajeev’s Reply :

In order to understand the true meanings of a passage we have to judge the

context, capability of the subjects etc.,only then the true meaning of that

passage can be understood . Like for e.g if somebody says that parrots(birds)

are flying, then those who already know about parrot’s flying capability,

immediately know that parrots are flying.

But if I say that ‘Tony’ is flying. Then those who know that Tony is a man

would at once know that its not Tony who is flying but the Airplane he is using

is flying and Tony is in plane. Now Tony may be the name of a Dog to others and


Similarly when sitting in a train we say to somebody that, has Delhi come ?.

Then indirectly what we are asking is, has the train reached Delhi ?.

Since the Delhi is the name of a place and that place does not have the capacity

to move so saying , has Delhi come ? means nothing but, have we reached Delhi ?

Same thing has happened here, Worship of non living beings is what we had

written. What is worship ? its nothing but knowing , attaining the thing to be

worshipped in its true form. Now how you will know the thing to be worshipped

it is only through learning the attributes of that thing and making use of

those attributes for the benefit of self and man kind. So the meaning of

worship what we have done is right.

Amol Ji You wrote :

Is there any reference of elicpse in the richa? Whithout any reference why are

you assuming they were refering to solar eclipse and moon tides? In that case

it can mean anything under the Sun! Like collision of Stars or blak hole

formation. Is it not?. But we should see the richa and then decide. You are not

applying correct logic to understand the richa.

Rajeev’s Reply :

In the example I gave above even the passenger has not said that Delhi is

stationary and train is moving. So what it proves that in order to understand

it is not the literal meaning of the words but the context, capability of the

subject etc. which decides the meaning.

Also many times when we say that lets do the ‘Pate(stomach) pooja’. So even here

by word pooja we are saying that lets eat something. So here Pooja means eating


Dictionary can help somebody to understand the meaning of a word , but it

requires vision to understand the real meaning of a phrase , fools use only

the literal meaning however everywhere.

Amol Ji You wrote :

See what has happened, you are analysing my interpretation but not why i

translated that richa in that fashion. Dont try to make me understand what my

translation means. If I can translate it then I know what it means.Try to see

whether translation is correct or not. If it is so then you will understand the

words used are intentional. Had it not so I would have used the word 'Learn'

instead 'Worship'. Once you do that then follow the dictionary to know what

worship means. So remove your bias and try to see the world. On one side you

say "God is biasless so we should try to become" but does not follow it. Very


Rajeev’s Reply :

Had you understood the meanings I gave, you would not have raised the foolish objections.

Amol Ji You wrote :

Now you are confused yourself. You say "We are able to see stars in night time

and thats what there becoming powerful by chandrama implies.During day due to

sun light we are not able to see them." This statement one can make only

because of lack of porper knowledge or bias or confusion. You have right now

all three qualities. Read agin I am sure you will realize what have you said.

Look at the words used in richa and decide. This you could have said without I

producing any proof. Since you are not talking about proof rather it is

predetermined thought process getting expressed.

Rajeev’s Reply :

By now I hope you might have known who is confused , biased and have static intellect.

Similar objections have been raised by you in other parts so I am not answering

those parts as I consider them already answered. If anything is left then let

me know and I will answer them.

Amol Ji You wrote :

Here you are sounding like a God unwantedly. Who are you to decide what and how

Sukha shanti is obtained? There is a good and simple way of understanding these

words. But you will try to see what is not present in it.

Rajeev’s answer :

Even here what we have written is practical, look USA, UK , other countries and

recently India are Nuclear powers. Till Indians followed the mythologies like

astrology , Indians were suppressed by many invaders. Indians were themselves

robbed of their independence and reduced to the condition of a subject

race,raped , converted to verious religions, suffer in a hundred different way

like the donkey of the potter. But worshipping the sun ,stars etc like we

explained now India is considered as a powerful Nation. So the meaning of Sukha

and shanti what we have taken is right.

It’s a proven fact that Truth always wins. So acquiring of true knowledge, and

following it leads one towards sukha and shanti what’s wrong in saying it ?

Amol Ji You wrote :

That is why I asked do you know Sanskrit? When you do not know Sanskrit then

that adds up indirections. What has happned is exactly that. You have my

translation rather than translating it yourself. Read the Sanskrit version

again and examine the words used and try to come-up with your translation then

you will understand what is learning and what is worshiping.

Rajeev’s reply :

I have used your translation and the meanings I gave are in line with the

Vedas(true knowledge), the meanings I gave are universal in nature, not limited

by time and place and proving loudly that Vedas are universal for everybody.





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Namaste AmolMandar Ji,

I had given the tests of truth before starting this discussion, I have not deviated from them.

The logic you gave does not qualify here. Because here the object you are

considering coming at a retarding speed is from a living being (which is out

of your control) and can change its speed at his own will. Applying this logic

on a car whose remote control is in your hand , then only this logic qualifies.

Therefore the capability of the object changing its speed at will is not taken

into consideration by you .

You have exaggerated the example I gave ,to Lahore ,and tried to sideline the

main issue. But even here only a person with no knowledge of direction, in

which the train is moving and geography of Lahore and Delhi can derive the

meaning "has not the train reached Lahore’ from "has delhi come". Because when

somebody says in a train that "has Delhi come" he is giving an indication of

direction of train in which it is moving. Delhi and Lahore are in opposite


Okay now lets tell me what you think of sun, moon, stars etc. are they living

beings or non living beings ????

What does the worship of the sun, moon etc. mean to you ????

What is the meaning of phrase "lets do some ‘Pate(stomach) pooja’ " used very

commonly even in TV ads. ????

Is there one God or more Gods ????

If Astrologers say that they have control over the celestial bodies than if two

persons one believer of astrology(like you) and other nonbeliever like me walk

bare footed on the heated sands of Rajasthan in the month of May or June during

day time(1.00 PM to 3.00PM) when the summer is at its peak. At that time if your

feet are not burnt( because sun is in your(astrologers control )and only my feet

are burnt then I will accept whatever you say, otherwise accept what I am


Now answering your last question , I am member at other forums also and at one

of the forum other than this, Astrology is the topic. So some of the mails I

found useful to share with them ,I shared. Wherever I get anything useful for

me or others I share, like here I shared some of the links of one web site in

my previous mails.

I used tests of truth to check my statements and of others as well to test the

truthfulness. I had used the translation given by you but did the

interpretation based upon my experience and knowledge. I am not taking the help

of anybody except truth.

But whether somebody is guiding me or not, how does it affects when you consider

yourself truthful ????


Rajeevamolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Daer Rajeev NamsteYou are deviating like a Sarpa. Lets follow your way.See, how

does it matter whether I have static or dymamic intelligence so far as I am

correct! I dont know what does it mean as static and dynamic intelligence but I

applied common sense to arrive at conclusion. When you see a object coming

towards you in a retarding speed, you can conclude without much knowledge of

physics and astrology that the object will stop sooner than later. As simple as

that. So applying common sense is static intelligence then its ok to me.You have

given the example of 'has Delhi come'? It means has the train reached Delhi? and

not has the train reached Lahore! By streach of imagination if some one says

that(Now read carefully)"Delhi is Lahore because ultimatly what is reaching to

Delhi? It is capturing Lahore! So

when we say 'has Delhi come' we must understand the context (being Indian) and

the real meaning of Delhi. Then only we will be true Indian. We take Delhi as

as Delhi then it would be wrong. Only anti-Indian will take Delhi as Delhi. The

seeker of Truth will always follow the path of true nationalist. So one must see

the Truth. Dont give blind eye to the fact that Delhi is Lahore. Today your

inaction and acceptence of Delhi as Delhi will make in India slave. So be

awakened and make everyone realize the truth. Dont go by the word 'Delhi' but

try to understand the sentiments attached with that word. There are many who

have lost their everything for the word 'Delhi'. Were they all fools? No. They

were real patriots. Dictionary can help somebody to understand the meaning of a

word , but it requires vision to understand the real meaning of a phrase ,

fools use only the literal meaning however everywhere. Dont follow

dictionary but see the sentiments. My dear fellow countrymen.... Listen what I

say. Look USA, UK ,and other countries and India. They are Nuclear powers. So

are we. Till Indians followed the false concept as Delhi as Delhi Indians were

suppressed by many invaders and Delhi was separeted from Lahore. Indians were

themselves robbed of their independence and reduced to the condition of a

subject race,raped , converted to verious religions, suffer in a hundred

different way like the donkey of the potter because they belive in Delhi as

Delhi and Lahore as Lahore. But taking Delhi as Lahore, like I explained now,

One day India will be considered as a powerful Nation. This is the meaning of

Sukha and shanti. We will be happy (Sukha) only if we consider Delhi as Lahore

and there will all be Peace (Shanti) if we belive that Delhi is Lahore. So

remember my dear fellow countrymen. Delhi is Lahore. Delhi is Sukha

and Dlehi is Shanti to us. This is the Truth. It's a proven fact that Truth

always wins so we will win. Acquiring of true knowledge(delhi is Lahore), and

following it leads one towards sukha and shanti what's wrong in saying it ? It

is written in vedas. I am giving you the truth and nothing but truth. I have

used real translation and the meanings I gave are in line with the Vedas(true

knowledge), the meanings I gave are universal in nature, not limited by time

and place. We are universal. Vedas are universal. Delhi is Universal. Every

Indian is universal. " etc. etc..Who can argue on this argument? No one.

Because who makes this argument is so firm in his belief and faith (that Delhi

is Lahore) that he never realizes that it is intelletual excess. In other words

Vaicharik Atirek. An intellectual extremest. Just a small doubt. Are you sending

our communication to a third person and he/she is guiding you as to what to

write and how are we(You two) correct? Just a doubt.Thnaks a lot for your Time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

<satpath1> wrote:> > Namaste AmolMandar Ji,> > Amol Ji You wrote :> "I

knew that you would reject but I never thought that you would do it in this

fashion. "> > Rajeev's Reply :> > Before my answering you, it was known to you

that what my reply would be, that's why you have not analysed my reply properly

and thus raising such funny objections. Now tell me how did you know what my

reply would be ? , is it because of the Astrological studies. If you say no,

then what it ultimately proves is that you have a static intellect. A static

intellect is when predetermination takes the place of honest inquiry and truth

is suppressed.> > If you say that through Astrology you knew it then even

that is doubtful as no where I have given you my birth chart details. > > > Amol

Ji You wrote :> > > "In that case they should have written 'I learn' instead I

worship. Universally worship means pooja and Learning means Abyasa. See the

words used for indicating worship in the sloka.Does that mean Learning? No. It

does not mean by any chance learning. WHat ever you have done is pure

rationlization of the shloka. If you see the actual word used in the shlokas

then you will understand. It is your interpretation that worship means learning

but not supoorted by Sanskrit or English dictionary. "> > Rajeev's Reply :> > In

order to understand the true meanings of a passage we have to judge the context,

capability of the subjects etc.,only then the true meaning of that passage can

be understood . Like for e.g if somebody says that parrots(birds) are flying,

then those who already

know about parrot's flying capability, immediately know that parrots are flying.

> > But if I say that `Tony' is flying. Then those who know that Tony is a man

would at once know that its not Tony who is flying but the Airplane he is using

is flying and Tony is in plane. Now Tony may be the name of a Dog to others and

soon.> > Similarly when sitting in a train we say to somebody that, has Delhi

come ?. Then indirectly what we are asking is, has the train reached Delhi ?.>

> Since the Delhi is the name of a place and that place does not have the

capacity to move so saying , has Delhi come ? means nothing but, have we

reached Delhi ?> > Same thing has happened here, Worship of non living beings

is what we had written. What is worship ? its nothing but knowing , attaining

the thing to be worshipped in its true form. Now how you will know the thing to

be worshipped it is only

through learning the attributes of that thing and making use of those attributes

for the benefit of self and man kind. So the meaning of worship what we have

done is right.> > Amol Ji You wrote :> > Is there any reference of elicpse in

the richa? Whithout any reference why are you assuming they were refering to

solar eclipse and moon tides? In that case it can mean anything under the Sun!

Like collision of Stars or blak hole formation. Is it not?. But we should see

the richa and then decide. You are not applying correct logic to understand the

richa. > > > Rajeev's Reply :> > In the example I gave above even the passenger

has not said that Delhi is stationary and train is moving. So what it proves

that in order to understand it is not the literal meaning of the words but the

context, capability of the subject etc. which decides the meaning.> > Also many


when we say that lets do the `Pate(stomach) pooja'. So even here by word pooja

we are saying that lets eat something. So here Pooja means eating also.> >

Dictionary can help somebody to understand the meaning of a word , but it

requires vision to understand the real meaning of a phrase , fools use only

the literal meaning however everywhere. > > Amol Ji You wrote :> > > See what

has happened, you are analysing my interpretation but not why i translated that

richa in that fashion. Dont try to make me understand what my translation means.

If I can translate it then I know what it means.Try to see whether translation

is correct or not. If it is so then you will understand the words used are

intentional. Had it not so I would have used the word 'Learn' instead

'Worship'. Once you do that then follow the dictionary to know what worship

means. So remove your bias and try to see the

world. On one side you say "God is biasless so we should try to become" but does

not follow it. Very funny! > > > Rajeev's Reply :> > Had you understood the

meanings I gave, you would not have raised the foolish objections.> > Amol Ji

You wrote :> > Now you are confused yourself. You say "We are able to see stars

in night time and thats what there becoming powerful by chandrama implies.During

day due to sun light we are not able to see them." This statement one can make

only because of lack of porper knowledge or bias or confusion. You have right

now all three qualities. Read agin I am sure you will realize what have you

said. Look at the words used in richa and decide. This you could have said

without I producing any proof. Since you are not talking about proof rather it

is predetermined thought process getting expressed. > > Rajeev's Reply :> > By

now I hope you might have known who is confused , biased and have static

intellect. > > Similar objections have been raised by you in other parts so I

am not answering those parts as I consider them already answered. If anything

is left then let me know and I will answer them.> > > Amol Ji You wrote :> >

Here you are sounding like a God unwantedly. Who are you to decide what and how

Sukha shanti is obtained? There is a good and simple way of understanding these

words. But you will try to see what is not present in it.> > Rajeev's answer :>

> Even here what we have written is practical, look USA, UK , other countries

and recently India are Nuclear powers. Till Indians followed the mythologies

like astrology , Indians were suppressed by many invaders. Indians were

themselves robbed of their independence and reduced to the condition of a

subject race,raped , converted to

verious religions, suffer in a hundred different way like the donkey of the

potter. But worshipping the sun ,stars etc like we explained now India is

considered as a powerful Nation. So the meaning of Sukha and shanti what we

have taken is right. > > It's a proven fact that Truth always wins. So

acquiring of true knowledge, and following it leads one towards sukha and

shanti what's wrong in saying it ?> > Amol Ji You wrote :> > That is why I

asked do you know Sanskrit? When you do not know > Sanskrit then that adds up

indirections. What has happned is exactly that. You have my translation rather

than translating it yourself. Read the Sanskrit version again and examine the

words used and try to come-up with your translation then you will understand

what is learning and what is worshiping. > > Rajeev's reply :> > I have used

your translation and the meanings I gave are

in line with the Vedas(true knowledge), the meanings I gave are universal in

nature, not limited by time and place and proving loudly that Vedas are

universal for everybody.> > Regards> > Rajeev> > > >

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Namaste AmolMandar Ji,

I had given the tests of truth before starting this discussion, I have not deviated from them.

The logic you gave does not qualify here. Because here the object you are

considering coming at a retarding speed is from a living being (which is out

of your control) and can change its speed at his own will. Applying this logic

on a car whose remote control is in your hand , then only this logic qualifies.

Therefore the capability of the object changing its speed at will is not taken

into consideration by you .

You have exaggerated the example I gave ,to Lahore ,and tried to sideline the

main issue. But even here only a person with no knowledge of direction, in

which the train is moving and geography of Lahore and Delhi can derive the

meaning "has not the train reached Lahore’ from "has delhi come". Because when

somebody says in a train that "has Delhi come" he is giving an indication of

direction of train in which it is moving. Delhi and Lahore are in opposite


Okay now lets tell me what you think of sun, moon, stars etc. are they living

beings or non living beings ????

What does the worship of the sun, moon etc. mean to you ????

What is the meaning of phrase "lets do some ‘Pate(stomach) pooja’ " used very

commonly even in TV ads. ????

Is there one God or more Gods ????

If Astrologers say that they have control over the celestial bodies than if two

persons one believer of astrology(like you) and other nonbeliever like me walk

bare footed on the heated sands of Rajasthan in the month of May or June during

day time(1.00 PM to 3.00PM) when the summer is at its peak. At that time if your

feet are not burnt( because sun is in your(astrologers control )and only my feet

are burnt then I will accept whatever you say, otherwise accept what I am


Now answering your last question , I am member at other forums also and at one

of the forum other than this, Astrology is the topic. So some of the mails I

found useful to share with them ,I shared. Wherever I get anything useful for

me or others I share, like here I shared some of the links of one web site in

my previous mails.

I used tests of truth to check my statements and of others as well to test the

truthfulness. I had used the translation given by you but did the

interpretation based upon my experience and knowledge. I am not taking the help

of anybody except truth.

But whether somebody is guiding me or not, how does it affects when you are truthful ????


Rajeevamolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Daer Rajeev NamsteYou are deviating like a Sarpa. Lets follow your way.See, how

does it matter whether I have static or dymamic intelligence so far as I am

correct! I dont know what does it mean as static and dynamic intelligence but I

applied common sense to arrive at conclusion. When you see a object coming

towards you in a retarding speed, you can conclude without much knowledge of

physics and astrology that the object will stop sooner than later. As simple as

that. So applying common sense is static intelligence then its ok to me.You have

given the example of 'has Delhi come'? It means has the train reached Delhi? and

not has the train reached Lahore! By streach of imagination if some one says

that(Now read carefully)"Delhi is Lahore because ultimatly what is reaching to

Delhi? It is capturing Lahore! So

when we say 'has Delhi come' we must understand the context (being Indian) and

the real meaning of Delhi. Then only we will be true Indian. We take Delhi as

as Delhi then it would be wrong. Only anti-Indian will take Delhi as Delhi. The

seeker of Truth will always follow the path of true nationalist. So one must see

the Truth. Dont give blind eye to the fact that Delhi is Lahore. Today your

inaction and acceptence of Delhi as Delhi will make in India slave. So be

awakened and make everyone realize the truth. Dont go by the word 'Delhi' but

try to understand the sentiments attached with that word. There are many who

have lost their everything for the word 'Delhi'. Were they all fools? No. They

were real patriots. Dictionary can help somebody to understand the meaning of a

word , but it requires vision to understand the real meaning of a phrase ,

fools use only the literal meaning however everywhere. Dont follow

dictionary but see the sentiments. My dear fellow countrymen.... Listen what I

say. Look USA, UK ,and other countries and India. They are Nuclear powers. So

are we. Till Indians followed the false concept as Delhi as Delhi Indians were

suppressed by many invaders and Delhi was separeted from Lahore. Indians were

themselves robbed of their independence and reduced to the condition of a

subject race,raped , converted to verious religions, suffer in a hundred

different way like the donkey of the potter because they belive in Delhi as

Delhi and Lahore as Lahore. But taking Delhi as Lahore, like I explained now,

One day India will be considered as a powerful Nation. This is the meaning of

Sukha and shanti. We will be happy (Sukha) only if we consider Delhi as Lahore

and there will all be Peace (Shanti) if we belive that Delhi is Lahore. So

remember my dear fellow countrymen. Delhi is Lahore. Delhi is Sukha

and Dlehi is Shanti to us. This is the Truth. It's a proven fact that Truth

always wins so we will win. Acquiring of true knowledge(delhi is Lahore), and

following it leads one towards sukha and shanti what's wrong in saying it ? It

is written in vedas. I am giving you the truth and nothing but truth. I have

used real translation and the meanings I gave are in line with the Vedas(true

knowledge), the meanings I gave are universal in nature, not limited by time

and place. We are universal. Vedas are universal. Delhi is Universal. Every

Indian is universal. " etc. etc..Who can argue on this argument? No one.

Because who makes this argument is so firm in his belief and faith (that Delhi

is Lahore) that he never realizes that it is intelletual excess. In other words

Vaicharik Atirek. An intellectual extremest. Just a small doubt. Are you sending

our communication to a third person and he/she is guiding you as to what to

write and how are we(You two) correct? Just a doubt.Thnaks a lot for your Time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

<satpath1> wrote:> > Namaste AmolMandar Ji,> > Amol Ji You wrote :> "I

knew that you would reject but I never thought that you would do it in this

fashion. "> > Rajeev's Reply :> > Before my answering you, it was known to you

that what my reply would be, that's why you have not analysed my reply properly

and thus raising such funny objections. Now tell me how did you know what my

reply would be ? , is it because of the Astrological studies. If you say no,

then what it ultimately proves is that you have a static intellect. A static

intellect is when predetermination takes the place of honest inquiry and truth

is suppressed.> > If you say that through Astrology you knew it then even

that is doubtful as no where I have given you my birth chart details. > > > Amol

Ji You wrote :> > > "In that case they should have written 'I learn' instead I

worship. Universally worship means pooja and Learning means Abyasa. See the

words used for indicating worship in the sloka.Does that mean Learning? No. It

does not mean by any chance learning. WHat ever you have done is pure

rationlization of the shloka. If you see the actual word used in the shlokas

then you will understand. It is your interpretation that worship means learning

but not supoorted by Sanskrit or English dictionary. "> > Rajeev's Reply :> > In

order to understand the true meanings of a passage we have to judge the context,

capability of the subjects etc.,only then the true meaning of that passage can

be understood . Like for e.g if somebody says that parrots(birds) are flying,

then those who already

know about parrot's flying capability, immediately know that parrots are flying.

> > But if I say that `Tony' is flying. Then those who know that Tony is a man

would at once know that its not Tony who is flying but the Airplane he is using

is flying and Tony is in plane. Now Tony may be the name of a Dog to others and

soon.> > Similarly when sitting in a train we say to somebody that, has Delhi

come ?. Then indirectly what we are asking is, has the train reached Delhi ?.>

> Since the Delhi is the name of a place and that place does not have the

capacity to move so saying , has Delhi come ? means nothing but, have we

reached Delhi ?> > Same thing has happened here, Worship of non living beings

is what we had written. What is worship ? its nothing but knowing , attaining

the thing to be worshipped in its true form. Now how you will know the thing to

be worshipped it is only

through learning the attributes of that thing and making use of those attributes

for the benefit of self and man kind. So the meaning of worship what we have

done is right.> > Amol Ji You wrote :> > Is there any reference of elicpse in

the richa? Whithout any reference why are you assuming they were refering to

solar eclipse and moon tides? In that case it can mean anything under the Sun!

Like collision of Stars or blak hole formation. Is it not?. But we should see

the richa and then decide. You are not applying correct logic to understand the

richa. > > > Rajeev's Reply :> > In the example I gave above even the passenger

has not said that Delhi is stationary and train is moving. So what it proves

that in order to understand it is not the literal meaning of the words but the

context, capability of the subject etc. which decides the meaning.> > Also many


when we say that lets do the `Pate(stomach) pooja'. So even here by word pooja

we are saying that lets eat something. So here Pooja means eating also.> >

Dictionary can help somebody to understand the meaning of a word , but it

requires vision to understand the real meaning of a phrase , fools use only

the literal meaning however everywhere. > > Amol Ji You wrote :> > > See what

has happened, you are analysing my interpretation but not why i translated that

richa in that fashion. Dont try to make me understand what my translation means.

If I can translate it then I know what it means.Try to see whether translation

is correct or not. If it is so then you will understand the words used are

intentional. Had it not so I would have used the word 'Learn' instead

'Worship'. Once you do that then follow the dictionary to know what worship

means. So remove your bias and try to see the

world. On one side you say "God is biasless so we should try to become" but does

not follow it. Very funny! > > > Rajeev's Reply :> > Had you understood the

meanings I gave, you would not have raised the foolish objections.> > Amol Ji

You wrote :> > Now you are confused yourself. You say "We are able to see stars

in night time and thats what there becoming powerful by chandrama implies.During

day due to sun light we are not able to see them." This statement one can make

only because of lack of porper knowledge or bias or confusion. You have right

now all three qualities. Read agin I am sure you will realize what have you

said. Look at the words used in richa and decide. This you could have said

without I producing any proof. Since you are not talking about proof rather it

is predetermined thought process getting expressed. > > Rajeev's Reply :> > By

now I hope you might have known who is confused , biased and have static

intellect. > > Similar objections have been raised by you in other parts so I

am not answering those parts as I consider them already answered. If anything

is left then let me know and I will answer them.> > > Amol Ji You wrote :> >

Here you are sounding like a God unwantedly. Who are you to decide what and how

Sukha shanti is obtained? There is a good and simple way of understanding these

words. But you will try to see what is not present in it.> > Rajeev's answer :>

> Even here what we have written is practical, look USA, UK , other countries

and recently India are Nuclear powers. Till Indians followed the mythologies

like astrology , Indians were suppressed by many invaders. Indians were

themselves robbed of their independence and reduced to the condition of a

subject race,raped , converted to

verious religions, suffer in a hundred different way like the donkey of the

potter. But worshipping the sun ,stars etc like we explained now India is

considered as a powerful Nation. So the meaning of Sukha and shanti what we

have taken is right. > > It's a proven fact that Truth always wins. So

acquiring of true knowledge, and following it leads one towards sukha and

shanti what's wrong in saying it ?> > Amol Ji You wrote :> > That is why I

asked do you know Sanskrit? When you do not know > Sanskrit then that adds up

indirections. What has happned is exactly that. You have my translation rather

than translating it yourself. Read the Sanskrit version again and examine the

words used and try to come-up with your translation then you will understand

what is learning and what is worshiping. > > Rajeev's reply :> > I have used

your translation and the meanings I gave are

in line with the Vedas(true knowledge), the meanings I gave are universal in

nature, not limited by time and place and proving loudly that Vedas are

universal for everybody.> > Regards> > Rajeev> > > >

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Namaste AmolMandar Ji,

I had given the tests of truth before starting this discussion, I have not deviated from them.

The logic you gave does not qualify here. Because here the object you are

considering coming at a retarding speed is from a living being (which is out

of your control) and can change its speed at his own will. Applying this logic

on a car whose remote control is in your hand , then only this logic qualifies.

Therefore the capability of the object changing its speed at will is not taken

into consideration by you .

You have exaggerated the example I gave ,to Lahore ,and tried to sideline the

main issue. But even here only a person with no knowledge of direction, in

which the train is moving and geography of Lahore and Delhi can derive the

meaning "has not the train reached Lahore’ from "has delhi come". Because when

somebody says in a train that "has Delhi come" he is giving an indication of

direction of train in which it is moving. Delhi and Lahore are in opposite


Okay now lets tell me what you think of sun, moon, stars etc. are they living

beings or non living beings ????

What does the worship of the sun, moon etc. mean to you ????

What is the meaning of phrase "lets do some ‘Pate(stomach) pooja’ " used very

commonly even in TV ads. ????

Is there one God or more Gods ????

If Astrologers say that they have control over the celestial bodies than if two

persons one believer of astrology(like you) and other nonbeliever like me walk

bare footed on the heated sands of Rajasthan in the month of May or June during

day time(1.00 PM to 3.00PM) when the summer is at its peak. At that time if your

feet are not burnt( because sun is in your(astrologers control )and only my feet

are burnt then I will accept whatever you say, otherwise accept what I am


Now answering your last question , I am member at other forums also and at one

of the forum other than this, Astrology is the topic. So some of the mails I

found useful to share with them ,I shared. Wherever I get anything useful for

me or others I share, like here I shared some of the links of one web site in

my previous mails.

I used tests of truth to check my statements and of others as well to test the

truthfulness. I had used the translation given by you but did the

interpretation based upon my experience and knowledge. I am not taking the help

of anybody except truth.

But whether somebody is guiding me or not, how does it affects when you consider

yourself truthful ????


Rajeevamolmandar <amolmandar > wrote:

Daer Rajeev NamsteYou are deviating like a Sarpa. Lets follow your way.See, how

does it matter whether I have static or dymamic intelligence so far as I am

correct! I dont know what does it mean as static and dynamic intelligence but I

applied common sense to arrive at conclusion. When you see a object coming

towards you in a retarding speed, you can conclude without much knowledge of

physics and astrology that the object will stop sooner than later. As simple as

that. So applying common sense is static intelligence then its ok to me.You have

given the example of 'has Delhi come'? It means has the train reached Delhi? and

not has the train reached Lahore! By streach of imagination if some one says

that(Now read carefully)"Delhi is Lahore because ultimatly what is reaching to

Delhi? It is capturing Lahore! So

when we say 'has Delhi come' we must understand the context (being Indian) and

the real meaning of Delhi. Then only we will be true Indian. We take Delhi as

as Delhi then it would be wrong. Only anti-Indian will take Delhi as Delhi. The

seeker of Truth will always follow the path of true nationalist. So one must see

the Truth. Dont give blind eye to the fact that Delhi is Lahore. Today your

inaction and acceptence of Delhi as Delhi will make in India slave. So be

awakened and make everyone realize the truth. Dont go by the word 'Delhi' but

try to understand the sentiments attached with that word. There are many who

have lost their everything for the word 'Delhi'. Were they all fools? No. They

were real patriots. Dictionary can help somebody to understand the meaning of a

word , but it requires vision to understand the real meaning of a phrase ,

fools use only the literal meaning however everywhere. Dont follow

dictionary but see the sentiments. My dear fellow countrymen.... Listen what I

say. Look USA, UK ,and other countries and India. They are Nuclear powers. So

are we. Till Indians followed the false concept as Delhi as Delhi Indians were

suppressed by many invaders and Delhi was separeted from Lahore. Indians were

themselves robbed of their independence and reduced to the condition of a

subject race,raped , converted to verious religions, suffer in a hundred

different way like the donkey of the potter because they belive in Delhi as

Delhi and Lahore as Lahore. But taking Delhi as Lahore, like I explained now,

One day India will be considered as a powerful Nation. This is the meaning of

Sukha and shanti. We will be happy (Sukha) only if we consider Delhi as Lahore

and there will all be Peace (Shanti) if we belive that Delhi is Lahore. So

remember my dear fellow countrymen. Delhi is Lahore. Delhi is Sukha

and Dlehi is Shanti to us. This is the Truth. It's a proven fact that Truth

always wins so we will win. Acquiring of true knowledge(delhi is Lahore), and

following it leads one towards sukha and shanti what's wrong in saying it ? It

is written in vedas. I am giving you the truth and nothing but truth. I have

used real translation and the meanings I gave are in line with the Vedas(true

knowledge), the meanings I gave are universal in nature, not limited by time

and place. We are universal. Vedas are universal. Delhi is Universal. Every

Indian is universal. " etc. etc..Who can argue on this argument? No one.

Because who makes this argument is so firm in his belief and faith (that Delhi

is Lahore) that he never realizes that it is intelletual excess. In other words

Vaicharik Atirek. An intellectual extremest. Just a small doubt. Are you sending

our communication to a third person and he/she is guiding you as to what to

write and how are we(You two) correct? Just a doubt.Thnaks a lot for your Time

and Space.AmolMandarvedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar

<satpath1> wrote:> > Namaste AmolMandar Ji,> > Amol Ji You wrote :> "I

knew that you would reject but I never thought that you would do it in this

fashion. "> > Rajeev's Reply :> > Before my answering you, it was known to you

that what my reply would be, that's why you have not analysed my reply properly

and thus raising such funny objections. Now tell me how did you know what my

reply would be ? , is it because of the Astrological studies. If you say no,

then what it ultimately proves is that you have a static intellect. A static

intellect is when predetermination takes the place of honest inquiry and truth

is suppressed.> > If you say that through Astrology you knew it then even

that is doubtful as no where I have given you my birth chart details. > > > Amol

Ji You wrote :> > > "In that case they should have written 'I learn' instead I

worship. Universally worship means pooja and Learning means Abyasa. See the

words used for indicating worship in the sloka.Does that mean Learning? No. It

does not mean by any chance learning. WHat ever you have done is pure

rationlization of the shloka. If you see the actual word used in the shlokas

then you will understand. It is your interpretation that worship means learning

but not supoorted by Sanskrit or English dictionary. "> > Rajeev's Reply :> > In

order to understand the true meanings of a passage we have to judge the context,

capability of the subjects etc.,only then the true meaning of that passage can

be understood . Like for e.g if somebody says that parrots(birds) are flying,

then those who already

know about parrot's flying capability, immediately know that parrots are flying.

> > But if I say that `Tony' is flying. Then those who know that Tony is a man

would at once know that its not Tony who is flying but the Airplane he is using

is flying and Tony is in plane. Now Tony may be the name of a Dog to others and

soon.> > Similarly when sitting in a train we say to somebody that, has Delhi

come ?. Then indirectly what we are asking is, has the train reached Delhi ?.>

> Since the Delhi is the name of a place and that place does not have the

capacity to move so saying , has Delhi come ? means nothing but, have we

reached Delhi ?> > Same thing has happened here, Worship of non living beings

is what we had written. What is worship ? its nothing but knowing , attaining

the thing to be worshipped in its true form. Now how you will know the thing to

be worshipped it is only

through learning the attributes of that thing and making use of those attributes

for the benefit of self and man kind. So the meaning of worship what we have

done is right.> > Amol Ji You wrote :> > Is there any reference of elicpse in

the richa? Whithout any reference why are you assuming they were refering to

solar eclipse and moon tides? In that case it can mean anything under the Sun!

Like collision of Stars or blak hole formation. Is it not?. But we should see

the richa and then decide. You are not applying correct logic to understand the

richa. > > > Rajeev's Reply :> > In the example I gave above even the passenger

has not said that Delhi is stationary and train is moving. So what it proves

that in order to understand it is not the literal meaning of the words but the

context, capability of the subject etc. which decides the meaning.> > Also many


when we say that lets do the `Pate(stomach) pooja'. So even here by word pooja

we are saying that lets eat something. So here Pooja means eating also.> >

Dictionary can help somebody to understand the meaning of a word , but it

requires vision to understand the real meaning of a phrase , fools use only

the literal meaning however everywhere. > > Amol Ji You wrote :> > > See what

has happened, you are analysing my interpretation but not why i translated that

richa in that fashion. Dont try to make me understand what my translation means.

If I can translate it then I know what it means.Try to see whether translation

is correct or not. If it is so then you will understand the words used are

intentional. Had it not so I would have used the word 'Learn' instead

'Worship'. Once you do that then follow the dictionary to know what worship

means. So remove your bias and try to see the

world. On one side you say "God is biasless so we should try to become" but does

not follow it. Very funny! > > > Rajeev's Reply :> > Had you understood the

meanings I gave, you would not have raised the foolish objections.> > Amol Ji

You wrote :> > Now you are confused yourself. You say "We are able to see stars

in night time and thats what there becoming powerful by chandrama implies.During

day due to sun light we are not able to see them." This statement one can make

only because of lack of porper knowledge or bias or confusion. You have right

now all three qualities. Read agin I am sure you will realize what have you

said. Look at the words used in richa and decide. This you could have said

without I producing any proof. Since you are not talking about proof rather it

is predetermined thought process getting expressed. > > Rajeev's Reply :> > By

now I hope you might have known who is confused , biased and have static

intellect. > > Similar objections have been raised by you in other parts so I

am not answering those parts as I consider them already answered. If anything

is left then let me know and I will answer them.> > > Amol Ji You wrote :> >

Here you are sounding like a God unwantedly. Who are you to decide what and how

Sukha shanti is obtained? There is a good and simple way of understanding these

words. But you will try to see what is not present in it.> > Rajeev's answer :>

> Even here what we have written is practical, look USA, UK , other countries

and recently India are Nuclear powers. Till Indians followed the mythologies

like astrology , Indians were suppressed by many invaders. Indians were

themselves robbed of their independence and reduced to the condition of a

subject race,raped , converted to

verious religions, suffer in a hundred different way like the donkey of the

potter. But worshipping the sun ,stars etc like we explained now India is

considered as a powerful Nation. So the meaning of Sukha and shanti what we

have taken is right. > > It's a proven fact that Truth always wins. So

acquiring of true knowledge, and following it leads one towards sukha and

shanti what's wrong in saying it ?> > Amol Ji You wrote :> > That is why I

asked do you know Sanskrit? When you do not know > Sanskrit then that adds up

indirections. What has happned is exactly that. You have my translation rather

than translating it yourself. Read the Sanskrit version again and examine the

words used and try to come-up with your translation then you will understand

what is learning and what is worshiping. > > Rajeev's reply :> > I have used

your translation and the meanings I gave are

in line with the Vedas(true knowledge), the meanings I gave are universal in

nature, not limited by time and place and proving loudly that Vedas are

universal for everybody.> > Regards> > Rajeev> > > >

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Om Gurave NamahDear Rajeev

Challenge must be more meaningful. One of my servants walks the fire every year

as a test of his FAITH of Sri Lingaraja & Bhuvaneshwari devi, the deitis of

Bhuvaneswar. Are you willing to walk this fire. It is a small pit - 4 feet

wide, 4 feet deep and about 30 feet long. Wood charcoal shall be burning at the

bottom of the pit and the fire shall be about 12-15 feet high. The condition is

simple - not a single hair must be burnt. Are you accepting this challenge. If

you lose, you must give up all this tirade against hinduism and must live in

Bhubaneswar (welcome to the land of the faithful ones) and practise your

sadhana. This event takes place every year and is attended by many people. Can

you pass this test of SHIVA? Do you have the faith and internal strength? if

not know that your words are borne out of passion and are like poison for your

own atma.Best Regards,Sanjay Rathhttp://srath.com



vedic astrology

Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:51 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ???????????? ( To all concerned)

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Namaste Rajeev,> If Astrologers say that they have

control over the celestial bodies than if two persons one believer of

astrology(like you) and other nonbeliever like me walk bare footed on the

heated sands of Rajasthan in the month of May or June during day time(1.00 PM

to 3.00PM) when the summer is at its peak. At that time if your feet are not

burnt( because sun is in your(astrologers control )and only my feet are burnt

then I will accept whatever you say, otherwise accept what I am











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light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu


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