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New Year Quiz

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Namaste Dhira Krsna Prabhu,


My practical knowledge in conception charts is zero. I only have a little bit of

theoretical knowledge that I learnt from Sarajit Poddar, Pt. Sanjay Rath and

Late Santhanam's books. This is a good opportunity for me to test my little bit

of learning. Thank you for this puzzle. I hope the data is accurate.


Here is my timing of birth from the conception chart:


(1) Moon in the 11th house is visible and he is sukla paksha (waxing) Moon. If

Moon is waxing and visible, birth occurs before 273 days. Hence birth occurs

before January 13, 2004. [Note: Of course, we already know this from what you

gave. I am just checking the principles.]


(2) Sun in conception chart is in a movable sign. So birth is is likely to occur

in the 9th month. So it occurs between Dec 15 and Jan 15.


(3) Birth Moon will be in 7th or 10th from conception Moon. Conception chart has Moon in Virgo.


So birth Moon will be in Pisces (i.e. dates are Dec 29-31, 2003).


(4) Sign occupied by Moon in D-12 has to be the same in conception chart and birth chart.


Conceptuon chart has Moon in Aries. So birth chart should have Moon in Pisces

rasi and Aries dwadasamsa. This means the birth should occur on December 29,

2003 between 12:20 pm and 17:03 pm (TZ: 1:00 east).


(5) This means the rising sign at birth is Ar, Ta or Ge. Which of them are possible?


The rising sign in conception chart is Sc, a day-strong sign. So it has to be a

night-strong sign in birth chart. All the three signs Ar, Ta and Ge are valid.

We have no further narrowing down.


(6) The angle between lagna and Moon (magnitude-wise) has to match. This angle

is about 50 deg in the conception charts. In the birth chart of Dec 29, Moon is

between 2.5-5 deg in Pisces. If we subtract 50 deg, we get it in Capricorn. That

sign is ruled out with Moon in Aries dwadasamsa. If we add 50 deg, we get lagna

in Aries between 22.5 and 25 deg. This gives the birthtime a little before 1 pm

on Dec 29, 2003.


Presence of nodes in a martian lagna in both conception chart and birth chart (

guessed :-) ) makes me think that the birth happened after a bit of trouble and

possibly some cutting involved.


As I have already said, my practical knowledge of conception charts is zero and

the above may very well be total nonsense. :-) If it is, please correct me

wherever I went wrong! I look forward to learning adhana chakras from you.

Thank you!

May Jupiter's light shine on us,




On vedic astrology, "Dhira Krsna BCS" <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@p...>

wrote in message 37209:

> Hare Rama Krsna!> > Dear Jyotishi,> > Happy newyear! I thought it nice to put

a Quiz for our new year of jyotish> studies. The chart under consideration is

the chart of an adhana lagna> (coitus for conception). The doctors had

predicted the birth for January> 8th. Needless to say they were wrong. So the

question is: find the correct> date (and time) of birth. The birth took place

on the coordinates of> 16E18, 50N45. Also, if there is anything striking about

the birth you> might see, please also mention that.> > By the way, the correct

date was predicted by me months ago.> > Yours,> Dhira Krsna dasa,> Jyotishi>


> > April 15, 2003> Time: 23:54:27> Time Zone:

2:00:00 (East of GMT)> Place: 5 E 25' 00", 50 N 21' 00">

Septon, Belgium> Altitude: 300.00 meters

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Dear Narasimha Rao Prabhu,


Hare Rama Krsna!


Thank you for attempting my puzzle. My comments below.


>(2) Sun in conception chart is in a movable sign. So birth is is likely

>to occur in the 9th month. So it occurs between Dec 15 and Jan 15.


I know the rule. Yet, if Sun were to be in a dual sign, birth would be in

11th month. Is there any pregnancy nowadays that gets delayed that much?

Sanjay Rath has taught us a method calculating Sodhya Rasi.


>(3) Birth Moon will be in 7th or 10th from conception Moon. Conception

>chart has Moon in Virgo.


This doesn't always apply. My experience has shown this rule is wrong.

Again, Sanjay Rath has taught us the method of dwadasamsa calculation.


>(4) Sign occupied by Moon in D-12 has to be the same in conception chart

>and birth chart.


Nono, this and the previous rule would narrow down the possibilities of

birth too much.


>(5) This means the rising sign at birth is Ar, Ta or Ge. Which of them

>are possible?


>The rising sign in conception chart is Sc, a day-strong sign. So it has

>to be a night-strong sign in birth chart. All the three signs Ar, Ta and

>Ge are valid.


No, day-strong sign in adhana lagna would give birth in the night. It

reverses that way. And what about Ista Kala?


>(6) The angle between lagna and Moon (magnitude-wise) has to match.


These are the principles of Santhanam. Again, I have a doubt on this one,

though I have seen it may match more or less, not very accurately.


I'll post my analysis after some time, when others have contributed more.



Dhira Krsna dasa,



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Conception chart – my attempt on prediction of date of birth


Dear Dhira Krishna,


My knowledge in this area is absolutely zero and I am treating this exercise as

a huge learning curve. My main reference is the Jaimini Upadesa Sutras

translated by Sanjay Rath and some material which I happened to find in the

Varahamihira archives plus what has been attempted/discussed so far.


Central assumption: The data as given is accurate and needs no rectification.

This data is principally the time of copulation.


Possibility of conception: First we must check if the possibility of conception

is reflected in the chart. We find that Ra is in 7th from lagna and Ju aspects

7th from Mo thus confirming the success of copulation (stanzas 4.4.27 & 28)


General observations: Ve is atmakaraka, tithi, yoga, karana and mahakaala hora

lord. Vara lord is Ma while hora lord is Me and kaala lord is Su.


Nature of adhana lagna: Lagna is Sc with Ke in 1st house. Ju, the PiK aspects

the lagna and thus the birth is legitimate (4.1.22). Lagna lord is strong

guaranteeing a safe delivery (4.2.11).


Twins: Third lord is in 8th indicating the possibility of twins (4.2.9)


Sex of child: Moon is in an even sign thus indicating the possibility of a

female baby. Furthermore, adhana lagna is in even sign.


Date of delivery: Add 273 days to date and get Jan 17. Since the baby is female,

subtract 15 days to get Jan 2, 2004. Janma Moon must be in Kendra to conception

Moon and janma lagna is 7th from adhana lagna. That means we should have Moon

in Vi, Sg, Pi and Ge and Ta lagna. On Jan 2, 2004, Moon is in Aries and

therefore we go for Pi as the nearest choice. That means delivery could occur

2.5 days before. The possibilities thus are: Dec 29~31, 2003, with an

approximate delivery time zone of 6 to 8 pm. Having eliminated Ge and Vi, we

examine the possibility for Sg which is Dec 23~24, 2003 with a

delivery time zone of 6~8 pm. Which of these two possibilities is more likely?

Via explanatory notes under (4.3.2), conception Mo has gained 8 dwadasamsas and

thus natal moon is likely to be Sc or its trines. Thus only Pi matches. Sodhya

rasi (4.2.21) is Sg and we find that natal Sun is in Sg so it matches.


Unable to narrow it down further. Adhana lagna is in a day strong sign and thus

birth is during the night.


Nature of delivery: Ketu is in navamsa lagna indicating the possibility of a

caeserian birth or delivery using forceps (blockage or obstruction during

delivery) (4.3.111)



More later but it appears that the result broadly agrees with what Narasimha said earlier.



HariDhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Hari,Hare Krsna!>:-)so I would go one step further and>request you to give

the answer after 2 weeks! Although, my fear is>Shri Ramadas would have jumped

in by that time!Alright, let's see who is willing to attempt the puzzle more.

It doesn'tmatter, Sri Ramadas can jump in as well.If Raghunadha wants to send

me a compilation of his techniques, that'swelcome. I like to study them also,

so please send to me as well. LaterI'll make a study of what works, and what

doesn't, and compile everythingand write as an article, or maybe as part of a

future book.So Hari, let us hear your answer.Yours,Dhira Krsna



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