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Curse Analysis-Visti

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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sudarshan,


SUDHARSAN : From your comments, the sorrow(saturn)and shock (rahu) that was

caused in the past birth to my Father involved the fourth house(Saturns

Lordship) matters such as mother, and fifth house (Rahu's Lordship) matters

such as shraddha ceremony(sustenance for the 4th house) as a result of which I

was cursed. In this birth I may experience sorrow related to fourth

house(Saturn) and shock related to fifth house(rahu) in addition to the 6th

house as the planet cursing me is in the 6th in parivarthana.

Visti: To see the exact reason, you need to use the D-60 chart, you can

however get a very basic reading from the signs and houses involved in the

Rasi... especially the sign involved is important. Take Sri Rama's Chart.

The Curse revolves around the Brahmin Shaapa in the Lagna in Cancer. Cancer is a

sign of love and compassion, hence the curse seeks to teach Sri Rama a lesson in

compassion. The reason for this was because he caused humiliation to his devotee

(Mars lords the 5th) Sri Devarishi Narada (Jupiter). So thou his Jupiter is well

placed in Exaltation, the Curse marres this placement into a lesson.

Whether an incarnation of Sri Vishnu needs to learn such things is a different

subject, but thats the resultant effect. As this happens in the lagna, this

must affect his appearance and personality. Keep in mind that Sri Narada

suffered humiliation (shani causes humiliation and is always opposite the moon

- compassion which lords cancer) because Sri Vishnu turned Sri Narada's face

(lagna) into that of a monkey when he approached his fiancé, resulting in Sri

Narada's humiliation and rejection. Hence the sign and house is all important,

and can give us a very good idea about what happened.


You should see a pattern emerging incase of the results of ones evil deeds. i.e.

If there is an evil placement, then the sign indicates what one should have done

and is the lesson taught to one again. This is especially so incase of the

Badhakesh as it shows a broken promise. To make the right judgement takes some

thinking. I will answer Ramanarayan's question regarding the same in detail


SUDHARSAN - I have a doubt here and am confused.If the parivarthana indicates

that the badhakesh is in the 11 th house why would the 6th house matters


Visti: Badhakesh's placement is a different ballgame, the curse is in the 6th

house, but the badhakesh is in the 11th.

SUDHARSAN - Since you indicate feet, is it because the 6th Lord Guru is in the

11th indicating calves and feet (OR) is it because the badhakesh is in Pisces

indicating feet.

Visti: Keep in mind that Jupiter becomes Badhakesh due to the parivartana.

Hence; the Adristha (invisible) Aguntaka (aqcuired) Roga (disease) seen from

the Badhakesh, instead becomes Dristha(visible) Aguntaka Roga, due to the

parivartana with 6th lord.

Now Sun becoming Rogesh (6th lord), is joined Shani and Rahu. Rahu is the most

malefics here, and is in the 3rd drekkana in the 6th house, and shows problems

in the lower part of the legs, especially right leg and feet.

What is the focus for remedies in curses?


Visti: Sanjay would give a better idea of the focus, but i think we'd agree

that the focus is to ensure the appeasement of the person causing the curse. We

must have done something wrong! And now we're suffering from it.


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Sudharsan Srinivasan

vedic astrology

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:50 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Curse Analysis-Visti

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Visti,I have further doubts that I have outlined after

your kind comments.Kindly clear my confusion.> In my own chart(Libra Lagna) I

have the following curses-> > > 1) Saturn and Rahu are posited in the 6th

house and affect the > > following grahas-> > a) Sun who is the badhaka and

11th lord posited in the 6th.> b) Ketu who is in the 12th house> Visti:

Keep in mind that these are the bringer of the curse. Shani's lordship will

show where the curse causes Sorrow and Rahu's lordship will cause Shock.

Similarly Mars' lordship will cause anger if involved in a curse.SUDHARSAN :

>From your comments, the sorrow(saturn)and shock (rahu) that was caused in the

past birth to my Father involved the fourth house(Saturns Lordship) matters

such as mother, and fifth house (Rahu's Lordship) matters such as shraddha

ceremony(sustenance for the 4th house) as a result of which I was cursed. In

this birth I may experience sorrow related to fourth house(Saturn) and shock

related to fifth house(rahu) in addition to the 6th house as the planet cursing

me is in the 6th in parivarthana.Visti: The Parivartana shows that the

Badhakesh is not in the 6th and instead resides in the 11th.. lucky you,

otherwise there would be big trouble. So it is not the 11th house matters which

suffer, but instead the 6th house matters, due to the parivartana.SUDHARSAN - I

have a doubt here and am confused.If the parivarthana indicates that the

badhakesh is in the 11 th house why would the 6th house matters suffer? Visti

: This could be problematic diseases, especially in the feet, and the best

remedy is Mrityunjaya. Mrityunjaya goes to strengthen the health in the form of

Sun, and also ensures the worship of your Ishta Devata - Sadashiva. Performing

Pitri Shraddha with the Gayatri mantra in case of the father having passed away

or being nice to father whilst he's here is also very important.SUDHARSAN -

Since you indicate feet, is it because the 6th Lord Guru is in the 11th

indicating calves and feet (OR) is it because the badhakesh is in Pisces

indicating feet.What is the focus for remedies in curses? Thank you very much

for your time and knowledge.Hare KrishnaSudharsan> > > > Hare Krishna> > >

SudharsanArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sudarshan,

Comments to your answers.


Sudharsan - In my case the house under affliction is Pisces. Among other things

the natural twelfth house is the house of giving or moksha i.e giving up. It

also indicates a hospital or hermitage. So one possibility is that i did not

serve(6th house) my Father when he was hospitalised and as a result of which I

was cursed.I was cursed so that i learn the importance of giving.On the other

hand the natural twlefth house could also indicate the after-life or the

pitris.I did not offer shraddha to my father in the past birth as a result of

which the pitri shapa of Saturn/Rahu/SUn occured.In D-60 the Sun is in debility

in the 12th house and Rahu/Saturn are in the ninth house in cancer indicating a

deviation from Dharma.So since the ninth indicates dharma and the duty of a son

is to make offerings to his father,I failed in that duty and was cursed. Visti:

Pisces teaches us how to attain peace, giving, liberation and moksha. When we

don't give, we are forced to loose through the 12th house in the next life, and

this is why Pisces is also the natural 12th house - i.e. see the balance between

Pisces and the 12th house results? In this mannor understand that all rasi's are

beneficial in nature as they are all trying to give you something - all you have

todo is recieve.

- Now when Pisces goes to the 6th house, you must give peace to your servants or

even enemies, or learn to stop eating their bread. The 6th house shows acquired

sins, and hence this may become manifested as diseases as well. Its a peculiar

lesson to learn and the Libra lagna's become the best at weighing and judging

the propper decissions in such case.

- As curse of father is involved, it shows that you caused great sorrow(shani)

and shock(rahu) to father(sun), because this effort was not done in the past

life.. i.e. one was too greedy and ate up the results.

- I will not get into the D-60, as we've only just crossed the bridge of seeing

the Rasi acurately. One thing at a time.

Sudharsan- I got it. The confusion was because I bought in the concept of

Badhakesh which may not have anything to do with curses. So the blessing in the

parivarthana was that if the badhakesh had been in the 6th, I might have

suferred from abhichara.Now, I will have to contend with the Badhakesh giving

me obstacles in gains etc.Visti: Rather, the deity will not let you get the

fruits of your desires, until you give a little in return. How does this tie in

with the curse? There is indeed a link. Furthermore you were born on Dashami

Tithi, which indicates the rebirth due to a desire for fame and recognition..

you almost don't need the D-60.Sudharsan- I think I understand but have to hit

the books here to get deeper into Adhristha vs Dhristha and other forms of


Visti: This was with reference to two types of Aguntaka Roga -

disease/ailments acquired on ones own. These are either visible caused by the

sixth house or invisible and unexplainable caused by the Badhak house. You may

refer to the June edition of the Jyotish Digest, wherein an article on Medical

Astrology was given by Anshumalee Sood.Thanks once again for the knowledge and

guidance.Hare KrishnaSudharsan

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Sudharsan Srinivasan

vedic astrology

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:36 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Curse Analysis-Visti

Dear Visti,Thanks a lot for the input. I did attempt to think on your line of

thought and the results follow after your comments-Visti: To see the exact

reason, you need to use the D-60 chart, you can however get a very basic

reading from the signs and houses involved in the Rasi... especially the sign

involved is important. Take Sri Rama's Chart.The Curse revolves around the

Brahmin Shaapa in the Lagna in Cancer. Cancer is a sign of love and compassion,

hence the curse seeks to teach Sri Rama a lesson in compassion. The reason for

this was because he caused humiliation to his devotee (Mars lords the 5th) Sri

Devarishi Narada (Jupiter). So thou his Jupiter is well placed in Exaltation,

the Curse marres this placement into a lesson. Whether an incarnation of Sri

Vishnu needs to learn such things is a different subject, but thats the

resultant effect. As this happens in the lagna, this must affect his appearance

and personality. Keep in mind that Sri Narada suffered humiliation (shani causes

humiliation and is always opposite the moon - compassion which lords cancer)

because Sri Vishnu turned Sri Narada's face (lagna) into that of a monkey when

he approached his fiancé, resulting in Sri Narada's humiliation and rejection.

Hence the sign and house is all important, and can give us a very good idea

about what happened.You should see a pattern emerging incase of the results of

ones evil deeds. i.e. If there is an evil placement, then the sign indicates

what one should have done and is the lesson taught to one again. This is

especially so incase of the Badhakesh as it shows a broken promise. To make the

right judgement takes some thinking. I will answer Ramanarayan's question

regarding the same in detail later.Sudharsan - In my case the house under

affliction is Pisces. Among other things the natural twelfth house is the house

of giving or moksha i.e giving up. It also indicates a hospital or hermitage. So

one possibility is that i did not serve(6th house) my Father when he was

hospitalised and as a result of which I was cursed.I was cursed so that i learn

the importance of giving.On the other hand the natural twlefth house could also

indicate the after-life or the pitris.I did not offer shraddha to my father in

the past birth as a result of which the pitri shapa of Saturn/Rahu/SUn

occured.In D-60 the Sun is in debility in the 12th house and Rahu/Saturn are in

the ninth house in cancer indicating a deviation from Dharma.So since the ninth

indicates dharma and the duty of a son is to make offerings to his father,I

failed in that duty and was cursed. Visti: Badhakesh's placement is a

different ballgame, the curse is in the 6th house, but the badhakesh is in the

11th.Sudharsan- I got it. The confusion was because I bought in the concept of

Badhakesh which may not have anything to do with curses. So the blessing in the

parivarthana was that if the badhakesh had been in the 6th, I might have

suferred from abhichara.Now, I will have to contend with the Badhakesh giving

me obstacles in gains etc.Visti: Keep in mind that Jupiter becomes Badhakesh

due to the parivartana. Hence; the Adristha (invisible) Aguntaka (aqcuired) Roga

(disease) seen from the Badhakesh, instead becomes Dristha(visible) Aguntaka

Roga, due to the parivartana with 6th lord.Now Sun becoming Rogesh (6th lord),

is joined Shani and Rahu. Rahu is the most malefics here, and is in the 3rd

drekkana in the 6th house, and shows problems in the lower part of the legs,

especially right leg and feet.Sudharsan- I think I understand but have to hit

the books here to get deeper into Adhristha vs Dhristha and other forms of

Karma.Thanks once again for the knowledge and guidance.Hare

KrishnaSudharsanArchives: vedic astrologyGroup

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light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu


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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sudarshan,


Sudharsan - You are so very right. I did incur substantial losses during

Rahu/Sun,the curse in Pisces did result in losses and the same planets were

involved. Interestingly, every time I lost money, there was always the

involvement of a friend(11th house factor). Examples are because a friend

borrows money and does not return the same or some friend gives me an

investment tip that burns me.In the case of servants, I now live in the west

and the concept of servants is alien but when I lived in India,I had the best

of relations with my fathers subordinates and they used to have special regards

for me. I could never bring myself to distinguish people based on their social

status.So I guess this is the Libra factor in play if I understood you.Visti:

6th house also shows long term debts. Indeed the Badhakesh may have helped



Sudharsan - Well, here let me start with the fact that Jupiter who is my

badhakesh is retrograde and that may indicate the fact that the Deity would

want me to give something before giving me the fruits of my desire.The

retrogression involves giving and as a result the Badhakesh is linked to the


Visti: Retro Badhakesh involves giving? a retro badhakesh indicates that

Ganesh is not eating the laddoos you serve to him in the form of prayers,

instead he's holding his weapons eager to pounce on you.


The fifth house stands for fame and recognition and the 7th from it i.e 11th

should indicate desires for fame and recognition.So the placement of the

Badhakesh in the 11th indicates that the desires that caused my birth are

related to fifth house factors and those desires would face delay or

obstacles.The Dasami Tithi is ruled by the moon which stands for fame, thus my

birth in Dasami only confirms the desires as indicated by the badhakesh.But,

can we generalize this concept of the tithi lordship?

Visti: Actually, the 5th shows power and not necessarily fame and

recognition. Instead the Lagna and the 10th house are involved for that. The

Tithi shows deep inner desires and passions, which have forever been there.

Whether we attain them or not is the focal point of the Tithi-Pravesh chart.

Now since the Badhakesh is Guru, is the deity a Guru Tattva Deity such as Sri

Balarama or Sri Nityananda Prabhu?

Visti: Sri Balarama is Mercury, as he is the best remedy against all the

Sarpas. Guru is indeed a form of Guru, and as this happens in Leo, a Guru which

resides in forrests or atop a mountain such as Kailasa could be indicated such

as Lord Shiva.


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Sudharsan Srinivasan

vedic astrology

Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:43 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Curse Analysis-Visti

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Visti,I am amazed by your analysis.Thanks a lot for the

knowledge, I have again attempted to outline my understanding and would

appreciate your comments.Visti: Pisces teaches us how to attain peace,

giving, liberation and moksha. When we don't give, we are forced to loose

through the 12th house in the next life, and this is why Pisces is also the

natural 12th house - i.e. see the balance between Pisces and the 12th house

results? In this mannor understand that all rasi's are beneficial in nature as

they are all trying to give you something - all you have todo is recieve.- Now

when Pisces goes to the 6th house, you must give peace to your servants or even

enemies, or learn to stop eating their bread. The 6th house shows acquired sins,

and hence this may become manifested as diseases as well. Its a peculiar lesson

to learn and the Libra lagna's become the best at weighing and judging the

propper decissions in such case.- As curse of father is involved, it shows that

you caused great sorrow(shani) and shock(rahu) to father(sun), because this

effort was not done in the past life.. i.e. one was too greedy and ate up the

results.- I will not get into the D-60, as we've only just crossed the bridge

of seeing the Rasi acurately. One thing at a time.Sudharsan - You are so very

right. I did incur substantial losses during Rahu/Sun,the curse in Pisces did

result in losses and the same planets were involved. Interestingly, every time

I lost money, there was always the involvement of a friend(11th house factor).

Examples are because a friend borrows money and does not return the same or

some friend gives me an investment tip that burns me.In the case of servants, I

now live in the west and the concept of servants is alien but when I lived in

India,I had the best of relations with my fathers subordinates and they used to

have special regards for me. I could never bring myself to distinguish people

based on their social status.So I guess this is the Libra factor in play if I

understood you.Visti: Rather, the deity will not let you get the fruits of

your desires, until you give a little in return. How does this tie in with the

curse? There is indeed a link. Furthermore you were born on Dashami Tithi,

which indicates the rebirth due to a desire for fame and recognition.. you

almost don't need the D-60.Sudharsan - Well, here let me start with the fact

that Jupiter who is my badhakesh is retrograde and that may indicate the fact

that the Deity would want me to give something before giving me the fruits of

my desire.The retrogression involves giving and as a result the Badhakesh is

linked to the curse.The fifth house stands for fame and recognition and the 7th

from it i.e 11th should indicate desires for fame and recognition.So the

placement of the Badhakesh in the 11th indicates that the desires that caused

my birth are related to fifth house factors and those desires would face delay

or obstacles.The Dasami Tithi is ruled by the moon which stands for fame, thus

my birth in Dasami only confirms the desires as indicated by the badhakesh.But,

can we generalize this concept of the tithi lordship? Now since the Badhakesh is

Guru, is the deity a Guru Tattva Deity such as Sri Balarama or Sri Nityananda

Prabhu?Thanks a ton for making me think.Hare KrishnaSudharsanArchives:

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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Sudarshan,


Sudharsan - So since the curse is Pitri Rina,the artha trikona is the most

important tripod and the curse is also in the 6th house, the mid point for the

artha trikona.Is that how you arrived at the cause of rebirth as being a deep

desire for fame and recognition in addition to the information from Janma

Tithi? I am asking this since you indicated that the 10th house is involved and

essentially the son is connected to the father through profession. This was

atleast true in the olden days.I remember this from VRA.


Visti - Why the father curses you could be for a vareity of reasons, so why

should we particularly focus on the arthatrikona?

The Janma Tithi alone shows the deep passions or desires which we must deal with

in this birth to avoid going to a specific loka again. i.e. this is why we call

Chaturdasi - Naraka Chaturdasi, and people born on this tithi must learn to

control their passions and avoid falling to the adharmic traits of venus. This

is the basis of Mantreswara's remedies based on various tithi's.

Then theres also the 2 paksha which are very important in defining the desire.


Now my combining of the Curse with the tithi, is because usually it is our own

desires which cause the problem in the first place. I.e. if you cheated on your

spouse in the past life, then its not so weird that one is born with the curse

of spouse on oneself. Hence the link. But this cannot be generalised for all

our curses.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Sudharsan Srinivasan

vedic astrology

Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:31 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Curse Analysis-Visti

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Visti,Thank you again for taking the trouble and please

bear with my comments as I am given to vivid imagination and could be way off

the mark. I do plan to get into some serious organized reading and you sir, are

the catalyst.Visti: Retro Badhakesh involves giving? a retro badhakesh

indicates that Ganesh is not eating the laddoos you serve to him in the form of

prayers, instead he's holding his weapons eager to pounce on you.Sudharsan -

Point taken.Geres how I arrived at my previous conclusion .A retro planet gives

results after some delay and also indicates the area of life that requires a lot

of work or effort. Consequently, I thought a retro Badhakesh will expect me to

put in atleast some effort (giving from my side) before granting the fruits of

my desires.In this case, I am trying to connect the Badhakesh to the curse and

the only other connection that I can think of is Guru's lordship of the 6th

house(pisces) where the curse is being played out. Visti: Actually, the 5th

shows power and not necessarily fame and recognition. Instead the Lagna and the

10th house are involved for that. The Tithi shows deep inner desires and

passions, which have forever been there. Whether we attain them or not is the

focal point of the Tithi-Pravesh chart.Sudharsan - So since the curse is Pitri

Rina,the artha trikona is the most important tripod and the curse is also in

the 6th house, the mid point for the artha trikona.Is that how you arrived at

the cause of rebirth as being a deep desire for fame and recognition in

addition to the information from Janma Tithi? I am asking this since you

indicated that the 10th house is involved and essentially the son is connected

to the father through profession. This was atleast true in the olden days.I

remember this from VRA.Visti: Sri Balarama is Mercury, as he is the best

remedy against all the Sarpas. Guru is indeed a form of Guru, and as this

happens in Leo, a Guru which resides in forrests or atop a mountain such as

Kailasa could be indicated such as Lord Shiva.Sudharsan - Interesting that you

mention LOrd Shiva as the Guru as well as my Istha.I am an aspiring Vaishnava

and I start my prayers every day with a prayer to Lord Shiva. Iam in fact

attached to Him as well.I pray for help in controlling my mind and helping me

surrender to Sri Jagannatha and He helps.Though the topic of Ishta is

separate,from some discussions in the past I culled that the Ishta is the

greatest planetary influence on the 12th from Karakamsa. In my case its the Sun

in Virgo.I beleive thats how you arrived at Sri Sadashiva as my ishta.That is

also the 9th from the karakamsa indicating thet the same deity is also my

Dharma Devatha .But my attachment to my Kula Devata Sri Vishnu, and also

specific attachement to Sri Krishna is seen from the 5th from the D-20 Lagna,

wherein we see a mercurial/saturnine influence.I am still learning this not

only from the books and various posts but also through my own inclinations and

observing them.Thanks a lot for your help.Hare KrishnaArchives:

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