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Scams ¡V An Analysis and the Way Ahead (New Article)

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Dear Prakash,

Your approach is fairly good. I would prefer that predictions are based

on one type of Dasha only. Otherwise one tends to justify known events

to a different dasha system if the original one does not explain them.

This does not allow one to analyse why his predictions went awry in the

first instance.




Vedic Astrologer - Prakash wrote:


>Dear Gurudeva,


>The following article is for your kind information please.


>You have been a great source of energy for me. Please give

>your critical comments so that I can further work on my

>core compentencies and work further.


>It has been a great feeling to be a member of VA Group and

>your Shishya. The kind of motivation I had from you and

>other esteemed Gurus and members is non comparable.


>I look forward to your motivational support all the time

>with critical assessment of the readings/analysis.


>With warm regards and best wishes for 2004 to you and your


>Prakash Kandpal



>Scams ¡V An Analysis and the Way Ahead


>The recent scams have been signaling the state of affairs

>in India and how corrupt police-politics nexus helps crime

>proliferate. It is most significant that not only some of

>the top politicians are involved but also large number of

>police officials are involved in such scams all over India.

>As per the prediction made in August¡¦03 I had stated that

>there would be many scams which will be unearthed ¡V that

>came out to be correct! I had sent the complete

>analysis/predictions to Express StarTeller as also the same

>is available on the Future Point¡¦s website.



>The Taj Corridor scam cost a govt. in UP! The Telgi stamp

>paper Scam has stirred the whole nation ¡V it has been

>instrumental to cost career of many top politicians and

>police officials. In Chhatisgarh the former Chief-Minister

>is being investigated because he tried to use money to lure

>the opposition MLAs for power. One of the Central

>Ministers from the NDA Govt. has to resign because of the

>charges that his assistant accepted money for the cost of

>some contracts in Orissa. Also whole lot of foreign

>currency was found from a house in Pune. Also one of the

>Punjab opposition leader is being targeted for assets worth

>crores the current Chief Minister¡¦s son is also under

>probe in one of the cases of money laundering. One of the

>famous Punjabi pop singer is also under probe because of

>financial wrongdoing on illegally accepting money to send

>young people to foreign countries. While probe is on by

>various intelligence agencies it is difficult to say who

>will be booked and who will come out clean.


>Again I analyzed these situations astrologically based on

>Indian Independence Chart (15th August 1947, 0000 Hrs,

>Delhi). The planetary details are as follows:

>Ascendant (Lagna) ¡V Taurus

>Planetary Details


>Taurus ¡V North Node (Rahu)

>Gemini ¡V Mars

>Cancer ¡V Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn & Sun

>Libra ¡V Jupiter

>Scorpio ¡V South Node (Ketu)

>Transit Chart on December 01, 2003


>Gemini ¡V Saturn

>Leo ¡V Jupiter

>Libra ¡V South Node (Ketu)

>Sagittarius ¡V Sun & Mercury (Retrograde & Combust)

>Capricorn ¡V Venus

>Pisces ¡V Mars & Moon

>Aries ¡V North Node (Rahu)

>Current Astrological Scenario


>The following are the basic details of different dasas

>besides the planetary positions, which caused this, happen.


>ľ India is currently going through the period of

>Venus-Saturn sub-period as per Vimshottari Mahadasa

>ľ In transit Saturn is in second house of the natal chart

>i.e. Gemini which rules finances

>ľ The Arudha Lagna of second house is Leo i.e. fourth


>ľ According to Narayana Dasa India is currently going

>through the Dasa of Libra ¡V sixth house in India¡¦s chart

>ľ According to the Ashtottari Dasa India was going through

>Jupiter-Jupiter from July, 2000 to November, 2003

>ľ From November, 2003 to December, 2005 India will be

>going through Jupiter-Rahu period (Ashtottari Dasa)

>ľ From June 2001 India is going through Siddha (Venus)

>Yogini Mahadasa and currently Siddha-Sankata (Venus-Rahu)

>period is on until May, 2004

>ľ According to Kala Chakra Dasa System India is going

>through the Period of Taurus-Libra since July, 2001 which

>will be on until January, 2004



>1. The current Venus Mahadasha will secure India¡¦s place

>in the top superpowers of the world! Venus is significator

>of wealth and finances besides being Ascendant and sixth

>lord in India¡¦s natal chart. While ascendant represents

>one¡¦s body the sixth house is second artha house after

>second house and before tenth house. Saturn is tenth lord

>representing serving politicians, policemen & beauracrats.

>In a way they are enemies of the country who are being

>exposed by virtue of Lord Saturn¡¦s transit and his being

>karma dandakaraka. Both planets are closely conjunct in

>third house of India¡¦s natal chart (signifying power) that

>is second from second house and afflicted heavily by five

>planets signifying financial problems/scams but recovery

>can be seen because of Jupiter¡¦s aspect on the second

>house which is eleventh lord posited in 6th house in Libra.


>2. Saturn, the natural significator of Karma & Karma

>results (since it represents the tenth and eleventh houses

>of the zodiac) is transiting through the natal second house

>of finances thereby directly affecting it. Since Saturn

>has to give karma results it is affecting those who has

>been misusing power through money and those who have been

>instrumental in creating red-tapism by misusing money. In

>the next transit to Cancer it will affect the ones who have

>been misusing the power!


>3. The Arudha Lagna of the second house is Leo i.e. fourth

>house of the natal chart of India¡¦s Independence Chart.

>Since Jupiter is eighth and eleventh lord for the chart it

>signifies death and income. So the income from wrongdoing

>has to be destroyed or come into probe since that money

>belongs to the country than individuals or the groups.

>Here too transit Saturn has direct aspect on the transit

>Jupiter that caused these scams to be publicized. If you

>notice most of these scams came in light only after

>Jupiter¡¦s transit to Leo in July¡¦03. In India, Punjab is

>one of the states ruled by Jupiter.


>4. As per the Narayana Dasa India is currently going

>through the Libra Mahadasha which being the second artha

>house is exposing the black money with individuals or



>5. As per Ashtottari Mahadasa system ¡V Jupiter-Jupiter sub

>period was on till November¡¦03 ¡V Jupiter being a

>functional malefic posited in sixth house in Libra helped

>exposing these scams.


>6. Currently Jupiter-Rahu sub-period is on wherein Rahu

>posited in Taurus is almost like Venus which will help

>further exposing the scams but at the same time it will

>bring good things at the table too. But caution is

>required once again since Jupiter-Rahu together create

>Guru-Chandal yoga ¡V I fear that the religious/higher

>education centres or religious leaders can be attacked by



>7. As per Yogini Mahadasa Siddha is on wherein Venus-Rahu

>sub-period is on ¡V For India both are alike Venus only

>thereby signifying the scams at the same time all round

>financial prosperity and growth is indicated.


>8. As per Kala Chakra Dasa system Taurus-Libra sub-period

>is on which indicates the financial irregularities/scams

>since Taurus is second house of the zodiac representing

>finances and Libra seventh house of the zodiac representing

>partnerships/nexus. Since seventh house (Libra in this

>case) signifies death as well so it was the

>politicians/policemen/beaurocrat nexus/partnership which

>came to an end all the way. But since it is Taurus Mahadasa

>it indicates the best time for India for overall growth in

>all sectors.


>Future Indications


>Saturn¡¦s transit through Cancer in September 2004 (third

>house of power) will put India in a very strong position

>around the world at the same time power misuse will be

>exposed and many other scams will be publicized. India¡¦s

>fortunes will shine and help will come from all the

>unexpected quarters if at all needed.

>Jupiter will transit through Virgo from August 2004 and a

>new beginning on the religious front will start taking

>shape. People will come to seek Vedic wisdom/knowledge and

>the thirst to know/search/reach the almighty will be more

>intense. People will take help of occult sciences to solve

>their-day-to-day problems and Vedic Astrology will shine

>around the world!


>End Note


>God has his own way of indicating all the good as well as

>bad. It is time for India to learn and vanquish all which

>is bad. The above are the indications of bad and which

>will be hurdles for India to become a super power or the

>power of the future.





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