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please tell some remidies for my daughter

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Dear Ram,


Besides astrological remedies, don't forget the natural ones!

A natural antibiotic (which does not replace antibiotics prescribed by your

doctor!) is propolis from bees, available in capsules and as a tincture.

Recovery of the longues is dependent on vitamin C, vitamin E (available in

liquid form), beta-carotene and other carotenoids (available as an emulsion

in soft gels, which can be cut open and mixed through food), zinc and other



For recovering from a disease the intestinal flora is very important,

critical actually. Yoghurt contains healthy bacteria for the intestines, but

for small children there are more suitable bacteria, available in the form

of a watersoluble powder. Please order ABC Dophilus, from Solgar Vitamins.

Go to www.solgar.com for addresses. Most healthfood stores carry it. I don't

know about availability in India. You may also get it from another brand. It

should contain the bacteria Thermophilus and Infantis. Healthy intestines

are the basis of a strong immune system, clean blood and a healthy skin.

Antibiotics, although useful in lifethreatening circumstances,

destroy the intestinal flora, and thus often give more health problems later

on. Also see if you can find some vitamin C powder, or multivitamin drops.


May Lord Dhanvantari protect your child.


Ivar Verploegh (orthomolecular therapist)

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> aum namo bhagavate vasudevaya


dear ivar,

thank you so much for your kindness.obviously i am using all the

natural antibitics and antioxidants you have mentioned.my concern is

only spirutal remidies which are much more important in this mundane

world. of course, i chant the name of lord narayana (viz krishna)

daily,which in my view is the best remedy than anything else but

sometimes i am forced to think in mundane way by the strong force of

maya, then i start searching for mundane remedies by praising the

concerned demi gods.so, i would be thankful if you can mention those

remedies also.


yours humbly







> Besides astrological remedies, don't forget the natural ones!

> A natural antibiotic (which does not replace antibiotics

prescribed by your

> doctor!) is propolis from bees, available in capsules and as a


> Recovery of the longues is dependent on vitamin C, vitamin E

(available in

> liquid form), beta-carotene and other carotenoids (available as an


> in soft gels, which can be cut open and mixed through food), zinc

and other

> anti-oxidants.


> For recovering from a disease the intestinal flora is very


> critical actually. Yoghurt contains healthy bacteria for the

intestines, but

> for small children there are more suitable bacteria, available in

the form

> of a watersoluble powder. Please order ABC Dophilus, from Solgar


> Go to www.solgar.com for addresses. Most healthfood stores carry

it. I don't

> know about availability in India. You may also get it from another

brand. It

> should contain the bacteria Thermophilus and Infantis. Healthy


> are the basis of a strong immune system, clean blood and a healthy


> Antibiotics, although useful in lifethreatening circumstances,

> destroy the intestinal flora, and thus often give more health

problems later

> on. Also see if you can find some vitamin C powder, or

multivitamin drops.


> May Lord Dhanvantari protect your child.


> Ivar Verploegh (orthomolecular therapist)

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