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The semicircle represents the human soul in its evolution, giving us the idea of

duality in respect to the ups and downs in our lives, which is learned through

the experiences of love and pain.






















The Moon was venerated in Greece, especially in the Arcadia (Peloponeso) as a

goddess, receiving the name of Selene, but not temple was raised in her honor.

On the other hand, she had two temples in Rome which where called Artemis or

Diana, personified by a nymph that could transform representing the lunar



Diana and the nymphs


In accordance with the mystic doctrines in validity 4,000 or 5,000 years ago,

maybe longer, it was considered that the Moon played a great part on the human

psyche, because it was believed almost with certainty that the satellite was

the link to purify the souls before they continued their pilgrimage toward the

Nirvana, the Paradise or the Sky.




The Moon is the closest natural satellite to the Earth at distance of

384,400Km., and approximately to 149,500,000 Km to the Sun. Its diameter is

3,476 Km. The Moon shines reflecting the solar light and its more evident

characteristics are:


●Each one of the four lunar phases is produced in ± 6.8 days.

●In ± 27.3 days, the Moon takes to complete one orbit around of the Earth.

●The satellite is always half illuminated by the Sun.



Besides the planetary vibrations and that of the stars, there exist other

vibrations produced during the denominated lunation's of the Full and New Moon.

These radiations or vibrations contain cosmic effects related to the life,

influences that are very favorable for the spiritual development of our psychic

growth and illumination, in the following lunar periods:


New Moon v: During this lunation, the spiritual vibrations are very intense, it

is due to the Sun and the Moon being in conjunction; and their combined forces

are received by the Earth from the same angle and zodiacal sign (in the example

below, for the constellation of Aquarius). Such influences are favorable for

arising of the spiritual aid.



Full Moon x: In this lunation, a current of spiritual energy flows on the whole

Earth, it is because the Sun and the Moon are in opposed signs correlated

spiritually, constituting of a positive pole and another negative (in the

example below, for the constellations of Aquarius and Leo). During the

manifestation of these vibrations is the most favorable moment to improve the

attitude of service.



According to that exposed previously, there is no doubt that the lunar phases

exercise a marked influence in all activity carried on the Earth; therefore, it

is necessary to have an idea more or less of the main effects of these periods

preferably starting from 7 or 14 hours after having begun the corresponding

lunar phase.




New Moonv

Unions, associations, agreements, new activities or something that is required

to conserve in complete secret.

First Quarterw

Development, sow, opulence or what requires is yearned or a quick growth or prosperity.

Full Moonx

Complements, integrations, unifications, activities that require are commented or public.

Last Quartery

Termination, quietus, harvests, what requires taking with slow evolution or progress.


It is important to understand that the lunar phases induce strongly effect most

of people (not all) with the solar and ascendant sign in Cancer or with the

Moon in the ascendant sign, people with these signs should be made to realize

and recognize constant changes of attitude, in their physical bodies or

materials (residence moving, to change the furniture of the home, etc.).


The Moon maintains in essence the same face, while it describes its orbits

around the Earth. This obeys to a small matter protuberance exists in the face

of the Moon oriented toward the Earth, that which makes possible that the

strong graveness of the planet captures the rotation of the satellite. Those

limitations of the moon generate that many people (not all) with solar and

ascendant sign in Cancer or the Moon in the ascendant sign, always try to hide

great parts of their actions or always act subject or are dependent of

something or of somebody.


Nevertheless, 50% of the Moon is not the only thing that we can see, because

sometimes, the Moon presents a certain turn in a sense. These variations,

called librations, makes possible the observation of 5/9 of the lunar surface.


The course of the Moon for the sky during the month is inclined with regard to

the Sun, to an angle of 5°8 '; consequently, it follows closely the trajectory

traced by the Sun during one month. The result of this is that the Moon on

occasion appears high in the sky, others are low and in another, it maintains

an intermediate altitude. The nearest distance from the Moon to the Earth, in

it orbit, is called perigee, and the far away, apogee. Therefore the lunar

perigee contributes with the excellent opportunity to carry out the respective

works with the lunar forces.



The orbit of the Moon is inclined with regard to the Ecliptic to an angle of 5°,

and the two intersection points between the orbit of the Moon and the Ecliptic,

it is denominated Nodes. The line that unites these two points is called nodal,

and it moves toward the west along the Ecliptic, completing a retrograde

revolution in a 18.6 years. When the Moon moves toward to the north and it

crosses the plane of the terrestrial orbit, it is in the Ascendant Node. When

it moves toward the south, it unites in the Descendant Node.



If the plane of the lunar orbit coincides exactly with the Ecliptic, an eclipse

could be produced every 29.5 days, however, for the inclination of the lunar

orbit with regard to the Ecliptic, the eclipse is only produced when there is

New or Full Moon and this, should be located near a Node of its orbit. When the

Moon travels into the shade of the Earth it creates a lunar eclipse, more or

less every 6 months, and one of the nodes of the satellite coincides with the

Full Moon. Contrary to the solar eclipses, the lunar ones, are visible in the

entire hemisphere where it is night and also, because the diameter of the

complete shade of the Earth (Umbra) is bigger than that of the Moon, this

eclipsed can be experienced for up to 2 hours in comparison with the 3 or 7

minutes maxim that can be experienced by an eclipse of Sun.



In a total eclipse of Moon the satellite is sometimes partly visible, shining

with a weak copper light. This is because the solar light is refracted in the

Umbra by the terrestrial atmosphere. In other eclipses, the lunar light goes

out totally. The lunar eclipses, the same as the solar ones, before the birth

deserve a good study, this is because it has been interrupted for 2 hours of

the normal refraction of the solar light from the Moon to the Earth; and in an

or another way during such a time, it has also been blocked the normal effects

that the satellite exercises in our planet at night.




The night, the fluids, mother, handcuffs (in masculine topics), fecundity,

gestation, reproduction, fertility, growth, soul, psyche, family, home, town,

masses, public life, changes, displacements, youth, things without duration.




1. Physical (ascendant):


The Moon does not contribute with a very high size and it supplies very unequal

aspects. Of the two common types of lunar prototypes, the thin and fat, both

are soft of curved or semicircular skin. The head is always rounding, with

resultant cervix and storms. The forehead is much wider then high and it

curves. Plentiful brows, curved and fences to big and round eyes with many

spaced lashes. Cracked nose and startled, finishing in clear nasal graves. The

mouth is small with huge or narrow lips. The Chin and big jaw finishes in a

semicircular, fleshy, with a weak and outstanding chin. Wide ears. In

occasions, some lunar women present high, small breasts, with having curved and

extensive hips and profuse gluteus. Plentiful hairiness. The feet are big with

thick, flat, cuneiforms fingers. Mount lunar frequently crossing small hands.


2. Personal (ascendant and solar sign):

2.1. Positive:


Pace, serenity, patience, courtesy, tenacity, persistence, devotion,

sensibility, imagination, instinct, intuition, magnetism, receptiveness,

emotions, sensations, memory, changes, moving, trips, storing, saving,

collecting, creativity, art.


2.2. Negative:


Superstition, fears, distrusts, concealment, lies, falsehoods, illusions,

mutable humor, indecision, inconstancy, restlessness, excessive heartbreaking

and changes, candor, susceptibility, frivolity, indolence, whims, bitterness,

laziness, delinquency, materialism.


2.3. Organic:


The functional memory, the subconscious one, stomach, digestion, feminine

organs, fluids, view (left eye), great nice, pituitary gland, thymus,





For the affinities and other, please go to the sign of Cancer.


Tarot and Numerology:






(1) ASTROLOGIA MAGISTRAL By: José P. Garaña, Kier 1985.

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