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Dear List,

Recently a programme was held, where these findings were explained by

Dr.Gopalakrishnan (Indian Council of Science research), Dr. Sasikumar of

ISRO Hyderabad and Sri.Anujan Bhattathiripad,the report of which I received

from a friend.

"The Instrument to measure the positive energy was first found by the

Russians.The maps of the underground water lines were lost. They invented a

device, two 'L'Shaped rods, which would deviate from each other if pointed

towards an object that has positive energy.As flowing water has positive

energy, it was easy for the Russians to find the water lines. So the

government approved this as an authentic proof for measuring positive



1.The effect of going to the Temple.


In the temple, the Sanctum sanctorum is completely enclosed on three

sides.The effect of all energies is very high in here. The lamp that is lit

radiates the heat and light energy. The ringing of the bells and the

chanting of prayers gives the sound energy. The fragrance from the flowers,

the burning of camphor and incense sticks give out the chemical energy.The

effect of all these energies is activated by the positive energy that comes

out of the idol. The water that is used for the Pooja is called "holy water

or Theertham" because it receives the positiveness of all these energies.

When people go to the temple for the Deepaaraadhana,and the doors open up,

the positive energy gushes out onto the people who are there.The water that

is sprinkled onto the people passes on the energy to all. That is the reason

why, men are not allowed to wear shirts to the temple and ladies have to

wear more ornaments because it is through these jewels (metal) that positive

energy is absorbed in ladies. It is proved that Theertham is a very good

blood purifier, as it is highly energised. Hence it is given as prasadam to

the devotees.


2. Worship of Tulasi and Peepal Tree [aalamaram}


Tulasi should be worshipped by prostrating before it. As it is not tall the

oxygen passed out from the plant,along with its positive energy,can be

obtained only at the lower level. Whereas the Peepal tree should be

worshipped by going around it, to get the full effect of the oxygen and the

positive energy. The oxygen layer is very close to the leaves of the tree

and as these leaves shake at the slightest breeze, it passes the energy more

effectively. While going round the tree, our negative energy passes out of

us through our right side and is absorbed by the tree and transformed into

positive energy.

This is passed on to us when we go round the tree.


3. Measuring the energy. [This is measured with a pair of 'l' shaped rods

held horizontally facing the object to be tested]


a. All flowers that are used in the temple for Pooja are proved to have

ositive energy.

b. Gingerly oil [Nallenna] is proved to have more positive energy than other

medium. Hence, best for lighting the lamp.

c. The fresh sandalwood paste given from the temple has more positive energy

than the one, which is kept for a day or two.

d. The use of the traditional wick lamps is very effective in passing

out the energy, as there is a regular movement for the flame. The energy is

passed out through the waves of movement.

So the lighting of electric lamp does not serve the purpose of passing

the energy.


4. Aura and its Measurement.


There are various rings around us that form the aura of our body. The

first is our 'SAREERA' OR THE BODY itself.

The next is 'AATHMA' or the SOUL. The third is 'MANAS' or the MIND. The

fourth is ' VIGNYANA' or KNOWLEDGE.

And the last is ?ANANDAM?nbsp;or HAPPINESS. This aura can be measured

scientifically by the rods.

A person's aura was measured and was found to be of one-foot radius.

The same person was asked to chant prayers for a few minutes. Then,

again, his aura was measured.The radius of the aura had increased by another

foot and showed two feet.This proves the positive effect of prayers.


5. Aspects regarding sleep.


Normally children are found rolling a lot in their sleep. It is proved that

they do so because their bodies can detect the positive energy even in

sleep.When they roll they move to the place where there is positive Energy.

If their cot is moved permanently to this place, they stop rolling. This is

applicable to older people also.We are asked to sit and chant prayers before

we go to bed and also chant them before getting up.

It has been proved that 23% of the heart attacks occur when people lie down.

This is because; a person who has been vertical the whole day suddenly lies

down causing an irregularity in the heartbeats. So, to stabilise this, it is

proved that sitting on the bed and chanting prayers for two minutes will be

effective.And it has the same effect when done before getting up also. It is

proved that chanting 'Narayana naamam' 108 times comes to exactly two



6. Why is it considered a bad omen when a cat crosses our path when we

go out?

Cat is an animal, which has only negative energy. When a cat crosses, it

leaves behind, the negative energy in its path. So, when we cross this path,

we are affected by the negative energy and will not succeed in our venture.


7. Any object's energy could be measured.


One such object is the cell phone. This is a thing with negative energy.

This can be made positive. A picture of a God was placed on the cell phone,

in such a way that the picture was facing the phone. The energy was still

negative.Then the picture was turned and kept so that it faced the user. The

energy immediately became positive. A small sticker of any God is

sufficient to make it positive.


8. Aspects regarding energy in houses.


a. In the present living conditions, people mostly live in small houses or

in flats In such situations it is difficult to follow the 'VAASTHU SASHTRA'.

It is proved that it is enough if the house has a Pooja room. This room will

be able to cover the whole area of the house and harmonise the

energy.Whereas in a big house the area is too much for just a small Pooja

room to harmonise the energy.In such cases the 'VAASTHU SASHTRA' should be



b. Pictures of Gods or Goddesses, if kept in the entrance of the house,

is proved to ward off all negative energy.


c. In a person's life of 60yrs, he spends nearly 20 years in bed. So the

bedroom should be kept clean and bathroom must be kept closed always. This

is because; we eliminate all our wastes in the bathroom.The wastes are full

of negative energy. When the door is kept open, this negative energy passes

out into the bedroom and affects the occupants.


d. Keeping a flower vase with plastic or artificial flowers in the corner of

a room is equal to the garbage bin It is proved that these flowers absorb

all negative energies in the room

caused due to arguments or ill thoughts.So, the flower vase with plastic

flowers should not be kept in the centre of a room or on the dining

table.This is a harmoniser of energies. Garbage bins are never kept in the

centre of a room.


e. Chanting prayers in a group is very good for the house. It activates the

positive energy and spreads to all parts of the house. If this is not

possible, keeping tapes of devotional songs, melodious music and prayers

will also give the same effect.

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