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Same or Different Aries - Importance - Anna Ji

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Dear Pradeep,

I certainly consider sharing information a worthwhile effort- that's how I learn myself, too.

However, I tackled this issue from several angles in attempt to give a

satisfying response to you, and don't see any other way to do the same. Vargas

are about different levels of reality- non-physical. I would go a step further

and say that most of Jyotish knowledge IMO is about this 'non-tangible' aspect

of reality. /I also had a problem with D charts, not with issue of their

"reality" -that I've accepted easily, but with numbers of varga charts- and

still have: related to rectification issue/inaccuracy of birth time, crucial

for varga charts/

Besides, many good astrologers do not use them,

so if you insist on your standpoint, you maybe one of them- which is quite OK.


But please do not insist 'to be convinced by arguments', you are unwilling to

hear. Set this aside and do your own research and study if you wish. If you are

serious about studying I would suggest that you find a Guru, because it does

save lots of efforts and time- despite the fact that I know that, I've

practically never had a Guru, bad luck, I guess- so I've learnt from any

possible source available, and it does require a huge effort, believe me

Hope you'll take my suggestions and closing 'discussion' on this issue in a good faith.

I wish you good luck in your study,

Annavijayadas_pradeep <vijayadas_pradeep > wrote:

Dear Anna jiThanks for yourself considering me worth discussing though my

knowledge is limited.There can be only two ways of

transformation.a)Transforming a planetary degree in rashi into a certain degree

in divisional charts or b)without tampering the planetary positions one can go

by the definition given by parashara.In the first transformation case advocated

by Narasimha ji, we are assuming, if we make a 3.3 degree in rashi into a full

sign, then where the planet would have been residing in the subsequent

divisions.In the second case there is no assumption, the planet remains where

it is and we try to find the finer surroundings or the environment.(this can be

similar to the jeeva shareera concept of nakshathras).Thus I try to beleive that

rather than assuming, if this 3.3 degree of a sign would had been a full

sign,then where would had been the planet and then how he would had aspected -

it is far far better to stick by the original placement of the planet.I beleive

a planetary aspect will have more strength if it is really aspecting than

assuming how its aspect would had been.Parashara would also love to support

this.I hope you cannot imagine about any new transformation than the two

mentioned.If you can think about a new transformation then I would be happy to

learn.See it is not necessary that, since we have been learning something for

quite sometime and since it has got institutionalised into our brain, we

shouldn't reject it.If there is a flaw it should be pointed out and approached

with positive attittude.Now regarding putting this into test -there is a

problem ,when we get good results we might assume this was because of the

consideration of aspects in divisional charts - while the real reason could had


different.Thus the advantage is if we could research and remove reduntant

techniques - this saves a lot of time, which in turn can be used for other

analysis.Real aspects and real positions are of higher priority for me than

extrapolated positions.ThanksPradeepvedic astrology,

108ar <bona_mente> wrote:> > > Dear Pradeep,> I have a feeling that you

somehow get yourself going in the circle. Chandrashekhar says that he considers

Naksatras and naksatra padas /lorded by different planets. wrt the basic issue-

both seem correct.Let me put it another way: Navamsa falls in Aries- if you

decide not to consider degrees in N. it's Aries, lorded by Mars, if you

consider degrees you can get say 'sub-lord'.../I don't/. > Rashi Lagna falls in

a certain degree, based on which you decide that it is Aries /Naks, naks. padas

and their lordship add additional

information-. And you seem to agree that in that case Aries is Aries. Same can

be applied in Navamsa. That is my understanding.> The best way to deal with

this is to test it in practice- since neither of us has done sufficient

research, we need to place trust in our teachers' opinion- to at least launch

our own research in a suggested manner. > If we focus our attention and be

open-minded, the relevant proofs will appear.> That's my attitude about

studying/teaching. Besides our own logic, there is an 'inherent logic of the

events in any body of knowledge, which may not be the same all the time as our

'inexperienced' one- that's the reason why we need a Guru whom we will /decide

to/ trust.> We can go in the parallel circles, never reaching each other,

otherwise. > And this is far from being the only issue that we'll meet in the

course of our studies.> Best of luck,> Anna>

> vijayadas_pradeep <vijayadas_pradeep> wrote:> Dear Anna Ji> > I totally

agree with you regarding the symbolic representation.But i > try to beleive the

symbol in navamsha is just a symbol within a > symbol.> Because in whatever

possible ways i think of a transformation,i > cannot reach a logical

conclusion.And today i have read that each > pada has a lord.This was what

Chandrashekhar ji was mentioning > yesterday.Though we say whole ashwini is

lorded by ketu(4 padas) , > each individual pada has a lord.> > Just imagine

how will you transform a degree in rashi into > navamsha.If we you are thinking

a transformation of rashi longitude > into navmsha(full sign is possible ) i

have no problem - but then > the navamsha positions what we get from the

software is > incorrect.Because a one to one transformation of rashi as well as

> planetary

position should take place.Either this or that both cannot > go together.But

what the software is doing is perfect as per the > definition of Parashara.> >

Thanks> Pradeep> vedic astrology, 108ar

<bona_mente> > wrote:> > Dear Pradeep,> > I no doubt agree with your

reasoning in general. However, my > understanding of this issue is that 'aries

is aries' because we have > to bear in mind that we deal with the symbolic

representation, so, > if aries happens to be say lagna in varga chart it

represents the > whole sign /otherwise it would be another segment/sign../. I

don't > see contradiction here-just a bit of abstract thinking in applying >

the principle.As,at the same time, not much will manifest from varga >

promisses if rashi-navamsa don't promise that in a 'seed'form, as > well.> >

Hope this helps with

this seemingly contadictory issue.> > Regards,> > Anna> > > > vijayadas_pradeep

<vijayadas_pradeep> wrote:> > Dear Narasimha Ji> > > > I have tried to

explain my understanding of divisional charts with> > numerous examples.> > > >

If you can explain and convince me about the flaw in my logic,in > > terms of> >

Astronomical transformation - then i am happy and no more doubts.> > > > Simple

example is Hora chart.All the planets in D-2 fall in just > Leo > > and> >

Cancer.So what is the use of the other 10 signs in D-2.There is no > > use> >

at all.We could have written down this own a piece of paper as > > well.We> >

are dividing each sign in Rashi into two(Definition of Hora by > > Parashara> >

-one lorded by sun and other by moon).Check whether

the planet is > in > > the> > first half or 2nd; then see whether the sign is

even or odd,based > on> > that we put it in Leo or cancer accordingly.If we

plan to think of> > kendra ,kona aspects and all here in Hora? ,ofcourse we can

think, > > but> > not any help at all.> > > > You have written again statements

like both the 'Aries' are the > same> > and no different 'Aries'.> > I think

when we simply say Aries, it represents a sector of > zodiacal> > arc.But for

astrology the importance of this Aries lies in > > the 'tattwa'> > behind

this.Else it is just a name.Aries or any other sign > represents> > some space

which is comprised of properties like vayu ,agni or > jala ,> > governed by a

planet etc.> > > > Thus the whole zodiac can be considered as a complete whole

which> > consists of individual tattwas.These can be grouped with varying> >

intensities.> > > > For example, when we consider a beam of light - it consists

of > > numerous> > individual rays.Also each ray if we split will contain

tattwas> > 'VIBGYOR'.There can be numerous beams with varying intensity ,but >

the> > basic tattwa is 'VIBGYOR'. > > > > Thus similarly ,When we divide a

zodiacal arc which we call by > > aries, we> > could still find the basic

tattwas repeating.Simple example: Aries > is> > governed by Mars but it

contains three other nakshathras which is > > lorded> > by different

planets,say Ketu,Venus and Sun.And with in 4 padas of> > Ashwini itself one can

find again tattwas of Aries,Taurus,Gemini > and> > Cancer.Thus when we try to

comprehend, it is not the name Aries

> that> > matters, but the tattwa underlying.> > > > Thus the basis of navamsha

is the tattwas of nakshathra padas as> > Chandrashekharji has pointed out.> > >

> I am writing these mails again not to win an arguement,rather to > > check the

validity of the rules we have assumed in divisional > > charts.This check cannot

be done by me as my knowledge is having > its > > limits when compared to the

Gurujis.> > > > > > Thanks> > Pradeep> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Archives:

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