Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 ||Om Brihaspataye Namah|| Dear Shri Amit Roy, The proof of the pudding is in the eating of it, as they say. Would you please give a few examples to substantiate your points rather than passing remarks here and there. It would be better if you illustrate with solid examples why you believe that Jyotish Jnana is the best book rather than disparage other books. Secondly, 50% success rate is actually a good figure; do you know what that means? The probability of Rath making a successful prediction is 1 in 2, the same as flipping a coin! I frankly doubt if other astrologers can claim such a high probability. What is your rate of prediction if as you imply, you have understood the basic principles so well? While I do not care a damn about what Rath or other astrologers charge, I do like the philosophy and spirit of honest & open learning that Rath espouses. This has enabled some truly fine people to contribute to the spirit of overall learning. In contrast, most other astrologers are famed for their secrecy and narrowmindedness. Sir, your comments about COVA is exactly what the scientists were saying 2 decades back about quantum physics. Now people are looking beyond quantum physics. I trust that COVA will find the place in that it deserves and let time be the judge of that place, not you or me. Overall, your comments are very poor and do not contribute at all to the spirit of learning on this forum. regards Hari THE BEST BOOK ON JYOTISH I HAVE READ IS JYOTISH JANANA by Swami Sarpswaroopanandji Maharaj. The book written by Narsimha Rao is pretty mediocre too much unnecessary theory. One does not need Arudha Lagna or Upapada to predict marriage or Career.A good understanding of Vimshottari dasa is adequate.One needs good understanding of Yogas + good intuition + gods grace.What God does not want to reveal no astrologer can predict.Too much theory and mathematical knowledge in Jyotish brings no result.Astrologers try to sell themselves to their Customers by putting in some unique approach. S Raths in COVA has tried to make himself unique by intergrating Jaimani concepts but the feedback I get from clients who have consulted Rath is that he is 50% accurate in predictions a very poor rate considering he charges so much and writes such big books with so much theorey.No insult or offense ment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Om Namah Shivaaya Dear Mr. Amit Roy, There are 100 and 100 of books on astrology. What is your real intention in freely commenting on books written by our gurus Narasimha and Sanjay Rath only, on this list ?. No one has ever requested your opinion on the same! Honestly, the people in this list know how much they love these great works of our gurus. Writing these books with so much detail and research is a very difficult task in one's life. Don't comment it so easily gentleman. Remember it's easier said than done. Please have some courtesy in future, for others feelings/works! Thanks, Palanivelu vedic astrology, "Amit Roy" <amitroy699@h...> wrote: > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 The Books written by S rath and Narsimah are nothing great.They are just trying to make money by diffrentiiating their product by introducing Jaimani concepts.I think books of KN RAO are much better. OM On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 palsdevi wrote : >Om Namah Shivaaya > >Dear Mr. Amit Roy, > >There are 100 and 100 of books on astrology. What is your real >intention in freely commenting on books written by our gurus >Narasimha >and Sanjay Rath only, on this list ?. No one has ever requested >your >opinion on the same! > >Honestly, the people in this list know how much they love these >great >works of our gurus. Writing these books with so much detail and >research is a very difficult task in one's life. Don't comment it >so >easily gentleman. Remember it's easier said than done. > >Please have some courtesy in future, for others feelings/works! > >Thanks, >Palanivelu > > > >vedic astrology, "Amit Roy" ><amitroy699@h...> >wrote: > > > > > > > >------------------------ Sponsor > > > >Group info: >vedic astrology/info.html > >To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to >vedic astrology- > >....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > >Your use of is subject to > > > _ Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman. Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !! Visit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Om Srim Dhlim Jyotir-Brahmaaya Namah Dear Kaimal Why is it so? Is there some ban on India accessing or some other reason With Best Regards Sanjay Rath ---- Dear List,Those residing in India cannot now access the sites any more.Anyhelp possible?RegardsKaimalArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-........ May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... __ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here Attachment: (image/gif) IMSTP.gif [not stored] Attachment: (Image/jpeg) BackGrnd.jpg [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Om Srim Dhlim Jyotir-Brahmaaya Namah Dear Amit No offence meant and just for academic interest - Who is Swami Sarpa? I follow the path of Parasara. Have you read Brihat Parasara Hora sastra? If yes then you would not be talking in this way about Upapada. If you have a copy of BPHS Vol-2 then you will realise that Parasara taught so much about dasas. We all have choises to make in life - Swami sarpa or Parasara...make your choise. No offense meant really With Best Regards Sanjay Rath ---- THE BEST BOOK ON JYOTISH I HAVE READ IS JYOTISH JANANA by Swami Sarpswaroopanandji Maharaj. The book written by Narsimha Rao is pretty mediocre too much unnecessary theory. One does not need Arudha Lagna or Upapada to predict marriage or Career.A good understanding of Vimshottari dasa is adequate.One needs good understanding of Yogas + good intuition + gods grace.What God does not want to reveal no astrologer can predict.Too much theory and mathematical knowledge in Jyotish brings no result.Astrologers try to sell themselves to their Customers by putting in some unique approach. S Raths in COVA has tried to make himself unique by intergrating Jaimani concepts but the feedback I get from clients who have consulted Rath is that he is 50% accurate in predictions a very poor rate considering he charges so much and writes such big books with so much theorey.No insult or offense ment. OM AMIT ROY >"Rao Nemani" >vedic astrology >vedic astrology >[vedic astrology] Re: Hello! and question?-->To Christine >Wed, 24 Sep 2003 03:32:13 -0000 > >Dear Christine, > >Welcome to Vedic Astrology Group. As Sudharsan already >suggested to you, I would like to add few more books to >your wish list, if you may want. > >Please refer to Message No: 30599 by Narayana Iyer Ji's >recommendation and also you will find a document (Vedic >Astrology-Study Suggestions.doc ) in our files section with >some suggested readings, please go thru them and you will busy >for a while. > >If you have any question / doubts please feel free to ask >in our group and you will get the answers. > >Hope this will be helpful to you. > >Regards >Raghunadha Rao > >vedic astrology, Sudharsan Srinivasan > wrote: > > Hare Rama Krishna > > > > Dear Christine, > > welcome to our group. You may try Vedic Astrology: An Integrated >Approach by PVR Narasimha Rao. This is a good book for beginners and >touches on most important topics in Vedic astrology in the manner of >a textbook with exercises in the end.You can get it in > ..Good luck with your studies. > > > > Hare Krishna > > > > Sudharsan > > > > zimmecp wrote: > > Hi I am new to this group, and to Vedic Astrology! I know some >about western astrology. My question is can anyone recommend a good >book for beginners about I can get started with a study? >Some of what is discussed in this group i understand and some I >don't!!! > > Please help!!! > > > > Thank you! > > Christine > > > > > > Sponsor > > > > > > > > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- > > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > > Your use of is subject to the Terms of >Service. > > > > > > Please Chant ---- > > > > HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA > > KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE > > HARE RAMA HARE RAMA > > RAMA RAMA HARE HARE > > > > and Be happy > Interact with peers. Learn from experts. Be tech-empowered! Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-........ May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... __ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here Attachment: (image/gif) IMSTP.gif [not stored] Attachment: (Image/gif) BackGrnd.gif [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Respected Sir, Yes,there is now a blanket ban against imposed by the GOI !So you can imagine the sense of loss and helplessness we are going through.I am praying that the ban can be selectively lifted and soon we will able to access our astrology group sites. With best regards Kaimal - Sanjay Rath vedic astrology Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:19 PM Re: [vedic astrology] Re: JYOTISH JNANA Om Srim Dhlim Jyotir-Brahmaaya Namah Dear Kaimal Why is it so? Is there some ban on India accessing or some other reason With Best Regards Sanjay Rath ---- Dear List,Those residing in India cannot now access the sites any more.Anyhelp possible?RegardsKaimalArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-........ May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... __ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Attachment: [not stored] Attachment: [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 om namo näräyaëäya Dear Kaimalji, So now you all may not be able to see the messages ? This rule applies from which date ? Also what is the reason behind this ? Do you have any idea ? Let us pray GOD to lift such bans if any very soon. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.SRCKaimal <srckaimal (AT) asianetindia (DOT) com> wrote: C3375DD3-5CF3-11D4-AF92-0050DAC67E11 2.0 Letter Papers Stationery Old Timer SU1CTDEsNDEsgUmBSTSVlZ2NKCiVTY00OJVNhYUoiU0kOMWRTYGBjYEoJDSZnSyFhUksSU1CTDIsMCwsSU1CTDMsMCwsVHlwZVZlcnNpb24sMywxLjAs D2AFF522-5887-4EEF-9AF5-C204A66AE1F8 repeat #ede99e 0px 0px EA3257C0-3EFB-11D4-BA3D-0050DAC68030 0 EA3257C0-3EFB-11D4-BA3D-0050DAC68030 1 612CC2B0-37C9-11D4-BA36-0050DAC68030 0 612CC2B0-37C9-11D4-BA36-0050DAC68030 1 D5251910-4145-11D4-BA3D-0050DAC68030 0 X-ASN,X-ASH,X-AN,X-AP,X-AD ; Respected Sir, Yes,there is now a blanket ban against imposed by the GOI !So you can imagine the sense of loss and helplessness we are going through.I am praying that the ban can be selectively lifted and soon we will able to access our astrology group sites. With best regards Kaimal - Sanjay Rath vedic astrology Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:19 PM Re: [vedic astrology] Re: JYOTISH JNANA Om Srim Dhlim Jyotir-Brahmaaya Namah Dear Kaimal Why is it so? Is there some ban on India accessing or some other reason With Best Regards Sanjay Rath ---- Dear List,Those residing in India cannot now access the sites any more.Anyhelp possible?RegardsKaimalArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-........ May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... __ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ........ Your use of is subject to the Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... India Matrimony: Find your partner online. Post your profile. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 --Dear Kaimal Ji Create a new folder like astrology in your mail and assign vedic astrology you can get all the mails from that group.Hope this helps you. Regards Raji vedic astrology - In vedic astrology, SRCKaimal <srckaimal@a...> wrote: > Dear List, > Those residing in India cannot now access the sites any more.Any > help possible? > Regards > Kaimal Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Dear Sanjay, If I remember right there was some anti India propoganda on the . Despite the Govt. requesting to stop this, that did not materialise. Hence the blockage. This was reorted in news papers. Regards, Chandrashekhar. Sanjay Rath [srath (AT) srath (DOT) com]Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:19 PMvedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: JYOTISH JNANA Om Srim Dhlim Jyotir-Brahmaaya Namah Dear Kaimal Why is it so? Is there some ban on India accessing or some other reason With Best Regards Sanjay Rath ---- Dear List,Those residing in India cannot now access the sites any more.Anyhelp possible?RegardsKaimalArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-........ May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... __ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Attachment: (image/gif) IMSTP.gif [not stored] Attachment: (Image/jpeg) BackGrnd.jpg [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Dear Amit, I strongly feel that, you are expressing your own prejudice for Shri Sanjay Rath and Sh Narsimha. I have personally experienced with Sh Sanjay ji- the chat reading sessions (and he guides me also from time to time). His approach is fantastic and thorough; and his predictions have very high success rate. (many a times, few predictions may go wrong for many reasons like inaccurate birth data- so D charts may be wrong etc). I have also read his most books. Theory is important for any logical conclusion. He is justifying his conclusions logicaly- which makes lots of sense in his writings. The question of his charging money, is very personal. We should refrain from crossing limits. In my personal experience, I have never found Sh Sanjay ji expressing his monetary motives. few years back (prior to my relocation and change of occupation, while I was also active member/student of the astrology), I have interacted with Sh Narasimha and have sought assistance from time to time. He has been extraordinary person, very neat, helpful, ethical and logical. Any astrologer, when put forth his logic for conclusion should be respected. There may be many approach for readings, and if we follow one, we should not redicule others. Narsimha in his book, while explaining theory with examples has produced a good set for people, who are learning advanced astrology. I strongly feel that, criticism should be construnctive, not with prejudice. I feel Narasimha wrote very well of removing such members. I feel, Narsimha, you must write again of code of conduct. and any personal opinion for any astrologer should be strictly prohibited. Regards/Prafulla This message and any files transmitted with it is intended for the addressee only and may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the addressee, you should not read, copy, disclose or otherwise use this message, including any picture or graphic and any attachment, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee. We make every effort to keep our network free from viruses. However, you do need to verify this e-mail and any attachments to it to be virus free as we can take no responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this e-mail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Respected Sir, A secessionist setup was making use of this facility and inspite of the GOI's advice did not close down this group.So a blanket ban was imposed by the GOI on in India. and innocents like we are suffering.Can the members abroad do anything to restore the service? With best regards Kaimal - Sanjay Rath vedic astrology Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:19 PM Re: [vedic astrology] Re: JYOTISH JNANA Om Srim Dhlim Jyotir-Brahmaaya Namah Dear Kaimal Why is it so? Is there some ban on India accessing or some other reason With Best Regards Sanjay Rath ---- __ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Attachment: [not stored] Attachment: [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Respected Guruji Shri.Ramadas Rao, A secessionist setup was making use of this facility and inspite of the GOI's advice did not close down this group.So a blanket ban was imposed by the GOI on in India. and innocents like we are suffering.Can the members abroad do anything to restore the service? With best regards Kaimal - Ramadas Rao vedic astrology Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:39 PM Re: [vedic astrology] Re: JYOTISH JNANA ` nmae naray[ay om namo näräyaëäya Dear Kaimalji, So now you all may not be able to see the messages ? This rule applies from which date ? Also what is the reason behind this ? Do you have any idea ? Let us pray GOD to lift such bans if any very soon. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2003 Report Share Posted September 25, 2003 Dear Shri Raji, Thanks for the mail.I am getting all.the mails from the group.The ban denies access to the website and so I cannot access the files or the archieves.I humbly request all the members to attach the files hereafter in their emails when ever they upload any new files. Regards Kaimal - rajeswarishankar <rajeswarishankar <vedic astrology> Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:39 PM [vedic astrology] Re: JYOTISH JNANA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2003 Report Share Posted September 26, 2003 om namo näräyaëäya Dear Kaimalji, Thanks for the information.But I am poor in contacting any administrative staff.because I dont know whom to be contacted. With Saashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari, Ramadas Rao.SRCKaimal <srckaimal (AT) asianetindia (DOT) com> wrote: Respected Guruji Shri.Ramadas Rao, A secessionist setup was making use of this facility and inspite of the GOI's advice did not close down this group.So a blanket ban was imposed by the GOI on in India. and innocents like we are suffering.Can the members abroad do anything to restore the service? With best regards Kaimal - Ramadas Rao vedic astrology Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:39 PM Re: [vedic astrology] Re: JYOTISH JNANA ` nmae naray[ay om namo näräyaëäya Dear Kaimalji, So now you all may not be able to see the messages ? This rule applies from which date ? Also what is the reason behind this ? Do you have any idea ? Let us pray GOD to lift such bans if any very soon. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... India Matrimony: Find your partner online. Post your profile. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2003 Report Share Posted September 26, 2003 The rule in modern jyotish and astrology in general is simple, Amit - - Don't say it, show it! Currently, jyotish is attracting a bunch of reasonably bright guys, mostly professionals and they -- despite expressing their awakening and epiphany in devotional terms are really shrewd customers because the umpteen years in science, whether it is medicine or engineering or other hard sciences has made a permanent change in their souls. They can coexist in the realm of hard material facts and that which demands a widening of perception of reality as it stands within our limited reason! In a sense, it is liberation for jyotish and for astrology in general that prepared minds are coming to it all the time. Little sceptic speed bumps whether they are modern (as in born after 1950) or relatively ancient (as in born after 1930) would have little influence on what is beginning to flow since the 1990s! If the price is bothering you, well, you need not pay, you need not even be part of the revolution that Jyotish has become today and will continue to grow! Despite sceptics or cynics of modern vintage or ancient farmlands, Jyotish will grow just as it is supposed to be. Hey, it did survive narrowmindedness of centuries imposed by societal factors, religious constriction and even lop-sided material science of modern times that cannot predict fair weather, let alone how masses of people will react or how individuals will (even more difficult) or where we as a spaceship full of nearly 7 billion people will be in 2008! For you it is easy, you can just log-off and let the rest of us worry about the world and the fate of humanity which needs to search beyond 2003 and hence the need to seek openmindedly into the future and towards personal realization of truth. You are probably long gone from this list, but you still wake up, I hope every single morning, and do not really know what can happen before the sun sets on your day, each day. That is why we need hope and the need to search scope in this human experience, as my guruji reminds me each day. MKu vedic astrology, "Amit Roy" <amitroy699@h...> wrote: > PLENTY that my reply system would not publish, automatically! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2003 Report Share Posted September 26, 2003 Dear Sir I do not need jyotish Consultation from anybody.I have helped nnumerous people through Jyotish free of cost.If it is a Divine science then commercial angle should not be there.I have treated Jyotish as part of my spiritual sadhana.My spiritual masters even forbid me now to predict at all.The goal of life being Self realisation. OM AMIT ROY On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 Manas Kumar wrote : >The rule in modern jyotish and astrology in general is simple, >Amit - >- > >Don't say it, show it! > >Currently, jyotish is attracting a bunch of reasonably bright >guys, >mostly professionals and they -- despite expressing their >awakening >and epiphany in devotional terms are really shrewd customers >because >the umpteen years in science, whether it is medicine or >engineering >or other hard sciences has made a permanent change in their >souls. >They can coexist in the realm of hard material facts and that >which >demands a widening of perception of reality as it stands within >our >limited reason! > >In a sense, it is liberation for jyotish and for astrology in >general that prepared minds are coming to it all the time. >Little >sceptic speed bumps whether they are modern (as in born after >1950) >or relatively ancient (as in born after 1930) would have little >influence on what is beginning to flow since the 1990s! > >If the price is bothering you, well, you need not pay, you need >not >even be part of the revolution that Jyotish has become today >and >will continue to grow! Despite sceptics or cynics of modern >vintage >or ancient farmlands, Jyotish will grow just as it is supposed >to >be. Hey, it did survive narrowmindedness of centuries imposed >by >societal factors, religious constriction and even lop-sided >material >science of modern times that cannot predict fair weather, let >alone >how masses of people will react or how individuals will (even >more >difficult) or where we as a spaceship full of nearly 7 billion >people will be in 2008! > >For you it is easy, you can just log-off and let the rest of us >worry about the world and the fate of humanity which needs to >search >beyond 2003 and hence the need to seek openmindedly into the >future >and towards personal realization of truth. > >You are probably long gone from this list, but you still wake up, >I >hope every single morning, and do not really know what can >happen >before the sun sets on your day, each day. That is why we need >hope >and the need to search scope in this human experience, as my >guruji >reminds me each day. > >MKu > >vedic astrology, "Amit Roy" ><amitroy699@h...> >wrote: > > > >PLENTY that my reply system would not publish, automatically! > > >------------------------ Sponsor > > > >Group info: >vedic astrology/info.html > >To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to >vedic astrology- > >....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > >Your use of is subject to > > > _ Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman. Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !! Visit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2003 Report Share Posted September 26, 2003 How did you reach the conclusion that jyotish is a spiritual sadhana? It is for the most part a tool to bring some predictability in the common householder and sansarik jeeva's life. As far as commerciality goes, yes -- it is not the greatest thing but nor is it necessarily a deterrant that comes in the path of jyotish or any divinatory craft. Lots of healers practice for free and some charge. A lot of disease remains but a lot of healing continues as well. To some extent, in today's environment, the consumers dictate the commercialism. Adages such as 'you get what you pay for' and so on, sometimes, free advice falls on deaf ears. I am sure some will disagree. If free or charged is what makes the difference, then again, Lord money becomes the driver! Yet again!! MKu vedic astrology, "rakesh kapoor" <ricksk99@r...> wrote: > > Dear Sir > I do not need jyotish Consultation from anybody.I have helped > nnumerous people through Jyotish free of cost.If it is a Divine > science then commercial angle should not be there.I have treated > Jyotish as part of my spiritual sadhana.My spiritual masters even > forbid me now to predict at all.The goal of life being Self > realisation. > OM > AMIT ROY > On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 Manas Kumar wrote : > >The rule in modern jyotish and astrology in general is simple, > >Amit - > >- > > > >Don't say it, show it! > > > >Currently, jyotish is attracting a bunch of reasonably bright > >guys, > >mostly professionals and they -- despite expressing their > >awakening > >and epiphany in devotional terms are really shrewd customers > >because > >the umpteen years in science, whether it is medicine or > >engineering > >or other hard sciences has made a permanent change in their > >souls. > >They can coexist in the realm of hard material facts and that > >which > >demands a widening of perception of reality as it stands within > >our > >limited reason! > > > >In a sense, it is liberation for jyotish and for astrology in > >general that prepared minds are coming to it all the time. > >Little > >sceptic speed bumps whether they are modern (as in born after > >1950) > >or relatively ancient (as in born after 1930) would have little > >influence on what is beginning to flow since the 1990s! > > > >If the price is bothering you, well, you need not pay, you need > >not > >even be part of the revolution that Jyotish has become today > >and > >will continue to grow! Despite sceptics or cynics of modern > >vintage > >or ancient farmlands, Jyotish will grow just as it is supposed > >to > >be. Hey, it did survive narrowmindedness of centuries imposed > >by > >societal factors, religious constriction and even lop-sided > >material > >science of modern times that cannot predict fair weather, let > >alone > >how masses of people will react or how individuals will (even > >more > >difficult) or where we as a spaceship full of nearly 7 billion > >people will be in 2008! > > > >For you it is easy, you can just log-off and let the rest of us > >worry about the world and the fate of humanity which needs to > >search > >beyond 2003 and hence the need to seek openmindedly into the > >future > >and towards personal realization of truth. > > > >You are probably long gone from this list, but you still wake up, > >I > >hope every single morning, and do not really know what can > >happen > >before the sun sets on your day, each day. That is why we need > >hope > >and the need to search scope in this human experience, as my > >guruji > >reminds me each day. > > > >MKu > > > >vedic astrology, "Amit Roy" > ><amitroy699@h...> > >wrote: > > > > > > >PLENTY that my reply system would not publish, automatically! > > > > > >------------------------ Sponsor > > > > > > > >Group info: > >vedic astrology/info.html > > > >To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to > >vedic astrology- > > > >....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > > > > > >Your use of is subject to > > > > > > > > _ > Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman. > Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !! > Visit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 27, 2003 Report Share Posted September 27, 2003 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">|| Jaya Jagannath || 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Dear Amit, 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy"> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">You said 12.0pt">I get from clients who have consulted Rath is that he is 50% accurate in predictions a very poor rate considering he charges so much 12.0pt"> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">There is no fixed charge for Pt. Rath. It purely voluntary and I have seen many people who even do not pay. Probably he is among the first who is not selling his knowledge which others do. And how many clients did you contact! One or two! Have you sincerely tried to find out, how many predictions came true. Please do not respond to this mail… This was just FYI. 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy"> 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Best Wishes 10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Sarajit 12.0pt"> Amit Roy [amitroy699 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com] Tahoma">Thursday, September 25, 2003 font-family:Tahoma">12:27 PM To: vedic astrology [vedic astrology] JYOTISH JNANA THE BEST BOOK ON JYOTISH I HAVE READ IS JYOTISH JANANA by Swami Sarpswaroopanandji Maharaj. The book written by Narsimha Rao is pretty mediocre too much unnecessary theory. One does not need Arudha Lagna or Upapada to predict marriage or Career.A good understanding of Vimshottari dasa is adequate.One needs good understanding of Yogas + good intuition + gods grace.What God does not want to reveal no astrologer can predict.Too much theory and mathematical knowledge in Jyotish brings no result.Astrologers try to sell themselves to their Customers by putting in some unique approach. S Raths in COVA has tried to make himself unique by intergrating Jaimani concepts but the feedback I get from clients who have consulted Rath is that he is 50% accurate in predictions a very poor rate considering he charges so much and writes such big books with so much theorey.No insult or offense ment. OM AMIT ROY >"Rao Nemani" >vedic astrology >vedic astrology >[vedic astrology] Re: Hello! and question?-->To Christine >Wed, 24 Sep 2003 03:32:13 -0000 > >Dear Christine, > >Welcome to Vedic Astrology Group. As Sudharsan already >suggested to you, I would like to add few more books to >your wish list, if you may want. > >Please refer to Message No: 30599 by Narayana Iyer Ji's >recommendation and also you will find a document (Vedic >Astrology-Study Suggestions.doc ) in our files section with >some suggested readings, please go thru them and you will busy >for a while. > >If you have any question / doubts please feel free to ask >in our group and you will get the answers. > >Hope this will be helpful to you. > >Regards >Raghunadha Rao > >vedic astrology, Sudharsan Srinivasan > wrote: > > Hare Rama Krishna > > > > Dear Christine, > > welcome to our group. You may try Vedic Astrology: An Integrated >Approach by PVR Narasimha Rao. This is a good book for beginners and >touches on most important topics in Vedic astrology in the manner of >a textbook with exercises in the end.You can get it in > .Good luck with your studies. > > > > Hare Krishna > > > > Sudharsan > > > > zimmecp wrote: > > Hi I am new to this group, and to Vedic Astrology! I know some >about western astrology. My question is can anyone recommend a good >book for beginners about I can get started with a study? >Some of what is discussed in this group i understand and some I >don't!!! > > Please help!!! > > > > Thank you! > > Christine > > > > > > Sponsor > > > > Archives: vedic astrology > > > > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- > > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ........ > > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > > Your use of is subject to the Terms of >Service. > > > > > > Please Chant ---- > > > > HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA > > KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE > > HARE RAMA HARE RAMA > > RAMA RAMA HARE HARE > > > > and Be happy > Interact with peers. Learn from experts. Be tech-empowered! color:#003399;font-weight:bold">Archives: vedic astrology To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 27, 2003 Report Share Posted September 27, 2003 I agree this mail.Nobody in this forum should use abusive and bad words. Thanks Raji "Prafulla.gang" <prafulla.gang (AT) ripra (DOT) com> wrote: Namaskar to all and Dear Narsimha jiI feel that, this list should not permit use of abusive and foul language;personal challenges and personal criticism. This is a forum, where peopleexchange their knowledge, learn from the experienced participants and sharetheir astrological experiences/knowledge.I am sure, list members, if refrain from making personal comments (and alsochoosing abusive language), will enjoy more.This should be strictly applied.Regards/Prafullawww.ripra.comwww.ribizz.comwww.rinest.comThis message and any files transmitted with it is intended for theaddressee only and may contain information that is confidentialand/or legally privileged.Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If youare not the addressee, you should not read, copy, disclose orotherwise use this message, including any picture or graphic andany attachment, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee.We make every effort to keep our network free from viruses. However,you do need to verify this e-mail and any attachments to it to bevirus free as we can take no responsibility for any computer viruswhich might be transferred by way of this e-mail.Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... The New with improved product search Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 28, 2003 Report Share Posted September 28, 2003 It looks like we have run out of meaningful subjects. Let's get back to our task and as I said before do something constructive. Here are some subjects. 1. Please explain significance of Ke in 11 th bhava. 2. Why do we use UL for spouse and not A7? 3. What does UL in 11 bhava from AL signify? 4. What does lagna lord in 12 bhava signify for Aq ascandant? 5. Is Ju a malefic for Aq ascandant? 6. How do one predict marriage dates from Vim dasa? Hope you guys respond. Mike vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar> wrote: > Hi List > > I agree this mail.Nobody in this forum should use abusive and bad words. > > Thanks > Raji > > > > "Prafulla.gang" <prafulla.gang@r...> wrote: > Namaskar to all and Dear Narsimha ji > > I feel that, this list should not permit use of abusive and foul language; > personal challenges and personal criticism. This is a forum, where people > exchange their knowledge, learn from the experienced participants and share > their astrological experiences/knowledge. > > I am sure, list members, if refrain from making personal comments (and also > choosing abusive language), will enjoy more. > > This should be strictly applied. > > Regards/Prafulla > > > > > > This message and any files transmitted with it is intended for the > addressee only and may contain information that is confidential > and/or legally privileged. > Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you > are not the addressee, you should not read, copy, disclose or > otherwise use this message, including any picture or graphic and > any attachment, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee. > We make every effort to keep our network free from viruses. However, > you do need to verify this e-mail and any attachments to it to be > virus free as we can take no responsibility for any computer virus > which might be transferred by way of this e-mail. Sponsor > > > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > > Terms of Service. > > > > > The New with improved product search Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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