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Western Misinterpretations of Rahu and Ketu

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Dear Horaku,

Its a good explanation but apprently the inspiration is along the wrong line.


I was talking about the exhaltion of mars in capiconr and deb of saturn in



And infact I replied to ur other posting to and still waiting for ur response to

that. As u mentioned that Mars is from the deva camp and hence it overwhelms the

asurya camp in capircon. And that saturn is from asurya and it get debilated in

the deva camp.


To which in ur previous message I reponded.


If mars is deva and close to sun and strong. Then what happens to sun itself.

Sun is fro mthe deva camp too. And infact the strongest star and the so called

planet. How come it gets debilated in Libra especially in the house of an asurya

such as venus.


So that should be ur inspiration. Now about ur explantion, well I guess we have

no way out other than saying western astrology is wrong or that the

interpreation by the western astrologers is wrong. Its a good way to divetre and

prove the point. By saying the person who found the opposing points is wrong.

But if I wree to ask the founders of western astrology they would say they are



Hard dielmaa indeed




Hoping for ur reponse on the above exhalation matter






vedic astrology, shakuhoraku <shakuhoraku> wrote:

> Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevamaheshwara Gurusatshakparabrahma Tasmai Shri

Gurave Namo!


> I've been inspired to write this by planck12's persistent attempt to make Mars

equal to Ketu. If there is anything in it that conflicts with the guru, please

either ignore it or correct it.


> Several Western Jyotishi have started this myth that Ketu is like Mars, and

Rahu is like Saturn. I took a correspondence course from one of them, and he

was a brilliant Jyotishi in some respects. He knew the art of interpreting

house rulerships dead cold. But, like Western astrologers in general, he just

didn't want to deal with what the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are actually

about. So he tried to view them in the same way that we view the planets.


> In the West, we like big, active, "healthy,balanced,functioning,"

people, do we not? We love Jupiterians and Martians. We *really* love those

Venusians! Um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um! And Mercurians are OK too,

especially when they come up with something like the Internet. But hold those

wierd, dark, ashramy, Ketu-esque creatures, OK? Those people are creepy,

they're losers, and they just don't get it, and we're simply going to hire

Martians to keep them out of our malls, and then simply forget them. And, oh

hey, while we're on the subject of losers, hold those Saturnians too. Who asked

those dismal party poopers to get born in the first place? Many Western

astrologers spend thier lives fighting the power of Lord Shani, than which I can

think of nothing more stupid. Some of them just simply refuse to read this

planet at all.


> Even more so the nodes. I have very prominent lunar nodes in my birth chart,

and so I've learned, just in dealing with my karma, how different a node is from

a planet. Rahu and Ketu are grahas ("grabbers") all right. In some respects

they're super-grahas. Rahu is called the *Graharaja* - "King of grahas."


> For example, let's examine this confusion about Keta and Mars, in terms of my

birth karma. I have Ketu in the 4th house. This is good karma because it's a

moksha (liberation) karaka in a moksha house. But it's a kind of good karma

that the West, in general, doesn't want to hear about. This means that the

native doesn't have, and (if the rest of the chart supports it) doesn't need

what is considered a normal human home. If this native has a home, it's an

ashram. I've spent the last several months sleeping in a cave, which is perfect

for me, but most of the people in my environment don't know that, because if

they knew that, they would think I'm some kind of a nut.


> Mars in the fourth house, on the other hand, will tend to produce domestic

violence -- wife beating, child abuse, this kind of thing. Yes, this also

destroys the home, but the action of the graha is something completely

different. Do you see that? Mars brings energy. It's the wrong kind of energy

for the 4th house, but it definitely expresses through the energy and

interactions of human beings. And there's nothing moksha (liberating) about

domestic violence. This binds everyone involved in it tighter to the terrible

wheel of rebirth. The perpetrator will came back to be a victim, and the

victimes will come back to be perpetrators in revenge.


> The action of Ketu, on the other hand is liberating, because it simply deletes

the environment in which any of this can take place. In general, the nodes do

not bring the kind of energy that can be expressed in terms of a "normal" human

being. They are more like doors to other dimensions. They sign the times and

ways by which the native becomes more or less than a human being.


> Om Tryambakam Yajamahe

> Horaku





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Dear Horaku,

I was wondering in general. U say the guru u taught u the correspondence course

was very bright and yet he did not want to deal with rahu and ketu. Did u ask

him Why that was the case. It is because In western astrology the nodes are

given the effect of the outer planets like uranus,neptune and pluto.


I have obseverd cases in pluto is in the acedent. And such people have an

extraoridnary ability to heal from injuries. And pluto being the farthest planet

(so far atleast ) know rules death and final stages of life and the cold world.


If U have mars and ketu in some house then this is going to give u a null effect

because ketu empties . Infact mars and ketu combinations will give u sucidal

tendencies in natives. If it happens 4th house the intensity will be very



Where as rahu+ mars will give the reverse energy of mars. Ketu detaches with is

true. But in western astrology these effects are built into pluto,neptune and

uranaus. So U cannot equate both along the lines of similiar reasoning.


Infact if u come to look into chart for people during their last phase of life.

and even inthe last quater of life. U will see the role of pluto very

prominently. Look at it some when u get a chance.


If u look at cancer patient u will see the role of saturn mars and neptne where

prominently. Combinations of saturn and mars are bad in some respect and good in

some respect (depends on the astrology) if the astrology is a pessmist he will

say bad about mars+saturn if he is optimist he will even bring out the good

qualities from the malefic planets. How so this way,


Without mars u cannot exist since u wont have any energy. Without saturn we wont

have any discipline or organization. We need both planets even though we say

much about them in a malefic sense. Now coming back to rahu and ketu they are

creations of vedic astrology. And much of their meaning rest in Dharma and

Karma. The fundations of western astrology is different the concept of

reincarnation is differet in the western world. So if u are giving a prediction

to a western client U might say U will get into so and so proffession say with

ketu or rahu in 10th. But the reality of the fact is in the western world one

has to do any kind of job h/she gets to make a living. On might like to become

an actor which might be dictated in a chart but one might not become an actor in

reality since one need money to surives.


In a smiliar fashion with the rahu and ketu in 10th u might predict to an east

indian client that he/she might become a Dr,Engineer/lawyer why. BEcayuse in

india the parents fource u to become engineer, dr or lawyer. So u see it depends

on the society U live in. and how rahu and ketu funtion






vedic astrology, shakuhoraku <shakuhoraku> wrote:

> Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevamaheshwara Gurusatshakparabrahma Tasmai Shri

Gurave Namo!


> I've been inspired to write this by planck12's persistent attempt to make Mars

equal to Ketu. If there is anything in it that conflicts with the guru, please

either ignore it or correct it.


> Several Western Jyotishi have started this myth that Ketu is like Mars, and

Rahu is like Saturn. I took a correspondence course from one of them, and he

was a brilliant Jyotishi in some respects. He knew the art of interpreting

house rulerships dead cold. But, like Western astrologers in general, he just

didn't want to deal with what the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are actually

about. So he tried to view them in the same way that we view the planets.


> In the West, we like big, active, "healthy,balanced,functioning,"

people, do we not? We love Jupiterians and Martians. We *really* love those

Venusians! Um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um! And Mercurians are OK too,

especially when they come up with something like the Internet. But hold those

wierd, dark, ashramy, Ketu-esque creatures, OK? Those people are creepy,

they're losers, and they just don't get it, and we're simply going to hire

Martians to keep them out of our malls, and then simply forget them. And, oh

hey, while we're on the subject of losers, hold those Saturnians too. Who asked

those dismal party poopers to get born in the first place? Many Western

astrologers spend thier lives fighting the power of Lord Shani, than which I can

think of nothing more stupid. Some of them just simply refuse to read this

planet at all.


> Even more so the nodes. I have very prominent lunar nodes in my birth chart,

and so I've learned, just in dealing with my karma, how different a node is from

a planet. Rahu and Ketu are grahas ("grabbers") all right. In some respects

they're super-grahas. Rahu is called the *Graharaja* - "King of grahas."


> For example, let's examine this confusion about Keta and Mars, in terms of my

birth karma. I have Ketu in the 4th house. This is good karma because it's a

moksha (liberation) karaka in a moksha house. But it's a kind of good karma

that the West, in general, doesn't want to hear about. This means that the

native doesn't have, and (if the rest of the chart supports it) doesn't need

what is considered a normal human home. If this native has a home, it's an

ashram. I've spent the last several months sleeping in a cave, which is perfect

for me, but most of the people in my environment don't know that, because if

they knew that, they would think I'm some kind of a nut.


> Mars in the fourth house, on the other hand, will tend to produce domestic

violence -- wife beating, child abuse, this kind of thing. Yes, this also

destroys the home, but the action of the graha is something completely

different. Do you see that? Mars brings energy. It's the wrong kind of energy

for the 4th house, but it definitely expresses through the energy and

interactions of human beings. And there's nothing moksha (liberating) about

domestic violence. This binds everyone involved in it tighter to the terrible

wheel of rebirth. The perpetrator will came back to be a victim, and the

victimes will come back to be perpetrators in revenge.


> The action of Ketu, on the other hand is liberating, because it simply deletes

the environment in which any of this can take place. In general, the nodes do

not bring the kind of energy that can be expressed in terms of a "normal" human

being. They are more like doors to other dimensions. They sign the times and

ways by which the native becomes more or less than a human being.


> Om Tryambakam Yajamahe

> Horaku





> Free online calendar with sync to Outlook.

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Dear Horaku,

Have you read "The Lunar Nodes" Crisis and Redemption by Komilla Sutton?( a

founder of BAVA- British Association of Vedic Astrologers)

Not quite the puranas, but interesting reading. She did a lot of research for it.

Kind regards




vedic astrology

Sunday, June 08, 2003 10:47 AM

[vedic astrology] Western Misinterpretations of Rahu and Ketu

Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevamaheshwara Gurusatshakparabrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namo!


I've been inspired to write this by planck12's persistent attempt to make Mars

equal to Ketu. If there is anything in it that conflicts with the guru, please

either ignore it or correct it.


Several Western Jyotishi have started this myth that Ketu is like Mars, and Rahu

is like Saturn. I took a correspondence course from one of them, and he was a

brilliant Jyotishi in some respects. He knew the art of interpreting house

rulerships dead cold. But, like Western astrologers in general, he just didn't

want to deal with what the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are actually about. So

he tried to view them in the same way that we view the planets.


In the West, we like big, active, "healthy,balanced,functioning," people,

do we not? We love Jupiterians and Martians. We *really* love those

Venusians! Um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um! And Mercurians are OK too,

especially when they come up with something like the Internet. But hold those

wierd, dark, ashramy, Ketu-esque creatures, OK? Those people are creepy,

they're losers, and they just don't get it, and we're simply going to hire

Martians to keep them out of our malls, and then simply forget them. And, oh

hey, while we're on the subject of losers, hold those Saturnians too. Who

asked those dismal party poopers to get born in the first place? Many Western

astrologers spend thier lives fighting the power of Lord Shani, than which I

can think of nothing more stupid. Some of them just simply refuse to read this

planet at all.


Even more so the nodes. I have very prominent lunar nodes in my birth chart,

and so I've learned, just in dealing with my karma, how different a node is

from a planet. Rahu and Ketu are grahas ("grabbers") all right. In some

respects they're super-grahas. Rahu is called the *Graharaja* - "King of



For example, let's examine this confusion about Keta and Mars, in terms of my

birth karma. I have Ketu in the 4th house. This is good karma because it's a

moksha (liberation) karaka in a moksha house. But it's a kind of good karma

that the West, in general, doesn't want to hear about. This means that the

native doesn't have, and (if the rest of the chart supports it) doesn't need

what is considered a normal human home. If this native has a home, it's an

ashram. I've spent the last several months sleeping in a cave, which is

perfect for me, but most of the people in my environment don't know that,

because if they knew that, they would think I'm some kind of a nut.


Mars in the fourth house, on the other hand, will tend to produce domestic

violence -- wife beating, child abuse, this kind of thing. Yes, this also

destroys the home, but the action of the graha is something completely

different. Do you see that? Mars brings energy. It's the wrong kind of

energy for the 4th house, but it definitely expresses through the energy and

interactions of human beings. And there's nothing moksha (liberating) about

domestic violence. This binds everyone involved in it tighter to the terrible

wheel of rebirth. The perpetrator will came back to be a victim, and the

victimes will come back to be perpetrators in revenge.


The action of Ketu, on the other hand is liberating, because it simply deletes

the environment in which any of this can take place. In general, the nodes do

not bring the kind of energy that can be expressed in terms of a "normal" human

being. They are more like doors to other dimensions. They sign the times and

ways by which the native becomes more or less than a human being.


Om Tryambakam YajamaheHoraku

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Aum Namah Shivaya



Dear Shakuhoraku,


While some of your observations are interesting, may I point out

that some are not acceptable to Jyotish. The nodes are most

enigmatic and the opinions too varied even within Jyotish. Since I

am in a hurry, I cannot go into the details and hope that some

jyotishi will take it up. But I will just point this much. The idea

that Ketu is like Mars and Rahu like Saturn, is not a misconception

of western jyotishis. It is part of Jyotish itself in some

sampradayas. 'Sanivad Rahu Kujavat Ketu' is an oft quoted Jyotish

point. In a way this dictum holds true to a certain extent. While

this can be demonstrated in any area of Natal horoscopy or Mundane

astrology, it becomes even more clearer in Medical astrology. Like

the Sun, Ketu is benefic, but only for SPIRITUAL MATTERS. For most

other mundane concerns, both Sun and Ketu are malefics. And on the

overall too, both Sun and Ketu are malefics only. I have to go now.

But I will try to address this topic within a few days. In the

meantime I hope that other members, especially the jyotish siksha

gurus here continue the thread as it is actually an important topic.










vedic astrology, shakuhoraku

<shakuhoraku> wrote:

> Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevamaheshwara Gurusatshakparabrahma

Tasmai Shri Gurave Namo!


> I've been inspired to write this by planck12's persistent attempt

to make Mars equal to Ketu. If there is anything in it that

conflicts with the guru, please either ignore it or correct it.


> Several Western Jyotishi have started this myth that Ketu is like

Mars, and Rahu is like Saturn. I took a correspondence course from

one of them, and he was a brilliant Jyotishi in some respects. He

knew the art of interpreting house rulerships dead cold. But, like

Western astrologers in general, he just didn't want to deal with

what the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are actually about. So he

tried to view them in the same way that we view the planets.


> In the West, we like big,

active, "healthy,balanced,functioning," people, do we not? We

love Jupiterians and Martians. We *really* love those Venusians!

Um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um! And Mercurians are OK too,

especially when they come up with something like the Internet. But

hold those wierd, dark, ashramy, Ketu-esque creatures, OK? Those

people are creepy, they're losers, and they just don't get it, and

we're simply going to hire Martians to keep them out of our malls,

and then simply forget them. And, oh hey, while we're on the

subject of losers, hold those Saturnians too. Who asked those

dismal party poopers to get born in the first place? Many Western

astrologers spend thier lives fighting the power of Lord Shani, than

which I can think of nothing more stupid. Some of them just simply

refuse to read this planet at all.


> Even more so the nodes. I have very prominent lunar nodes in my

birth chart, and so I've learned, just in dealing with my karma, how

different a node is from a planet. Rahu and Ketu are grahas

("grabbers") all right. In some respects they're super-grahas.

Rahu is called the *Graharaja* - "King of grahas."


> For example, let's examine this confusion about Keta and Mars, in

terms of my birth karma. I have Ketu in the 4th house. This is

good karma because it's a moksha (liberation) karaka in a moksha

house. But it's a kind of good karma that the West, in general,

doesn't want to hear about. This means that the native doesn't

have, and (if the rest of the chart supports it) doesn't need what

is considered a normal human home. If this native has a home, it's

an ashram. I've spent the last several months sleeping in a cave,

which is perfect for me, but most of the people in my environment

don't know that, because if they knew that, they would think I'm

some kind of a nut.


> Mars in the fourth house, on the other hand, will tend to produce

domestic violence -- wife beating, child abuse, this kind of thing.

Yes, this also destroys the home, but the action of the graha is

something completely different. Do you see that? Mars brings

energy. It's the wrong kind of energy for the 4th house, but it

definitely expresses through the energy and interactions of human

beings. And there's nothing moksha (liberating) about domestic

violence. This binds everyone involved in it tighter to the

terrible wheel of rebirth. The perpetrator will came back to be a

victim, and the victimes will come back to be perpetrators in



> The action of Ketu, on the other hand is liberating, because it

simply deletes the environment in which any of this can take place.

In general, the nodes do not bring the kind of energy that can be

expressed in terms of a "normal" human being. They are more like

doors to other dimensions. They sign the times and ways by which

the native becomes more or less than a human being.


> Om Tryambakam Yajamahe

> Horaku





> Free online calendar with sync to Outlook.

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vedic astrology, "Rosemary Innes-Jones"

<rf.innes-jones@x> wrote:

> Dear Horaku,

> Have you read "The Lunar Nodes" Crisis and Redemption by Komilla

Sutton?( a founder of BAVA- British Association of Vedic Astrologers)

> Not quite the puranas, but interesting reading. She did a lot of

research for it.

> Kind regards

> Rosemary


No, I haven't read it, but from what I've read of hers, I'm sure it's

sound. I think that the British astrologers, in general, are a

little more informed.


Om Tryambakam Yajamahe


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Dear Horaku,

Komillas book gives the conflict between Rahu/Ketu in their specific nakshatras

, their lords and also the blend of the rasi they are contained in. For me, my

RA KE axis falls in a difficult Anuradha/ Krittika where the nodes are

debilitated, so Ra and Ke are forced to work against their natures. The

positions of SA and SU (nakshatra lords) will show how well I will be able to

realise the answers. It was a wake up call for me, to realise the extent of the

effort needed, as both sons are running RA dasa and my daughter is also runing

KE dasa slightly ahead of me. The book does not go into the vargas, but in the

detailed example analyisis of Steven Spielbergs chart, there is a page on

navamsa. I found it useful for further understanding in my own nature but also

for helping others, running the nodes by dasa.

Laurie Harbour tells me Komilla is doing a 3 day workshop on the Nodes through

BAVA later this year, and it will be available on CD.

I can't comment on how 'informed' the Brits are but they definitely do the

research. What I find so 'informing' from this list is the active references to

the ancient texts. Jyotish comes alive in a greater way than reading any

translation. The simple and direct application of principal to a real question.


Kind regards





vedic astrology

Monday, June 09, 2003 2:37 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Western Misinterpretations of Rahu and Ketu

vedic astrology, "Rosemary Innes-Jones"

<rf.innes-jones@x> wrote:> Dear Horaku,> Have you read "The Lunar Nodes" Crisis

and Redemption by Komilla Sutton?( a founder of BAVA- British Association of

Vedic Astrologers)> Not quite the puranas, but interesting reading. She did a

lot of research for it.> Kind regards> RosemaryNo, I haven't read it, but from

what I've read of hers, I'm sure it's sound. I think that the British

astrologers, in general, are a little more informed. Om Tryambakam

YajamaheHoraku Archives: vedic astrologyGroup

info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE:

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light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu


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vedic astrology, "Rosemary Innes-Jones"

<rf.innes-jones@x> wrote:

> Dear Horaku,

> Komillas book gives the conflict between Rahu/Ketu in their

specific nakshatras , their lords and also the blend of the rasi they

are contained in. For me, my RA KE axis falls in a difficult

Anuradha/ Krittika where the nodes are debilitated, so Ra and Ke are

forced to work against their natures. The positions of SA and SU

(nakshatra lords) will show how well I will be able to realise the

answers. It was a wake up call for me, to realise the extent of the

effort needed, as both sons are running RA dasa and my daughter is

also runing KE dasa slightly ahead of me. The book does not go into

the vargas, but in the detailed example analyisis of Steven

Spielbergs chart, there is a page on navamsa. I found it useful for

further understanding in my own nature but also for helping others,

running the nodes by dasa.

> Laurie Harbour tells me Komilla is doing a 3 day workshop on the

Nodes through BAVA later this year, and it will be available on CD.

> I can't comment on how 'informed' the Brits are but they definitely

do the research. What I find so 'informing' from this list is the

active references to the ancient texts. Jyotish comes alive in a

greater way than reading any translation. The simple and direct

application of principal to a real question.

> Thankyou.

> Kind regards

> Rosemary




Aha!You are one of my soul-group, Rosemary! You too have survived,

or have almost survived, your second Saturn return. We have survived

to tell the tale. Therefore, let your light shine on all beings,



I was born about 5 days after the terrible eclipse of the Sun in

Krittika in 1947, which was associated with the partition of Mother

India. I have Rahu conjunct my Sun to within 12 MINUTES of arc in

Krittika in my tenth house, about 2.5 deg. from Midheaven.

Suryaraja, the chart ruler and swaknakshatra, and with dik bala in

the tenth, is destined to subdue that upstart Rahu. I will return to

this, but first I want to make some general comments about nodes.


I've never heard of this idea of considering the nodes in terms of

the Nakshatras, but it makes sense. The nodes rule some of the

Nakshatras, and both nodes and Nakshatras are related to the Moon.

One would expect nodes to be especially strong in Nakshatras ruled by

nodes, and expecially weak in Nakshatras ruled by lights.


But it doesn't follow, I think, that strong nodes are good for a

chart and vice versa. A weak node doesn't delete function from an

individual the way a weak planet does, because a node isn't about an

individual's expression. Rather, a node is about how an individual

relates, or does not relate, to the mass mind. (You might call

it "transpersonal considerations"). You can understand this by

looking at what a node is astronomically. It is the only place in

the chart where the Moon (the individual mind) is in alignment with

the whole solar system (the mass mind).


For example, planck12 has brought up Bill Gates' thoroughly messed-up

nodes. And when you look at Bill Gates' life, what you see is an

individual who has systematically ignored and flouted the rules of

the mass mind. Something that is used by everybody (like the Windows

OS) should be of benefit to everybody (or why would they use it?).

But the Windows OS wasn't designed to benefit everybody. It was

designed to make Bill Gates rich. (Linux was designed to benefit

everybody, and I can't wait for us to grow up to it. Gates' OS is

not our friend, for reasons too numerous to mention here).


Getting back to my chart, what you have here is *not* an ability to

ignore the mass mind for selfish purposes, but rather a developed

ability to engage it and introduce new information into it. Rahu is

here engaged in a confrontation with a human individuality which he

can neither avoid nor ignore. Before the Web, I did this with

opinion pieces in newspapers. For a particularly concise example of

how this karma works, go to my at:




open the "Files" link in the left sidebar, then open

the "and_History" folder, and read the file called "Zen Forum Gets



Om Tryambakam Yajamahe


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Dear Horaku,


Hare Rama Krsna!


>The book does not go into the vargas, but in the detailed example

>analyisis of Steven Spielbergs chart, there is a page on navamsa. I found

>it useful for further understanding in my own nature but also for helping

>others, running the nodes by dasa.


Would you mind to post the chart of Steven Spielberg?



Dhira Krsna dasa,



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vedic astrology, "Dhira Krsna BCS"

<Dhira.Krsna.BCS@p...> wrote:

> Dear Horaku,


> Hare Rama Krsna!


> >The book does not go into the vargas, but in the detailed example

> >analyisis of Steven Spielbergs chart, there is a page on navamsa.

I found

> >it useful for further understanding in my own nature but also for


> >others, running the nodes by dasa.


> Would you mind to post the chart of Steven Spielberg?


> Yours,

> Dhira Krsna dasa,

> Jyotisha

> http://www.radhadesh.com


I don't have this chart, but I hope that some one else will post it

for you.


Om Tryambakam Yajamahe


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In Komilla Sutton's book, "Lunar Nodes, Crisis and Redemption" she gives Steven

Speilburg's birth data as born at 18:16 EDT, December 18th 1946, Cincinnati,

Ohio, USA (84W27 39N09). Hope this helps.


Laurieeshakuhoraku <shakuhoraku > wrote:

vedic astrology, "Dhira Krsna BCS" <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@p...>

wrote:> Dear Horaku,> > Hare Rama Krsna!> > >The book does not go into the

vargas, but in the detailed example> >analyisis of Steven Spielbergs chart,

there is a page on navamsa. I found> >it useful for further understanding in my

own nature but also for helping> >others, running the nodes by dasa.> > Would

you mind to post the chart of Steven Spielberg?> > Yours,> Dhira Krsna dasa,>

Jyotisha> http://www.radhadesh.comI don't have this chart, but I hope that some

one else will post it for you.Om Tryambakam YajamaheHorakuArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......



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