Guest guest Posted January 7, 2004 Report Share Posted January 7, 2004 Dear Pradeep, I wanted to get out of this argument, but am forced to stay after you dragged a great scholar into it and used his name wrongly. > Dear Narasimha ji> > I have no more logic or knowledge to convince you.Now you are saying > you dont care for Santhanam's logic as well.> > The very shloka you have quoted was translated by Santhanam(as per > your mail).So do you think Santhanam didn't understand the meaning of I don't have to "think". Santhanam himself confessed so. Read on... > this shloka while mentioning his views in 'Deva Keralam'.Now i have > to study this shloka well as i am not good in sanskrit. I am pretty sure you haven't seen what Santhanam wrote in his BPHS translation regarding the verse I quoted. If you did, you wouldn't write the above. Unfortunately, you are more keen on winning a debate than on checking out the references provided carefully. Santhanam translated the verse exactly as I did (after all, there is no ambiguity or scope for translating in any other way!), but confessed that he could not really understand how it could be! He accepted his limitations and left it at that. So whatever he wrote in other books on this issue can be safely ignored. This is what he wrote regarding 39-13 of BPHS. [Note: I am copying it verbatim, including the punctuation. Please note that this material is copyrighted by Ranjan Publications and I am quoting it to just show a point. Those who want this wonderful book may kindly contact Ranjan Publications (phone: 3278835 in New Delhi, India).] "If the six divisions (shadvargas) of the ascendant is occupied or aspected by one and the same planet, a Raja yoga is doubtlessly formed. According to the aspect is full, half or one fourth, results will be in order full, medium and negligible. "Notes: Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Trimsamsa, Navamsa and Dvadasamsa constitute Shadvarga or six divisions. If a planet occupies the ascendant in all these 6 charts it causes a powerful Raja yoga. Aspects are referred to in the divisional charts here. I am unable to fully conceive the logic in aspects in divisional charts for the sage himself referred to longitudinal aspectual evaluation in an earlier chapter. Without commenting further on this controversial aspect I leave it at that, accepting my limitation to explain this fully." Now, two important points: (1) As far as translation itself is concerned, there is no controversy or ambiguity. Both Santhanam and I translate it the same way. So let us be clear that Parasara is unambiguous that aspects are valid in divisional charts (more specifically, aspects for which magnitude is defined atleast in terms of "full", "half" and "quarter"). (2) But, how it can be true is something that the great Santhanam could not "conceive". He could not understand it and accepted that it was his limitation. So he left it at that, instead of challenging or misinterpreting the sage (which is a great quality in a translator and I admire Santhanam for that). Thus, if Santhanam makes any comments on aspects in divisional charts in any other book, they are worth nothing. There is a clear dictum of Parasara which he confessed not to understand. What good are his views on this topic then? * * * The great Santhanam was unnecessarily confused, after accurately translating the verse. Let us see how the verse can make sense without contradicting the sage's previous chapters. Possibility 0: The sage was talking about sign aspects mentioned in chapter 8 (raasi drishti kathanaadhyaya). Problem is that these aspects have no magnitudes (like full, half and quarter) associated with them. Thus, this possibility is ruled out. Parasara clearly mentioned these magnitudes in 39-13. Now the only possibility is that graha drishti mentioned in chapter 26 (graha sphuta drishti kathanaadhyaaya) was meant. Here, Parasara mentioned graha drishti at two levels. He established a "saamaanya" aspect that is just based on houses. Then he mentioned sphuta drishti based sphutas. Thus there are two further possibilities based on whether planets have longitudes in divisions or not. Possibility 1: Planets in divisional charts do not have longitudes. As per this, suppose a planet is at 14 deg in Sg. In dasamsa, it is in Aries. There is no associated longitude in dasamsa. The planet has only one physical longitude (254 deg). In all divisional charts, there is only a sign associated with it. The planet is in Sg in kshetra chakra, Le in navamsa chakra, Ar in dasamsa chakra and so on. In all these charts, it has no longitude. These are just charts containing information on the signs occupied by planets and lagna. Each sign is one house. The chart simply consists of 12 houses and planets with planets occupying a house. With this definition, we can use saamaanya graha drishti defined by Parasara in the first 5 verses of chapter 26. He said that all planets have a full aspect on 7th, a three-quarter aspect on 4th and 8th, a half aspect on 5th and 9th and a quarter aspect on 3rd and 10th. Further he gave full aspects for Mars, Jupiter and Saturn on these house pairs. He said this is the normal graha drishti mentioned by scholars. We can use this. After defining this, Parasara went on to give longitudinal graha drishti based on longitudes, but that does not apply in divisions. It applies only to the physical longitudes, based on which graha balas are computed. If we hold on to the view that charts do not have longitudes of planets associated with them and only have signs of planets associated with them, we can still apply the normal graha drishti based on the above! That still gives graha drishti upto full, three-quarter, half and quarter levels. Parasara's later verse (39-13) makes perfect sense. Possibility 2: Planets in divisional charts do have longitudes. Suppose a planet is at 14 deg in Sg physically. Then it is at 14 deg in Sg in kshetra (rasi) chakra. It is at 20 deg in Aries in dasamsa chart (14 is in 12:00-15:00 range and at the two-thirds point). With this view, you can not only apply the normal (saamaanya) graha drishti established in the first 5 verses of chapter 26, but you can apply the detailed graha drishti defined in the next verses. You can get planetary aspect as a real number from 0.0 to 60.0. Both the possibilities are tenable and you can pick the one you like (even though there is a slight problem with possibility 1 regarding exaltation in vargas. Exaltation in individual divisions was very clearly used by Parasara when defining vaiseshikamsas, but he defined exaltation not in full signs but in fractional signs. This results in a problem if a planet in Aries in dasamsa, for example, does not have a specific point in Aries associated with it. Thus possibility 2 is more like it). But the important point is that there is no other way to explain verse 39-13. Bottomline is: Parasara unambiguously approved planetary aspects in divisional charts! * * * Regarding your quote from Sri DV Subba Rao, it is simply his view and it does not match the views of Parasara and my parampara (tradition). BTW, I heard about Sri Subba Rao and I am interested in getting hold of his book(s) in Telugu, Hindi or English languages. Is there a place where I can order his book mentioned by you and/or any other books by him? Thanks a lot for any information/help in this regard! May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 Dear Narasimha Ji I am worried only about yourself doubting the intentions of my debate.You said i am just keen on winning the debate - if that is the case then you need not reply.I am not denying the fact that i argue and would love to debate - but definitely not to impose on someone a false logic especially on a divine topic like Jyotisha.If and only if i have doubt and if and only if ,i feel a logic, i will indulge.In jyotisha i have no material aspirations.If i can contribute some questions which can inturn storm your brain, knowledge and thereby to bring more spiritual knowledge - then that is my intention.I am learning through these discussions.Hence kindly approach my discussions with a positive attitude.But the nature has to be that of a debate - otherwise one cannot express his views clearly in situations similar to the ongoing topic. - >>The great Santhanam was unnecessarily confused, after accurately ranslating the verse. Let us see how the verse can make sense without contradicting the sage's >>previous chapters. >Possibility 1: Planets in divisional charts do not have longitudes. >As per this, suppose a planet is at 14 deg in Sg. In dasamsa, it is >in Aries.>> Each sign is one house. The chart simply consists of 12 houses and planets >>with planets occupying a house. >>If we hold on to the view that charts do not have longitudes of >planets associated with them and only have signs of planets >associated with them, we can still apply the >>normal graha drishti >based on the above! That still gives graha drishti upto full, three- >quarter, half and quarter levels. Parasara's later verse (39-13) >makes perfect sense. -------- I will tell you why Shri Santhanam was unable to understand while you were able to `understand'. Let us consider your possibility (1).This case has a discrepancy which you had overlooked. If there is no longitude associated then the sign can never be one full sign and hence not one house? Why? The basic definition of a divisional chart has to be retained. Thus for example to get a full sign from 1/9th (in the case of navamsha) we have to multiply the longitude of a planet in rashi by 9 and expunge 360(if necessary) and the result, definitely have to have a degree. Else it has no meaning. Or even if you use any mapping logic – there should be a degree associated, whenever you transform a portion into full. Now if it doesn't have a degree, that means it is 3.3 of a sign(just a 1/9th division as parasharas definition in case of navamsha ), and hence a planet within that cannot aspect as per general rules. Whether it is a full or quarter or half aspect the aspects are always on houses. And these houses are always at longitudinal increments of 30 degrees. Thus your case is invalid – When you say full, half or quarter it signifies just the quality or strength not the rule for aspect. But for aspecting the rule should be longitudinal.Why? Parashara himself tells that all planets aspect 3, 4th, 7th, 8th and 10th houses.When it is a 3rd house aspect the strength is so and so, when 7th it is so and so.Thus the quality is not the decisive factor for aspect.Whether it is full or quarter it will aspect the said house. Now it should be clear why Shri.Santhanam was unable to understand. Now if you consider it as a full house then it is an extrapolated value and I have expressed my concerns already. Santhanam too didn't consider extrapolation – this is clear from his statement in deva keralam –aspects emanate by longitudinal distances. Now whether to consider aspects in divisionals or not - is the main point of the discussion. It is subjective based on logic. R.Santhanam ,Dr.Subbarao ,Shri Chandrashekhar ji all of the learned level and a student like me of the lower level cannot understand this for the above stated reasons.May be you are able to conceive. Santhanam was a gentleman translator as you had mentioned, hence he expressed his views with boldness outside(Devakeralam). For me the logic is like this - use something if you are certain about it. Else don't use it. If you don't use it there is no harm you can still evaluate divisional charts without aspects. But if you use it without knowing the logic then you are predicting using a rule which has no logic. Moreover the most important point is - we have so many divisional charts and different groups (shad, dasha, shodasha).In spite of these we were able to find only one shloka related to Rajayoga from parashara mentioning aspect!Why other aspects don't make Rajayoga? If Parashara wanted us to understand aspects in divisionals similar to Rashi without his explicit mentioning, why he should mention only this shadvarga aspect explicitly? Thus I am not forcing any one with my logic at all. I am logically exposing the flaws in logics brought in to support aspects. Now it is up to each individual to opt. * * * Dear Narasimha ji - I have no info regarding Dr.Subbu Raos books.I just came to know about his views,haven't read any books.I think as he is a Telegu scholar your father may be able to help. Thanks Pradeep vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c...> wrote: > Dear Pradeep, > > I wanted to get out of this argument, but am forced to stay after you dragged a great scholar into it and used his name wrongly. > > > Dear Narasimha ji > > > > I have no more logic or knowledge to convince you.Now you are saying > > you dont care for Santhanam's logic as well. > > > > The very shloka you have quoted was translated by Santhanam(as per > > your mail).So do you think Santhanam didn't understand the meaning of > > I don't have to "think". Santhanam himself confessed so. Read on... > > > this shloka while mentioning his views in 'Deva Keralam'.Now i have > > to study this shloka well as i am not good in sanskrit. > > I am pretty sure you haven't seen what Santhanam wrote in his BPHS translation regarding the verse I quoted. If you did, you wouldn't write the above. Unfortunately, you are more keen on winning a debate than on checking out the references provided carefully. > > Santhanam translated the verse exactly as I did (after all, there is no ambiguity or scope for translating in any other way!), but confessed that he could not really understand how it could be! He accepted his limitations and left it at that. So whatever he wrote in other books on this issue can be safely ignored. > > This is what he wrote regarding 39-13 of BPHS. [Note: I am copying it verbatim, including the punctuation. Please note that this material is copyrighted by Ranjan Publications and I am quoting it to just show a point. Those who want this wonderful book may kindly contact Ranjan Publications (phone: 3278835 in New Delhi, India).] > > "If the six divisions (shadvargas) of the ascendant is occupied or aspected by one and the same planet, a Raja yoga is doubtlessly formed. According to the aspect is full, half or one fourth, results will be in order full, medium and negligible. > > "Notes: Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Trimsamsa, Navamsa and Dvadasamsa constitute Shadvarga or six divisions. If a planet occupies the ascendant in all these 6 charts it causes a powerful Raja yoga. Aspects are referred to in the divisional charts here. I am unable to fully conceive the logic in aspects in divisional charts for the sage himself referred to longitudinal aspectual evaluation in an earlier chapter. Without commenting further on this controversial aspect I leave it at that, accepting my limitation to explain this fully." > > Now, two important points: > > (1) As far as translation itself is concerned, there is no controversy or ambiguity. Both Santhanam and I translate it the same way. So let us be clear that Parasara is unambiguous that aspects are valid in divisional charts (more specifically, aspects for which magnitude is defined atleast in terms of "full", "half" and "quarter"). > > (2) But, how it can be true is something that the great Santhanam could not "conceive". He could not understand it and accepted that it was his limitation. So he left it at that, instead of challenging or misinterpreting the sage (which is a great quality in a translator and I admire Santhanam for that). > > Thus, if Santhanam makes any comments on aspects in divisional charts in any other book, they are worth nothing. There is a clear dictum of Parasara which he confessed not to understand. What good are his views on this topic then? > > * * * > > The great Santhanam was unnecessarily confused, after accurately translating the verse. Let us see how the verse can make sense without contradicting the sage's previous chapters. > > Possibility 0: The sage was talking about sign aspects mentioned in chapter 8 (raasi drishti kathanaadhyaya). > > Problem is that these aspects have no magnitudes (like full, half and quarter) associated with them. Thus, this possibility is ruled out. Parasara clearly mentioned these magnitudes in 39-13. > > Now the only possibility is that graha drishti mentioned in chapter 26 (graha sphuta drishti kathanaadhyaaya) was meant. Here, Parasara mentioned graha drishti at two levels. He established a "saamaanya" aspect that is just based on houses. Then he mentioned sphuta drishti based sphutas. Thus there are two further possibilities based on whether planets have longitudes in divisions or not. > > Possibility 1: Planets in divisional charts do not have longitudes. As per this, suppose a planet is at 14 deg in Sg. In dasamsa, it is in Aries. There is no associated longitude in dasamsa. The planet has only one physical longitude (254 deg). In all divisional charts, there is only a sign associated with it. The planet is in Sg in kshetra chakra, Le in navamsa chakra, Ar in dasamsa chakra and so on. In all these charts, it has no longitude. These are just charts containing information on the signs occupied by planets and lagna. Each sign is one house. The chart simply consists of 12 houses and planets with planets occupying a house. > > With this definition, we can use saamaanya graha drishti defined by Parasara in the first 5 verses of chapter 26. He said that all planets have a full aspect on 7th, a three-quarter aspect on 4th and 8th, a half aspect on 5th and 9th and a quarter aspect on 3rd and 10th. Further he gave full aspects for Mars, Jupiter and Saturn on these house pairs. He said this is the normal graha drishti mentioned by scholars. We can use this. After defining this, Parasara went on to give longitudinal graha drishti based on longitudes, but that does not apply in divisions. It applies only to the physical longitudes, based on which graha balas are computed. > > If we hold on to the view that charts do not have longitudes of planets associated with them and only have signs of planets associated with them, we can still apply the normal graha drishti based on the above! That still gives graha drishti upto full, three- quarter, half and quarter levels. Parasara's later verse (39-13) makes perfect sense. > > Possibility 2: Planets in divisional charts do have longitudes. Suppose a planet is at 14 deg in Sg physically. Then it is at 14 deg in Sg in kshetra (rasi) chakra. It is at 20 deg in Aries in dasamsa chart (14 is in 12:00-15:00 range and at the two-thirds point). > > With this view, you can not only apply the normal (saamaanya) graha drishti established in the first 5 verses of chapter 26, but you can apply the detailed graha drishti defined in the next verses. You can get planetary aspect as a real number from 0.0 to 60.0. > > Both the possibilities are tenable and you can pick the one you like (even though there is a slight problem with possibility 1 regarding exaltation in vargas. Exaltation in individual divisions was very clearly used by Parasara when defining vaiseshikamsas, but he defined exaltation not in full signs but in fractional signs. This results in a problem if a planet in Aries in dasamsa, for example, does not have a specific point in Aries associated with it. Thus possibility 2 is more like it). > > But the important point is that there is no other way to explain verse 39-13. > > Bottomline is: Parasara unambiguously approved planetary aspects in divisional charts! > > * * * > > Regarding your quote from Sri DV Subba Rao, it is simply his view and it does not match the views of Parasara and my parampara (tradition). > > BTW, I heard about Sri Subba Rao and I am interested in getting hold of his book(s) in Telugu, Hindi or English languages. Is there a place where I can order his book mentioned by you and/or any other books by him? Thanks a lot for any information/help in this regard! > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 Namaste Pradeep, > Let us consider your possibility (1).This case has a discrepancy > which you had overlooked. Let us just *suppose* that possibility 1 is ruled out. This leaves us with possibility 2. > Now if you consider it as a full house then it is an extrapolated > value and I have expressed my concerns already. Santhanam too didn't > consider extrapolation – this is clear from his statement in deva > keralam –aspects emanate by longitudinal distances. If you do not agree with possibility 1, then you have no other choice. You have to accept possibility 2. If you think that there cannot be aspects in divisions without extrapolating longitudes, then it means you HAVE to "extrapolate". It means your concerns are bogus and Santhanam's views are wrong. Bottomline: Parasara clearly mentioned aspects in divisions and Santhanam too translated it the same way. If he or you choose to ignore the verse because you have some concerns, it is simply your stubbornness. Parasara is clear. > Now whether to consider aspects in divisionals or not - is the main > point of the discussion. It is subjective based on logic. No. no. no. There is nothing subjective. Parasara is categorical. Santhanam also translated it the same way. There ARE aspects in divisions and they even have magnitudes associated (full, half, quarter). THAT MUCH is crystal clear from 39-13 of BPHS. Even Santhanam agrees with my translation. The issue is how to apply the aspects - whether to apply saamaanya graha drishti based just on houses or sphuta graha drishti based on longitudes. THAT is the issue. THAT is subjective. You make your own conclusion. But, if you say that even the issue of whether planets have aspects in divisions or not is subjective, you are wrong. > R.Santhanam ,Dr.Subbarao ,Shri Chandrashekhar ji all of the learned > level and a student like me of the lower level cannot understand this > for the above stated reasons.May be you are able to conceive. Well, throwing big names proves nothing. What Parasara said unambiguously cannot be pushed aside because a bunch of scholars are uncomfortable with its ramifications!! May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 Dear Narasimha ji I will reply to your mail in detail later.Could you kindly help me in translating the shloka word by word. I am not suspecting you -if i was, i should had asked someon else for this help:-) lagna shadvargake chaivameka kheta yutekshite | raaja yogo bhavatyeva nirvisankam dwijottama My knowledge is very poor so correct me- half is guess work! Lagna Shadvargake (Lagna in shadvargas) cha aivam eka kheta (and one and the same field or sign(khet is field) yutikshite (joining or aspecting) second line is clear. I think planet has to be understood by default? This is just out of curiousity. Thanks in advance. Pradeep Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 Namaste Predeep, I am not asking you to believe in my translation. You can obtain BPHS translation by Santhanam and read his translation. I actually quoted it in another mail. The fact of the matter is that Santhanam understood what the verse unamiguously meant. But he could not reconcile its meaning with some beliefs - possibly unfounded beliefs - he had. He registered the same in writing and moved on. Same holds for others. Kheta does not mean field. It means planet. I think you are confused by the Hindi word khet. There it is a dental "t". Kshetra in Sanskrit and khet in Hindi means a field. Kheta means planet (here it is alveolar "t"). So "planet" is not to be "understood", but given explicitly. "Eka kheta" means "one planet". "Eka kheta yutekshite" means "if conjoined or aspected by one planet". May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > Dear Narasimha ji > > I will reply to your mail in detail later.Could you kindly help me in > translating the shloka word by word. > > I am not suspecting you -if i was, i should had asked someon else for > this help:-) > > lagna shadvargake chaivameka kheta yutekshite | > raaja yogo bhavatyeva nirvisankam dwijottama > > My knowledge is very poor so correct me- half is guess work! > Lagna Shadvargake (Lagna in shadvargas) > cha aivam eka kheta (and one and the same field or sign(khet is field) > yutikshite (joining or aspecting) > > second line is clear. > I think planet has to be understood by default? > This is just out of curiousity. > > Thanks in advance. > Pradeep Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 Dear Narasimha ji Thanks for the explanation. I have respect for your knowledge. Thus as you have mentioned the shloka is clear in meaning. But why was parashara mentinoning this(aspect factor) in just one shloka.Also he is mentioning about this only regarding shadvargas not to the other varga groups. Also see apart from lagna in divisional charts no rajayoga has been mentioned by Parashara connected to other houses in Divisional charts.This also proves Dr.Subba Raos views. Thus it means aspects are possible - but how?only by the general rule ie in longitudinal increments.Thus if we want to see aspects in divisional charts we can (without extrapolation) but then, we have to go by 30 degree considerations.Thus we have to count the number of divisions- navamsha or dashamsha(to group it into 30 degress ,this is similar to counting the 32 nd navamsha,64th navamsha etc for various indications) - but what is the result then- same as aspects in Rashi! Thus the 'aspects' which he is mentioning is the same aspect which we have already determined in rashi.So when he says same planet aspecting or conjoining - it means aspecting the lagna in rashi (because even if you count aspects in division it will give the same result -assuming planets have only a single position in space at a time and extrapolation is inferior logic compared with actual position),and when he mentions conjoining this has to be seen for all.In the case of aspect as well one could do for all - but it is just duplicate work. Thus by this shloka parashara might have thought -i have clearly mentioned the logic of aspects in previous chapters and hence the students should be able to distinguish. If this aspect was mentioned by parashara again and again, then i should never try to contradict.But since we are able to find only a single shloka in whole BPHS we could also consider the possibility mentioned by me. Then regarding big names -names were not quoted just for the sake of quoting - they were unable to relate the logic of parashara mentioned in previous chapters with the said shloka.Logically i feel you too will agree to their views(as we had ruled out possibility one).You have conviction because of this single shloka.(second possibility has relevance only if reinforced by this shloka) Any ways, with logic it is difficult to relate(I think in line with the three scholars - for clear reasons).But based on the translation of this shloka one may.Thus from my part i have got nothing new, unless i read more. Thus i thank you and everyone very much for your valuable time and guidance.May be when Chandrashekhar ji is back he could explain further.Thus now things are clear and each member can choose whichever they feel as apt. Thanks & Respect Pradeep vedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...> wrote: > Namaste Predeep, > > I am not asking you to believe in my translation. You can obtain > BPHS translation by Santhanam and read his translation. I actually > quoted it in another mail. > > The fact of the matter is that Santhanam understood what the verse > unamiguously meant. But he could not reconcile its meaning with > some beliefs - possibly unfounded beliefs - he had. He registered > the same in writing and moved on. > > Same holds for others. > > Kheta does not mean field. It means planet. I think you are confused > by the Hindi word khet. There it is a dental "t". Kshetra in Sanskrit > and khet in Hindi means a field. > > Kheta means planet (here it is alveolar "t"). So "planet" is not to > be "understood", but given explicitly. "Eka kheta" means "one planet". > "Eka kheta yutekshite" means "if conjoined or aspected by one planet". > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha > > > Dear Narasimha ji > > > > I will reply to your mail in detail later.Could you kindly help me > in > > translating the shloka word by word. > > > > I am not suspecting you -if i was, i should had asked someon else > for > > this help:-) > > > > lagna shadvargake chaivameka kheta yutekshite | > > raaja yogo bhavatyeva nirvisankam dwijottama > > > > My knowledge is very poor so correct me- half is guess work! > > Lagna Shadvargake (Lagna in shadvargas) > > cha aivam eka kheta (and one and the same field or sign(khet is > field) > > yutikshite (joining or aspecting) > > > > second line is clear. > > I think planet has to be understood by default? > > This is just out of curiousity. > > > > Thanks in advance. > > Pradeep Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 Namaste Pradeep, > But why was parashara mentinoning this(aspect factor) in just one > shloka.Also he is mentioning about this only regarding shadvargas not > to the other varga groups. He clearly expected us to understand when he taught sign aspects, planetary aspects, argalas, arudha padas etc that they are applicable in all the sixteen charts he had taught before mentioning those concepts. That is why he casually referred to aspects in divisions when teaching raja yogas. In the verse, he was not defining aspects in divisions. If he was, then you can ask why only six divisions. Instead, he was casually using something he had already defined. When he defined aspects, he obviously meant them in all divisions and thought we too would understand it. That must be why he was casually referring to aspects in shadvargas without defining them. The previous definition - which you thought covered only the rasi chart - covered divisions to, in his mind. > Also see apart from lagna in divisional charts no rajayoga has been > mentioned by Parashara connected to other houses in Divisional > charts.This also proves Dr.Subba Raos views. On the contrary, his very use of graha drishti in divisional charts without defining it shows that everything he taught earlier - from aspects and argalas to arudhas - is applicable to divisional charts as well as rasi chart. > Thus it means aspects are possible - but how?only by the general rule I am glad we basically have an agreement. :-) > ie in longitudinal increments.Thus if we want to see aspects in > divisional charts we can (without extrapolation) but then, we have to > go by 30 degree considerations.Thus we have to count the number of > divisions- navamsha or dashamsha(to group it into 30 degress ,this is > similar to counting the 32 nd navamsha,64th navamsha etc for various What? If aspects in divisional charts are reckoned differently from those in rasi chart, Parasara would've defined them before using them. > indications) - but what is the result then- same as aspects in Rashi! > Thus the 'aspects' which he is mentioning is the same aspect which we > have already determined in rashi.So when he says same planet > aspecting or conjoining - it means aspecting the lagna in rashi > (because even if you count aspects in division it will give the same > result -assuming planets have only a single position in space at a > time and extrapolation is inferior logic compared with actual > position),and when he mentions conjoining this has to be seen for > all.In the case of aspect as well one could do for all - but it is > just duplicate work. Duplicate work, hmmm. Right now Mars is at 20 deg 3 min in Pi. A little later, lagna here will be at 20 deg 3 min in Ge. According to your interpretation, one born then will have a great raja yoga. Your interpretation that full aspect in rasi translates to aspect in all vargas makes this raja yoga so common. If one uses the same definition of graha drishti given by Parasara in rasi and divisions and evaluates aspects at the time lagna is exactly 90 deg after Mars, there is no raja yoga. The aspect is full in rasi chart, but missing in some divisions. > If this aspect was mentioned by parashara again and again, then i > should never try to contradict.But since we are able to find only a > single shloka in whole BPHS we could also consider the possibility > mentioned by me. Parasara is not Narasimha Rao or Vijayadas Pradeep to keep repeating the same thing over and over again. He mentions each thing once. If I can't get it, my bad luck... You have to realize that Parasara is from a different Yuga. He is peerless in knowledge and ability. He does not waste words. You cannot expect any redundancy or repetition in his teachings. * * * I am impressed by the persistence, stamina and creativity you showed in this argument. Will you mind giving your birthdata? I'll not make any public comments on it unless you want to. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 8, 2004 Report Share Posted January 8, 2004 Dear Narasimha ji I am not going to write more.I appreciate your humour sense as well. But i think for raja yogas to be so common apart from the aspect i have mentioned ,the palnet should be in lagna in all six vargas - which is not that common i beleive. Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable knowledge and generosity to discuss. My birth data is 13 th feb 1972, 3.30 am 8deg 29 n ,76 deg 59 e (trivandrum) i have no problem regarding any public analysis. Thanks Pradeep vedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...> wrote: > Namaste Pradeep, > > > But why was parashara mentinoning this(aspect factor) in just one > > shloka.Also he is mentioning about this only regarding shadvargas > not > > to the other varga groups. > > He clearly expected us to understand when he taught sign aspects, > planetary aspects, argalas, arudha padas etc that they are applicable > in all the sixteen charts he had taught before mentioning those > concepts. That is why he casually referred to aspects in divisions > when teaching raja yogas. > > In the verse, he was not defining aspects in divisions. If he was, > then > you can ask why only six divisions. Instead, he was casually using > something he had already defined. When he defined aspects, he > obviously > meant them in all divisions and thought we too would understand it. > That must be why he was casually referring to aspects in shadvargas > without defining them. The previous definition - which you thought > covered only the rasi chart - covered divisions to, in his mind. > > > Also see apart from lagna in divisional charts no rajayoga has been > > mentioned by Parashara connected to other houses in Divisional > > charts.This also proves Dr.Subba Raos views. > > On the contrary, his very use of graha drishti in divisional charts > without defining it shows that everything he taught earlier - from > aspects and argalas to arudhas - is applicable to divisional charts > as well as rasi chart. > > > Thus it means aspects are possible - but how?only by the general > rule > > I am glad we basically have an agreement. :-) > > > ie in longitudinal increments.Thus if we want to see aspects in > > divisional charts we can (without extrapolation) but then, we have > to > > go by 30 degree considerations.Thus we have to count the number of > > divisions- navamsha or dashamsha(to group it into 30 degress ,this > is > > similar to counting the 32 nd navamsha,64th navamsha etc for > various > > What? If aspects in divisional charts are reckoned differently from > those in rasi chart, Parasara would've defined them before using them. > > > indications) - but what is the result then- same as aspects in > Rashi! > > Thus the 'aspects' which he is mentioning is the same aspect which > we > > have already determined in rashi.So when he says same planet > > > aspecting or conjoining - it means aspecting the lagna in rashi > > (because even if you count aspects in division it will give the > same > > result -assuming planets have only a single position in space at a > > time and extrapolation is inferior logic compared with actual > > position),and when he mentions conjoining this has to be seen for > > all.In the case of aspect as well one could do for all - but it is > > just duplicate work. > > Duplicate work, hmmm. Right now Mars is at 20 deg 3 min in Pi. A > little later, lagna here will be at 20 deg 3 min in Ge. According to > your interpretation, one born then will have a great raja yoga. Your > interpretation that full aspect in rasi translates to aspect in all > vargas makes this raja yoga so common. > > If one uses the same definition of graha drishti given by Parasara > in rasi and divisions and evaluates aspects at the time lagna is > exactly 90 deg after Mars, there is no raja yoga. The aspect is full > in rasi chart, but missing in some divisions. > > > If this aspect was mentioned by parashara again and again, then i > > should never try to contradict.But since we are able to find only a > > single shloka in whole BPHS we could also consider the possibility > > mentioned by me. > > Parasara is not Narasimha Rao or Vijayadas Pradeep to keep repeating > the same thing over and over again. He mentions each thing once. If > I can't get it, my bad luck... > > You have to realize that Parasara is from a different Yuga. He is > peerless in knowledge and ability. He does not waste words. You > cannot expect any redundancy or repetition in his teachings. > > * * * > > I am impressed by the persistence, stamina and creativity you > showed in this argument. Will you mind giving your birthdata? > I'll not make any public comments on it unless you want to. > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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