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Astrology you may critcise but hard to prove it is fruad as????????????

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shree rajiv ji,

it will be hard to prove that astrology does not

have any ref in veda as astrology is branch of

astronomy .dayanad was a social reformer and he

try to put end to social evil of so called pundit

sucking blodd and money from poor at hardwar and

other hindu matth.

i am glad this topic is on as you know dayanad try to

stop the idol worship too by snathna dharma .

he has to criticise what was dominate aplace

for money making business and jesus get mad at

trader at jeruslem ttoo

basically astrology point out that there is unity

between us and the havenly bodies realising that

unity we will find out we shoul harmonise with

it. would you ignore the effect of moon on the tide of

sea so why not on our mind and thougt we are 75% water


please read carl sagan book candle in darkness his

work is almost like dayanad swami but he refuse you

agrree astorlogy is fraud.

yes there are fraud astrologer.

so may be astrologgy higher purpose is tomake us


the tez of light not just see the light.

also in book secret search of india paul burton

has a chapter on written in sta

--- Rajeev Kumar <satpath1 wrote:

> Namaste Rajesh Mohan Ji,



> Belief is based upon evidences, whereas faith is

> blind and require no evidence.


> If we go by what you say and start believing that

> sand is sweet and eat a spoonful of sand , then is

> it going to appear sweet in taste? if not then your

> statement is wrong, if yes then how long you can

> keep on eating sand as sugar. I know only one thing

> that whether you eat poison knowingly or

> unknowingly its going to have bad effect on your

> body.


> Now coming over to origin of Vedas. I said that

> Vedas are there from the very begining of mankind. I

> have following points to support this.


> Had God not given Vedas nobody could have become

> learned. You may say that humans have instinctive

> knowledge and could become knowledgable on their

> own.Now I say that had it been possible then why

> still in different parts of even India as well as

> world we see uncivilized people who remain nude,

> they live and act like animals only.Had god not

> given these people the instinctive knowledge?


> So what it proves , it proves that instinctive

> knowledge cannot be increased or decreased, instead

> the knowledge that is acquired from somebody more

> civilized makes the uncivilized civilized.


> God gave the Vedas in the begining based upon which

> you , me and the whole world become civilized.


> More on this issue can be read from.


> www.vjsingh.com/books.html


> Think over it twice before making any assumption.


> Regards


> Rajeev



> Rajesh Mohan Kumaria <rajeshkumaria2000

> wrote:

> Respected Members,


> After reading so many emails on this topic yesterday

> night, here are

> my humble ideas and thoughts (it took me a long time

> to reach these

> conclusions. In short there is nothing called

> perfect and logical….

> its all a matter of your beliefs only)



> 1. Palentological evidence indicates that life

> started as bacteria

> type organisms, some 4.2 billion years ago and

> another billion years

> life existed in deep sea bottoms only in the form of

> ancient sea

> plants and ancient fish. It took another billion

> years before the

> fish evolved into amphibians and reptiles.

> Eventually after more than

> 3.5 billion years of evolution, Crocodiles and

> Dinosaurs came some

> 240 million years ago. The age of dinosaurs was from

> 225 million

> years ago to 65 million years ago. Crocodiles came

> before dinosaurs

> and they are still here. There is no sign of man

> until some 10

> million years ago when the Cro-Magnon man came and

> the modern man

> (homo sapiens) has come just a million years ago

> only. So more than 4

> billion years have passed, yet there was no sign of

> man on this

> earth. There is not a single species of man on earth

> when the huge

> gigantic dinosaurs ruled the continents, which were

> all fused

> together and ultimately drifted apart due to various

> forces working

> underneath the earth's surface. The history of

> written language in

> ancient civilization shows that they started around

> 6000 years ago or

> say 6000 BC. So it would appear very illogical that

> the God handed

> the Vedas to the First Man at the beginning of the

> Creation. Its all

> a matter of one's belief only. Palentological

> evidence has shown

> existence of huge dinosaur bones, skeletons and body

> structures, yet

> we are still struggling to find the lost palaces and

> temples of Great

> Lord Rama's era, which supposedly happened in

> tretayuga some 2

> million years ago! So how come we can find dinosaur

> structures almost

> on daily basis around the world thesedays, yet not

> able to locate our

> great ancient civilizations which are of more recent

> history. Yet

> everyone has acknowledged the physical evidence of

> Mahabharata war

> and Lord Krishna's existence has been verified

> beyond doubt since it

> happened just 5000 years ago!




> 2. Linking Everything: So if you link the handing

> over of Vedas by

> God to the First Man at the beginning of

> civilization and yet history

> of written languages is just 6000 to 8000 years old,

> then it would

> appear that God handed over Vedas to Man(when the

> first man came)

> about one million years. At the same time the

> ancient man is just

> learning how to grow crops, develop animal farms,

> build houses etc.,

> He has no idea about languages and here God gives

> him the great Vedas

> in a complicated language called Sanskrit: So what

> is the man

> supposed to do (All this appears so humorous and

> illogical).. Stop

> all his work and start learning Sanskrit grammar or

> start developing

> sanskrit grammar, when he has no idea what languages

> are . His

> primary concern is to get next meal for himself and

> his dependents.

> Heavy Rains, hot sun and other types of offensive

> climatic changes

> are affecting this man and yet he is supposed to

> study these

> documents from God. I doubt if such a thing happened

> and even if

> there was one in 40 million chance of such a thing

> happening, then

> that man would have thrown away those papers on one

> corner and

> continue with his usual work as if nothing had

> happened. In nutshell

> it's all a matter of belief only.




> 3. The Vedas are the Great Truth in their own

> regard and

> palentological evidence exists undeniably as another

> great truth. So

> these two great streams do not mix at all.

> Obviously the various

> developments of Satayuga and Tretayuga (Hinduism)

> either did not

> happen at all or they happened on another earth

> which might have been

> identical to this earth. Then all such developments

> were recorded in

> Sanskrit by great ancient rishis, including Vedas,

> and brought to

> this earth , when man (on this earth) was

> intelligent enough to

> understand and acknowledge them. So Devas and Asuras

> are/were another

> men from another earth/planet. So basically when we

> pray to

> God/Devatas/Devi we are praying to great powerful

> men and women who

> do not reside on this earth. Again this is one more

> logic, which you

> may like very much or may not agree at all.. when we

> chant the

> mantras for various Devatas/Devis, we have

> tremendous confidence and

> belief that our voices are reaching the heavenly

> abodes of those

> powerful forces, who exist billions of miles above

> earth, when in

> reality our voices cannot be heard by people who are

> just few feet

> away from us. Yet we belief that fire god and/or the

> mantras connect

> us to those great gods and goddesses somehow. So its

> all a matter of

> faith and we do not like to even have a single doubt

> about this

> phenomenon of chanting mantras and their effects.

> Also

=== message truncated ===






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