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KalSarpa Yoga--> General

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Hello Gentlepeople:


Rahu in 12th make a person psuedo-religious. This person pretends to

be religious; however, in reality the person is extremely

materialistic and crooked.


This person may live away from the birth place/country and if the 5th

lord is afflicted as well, then such a person is devoid of sexual-

morals and sleeps with MANY partners.


If Rahu in 12th is debilitated, this person may have to face a lot of

litigation in life and even imprisonment.


In the case that is being discussed, KSY is broken by Moon, this

person WILL NOT suffer/feel the effects of KSY or KAY and will

definitely NOT BE religious. -- I tend to concur with analysis done

by Visvanadham.


The classics have clearly stated that ANY PLANET conjoining Rahu or

Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY and we need to follow this doctine

verbatum. If "breaks" in KSY/KAY are not considered, millions and

millions of people would have KSY in their horoscope.




vedic astrology, H S Viswanadham

<vishwanatham@r...> wrote:

> Hare Rama Krishna


> Dear Sanjay Agarwal,


> A natural benefic in the lagna or 7th house or any planet

conjoining Rahu or Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY.


> When it is a natural malefic, the consequences may not be very



> In the given chart, Moon joining Ketu in Pisces means the KAY is

not operative.


> In all likelyhood, the native will not be religious, because of

Rahu in 12th.


> This answers your question, i think.


> regards

> viswanadham


> All Guru Ji' (Sanjay Rath Ji, Narasimha Rao Ji and others...):

> Here is my nephews birth details. He seems to be affected by

> KalSarpa Dosha (Sheshnag KS Yoga to be specific) . I have done some

> analyis but am not able to concentrate enough to get a good reading

> based on an automatic bias towards family. Can someone please

> analyse fromt their points of view and give me some inputs.

> His birth details are:

> 28th Dec, 1995

> 2:55 AM (time of birth)

> Chandigarh, India.

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Dear Mukund:


I have just recently taken up the study of vedic astrology. Just

wanted to add my comments below:


vedic astrology, "monmuk111" <monmuk111>


> Hello Gentlepeople:


> Rahu in 12th make a person psuedo-religious. This person pretends


> be religious; however, in reality the person is extremely

> materialistic and crooked.


I have KAY with Rahu in the 12th in Virgo. I have never been very

religious - but have also never pretended to be religious. I have

always accepted people's religious beliefs for what they.


I may have been materialistic in my youth, but by now materialism is

low on my list of priorities.


As for being crooked, again, I would incur loss rather than cheat

someone else - for even the smallest amount.



> This person may live away from the birth place/country and if the

5th > lord is afflicted as well, then such a person is devoid of

sexual-> morals and sleeps with MANY partners.


I moves away from India early in life. Also, my 5th lord, Saturn, is

combust in the 3rd. I have not had MANY partners - though not for

lacking opportunity. I am actually quite conservative in my

moral/sexual views.


> If Rahu in 12th is debilitated, this person may have to face a lot


> litigation in life and even imprisonment.


> In the case that is being discussed, KSY is broken by Moon, this

> person WILL NOT suffer/feel the effects of KSY or KAY and will

> definitely NOT BE religious. -- I tend to concur with analysis done

> by Visvanadham.


> The classics have clearly stated that ANY PLANET conjoining Rahu or

> Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY and we need to follow this doctine

> verbatum. If "breaks" in KSY/KAY are not considered, millions and

> millions of people would have KSY in their horoscope.


> Mukund


> vedic astrology, H S Viswanadham

> <vishwanatham@r...> wrote:

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> >

> > Dear Sanjay Agarwal,

> >

> > A natural benefic in the lagna or 7th house or any planet

> conjoining Rahu or Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY.

> >

> > When it is a natural malefic, the consequences may not be very

> pleasant.

> >

> > In the given chart, Moon joining Ketu in Pisces means the KAY is

> not operative.

> >

> > In all likelyhood, the native will not be religious, because of

> Rahu in 12th.

> >

> > This answers your question, i think.

> >

> > regards

> > viswanadham

> >

> > All Guru Ji' (Sanjay Rath Ji, Narasimha Rao Ji and others...):

> > Here is my nephews birth details. He seems to be affected by

> > KalSarpa Dosha (Sheshnag KS Yoga to be specific) . I have done


> > analyis but am not able to concentrate enough to get a good


> > based on an automatic bias towards family. Can someone please

> > analyse fromt their points of view and give me some inputs.

> > His birth details are:

> > 28th Dec, 1995

> > 2:55 AM (time of birth)

> > Chandigarh, India.

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Hello Shirish:


Thanks for sharing your experience, more people share their

experiences, the better understanding we have of Jyotish.


I'm trying to collect information on peoples' experiences in Rahu

mahadasa as very little has been written about Rahu mahadasa in the

scriptures, but haven't had much response from people who've

experienced this LONG dasa.






vedic astrology, "shirishcom"

<shirishcom> wrote:

> Dear Mukund:


> I have just recently taken up the study of vedic astrology. Just

> wanted to add my comments below:


> vedic astrology, "monmuk111"


> wrote:

> > Hello Gentlepeople:

> >

> > Rahu in 12th make a person psuedo-religious. This person pretends

> to

> > be religious; however, in reality the person is extremely

> > materialistic and crooked.

> ___

> I have KAY with Rahu in the 12th in Virgo. I have never been very

> religious - but have also never pretended to be religious. I have

> always accepted people's religious beliefs for what they.


> I may have been materialistic in my youth, but by now materialism


> low on my list of priorities.


> As for being crooked, again, I would incur loss rather than cheat

> someone else - for even the smallest amount.

> _____


> > This person may live away from the birth place/country and if the

> 5th > lord is afflicted as well, then such a person is devoid of

> sexual-> morals and sleeps with MANY partners.

> _____

> I moves away from India early in life. Also, my 5th lord, Saturn,


> combust in the 3rd. I have not had MANY partners - though not for

> lacking opportunity. I am actually quite conservative in my

> moral/sexual views.

> ____

> > If Rahu in 12th is debilitated, this person may have to face a


> of

> > litigation in life and even imprisonment.

> >

> > In the case that is being discussed, KSY is broken by Moon, this

> > person WILL NOT suffer/feel the effects of KSY or KAY and will

> > definitely NOT BE religious. -- I tend to concur with analysis


> > by Visvanadham.

> >

> > The classics have clearly stated that ANY PLANET conjoining Rahu


> > Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY and we need to follow this doctine

> > verbatum. If "breaks" in KSY/KAY are not considered, millions and

> > millions of people would have KSY in their horoscope.

> >

> > Mukund

> >

> > vedic astrology, H S Viswanadham

> > <vishwanatham@r...> wrote:

> > > Hare Rama Krishna

> > >

> > > Dear Sanjay Agarwal,

> > >

> > > A natural benefic in the lagna or 7th house or any planet

> > conjoining Rahu or Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY.

> > >

> > > When it is a natural malefic, the consequences may not be very

> > pleasant.

> > >

> > > In the given chart, Moon joining Ketu in Pisces means the KAY


> > not operative.

> > >

> > > In all likelyhood, the native will not be religious, because of

> > Rahu in 12th.

> > >

> > > This answers your question, i think.

> > >

> > > regards

> > > viswanadham

> > >

> > > All Guru Ji' (Sanjay Rath Ji, Narasimha Rao Ji and others...):

> > > Here is my nephews birth details. He seems to be affected by

> > > KalSarpa Dosha (Sheshnag KS Yoga to be specific) . I have done

> some

> > > analyis but am not able to concentrate enough to get a good

> reading

> > > based on an automatic bias towards family. Can someone please

> > > analyse fromt their points of view and give me some inputs.

> > > His birth details are:

> > > 28th Dec, 1995

> > > 2:55 AM (time of birth)

> > > Chandigarh, India.

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Dear Mukund,

I have the same interest- I happened to have four people close to me in Rahu MD-

One is 'drastic' example: with Rahu from nineth involved in sarpa yoga with Sa

/RY /and badhakesh/ for Taurus, in 6th-Libra, Lord of 9th/- with aspect by Ju

in Lagna- rahu MD has been excellent so far! Ra/Ju, Ra/Sa, excellent.

Another ex. Rahu in 7th in Ta, aspected by Ju in 1st- generally good- but

'sudden' 'upsetting' health problems of a husband, short temper of a native..

Third, Rahu in 12th, erratic behaviour, long trips in Ra/Ju..Not very

favourable, but other circumstances /transit/ intervene. Fourth- generally

good, but with 'upsetting' events /again transit -and natal- factors

interventions/, sudden break-up of relationship..

Hope this helps.

Impatience, suddenness, seem to be common.


Annamonmuk111 <monmuk111 > wrote:

Hello Shirish:Thanks for sharing your experience, more people share their

experiences, the better understanding we have of Jyotish. I'm trying to collect

information on peoples' experiences in Rahu mahadasa as very little has been

written about Rahu mahadasa in the scriptures, but haven't had much response

from people who've experienced this LONG dasa.Mukund--- In

vedic astrology, "shirishcom" <shirishcom> wrote:> Dear

Mukund: > > I have just recently taken up the study of vedic astrology. Just

> wanted to add my comments below:> > vedic astrology,

"monmuk111" <monmuk111> > wrote:> > Hello Gentlepeople:> > > > Rahu in

12th make a person psuedo-religious. This person

pretends > to > > be religious; however, in reality the person is extremely > >

materialistic and crooked. >

___> I have KAY with Rahu in

the 12th in Virgo. I have never been very > religious - but have also never

pretended to be religious. I have > always accepted people's religious beliefs

for what they.> > I may have been materialistic in my youth, but by now

materialism is > low on my list of priorities.> > As for being crooked, again,

I would incur loss rather than cheat > someone else - for even the smallest

amount.> _____> > > This

person may live away from the birth place/country and if the > 5th > lord is

afflicted as well, then such a person is devoid of > sexual-> morals and sleeps

with MANY partners.>

_____> I moves away from India

early in life. Also, my 5th lord, Saturn, is > combust in the 3rd. I have not

had MANY partners - though not for > lacking opportunity. I am actually quite

conservative in my > moral/sexual views.>

____> > If Rahu in 12th is

debilitated, this person may have to face a lot > of > > litigation in life and

even imprisonment.> > > > In the case that is being discussed, KSY is broken by

Moon, this > > person WILL NOT suffer/feel the effects of KSY or KAY and will >

> definitely NOT BE religious. -- I tend to concur with analysis done > > by

Visvanadham.> > > > The classics have clearly stated that ANY PLANET conjoining

Rahu or > > Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY and we need to follow this

doctine > > verbatum. If "breaks" in KSY/KAY are not considered, millions and >

> millions of people would have KSY in their horoscope.> > > > Mukund> > > >

vedic astrology, H S Viswanadham > > <vishwanatham@r...>

wrote:> > > Hare Rama Krishna> > > > > > Dear Sanjay Agarwal,> > > > > > A

natural benefic in the lagna or 7th house or any planet > > conjoining Rahu or

Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY.> > > > > > When it is a natural malefic, the

consequences may not be very > > pleasant.> > > > > > In the given chart, Moon

joining Ketu in Pisces means the KAY is > > not operative.> > > > > > In all

likelyhood, the native will not be religious, because of > > Rahu in 12th.>

> > > > > This answers your question, i think.> > > > > > regards> > >

viswanadham> > > > > > All Guru Ji' (Sanjay Rath Ji, Narasimha Rao Ji and

others...):> > > Here is my nephews birth details. He seems to be affected by>

> > KalSarpa Dosha (Sheshnag KS Yoga to be specific) . I have done > some> > >

analyis but am not able to concentrate enough to get a good > reading> > >

based on an automatic bias towards family. Can someone please> > > analyse

fromt their points of view and give me some inputs.> > > His birth details

are:> > > 28th Dec, 1995> > > 2:55 AM (time of birth)> > > Chandigarh,

India.Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us ....... To visit your group on the web, go

to:vedic astrology/ To from this

group, send an email to:vedic astrology Your use

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Dear mukund,


What are the details you are looking for. I had completed 18 years of rahu







monmuk111 [monmuk111]

Monday, January 05, 2004 9:09 PM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: KalSarpa Yoga--> General


Hello Shirish:


Thanks for sharing your experience, more people share their

experiences, the better understanding we have of Jyotish.


I'm trying to collect information on peoples' experiences in Rahu

mahadasa as very little has been written about Rahu mahadasa in the

scriptures, but haven't had much response from people who've

experienced this LONG dasa.






vedic astrology, "shirishcom"

<shirishcom> wrote:

> Dear Mukund:


> I have just recently taken up the study of vedic astrology. Just

> wanted to add my comments below:


> vedic astrology, "monmuk111"


> wrote:

> > Hello Gentlepeople:

> >

> > Rahu in 12th make a person psuedo-religious. This person pretends

> to

> > be religious; however, in reality the person is extremely

> > materialistic and crooked.

> ___

> I have KAY with Rahu in the 12th in Virgo. I have never been very

> religious - but have also never pretended to be religious. I have

> always accepted people's religious beliefs for what they.


> I may have been materialistic in my youth, but by now materialism


> low on my list of priorities.


> As for being crooked, again, I would incur loss rather than cheat

> someone else - for even the smallest amount.

> _____


> > This person may live away from the birth place/country and if the

> 5th > lord is afflicted as well, then such a person is devoid of

> sexual-> morals and sleeps with MANY partners.

> _____

> I moves away from India early in life. Also, my 5th lord, Saturn,


> combust in the 3rd. I have not had MANY partners - though not for

> lacking opportunity. I am actually quite conservative in my

> moral/sexual views.

> ____

> > If Rahu in 12th is debilitated, this person may have to face a


> of

> > litigation in life and even imprisonment.

> >

> > In the case that is being discussed, KSY is broken by Moon, this

> > person WILL NOT suffer/feel the effects of KSY or KAY and will

> > definitely NOT BE religious. -- I tend to concur with analysis


> > by Visvanadham.

> >

> > The classics have clearly stated that ANY PLANET conjoining Rahu


> > Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY and we need to follow this doctine

> > verbatum. If "breaks" in KSY/KAY are not considered, millions and

> > millions of people would have KSY in their horoscope.

> >

> > Mukund

> >

> > vedic astrology, H S Viswanadham

> > <vishwanatham@r...> wrote:

> > > Hare Rama Krishna

> > >

> > > Dear Sanjay Agarwal,

> > >

> > > A natural benefic in the lagna or 7th house or any planet

> > conjoining Rahu or Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY.

> > >

> > > When it is a natural malefic, the consequences may not be very

> > pleasant.

> > >

> > > In the given chart, Moon joining Ketu in Pisces means the KAY


> > not operative.

> > >

> > > In all likelyhood, the native will not be religious, because of

> > Rahu in 12th.

> > >

> > > This answers your question, i think.

> > >

> > > regards

> > > viswanadham

> > >

> > > All Guru Ji' (Sanjay Rath Ji, Narasimha Rao Ji and others...):

> > > Here is my nephews birth details. He seems to be affected by

> > > KalSarpa Dosha (Sheshnag KS Yoga to be specific) . I have done

> some

> > > analyis but am not able to concentrate enough to get a good

> reading

> > > based on an automatic bias towards family. Can someone please

> > > analyse fromt their points of view and give me some inputs.

> > > His birth details are:

> > > 28th Dec, 1995

> > > 2:55 AM (time of birth)

> > > Chandigarh, India.
















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Dear Pradeep,

it is Ann, who shared her difficult childhood experience- and helped us collect

more information-that it seems that Rahu MD tend to be more difficult the

younger the age when it happens-

in four examples I've given, the youngest person seems to be the most

'bewildered'- life experience/maturity certainly helps in handling this

ambiguous /at least/ R. nature.

As for Ann, and her understandable fear of Rahu AD, this may sound comforting!

Re gards,

Annamonmuk111 <monmuk111 > wrote:

Thanks Anne for sharing this and your story as well.Mukund--- In

vedic astrology, 108ar wrote:> Dear Mukund,> I have the same

interest- I happened to have four people close to me in Rahu MD- > One is

'drastic' example: with Rahu from nineth involved in sarpa yoga with Sa /RY

/and badhakesh/ for Taurus, in 6th-Libra, Lord of 9th/- with aspect by Ju in

Lagna- rahu MD has been excellent so far! Ra/Ju, Ra/Sa, excellent.> Another ex.

Rahu in 7th in Ta, aspected by Ju in 1st- generally good- but 'sudden'

'upsetting' health problems of a husband, short temper of a native..> Third,

Rahu in 12th, erratic behaviour, long trips in Ra/Ju..Not very favourable, but

other circumstances /transit/ intervene. Fourth- generally good, but with

'upsetting' events /again transit -and

natal-factors interventions/, sudden break-up of relationship..> Hope this

helps.> Impatience, suddenness, seem to be common.> Regards,> Anna> > monmuk111

wrote:> Hello Shirish:> > Thanks for sharing your experience, more people share

their > experiences, the better understanding we have of Jyotish. > > I'm

trying to collect information on peoples' experiences in Rahu > mahadasa as

very little has been written about Rahu mahadasa in the > scriptures, but

haven't had much response from people who've > experienced this LONG dasa.> >

Mukund> > > > vedic astrology, "shirishcom" > wrote:> >

Dear Mukund: > > > > I have just recently taken up the study of vedic

astrology. Just > > wanted to add my comments below:> > > >

vedic astrology, "monmuk111" > > > wrote:> > > Hello

Gentlepeople:> > > > > > Rahu in 12th make a person psuedo-religious. This

person pretends > > to > > > be religious; however, in reality the person is

extremely > > > materialistic and crooked. > >

___> > I have KAY with Rahu

in the 12th in Virgo. I have never been very > > religious - but have also

never pretended to be religious. I have > > always accepted people's religious

beliefs for what they.> > > > I may have been materialistic in my youth, but by

now materialism > is > > low on my list of priorities.> > > > As for being

crooked, again, I would incur loss rather than cheat > > someone else - for

even the smallest

amount.> > _____> > > > > This

person may live away from the birth place/country and if the > > 5th > lord is

afflicted as well, then such a person is devoid of > > sexual-> morals and

sleeps with MANY partners.> >

_____> > I moves away from

India early in life. Also, my 5th lord, Saturn, > is > > combust in the 3rd. I

have not had MANY partners - though not for > > lacking opportunity. I am

actually quite conservative in my > > moral/sexual views.> >

____> > > If Rahu in 12th is

debilitated, this person may have to face a > lot > > of > > > litigation in

life and even imprisonment.> > > > > > In the case that is being discussed,

KSY is broken by Moon, this > > > person WILL NOT suffer/feel the effects of KSY

or KAY and will > > > definitely NOT BE religious. -- I tend to concur with

analysis > done > > > by Visvanadham.> > > > > > The classics have clearly

stated that ANY PLANET conjoining Rahu > or > > > Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY

and we need to follow this doctine > > > verbatum. If "breaks" in KSY/KAY are

not considered, millions and > > > millions of people would have KSY in their

horoscope.> > > > > > Mukund> > > > > > vedic astrology,

H S Viswanadham > > > wrote:> > > > Hare Rama Krishna> > > > > > > > Dear Sanjay

Agarwal,> > > > > > > > A natural benefic in the lagna or 7th house or any

planet > > > conjoining Rahu or Ketu breaks the KSY or KAY.> > > > > > > > When

it is a natural malefic, the consequences may not be very > > > pleasant.> > >

> > > > > In the given chart, Moon joining Ketu in Pisces means the KAY > is >

> > not operative.> > > > > > > > In all likelyhood, the native will not be

religious, because of > > > Rahu in 12th.> > > > > > > > This answers your

question, i think.> > > > > > > > regards> > > > viswanadham> > > > > > > > All

Guru Ji' (Sanjay Rath Ji, Narasimha Rao Ji and others...):> > > > Here is my

nephews birth details. He seems to be affected by> > > > KalSarpa Dosha

(Sheshnag KS Yoga to be specific) . I have done > >

some> > > > analyis but am not able to concentrate enough to get a good > >

reading> > > > based on an automatic bias towards family. Can someone please> >

> > analyse fromt their points of view and give me some inputs.> > > > His birth

details are:> > > > 28th Dec, 1995> > > > 2:55 AM (time of birth)> > > >

Chandigarh, India.> > > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > > > >

Sponsor> > > >


Groups Links> > >

vedic astrology/> > To from this

group, send an email to:> vedic astrology> > Your

use of is subject to the > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Find out what made

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Hello Ivar:


You're 100% correct. The sciptures have mentioned results of planets

in rashis and planets in houses; however, these results don't seem to

apply to each and every individual.


Scriptures or the translators of these Sanskrit scriptures have

painted the results of planets in rashis and houses with a very broad

brush and this applies even more to the stuff written about Rahu and



Scripture have talked about horrible things happening to individuals

in Rahu mahadasa. The only houses/rashis where the scriptures have

unanimously mentioned GOOD results for Rahu are the 3rd, 6th and 11th

houses and Gemini, Taurus and Aries rashis. However, I've seen all

kinds of GOOD things happening to individuals during their Rahu



So the question/issue that I'm trying to address/research is what

placements of Rahu, without fail, give BAD results and what

placements of Rahu, without fail, give GOOD results?


I've seen the case of Dhirubhai Ambani (Indian business Tycoon) where

he went from rags to riches and established a multi-billion dollar

business empire during his Rahu dasa. But, the scriputres generally

say NEGATIVE things about Rahu dasa.


ALSO, question for the GURUS--Rahu is supposed to be an enemy of Mars

and so it should give BAD results in rashis of Mars. Ya, Scorpio is

the debilitation rashi of Rahu, but why does Rahu give GOOD results

in Aries which is owned by Mars as well--ALL authorities unanimously

say that Rahu gives EXCELLENT results in Aries!!!


Thank you all.



vedic astrology, "Ivar Verploegh"

<i.d.verploegh@z...> wrote:

> Rahu in the 12th doesn't necesserily make one pseudo-religious, nor


> anyone's Rahu dasha be compared to someone elses.


> Ivar

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Dear Mukund,


Rahu's exaltation house is Mithuna so far as phalitha jyotish vidya is

concerned. As regards Ayur bhava the considerations are different. If Aries is

the lagna and Rahu is found placed there, the graha arudha of Rahu falls in the

9th house viz., Dhanur thereby Rahu is able to establish the links between 1st

house and bhagya bhava and express his intentions of going after fortune.


Jyotish vidya talks about kaala as well as "Mahakala". Dressing up the Ahankara

and wedding it to Kaala is one option and the other is to undress the Ahankara

and surrender it to Mahakala is the other option. There is no flaw in the

mirror/jyotish vidya. In other words Jyotish vidya helps in bringing out not

only, the projections but also illuminations about the projector.


Svara/swasa is the unit of kaala(time measurement) and "MAHESWARA/MAHAKALA" is

the ultimate authority. This is a knowledge gained from the Jyotish vidya.


Best wishes.


Astrologically yours,


p.s.ramanarayanan.monmuk111 <monmuk111 > wrote:

Hello Ivar:You're 100% correct. The sciptures have mentioned results of planets

in rashis and planets in houses; however, these results don't seem to apply to

each and every individual. Scriptures or the translators of these Sanskrit

scriptures have painted the results of planets in rashis and houses with a very

broad brush and this applies even more to the stuff written about Rahu and

Ketu.Scripture have talked about horrible things happening to individuals in

Rahu mahadasa. The only houses/rashis where the scriptures have unanimously

mentioned GOOD results for Rahu are the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses and Gemini,

Taurus and Aries rashis. However, I've seen all kinds of GOOD things happening

to individuals during their Rahu mahadasa.So the question/issue that I'm trying

to address/research is what placements of

Rahu, without fail, give BAD results and what placements of Rahu, without fail,

give GOOD results?I've seen the case of Dhirubhai Ambani (Indian business

Tycoon) where he went from rags to riches and established a multi-billion

dollar business empire during his Rahu dasa. But, the scriputres generally say

NEGATIVE things about Rahu dasa.ALSO, question for the GURUS--Rahu is supposed

to be an enemy of Mars and so it should give BAD results in rashis of Mars. Ya,

Scorpio is the debilitation rashi of Rahu, but why does Rahu give GOOD results

in Aries which is owned by Mars as well--ALL authorities unanimously say that

Rahu gives EXCELLENT results in Aries!!!Thank you all.Mukund--- In

vedic astrology, "Ivar Verploegh" wrote:> Rahu in the 12th

doesn't necesserily make one pseudo-religious, nor can> anyone's Rahu dasha be

compared to someone elses.> >

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Dear Rama Narayanan,


Very well written. i am still reading your write up on 'free will & destiny',

which has so much meaning. Pls keep writing with the amount of clarity, which

you always do.


In case of Ayur bhava, what are the considerations?


Can you pls clarify.



viswanadhamrama narayanan <sree88ganesha (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:




Dear Mukund,


Rahu's exaltation house is Mithuna so far as phalitha jyotish vidya is

concerned. As regards Ayur bhava the considerations are different. If Aries is

the lagna and Rahu is found placed there, the graha arudha of Rahu falls in the

9th house viz., Dhanur thereby Rahu is able to establish the links between 1st

house and bhagya bhava and express his intentions of going after fortune.


Jyotish vidya talks about kaala as well as "Mahakala". Dressing up the Ahankara

and wedding it to Kaala is one option and the other is to undress the Ahankara

and surrender it to Mahakala is the other option. There is no flaw in the

mirror/jyotish vidya. In other words Jyotish vidya helps in bringing out not

only, the projections but also illuminations about the projector.


Svara/swasa is the unit of kaala(time measurement) and "MAHESWARA/MAHAKALA" is

the ultimate authority. This is a knowledge gained from the Jyotish vidya.


Best wishes.


Astrologically yours,



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