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Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Visti,


Thanks a lot for concurring... However I think Venus gets debilitated in the

most purest sign of the zodiac because that sign is ruled by a celibate child

(Mercury), who is yet to grow up to puberty. Unless Venus is the AK, as you

mentioned, the person shall have the feeling of deprivation (debilitation) in

relationship (Venus) and only AK can make him learn the real meaning of

relationships. Now once Gurudev made a small point about the placement of Venus

in the horoscopes of saints, where they should be exalted or very strongly

placed. In the chart of Srila Prabhupada, you might note that Venus is

debilitated, and if Mercury was not causing neechabhanga, he could not have

kept a pure life style in the matters of relationships.


More shall I hear from you, I guess once the congference is over. All the best

for that...Hmmm.. I shall try getting your CDs.


Best Wishes



Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:21 PM

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sarajit,

I agree, this is a common misunderstanding among Jyotishas that Venus'

exaltation hightens the sexual passion.

Infact the venusian problems come as soon as we forget that love and sex has

todo with giving and not taking!


But, why is Venus debilitated in the pure sign of Virgo? Simple. To become pure

you must practice avoidance and eat propperly avoding diseased food, and with

this avoidance you will become strong. Now if Venus is in Virgo you will try to

be strong through love and sex?.. no wonder Venus gets debilitated there. The

native is practicing the act of eating their lover (the guiding force of Virgo

is Taurus - sustenance) , and hence alot of problems come as the native has one

relationship after the other, where they need to find the one who will make them

strong enough or pure enough in this life. If however this Venus is Atmakaraka

the native will understand that this must be done through perfect celibacy.


Now, this does not mean the native is avoiding moksha (pisces) by being celibate

(virgo). Infact the stronger you are, the more you can give! This is the reason

we worship the 2nd lord from Upapada, which ensures that the Marriage is fed

sufficiently with food and hence sustained, making us able to give more and

more, and eventually we give up our own self, and we are liberated.



This subject will be explained AFTER the West Coast Conference in the USA, on

August 23rd-24th (weekend), where the focus will be on relationships of all

kinds, from spouse to servants and pets, as well as any other beings in ones

life. After which the extra-marital relationships and yogas for adultery and

bigamy will be dealt with. For more information and how to join this

weekend-workshop as well as others - goto:



Heres an excerpt from one of the handouts on Venus:

Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


1 Introduction.. 2

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka. 3

2.1 Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.2 Types of kalatra. 3

2.1.3 Other results of Kalatrakaraka. 5

2.2 Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.1 Description of Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.2 Results of Kalatrabhava. 7

2.3 Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.1 Description and results of Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.2 Yogas with Kalatresh.. 8

3 Arudha’s. 11

3.1 Introduction to Arudha’s. 11

3.1.1 Description.. 11

3.1.2 Calculation.. 11

3.2 Darapada. 11

3.2.1 Significance. 11

3.2.2 Quality of relations. 11

3.3 Upapada. 13

3.3.1 Significance. 13

3.3.2 Ability to give. 14

3.3.3 Quality of spouse. 15

3.3.4 Family of spouse. 16

3.3.5 Troubles to spouse/marriage. 16

3.3.6 Attraction/repulsion of spouse. 18

4 Remedies for marriage. 19

4.1 Marriage of Ganesh.. 19

4.2 The union between the greedy. 19

4.3 Lack of union.. 19

4.4 Lack of spouse. 20

1 Introduction

One of the greatest mysteries of the world is love.

Why do people unite and what is the quality of such union?

Why do things go sour in some marriages, whilst others prosper and continue happily?

What causes a happy marriage, and how does one improve ones own marriage?

Also why do some people avoid marriage and why do others marry or unite with

other people than their spouse?


This article tries to answer these questions using the tools given by Maharishi

Parasara and Maharishi Jaimini. These tools will spread light on the results of

marriage and reasons for the same. Also how to seek remedies to appease the ill

results of marriage, has been indicated in the article as per the Hindu

tradition of Vedic-astrology.

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka

2.1 Kalatrakaraka

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka

Kalatra means ‘wife’ or ‘consort’, and the term kalatrakaraka is used to

identify the significator for the spouse. The planet signifying the spouse is

Venus which will indicate the quality of love or relations one has in life.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house, showing that Venus finds its

peak in the activity of giving. A person with such a strong Venus would be

inclined to the purest form of love and relationship, and would not endeavour

to have relations with any other than the one person they love wholeheartedly.

Hence the greatest remedy for love and marriage is fasting, being a 12th house

trait. For this reason the 12th house must also be analysed for marriage and


Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the natural 6th house. 6th house shows the

enemies and those we try to vanquish or eat up, and Venus in such a place shows

a desire to conquer sexual desires by living them out. This results in low

morals and ideas with regards to sexual affairs which can only be controlled by

the 12th house karaka – Ketu. The mere understanding of the Exaltation and

Debilitation signs of Venus has a lot to tell us about the most confusing

concept of love and marriage, and the true qualities of Venus.

Many astrologers tend to be confused with the above qualities of Venus,

confusing a strong Venus with an immoral person. This is understandable due to

the present Yuga. In Astrology the 4 Yugas[1], the ancients used to describe

the course of humanity, are signified by the 4 trines:


1. Fiery[2] signs: Satya/Krta Yuga – Where Dharma was at its highest and

kings reigned.

2. Watery[3] signs: Treta Yuga – Where poetry and emotions were at their


3. Airy signs[4]: Dwapara Yuga – Where intellectual pursuits were at their


4. Earthy signs[5]: Kali Yuga – Where wars and ignorance would be at their



Without trying to establish whether we are in Kali Yuga or not, it’s clear that

the earthy signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, include the debilitation

sign of Venus – namely Virgo, hence the lowest type of sexual acts would reach

their peak in Kali Yuga, whilst this would be opposite during Treta Yuga.

Dharma would be at its highest in Satya Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would be rich

with sexual activity, however not with the same immoral acts as in Kali Yuga.


2.1.2 Types of kalatra

Venus’ placement and planetary influences will give an idea of the type of

love/sex or even marriage which the native will indulge in. The union of Venus

with the 8 Graha’s resembles the Ashta-Vivaha, or 8 types of marriage/union:


.... more to come

[1] Krta/Satya(1st), Treta (2nd), Dwapara (3rd) and Kali (4th)Yuga.

[2] Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

[3] Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

[4] Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

[5] Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


See you there.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font:


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Visti,





Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 4:21 PM

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sarajit,

I agree, this is a common misunderstanding among Jyotishas that Venus'

exaltation hightens the sexual passion.

Infact the venusian problems come as soon as we forget that love and sex has

todo with giving and not taking!


I for that matter don't agree on this. Love is actually giving, but sex is

basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


But, why is Venus debilitated in the pure sign of Virgo? Simple. To become pure

you must practice avoidance and eat propperly avoding diseased food, and with

this avoidance you will become strong. Now if Venus is in Virgo you will try to

be strong through love and sex?.. no wonder Venus gets debilitated there. The

native is practicing the act of eating their lover (the guiding force of Virgo

is Taurus - sustenance) , and hence alot of problems come as the native has one

relationship after the other, where they need to find the one who will make them

strong enough or pure enough in this life. If however this Venus is Atmakaraka

the native will understand that this must be done through perfect celibacy.


Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I have

not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo, I

think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept any

Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected both by

Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then needed in

the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce. If you had

none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut renounced, he is

simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction almost always gives

extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially if 7th or 2nd are

influenced by them. However I'm open to change my understainding about Venus if

you can point out any statements in the classics supporting your views.


Now, this does not mean the native is avoiding moksha (pisces) by being celibate

(virgo). Infact the stronger you are, the more you can give! This is the reason

we worship the 2nd lord from Upapada, which ensures that the Marriage is fed

sufficiently with food and hence sustained, making us able to give more and

more, and eventually we give up our own self, and we are liberated.


As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this combination in

fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation, in other

words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving devotion.

Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the duality between

the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches the relationship

and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving yourself is not as

high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his devotees, especially

Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you, please do not take it so.

I'm just deliberating on the truth.


Again a story about Sukracarya from VedicSaktis.com:


In Vedic myth Venus, or Sukra, is known as the Guru, or teacher of the asuras,

or one of the two camps of the Vedic deities. Sukra therefore is a Brahmin, or

of the highest priestly order, and is considered the forefather of the Brig

lineage of sages from ancient India. In Vedic myth the asuras are the demonic

aspect of the divine and, like many of the ancient creation myths, are locked

in eternal battle with the devas, the auspicious aspect of the Divine. In one

episodic myth the devas are particularly concerned in their battle with asuras

because Venus knows the mantra of immortality to raise the dead. This of course

gave the asuras an unfair advantage in their battle with the devas. So Jupiter,

or Brihaspati, the guru to the devas, sends his son Kaca (brightness) to study

under Sukra. Well, you will not be surprised to find that Sukra has a beautiful

daughter Devayani (way to the gods), and she is quite taken with Kaca. Now, the

asuras know what Kaca is up to, so like all good demons they kill him.

Devayani, of course, grieves for him and tells dad, so Sukra repeats the mantra

and Kaca comes back to life. Then the demons kill Kaca again. Once again

Devayani complains, and once again Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca come back

to life. Undeterred, the demons go about killing Kaca and Sukra keeps

resurrecting him. So the demons get a particularly demonic idea and this time

they kill Kaca and grind him up into a fine powder and put him in Sukra's wine.

Sukra drinks the wine, Devayani begins her grieving, and in response Sukra

repeats the mantra, but this time he has a stomach ache as Kaca speaks from

inside him! Well, at last the demons appear to be happy. But, they ironically

bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent, for Sukra reveals the

mantra of immortality to Kaca, so when Kaca tears himself out of Sukra's body

he will repeat the mantra and raise Sukra from the dead. This myth explains why

all Brahmins committed to spiritual life are not allowed to drink wine, and one

of the epithets of Venus is: the one who "produces stomach problems"!




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


This subject will be explained AFTER the West Coast Conference in the USA, on

August 23rd-24th (weekend), where the focus will be on relationships of all

kinds, from spouse to servants and pets, as well as any other beings in ones

life. After which the extra-marital relationships and yogas for adultery and

bigamy will be dealt with. For more information and how to join this

weekend-workshop as well as others - goto:



Heres an excerpt from one of the handouts on Venus:

Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


1 Introduction.. 2

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka. 3

2.1 Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.2 Types of kalatra. 3

2.1.3 Other results of Kalatrakaraka. 5

2.2 Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.1 Description of Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.2 Results of Kalatrabhava. 7

2.3 Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.1 Description and results of Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.2 Yogas with Kalatresh.. 8

3 Arudha’s. 11

3.1 Introduction to Arudha’s. 11

3.1.1 Description.. 11

3.1.2 Calculation.. 11

3.2 Darapada. 11

3.2.1 Significance. 11

3.2.2 Quality of relations. 11

3.3 Upapada. 13

3.3.1 Significance. 13

3.3.2 Ability to give. 14

3.3.3 Quality of spouse. 15

3.3.4 Family of spouse. 16

3.3.5 Troubles to spouse/marriage. 16

3.3.6 Attraction/repulsion of spouse. 18

4 Remedies for marriage. 19

4.1 Marriage of Ganesh.. 19

4.2 The union between the greedy. 19

4.3 Lack of union.. 19

4.4 Lack of spouse. 20

1 Introduction

One of the greatest mysteries of the world is love.

Why do people unite and what is the quality of such union?

Why do things go sour in some marriages, whilst others prosper and continue happily?

What causes a happy marriage, and how does one improve ones own marriage?

Also why do some people avoid marriage and why do others marry or unite with

other people than their spouse?


This article tries to answer these questions using the tools given by Maharishi

Parasara and Maharishi Jaimini. These tools will spread light on the results of

marriage and reasons for the same. Also how to seek remedies to appease the ill

results of marriage, has been indicated in the article as per the Hindu

tradition of Vedic-astrology.

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka

2.1 Kalatrakaraka

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka

Kalatra means ‘wife’ or ‘consort’, and the term kalatrakaraka is used to

identify the significator for the spouse. The planet signifying the spouse is

Venus which will indicate the quality of love or relations one has in life.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house, showing that Venus finds its

peak in the activity of giving. A person with such a strong Venus would be

inclined to the purest form of love and relationship, and would not endeavour

to have relations with any other than the one person they love wholeheartedly.

Hence the greatest remedy for love and marriage is fasting, being a 12th house

trait. For this reason the 12th house must also be analysed for marriage and


Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the natural 6th house. 6th house shows the

enemies and those we try to vanquish or eat up, and Venus in such a place shows

a desire to conquer sexual desires by living them out. This results in low

morals and ideas with regards to sexual affairs which can only be controlled by

the 12th house karaka – Ketu. The mere understanding of the Exaltation and

Debilitation signs of Venus has a lot to tell us about the most confusing

concept of love and marriage, and the true qualities of Venus.

Many astrologers tend to be confused with the above qualities of Venus,

confusing a strong Venus with an immoral person. This is understandable due to

the present Yuga. In Astrology the 4 Yugas[1], the ancients used to describe

the course of humanity, are signified by the 4 trines:


1. Fiery[2] signs: Satya/Krta Yuga – Where Dharma was at its highest and

kings reigned.

2. Watery[3] signs: Treta Yuga – Where poetry and emotions were at their


3. Airy signs[4]: Dwapara Yuga – Where intellectual pursuits were at their


4. Earthy signs[5]: Kali Yuga – Where wars and ignorance would be at their



Without trying to establish whether we are in Kali Yuga or not, it’s clear that

the earthy signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, include the debilitation

sign of Venus – namely Virgo, hence the lowest type of sexual acts would reach

their peak in Kali Yuga, whilst this would be opposite during Treta Yuga.

Dharma would be at its highest in Satya Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would be rich

with sexual activity, however not with the same immoral acts as in Kali Yuga.


2.1.2 Types of kalatra

Venus’ placement and planetary influences will give an idea of the type of

love/sex or even marriage which the native will indulge in. The union of Venus

with the 8 Graha’s resembles the Ashta-Vivaha, or 8 types of marriage/union:


.... more to come

[1] Krta/Satya(1st), Treta (2nd), Dwapara (3rd) and Kali (4th)Yuga.

[2] Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

[3] Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

[4] Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

[5] Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


See you there.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font:


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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|Hari Om|

Dear Gauranga,


Gaura: I for that matter don't agree on this.. Love is actually giving, but sex

is basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


Visti: Without doubt Love is giving, however whether sex also becomes this

depends on the attitude of the native. Most will ascribe to the view that sex

is taking, where the focal point of sex is on the orgasm, but isn't this

typical of of the current Yuga where the purity in sex has fallen (earth

signs)? But Venus in exaltation will ensure that the native will not just sleep

with any person, as sex becomes an act of giving and the native will only give

this to a particular person.


Gaura: Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I

have not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo,

I think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept

any Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected

both by Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then

needed in the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce.

If you had none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut

renounced, he is simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction

almost always gives extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially

if 7th or 2nd are influenced by them.. However I'm open to change my

understainding about Venus if you can point out any statements in the classics

supporting your views.


Visti: I can give charts of people with Venus as AK keeping celibacy since

birth, however this depends on the sign as well. The example of Venus as AK in

virgo has also been given by Sanjay Rath in the past, hence i ascribe to that


The reason as i understand it, is simple and is understood when we go into

Pachakadi Sambandha where we find that the Vedhak of the Sun (natural Atma) is

Venus. Hence Venus causes the fall of the Atma, or the path of the Atma. Now

when Venus becomes Atmakaraka the Atma needs to learn how to shed the

vedhak-indications of Venus and this must be done through keeping purity and

cleanliness. Now the sign is VERY important and shows how the native will

understand realise that they must be pure. If its in Gemini the native will

learn this by endeavouring through all the dirty places in the world, i.e.

actually having sexual relationships, and as a result will be disgusted by

them. However if this happens in Virgo then the native will make this decision

of keeping clean/pure, through the act of purity itself! Hence celibacy is

indicated. Now if Venus is afflicted by any planets then the purity must wait.


The Tapaswi Yoga is not a renunciate Yoga by default, but it makes a person work

hard and diligently for their passions. If however you are talking about yogas

for celibacy, then be clear that they are not necessarily tapaswi yogas, just

yogas controlling the sexual impulses, thou Tapaswi Yoga will have that effect

on the native.

Venus' involvement in Tapaswi Yoga is not there to ensure that one must first

have desires/pleasure, before renouncing, on the contrary it indicates a desire

so strong that noone can stand in the native's way and the native will achieve

that desire no matter what. It is for this reason that Shukracharya did such

intense tapas, namely he had the strongest desire! Such desire is very

important among spiritual aspirants when we study the concept of Rishi-Kesha.

Heres a snippit from a recent mail on SJC list:


"Ketu on the other hand is headless like Ganesh.. He's very enmical towards the

Moon and also Venus which can be perused in the Puranas (read stories of when

Ganesh visited Soma and when Lakshmi courted Ganesh). The reason is simple..

These two cause attachment to the Arudha, to Maya, and the only one who can

smash the Moon propperly is Saturn (study pravajya yogas) whilst Venus needs to

be under control. However; a strong Venus gains Ketu's favor (exalted in ketu's

moolatrikona - Pisces), as then the passions are pointing to a goal which will

not be compromised just as the best of Tapaswi's and hence Tapaswi Yoga is

formed by Ketu+Venus+Saturn, where the Moon or manas' are under control, the

Passion of Venus has one single focus and Ketu is sitting in his Siddhaasana

directing everything! This Yoga makes the best of Siddhas, or those aspiring

for knowledge and is the stepping stone for making Rishi's. Hence those Rishi's

like Vasishta and Vishwamitra no doubt had this Yoga and were very determined,

indicating a very strong and controlled Venus. Now Ketu rules hair and the most

blessed part of a Rishi is his hair where he stores all his powers or siddhis,

especially in his pony tail where the dhi or intellect sits, so when we sing

the mantra "Kleem HrishiKeshaaya Namah", we are asking for the protection of

our tapas or austerities and intelligence. We are praying that our Venus does

not fall and should never fall, and hence our Dhi signified by Jupiter is

protected! We are praying for Venus to be exalted!"


Gaura: As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this

combination in fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation,

in other words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving

devotion. Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the

duality between the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches

the relationship and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving

yourself is not as high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his

devotees, especially Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you,

please do not take it so. I'm just deliberating on the truth.


Visti: Exalted venus in Taurus? I assume you mean Pisces. Yes Lakshmi finds

her greatest enjoyment in the act of giving and surrender. But keep in mind

that Bhakti is not indicated by the 12th house, but by the 5th and Jupiter is

indicative of Vasudeva Kutumba or for love of the all/the universe, yet Venus

is the love foccussed on just that one person.

Please elaborate on your understanding of the Dwiswabhava signs. They are dual

because they are both Fixed and Movable in nature, and hence their Rasi dristi

is mutual, unlike that of the fixed and movable signs.


Yes the exaltation indicates love of others, and hence Giving!

Do we disagree?


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Gauranga Das

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 6:12 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)



Dear Visti,





Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 4:21 PM

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sarajit,

I agree, this is a common misunderstanding among Jyotishas that Venus'

exaltation hightens the sexual passion.

Infact the venusian problems come as soon as we forget that love and sex has

todo with giving and not taking!


I for that matter don't agree on this.. Love is actually giving, but sex is

basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


But, why is Venus debilitated in the pure sign of Virgo? Simple. To become pure

you must practice avoidance and eat propperly avoding diseased food, and with

this avoidance you will become strong. Now if Venus is in Virgo you will try to

be strong through love and sex?.. no wonder Venus gets debilitated there. The

native is practicing the act of eating their lover (the guiding force of Virgo

is Taurus - sustenance) , and hence alot of problems come as the native has one

relationship after the other, where they need to find the one who will make them

strong enough or pure enough in this life. If however this Venus is Atmakaraka

the native will understand that this must be done through perfect celibacy.


Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I have

not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo, I

think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept any

Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected both by

Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then needed in

the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce. If you had

none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut renounced, he is

simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction almost always gives

extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially if 7th or 2nd are

influenced by them.. However I'm open to change my understainding about Venus

if you can point out any statements in the classics supporting your views.


Now, this does not mean the native is avoiding moksha (pisces) by being celibate

(virgo). Infact the stronger you are, the more you can give! This is the reason

we worship the 2nd lord from Upapada, which ensures that the Marriage is fed

sufficiently with food and hence sustained, making us able to give more and

more, and eventually we give up our own self, and we are liberated.


As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this combination in

fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation, in other

words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving devotion.

Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the duality between

the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches the relationship

and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving yourself is not as

high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his devotees, especially

Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you, please do not take it so.

I'm just deliberating on the truth.


Again a story about Sukracarya from VedicSaktis.com:


In Vedic myth Venus, or Sukra, is known as the Guru, or teacher of the asuras,

or one of the two camps of the Vedic deities. Sukra therefore is a Brahmin, or

of the highest priestly order, and is considered the forefather of the Brig

lineage of sages from ancient India. In Vedic myth the asuras are the demonic

aspect of the divine and, like many of the ancient creation myths, are locked

in eternal battle with the devas, the auspicious aspect of the Divine. In one

episodic myth the devas are particularly concerned in their battle with asuras

because Venus knows the mantra of immortality to raise the dead. This of course

gave the asuras an unfair advantage in their battle with the devas. So Jupiter,

or Brihaspati, the guru to the devas, sends his son Kaca (brightness) to study

under Sukra. Well, you will not be surprised to find that Sukra has a beautiful

daughter Devayani (way to the gods), and she is quite taken with Kaca. Now, the

asuras know what Kaca is up to, so like all good demons they kill him.

Devayani, of course, grieves for him and tells dad, so Sukra repeats the mantra

and Kaca comes back to life. Then the demons kill Kaca again. Once again

Devayani complains, and once again Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca come back

to life. Undeterred, the demons go about killing Kaca and Sukra keeps

resurrecting him. So the demons get a particularly demonic idea and this time

they kill Kaca and grind him up into a fine powder and put him in Sukra's wine.

Sukra drinks the wine, Devayani begins her grieving, and in response Sukra

repeats the mantra, but this time he has a stomach ache as Kaca speaks from

inside him! Well, at last the demons appear to be happy. But, they ironically

bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent, for Sukra reveals the

mantra of immortality to Kaca, so when Kaca tears himself out of Sukra's body

he will repeat the mantra and raise Sukra from the dead. This myth explains why

all Brahmins committed to spiritual life are not allowed to drink wine, and one

of the epithets of Venus is: the one who "produces stomach problems"!




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


This subject will be explained AFTER the West Coast Conference in the USA, on

August 23rd-24th (weekend), where the focus will be on relationships of all

kinds, from spouse to servants and pets, as well as any other beings in ones

life. After which the extra-marital relationships and yogas for adultery and

bigamy will be dealt with. For more information and how to join this

weekend-workshop as well as others - goto:



Heres an excerpt from one of the handouts on Venus:

Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


1 Introduction.. 2

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka. 3

2.1 Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.2 Types of kalatra. 3

2.1.3 Other results of Kalatrakaraka. 5

2.2 Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.1 Description of Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.2 Results of Kalatrabhava. 7

2.3 Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.1 Description and results of Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.2 Yogas with Kalatresh.. 8

3 Arudha’s. 11

3.1 Introduction to Arudha’s. 11

3.1.1 Description.. 11

3.1.2 Calculation.. 11

3.2 Darapada. 11

3.2.1 Significance. 11

3.2.2 Quality of relations. 11

3.3 Upapada. 13

3.3.1 Significance. 13

3.3.2 Ability to give. 14

3.3.3 Quality of spouse. 15

3.3.4 Family of spouse. 16

3.3.5 Troubles to spouse/marriage. 16

3.3.6 Attraction/repulsion of spouse. 18

4 Remedies for marriage. 19

4.1 Marriage of Ganesh.. 19

4.2 The union between the greedy. 19

4.3 Lack of union.. 19

4.4 Lack of spouse. 20

1 Introduction

One of the greatest mysteries of the world is love.

Why do people unite and what is the quality of such union?

Why do things go sour in some marriages, whilst others prosper and continue happily?

What causes a happy marriage, and how does one improve ones own marriage?

Also why do some people avoid marriage and why do others marry or unite with

other people than their spouse?


This article tries to answer these questions using the tools given by Maharishi

Parasara and Maharishi Jaimini. These tools will spread light on the results of

marriage and reasons for the same. Also how to seek remedies to appease the ill

results of marriage, has been indicated in the article as per the Hindu

tradition of Vedic-astrology.

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka

2.1 Kalatrakaraka

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka

Kalatra means ‘wife’ or ‘consort’, and the term kalatrakaraka is used to

identify the significator for the spouse. The planet signifying the spouse is

Venus which will indicate the quality of love or relations one has in life.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house, showing that Venus finds its

peak in the activity of giving. A person with such a strong Venus would be

inclined to the purest form of love and relationship, and would not endeavour

to have relations with any other than the one person they love wholeheartedly.

Hence the greatest remedy for love and marriage is fasting, being a 12th house

trait. For this reason the 12th house must also be analysed for marriage and


Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the natural 6th house. 6th house shows the

enemies and those we try to vanquish or eat up, and Venus in such a place shows

a desire to conquer sexual desires by living them out. This results in low

morals and ideas with regards to sexual affairs which can only be controlled by

the 12th house karaka – Ketu. The mere understanding of the Exaltation and

Debilitation signs of Venus has a lot to tell us about the most confusing

concept of love and marriage, and the true qualities of Venus.

Many astrologers tend to be confused with the above qualities of Venus,

confusing a strong Venus with an immoral person. This is understandable due to

the present Yuga. In Astrology the 4 Yugas[1], the ancients used to describe

the course of humanity, are signified by the 4 trines:


1. Fiery[2] signs: Satya/Krta Yuga – Where Dharma was at its highest and

kings reigned.

2. Watery[3] signs: Treta Yuga – Where poetry and emotions were at their


3. Airy signs[4]: Dwapara Yuga – Where intellectual pursuits were at their


4. Earthy signs[5]: Kali Yuga – Where wars and ignorance would be at their



Without trying to establish whether we are in Kali Yuga or not, it’s clear that

the earthy signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, include the debilitation

sign of Venus – namely Virgo, hence the lowest type of sexual acts would reach

their peak in Kali Yuga, whilst this would be opposite during Treta Yuga.

Dharma would be at its highest in Satya Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would be rich

with sexual activity, however not with the same immoral acts as in Kali Yuga.


2.1.2 Types of kalatra

Venus’ placement and planetary influences will give an idea of the type of

love/sex or even marriage which the native will indulge in. The union of Venus

with the 8 Graha’s resembles the Ashta-Vivaha, or 8 types of marriage/union:


.... more to come

[1] Krta/Satya(1st), Treta (2nd), Dwapara (3rd) and Kali (4th)Yuga.

[2] Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

[3] Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

[4] Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

[5] Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


See you there.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font:


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vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

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shine on us .......


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Dear Visti/ Gauranga,

What is your opinion on Venus debilitated in 3rd house vis-a-vis Dharma?




Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:56 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hari Om|

Dear Gauranga,


Gaura: I for that matter don't agree on this.. Love is actually giving, but sex

is basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


Visti: Without doubt Love is giving, however whether sex also becomes this

depends on the attitude of the native. Most will ascribe to the view that sex

is taking, where the focal point of sex is on the orgasm, but isn't this

typical of of the current Yuga where the purity in sex has fallen (earth

signs)? But Venus in exaltation will ensure that the native will not just sleep

with any person, as sex becomes an act of giving and the native will only give

this to a particular person.


Gaura: Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I

have not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo,

I think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept

any Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected

both by Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then

needed in the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce.

If you had none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut

renounced, he is simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction

almost always gives extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially

if 7th or 2nd are influenced by them.. However I'm open to change my

understainding about Venus if you can point out any statements in the classics

supporting your views.


Visti: I can give charts of people with Venus as AK keeping celibacy since

birth, however this depends on the sign as well. The example of Venus as AK in

virgo has also been given by Sanjay Rath in the past, hence i ascribe to that


The reason as i understand it, is simple and is understood when we go into

Pachakadi Sambandha where we find that the Vedhak of the Sun (natural Atma) is

Venus. Hence Venus causes the fall of the Atma, or the path of the Atma. Now

when Venus becomes Atmakaraka the Atma needs to learn how to shed the

vedhak-indications of Venus and this must be done through keeping purity and

cleanliness. Now the sign is VERY important and shows how the native will

understand realise that they must be pure. If its in Gemini the native will

learn this by endeavouring through all the dirty places in the world, i.e.

actually having sexual relationships, and as a result will be disgusted by

them. However if this happens in Virgo then the native will make this decision

of keeping clean/pure, through the act of purity itself! Hence celibacy is

indicated. Now if Venus is afflicted by any planets then the purity must wait.


The Tapaswi Yoga is not a renunciate Yoga by default, but it makes a person work

hard and diligently for their passions. If however you are talking about yogas

for celibacy, then be clear that they are not necessarily tapaswi yogas, just

yogas controlling the sexual impulses, thou Tapaswi Yoga will have that effect

on the native.

Venus' involvement in Tapaswi Yoga is not there to ensure that one must first

have desires/pleasure, before renouncing, on the contrary it indicates a desire

so strong that noone can stand in the native's way and the native will achieve

that desire no matter what. It is for this reason that Shukracharya did such

intense tapas, namely he had the strongest desire! Such desire is very

important among spiritual aspirants when we study the concept of Rishi-Kesha.

Heres a snippit from a recent mail on SJC list:


"Ketu on the other hand is headless like Ganesh.. He's very enmical towards the

Moon and also Venus which can be perused in the Puranas (read stories of when

Ganesh visited Soma and when Lakshmi courted Ganesh). The reason is simple..

These two cause attachment to the Arudha, to Maya, and the only one who can

smash the Moon propperly is Saturn (study pravajya yogas) whilst Venus needs to

be under control. However; a strong Venus gains Ketu's favor (exalted in ketu's

moolatrikona - Pisces), as then the passions are pointing to a goal which will

not be compromised just as the best of Tapaswi's and hence Tapaswi Yoga is

formed by Ketu+Venus+Saturn, where the Moon or manas' are under control, the

Passion of Venus has one single focus and Ketu is sitting in his Siddhaasana

directing everything! This Yoga makes the best of Siddhas, or those aspiring

for knowledge and is the stepping stone for making Rishi's. Hence those Rishi's

like Vasishta and Vishwamitra no doubt had this Yoga and were very determined,

indicating a very strong and controlled Venus. Now Ketu rules hair and the most

blessed part of a Rishi is his hair where he stores all his powers or siddhis,

especially in his pony tail where the dhi or intellect sits, so when we sing

the mantra "Kleem HrishiKeshaaya Namah", we are asking for the protection of

our tapas or austerities and intelligence. We are praying that our Venus does

not fall and should never fall, and hence our Dhi signified by Jupiter is

protected! We are praying for Venus to be exalted!"


Gaura: As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this

combination in fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation,

in other words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving

devotion. Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the

duality between the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches

the relationship and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving

yourself is not as high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his

devotees, especially Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you,

please do not take it so. I'm just deliberating on the truth.


Visti: Exalted venus in Taurus? I assume you mean Pisces. Yes Lakshmi finds

her greatest enjoyment in the act of giving and surrender. But keep in mind

that Bhakti is not indicated by the 12th house, but by the 5th and Jupiter is

indicative of Vasudeva Kutumba or for love of the all/the universe, yet Venus

is the love foccussed on just that one person.

Please elaborate on your understanding of the Dwiswabhava signs. They are dual

because they are both Fixed and Movable in nature, and hence their Rasi dristi

is mutual, unlike that of the fixed and movable signs.


Yes the exaltation indicates love of others, and hence Giving!

Do we disagree?


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Gauranga Das

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 6:12 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)



Dear Visti,





Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 4:21 PM

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sarajit,

I agree, this is a common misunderstanding among Jyotishas that Venus'

exaltation hightens the sexual passion.

Infact the venusian problems come as soon as we forget that love and sex has

todo with giving and not taking!


I for that matter don't agree on this.. Love is actually giving, but sex is

basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


But, why is Venus debilitated in the pure sign of Virgo? Simple. To become pure

you must practice avoidance and eat propperly avoding diseased food, and with

this avoidance you will become strong. Now if Venus is in Virgo you will try to

be strong through love and sex?.. no wonder Venus gets debilitated there. The

native is practicing the act of eating their lover (the guiding force of Virgo

is Taurus - sustenance) , and hence alot of problems come as the native has one

relationship after the other, where they need to find the one who will make them

strong enough or pure enough in this life. If however this Venus is Atmakaraka

the native will understand that this must be done through perfect celibacy.


Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I have

not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo, I

think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept any

Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected both by

Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then needed in

the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce. If you had

none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut renounced, he is

simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction almost always gives

extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially if 7th or 2nd are

influenced by them.. However I'm open to change my understainding about Venus

if you can point out any statements in the classics supporting your views.


Now, this does not mean the native is avoiding moksha (pisces) by being celibate

(virgo). Infact the stronger you are, the more you can give! This is the reason

we worship the 2nd lord from Upapada, which ensures that the Marriage is fed

sufficiently with food and hence sustained, making us able to give more and

more, and eventually we give up our own self, and we are liberated.


As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this combination in

fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation, in other

words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving devotion.

Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the duality between

the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches the relationship

and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving yourself is not as

high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his devotees, especially

Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you, please do not take it so.

I'm just deliberating on the truth.


Again a story about Sukracarya from VedicSaktis.com:


In Vedic myth Venus, or Sukra, is known as the Guru, or teacher of the asuras,

or one of the two camps of the Vedic deities. Sukra therefore is a Brahmin, or

of the highest priestly order, and is considered the forefather of the Brig

lineage of sages from ancient India. In Vedic myth the asuras are the demonic

aspect of the divine and, like many of the ancient creation myths, are locked

in eternal battle with the devas, the auspicious aspect of the Divine. In one

episodic myth the devas are particularly concerned in their battle with asuras

because Venus knows the mantra of immortality to raise the dead. This of course

gave the asuras an unfair advantage in their battle with the devas. So Jupiter,

or Brihaspati, the guru to the devas, sends his son Kaca (brightness) to study

under Sukra. Well, you will not be surprised to find that Sukra has a beautiful

daughter Devayani (way to the gods), and she is quite taken with Kaca. Now, the

asuras know what Kaca is up to, so like all good demons they kill him.

Devayani, of course, grieves for him and tells dad, so Sukra repeats the mantra

and Kaca comes back to life. Then the demons kill Kaca again. Once again

Devayani complains, and once again Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca come back

to life. Undeterred, the demons go about killing Kaca and Sukra keeps

resurrecting him. So the demons get a particularly demonic idea and this time

they kill Kaca and grind him up into a fine powder and put him in Sukra's wine.

Sukra drinks the wine, Devayani begins her grieving, and in response Sukra

repeats the mantra, but this time he has a stomach ache as Kaca speaks from

inside him! Well, at last the demons appear to be happy. But, they ironically

bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent, for Sukra reveals the

mantra of immortality to Kaca, so when Kaca tears himself out of Sukra's body

he will repeat the mantra and raise Sukra from the dead. This myth explains why

all Brahmins committed to spiritual life are not allowed to drink wine, and one

of the epithets of Venus is: the one who "produces stomach problems"!




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


This subject will be explained AFTER the West Coast Conference in the USA, on

August 23rd-24th (weekend), where the focus will be on relationships of all

kinds, from spouse to servants and pets, as well as any other beings in ones

life. After which the extra-marital relationships and yogas for adultery and

bigamy will be dealt with. For more information and how to join this

weekend-workshop as well as others - goto:



Heres an excerpt from one of the handouts on Venus:

Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


1 Introduction.. 2

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka. 3

2.1 Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.2 Types of kalatra. 3

2.1.3 Other results of Kalatrakaraka. 5

2.2 Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.1 Description of Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.2 Results of Kalatrabhava. 7

2.3 Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.1 Description and results of Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.2 Yogas with Kalatresh.. 8

3 Arudha’s. 11

3.1 Introduction to Arudha’s. 11

3.1.1 Description.. 11

3.1.2 Calculation.. 11

3.2 Darapada. 11

3.2.1 Significance. 11

3.2.2 Quality of relations. 11

3.3 Upapada. 13

3.3.1 Significance. 13

3.3.2 Ability to give. 14

3.3.3 Quality of spouse. 15

3.3.4 Family of spouse. 16

3.3.5 Troubles to spouse/marriage. 16

3.3.6 Attraction/repulsion of spouse. 18

4 Remedies for marriage. 19

4.1 Marriage of Ganesh.. 19

4.2 The union between the greedy. 19

4.3 Lack of union.. 19

4.4 Lack of spouse. 20

1 Introduction

One of the greatest mysteries of the world is love.

Why do people unite and what is the quality of such union?

Why do things go sour in some marriages, whilst others prosper and continue happily?

What causes a happy marriage, and how does one improve ones own marriage?

Also why do some people avoid marriage and why do others marry or unite with

other people than their spouse?


This article tries to answer these questions using the tools given by Maharishi

Parasara and Maharishi Jaimini. These tools will spread light on the results of

marriage and reasons for the same. Also how to seek remedies to appease the ill

results of marriage, has been indicated in the article as per the Hindu

tradition of Vedic-astrology.

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka

2.1 Kalatrakaraka

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka

Kalatra means ‘wife’ or ‘consort’, and the term kalatrakaraka is used to

identify the significator for the spouse. The planet signifying the spouse is

Venus which will indicate the quality of love or relations one has in life.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house, showing that Venus finds its

peak in the activity of giving. A person with such a strong Venus would be

inclined to the purest form of love and relationship, and would not endeavour

to have relations with any other than the one person they love wholeheartedly.

Hence the greatest remedy for love and marriage is fasting, being a 12th house

trait. For this reason the 12th house must also be analysed for marriage and


Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the natural 6th house. 6th house shows the

enemies and those we try to vanquish or eat up, and Venus in such a place shows

a desire to conquer sexual desires by living them out. This results in low

morals and ideas with regards to sexual affairs which can only be controlled by

the 12th house karaka – Ketu. The mere understanding of the Exaltation and

Debilitation signs of Venus has a lot to tell us about the most confusing

concept of love and marriage, and the true qualities of Venus.

Many astrologers tend to be confused with the above qualities of Venus,

confusing a strong Venus with an immoral person. This is understandable due to

the present Yuga. In Astrology the 4 Yugas[1], the ancients used to describe

the course of humanity, are signified by the 4 trines:


1. Fiery[2] signs: Satya/Krta Yuga – Where Dharma was at its highest and

kings reigned.

2. Watery[3] signs: Treta Yuga – Where poetry and emotions were at their


3. Airy signs[4]: Dwapara Yuga – Where intellectual pursuits were at their


4. Earthy signs[5]: Kali Yuga – Where wars and ignorance would be at their



Without trying to establish whether we are in Kali Yuga or not, it’s clear that

the earthy signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, include the debilitation

sign of Venus – namely Virgo, hence the lowest type of sexual acts would reach

their peak in Kali Yuga, whilst this would be opposite during Treta Yuga.

Dharma would be at its highest in Satya Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would be rich

with sexual activity, however not with the same immoral acts as in Kali Yuga.


2.1.2 Types of kalatra

Venus’ placement and planetary influences will give an idea of the type of

love/sex or even marriage which the native will indulge in. The union of Venus

with the 8 Graha’s resembles the Ashta-Vivaha, or 8 types of marriage/union:


.... more to come

[1] Krta/Satya(1st), Treta (2nd), Dwapara (3rd) and Kali (4th)Yuga.

[2] Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

[3] Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

[4] Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

[5] Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


See you there.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

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Guest guest

Dear Gauranga,

If I know my scriptures Shukracharya was son of Maharishi Bhrigu and not

otherway round, that is why he is also refered to as Bhriguputra or Bhargava in

many of the jyotish shlokas.I do not know what is the source of the Vedic shakti

website, but the source appears to be wrong.



Gauranga Das

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:42 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)



Dear Visti,





Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 4:21 PM

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sarajit,

I agree, this is a common misunderstanding among Jyotishas that Venus'

exaltation hightens the sexual passion.

Infact the venusian problems come as soon as we forget that love and sex has

todo with giving and not taking!


I for that matter don't agree on this. Love is actually giving, but sex is

basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


But, why is Venus debilitated in the pure sign of Virgo? Simple. To become pure

you must practice avoidance and eat propperly avoding diseased food, and with

this avoidance you will become strong. Now if Venus is in Virgo you will try to

be strong through love and sex?.. no wonder Venus gets debilitated there. The

native is practicing the act of eating their lover (the guiding force of Virgo

is Taurus - sustenance) , and hence alot of problems come as the native has one

relationship after the other, where they need to find the one who will make them

strong enough or pure enough in this life. If however this Venus is Atmakaraka

the native will understand that this must be done through perfect celibacy.


Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I have

not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo, I

think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept any

Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected both by

Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then needed in

the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce. If you had

none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut renounced, he is

simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction almost always gives

extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially if 7th or 2nd are

influenced by them. However I'm open to change my understainding about Venus if

you can point out any statements in the classics supporting your views.


Now, this does not mean the native is avoiding moksha (pisces) by being celibate

(virgo). Infact the stronger you are, the more you can give! This is the reason

we worship the 2nd lord from Upapada, which ensures that the Marriage is fed

sufficiently with food and hence sustained, making us able to give more and

more, and eventually we give up our own self, and we are liberated.


As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this combination in

fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation, in other

words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving devotion.

Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the duality between

the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches the relationship

and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving yourself is not as

high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his devotees, especially

Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you, please do not take it so.

I'm just deliberating on the truth.


Again a story about Sukracarya from VedicSaktis.com:


In Vedic myth Venus, or Sukra, is known as the Guru, or teacher of the asuras,

or one of the two camps of the Vedic deities. Sukra therefore is a Brahmin, or

of the highest priestly order, and is considered the forefather of the Brig

lineage of sages from ancient India. In Vedic myth the asuras are the demonic

aspect of the divine and, like many of the ancient creation myths, are locked

in eternal battle with the devas, the auspicious aspect of the Divine. In one

episodic myth the devas are particularly concerned in their battle with asuras

because Venus knows the mantra of immortality to raise the dead. This of course

gave the asuras an unfair advantage in their battle with the devas. So Jupiter,

or Brihaspati, the guru to the devas, sends his son Kaca (brightness) to study

under Sukra. Well, you will not be surprised to find that Sukra has a beautiful

daughter Devayani (way to the gods), and she is quite taken with Kaca. Now, the

asuras know what Kaca is up to, so like all good demons they kill him.

Devayani, of course, grieves for him and tells dad, so Sukra repeats the mantra

and Kaca comes back to life. Then the demons kill Kaca again. Once again

Devayani complains, and once again Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca come back

to life. Undeterred, the demons go about killing Kaca and Sukra keeps

resurrecting him. So the demons get a particularly demonic idea and this time

they kill Kaca and grind him up into a fine powder and put him in Sukra's wine.

Sukra drinks the wine, Devayani begins her grieving, and in response Sukra

repeats the mantra, but this time he has a stomach ache as Kaca speaks from

inside him! Well, at last the demons appear to be happy. But, they ironically

bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent, for Sukra reveals the

mantra of immortality to Kaca, so when Kaca tears himself out of Sukra's body

he will repeat the mantra and raise Sukra from the dead. This myth explains why

all Brahmins committed to spiritual life are not allowed to drink wine, and one

of the epithets of Venus is: the one who "produces stomach problems"!




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


This subject will be explained AFTER the West Coast Conference in the USA, on

August 23rd-24th (weekend), where the focus will be on relationships of all

kinds, from spouse to servants and pets, as well as any other beings in ones

life. After which the extra-marital relationships and yogas for adultery and

bigamy will be dealt with. For more information and how to join this

weekend-workshop as well as others - goto:



Heres an excerpt from one of the handouts on Venus:

Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


1 Introduction.. 2

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka. 3

2.1 Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.2 Types of kalatra. 3

2.1.3 Other results of Kalatrakaraka. 5

2.2 Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.1 Description of Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.2 Results of Kalatrabhava. 7

2.3 Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.1 Description and results of Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.2 Yogas with Kalatresh.. 8

3 Arudha’s. 11

3.1 Introduction to Arudha’s. 11

3.1.1 Description.. 11

3.1.2 Calculation.. 11

3.2 Darapada. 11

3.2.1 Significance. 11

3.2.2 Quality of relations. 11

3.3 Upapada. 13

3.3.1 Significance. 13

3.3.2 Ability to give. 14

3.3.3 Quality of spouse. 15

3.3.4 Family of spouse. 16

3.3.5 Troubles to spouse/marriage. 16

3.3.6 Attraction/repulsion of spouse. 18

4 Remedies for marriage. 19

4.1 Marriage of Ganesh.. 19

4.2 The union between the greedy. 19

4.3 Lack of union.. 19

4.4 Lack of spouse. 20

1 Introduction

One of the greatest mysteries of the world is love.

Why do people unite and what is the quality of such union?

Why do things go sour in some marriages, whilst others prosper and continue happily?

What causes a happy marriage, and how does one improve ones own marriage?

Also why do some people avoid marriage and why do others marry or unite with

other people than their spouse?


This article tries to answer these questions using the tools given by Maharishi

Parasara and Maharishi Jaimini. These tools will spread light on the results of

marriage and reasons for the same. Also how to seek remedies to appease the ill

results of marriage, has been indicated in the article as per the Hindu

tradition of Vedic-astrology.

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka

2.1 Kalatrakaraka

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka

Kalatra means ‘wife’ or ‘consort’, and the term kalatrakaraka is used to

identify the significator for the spouse. The planet signifying the spouse is

Venus which will indicate the quality of love or relations one has in life.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house, showing that Venus finds its

peak in the activity of giving. A person with such a strong Venus would be

inclined to the purest form of love and relationship, and would not endeavour

to have relations with any other than the one person they love wholeheartedly.

Hence the greatest remedy for love and marriage is fasting, being a 12th house

trait. For this reason the 12th house must also be analysed for marriage and


Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the natural 6th house. 6th house shows the

enemies and those we try to vanquish or eat up, and Venus in such a place shows

a desire to conquer sexual desires by living them out. This results in low

morals and ideas with regards to sexual affairs which can only be controlled by

the 12th house karaka – Ketu. The mere understanding of the Exaltation and

Debilitation signs of Venus has a lot to tell us about the most confusing

concept of love and marriage, and the true qualities of Venus.

Many astrologers tend to be confused with the above qualities of Venus,

confusing a strong Venus with an immoral person. This is understandable due to

the present Yuga. In Astrology the 4 Yugas[1], the ancients used to describe

the course of humanity, are signified by the 4 trines:


1. Fiery[2] signs: Satya/Krta Yuga – Where Dharma was at its highest and

kings reigned.

2. Watery[3] signs: Treta Yuga – Where poetry and emotions were at their


3. Airy signs[4]: Dwapara Yuga – Where intellectual pursuits were at their


4. Earthy signs[5]: Kali Yuga – Where wars and ignorance would be at their



Without trying to establish whether we are in Kali Yuga or not, it’s clear that

the earthy signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, include the debilitation

sign of Venus – namely Virgo, hence the lowest type of sexual acts would reach

their peak in Kali Yuga, whilst this would be opposite during Treta Yuga.

Dharma would be at its highest in Satya Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would be rich

with sexual activity, however not with the same immoral acts as in Kali Yuga.


2.1.2 Types of kalatra

Venus’ placement and planetary influences will give an idea of the type of

love/sex or even marriage which the native will indulge in. The union of Venus

with the 8 Graha’s resembles the Ashta-Vivaha, or 8 types of marriage/union:


.... more to come

[1] Krta/Satya(1st), Treta (2nd), Dwapara (3rd) and Kali (4th)Yuga.

[2] Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

[3] Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

[4] Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

[5] Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


See you there.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font:


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Dear Respected Gurus,

The mythology about Kacha and Devayani I also read.Now as we know that meena

rasi is owned by Brihaspati ,Deva Guru.It is the 12th sign of zodiac indicating

Moksha.It is also called as Maharshi sign.So Shukra exalted in Meena rasi

indicates He is also a Guru who can renunciate through spirituality.According

to me those who have Shukra exalted are also highly spiritual.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.


Chandrashekhar <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Gauranga,

If I know my scriptures Shukracharya was son of Maharishi Bhrigu and not

otherway round, that is why he is also refered to as Bhriguputra or Bhargava in

many of the jyotish shlokas.I do not know what is the source of the Vedic shakti

website, but the source appears to be wrong.



Gauranga Das

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:42 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)



Dear Visti,





Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Saturday, May 24, 2003 4:21 PM

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sarajit,

I agree, this is a common misunderstanding among Jyotishas that Venus'

exaltation hightens the sexual passion.

Infact the venusian problems come as soon as we forget that love and sex has

todo with giving and not taking!


I for that matter don't agree on this. Love is actually giving, but sex is

basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


But, why is Venus debilitated in the pure sign of Virgo? Simple. To become pure

you must practice avoidance and eat propperly avoding diseased food, and with

this avoidance you will become strong. Now if Venus is in Virgo you will try to

be strong through love and sex?.. no wonder Venus gets debilitated there. The

native is practicing the act of eating their lover (the guiding force of Virgo

is Taurus - sustenance) , and hence alot of problems come as the native has one

relationship after the other, where they need to find the one who will make them

strong enough or pure enough in this life. If however this Venus is Atmakaraka

the native will understand that this must be done through perfect celibacy.


Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I have

not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo, I

think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept any

Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected both by

Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then needed in

the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce. If you had

none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut renounced, he is

simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction almost always gives

extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially if 7th or 2nd are

influenced by them. However I'm open to change my understainding about Venus if

you can point out any statements in the classics supporting your views.


Now, this does not mean the native is avoiding moksha (pisces) by being celibate

(virgo). Infact the stronger you are, the more you can give! This is the reason

we worship the 2nd lord from Upapada, which ensures that the Marriage is fed

sufficiently with food and hence sustained, making us able to give more and

more, and eventually we give up our own self, and we are liberated.


As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this combination in

fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation, in other

words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving devotion.

Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the duality between

the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches the relationship

and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving yourself is not as

high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his devotees, especially

Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you, please do not take it so.

I'm just deliberating on the truth.


Again a story about Sukracarya from VedicSaktis.com:


In Vedic myth Venus, or Sukra, is known as the Guru, or teacher of the asuras,

or one of the two camps of the Vedic deities. Sukra therefore is a Brahmin, or

of the highest priestly order, and is considered the forefather of the Brig

lineage of sages from ancient India. In Vedic myth the asuras are the demonic

aspect of the divine and, like many of the ancient creation myths, are locked

in eternal battle with the devas, the auspicious aspect of the Divine. In one

episodic myth the devas are particularly concerned in their battle with asuras

because Venus knows the mantra of immortality to raise the dead. This of course

gave the asuras an unfair advantage in their battle with the devas. So Jupiter,

or Brihaspati, the guru to the devas, sends his son Kaca (brightness) to study

under Sukra. Well, you will not be surprised to find that Sukra has a beautiful

daughter Devayani (way to the gods), and she is quite taken with Kaca. Now, the

asuras know what Kaca is up to, so like all good demons they kill him.

Devayani, of course, grieves for him and tells dad, so Sukra repeats the mantra

and Kaca comes back to life. Then the demons kill Kaca again. Once again

Devayani complains, and once again Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca come back

to life. Undeterred, the demons go about killing Kaca and Sukra keeps

resurrecting him. So the demons get a particularly demonic idea and this time

they kill Kaca and grind him up into a fine powder and put him in Sukra's wine.

Sukra drinks the wine, Devayani begins her grieving, and in response Sukra

repeats the mantra, but this time he has a stomach ache as Kaca speaks from

inside him! Well, at last the demons appear to be happy. But, they ironically

bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent, for Sukra reveals the

mantra of immortality to Kaca, so when Kaca tears himself out of Sukra's body

he will repeat the mantra and raise Sukra from the dead. This myth explains why

all Brahmins committed to spiritual life are not allowed to drink wine, and one

of the epithets of Venus is: the one who "produces stomach problems"!




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


This subject will be explained AFTER the West Coast Conference in the USA, on

August 23rd-24th (weekend), where the focus will be on relationships of all

kinds, from spouse to servants and pets, as well as any other beings in ones

life. After which the extra-marital relationships and yogas for adultery and

bigamy will be dealt with. For more information and how to join this

weekend-workshop as well as others - goto:



Heres an excerpt from one of the handouts on Venus:

Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


1 Introduction.. 2

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka. 3

2.1 Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.2 Types of kalatra. 3

2.1.3 Other results of Kalatrakaraka. 5

2.2 Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.1 Description of Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.2 Results of Kalatrabhava. 7

2.3 Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.1 Description and results of Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.2 Yogas with Kalatresh.. 8

3 Arudha’s. 11

3.1 Introduction to Arudha’s. 11

3.1.1 Description.. 11

3.1.2 Calculation.. 11

3.2 Darapada. 11

3.2.1 Significance. 11

3.2.2 Quality of relations. 11

3.3 Upapada. 13

3.3.1 Significance. 13

3.3.2 Ability to give. 14

3.3.3 Quality of spouse. 15

3.3.4 Family of spouse. 16

3.3.5 Troubles to spouse/marriage. 16

3.3.6 Attraction/repulsion of spouse. 18

4 Remedies for marriage. 19

4.1 Marriage of Ganesh.. 19

4.2 The union between the greedy. 19

4.3 Lack of union.. 19

4.4 Lack of spouse. 20

1 Introduction

One of the greatest mysteries of the world is love.

Why do people unite and what is the quality of such union?

Why do things go sour in some marriages, whilst others prosper and continue happily?

What causes a happy marriage, and how does one improve ones own marriage?

Also why do some people avoid marriage and why do others marry or unite with

other people than their spouse?


This article tries to answer these questions using the tools given by Maharishi

Parasara and Maharishi Jaimini. These tools will spread light on the results of

marriage and reasons for the same. Also how to seek remedies to appease the ill

results of marriage, has been indicated in the article as per the Hindu

tradition of Vedic-astrology.

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka

2.1 Kalatrakaraka

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka

Kalatra means ‘wife’ or ‘consort’, and the term kalatrakaraka is used to

identify the significator for the spouse. The planet signifying the spouse is

Venus which will indicate the quality of love or relations one has in life.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house, showing that Venus finds its

peak in the activity of giving. A person with such a strong Venus would be

inclined to the purest form of love and relationship, and would not endeavour

to have relations with any other than the one person they love wholeheartedly.

Hence the greatest remedy for love and marriage is fasting, being a 12th house

trait. For this reason the 12th house must also be analysed for marriage and


Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the natural 6th house. 6th house shows the

enemies and those we try to vanquish or eat up, and Venus in such a place shows

a desire to conquer sexual desires by living them out. This results in low

morals and ideas with regards to sexual affairs which can only be controlled by

the 12th house karaka – Ketu. The mere understanding of the Exaltation and

Debilitation signs of Venus has a lot to tell us about the most confusing

concept of love and marriage, and the true qualities of Venus.

Many astrologers tend to be confused with the above qualities of Venus,

confusing a strong Venus with an immoral person. This is understandable due to

the present Yuga. In Astrology the 4 Yugas[1], the ancients used to describe

the course of humanity, are signified by the 4 trines:


1. Fiery[2] signs: Satya/Krta Yuga – Where Dharma was at its highest and

kings reigned.

2. Watery[3] signs: Treta Yuga – Where poetry and emotions were at their


3. Airy signs[4]: Dwapara Yuga – Where intellectual pursuits were at their


4. Earthy signs[5]: Kali Yuga – Where wars and ignorance would be at their



Without trying to establish whether we are in Kali Yuga or not, it’s clear that

the earthy signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, include the debilitation

sign of Venus – namely Virgo, hence the lowest type of sexual acts would reach

their peak in Kali Yuga, whilst this would be opposite during Treta Yuga.

Dharma would be at its highest in Satya Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would be rich

with sexual activity, however not with the same immoral acts as in Kali Yuga.


2.1.2 Types of kalatra

Venus’ placement and planetary influences will give an idea of the type of

love/sex or even marriage which the native will indulge in. The union of Venus

with the 8 Graha’s resembles the Ashta-Vivaha, or 8 types of marriage/union:


.... more to come

[1] Krta/Satya(1st), Treta (2nd), Dwapara (3rd) and Kali (4th)Yuga.

[2] Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

[3] Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

[4] Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

[5] Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


See you there.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font:


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So the definition of 'Shubh' & 'Ashubh' is very subjective. Exalted Venus is a

boon in Mayavi-material world but is a hard rock mountain for a Tapasvi which

he needs to cross to enter into spiritual bliss.


Saturn burns but on the other hand destroys impurities. Ketu kills but it

provides an insight that nothing is here for ever - better renunciate.


In my case, Venus is in 3rd house/own house in Libra & exalted in Navamsa. Lagna

Lord Sun is debilitated in Libra & Venus is sitting over his head. Saturn is

denying Venus by having graha dristi from Taurus. Ketu is in 12th - Cancer. Not

having much control over Venus.


Venus, having Kendradhipati dosha, is on the run though still under some control

of Saturn denying unwanted relations with opposite sex. But still feels that

Venus's desires are much stronger - how to get a leash for him? Propitiation of

lagna Lord Sun????


Jyotish is divine....

with regards


Sanjay Rath <daivagyna (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Visti & Gauranga

this is an excellent discussion. I have a point to add. Fundamentally, the

Tapaswi yoga in its PERFECT definition is related to the TAPAS loka. This loka

is lorded by Saturn astrologically (will give arguments later) and indicates

that Pravrajya is a necesary condition for a perfect tapaswi. Tapasya means

penance and this cannot be done in air-conditioned rooms. One has to become a

part of nature and glow in its bounty. So, in principle, Gauranga is correct in

the definition. look at the planets invovled: Venus, Saturn and Ketu. Jaimini is

very very clear about this that Venus has to be involved in the yoga else the

person is an impersonating sadhu and not genuine. What is happening when these

planets come together?


(A) Venus is the giver of all the pleasures of this world. Venus rules

entertainment, sex and all sorts of passion being extremely rajasik by nature.

When Venus is contacted by Saturn, then two things happen (1) Venus becomes

dirty which leads to guilt and disease, and/or (2) Venus is suppressed by

Saturn as it is the nature of saturn to deny and suppress. thus Venus aspected

ot conjoined saturn can cause extreme suppression of sexual desires causing

anomalies. For example if Venus is in Aquarius or capricorn in exchange with

saturn (dictum), then a woman can become a lesbian!! Why will a woman become a

lesbian or a man become gay if the basic sexual desire was not suppressed and

diverted into other channels? Thus just Venus and saturn cannot cause tapaswi

yoga. It does indicate hard working people (saturn) and self denying to a large

extent, yet it produces sexual anomalies in most cases.


(B) Ketu is the destroyer and rules the infra-red. In every sence ketu is

actually Rudra and is the ruler of the natural eighth house. He is far more

fierce than Mars. Whatever he contacts among the grahas, he simply destroys.

That is why he is called headless. When such a destruction touches Jupiter,

then it can destroy intelligence and when Guru is lagna lord, then either a

great saint is born (rare) or generally mentally deranged people are born. When

such a destructive Dhoomra (smoke like..when something is destroyed the body

turns to smoke/dust) Ketu contacts Venus, it will tend to destroy the Venus

completely and the person can either become an eunuch or sexually incapacitated

or the sexual desire is completely destroyed. That is why Parasara/Jaimini teach

that even if the terrible passion of Venus and Mars torment (!!) in the second

house from navamsa lagna, if Ketu conjoins or aspects (sign sight), then this

passion is destroyed..simply destroyed.


Now bring para (A) and (B) aove together and you will see why it is necessary

that for a person to become a TAPASWI in the perfect sense, the sexual

desire/passion has to be completely destroyed and that he should also be able

to suppress and deny himself any kind of physical comfort, enjooyment,

entertainment etc.


For example, you will see that the person will not like to watch TV, or movies

etc...these are the begining signs. There is a lot more as the Tapaswi needs a

Guru to guide the tapasya/penance. So do not forget BK.


Other comments are given below, but in principle, Gauranga is more precise.

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


Visti Larsen [vishnu (AT) lbq (DOT) dk]Sent:

Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:57 PMvedic astrologySubject: Re:

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hari Om|

Dear Gauranga,


Gaura: I for that matter don't agree on this.. Love is actually giving, but sex

is basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


Visti: Without doubt Love is giving, however whether sex also becomes this

depends on the attitude of the native. Most will ascribe to the view that sex

is taking, where the focal point of sex is on the orgasm, but isn't this

typical of of the current Yuga where the purity in sex has fallen (earth

signs)? But Venus in exaltation will ensure that the native will not just sleep

with any person, as sex becomes an act of giving and the native will only give

this to a particular person.[Rath:] No visti, Gauranga is right. Sex comes from

Darapada and is related to the seventh house whose real karaka is venus while

Marriage can mean any clean relationship like 'I being married to Astrology'

and it has to do with Upapada where the Karaka is the Sun and like Karna, the

son of the Sun God, you have to give. The Darapada and 7th house cause rebirth

whereas the 12th house and Upapada cause moksha. So, fundamentally they are

poles apart. Also in the pachakadi sambandha, Venus is the vedhak for the Sun

and is its sworn enemy.


Gaura: Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I

have not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo,

I think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept

any Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected

both by Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then

needed in the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce.

If you had none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut

renounced, he is simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction

almost always gives extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially

if 7th or 2nd are influenced by them.. However I'm open to change my

understainding about Venus if you can point out any statements in the classics

supporting your views.


Visti: I can give charts of people with Venus as AK keeping celibacy since

birth, however this depends on the sign as well. The example of Venus as AK in

virgo has also been given by Sanjay Rath in the past, hence i ascribe to that

view.[Rath:] Visti, AK is Virgo is one thing and just Venus in Virgo is another

thing altogether. A lot depends on the AL. If I remember correctly, Sri

Prabhupada took sanyas in Mercury dasa Venus antardasa and Venus is in Virgo.

So, we cannot and should not generalise. All depends on conjoined planets and

AL. In fact Sri Prabhupada took Sanyas because of exalted Mercury. venus was

only following Mercury like Radha follwing Krishna. Individual charts can make

a lot of difference and subtle changes occurs, but in principle, Venus is the

master of Maya. Even lakshmi is called as Maha-mayi.


The reason as i understand it, is simple and is understood when we go into

Pachakadi Sambandha where we find that the Vedhak of the Sun (natural Atma) is

Venus. Hence Venus causes the fall of the Atma, or the path of the Atma. Now

when Venus becomes Atmakaraka the Atma needs to learn how to shed the

vedhak-indications of Venus and this must be done through keeping purity and

cleanliness. Now the sign is VERY important and shows how the native will

understand realise that they must be pure. If its in Gemini the native will

learn this by endeavouring through all the dirty places in the world, i.e.

actually having sexual relationships, and as a result will be disgusted by

them. However if this happens in Virgo then the native will make this decision

of keeping clean/pure, through the act of purity itself! Hence celibacy is

indicated. Now if Venus is afflicted by any planets then the purity must wait.


The Tapaswi Yoga is not a renunciate Yoga by default, but it makes a person work

hard and diligently for their passions. If however you are talking about yogas

for celibacy, then be clear that they are not necessarily tapaswi yogas, just

yogas controlling the sexual impulses, thou Tapaswi Yoga will have that effect

on the native. [Rath:] I have discussed this above.

Venus' involvement in Tapaswi Yoga is not there to ensure that one must first

have desires/pleasure, before renouncing, on the contrary it indicates a desire

so strong that noone can stand in the native's way and the native will achieve

that desire no matter what. It is for this reason that Shukracharya did such

intense tapas, namely he had the strongest desire! Such desire is very

important among spiritual aspirants when we study the concept of Rishi-Kesha.

Heres a snippit from a recent mail on SJC list:[Rath:] To this I agree in most

part, but you must appreciate Gauranga's point that there has to be a desire

that is renounced. For example in each of the rishi's you mention under, I can

name a corresponding apsara who did some magic for some time, until one fine

day the rishi awakened with the grace of the mahamantra and went back to his

work. It is not easy and perfect celibacy is not an easy job. But if the mind

is engrossed in Jagannatha, then this can come - but nothing is easy in this



"Ketu on the other hand is headless like Ganesh.. He's very enmical towards the

Moon and also Venus which can be perused in the Puranas (read stories of when

Ganesh visited Soma and when Lakshmi courted Ganesh). The reason is simple..

These two cause attachment to the Arudha, to Maya, and the only one who can

smash the Moon propperly is Saturn (study pravajya yogas) whilst Venus needs to

be under control. However; a strong Venus gains Ketu's favor (exalted in ketu's

moolatrikona - Pisces), as then the passions are pointing to a goal which will

not be compromised just as the best of Tapaswi's and hence Tapaswi Yoga is

formed by Ketu+Venus+Saturn, where the Moon or manas' are under control, the

Passion of Venus has one single focus and Ketu is sitting in his Siddhaasana

directing everything! This Yoga makes the best of Siddhas, or those aspiring

for knowledge and is the stepping stone for making Rishi's. Hence those Rishi's

like Vasishta and Vishwamitra no doubt had this Yoga and were very determined,

indicating a very strong and controlled Venus. Now Ketu rules hair and the most

blessed part of a Rishi is his hair where he stores all his powers or siddhis,

especially in his pony tail where the dhi or intellect sits, so when we sing

the mantra "Kleem HrishiKeshaaya Namah", we are asking for the protection of

our tapas or austerities and intelligence. We are praying that our Venus does

not fall and should never fall, and hence our Dhi signified by Jupiter is

protected! We are praying for Venus to be exalted!"[Rath:] Ganesha is not

headless - I object to that statement. Ganesha is the only one with a good

head. We human beings are headless. That is the mistake Venus makes. One cannot

have passion and attain renunciation. It is passion in every form and manner

which has to be renounced. The exaltation of Venus means Venus is delighted and

when does any planet get delighted, when it attains its most difficult

objective. For Venus the most difficult objective is to make a rishi or a

sanyasi/renunciate become passionate and 'FALL in love'. This it can do when it

goes to Pisces. So, in Pisces Venus gives a tremendous sexual drive. Check this

chart: Male

Natal Chart

March 28, 1962Time: 6:29:00 amTime Zone: 5:30:00

(East of GMT)Place: 85 E 17' 00", 22 N 06' 00"India

You will find an exalted and vargottama Venus in Pisces. After many full Moons

with many queens, this great Venus decided to marry and not even a year or two

passed and he has had enough and the queens are back in his life. Thus, a lot

depends on the chart in whole, and lets not talk so loosely about

celibacy...the harsh truth is that the entire churches and temples and millions

of sadhus have failed again and again. Mayavi Venus is very strong.


Gaura: As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this

combination in fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation,

in other words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving

devotion. Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the

duality between the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches

the relationship and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving

yourself is not as high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his

devotees, especially Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you,

please do not take it so. I'm just deliberating on the truth. [Rath:] How do

you define the love Gauranga? Is it the Moon type of love that mother and child

have or is it the Venus type of love? Please think again on this. Bhakti, in its

truest sence is symbolised by the Moon and not Venus. The love that the great

Guru's like Prabhupada speak of is Moon type - pure, compassion, always giving,

adoring, looking at the child all the time and admiring...thats the Moon. The

mind is always there in complete and perfect adoration. For Venus, love is a

four letter word in most matters, or even if they glorify it, it reduces to a

four letter word. Asuric really.

That point about dwisbhava rasi is well taken. More elaboration will help give

this a complete picture.


Visti: Exalted venus in Taurus? I assume you mean Pisces. Yes Lakshmi finds

her greatest enjoyment in the act of giving and surrender. But keep in mind

that Bhakti is not indicated by the 12th house, but by the 5th and Jupiter is

indicative of Vasudeva Kutumba or for love of the all/the universe, yet Venus

is the love foccussed on just that one person.

Please elaborate on your understanding of the Dwiswabhava signs. They are dual

because they are both Fixed and Movable in nature, and hence their Rasi dristi

is mutual, unlike that of the fixed and movable signs.


Yes the exaltation indicates love of others, and hence Giving!

Do we disagree?[Rath:] Oh no! none of us disagree. Point is we do not agree

either and thats because its a Venus related matter. Had it been Jupiter

related we all would have agreed very quickly...thats the power of the Grahas.


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......



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Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye


Dear Visti,


Any possibility to share the rest of your writings ? I mean the rest of following work ?



Heres an excerpt from one of the handouts on Venus:

Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


1 Introduction.. 2

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka. 3

2.1 Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka. 3

2.1.2 Types of kalatra. 3

2.1.3 Other results of Kalatrakaraka. 5

2.2 Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.1 Description of Kalatrabhava. 6

2.2.2 Results of Kalatrabhava. 7

2.3 Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.1 Description and results of Kalatresh.. 8

2.3.2 Yogas with Kalatresh.. 8

3 Arudha’s. 11

3.1 Introduction to Arudha’s. 11

3.1.1 Description.. 11

3.1.2 Calculation.. 11

3.2 Darapada. 11

3.2.1 Significance. 11

3.2.2 Quality of relations. 11

3.3 Upapada. 13

3.3.1 Significance. 13

3.3.2 Ability to give. 14

3.3.3 Quality of spouse. 15

3.3.4 Family of spouse. 16

3.3.5 Troubles to spouse/marriage. 16

3.3.6 Attraction/repulsion of spouse. 18

4 Remedies for marriage. 19

4.1 Marriage of Ganesh.. 19

4.2 The union between the greedy. 19

4.3 Lack of union.. 19

4.4 Lack of spouse. 20

1 Introduction

One of the greatest mysteries of the world is love.

Why do people unite and what is the quality of such union?

Why do things go sour in some marriages, whilst others prosper and continue happily?

What causes a happy marriage, and how does one improve ones own marriage?

Also why do some people avoid marriage and why do others marry or unite with

other people than their spouse?


This article tries to answer these questions using the tools given by Maharishi

Parasara and Maharishi Jaimini. These tools will spread light on the results of

marriage and reasons for the same. Also how to seek remedies to appease the ill

results of marriage, has been indicated in the article as per the Hindu

tradition of Vedic-astrology.

2 Seventh house, its lord and Karaka

2.1 Kalatrakaraka

2.1.1 Description of Kalatrakaraka

Kalatra means ‘wife’ or ‘consort’, and the term kalatrakaraka is used to

identify the significator for the spouse. The planet signifying the spouse is

Venus which will indicate the quality of love or relations one has in life.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house, showing that Venus finds its

peak in the activity of giving. A person with such a strong Venus would be

inclined to the purest form of love and relationship, and would not endeavour

to have relations with any other than the one person they love wholeheartedly.

Hence the greatest remedy for love and marriage is fasting, being a 12th house

trait. For this reason the 12th house must also be analysed for marriage and


Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the natural 6th house. 6th house shows the

enemies and those we try to vanquish or eat up, and Venus in such a place shows

a desire to conquer sexual desires by living them out. This results in low

morals and ideas with regards to sexual affairs which can only be controlled by

the 12th house karaka – Ketu. The mere understanding of the Exaltation and

Debilitation signs of Venus has a lot to tell us about the most confusing

concept of love and marriage, and the true qualities of Venus.

Many astrologers tend to be confused with the above qualities of Venus,

confusing a strong Venus with an immoral person. This is understandable due to

the present Yuga. In Astrology the 4 Yugas[1], the ancients used to describe

the course of humanity, are signified by the 4 trines:


1. Fiery[2] signs: Satya/Krta Yuga – Where Dharma was at its highest and

kings reigned.

2. Watery[3] signs: Treta Yuga – Where poetry and emotions were at their


3. Airy signs[4]: Dwapara Yuga – Where intellectual pursuits were at their


4. Earthy signs[5]: Kali Yuga – Where wars and ignorance would be at their



Without trying to establish whether we are in Kali Yuga or not, it’s clear that

the earthy signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, include the debilitation

sign of Venus – namely Virgo, hence the lowest type of sexual acts would reach

their peak in Kali Yuga, whilst this would be opposite during Treta Yuga.

Dharma would be at its highest in Satya Yuga and Dwapara Yuga would be rich

with sexual activity, however not with the same immoral acts as in Kali Yuga.


2.1.2 Types of kalatra

Venus’ placement and planetary influences will give an idea of the type of

love/sex or even marriage which the native will indulge in. The union of Venus

with the 8 Graha’s resembles the Ashta-Vivaha, or 8 types of marriage/union:


.... more to come

[1] Krta/Satya(1st), Treta (2nd), Dwapara (3rd) and Kali (4th)Yuga.

[2] Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

[3] Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

[4] Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

[5] Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


See you there.

Best wishesVisti

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Let me read & learn more about Sri Vamana Avatar as I do not know much.

Presently, continuing to sing Gayatri in the morning and trying to sing it

three times a day - Lagna, 10th house, 7th house timings.


Pray to GOD for your all being happiness & prosperity.




TushankurSanjay Rath <daivagyna (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Tushankar

No Surya worship is not the solution. Worship Krishna or Vishnu to debilitate

Venus, even better if you worship Sri Vamana avatar with the mantra

Om namo bhagavate trivikramaaya


Trinipada vichakrame vishnur-gopa adaabhya. Atho dharmani dharayan.

This is from the rig veda

Others can add, but Surya worship will enhance sexuality except if this is done

with the Gayatri mantra.

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


Tushankur Saroha

[tushankur22 ]Monday, May 26, 2003 12:24 AMTo:

vedic astrologyCc: daivagyna (AT) sify (DOT) comSubject: RE:

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

Thanks to Respected Gurus - Sanjayji, Vistiji & Gaurangji for this wonderful discussion.


So the definition of 'Shubh' & 'Ashubh' is very subjective. Exalted Venus is a

boon in Mayavi-material world but is a hard rock mountain for a Tapasvi which

he needs to cross to enter into spiritual bliss.


Saturn burns but on the other hand destroys impurities. Ketu kills but it

provides an insight that nothing is here for ever - better renunciate.


In my case, Venus is in 3rd house/own house in Libra & exalted in Navamsa. Lagna

Lord Sun is debilitated in Libra & Venus is sitting over his head. Saturn is

denying Venus by having graha dristi from Taurus. Ketu is in 12th - Cancer. Not

having much control over Venus.


Venus, having Kendradhipati dosha, is on the run though still under some control

of Saturn denying unwanted relations with opposite sex. But still feels that

Venus's desires are much stronger - how to get a leash for him? Propitiation of

lagna Lord Sun????


Jyotish is divine....

with regards


Sanjay Rath <daivagyna (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:



|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Visti & Gauranga

this is an excellent discussion. I have a point to add. Fundamentally, the

Tapaswi yoga in its PERFECT definition is related to the TAPAS loka. This loka

is lorded by Saturn astrologically (will give arguments later) and indicates

that Pravrajya is a necesary condition for a perfect tapaswi. Tapasya means

penance and this cannot be done in air-conditioned rooms. One has to become a

part of nature and glow in its bounty. So, in principle, Gauranga is correct in

the definition. look at the planets invovled: Venus, Saturn and Ketu. Jaimini is

very very clear about this that Venus has to be involved in the yoga else the

person is an impersonating sadhu and not genuine. What is happening when these

planets come together?


(A) Venus is the giver of all the pleasures of this world. Venus rules

entertainment, sex and all sorts of passion being extremely rajasik by nature.

When Venus is contacted by Saturn, then two things happen (1) Venus becomes

dirty which leads to guilt and disease, and/or (2) Venus is suppressed by

Saturn as it is the nature of saturn to deny and suppress. thus Venus aspected

ot conjoined saturn can cause extreme suppression of sexual desires causing

anomalies. For example if Venus is in Aquarius or capricorn in exchange with

saturn (dictum), then a woman can become a lesbian!! Why will a woman become a

lesbian or a man become gay if the basic sexual desire was not suppressed and

diverted into other channels? Thus just Venus and saturn cannot cause tapaswi

yoga. It does indicate hard working people (saturn) and self denying to a large

extent, yet it produces sexual anomalies in most cases.


(B) Ketu is the destroyer and rules the infra-red. In every sence ketu is

actually Rudra and is the ruler of the natural eighth house. He is far more

fierce than Mars. Whatever he contacts among the grahas, he simply destroys.

That is why he is called headless. When such a destruction touches Jupiter,

then it can destroy intelligence and when Guru is lagna lord, then either a

great saint is born (rare) or generally mentally deranged people are born. When

such a destructive Dhoomra (smoke like..when something is destroyed the body

turns to smoke/dust) Ketu contacts Venus, it will tend to destroy the Venus

completely and the person can either become an eunuch or sexually incapacitated

or the sexual desire is completely destroyed. That is why Parasara/Jaimini teach

that even if the terrible passion of Venus and Mars torment (!!) in the second

house from navamsa lagna, if Ketu conjoins or aspects (sign sight), then this

passion is destroyed..simply destroyed.


Now bring para (A) and (B) aove together and you will see why it is necessary

that for a person to become a TAPASWI in the perfect sense, the sexual

desire/passion has to be completely destroyed and that he should also be able

to suppress and deny himself any kind of physical comfort, enjooyment,

entertainment etc.


For example, you will see that the person will not like to watch TV, or movies

etc...these are the begining signs. There is a lot more as the Tapaswi needs a

Guru to guide the tapasya/penance. So do not forget BK.


Other comments are given below, but in principle, Gauranga is more precise.

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


Visti Larsen [vishnu (AT) lbq (DOT) dk]Sent:

Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:57 PMvedic astrologySubject: Re:

[vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

|Hari Om|

Dear Gauranga,


Gaura: I for that matter don't agree on this.. Love is actually giving, but sex

is basically taking. Just study the nature of Sukracharya before you delve into

the role of Venus in the chart. He was not willing to give anything to Bhagavan

because he was worried about his sustenance. So in usual cases Venus gives only

in order to be able to take in exchange. Only with very highly developed

spiritualists will Venus actually indicate bhakti, love for Radha and Krishna,

which is free from any selfishness.


Visti: Without doubt Love is giving, however whether sex also becomes this

depends on the attitude of the native. Most will ascribe to the view that sex

is taking, where the focal point of sex is on the orgasm, but isn't this

typical of of the current Yuga where the purity in sex has fallen (earth

signs)? But Venus in exaltation will ensure that the native will not just sleep

with any person, as sex becomes an act of giving and the native will only give

this to a particular person.[Rath:] No visti, Gauranga is right. Sex comes from

Darapada and is related to the seventh house whose real karaka is venus while

Marriage can mean any clean relationship like 'I being married to Astrology'

and it has to do with Upapada where the Karaka is the Sun and like Karna, the

son of the Sun God, you have to give. The Darapada and 7th house cause rebirth

whereas the 12th house and Upapada cause moksha. So, fundamentally they are

poles apart. Also in the pachakadi sambandha, Venus is the vedhak for the Sun

and is its sworn enemy.


Gaura: Have you ever seen anyone with Venus as AK to live a life of celibacy? I

have not. Maybe Robert can give us some hints. Especially with deb AK in Virgo,

I think the native will completely be unable to control his senses and accept

any Tapasya. Please remember that Tapaswi yoga occurs when Venus is aspected

both by Sani and Ketu, so strong is his desire to enjoy. But why is Venus then

needed in the combination? Because you need to have some pleasures to renounce.

If you had none in your life, then what did you give up? A beggar is nut

renounced, he is simply wrethced. In my experience, Venus/Mars conjunction

almost always gives extreme sensuousness, as well as Venus/Jupiter. Especially

if 7th or 2nd are influenced by them.. However I'm open to change my

understainding about Venus if you can point out any statements in the classics

supporting your views.


Visti: I can give charts of people with Venus as AK keeping celibacy since

birth, however this depends on the sign as well. The example of Venus as AK in

virgo has also been given by Sanjay Rath in the past, hence i ascribe to that

view.[Rath:] Visti, AK is Virgo is one thing and just Venus in Virgo is another

thing altogether. A lot depends on the AL. If I remember correctly, Sri

Prabhupada took sanyas in Mercury dasa Venus antardasa and Venus is in Virgo.

So, we cannot and should not generalise. All depends on conjoined planets and

AL. In fact Sri Prabhupada took Sanyas because of exalted Mercury. venus was

only following Mercury like Radha follwing Krishna. Individual charts can make

a lot of difference and subtle changes occurs, but in principle, Venus is the

master of Maya. Even lakshmi is called as Maha-mayi.


The reason as i understand it, is simple and is understood when we go into

Pachakadi Sambandha where we find that the Vedhak of the Sun (natural Atma) is

Venus. Hence Venus causes the fall of the Atma, or the path of the Atma. Now

when Venus becomes Atmakaraka the Atma needs to learn how to shed the

vedhak-indications of Venus and this must be done through keeping purity and

cleanliness. Now the sign is VERY important and shows how the native will

understand realise that they must be pure. If its in Gemini the native will

learn this by endeavouring through all the dirty places in the world, i.e.

actually having sexual relationships, and as a result will be disgusted by

them. However if this happens in Virgo then the native will make this decision

of keeping clean/pure, through the act of purity itself! Hence celibacy is

indicated. Now if Venus is afflicted by any planets then the purity must wait.


The Tapaswi Yoga is not a renunciate Yoga by default, but it makes a person work

hard and diligently for their passions. If however you are talking about yogas

for celibacy, then be clear that they are not necessarily tapaswi yogas, just

yogas controlling the sexual impulses, thou Tapaswi Yoga will have that effect

on the native. [Rath:] I have discussed this above.

Venus' involvement in Tapaswi Yoga is not there to ensure that one must first

have desires/pleasure, before renouncing, on the contrary it indicates a desire

so strong that noone can stand in the native's way and the native will achieve

that desire no matter what. It is for this reason that Shukracharya did such

intense tapas, namely he had the strongest desire! Such desire is very

important among spiritual aspirants when we study the concept of Rishi-Kesha.

Heres a snippit from a recent mail on SJC list:[Rath:] To this I agree in most

part, but you must appreciate Gauranga's point that there has to be a desire

that is renounced. For example in each of the rishi's you mention under, I can

name a corresponding apsara who did some magic for some time, until one fine

day the rishi awakened with the grace of the mahamantra and went back to his

work. It is not easy and perfect celibacy is not an easy job. But if the mind

is engrossed in Jagannatha, then this can come - but nothing is easy in this



"Ketu on the other hand is headless like Ganesh.. He's very enmical towards the

Moon and also Venus which can be perused in the Puranas (read stories of when

Ganesh visited Soma and when Lakshmi courted Ganesh). The reason is simple..

These two cause attachment to the Arudha, to Maya, and the only one who can

smash the Moon propperly is Saturn (study pravajya yogas) whilst Venus needs to

be under control. However; a strong Venus gains Ketu's favor (exalted in ketu's

moolatrikona - Pisces), as then the passions are pointing to a goal which will

not be compromised just as the best of Tapaswi's and hence Tapaswi Yoga is

formed by Ketu+Venus+Saturn, where the Moon or manas' are under control, the

Passion of Venus has one single focus and Ketu is sitting in his Siddhaasana

directing everything! This Yoga makes the best of Siddhas, or those aspiring

for knowledge and is the stepping stone for making Rishi's. Hence those Rishi's

like Vasishta and Vishwamitra no doubt had this Yoga and were very determined,

indicating a very strong and controlled Venus. Now Ketu rules hair and the most

blessed part of a Rishi is his hair where he stores all his powers or siddhis,

especially in his pony tail where the dhi or intellect sits, so when we sing

the mantra "Kleem HrishiKeshaaya Namah", we are asking for the protection of

our tapas or austerities and intelligence. We are praying that our Venus does

not fall and should never fall, and hence our Dhi signified by Jupiter is

protected! We are praying for Venus to be exalted!"[Rath:] Ganesha is not

headless - I object to that statement. Ganesha is the only one with a good

head. We human beings are headless. That is the mistake Venus makes. One cannot

have passion and attain renunciation. It is passion in every form and manner

which has to be renounced. The exaltation of Venus means Venus is delighted and

when does any planet get delighted, when it attains its most difficult

objective. For Venus the most difficult objective is to make a rishi or a

sanyasi/renunciate become passionate and 'FALL in love'. This it can do when it

goes to Pisces. So, in Pisces Venus gives a tremendous sexual drive. Check this

chart: Male

Natal Chart

March 28, 1962Time: 6:29:00 amTime Zone: 5:30:00

(East of GMT)Place: 85 E 17' 00", 22 N 06' 00"India

You will find an exalted and vargottama Venus in Pisces. After many full Moons

with many queens, this great Venus decided to marry and not even a year or two

passed and he has had enough and the queens are back in his life. Thus, a lot

depends on the chart in whole, and lets not talk so loosely about

celibacy...the harsh truth is that the entire churches and temples and millions

of sadhus have failed again and again. Mayavi Venus is very strong.


Gaura: As for exalted Venus in Taurus, my understanding is thaqt this

combination in fact proves that Bhakti is the highest path of self-realisation,

in other words, the highest form of Moksha is to surrender to God in loving

devotion. Also the sign si dual, so in the course of this surrender, the

duality between the lover and the beloved is maintained, because this enriches

the relationship and makes it perfect. Lovers are always two, not one. Loving

yourself is not as high as loving someone else. Even Krishna loves his

devotees, especially Rahdarani, and not himself. I'm not challenging you,

please do not take it so. I'm just deliberating on the truth. [Rath:] How do

you define the love Gauranga? Is it the Moon type of love that mother and child

have or is it the Venus type of love? Please think again on this. Bhakti, in its

truest sence is symbolised by the Moon and not Venus. The love that the great

Guru's like Prabhupada speak of is Moon type - pure, compassion, always giving,

adoring, looking at the child all the time and admiring...thats the Moon. The

mind is always there in complete and perfect adoration. For Venus, love is a

four letter word in most matters, or even if they glorify it, it reduces to a

four letter word. Asuric really.

That point about dwisbhava rasi is well taken. More elaboration will help give

this a complete picture.


Visti: Exalted venus in Taurus? I assume you mean Pisces. Yes Lakshmi finds

her greatest enjoyment in the act of giving and surrender. But keep in mind

that Bhakti is not indicated by the 12th house, but by the 5th and Jupiter is

indicative of Vasudeva Kutumba or for love of the all/the universe, yet Venus

is the love foccussed on just that one person.

Please elaborate on your understanding of the Dwiswabhava signs. They are dual

because they are both Fixed and Movable in nature, and hence their Rasi dristi

is mutual, unlike that of the fixed and movable signs.


Yes the exaltation indicates love of others, and hence Giving!

Do we disagree?[Rath:] Oh no! none of us disagree. Point is we do not agree

either and thats because its a Venus related matter. Had it been Jupiter

related we all would have agreed very quickly...thats the power of the Grahas.


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

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shine on us .......


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Dear Visti,


would it be possible to receive a copy of this handout mentioned below.

I have started to research relationships and would greately benefit from this material.

If it does not offense against any rule, I would be happy if you please send it

to my email adress directly.


Best wishes





Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen


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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Karu and Marcus,

I've offered these handouts blindly to the workshop and conference management in

SJC. Hence they should respond to you regarding these handouts.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



vedic astrology

Monday, May 26, 2003 11:01 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Venus in relationships (Ve+Ket in Pisces for Tanvir)

Dear Visti,


would it be possible to receive a copy of this handout mentioned below.

I have started to research relationships and would greately benefit from this material.

If it does not offense against any rule, I would be happy if you please send it

to my email adress directly.


Best wishes





Love, Marriage and its Relations

By Visti Larsen

Contents:Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-........ May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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