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Sun|Moon Midpoint - A powerful indicator to success in relationship

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Well With all due regards, is'nt all this a new incarnation of

western astrology, which is mentioned in magazines like Dell

Horoscopes.I read those for years, but other than this complex

relationship system(which is mind bogling to understand), there

appears to be no timing system in western astrology, which can

predict prospective dates of getting employment, possible marriage

dates, other critical personal dates on an individual basis, like

those related to properties, business developments etc., So what is

the use of all such complex harmonics, mid-point analysis etc., when

there is no apparent timing technique or Am I missing some new timing

techniques here? Thanks. Rajesh.



vedic astrology, "Rajeev Upadhye"

<yuyutsu@v...> wrote:

> The following article is taken from www.noeltyl.com



> Every astrologer must be familiar with the symbolism of the growth-

fuel of

> life: the energy symbolized by the Sun and the focus of that energy

into the

> reigning need of our existence. The 144 polarities possible for the

Sun and

> Moon were covered eloquently by Grant Lewi in Heaven Knows What


> Publications) and by a few other authors. My presentation in

Synthesis &

> Counseling in Astrology are, by design, short, pithy, practical


> of the energies involved in our life and the dramatic psychological

> orientation that define the major needs that drive our life



> We can never escape our individual Sun-Moon polarity. It is


> modified from the "cookbook" registration by the aspects to the Sun

and to

> the Moon (see Essay below, November 30, 2000), the hemisphere

emphasis (see

> Essay below, July 15, 1999) of the horoscope, and the


> occurrences among the planetary need-symbol-aspects, etc.


> Most powerful indeed, then, is the midpoint of the Sun and Moon

> relationship. This is an additional analytical appreciation of

the "Lights"

> themselves. A planet square, opposed, conjoined or quindecile with


> Sun/Moon midpoint (note: the " / " means midpoint) will dominate

the life. A

> powerful other component is added to the core-significant Sun-Moon


> by relating to the Sun/Moon midpoint.


> First, analyze systematically the addition of different planets to


> Sun/Moon midpoint. [This is done on page 783 of Synthesis &

Counseling in

> Astrology.]


> Think of your Sun and Moon polarity synthesis [see pages 76-102 in


> & Counseling in Astrology. and add the cerebral dimension of Mercury

> [Mercury=Sun/Moon]. You can feel that the mind will be busy

planning within

> concerns for relationships with others, for fulfillment and

achievement and

> popularity. This is a busy midpoint picture (unless there are


> modifications) and the personality will capitalize on this as a


> personality trait.


> What if Mars is there? It's different. We can expect energies that

work in

> strong fashion to support or to upset relationships for a dominant

> ego-expression. There will surely be a self-promoting drive to

success, and

> this will be an obvious dominating characteristic in the

personality. -If

> this is not clear in the personality, then there are depressive


> circumstances that must be studied.


> What if the planet Saturn is involved: we can anticipate difficult


> in relationship, always addressing problems, working through

inhibitions and

> separations; even to the point of a health system being weakened.

This is

> not an easy picture: a famous female lawyer with this dominating


> picture natally was raped at 18 and had three broken


> by the time she was 35!


> What about Neptune involved strongly -conjunction, square, opposed,

> quindecile-with Sun/Moon? We can expect misunderstandings galore in

> relationship; even deception (or being deceived); certainly much



> The key analytical position here is not that we describe those

conditions as

> inexorably present!!! Rather, we look for evidence in the life

history of

> these circumstances occurring to one degree or another and we must


> with the client why they occur, what purpose is being served, how

to adjust

> them for relational efficiency.


> With Mercury, is the concern really about personal popularity,


> the sense of being lovable? With Mars, is it a fear of being

overlooked or

> exploited in the dynamics of relationship? With Saturn, is it a

deep pain

> because of the parental model that itself was non-existent or

bleak, or

> depressed in early life? With Neptune, is it that the client simply

has had

> no way to learn empathy, relational communication, or the practical

> parameters of idealism, or is subterfugal exploits shoring up a


> weak self-image?


> Think all these possibilities through; of course, including as well


> Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto.


> Now, the extraordinary symbolic analytical sensitivity of the


> midpoint extends to transits and Arcs to the natal Sun/Moon midpoint

> (conjunction, square, opposition)!! --There is simply no doubt that

> inspection of the life-development history is valid when such a

transit or

> Arc occurs during the adult years. The phenomenon in reality is


> sure in 90% of all such transit or Arc occurrences!!!


> My students learn this analytical technique thoroughly. They put the

> Sun/Moon midpoint prominently into their horoscope drawings. They

can see,

> in a flash, arcs to the point and transits to the point.


> Who has not enjoyed the grace of a relationship with

Venus=Sun/Moon; the

> tension and disruption currents with Uranus=Sun/Moon or tr Uranus =

> Sun/Moon? What about the power struggle with Pluto=Sun/Moon, arc or



> ***It is obvious in life that Bill Clinton [August 19, 1946 at 8:51

AM, Hope

> AR] has Neptune=Sun/Moon [natal Neptune square the natal Sun/Moon


> within a 2-degree orb, which is the limit recommended] in his



> Multimillionaire heiress to the Woolworth fortune, Barbara Hutton


> 14, 1912 at 2:25 PM, in New York City], married seven times, had


> exactly at her Sun/Moon midpoint, Venus ruling the 2nd and the 7th!!


> John F. Kennedy [May 29, 1917 at 3:00 PM in Brookline MA] had


> at Sun/Moon. Note that Saturn ruled his 4th (his father) and

Neptune ruled

> the 6th (the twelfth of the 7th), and both Saturn-Neptune were at


> Midheaven.


> Note how Arnold Schwarzenegger [July 30, 1947 at 4:10 AM, CED in


> AUSTRIA] has tied his relationship with the world to his personal


> projection with Asc=Sun/Moon! --This midpoint picture also is a key


> 'publicity defining the life'!


> In Synastry In synastry, one person's planet in sharp aspect to


> Sun/Moon midpoint is going to create a relationship picture that

can not be

> denied.


> **Please be sensitive, super-sensitive, to your client's Sun/Moon


> Even if nothing is configured strongly with it, transits and Arcs


> develop to it. How reality relationship concerns develop and how

they are

> managed will be key for your client's profile in relation to his or


> world.


> In the earliest years, Sun/Moon midpoint activation will be


> through the child's relationship within the family unit, its status


> development.

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Dear Rajesh,


although I don't like to mention tropic western astrology on this forum because

it is off the topic just a few points...


1. I began to learn vedic and western astrology more or less simultaneously some

7 years ago and until now I have predict my bachelors degree in range of 10 days

and my job and all ups and downs in my job with similar accuracy. Some more

things are about to happen so I will see what else might be correct. All these

without vedic astrology tools.


2. Nor with Vimshottari nor Ashottari dasa I didn't make some great predictions

about my life or life of my family but sure I was/am just a student of topic

thus I am not very proficient but not total beginner either.(I must say that

with dwisaptati sama dasa I get some results since my Lagnes is in the 7th

house. Still some important events I was able to see with western astrology

tools in more clear and pronounced way).


3. My experience with western astrology shows that important events CAN be predicted.


4.The tools of predication in western astrology (the ones I use most often) are

solar arcs and secondary progressions couples with transits. Midpoint

structures come in play here also. In the matter of fact even now I am passing

through some changing seasons in my life that was easy to predict with

solararc/midpoint tools. There are not so clear in Vimshottari dasa to me no

matter what reference point taken.


5. Noel Tyl has some excellent books on solar arcs and predicting in western

astrology I have found very enlightening so if you are interested you can

always be even more informed. He has web site that can easily be found.


6. Astrology magazines on the west are worthless. It is "all for money"

thinking. At least majority. This is not what astrology really is. I believe in

India there are also some magazines on jyotish that aren't so representative.



Of course it is just mine opinion. More learning for all of us is to come.


Best regards,



Rajesh Mohan Kumaria

vedic astrology

Monday, May 05, 2003 8:34 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Sun|Moon Midpoint - A powerful indicator to success in relationship

Well With all due regards, is'nt all this a new incarnation of western

astrology, which is mentioned in magazines like Dell Horoscopes.I read those

for years, but other than this complex relationship system(which is mind

bogling to understand), there appears to be no timing system in western

astrology, which can predict prospective dates of getting employment, possible

marriage dates, other critical personal dates on an individual basis, like

those related to properties, business developments etc., So what is the use of

all such complex harmonics, mid-point analysis etc., when there is no apparent

timing technique or Am I missing some new timing techniques here? Thanks.


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