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Hinduism - Main Beliefs

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I came across and read a beautiful symbolism of Hinduism which I

wanted to share with all of you. The concept of a Hindu and Hinduism

cannot be explained more beautifully than this.


"The Vedas are believed to be revealed scriptures, because they are

considered to be divine in origin. Since they were not written by

any human beings but were only heard in deep meditative states, they

are commonly referred as "srutis" or "those that were heard".


Read below.


Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.






Hinduism - Main Beliefs

1. According to Hinduism God is One, but also Many. The One becomes

many and the many have to begin their journey finally towards the

One as a process of creation.


2. Hinduism believes that man is divine in nature. The basic purpose

of a human being is to realize this divine nature in him.


3. Hinduism firmly declares that the ego or ahamkar is the root

cause of all suffering. If an individual has to escape from

suffering he has to cease to be his egoistic self and identify

himself with his limitless inner self.


4. Hinduism believes unquestionably that the world is an illusion or

maya. Attachment with it is the cause of birth and death. When a

person overcomes this illusion through detachment and withdrawal of

senses he will become qualified for self-realization.


5. The Hindus believe in reincarnation or rebirth, according to

which each individual lives many lives because of his ignorance and

the play of maya before he attains liberation.


6. Hinduism believes that all beings have souls, are equally

important in the scheme of creation and that they all evolve

continuously till they achieve final freedom. Man is but one stage

in this evolution of life and in the soul's upward journey towards

such liberation. This is the reason why many Hindus choose to remain

as vegetarians throughout their lives.


7. Hinduism believes in the concept of incarnation of God. According

to this concept God is an active and dynamic principle, who

sometimes descends into the earth's consciousness directly and

assumes human form to protect the weak and restore world Order.


8. Hinduism has given to the world the concept of karma, according

to which all actions produce positive or negative reactions and

effect our lives. There is however no scope here for fatalism.

Actions done as an offering to God do not effect us. Sacrifice

through surrendering to God is therefore the basis of salvation.

Hinduism offers the best way to live a life devoid of anxieties and

worries. It says, "Live your normal life, offering all your actions

and possessions mentally to God in the spirit of sacrifice without

bothering about the results of your actions."


9. Hinduism gives immense freedom to each individual to choose

whatever path he or she wants to choose. It does not believe in

super imposition of faith from outside, nor changing of ones faith

to another because it is more attractive. Each has to pursue the

path of God according to his or her inner nature and evolution.

Hinduism says, "Follow your own self, live according to your own

dharma and discover you own truth that is in harmony with yourself."


10. Finally Hinduism does not believe in converting people from one

faith to faith in an organized way. If an individual want to change

his religion that is his inner choice. But no one should force him

or tempt him to change. Hinduism strictly prohibits teaching of the

scriptures to people who are not inclined to understand them or

follow them. There are many ways in which one can approach God. All

paths in the end lead to Him only.


Truly speaking every one in this world is a Hindu, whether he

believes in God or not, whether he is a Hindu or a Buddhist or of

some other faith. A Hindu is an individual soul who has been

separated from God, is under illusion and has to rejoin God some

day. No one need force him to become a Hindu in the physical sense,

because one day, in some birth, he will become aware of what he is

or who he is. What he does in between is all part of a Divine Play.

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