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TP and Graha Arudhas (to Vijay Kumar)

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Dear Vijay Kumar,


> Dear Mr. Narsimha,


> Your TP concept seems to be a good concept and I want to learn it.


> Will you pl. tell me where are the details available for this

concept. Of course,


I saw your article in The astrological magazine but I have not read

it fully,


thinking that it may be very brief.


> By the way, I too have contributed an article on "Graha-arudha" in

the same issue


of AM, which may be audited by you after its 2nd part as well gets



> Regards,


> Vijay Kumar


Thank you for the interest. Yes, I did read your article in

the same issue. It was just yesterday that I read it and I

guessed it was the same Vijay Kumar with whom I had an

argument on Parasari vs Jaimini.


It is a very nice article and I am so glad to see graha

arudhas discussed. I've been working with them for a while

now and they're close to my heart. Unfortunately, they are

an ignored concept.


* * *


Regarding TP, Kasim was kind enough to compile some

writings and upload it to the files section. Please go

thru it and I will be glad to help if you have any



What I discussed in my article in AM is my own research/

extensions. Annual and monthly TP charts were taught by

my gurus in our tradition. TP can be looked at as the

lunar/tithi equivalent of Tajaka varshaphal system. The

second book I am currently writing is actually on TP.


* * *


There are some differences in our uses of graha arudha,

as I understood from your article. I am outlining them.

This is just FYI.


(1) In the case of bhava arudhas, Parasara explicitly

said that arudha of a house cannot be in 1st/7th from

the house. In such a case, there are exceptions. My

guru taught me to use the same exceptions in the case of

graha arudhas. Though that was not mentioned by Parasara,

my guru told me it was "understood". However, I am not

fully confident yet.


I see that you do not use the exceptions. It is quite

possible that your interpretation is the correct one.


Atleast in the case of bhava arudhas, I am glad to see

that you use the exceptions. Some scholars like KNRao

ignore the exceptions that were mentioned by both

Parasara and Jaimini.


(2) For finding the stronger sign owned by a planet, we

do not use ashtakavarga. We use Jaimini's sources of

strength as outlined in Jaimini Sutram ("swaami gurujna

drigyogah" etc).


(3) In fact, we consider the graha arudhas of planets

from both the signs owned by it. For example, my lagna

is Virgo and Mercury is in Aries. I have two Mercury

arudhas - one is lagna lord's arudha in Aquarius and

the other is 10th lord's arudha in Leo.


(4) It was not clear from your article what is the

difference between lagna's arudha and lagna lord's



* * *


I will illustrate my approach.


I use each reference in a particular way. To me, signs

are inanimate and planets are animate. Thus houses show

circumstances and lords show people and consciousness.

Arudha means the "risen one" and arudhas show the tangible

manifestation that rises materially. These are things that

rise and become visible.


For example, the 7th house in D-10 shows the circumstances

of interactions in career. The house itself shows the

internal and intangible aspects, while the arudha shows

the externally tangible aspects that rise materially. The

7th lord in D-10 shows the consciousness of one's

interactions. It shows the application of one's intelligence

to interactions. Graha arudha of the 7th lord in D-10 shows

the tangible manifestation of the animated consciousness

behind interactions, i.e. the people with whom one interacts.


Let me take my annual TP chart as an example. Natal data is

4 April 1970, 5:47:13 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India. Annual

TP chart data is 31 March 2003, 12:37:28 am (IST). In D-10,

Aries rises, Saturn is in Libra and Venus is in Taurus.

During Saturn's annual compressed Tithi Ashtottari dasa in

Nov 2003, there was a layoff at my company and I was busy

for 10 days interacting with a laid off colleague and getting

his work tranferred to me, before he left.


Taking the 7th house as lagna, Saturn in it shows some sad

and unfortunate circumstances behind the interactions. But

this sadness is intangible (i.e. does not rise materially)

and is internal. From A7 in Sagittarius, Saturn is in an

upachaya in 11th. Thus, the tangible interactions increased

considerably then. Saturn dasa made me interact more, from

an external/tangibility viewpoint and made me interact with

sadness, from the internal viewpoint. From the 7th lord

Venus (paaka or intelligence/consciousness of interactions),

Saturn is a yoga karaka and occupies upachaya 6th. It is

very auspicious. So my application of intelligence to

interactions increased a lot and I was not only spending

more time with him, but using the time well. But this

application of intelligence to interactions was again

internal and not tangible.


The tangible aspect of the consciousness of this

interaction is that colleague and he is shown by the graha

arudha of 7th lord, which is in Pisces. From there, Saturn

is in 8th, showing worries, anxieties and troubles. That is

the result obtained by the colleague who lost his job then.

He seemed to be worried and working hard to transfer.


This is just to illustrate how I use houses, their arudhas,

house lords and their arudhas. There may be some things

where I am more right and some things where you are more

right. My purpose here is not to argue, but to show the

alternative approach as I use it. This was just FYI.


I look forward to interacting more with you and learning

some things from you. Though our interaction did not

start on a positive note thanks to my strong sense of

loyalty to Parasara, hopefully we can have some

productive scholarly exchanges in future.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Dear Narasimha,

May i write a few lines in this regard?

The 9th house deals with dharma, the supreme veda,vedanta(in short higher

learning) etc., while A9 speaks about the temple/university etc. The 9th lord

is the illuminator/consciousness while the graha arudha of 9th shows the

symbolic representations of dharma - the moorthy/vigraha(deity)/granthas etc.

To the question as to who will give back the consciousness deposited/invested

the answer is the Guru/Lord("TAT TVAM ASI") THE REFLECTOR/MIRROR. The

involvement of the individual in material pursuits does not give back the

consciousness invested. Graha Arudha is definitely the reflector of the

consciousness/reflector of rays of the lord under consideration.

i hope i am clear.

Best wishes.

Astrologically yours,

psramanrayananFree drafts to 700 locations.

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