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Article on Swara

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I am posting a very old article of mine originally written in 1997, but

published in 2001. I had posted the article to this group long back but do not

remember the message number. I omited some tables and charts from the original.


The scope of 'Swara' is beyond mere predictive usage. To the student of

Tantra/Yoga it is a sadhana by itself. Read below.

Satya Prakash




Swara- The Breath of Maheswara


By Dr Satya Prakash Chowdhary




The human brain is undoubtedly one of the most amazing, incredible and wondrous

of Nature’s creation. It contains twelve thousand million cells and each of

these cells has an estimated five hundred thousand possible interconnections

that we know of. It is said that when the mathematics is computed there are

more possible interconnections in the brain than there are atoms in the



The upper brain has two parts the right and left hemispheres. Scientific study

of the hemispheres of the brain by Roger Sperr H.S. Gazzaniga and others has

shown us specialization of function in each hemisphere. The left side of the

brain is usually associated with speed, logic, analysis, time and linear

function where as the right side is concerned with intuitive feeling, spatial,

holistic in function, and does not require linear structured analysis for its



The Right hemisphere controls the left side of the body while the left

hemisphere controls the right side of the body.




Left brain: Right brain
















Rich and Varied Vocabulary

Recognition and grasping powerless

Imaginal perception defective

Recalls names of objects easily

Verbal Speech

Power of conversation increased Answers are given in

detailed explanation




Cannot distinguish between male and female sounds

Pingala Nadi



Recognizes words









Here and now






Recognizes faster

Imaginal perception improved

Recognizes objects easily but cannot recall the name

Non verbal or Spatial

Diminished capacity for speech

Difficulty in conversing

Short and simple answers




Can distinguish between male and female sounds

Recognizes non verbal sounds like tones and tunes

Ida Nadi



The relative independence of the two hemispheres is apparent in everyday life.

Studies done on ‘Split – brain’ patients show that they appear entirely normal

after the surgery. In these patients in an attempt to treat severe cases of

Grand mal epilepsy, they cut the corpus callosum, the main bundle of neural

fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the neocortex. The normal

behavior and appearance of ‘split-brain’ patients in itself suggests that the

function of corpus callosum is subtle. It is vital not to overestimate the

separation of functions in a normal human being. The existence of so complex a

cabling system as the corpus callosum must mean that

interaction of the hemispheres is a vital human function. In more complex,

difficult and highly valued human activities, co-operation between left and

right hemispheres becomes a necessity.


Most of the time a majority of us functions from a single mode or there is a

predominance of left hemisphere over the right. All activities that are

governed by the left hemisphere like writing, thinking, speech, math etc.,

receive priority from most people’s point of view especially in the

materialistic world.


Science itself seems to be mostly a product of the left hemisphere, though

insights often require the help of the right hemisphere also. The western

society mostly has a leaning towards left hemisphere mode of living while the

ancient eastern cultures seem to at least theoretically lean towards a

predominantly right hemisphere mode of existence.


The fact that eighty percent of us are right handed shows the leaning towards

left hemisphere. (It should be remembered that the left hemisphere controls the

right hand). A closer look would reveal that human languages have built into

them a polarity, a veer to the right.


“Right” is associated with correct behavior, legality, high moral principles and

masculinity. “Left” is associated with weakness, cowardice, and diffusiveness of

purpose, evil and femininity. Words, like ‘Righteous’, ‘Rights’, ‘in his right

mind’ etc., are examples for the same.


On the other hand words like ‘sinister’ (the Latin word for left”, ‘Gauche’ the

French word for left, ‘Gawky’ and ‘left handed compliment’ are all used in a

negative sense. The Italian ‘Mancino’, for ‘left’ signifies ‘deceitful’. In one

etymology, ‘left’ comes from ‘Lyft’, the Anglo-sax for ‘weak’ or worthless.


‘Right’ in the legal sense (as an action in accord with the rules of society)

and ‘Right’ in the logical sense (as the opposite of wrong) are also common

place in many languages. The nobles were always placed on the king’s right.

In pre-industrial societies (and in countries like India even to this day),

where the toilet paper is not used after defecation, generally for personnel

hygiene one hand is used since it is aesthetically unappealing and also

involves a serious risk of transferring disease to others as well as to

oneself. The simplest precaution is to greet and eat with the other hand.

Without exception, in pre-technological human societies and societies where it

is still in existence, it is the left hand that is used for toilet functions

and right for greeting and eating. Right from childhood we are taught to use

the right hand for all works that are considered proper and noble.


Occasional lapses from this convention are often viewed with horror. In

traditional societies there are firm strictures against even reaching for an

object or money with the left. Even among the various schools of Tantra, the

school that makes use of the so-called ‘Pancha Makaras’ i.e. Wine, Flesh, Fish,

Grain and Coition (sex) literally is termed ‘Vama marga’, the literal meaning

being ‘left path'. The left/right distinction runs deep into the past of our



While there is a definite trend to separate modes of function nowadays, each

hemisphere must work in an integrated fashion. Admitting the validity of both

modes of functioning- left hemisphere and right hemisphere- we must ponder if

they are equally effective and useful in all circumstances. No doubt the right

hemisphere’s intuitive thinking may perceive patterns and connections too

difficult for the left hemisphere, but it may also detect patterns where none

exist. Along with the intuitive creative genius of right hemisphere we equally

need the verbal analytic intellectual thinking of the left hemisphere.


Only when both the hemispheres of the brain are working together can we

appreciate the moral of a story, the measuring of a metaphor, words describing

emotion, or the punch line of a joke. It is not just a question of being

balanced. The most significant creative activities of any culture – legal and

ethical systems, art and music, science and technology – were made possible

only through the collaborative work of the left and right cerebral hemispheres.

These creative acts though engaged in rarely or only by a few, have changed the

world and our lives. In fact human culture is the function of both right and

left hemispheres in collaboration or in other words, the function of the corpus

callosum. The path to the future lies through the corpus callosum. The practices

of Yoga and Tantra, are aimed precisely at that. In the next part, I will

introduce one such practice, the knowledge of which is considered to be very

essential for an astrologer --- Swarodaya Sastra.




“This science of Swaras is the secret of all secrets and reveals the secret of

the essence of all benefits. This science is the crest jewel of all knowledge”.


“An astrologer without knowledge of the swaras, a house without an owner, a

mouth without sastras, and a body without a head, one never acclaimed”.


“If one has the strength of swaras then he should attack his foe or meet his

friend. Wealth, fame, pleasure and comfort are all obtained through the

strength of swaras”.


-Siva Mahadeva to Parvati in “Siva Svarodaya”.


“To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heavens;

A time to be born and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to pluck up that

which is planted; A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to breakdown and a

time to build up; A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a

time to dance; A time to get and a time to lose; A time to keep and a time to

cast away”.


Almost all religions state that there is a time for everything in the natural

order. When one does anything at the right moment, it certainly has to bear

fruit. Going with the rhythm of nature, one learns to swim along the current.

In fact, is not success due to the right effort at the right time? Such a time

is ascertainable definitely. Such a time is ascertainable from one’s own

breath, the vital vibration governing the world, as revealed by the “Science of

Breath” or “Swara Sastra” as taught by the Tantras.


It is said that Lord Siva initially revealed this knowledge to his Divine

consort Parvati (Shakti). Today this science is not very well known, and only a

few persons still follow it. What is known about it is quite little as compared

to the vastness of the subject. This article covers the basics of Swara Sastra

with a touch of predictive usage. I have deliberately refrained from going into

the elements and Swara since recognition of the predominant element in the Swara

requires more practice and expertise. A theoretical discussion of the elements

will not be of much practical value to the readers.


This science is based on the nadis or the swaras. There are 72,000 nadis in the

astral or energetic body. But we generally deal with the principal ten or

fourteen only, and here only 3 of them.


They are:


1.Ida 2. Pingala 3. Sushumna


But before we go further, let me acquaint you with the Tantric/Yogic view of the human body.


According to the scriptures, man has three bodies or forms.


1.Gross or physical body (sthula sarira), which is the visible, palpable, body.


2 Subtle body or Astral body (Sukshma sarira), which is comprised of the

thoughts, feelings, impulses etc that animate the gross body.


3. Casual body (karana sarira), which is the seed body that is the cause and

seed of next birth. This form lasts until liberation.


Beyond these three is the eternal Atman, the Self or Incorporeal spirit (Asarira

atman) which is the Divine spark, that part of the Whole, the ever-blissful

which is transcendental.


Corresponding to these three bodies and the real self, as the Mandukya Upanishad

tells us, there are the three states of experience.


1. Gross body – Waking (Jagrat)


2. Subtle body – Dream (Swapna)


3. Casual body -- Dreamless sleep (Sushupti)


Transcending these three states of experience, there is the Turiya state, the

state of Transcendent Reality, corresponding to the Atman.


The Astral body has within it, our psychic instrument, or Antahkarana, which is

composed of mind, intellect and ego (or ahamkara). The casual body takes a

physical body as a vehicle for each life. The five elements aid it in this

process. Like everything else, the human body too, is made of the five

elements. Each of the five elements is contained within another and thus the

five elements exist with in us as the three doshas (humors). This is our true

individual constitution or nature – our prakriti. When we understand these

primordial elements, we begin to see the interdependent and interconnected

nature of the universe. As the five elements cycle and recycle, billions of

atoms traveling throughout the universe become absorbed into billions of life

forms. What was once a part of the earth goes into the plants and what was a

part of the plants yesterday goes into the animal body today and the same will

go into the human body, tomorrow.


This ever-changing cycle of the five elements goes on for a very long time, long

enough for it to seem like an eternity. It is said that our entire body is

totally renewed every seven years. The five elements continuously transmute

into each other to create the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. Our physical

body reflects the element Earth and Water its fluid; the acids and enzymes of

the body reflect the element of Fire; the element of Air is the breath and

Prana and Space is the vibration of our very existence. Though every one of us

has the same 5 elements within, each has a unique configuration.The Taittiriya

upanishad describes man as consisting of five selves. Later Adi Sankaracharya

changed it into the concept of five sheaths or kosas. They are also known as

the five envelopes or wrappings. The concept of the five sheaths is not really

relevant to our present discussion. But this background is

necessary to appreciate what I am going to discuss hereafter.


If you remember, we were discussing the three bodies earlier. Most things at one

level have a corresponding manifestation at the other level. So while the nadis

are in the subtle body, corresponding to them, there are nerves in the physical

or gross body. The astral body is somewhat like a template for the physical

body. So more than the physical body, it is the astral body that shows signs

and symptoms of any influence. Diseases first start manifesting in the subtle

body and take some time to reach a gross level. Most medical diagnosis is done

only when the disease reaches a gross level, meaning the physical body. Some

people make the futile attempt to scientifically prove the nadis and charkas in

the physical body. The problem with such well meant attempts is that they are

searching in the wrong place. As I said earlier, every gross structure has a

corresponding subtle counterpart in the astral or energetic

body. Both the subtle and the gross affect each other. The Nadis actually exist

in the subtle or energetic body, that animates the physical body. With this

brief background of the sukshma sarira (astral body), let us move on to the

actual topic.




The word Nadi comes from the Sanskrit root meaning ‘MOVEMENT’. In the Rigveda it

has been used to mean, ‘STREAM’. Thus the word Nadi literally means ‘FLOW’. The

concept of Nadis is based on the understanding that they are channels, channels

for the flow of consciousness. Thus in a way, any channel through which anything

flows is a Nadi.


There are two types of Nadis:


1.GROSS: like blood vessels, nerves, cords, tubes etc.


2.SUBTLE: invisible channels of subtle energy.


Subtle Nadis are again of two types:


1.Pranavaha Nadis: through which the pranic force (vital force) or prana shakti flows.


2.Manovaha Nadis: through which the mental force (Manas Shakti) flows



Gross Subtle


Pranavaha Manovaha





Vital energy

Mental energy



These two kinds of forces flow through every part of our body via the Nadis.

According to the Tantras there are seventy two thousand (there are variant

schools like the Tibetan school of Astro Medicine that speaks of 84000) such

channels, which cover the whole body and through them the inherent rhythm of

activity in the different organs is maintained.


These nadis also correspond to the acupuncture meridians of the Chinese. Within

this network of Nadis, there are ten main channels that are connected with the

ten openings of the body. Of these ten, three are most important because they

control the flow of Prana and consciousness within all the other Nadis of the



IDA – It is connected with the left nostril, controls all the mental processes

and is ruled by the Moon. Ida is like nectar and gives strength and nourishment

to the soul and the body. Ida which is feminine represents Goddess Parvati.


PINGALA – which is connected with the right nostril, controls all the vital

processes and is ruled by the Sun. Pingala is responsible for the growth of the

body. Pingala is masculine and represents Lord Siva. It is good for difficult



SUSHUMNA - It is connected to the Brahmarandhra corresponding to Bregma at a

gross (sthula) level, through which spiritual force flows and is known as

Saraswati. Sushumna is also called as soonya swara. It destroys all actions and

is hence inauspicious to start any activity. It is good for Yogic practices. The

Sushumna is supposed to be destructive for most purposes and all under takings

should be avoided during its flow. Sushumna is good for sexual enjoyment and



The Kundalini ascends through the Sushumna when it awakens. The subtle nadi of

Sushumna corresponds to the gross nadi of the central canal in the spinal cord.



Prana shakti (pranic force) – Pingala (right nostril) – Sun


Manas shakti (mental force) Ida (left nostril) - Moon


Atma Shakti (spiritual force) – Sushumna (Central canal) – Rahu/Ketu axis?


Ida and Pingala function in the body alternatively and not simultaneously.




Researchers who have studied the circadian rhythm say that the nostrils

alternate in dominance every 1 to 2 hours. They also say that in children it is

every one-hour. Whatever the duration of this “rise of swara” is, scientific

researchers have also found that there is a correspondence or connection

between the nostrils and brain hemispheres. In other words, when one nostril

is dominating the opposite hemisphere is dominant.


For instance, if your left nostril is flowing freely now, it is your right

hemisphere that is dominant now. We have already studied that each hemisphere

is concerned with a particular mode of functioning. The left hemisphere for

instance, controls the functions of analysis, logic, maths etc., while the

right hemisphere controls artistic work, emotions etc.


Thus by ascertaining which Swara is rising, one can ascertain the dominant

hemisphere and do activities that fall under that hemisphere’s function so as

to go along with the flow of the current.


The nostrils thus provide us a key to tune our behaviour according to the energy

available in our body. If you observe your nostrils you will find that generally

one is flowing freely and the other is blocked.


When the left nostril is open, it is the lunar energy, Ida Nadi that is flowing

and when the right nostril is flowing, the solar energy or Pingala nadi flows.




The act of breathing is called “Swara” while the switching over from one nostril

to another reflects the “Rise of breath” in that nostril or “Udaya” meaning



When the period of one nostril is over, automatically the breathing passes on to

the other nostril for almost an equal time. It is performed with a fixed

periodic rhythm through the left and right nostril alternately. This change of

nostrils is periodic. Thus the name Svarodaya (Swara + Udaya) Shastra for this

ancient science. A person who practices this Yoga of swara is called a Swara

Yogi and he can control the Prana through Pingala and mind through Ida.


Investigations have shown that when the right nostril is flowing, the left

hemisphere of the brain is activated. When the left nostril is flowing, the

right hemisphere is activated. Thus the Nadis control the brain and events of

life and consciousness. It is said that anything can be predicted, achieved and

attained by one who is adept in this science.


The solar and lunar forces are the two great forces that affect Nature. Plants,

animals, minerals and even the mighty oceans follow the order of solar and

lunar influences. All of nature has a rhythm, a natural rhythm that it goes

by. This is at a macrocosmic level. At a microcosmic level, this is reflected

in our breath.


In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (2, 1, 19) there is the metaphor of a spider

sitting at the center of its web, issuing and reabsorbing its threads in

concentric circles, all held at one point. This image recurs constantly in

several Indian works, Vedic and Tantric. Even the Mandala, which is a

geometrical projection of the ‘whole, universe in its essential plan, in its

process of emanation and of re-absorption’, has the same concept underlying it.

All existence is governed by a single principle, the source from which

everything is born and into which everything returns. Exhalation itself is the

microcosmic parallel of emanation of the universe while inhalation is the

microcosmic equivalent of re-absorption of the universe into the Supreme Being.

The emanation, maintenance and re-absorption of the universe are all seen as the

exhalation, retention and inhalation, one cycle of breath or Swara of Maheswara,


Supreme Being. The solar and lunar forces that work at a macrocosmic level are

reflected at a microcosmic level in man as his Pingala nadi and Ida nadi. This

principle of equivalence of the microcosm and macrocosm is a very important

principle that all occult sciences share as a fundamental law.




A variation of 10 to 15 minutes, before or after sunrise might be acceptable

though strictly speaking it is not. Any further variation for a longer duration

of one Swara not operating reflects some kind of physiological or psychological

problem. If the breath does not alternate between the nostrils and is

continuous beyond the normal period of an hour and fifty minutes or two hours,

it is symptomatic of impairments of health due to either excess of heat or

cold. If the breath moves in and out through a single nostril for almost 24

hours the derangement of the humors (doshas, meaning vata, pitta and kapha ) is

serious; if it prevails for two or three days the illness is very grave.


Dr. I. N. Rige, ENT specialist, Bucharest, Rumania studied nearly 400 patients

suffering from one-sided nasal obstructions due to distortion and deviation of

the nasal septum. Of these, 89% of cases breathed more through the left nostril

and were prone to certain respiratory disorders like chronic sinusitis, middle

and inner ear infections, partial or total loss of the senses of smell, hearing

and taste, recurrent pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis, chronic

bronchitis. They were more likely to be prone to a wide variety of distant

disorders like amnesia, headaches, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, intellectual

weakening, hypo functioning of liver, gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer,

constipation, decreased libido, ovarian

irregularities. Right nostril breathers were predisposed to hypertension. He

also found that correction of nasal deformities helped to relieve the disease



Thus his research only reaffirms the Tantric-Yogic theory that the nostrils and

the flow of breath have many neurological and psychic connections whose

functions are not yet fully appreciated by Modern Science. Dr. Hiroshi

Motoyama, Japan has also tried to prove that imbalance in nadis (which roughly

correspond to the acupuncture meridians) is related to disease states. As the

Yogis have said, nostrils are the windows to the state of our body and mind.

The nostrils are switches, which can do more than alleviating disease. By

consciously changing the dominant nostril to the other, one can control his

inner functions like brain hemisphere functioning etc., to do whatever he wants

any time.




1.) Close one nostril and breathe through the other. Now close the second

nostril and breathe through the first. The one that is unobstructed is the

dominant nostril.


2.) A mirror can be used to check the same. Corresponding to the dominant

nostril, the mirror will have a misty appearance when we breathe out.


3.) Cotton fibrils also can be used to ascertain the same. But the simplest

would be the first method.


4.) You can also keep both the thumbs under the two nostrils to find out.


NOTE: *After a little practice, one can recognize the swara without using the

thumbs or fingers also. It is quite easy if one develops AWARENESS.




Usually the Swaras flow based on a natural order. On the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th,

8th, 9th, 13th, 14th and 15th days of the Bright fortnight (ascending cycle of

Moon), it should pass from sunrise onwards through left nostril and alternate

according to the rule of the periodic rhythm. This is because the Moon or Lunar

energy is dominant during the Bright fortnight. Likewise the swara flows through

the right nostril from sunrise onwards during the 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th, and

12th of the Bright half. It is reversed. Thus nine days during the Bright

fortnight the left nostril is dominant at sunrise while nine days during the

Dark fortnight, the right nostril is dominant.


During the first three days of the bright half, Ida flows first and then

alternates. For the first three days of the dark half, Pingala flows first and

then alternates (see table).


Bright half

Dark half












The Lunar or Solar swara flows from sunrise for one hour each and then

alternates for 24 hours. During the flow of Ida or Pingala for one hour, the

tattwas become active in order. For a normal healthy person first air element

flows for 8 minutes then fire for 4 minutes then earth for 12 minutes then

water for 16 minutes and ether for 20 minutes. (This is used while predicting

the sex of a child and some other methods of answering Prashnas. Astrologers

wishing to use this should carefully observe their flow regularly and try to

study the subtleties of breath. Unwholesome lifestyles like smoking and use of

stimulants should be avoided strictly if one wants to develop such awareness).


If opposite swara is active from the first three days of a fortnight then

auspicious work should be avoided. Immediate steps should be taken to correct

the flow, as it is a sign of imperfect health. The correction could be done

through Hatha Yoga.


NOTE: It should be pointed out that the lunar day is not equal to the solar day.

This difference should be kept in mind.


Weekdays and Swara


Each swara is auspicious on a particular weekday. And one can have the advantage

of the Lord of the day as well as that of the swara by choosing this



The swaras with respect to the weekdays on which they are auspicious:


Lunar (Ida) Solar (Pingala)


Wednesday Sunday


Thursday Tuesday


Friday Saturday




Good in bright half Good in dark half


Zodiacal sign and Swara:


The twelve signs of the zodiac can be grouped under the two swaras


Ida Pingala


Taurus Aries


Cancer Gemini


Virgo Leo


Scorpio Libra


Capricorn Sagittarius


Pisces Aquarius


Directions and Swara:


The swaras are also given directions. Ida represents North and East and

Pingala-West and South. This is useful to answer queries of missing persons and

fixing time to start journeys, both of which involve directions.


Planets and Swaras:


Pingala represents all male planets like Sun, Mars, and Saturn (though Saturn is

a eunuch, being a malefic, it is considered here), while Ida represents all

female planets like Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.


It will not be out of place here to refer to a view held by Hindu palmistry.

Hindu palmistry postulates that while both the hands are valuable in reading

palms, the left hand shows your prarabdha (destiny) - what you are born with,

while the right hand is supposed to indicate what you make of your life- how

you have made or marred your chances. There seems to be some truth in this

view. At one level, while both the hands have all the planets and signs in the

palm, at another level, the right hand predominantly shows the workings of the

male planets, and the left hand the workings of the female planets. Remember?

That the left hemisphere controls the right hand and right breath, while the

right hemisphere controls the left nostril and left hand, because of a crossing

of commissures.


If you pause for a while and think, you realize that the male planets are

assigned the right hand and right breath (and hence the left hemisphere), while

the female planets are assigned the left hand and left breath (and hence the

right hemisphere). The male planets i.e. Sun, Mars and Saturn, are the natural

malefics, which give more scope for freewill (remember malefics in Upachaya

houses or 3,6,10,11?). The right swara or the solar breath, is like the solar

hora (surya hora) and the left swara like the chandra hora. Again the left

swara, left hand and right hemisphere, represent the Lunar swara, the female

planets. These are Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, the only planets that have

the possibility of being natural benefics in a chart. While Jupiter and Venus

are natural benefics unconditionally, Moon and Mercury are conditional

benefics, Moon depending on its fullness and Mercury depending on the

company or influences. Thus at one level it is true that the right hand shows

what you have made of your life through your efforts, like the malefics in

3,6,10,11 would. But at another level, the influence of all the planets and

signs are seen in both the hands. Actually Swara sastra, Samudrika sastra and

Jyotish sastra, all indicate the same in different ways. A study of one sastra

enhances our understanding of the other.




1. Whenever there is a necessity, one should lie down sideways on the side of

which the nostril is flowing at the moment. Soon the other nadi (nostril) will

start flowing. For instance, lying on the left side will induce breathing

through the right nostril. Putting a small cushion under the armpit and

pressing it with your bodyweight will help you further.

2. Sit down calmly and gaze towards the side of the nostril that is not

operating. The first method is more effective. The adept can change the swara

at his will.




1. When the nostril of the day is not the same as the operating nostril.


2. When one wants to do an activity that should be done in the opposite swara.


3. In cases of diseases-physiological or psychological


4. If any swara keeps dominantly operating for more than two hours.




1. It should be remembered that the Right half of the body is male and

controlled by Solar energy, while the left half is lunar or female.


2. The right side of the body (including the right nostril) is controlled by the

left hemisphere and vice versa.


3. Solar energy means all male planets like Sun, Mars, and Saturn while Lunar

energy means all female planets like Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. Hence

every Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday the right nostril works with the ruling

planet of the day for one hour; half an hour before sunrise it changes and the

nostril of the day takes over.


4. All activities that require physical strength (vitality) need Solar energy

and hence come under right nostril activities while all activities that require

emotional strength are left nostril activities.


5. The dominance of right nostril during the night and the left during the day

makes one healthy, wealthy and happy and is conducive to longevity. So one can

sleep to the left so that right nostril flows during the night


6. One nostril should not work for more than 2 hours unless you are practicing

swara yoga for a specific purpose.


How To Predict Based On Swaras


With practice we can easily ascertain our Lunar and solar nadis and thus use

this knowledge for knowing the future. When a question is asked, the astrologer

should immediately check his swara. If it is Ida, he can predict success and if

it is Pingala, he can indicate failure, since Ida represents the natural

benefics, while Pingala represents the natural malefics. This is the simplest

possible method, like a thumb rule. However for more confidence, one may try

some other methods along with this and synchronize the results.


I myself use it for confirmation of what I see in the chart. Depending on the

situation and what I feel like, I change my supplementary techniques, while

astrology remains the primary technique. At times, I use the swaras

independently to predict quickly in cases requiring a simple yes or no answer,

but in that case I synchronize the results with some sakuna. Generally, you

will find confirmation for your conclusion, if only you can see. Nature speaks

to man all the time. If one understands the phenomenon of Synchronicity (see my

earlier article on Synchronicity elsewhere) properly, they all fit well. There

is no contradiction between the Swara, Prasna (horary chart), Sakuna (omen),

Birth chart and Oracle, the astrologer uses. The effectiveness, simplicity and

level of clarity of all this is in the mind of the astrologer. And it comes

with practice and some work.



Other points to be noted are:


a) Querent on the side of active swara of the astrologer is good; on the

opposite side, indicates failure.


b) If both the querent’s and the astrologer’s active swara is same then it is inauspicious.


c) If Sushumna continues for a very long time then also it is inauspicious.


(See the following table for various combinations)


Other methods:


a) If the querent is standing and the Astrologer’s Lunar swara is active then

the querent has to face some obstacles in his path before the final victory or

defeat. If the querent is standing and solar swara is active then results will

be easy and immediate.


b) Add the number of words in the question. If the question is asked when Ida of

the astrologer is active and the total number is even, early victory can be

predicted. If Sushumna or Pingala flows it could be defeat. If the total is odd

and Pingala flows, victory should be predicted.




With some sadhana or practice, it is possible to gain some level of confidence

in ascertaining the swara and correlating it to the zodiacal sign or planet as

the situation demands. After completing all astrological work, then only one

may verify one’s answer through swara. Indiscriminate use of this technique is

to be avoided. I will not write more on this, since it is not good for a

beginner. The mature student doesn’t need more, because the clue I have given

here is enough for him to grasp the point. But remember, you should have

studied the phenomenon of synchronicity in AWARENESS, in order to derive the

full benefit of this kind of technique. Moreover through such an understanding

you will know when to use this knowledge.


Queries related to pregnancy:


In case of any questions related to pregnancy the astrologer’s lunar swara

active, indicates a girl and if his solar swara is active, then a male child.

Here one has to check the flow carefully as Sushumna indicates abortion,

miscarriage etc. One can cross check the result with other short methods by

using the concept of elements. As previously stated the duration of flow of

swara can be divided into five parts and each part is given an element.


Depending on the time of the Prashna, under which element it falls (ie, during

its ruling time in a given nadi), the prediction is given.












If both swaras alternate –twins (i.e., if the swara changes at the time of the query).


This part is not easy and hence, it is recommended that you should not attempt

to learn from a book. Note: The durations of the flow may vary from person to

person, as it requires a natural state of health. So while using this one has

to make sure of one’s state of health.


If one wants a male child or a female child:


For a male child: It is advisable to have sex on fertile days falling on even

tithis. Female’s flow should be Ida and male’s Pingala. For best result make

sure that the earthy tatwa is predominant.


For a Female child: Couples wishing for a female child should reverse the above method.


Given below is a table showing the activities to be taken up during the flow of particular swaras.


Activities for Ida swara (Lunar/right brain/Left nostril)


Lunar energy


1. Yogabhyasa (Learning Yoga)


2. Drinking water


3. Urination


4. Starting a meal


5. Building a new house


6. Constructing water reservoirs


7. Prayers


8. Purchasing and Wearing ornaments.


9. Long distance journeys


10. Charitable and pious deeds


11. Foundation laying ceremonies


12. Arranging marriages


13. Buying selling and commercial activities


14. Starting medication


15. Meeting higher authorities


16. Approaching someone for getting acquainted


17. Entering a house


18. Starting academic pursuits


19. Buying property or vehicles


20. Getting into a conveyance,


21. Keeping wealth


22. Starting a new colony


23. Colonization of a village/city


24. Purchase of lands/property


25. Buying and selling (commercial)


26. Accumulating and earning wealth


27. Planting


28. Gardening


29. Cultivation


30. Horticulture


31. Buying vehicles


32. Wearing new ornaments


33. Jewelry and clothes


34. Long/Distant journeys


35. Proceeding on a journey to some far off place


36. Prayers


37. Foundation laying ceremonies


38. Other auspicious functions


39. Entering an ashram for Spiritual or inner growth


40. Friendship


41. Giving charity


42. Learning


43. Starting academic pursuits


44. Debates, Discussion


45. Sexual intercourse (women) (men)


46. Sending a messenger


47. Employing servants


48. Conference


49. Meeting of relatives and friends


50. Back to home


51. Arranging marriages


Activities for Pingala swara (solar:Left brain/ RIGHT NOSTRIL)


Solar energy


1. Intense yogic sadhana


2. Hatha yoga


3. Hard yogic disciplines


4. Initiation into practice of arms and weapons


5. Handling weapons


6. Teaching war


7. Invasion of some foreign territory


8. Riding


9. Boating




11. Fighting (commencement of fights)


12. Boxing


13. Wrestling


14. Exercise (physical)


15. Starting a game


16. Eating (slow eating)


17. Bathing, Shaving


18. Defecating


19. Sleeping


20. Making bricks


21. Breaking stones


22. Wood Construction


23. Cutting or pruning plants


24. Sale


25. Purchase /sale of birds/animals


26. Short journeys, going on adventures


27. Exorcism (driving out devils)


28. Investigation


29.Construction & performance of

mantras & yantras


30. Yantra


31. Cruel deeds


32. Consuming alcohol


33. Stealing & deceiving


34. Speculative activities


35. Gambling


36. Meeting with government officer


37. Killing and attacking


38. Filing court cases


39. Causing hatred amongst two groups of people


40. Taking on enemy




42. Commencement of fights


43. Quarrelling


44. Combating


45. Writing of books, letters


46. Pictures


47. Learning / teaching occult sciences


48. Interacting with the opposite sex


49. Cruel deeds


50. Consuming alcohol


51. Studying scriptures


52.Going on adventures


53. Starting a game


54. Making of stones


55. Shining valuable stones and gems


56. Speculative activities


57. Any form of communication


58. Killing and attacking


59. Causing hatred among two people


60. Motivating people


61. While going to sleep


62. Singing


63. Studying scriptures


64. Learning music


65. Sculpting, cutting,


66. Chiselling, carpentry


67. Commencement of education


68. Pleading


69. Meeting the king or officers


70. Going near some unknown person


71. Leaving home


Note: It might look silly that the above list includes certain routine things

like eating and defecating, things that one cannot or need not check the swara

for. But when the body-mind is in a natural state, such things happen when the

correct swara is dominant. Perhaps one need not even try to change the swara,

for it will happen naturally. I have included these in the list for two

reasons. Firstly to give the reader a taste of the original concept as one

would find it in the ancient texts. Secondly, because it might interest a few



Swarodaya Sastra also gives many more details of the 5 elements (Panchabhutas)

and based on the swara, a detailed art of prediction of diseases, sex of the

child, divination and answering almost any question. Swara shastra also gives

various breathing techniques and meditations for each element (Panchabhutas) as

related to the Chakras and a wealth of varied and interesting information.


Thus the nostrils are switches. By controlling the speed, rate, rhythm, length

and duration of the breath, by altering the ratio of inhalation to exhalation,

by stopping breath, we can activate or tone down neurological and mental

processes so as to achieve heightened awareness, altered states of

Consciousness and even the ultimate goal of liberation itself. Verily SWARA is

lord MAHE ‘SWARA’ himself!


“O lady of beautiful face! All Sastras, Puranas, Smritis and the Vedangas are

nothing beyond the knowledge of Swaras”.


“The part and whole of the Universe are made up of Swaras. The Creator and

Destroyer of the Universe is really the Swara in the form of Mahe‘swara’


--Siva Mahadev to Goddess Parvati in the “Siva Swarodaya”


Sarvam Siva Mayam




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