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Sat, 9 Aug 2003 14:29:25 -0700 (PDT)

Sudharsan Srinivasan sudhar108

Re: help needed

R L jigyasoo_purush


Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Rajiv,


The problem in this case is a curse. Your sister illtreated her maternal uncle

in the previous birth causing deep sorrow and anger. This has resulted in a

curse in the 2nd house from Upapada Lagna that determines the longevity of a

marriage.It also seems like your sister took this decision and it could have

been impulsive(mars the UL lord is in the 2nd from UL). The curse also plays

out in the 5th house from lagna and has an effect on relationships.

Relationships could break because of domination(Sun) and anger(mars).


Her atmakaraka mercury is involved and as a result any remedy can only be

provided by her IstaDevatha.Her ista devata is indicated by the most dominant

influence on the 12th house to Karakamsa.Here the rasi Dristhi is from makara

and we have the Moon and Rahu posited there. She could offer prayers to Sri

Balaji of Tirupathi which is considered a Chandra Kshetra and this will also

help in pacifying Rahu.Moreover since the Atmakaraka is Mercury, a Vishnu

tattva deity is more appropriate. Alternatively if she is attached to Mother

Parvathi, she can also offer prayers.


I also notice that she is suceptible to blackmagic and this can be countered by

pacifying the badhakesh (mars) in this instance. Please ask her to offer

prayers to Shri Narasimhadeva (A good prayer is the matrarajapada stotra sung

by Lord Shiva in praise of Lord Narasimha-Iam attaching it and she must sing

this everyday in the morning)


She must observe a strict fast on Tuesdays and please ask her to chant the manthra

Om Vishnave Namah 3x108 times everyday. She must also chant the manthra OM NAMO

NARAYANAYA 3X108 times. This will help her find a good spouse and also benefit

her immensely.


Whenever she is free please ask her to chant the Maha Manthra(108 times atleast

recommneded), this will relase her from any form of Bandhana-


Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Iam posting this to the group so that if Visti or other Gurus want to comment they could do so.


Hare Krishna

SudharsanR L <jigyasoo_purush > wrote:

Dear Sudarshan ji,

my sister is going thru a rough time and with that we are also going thru one.

She has just now gone thru divorce. Can you seen what is there in her horoscope

for divorce and how does her future prospects seem to be.


dob - 20 May 1968

time - 12:12 a.m.

place - baroda, gujarat, india







Attachment: (application/pdf) mantraraajapadastotram.pdf [not stored]

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) RajivsSister.jhd [not stored]

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) RajivsSister.jhd [not stored]

Attachment: (application/pdf) mantraraajapadastotram.pdf [not stored]

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  • 3 months later...

Dear Sir,

>From 24-9-2003 to 2-12-2003you will be having the

period of Guru dasa-Budha bhukthi -Chandra

antaram.This period ought to be 2quite favourable for

studies.Moon has Paksha balam.Mercury who aspects own

house is not combust.I hope this helps you to go

ashead with your analysis.

With my pranams to our Gurus.








--- Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal wrote:

> Dear Friends

> I want to know about my studies.

> I can not consuntrate on my studies. My Name is

> Ankur Kaushal,

> Birth Date is Dec, 20, 1983

> Birth Time 16:11 hrs

> Birth Place Ludhiana, Punjab

> Please tell me can I study Further or not


> Thanks

> Ankur Kaushal









Jagannathan .




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Dear Sir,

Thanks for the answer

Ankur Kaushal


kapisthalam jagannathan

vedic astrology

Thursday, November 13, 2003 9:07 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Help Needed

Dear Sir,>From 24-9-2003 to 2-12-2003you will be having theperiod of Guru

dasa-Budha bhukthi -Chandraantaram.This period ought to be 2quite favourable

forstudies.Moon has Paksha balam.Mercury who aspects ownhouse is not combust.I

hope this helps you to goashead with your analysis.With my pranams to our

Gurus.Regards,jagannathan. --- Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal (AT) glide (DOT) net.in>

wrote:> Dear Friends> I want to know about my studies.> I

can not consuntrate on my studies. My Name is> Ankur Kaushal, > Birth Date is

Dec, 20, 1983> Birth Time 16:11 hrs> Birth Place Ludhiana, Punjab> Please

tell me can I study Further or not> > Thanks> Ankur Kaushal> > >



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Please tell us so far what you are studying about, where you are at

studies,means what is your educational achievements so far. What do you wish to

do etc along with your question we can help.

A. Ramani.

Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal (AT) glide (DOT) net.in> wrote:

Dear Friends

I want to know about my studies. I can not consuntrate on my

studies. My Name is Ankur Kaushal,

Birth Date is Dec, 20, 1983

Birth Time 16:11 hrs

Birth Place Ludhiana, Punjab

Please tell me can I study Further or not



Ankur Kaushal


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It is better to did the technical course, you can do only the technical

course. You said you could not concentrate on your studies. You can concentrate

keep trying. I do not know CCNS means. If your graduation is on computer

hardware means you can do well.

Now Sade sathe is going on, daily worship God and start your studies you can do.

A. Ramani.



Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal (AT) glide (DOT) net.in> wrote:

Dear Ramani Sir,

I have cleared +2, and having diploma in Computer

hardware from Mehar Chand Polytechnic, Jallandhar, Punjab. I tried for

Graduation last year but got failed. I am trying this year Also. At present I

am working in a paging company. I have made my mind to do CCNA also. Please

tell me is there any possibilty for me to do these



Ankur Kaushal


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Saturday, November 15, 2003 11:30 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Help Needed

Hi Ankur

Please tell us so far what you are studying about, where you are at

studies,means what is your educational achievements so far. What do you wish to

do etc along with your question we can help.

A. Ramani.

Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal (AT) glide (DOT) net.in> wrote:

Dear Friends

I want to know about my studies. I can not consuntrate on my

studies. My Name is Ankur Kaushal,

Birth Date is Dec, 20, 1983

Birth Time 16:11 hrs

Birth Place Ludhiana, Punjab

Please tell me can I study Further or not



Ankur Kaushal


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Dear Ramani Sir,

I have cleared +2, and having diploma in Computer

hardware from Mehar Chand Polytechnic, Jallandhar, Punjab. I tried for

Graduation last year but got failed. I am trying this year Also. At present I

am working in a paging company. I have made my mind to do CCNA also. Please

tell me is there any possibilty for me to do these



Ankur Kaushal


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Saturday, November 15, 2003 11:30 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Help Needed

Hi Ankur

Please tell us so far what you are studying about, where you are at

studies,means what is your educational achievements so far. What do you wish to

do etc along with your question we can help.

A. Ramani.

Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal (AT) glide (DOT) net.in> wrote:

Dear Friends

I want to know about my studies. I can not consuntrate on my

studies. My Name is Ankur Kaushal,

Birth Date is Dec, 20, 1983

Birth Time 16:11 hrs

Birth Place Ludhiana, Punjab

Please tell me can I study Further or not



Ankur Kaushal


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Thank u for answering


ankur kaushal


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, November 17, 2003 2:46 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Help Needed

Dear Ankur

It is better to did the technical course, you can do only the technical

course. You said you could not concentrate on your studies. You can concentrate

keep trying. I do not know CCNS means. If your graduation is on computer

hardware means you can do well.

Now Sade sathe is going on, daily worship God and start your studies you can do.

A. Ramani.



Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal (AT) glide (DOT) net.in> wrote:

Dear Ramani Sir,

I have cleared +2, and having diploma in Computer

hardware from Mehar Chand Polytechnic, Jallandhar, Punjab. I tried for

Graduation last year but got failed. I am trying this year Also. At present I

am working in a paging company. I have made my mind to do CCNA also. Please

tell me is there any possibilty for me to do these



Ankur Kaushal


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Saturday, November 15, 2003 11:30 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Help Needed

Hi Ankur

Please tell us so far what you are studying about, where you are at

studies,means what is your educational achievements so far. What do you wish to

do etc along with your question we can help.

A. Ramani.

Ankur Kaushal <ankurkaushal (AT) glide (DOT) net.in> wrote:

Dear Friends

I want to know about my studies. I can not consuntrate on my

studies. My Name is Ankur Kaushal,

Birth Date is Dec, 20, 1983

Birth Time 16:11 hrs

Birth Place Ludhiana, Punjab

Please tell me can I study Further or not



Ankur Kaushal


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  • 1 month later...


I'm a passive member of this group since last year. I've read few

posts off and on. I need help from you. Can you pls. tell me when my

wife will get a job? Her birth details are :

Oct22nd,1975. bathinda(Bhatinda).11:40 PM Approx.


She is trying for almost 9 months now. I'm in USA. She is looking for

a job in Comp.

Can you pls. also tell me which field will be beneficial for her?


I'm very tense now a days.


Pls. help,


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