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Timing marriage - other views -> Mike & all

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Dear Mike and all,


I just located some old articles on the subject of 'timing marriage' written

by K.N.Rao and Padma Raghavan which you may find interesting.


Kind regards

Jay Weiss



Indirect Method of Timing Marriage

(This article appeared in the Astrological Magazine sometime in 1985. It has

been reproduced here with some notes)

KN Rao

To the valuable research of my team-mates I am adding a supplementary piece with

a series of questions:

a) If the horoscope of the boy or the girl about whose marriage the question is

being put to the astrologer is not available but the horoscopes of other family

members are, can the question be answered with confidence?

b) If the horoscope of the boy or the girl is available and also of both

parents, can the question be answered with certainty?

c) If the horoscope of the boy or girl to be married is available and also of

one of the parents, can there be a sound cross-checking of the astrological

prediction about marriage?


My answer to all these questions is a positive yes. Since I am a firm believer

in the infallible wisdom of our ancient Rishis let me first stress three


a) No event which takes place in anyone’s life can be outside the horoscope of

the individual concerned.

b) Since all Hindu scriptures speak about births and rebirths, astrology must be

taken as the only science known to mankind with the help of which the quixotic

turns of human destiny can be explained proving it to be the results of deeds

of past lives.

c) Since all men come under the cosmic scheme of interconnected destinies, an

event in the life of a child can traced in the horoscopes of its parents and

vice versa. So it is in the case of brothers and sisters also.

I will proceed to illustrate these with actual predictions given by me. Mr. R.N.

Chopra, I.A.S. of M.P. cadre, at present Director of Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy

of Public Administration, Mussorie had asked me whether his daughter, more

career-minded, would be inclined to marry at all.

I not merely said that she would but insisted that the would marry before

Jupiter left Capricorn (27/1/1986). Sri Chopra’s daughter was married in the

first fortnight of January 1986.

* A series of research articles prepared by a team of scholars led by Mr. K.N.

Rao will appear beginning from June 1986 issue of The Astrological Magazine.

Her own horoscope

Now let me explain it first with the help of the “double transit” phenomenon

from the daughter’s horoscope.

When she was married in the first fortnight of January 1986, Saturn from Scorpio

was aspecting her Lagna-lord and 7th lord covered the 1/7 axis. Jupiter which

earlier had aspected her Lagna and the 7th lord from Sagittarius was now

aspecting the 7th house from Capricorn, covering again the 1/7 axis.

Upto this point I have only reported what my teammates have given in that paper. Now see further.

Father’s horoscope

Now how the same event was cross-checked by me in the horoscope of the father,

Mr. R.N. Chopra, is what I am illustrating.

On the day Mr. Chopra’s daughter was married, Saturn from Scorpio was aspecting

both this 5th house and the 5th lord. Jupiter which earlier had aspected the

5th lord from Sagittarius was aspecting the 5th house on the day. Both Saturn

and Jupiter were indicating some event concerning his children.

Closer scrutiny of the detailed horoscope of Mr. Chopra confirms it was the

marriage of his daughter, a marriage of her choice.

Royal Wedding

Since Mr. H.J. Eysenk had talked glibly of replication in astrology being absent

in his Pelican series book Astrology Science or Hoax. I have given elaborate

statistical evidence to prove the scientific validity of Hindu Astrology. It is

necessary to do it in an age when the dogma of scientism is destroying man’s

sanity. I am giving an instance, as a piece of replication, of the royal

wedding of Prince Charles on 29/7/1981 with astrological explanation.

In the horoscope of the Prince

Saturn retrograde in Leo till 26th April 1980, giving effects from Cancer

covered 1/7 axis and also lords of Lagna and the 7th house, fifteen months

before. (Let me remind readers that in our broad-timing scheme we are starting

with a block of two years first, which we will subsequently reduce, into

months.) Similarly Jupiter, retrograde in Leo till 26th April 1980, like Saturn

totally covered 1/7 axis and also lords of Lagna and the 7th house.

In the horoscope of Queen Elizabeth

Both Saturn and Jupiter from Virgo were aspecting the 5th lord of the Queen in

Pisces indicating some event in the life of her child, Prince Charles. Detailed

analysis would reveal the event as marriage.

Another Prediction

Now I will discuss an interesting prediction. Mr. K. Saigal, IAS of Assam cadre,

spreads the message of the Upanishads and astrology with transparent sincerity.

Sometime in 1984, I told him that his daughter would become a mother in 1985.

He told me that his daughter and son-in-law both in U.S.A. were “planning” to

have children later in 1988. On my telling that cosmic planning alone had

meaning for us astrologers be had only remarked that God’s will alone had to

prevail. Saturn and Jupiter, it can be seen, concentrated in 1984-85. (Saturn

from Libra and Scorpio and Jupiter from Sagittarius and Capricorn) on the 5th

house of Mr. Saigal’s daughter and son-in-law.

In September 1985, the daughter of Saigal delivered a baby in U.S.A.

Now coming to Mr. Saigal’s own horoscope during this period his 5th lord (Mars)

was transited over by Jupiter and aspected by Saturn indicating an event

concerning his only child already married. She conceived. The Sun, the 9th lord

representing grandchildren, too came under similar influence and Mr. Saigal

became a grandfather.

I will now discuss more deeply how interconnected destinies unfailingly show an

event in many horoscopes. Also when the event is a happy one and when, a tragic

one can be distinguished. But I am here confining myself to the question of

marriage only.

Rajiv’s Marriage (26/2/1968)

a) In his own horoscope Saturn was in Aquarius till 19/12/1966 in the 7th house

of Rajiv Gandhi fulfilling both conditions, covering 1/7 axis. Later

retrograding in Pisces till 9/12/1967, two and a half months before marriage he

reinforced his earlier resolve of finding a bride for Mrs. Gandhi’s first son.

Jupiter on the day of marriage was in Leo covering 1/7 axis. So for it is in

time with the paper of my team-mates. But now see further.

b) In Mrs. Gandhi’s horoscope Mrs. Gandhi’s in Leo and Jupiter from Leo was

casting his influence on the 5th lord also both indicating an event about a

child of Mrs. Gandhi.

c) In Sanjay Gandhi’s horoscope Elder brother in astrology is represented by the

11th lord who in this case Mars, is in Sagittarius. Saturn from Pisces was

casting his 10th aspect on Sanjay Gandhi’s elder brother(Mars) in Sagittarius

and Jupiter from Leo was casting his 5th aspect also on the elder brother—both

indicating an event in the life of Sanjay Gandhi’s elder brother. The Drekkana

confirms it.

Sanjay Gandhi’s Marriage (29/9/1974)

a) In own his horoscope Saturn was in Gemini aspecting Sanjay Gandhi’s 7th

lord(the Moon) in September 1974, Saturn, retrograde till 28th February 1974,

giving effects from Taurus also aspected his Lagna-lord (Saturn) and 7th

house(Cancer) covering 1/7 axis within seven months of his marriage. Jupiter

was in Capricorn till February 8, 1974 covering again 1/7 axis and during his

marriage was in Aquarius, aspecting his 7th lord.

b) In Mrs. Gandhi’s horoscope Now Saturn, aspecting Mars in Leo as has been

discussed, cast his aspect on the 5th lord of Mrs. Gandhi’s and also, being

retrograde, the 5th house, indicating some event concerning her children.

Jupiter in Aquarius was of course aspecting her 5th lord.

c) In Rajiv Gandhi’s horoscope The 3rd lord of Rajiv Gandhi(Venus) is in Leo and

the 3rd house is Libra. Saturn from Gemini was casting his 3rd aspect on Rajiv’s

3rd lord and Jupiter from Aquarius was casting his 7th aspect on the 3rd lord in

Leo and 9th aspect on the 3rd house, Libra when Sanjay Gandhi got married. The

3rd lord represents younger brother. Drekkana confirms it.

Summary and Conclusions

1. Let me request the readers to apply the double transit phenomenon to all

horoscopes and convince themselves that events are happening only when Saturn

and Jupiter join to work out a cosmic scheme. Modern primitives criticising

astrology do not have a mind open enough to see how planets incessantly

influence every activity of an individual or a nation.

2. India: Talking of the nation see how Jupiter in

a) Capricorn till 27/1/1986, with Saturn’s aspect from Scorpio on it affected

the 9th house of India (from Taurus Lagna), the house of religion and

judiciary. Two judicial pronouncements of 1985 and 1986 have created national

mass reaction as no previous judgements ever did. The Golaknath case had

affected the rich and Bank Nationalisation case had touched only the fringe of

India population.

b) But the Supreme Court judgement in the Shah Bano case has shaken up the

fundamentalist Muslim community though in the din so created one does see

streaks of reformist real of the late Hamid Dalwai, reappearing and expressing

itself with pleasing vigour through the personality and utterances of Mrs.


c) Then the Ram-Janma Bhoomi decision from Faizabad has pleased the Hindus and

annoyed Muslims. Lord Krishna was born in a jail but Lord Rama in a place.

During Jawaharlal Nehru’s period as India’s Prime Minister and Govind Vallabh

Panth’s period as U.P.’s Chief Minister—both Brahmins, Lord Rama of the Janma

Bhoomi was put inside a locked room. Saturn and Jupiter had to influence

Capricorn to get released Lord Rama from the “jail” he was put inside, from the

days of two well-known jail-birds of India, both pandits, Nehru and Pant.

d) Then going to Varahamihira, Saturn in Scorpio, to put it mildly, must shake

up the Muslim community.

e) Reverting to the double-transit phenomenon see the focus in the Independence

horoscope on the 4th house which would get aggravated during the transit by

Mars in Capricorn and Aquarius. In the national context one must see what it


f) Then watch a highly damaged 2nd house this year, shaky 10th house, ominous

8th house and agonising 7th house. Draw your conclusions. In the Independence

horoscope it is Ketu’s period running and in the Republican horoscope it is the

period of Mars. Both are in the 7th house in the respective horoscopes. One can

foresee constitutional changes and international tension, astrologically. So do

not be shocked. Anticipate.

3. Then in individual horoscopes see the importance of Leo for individual

ascendants. For instance parents with Aries ascendant will get their

marriageable children married. Same applies to Libra Lagna with some

modification. And since we are discussing marriage, predict as to for whom,

during Jupiter’s sojourn in Aquarius, the wedding bells are ringing.

( I guided, gave my parameters and wrote out the entire research of the people I

had chosen to write a series of articles on Timing of Marriage which has now

come out in a book form with the names of S.N.Kapoor, M.N.Kedar, Lalita Gupta

and others, without evening acknowledging that it was part of my double transit

phenomenon. In my books Ups and Downs in Career and Astrology , Destiny and the

Wheel of Time there are many references to the double transit of Saturn and

Jupiter for timing events and even marriage. These writers, have taken my

entire research and even my English and have published the book in their name.

This article appeared in the Astrological Magazine sometime in 1985. It has

been reproduced here with some notes)




My Method of Timing Marriage (Yogini-Dasha+Chaturthamsha)

Padma Raghavan

(I asked some members of the Institute of Astrology, the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan,

New Delhi, give their methods of timing mariage which should be novel in

approach and convincing in methodology with some illustrations. Here is a very

original piece which opens out a new vista. Mrs. Padma Raghavan has a very

original way of looking at astrological problems, applying her vast techniques

and using different vargas and dashas. People with the gift for true research

in astrology have not even been ten in the twentieth century. Others are

generally the run of the mill astrologers more fond of asserting their

mediocrity than winning your heart with an altogether original approach. Here

is one such example. K.N.Rao.)

"When will my daughter get married" is a common refrain amongst anxious parents

in India. The question of timing of marriage therefore assumes immense

importance in our country where arranged marriages are still the norm.

My method is two fold

1. The static analysis of the rashi chart, the navamsha and also the

chaturthamaha. The last named varga chart would be indicative of a change of

residence which is inevitable for girls at the time of their marriage, barring

a few exceptions.

2. The dynamic factor by way of the dasha sequence, the Yogini Dasha in this

case, clinched by the transits. I am necessarily therefore confining myself to

the horoscopes of girls.

The 5th , 7th , 9th house and their lords, of the rashi chart, and the 1st , 5th

, 7th and 9th houses and their lords of the navamsha chart play a dominant role

in the timing of marriage.

Case-1(Horoscope) This is the horoscope of a girl, a post graduate in fine arts.

She was married on 8th September, 1996 in the Yogini-dasha of Siddha antardasha

of Siddha and Pratyantar also of Siddha. Siddha literally means accomplishment

of all desires period. Let us see role of Yogini dasha and of the various bhava


Lagna-lord Mars strongly placed in the 11th house with the 9th and 10th lords.

The 7th house has the delaying planet retrograde Saturn, which aspects lagna.

Venus(Siddha) is the 7th lord, placed in the 10th house aspected by another

Karaka who happens to be the 5th lord.

>From Moon- Jupiter is the 7th lord, who aspects Venus, the 9th lord. Saturn the

5th lord is in the rashi of Venus, in the 9th house. From Venus- 7th Lard

Saturn is the rashi of Venus(Siddha) and aspects the 7th house.

Navamsha- Venus(Siddha) is the navamsha lagna lord placed in the 9th house and

aspected by 5th lord Saturn. There is a mutual aspect between the 7th and the

9th lords covering the 1/7 axis.

Chaturthamsha- Venus(Siddha) is the 4th lord of the house, placed in the 10th

house aspecting the 4th house. Venus in turn is aspected by Saturn, the 12th

lord of displacement. Venus therefore carries a tinge of this quality which is

transmitted to the 4th house. A change of residence was inevitable.

Transit- On the day of marriage Saturn was retrograde in Pisces and aspected the

7th house and lagna-lord Mars. Jupiter was in Sagittarius and aspected the 7th

lord Venus. Venus(Siddha) was in Cancer in the 9th house.

In Vimshottari it was the dasha of Rahu/Venus/Jupiter which confirms the research of Mr. Ansari.


Case-2 (Horoscope) This is the horoscope of a girl who left for the U.S.A.

immediately after her marriage. She was a doctorate in Bio-chemistry and is

currently working in that country. She was married in the Yogini-dasha of

Siddha-Bhramasi-Siddha. The literal meaning of Siddha as shown in Case-1 is the

accomplishment of all desires and objectives which can include marriage also

Siddha-Bharamsi indicates displacement or movement from the place where one

stays. Let us see whether this applies to this horoscope or not.

Rashi-Chart Lagna-lord Saturn is in the 8th house with the 8th lord Sun and the

9th lord Mercury, aspected by Jupiter from the 2nd house. The gets strength by

being Vargottamma. It is also aspected by both Mars and Venus. A number of

influences of lagna and lagna-lord render it quite powerful.

The 7th lord Moon has exchanged house with Venus(Siddha) who is in the 7th

house, and happens to be 5th lord. He has also the aspect of another Karaka

retrograde Jupiter from the previous house. Venus(Siddha) is the dispositor of

Moon the 7th lord and so can give marriage, placed as he is in the 7th house.

Mars(Bhramari) the Antardasha-lord is in the rashi of Venus(Siddha) with 7th

lord Moon and aspects the 4th house of residence. Mars in turn is aspected by

12th lord Jupiter showing displacement.

>From Moon- The displacement of the Moon is Venus(Siddha). The 7th lord is

Mars(Bhramari) who can give marriage aspected as he is by the 5th lord Saturn.

>From Venus- The 7th lord is Saturn who is aspected by Jupiter, the 9th lord. The

7th lord is aspected by Mars, the 5th lord. Moreover Mars is in the 4th house.

Thus we see that Mars(Bhramshi) plays a vital role. In

Navamsha- Venus(Siddha) as 5th lord is placed in the 9th house again aspected by

12th lord Jupiter. Mars(Bhramari) is in Navamsha, lagna and aspected the 7th

house and the 4th house. He is with 12th lord Jupiter showing displacement.

Chaturthamsha- Venus(Siddha) is in the 12th house with the 7th lord Moon, and

aspects the 4th house of residence. Mars the 4th lord is aspected by 12th lord

Jupiter, again showing displacement Jupiter is also the 12th lord from the 4th


Transit- On the day of marriage, Saturn was in Gemini aspecting lagna-lord

Saturn. Jupiter was transiting Pisces and was aspecting the 7th house.

Venus(Siddha) the mahadasha-lord was in Cancer, the 7th house, while

Mars(Bhramsi) the Antardasha-lord happened to be in Pisces and aspected the 7th

lord Moon. In Vimshottari it was the dasha of Jupiter-Mercury-Mercury.


Case-3(Horosope) This is the horoscope of a girl who was married in August 1995,

in the Yogini-dasha of Bhadrika-Siddha-Dhanya, into a well to do family. The

indication according to the literal meaning of Bhadrika-Siddha are celebrations

in house, enjoyments with family members and friends, which could mean marriage

also. The Pratyantar of Dhanya will further indicate the period of prosperity

and auspicious occasions.

>From Lagna & Moon- Bhadrika, the mahadasha lord is the 7th house spouse. He is

placed with Siddha the Antardasha-lord in the 6th house and aspected by

retrograde Saturn from the previous house, contributing to the delay. The

Pratyantar-dasha lord Dhanya is in the 5th house, highlighting the role of the

5th house in the timing of marriage.

>From Venus- The 7th lord Saturn is aspected by 5th lord Jupiter. The 7th house

receives the aspect of Mercury and Venus. The Mahadasha, Antardasha and

Pratyantardasha lords are all involved. From

Navamsha- Mercury(Bhadrika) is in the 5th house aspected by 9th lord Jupiter and

7th lord Saturn. Venus(Siddha) has the aspect of 5th lord Mars and 9th lord

Jupiter. The Pratyantar dasha lord Jupiter(Dhanya) is aspected by 7th lord

Saturn. All the dasha lord are involved but their placement in the Trik-Houses

have contributed to the delay in marriage.

Chaturthamsha- Mercury(Bhadrika) is the 4th lord placed in the 6th house

aspected by Venus(Siddha) from the 12th house of displacement. Mercury, Venus

is also the 12th lord from the 12th house. Jupiter(Dhanya) is with Rahu who

will behave like Saturn, the 12th lord, and also like Mars, the 9th lord. There

is displacement, but for the better. Jupiter(Dhanya) aspects the 4th lord


Transit- On the day of marriage, Saturn was retrograde in Aquarius, aspecting

7th lord Mercury. Jupiter(Dhanya) was in Scorpio aspecting both the lagna and

lagna-lord. The mahadasha lord Mercury(Bhadrika) was in the 7th house while

Antardasha lord Venus(Siddha) was in Leo, on the 7th lord Mercury.



Every yogini has certain inherent characteristics which are apparel in their

dasha. There characteristics are however modified by the placement of the lords

of these yoginies in the various houses and the influences on their. The results

therefore very. The Yogini-dasha is a dependable method of timing, specially

when the birth time is not accurate. An extension of the applicability of the

dasha to the Chaturthamsha can be usefully employed, and the timing of marriage

confirmed. The role of the 5th , 7th and 9th houses is also seen. I have tried

this method on a number of horoscope with a fair degree of success.












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om namo näräyaëäya

Dear Jay,

You are correct.I have checked by using this double transit method and is giving

good results.There is a book called TIMING OF MARRIAGE,written by Sri M.N.Kedar

and others which I find is really helpful to every predicting astrologer.

With Sashtaanga Namana to Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao."J. Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Mike and all,


I just located some old articles on the subject of 'timing marriage' written

by K.N.Rao and Padma Raghavan which you may find interesting.


Kind regards

Jay Weiss



Indirect Method of Timing Marriage

(This article appeared in the Astrological Magazine sometime in 1985. It has

been reproduced here with some notes)

KN Rao

To the valuable research of my team-mates I am adding a supplementary piece with

a series of questions:

a) If the horoscope of the boy or the girl about whose marriage the question is

being put to the astrologer is not available but the horoscopes of other family

members are, can the question be answered with confidence?

b) If the horoscope of the boy or the girl is available and also of both

parents, can the question be answered with certainty?

c) If the horoscope of the boy or girl to be married is available and also of

one of the parents, can there be a sound cross-checking of the astrological

prediction about marriage?


My answer to all these questions is a positive yes. Since I am a firm believer

in the infallible wisdom of our ancient Rishis let me first stress three


a) No event which takes place in anyone’s life can be outside the horoscope of

the individual concerned.

b) Since all Hindu scriptures speak about births and rebirths, astrology must be

taken as the only science known to mankind with the help of which the quixotic

turns of human destiny can be explained proving it to be the results of deeds

of past lives.

c) Since all men come under the cosmic scheme of interconnected destinies, an

event in the life of a child can traced in the horoscopes of its parents and

vice versa. So it is in the case of brothers and sisters also.

I will proceed to illustrate these with actual predictions given by me. Mr. R.N.

Chopra, I.A.S. of M.P. cadre, at present Director of Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy

of Public Administration, Mussorie had asked me whether his daughter, more

career-minded, would be inclined to marry at all.

I not merely said that she would but insisted that the would marry before

Jupiter left Capricorn (27/1/1986). Sri Chopra’s daughter was married in the

first fortnight of January 1986.

* A series of research articles prepared by a team of scholars led by Mr. K.N.

Rao will appear beginning from June 1986 issue of The Astrological Magazine.

Her own horoscope

Now let me explain it first with the help of the “double transit” phenomenon

from the daughter’s horoscope.

When she was married in the first fortnight of January 1986, Saturn from Scorpio

was aspecting her Lagna-lord and 7th lord covered the 1/7 axis. Jupiter which

earlier had aspected her Lagna and the 7th lord from Sagittarius was now

aspecting the 7th house from Capricorn, covering again the 1/7 axis.

Upto this point I have only reported what my teammates have given in that paper. Now see further.

Father’s horoscope

Now how the same event was cross-checked by me in the horoscope of the father,

Mr. R.N. Chopra, is what I am illustrating.

On the day Mr. Chopra’s daughter was married, Saturn from Scorpio was aspecting

both this 5th house and the 5th lord. Jupiter which earlier had aspected the

5th lord from Sagittarius was aspecting the 5th house on the day. Both Saturn

and Jupiter were indicating some event concerning his children.

Closer scrutiny of the detailed horoscope of Mr. Chopra confirms it was the

marriage of his daughter, a marriage of her choice.

Royal Wedding

Since Mr. H.J. Eysenk had talked glibly of replication in astrology being absent

in his Pelican series book Astrology Science or Hoax. I have given elaborate

statistical evidence to prove the scientific validity of Hindu Astrology. It is

necessary to do it in an age when the dogma of scientism is destroying man’s

sanity. I am giving an instance, as a piece of replication, of the royal

wedding of Prince Charles on 29/7/1981 with astrological explanation.

In the horoscope of the Prince

Saturn retrograde in Leo till 26th April 1980, giving effects from Cancer

covered 1/7 axis and also lords of Lagna and the 7th house, fifteen months

before. (Let me remind readers that in our broad-timing scheme we are starting

with a block of two years first, which we will subsequently reduce, into

months.) Similarly Jupiter, retrograde in Leo till 26th April 1980, like Saturn

totally covered 1/7 axis and also lords of Lagna and the 7th house.

In the horoscope of Queen Elizabeth

Both Saturn and Jupiter from Virgo were aspecting the 5th lord of the Queen in

Pisces indicating some event in the life of her child, Prince Charles. Detailed

analysis would reveal the event as marriage.

Another Prediction

Now I will discuss an interesting prediction. Mr. K. Saigal, IAS of Assam cadre,

spreads the message of the Upanishads and astrology with transparent sincerity.

Sometime in 1984, I told him that his daughter would become a mother in 1985.

He told me that his daughter and son-in-law both in U.S.A. were “planning” to

have children later in 1988. On my telling that cosmic planning alone had

meaning for us astrologers be had only remarked that God’s will alone had to

prevail. Saturn and Jupiter, it can be seen, concentrated in 1984-85. (Saturn

from Libra and Scorpio and Jupiter from Sagittarius and Capricorn) on the 5th

house of Mr. Saigal’s daughter and son-in-law.

In September 1985, the daughter of Saigal delivered a baby in U.S.A.

Now coming to Mr. Saigal’s own horoscope during this period his 5th lord (Mars)

was transited over by Jupiter and aspected by Saturn indicating an event

concerning his only child already married. She conceived. The Sun, the 9th lord

representing grandchildren, too came under similar influence and Mr. Saigal

became a grandfather.

I will now discuss more deeply how interconnected destinies unfailingly show an

event in many horoscopes. Also when the event is a happy one and when, a tragic

one can be distinguished. But I am here confining myself to the question of

marriage only.

Rajiv’s Marriage (26/2/1968)

a) In his own horoscope Saturn was in Aquarius till 19/12/1966 in the 7th house

of Rajiv Gandhi fulfilling both conditions, covering 1/7 axis. Later

retrograding in Pisces till 9/12/1967, two and a half months before marriage he

reinforced his earlier resolve of finding a bride for Mrs. Gandhi’s first son.

Jupiter on the day of marriage was in Leo covering 1/7 axis. So for it is in

time with the paper of my team-mates. But now see further.

b) In Mrs. Gandhi’s horoscope Mrs. Gandhi’s in Leo and Jupiter from Leo was

casting his influence on the 5th lord also both indicating an event about a

child of Mrs. Gandhi.

c) In Sanjay Gandhi’s horoscope Elder brother in astrology is represented by the

11th lord who in this case Mars, is in Sagittarius. Saturn from Pisces was

casting his 10th aspect on Sanjay Gandhi’s elder brother(Mars) in Sagittarius

and Jupiter from Leo was casting his 5th aspect also on the elder brother—both

indicating an event in the life of Sanjay Gandhi’s elder brother. The Drekkana

confirms it.

Sanjay Gandhi’s Marriage (29/9/1974)

a) In own his horoscope Saturn was in Gemini aspecting Sanjay Gandhi’s 7th

lord(the Moon) in September 1974, Saturn, retrograde till 28th February 1974,

giving effects from Taurus also aspected his Lagna-lord (Saturn) and 7th

house(Cancer) covering 1/7 axis within seven months of his marriage. Jupiter

was in Capricorn till February 8, 1974 covering again 1/7 axis and during his

marriage was in Aquarius, aspecting his 7th lord.

b) In Mrs. Gandhi’s horoscope Now Saturn, aspecting Mars in Leo as has been

discussed, cast his aspect on the 5th lord of Mrs. Gandhi’s and also, being

retrograde, the 5th house, indicating some event concerning her children.

Jupiter in Aquarius was of course aspecting her 5th lord.

c) In Rajiv Gandhi’s horoscope The 3rd lord of Rajiv Gandhi(Venus) is in Leo and

the 3rd house is Libra. Saturn from Gemini was casting his 3rd aspect on Rajiv’s

3rd lord and Jupiter from Aquarius was casting his 7th aspect on the 3rd lord in

Leo and 9th aspect on the 3rd house, Libra when Sanjay Gandhi got married. The

3rd lord represents younger brother. Drekkana confirms it.

Summary and Conclusions

1. Let me request the readers to apply the double transit phenomenon to all

horoscopes and convince themselves that events are happening only when Saturn

and Jupiter join to work out a cosmic scheme. Modern primitives criticising

astrology do not have a mind open enough to see how planets incessantly

influence every activity of an individual or a nation.

2. India: Talking of the nation see how Jupiter in

a) Capricorn till 27/1/1986, with Saturn’s aspect from Scorpio on it affected

the 9th house of India (from Taurus Lagna), the house of religion and

judiciary. Two judicial pronouncements of 1985 and 1986 have created national

mass reaction as no previous judgements ever did. The Golaknath case had

affected the rich and Bank Nationalisation case had touched only the fringe of

India population.

b) But the Supreme Court judgement in the Shah Bano case has shaken up the

fundamentalist Muslim community though in the din so created one does see

streaks of reformist real of the late Hamid Dalwai, reappearing and expressing

itself with pleasing vigour through the personality and utterances of Mrs.


c) Then the Ram-Janma Bhoomi decision from Faizabad has pleased the Hindus and

annoyed Muslims. Lord Krishna was born in a jail but Lord Rama in a place.

During Jawaharlal Nehru’s period as India’s Prime Minister and Govind Vallabh

Panth’s period as U.P.’s Chief Minister—both Brahmins, Lord Rama of the Janma

Bhoomi was put inside a locked room. Saturn and Jupiter had to influence

Capricorn to get released Lord Rama from the “jail” he was put inside, from the

days of two well-known jail-birds of India, both pandits, Nehru and Pant.

d) Then going to Varahamihira, Saturn in Scorpio, to put it mildly, must shake

up the Muslim community.

e) Reverting to the double-transit phenomenon see the focus in the Independence

horoscope on the 4th house which would get aggravated during the transit by

Mars in Capricorn and Aquarius. In the national context one must see what it


f) Then watch a highly damaged 2nd house this year, shaky 10th house, ominous

8th house and agonising 7th house. Draw your conclusions. In the Independence

horoscope it is Ketu’s period running and in the Republican horoscope it is the

period of Mars. Both are in the 7th house in the respective horoscopes. One can

foresee constitutional changes and international tension, astrologically. So do

not be shocked. Anticipate.

3. Then in individual horoscopes see the importance of Leo for individual

ascendants. For instance parents with Aries ascendant will get their

marriageable children married. Same applies to Libra Lagna with some

modification. And since we are discussing marriage, predict as to for whom,

during Jupiter’s sojourn in Aquarius, the wedding bells are ringing.

( I guided, gave my parameters and wrote out the entire research of the people I

had chosen to write a series of articles on Timing of Marriage which has now

come out in a book form with the names of S.N.Kapoor, M.N.Kedar, Lalita Gupta

and others, without evening acknowledging that it was part of my double transit

phenomenon. In my books Ups and Downs in Career and Astrology , Destiny and the

Wheel of Time there are many references to the double transit of Saturn and

Jupiter for timing events and even marriage. These writers, have taken my

entire research and even my English and have published the book in their name.

This article appeared in the Astrological Magazine sometime in 1985. It has

been reproduced here with some notes)




My Method of Timing Marriage (Yogini-Dasha+Chaturthamsha)

Padma Raghavan

(I asked some members of the Institute of Astrology, the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan,

New Delhi, give their methods of timing mariage which should be novel in

approach and convincing in methodology with some illustrations. Here is a very

original piece which opens out a new vista. Mrs. Padma Raghavan has a very

original way of looking at astrological problems, applying her vast techniques

and using different vargas and dashas. People with the gift for true research

in astrology have not even been ten in the twentieth

century. Others are generally the run of the mill astrologers more fond of

asserting their mediocrity than winning your heart with an altogether original

approach. Here is one such example. K.N.Rao.)

"When will my daughter get married" is a common refrain amongst anxious parents

in India. The question of timing of marriage therefore assumes immense

importance in our country where arranged marriages are still the norm.

My method is two fold

1. The static analysis of the rashi chart, the navamsha and also the

chaturthamaha. The last named varga chart would be indicative of a change of

residence which is inevitable for girls at the time of their marriage, barring

a few exceptions.

2. The dynamic factor by way of the dasha sequence, the Yogini Dasha in this

case, clinched by the transits. I am necessarily therefore confining myself to

the horoscopes of girls.

The 5th , 7th , 9th house and their lords, of the rashi chart, and the 1st , 5th

, 7th and 9th houses and their lords of the navamsha chart play a dominant role

in the timing of marriage.

Case-1(Horoscope) This is the horoscope of a girl, a post graduate in fine arts.

She was married on 8th September, 1996 in the Yogini-dasha of Siddha antardasha

of Siddha and Pratyantar also of Siddha. Siddha literally means accomplishment

of all desires period. Let us see role of Yogini dasha and of the various bhava


Lagna-lord Mars strongly placed in the 11th house with the 9th and 10th lords.

The 7th house has the delaying planet retrograde Saturn, which aspects lagna.

Venus(Siddha) is the 7th lord, placed in the 10th house aspected by another

Karaka who happens to be the 5th lord.

>From Moon- Jupiter is the 7th lord, who aspects Venus, the 9th lord. Saturn the

5th lord is in the rashi of Venus, in the 9th house. From Venus- 7th Lard

Saturn is the rashi of Venus(Siddha) and aspects the 7th house.

Navamsha- Venus(Siddha) is the navamsha lagna lord placed in the 9th house and

aspected by 5th lord Saturn. There is a mutual aspect between the 7th and the

9th lords covering the 1/7 axis.

Chaturthamsha- Venus(Siddha) is the 4th lord of the house, placed in the 10th

house aspecting the 4th house. Venus in turn is aspected by Saturn, the 12th

lord of displacement. Venus therefore carries a tinge of this quality which is

transmitted to the 4th house. A change of residence was inevitable.

Transit- On the day of marriage Saturn was retrograde in Pisces and aspected the

7th house and lagna-lord Mars. Jupiter was in Sagittarius and aspected the 7th

lord Venus. Venus(Siddha) was in Cancer in the 9th house.

In Vimshottari it was the dasha of Rahu/Venus/Jupiter which confirms the research of Mr. Ansari.


Case-2 (Horoscope) This is the horoscope of a girl who left for the U.S.A.

immediately after her marriage. She was a doctorate in Bio-chemistry and is

currently working in that country. She was married in the Yogini-dasha of

Siddha-Bhramasi-Siddha. The literal meaning of Siddha as shown in Case-1 is the

accomplishment of all desires and objectives which can include marriage also

Siddha-Bharamsi indicates displacement or movement from the place where one

stays. Let us see whether this applies to this horoscope or not.

Rashi-Chart Lagna-lord Saturn is in the 8th house with the 8th lord Sun and the

9th lord Mercury, aspected by Jupiter from the 2nd house. The gets strength by

being Vargottamma. It is also aspected by both Mars and Venus. A number of

influences of lagna and lagna-lord render it quite powerful.

The 7th lord Moon has exchanged house with Venus(Siddha) who is in the 7th

house, and happens to be 5th lord. He has also the aspect of another Karaka

retrograde Jupiter from the previous house. Venus(Siddha) is the dispositor of

Moon the 7th lord and so can give marriage, placed as he is in the 7th house.

Mars(Bhramari) the Antardasha-lord is in the rashi of Venus(Siddha) with 7th

lord Moon and aspects the 4th house of residence. Mars in turn is aspected by

12th lord Jupiter showing displacement.

>From Moon- The displacement of the Moon is Venus(Siddha). The 7th lord is

Mars(Bhramari) who can give marriage aspected as he is by the 5th lord Saturn.

>From Venus- The 7th lord is Saturn who is aspected by Jupiter, the 9th lord. The

7th lord is aspected by Mars, the 5th lord. Moreover Mars is in the 4th house.

Thus we see that Mars(Bhramshi) plays a vital role. In

Navamsha- Venus(Siddha) as 5th lord is placed in the 9th house again aspected by

12th lord Jupiter. Mars(Bhramari) is in Navamsha, lagna and aspected the 7th

house and the 4th house. He is with 12th lord Jupiter showing displacement.

Chaturthamsha- Venus(Siddha) is in the 12th house with the 7th lord Moon, and

aspects the 4th house of residence. Mars the 4th lord is aspected by 12th lord

Jupiter, again showing displacement Jupiter is also the 12th lord from the 4th


Transit- On the day of marriage, Saturn was in Gemini aspecting lagna-lord

Saturn. Jupiter was transiting Pisces and was aspecting the 7th house.

Venus(Siddha) the mahadasha-lord was in Cancer, the 7th house, while

Mars(Bhramsi) the Antardasha-lord happened to be in Pisces and aspected the 7th

lord Moon. In Vimshottari it was the dasha of Jupiter-Mercury-Mercury.


Case-3(Horosope) This is the horoscope of a girl who was married in August 1995,

in the Yogini-dasha of Bhadrika-Siddha-Dhanya, into a well to do family. The

indication according to the literal meaning of Bhadrika-Siddha are celebrations

in house, enjoyments with family members and friends, which could mean marriage

also. The Pratyantar of Dhanya will further indicate the period of prosperity

and auspicious occasions.

>From Lagna & Moon- Bhadrika, the mahadasha lord is the 7th house spouse. He is

placed with Siddha the Antardasha-lord in the 6th house and aspected by

retrograde Saturn from the previous house, contributing to the delay. The

Pratyantar-dasha lord Dhanya is in the 5th house, highlighting the role of the

5th house in the timing of marriage.

>From Venus- The 7th lord Saturn is aspected by 5th lord Jupiter. The 7th house

receives the aspect of Mercury and Venus. The Mahadasha, Antardasha and

Pratyantardasha lords are all involved. From

Navamsha- Mercury(Bhadrika) is in the 5th house aspected by 9th lord Jupiter and

7th lord Saturn. Venus(Siddha) has the aspect of 5th lord Mars and 9th lord

Jupiter. The Pratyantar dasha lord Jupiter(Dhanya) is aspected by 7th lord

Saturn. All the dasha lord are involved but their placement in the Trik-Houses

have contributed to the delay in marriage.

Chaturthamsha- Mercury(Bhadrika) is the 4th lord placed in the 6th house

aspected by Venus(Siddha) from the 12th house of displacement. Mercury, Venus

is also the 12th lord from the 12th house. Jupiter(Dhanya) is with Rahu who

will behave like Saturn, the 12th lord, and also like Mars, the 9th lord. There

is displacement, but for the better. Jupiter(Dhanya) aspects the 4th lord


Transit- On the day of marriage, Saturn was retrograde in Aquarius, aspecting

7th lord Mercury. Jupiter(Dhanya) was in Scorpio aspecting both the lagna and

lagna-lord. The mahadasha lord Mercury(Bhadrika) was in the 7th house while

Antardasha lord Venus(Siddha) was in Leo, on the 7th lord Mercury.



Every yogini has certain inherent characteristics which are apparel in their

dasha. There characteristics are however modified by the placement of the lords

of these yoginies in the various houses and the influences on their. The results

therefore very. The Yogini-dasha is a dependable method of timing, specially

when the birth time is not accurate. An extension of the applicability of the

dasha to the Chaturthamsha can be usefully employed, and the timing of marriage

confirmed. The role of the 5th , 7th and 9th houses is also seen. I have tried

this method on a number of horoscope with a fair degree of success.











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