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RE: Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some thoughts...

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Dear Rao,

You are right , I have also read Rajesh's mails and he is certainly not a

casual poster to the list.

There are two very important things about remedies and jyotish. One is that

there are three types of Karmas which give one either problems or success.

These are Dhrud mula Karma, shithil mula karma and Prarabdha.Effects of the

first one has to bear and remedies can not remove them.ffects of the second

one can be modified to a great extent by remedies. Effects of third one are

connected with one's own Karma in this life.The second point is that some of

the good or bad results that we face are results of past Karmas(past life

Karma) and some are of this life Karma. So one has to carry out this life

karma correctly to get most out of this life. The reason is that there is a

Phalapaka time for every karma and the time after which the results will

ensue varies.

An astrologer can only try to assist a jataka to reduce effects of shithil

moola karma,through,remedies sincerely. This life's Karma remains in one's

own hands.

Please tell this to Rajesh so his dispodency will be removed.




Rao Nemani [raonemani]

Sunday, July 20, 2003 1:52 AM

Vedic Astrology Group

[vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some




Dear Guru's and Learned Members,




While reading Rajesh Kumaria's message few times,( he

is one of my best Jyotish associates for about 6

months now and inspired me a lot to learn).

I am seeing there is pain, lack of faith (which must

have come after following some remedies suggested by

some one and did not work) either his case or his

friend or family member's case. If any one has read

the archives, who will know Rajesh's involvement and

contributions since year 2000, becuase I am reading

each and every message in the archives, hence I have

noticed him.


My sincere request to All guru's to ask Rajesh, what

was the problem of the native he is referring to and

what are the remedies have been taken so far, and what

was the results of those measure/remedies.


Basically, what I am saying here is let us take up

this particular case (with the help of Rajesh ofcouse)

and take an inventory check and find out why he is

saying like this in his original message.


Trust me, Guru's, I know Rajesh very well and his

knowledge level in Vedic Astrology. He is certainly

disappointed with our system. I am not blaming the

Vedic Astrology principles and system, because, I

belive them without any question.

But for some reasons, in his case or his family or

fried's case the sytem did not work. Which means,

loss of faith, which means, this will happen to me or

you or some one else in the future. So there is an

urgent need to restore the faith in our system and

principles. Please do not take me wrong here, I am

playing a catalyst role here to connect two points



My humble request to All Guru's to take a lead and ask

him what what the problem for that native, and try to

resolve the problem.


As you know, I do not have the necessary command in

Jyotish yet, otherwise I would have already lead this

dicussion by now. Please, clear the

mis-understanding, misconceptions of Vedic Astrology

capabilities and principles.


Please forgive me for this message, but I thought

being a member of SJC, it is my duty to bring my

thoughts on the subject in hand, so that I can proudly

tell these good things to my grandchildren.


I look forward for one of you to lead and resolve



A sincere student of Vedic Astrolgy

Rao Neamani



----- original message-----------

"Rajesh Mohan Kumaria"


Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:38 pm

Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some




Respected members and Gurus,


Here's what I found from my sofar astrological

experience ( 5 plus


With all due regards for all……While various

astrological combinations

of various Chakras and Dasa systems are really helpful

to get some

deep insights into the future, yet the remedies fail

completely when

applied in relation to financial problems, career

problems, health

issues etc., All that the remedies(Gemstones and

chanting of mantras)

do is to provide some peace of mind and confidence

only. Nothing

desired//useful happens in financial/career/health


dimensions, unless and until the malefic and offensive

periods are

over completely.


The logic is really simple: Can one chant

40000/100,000 mantras and

change one its destiny? Will the concerned evil

planets be controlled

by the God/Devatas to whom you are praying? what is a


number for chanting mantras so that the Divine

Providence can be

altered by the concerned God/Devata in th favor of the

native? Does

the God/Devata ,to whom one is praying, has the

authority to change

the divine providence ? Well even various avataras of

Lord Vishnu had

to go through tough times until they achieved

victories, so how come

the processes will become simpler by chanting all

these mantras in

Kaliyuga? There is no harm in chanting mantras since

they provide

mental peace to some extent, if nothing else.


So asking for remedies and thinking that they will

change the status-

quo immediately is like child type desire and nothing


less. Its like asking for the Best of the World in a

minute etc.,

Say for example one is passing through very bad time


then all he/she can do is to wear some gemstones and

keep chanting

thousands of mantras for years/until the bad time is

over, while

expenses continue to drain the native's savings. Its

like traveling

in a luxury car until the bad time is over, while the

house and bed

are sold in the process. Ofcourse by the end of bad

time, some

efforts of the native will work and astrologer can

claim proudly that

the remedy was successful and there will be no need to

mention the

price paid by the native. Only the native knows the

truth and then

the native will have to work hard to make up all the

lost money, if

that can ever be recovered even in a life time in most

cases, and

life goes on and further on…..This is the pathetic

state of vedic

astrology remedies….no wonder the remedies are giving

a bad name to

the vedic astrology science/jyotish itself or may be

the remediess

are not meant for KALIYUGA at all...may be we all lack

the desired

parameters and qualities to make them work...



YES Astrology works as there is gradual transformation

of events from

malefic state of affairs to benefic state of affairs

with the passage

of time and efforts as the bad periods come to an

end…so definitely

VEDIC ASTROLOGY WORKS, but the remedies move at a

turtle's speed….


One may agree with me or may not agree…

the truth does not change either due to my desires nor

due to these

remedies….they never work…no harm in keep trying …keep


mantras>>>>something is better than nothing style…who

knows some day

the gods/devatas wake up and listen…



Divine Providence cannot be altered by us. No offence

intended (so

please do not send me any hate mail etc). I am not

sure whether I

will be able to reply to any mails thesedays(also i

have no other

thoughts on this issue), so please excuse me and you

can continue

your discussions on this topic,if desired…


Thanks and Regards.

Rajesh Kumaria.






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respected sri. sanjayji,


your mail is very informative, factual and encouraging.


i am one of the sarpa yoga blessed person struglling all along in my life with

lots of ups and downs and if i am still alive, it is only with the grace of

god. hence whatever you said is true.


but, the 43-45 years age bracket for getting relieved from the serpent coil has

not come true in my life and am waiting for the day to follow. i am overcoming

all these hardships, as i strongly believe karma and god and this has given me

strength to take the things as they are unfolding. yet, sometimes i feel

depressed and the mind tilts towards attempting for suicide but in vain.


may sadasiva bless you with more and more knowledge and a long life to guide and

encourage people like me.


with regards,


t. v. rao



Sanjay Rath

vedic astrology

Sunday, July 20, 2003 3:05 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some thoughts...

Om Gurave namah

Dear Rao,

Rajesh is among the sincere, devoted and dedicated souls in this list. He

suffers from similar problems like I do in the chart. There is a Sarpa Yoga

indicating suffering, financial downturn and what not all and then this broken

by a benefic planet in strength meaning that here is a person entangled in the

serpentine coils of the Kali yuga and struggling to break free. Remedies do not

work easily as it is not easy for them to come out of the coil of the sarpa.

Natural age is 43 or 45 years. look at me what not all remedies I have tried,

yet the suffering must continue. They are trapped in this body and have to

endure - there is no escape. If the sarpa yoga is unbroken then they will not

suffer internally as they will relish the evil doing and can turn evil

themselves. If the sarpa yoga is broken then they will be spiritual. god

fearing and will have to live till they cross the barrier - 45 years.

Such people will gradually learn detatchment and their learning will also be a

tough process. These are the lessons they have tried to run away from in a

revious incarnation and thus the experience has come into the currect life.

Rajesh is a favorite of Lakshmi devi and she awaits his freedom from this

serpentine coil. Be sure that when the yoga breaks, the native will soar high.

I have recently realised that the kendra are Vishnu sthana and it is Bhagavat

bhakti that alone can break us free. So long as I was struggling with all the

mantras and yantras, nothing would happen..intitial success followed by

failures and I was in ground zero again and again. Then I did the RIGHT THING -

I just gave up and decided to live each day as it came; no plans no sorrows due

to failed plans; no dreams , no sorrows due to broken dreams; just gave up as I

felt very tired and just sat down and immerced myself in 'Om namo

Narayanaya'..to forget the world. Then from somewhere Jagannath came and

everything happend on its own..after that in the last six months I have only

seen HIM working every where. Like I fool in sarpa yoga, I still watch, as if

waiting for another miracle...You don't believe it! Sounds incredible. Well in

the west coast conference I will give the proof of this. Just take the charts

of (1) SJVC, (2) SJC Asia and (3) SJC USA and see WHO is the guiding deity -

note these are mundane charts and don't look for Ista devata and moksha for

these organisations..look for the Guru devata - the BK. Who do you see?? Was it

not Jagannath Mahaprabhu - Moon is Krishna. He was right next to me all the time

and I, the great fool failed to see him when I saw all those stars. Deep inside

I had only one request to make to everyone..make whatever organisation..but do

name it after Jagannath.

May Satya Narayana Sri Jagannath help me to continue in this...and also help

Rajesh to break free. Realise that we are too weak. With all my knowledge of

mantra shastra I failed to break the Sarpa yoga. Why waste time..and energy.

Simple problems can be got over by following the prayers etc prescribed by

Parasara, even curses can be got over but Sarpa, kala Sarpa etc yogas and other

such terrible things which grasp a man and inflict terrible wounds in this Kali

Yuga..where is the remedy given by Parasara or the seers. There is no simple

remedy. All those kala sarpa poojas I have read are useless...there is just one

answer - surrender -give up - you cannot win against this overwhelming karma.

~ om tat sat ~Yours truly,Sanjay

Rath---------------------------H-5, B.J.B

Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India, +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


Message-----Rao Nemani [raonemani ]Sunday, July 20,

2003 1:52 AMVedic Astrology Group[vedic astrology] Re: Vedic

Astrology and Remedies... Somethoughts...Dear Guru's and Learned

Members,Namste,While reading Rajesh Kumaria's message few times,( heis one of

my best Jyotish associates for about 6months now and inspired me a lot to

learn).I am seeing there is pain, lack of faith (which musthave come after

following some remedies suggested bysome one and did not work) either his case

or hisfriend or family member's case. If any one has readthe archives, who

will know Rajesh's involvement andcontributions since year 2000, becuase I am

readingeach and every message in the archives, hence I havenoticed him.My

sincere request to All guru's to ask Rajesh, whatwas the problem of the native

he is referring to andwhat are the remedies have been taken so far, and whatwas

the results of those measure/remedies. Basically, what I am saying here is let

us take upthis particular case (with the help of Rajesh ofcouse)and take an

inventory check and find out why he issaying like this in his original

message.Trust me, Guru's, I know Rajesh very well and hisknowledge level in

Vedic Astrology. He is certainlydisappointed with our system. I am not

blaming theVedic Astrology principles and system, because, Ibelive them without

any question. But for some reasons, in his case or his family orfried's case the

sytem did not work. Which means,loss of faith, which means, this will happen to

me oryou or some one else in the future. So there is anurgent need to restore

the faith in our system andprinciples. Please do not take me wrong here, I

amplaying a catalyst role here to connect two pointstogether.My humble request

to All Guru's to take a lead and askhim what what the problem for that native,

and try toresolve the problem.As you know, I do not have the necessary command

inJyotish yet, otherwise I would have already lead thisdicussion by now.

Please, clear themis-understanding, misconceptions of Vedic

Astrologycapabilities and principles.Please forgive me for this message, but I

thoughtbeing a member of SJC, it is my duty to bring mythoughts on the subject

in hand, so that I can proudlytell these good things to my grandchildren.I look

forward for one of you to lead and resolvethis.A sincere student of Vedic

AstrolgyRao Neamani----- original message----------- "Rajesh Mohan

Kumaria"<rajeshkumaria2000> Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:38 pm Vedic

Astrology and Remedies... Somethoughts...Respected members and Gurus,Here's what

I found from my sofar astrologicalexperience ( 5 plusyears)With all due regards

for allWhile variousastrological combinationsof various Chakras and Dasa

systems are really helpfulto get somedeep insights into the future, yet the

remedies failcompletely whenapplied in relation to financial problems,

careerproblems, healthissues etc., All that the remedies(Gemstones andchanting

of mantras)do is to provide some peace of mind and confidenceonly.

Nothingdesired//useful happens in financial/career/healthrelateddimensions,

unless and until the malefic and offensiveperiods areover completely.The logic

is really simple: Can one chant40000/100,000 mantras andchange one its destiny?

Will the concerned evilplanets be controlledby the God/Devatas to whom you are

praying? what is asufficientnumber for chanting mantras so that the

DivineProvidence can bealtered by the concerned God/Devata in th favor of

thenative? Doesthe God/Devata ,to whom one is praying, has theauthority to

changethe divine providence ? Well even various avataras ofLord Vishnu hadto go

through tough times until they achievedvictories, so how comethe processes will

become simpler by chanting allthese mantras inKaliyuga? There is no harm in

chanting mantras sincethey providemental peace to some extent, if nothing

else.So asking for remedies and thinking that they willchange the status-quo

immediately is like child type desire and nothingmore/nothingless. Its like

asking for the Best of the World in aminute etc.,Say for example one is passing

through very bad timefinancially,then all he/she can do is to wear some

gemstones andkeep chantingthousands of mantras for years/until the bad time

isover, whileexpenses continue to drain the native's savings. Itslike

travelingin a luxury car until the bad time is over, while thehouse and bedare

sold in the process. Ofcourse by the end of badtime, someefforts of the native

will work and astrologer canclaim proudly thatthe remedy was successful and

there will be no need tomention theprice paid by the native. Only the native

knows thetruth and thenthe native will have to work hard to make up all thelost

money, ifthat can ever be recovered even in a life time in mostcases, andlife

goes on and further on..This is the patheticstate of Vedic Astrology

remedies.no wonder the remedies are givinga bad name tothe vedic astrology

science/jyotish itself or may bethe remediessare not meant for KALIYUGA at

all...may be we all lackthe desiredparameters and qualities to make them

work...YES Astrology works as there is gradual transformationof events

frommalefic state of affairs to benefic state of affairswith the passageof time

and efforts as the bad periods come to anendso definitelyVEDIC ASTROLOGY WORKS,

but the remedies move at aturtle's speed.One may agree with me or may not

agreethe truth does not change either due to my desires nordue to

theseremedies.they never workno harm in keep trying

keepchantingmantras>>>>something is better than nothing stylewhoknows some

daythe gods/devatas wake up and listenDivine Providence cannot be altered by

us. No offenceintended (soplease do not send me any hate mail etc). I am

notsure whether Iwill be able to reply to any mails thesedays(also ihave no

otherthoughts on this issue), so please excuse me and youcan continueyour

discussions on this topic,if desiredThanks and Regards.Rajesh

Kumaria.SBC DSL - Now

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Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->Free shipping on all inkjet cartridge &

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Dear Rao,

One has to view a chart in its entirety to understand the reasons behind

problems. Mostly progeny related problems and doshas arising out of birth at

abhuktamoola, Midnight etc. are related to shithil moola karma. One's physical

characterstics, deceases,education level,spouse,bandhana etc are mostly related

to Dhrudamoola karmas. However the areas indicated by you are mostly related to

a combination of shithil moola and Karmas of this life.

For getting relief from these what needs to be corrected is the reaction under

stress of the native. Most of the problems result out of one's own actions,

which are instant reaction to stres. Other factor is lack of concentration or

as I call it focus on the results one seeks. They also arise out of false

assessment of one's capacity in both positive and negative direction. Most of

these can be relieved by remedies,the native developing proper response

protocol for set backs patience and developing capacity to bear with them.

People generally want to get quick fix remedies from Astrologers and some times

astrologers too fall prey to suggesting remedies as a quick fix cure. The

Native's own proper conduct plays a large proportion to mitigating problems.

Again diminishing of the problems also depend on occurance of Dahsa and Antar

dashas coupled with transit of planets suitable to individual charts. Since

even if one wants, one cannot make planets change their motion, some times

waiting for the beneficial period to start is the only remedy left.

Once we can make the native understand this, together with appropriate remedies,

he can face the problems with equanimity. Remember that even the Lord had to be

born in aprison when he reincarted as Krishna, and had to act as cowherd. He

had to see death of his own children and face accusation of being a theif.


Rao Nemani [raonemani ]Sent:

Sunday, July 20, 2003 2:57 AMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some thoughts...Dear

Chandrashekhar Ji,Thanks for the prompt and good reply. Now please tell me/us,

how can I find out the following problems for a native, which falls into what

cateogry of those three you have mentioned before.(Dhrud mula Karma, shithil

mula karma and Prarabdha):1) Job lost2) Financial crisis3) Family problems

etc.,Once, we know that the problems caused by "Shithil Mula Karma" can be

modified to a great extent by remedies, then we should focus on that cateogory

only.If it is too long to explain, then please refer me to a text/book on this

topic, as I am very keen in knowing this, so that we can set the Jataka's

expectations correctly.Thanks for your help in advance.RegardsRao--- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar Sharma" <boxdel> wrote:>

Dear Rao,> You are right , I have also read Rajesh's mails and he is certainly

not a> casual poster to the list.> There are two very important things about

remedies and jyotish. One is that> there are three types of Karmas which give

one either problems or success.> These are Dhrud mula Karma, shithil mula karma

and Prarabdha.Effects of the> first one has to bear and remedies can not remove

them.ffects of the second> one can be modified to a great extent by remedies.

Effects of third one are> connected with one's own Karma in this life.The

second point is that some of> the good or bad results that we face are results

of past Karmas(past life> Karma) and some are of this life Karma. So one has to

carry out this life> karma correctly to get most out of this life. The reason is

that there is a> Phalapaka time for every karma and the time after which the

results will> ensue varies.> An astrologer can only try to assist a jataka to

reduce effects of shithil> moola karma,through,remedies sincerely. This life's

Karma remains in one's> own hands.> Please tell this to Rajesh so his

dispodency will be removed.> Chandrashekhar.> > >

Rao Nemani [raonemani]> Sunday, July 20, 2003 1:52 AM>

Vedic Astrology Group> [vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and

Remedies... Some> thoughts...> > > Dear Guru's and Learned Members,> > Namste,>

> While reading Rajesh Kumaria's message few times,( he> is one of my best

Jyotish associates for about 6> months now and inspired me a lot to learn).> I

am seeing there is pain, lack of faith (which must> have come after following

some remedies suggested by> some one and did not work) either his case or his>

friend or family member's case. If any one has read> the archives, who will

know Rajesh's involvement and> contributions since year 2000, becuase I am

reading> each and every message in the archives, hence I have> noticed him.> >

My sincere request to All guru's to ask Rajesh, what> was the problem of the

native he is referring to and> what are the remedies have been taken so far,

and what> was the results of those measure/remedies.> > Basically, what I am

saying here is let us take up> this particular case (with the help of Rajesh

ofcouse)> and take an inventory check and find out why he is> saying like this

in his original message.> > Trust me, Guru's, I know Rajesh very well and his>

knowledge level in Vedic Astrology. He is certainly> disappointed with our

system. I am not blaming the> Vedic Astrology principles and system, because,

I> belive them without any question.> But for some reasons, in his case or his

family or> fried's case the sytem did not work. Which means,> loss of faith,

which means, this will happen to me or> you or some one else in the future. So

there is an> urgent need to restore the faith in our system and> principles.

Please do not take me wrong here, I am> playing a catalyst role here to connect

two points> together.> > My humble request to All Guru's to take a lead and ask>

him what what the problem for that native, and try to> resolve the problem.> >

As you know, I do not have the necessary command in> Jyotish yet, otherwise I

would have already lead this> dicussion by now. Please, clear the>

mis-understanding, misconceptions of Vedic Astrology> capabilities and

principles.> > Please forgive me for this message, but I thought> being a

member of SJC, it is my duty to bring my> thoughts on the subject in hand, so

that I can proudly> tell these good things to my grandchildren.> > I look

forward for one of you to lead and resolve> this.> > A sincere student of Vedic

Astrolgy> Rao Neamani> > > ----- original message-----------> "Rajesh

Mohan Kumaria"> <rajeshkumaria2000>> Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:38 pm>

Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some> thoughts...> > > Respected

members and Gurus,> > Here's what I found from my sofar astrological>

experience ( 5 plus> years)…> With all due regards for all……While various>

astrological combinations> of various Chakras and Dasa systems are really

helpful> to get some> deep insights into the future, yet the remedies fail>

completely when> applied in relation to financial problems, career> problems,

health> issues etc., All that the remedies(Gemstones and> chanting of mantras)>

do is to provide some peace of mind and confidence> only. Nothing>

desired//useful happens in financial/career/health> related> dimensions, unless

and until the malefic and offensive> periods are> over completely.> > The logic

is really simple: Can one chant> 40000/100,000 mantras and> change one its

destiny? Will the concerned evil> planets be controlled> by the God/Devatas to

whom you are praying? what is a> sufficient> number for chanting mantras so

that the Divine> Providence can be> altered by the concerned God/Devata in th

favor of the> native? Does> the God/Devata ,to whom one is praying, has the>

authority to change> the divine providence ? Well even various avataras of>

Lord Vishnu had> to go through tough times until they achieved> victories, so

how come> the processes will become simpler by chanting all> these mantras in>

Kaliyuga? There is no harm in chanting mantras since> they provide> mental

peace to some extent, if nothing else.> > So asking for remedies and thinking

that they will> change the status-> quo immediately is like child type desire

and nothing> more/nothing> less. Its like asking for the Best of the World in

a> minute etc.,> Say for example one is passing through very bad time>

financially,> then all he/she can do is to wear some gemstones and> keep

chanting> thousands of mantras for years/until the bad time is> over, while>

expenses continue to drain the native's savings. Its> like traveling> in a

luxury car until the bad time is over, while the> house and bed> are sold in

the process. Ofcourse by the end of bad> time, some> efforts of the native will

work and astrologer can> claim proudly that> the remedy was successful and there

will be no need to> mention the> price paid by the native. Only the native knows

the> truth and then> the native will have to work hard to make up all the> lost

money, if> that can ever be recovered even in a life time in most> cases, and>

life goes on and further on…..This is the pathetic> state of vedic> astrology

remedies….no wonder the remedies are giving> a bad name to> the vedic astrology

science/jyotish itself or may be> the remediess> are not meant for KALIYUGA at

all...may be we all lack> the desired> parameters and qualities to make them

work...> > > YES Astrology works as there is gradual transformation> of events

from> malefic state of affairs to benefic state of affairs> with the passage>

of time and efforts as the bad periods come to an> end…so definitely> VEDIC

ASTROLOGY WORKS, but the remedies move at a> turtle's speed….> > One may agree

with me or may not agree…> the truth does not change either due to my desires

nor> due to these> remedies….they never work…no harm in keep trying …keep>

chanting> mantras>>>>something is better than nothing style…who> knows some

day> the gods/devatas wake up and listen…> > > Divine Providence cannot be

altered by us. No offence> intended (so> please do not send me any hate mail

etc). I am not> sure whether I> will be able to reply to any mails

thesedays(also i> have no other> thoughts on this issue), so please excuse me

and you> can continue> your discussions on this topic,if desired…> > Thanks and

Regards.> Rajesh Kumaria.> > > > > Do you

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Jaya Guru Dear Rao

Notes on the books! definitely not.

Get a fat register or note book, preferably indexed and write down the

definition of a yoga or some point on a page, draw the chart whcih you learnt

this working from. then keep tabs of this page and keep adding as you read. do

not write anything else in this page...like this.

then on another notebook, list the rules of strengths and try to arrange them

according to your understanding let the mind reason and if you get some idea,

keep a tab..like this study.

Unless you have references and records you will get lost in this ocean.

Yours truly, Sanjay Rath Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

E-mail: srath (AT) srath (DOT) com srath (AT) vsnl (DOT) com daivagyna (AT) sify (DOT) com

Web: http://srath.com http://.org

----~om tat sat~--------------


Rao Nemani [raonemani ]Sent:

Sunday, July 20, 2003 11:11 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some thoughts...Dear

Sanjay Ji,Namaste,To be very honest with you, I have never done that kind of

studies so far, including for Master's Prgramme in Software Engineering,

everything was kept/stored in my mind. My text books are always as good as

new, because no marking, no notes on the books, never.But this devine science

is quite different in learning, as I have already recognized this, becuase I

found myself not remembering few facts studies just few days ago. Which was not

the case with my Non Astrological Studies, I could remember very well even I

studied some time ago. That iswhy I have request my Guru Ji to give me a

Mantra to remembermy Jyotish studies, which I got it from him today.So the

bottom line is: my approach should be different for learning Jyotish. Your

suggession is just in time for me too, otherwise, as you said, I would have

lost in the ocean of Jyotish knowledge.I shall follow your suggesion without

fail from now onwards.Thanks for the advise one more time.RegardsRao--- In

vedic astrology, "Sanjay Rath" <daivagyna@s...> wrote:> > >

Jaya Guru > Dear Rao> Make notes as you study. I made very extensive

notes. I always wrote down every point and then would ponder over it. One page

per topic works fine for short notes, plan this and start keeping notes else

you will get lost in this ocean. Under notes keep reference charts..just basic

data-date/time /place and event if needed.> Yours truly, > Sanjay Rath

> Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India > E-mail: srath@s...

srath@v... daivagyna@s... > Web: http://srath.com http://.org >

----~om tat sat~-------------- > > > > Rao

Nemani [raonemani]> Sunday, July 20, 2003 6:00 PM> To:

vedic astrology> [vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology

and Remedies... Some thoughts...> > > Dear Sanjay Ji,> > Namaste,> > Thank you

for your prompt and very good explanation > on the Rajesh's message.> > If I

have not seen your reply, Chandrashekar Ji and > Sanjay Prabhakaran's messages

today, I was actually thinking > of packing all these 20 odd books I have

acuired in the > last 6 months, and put a stop in spending time in this area,>

where we can not find answers for a such a simple questions.> > I am convinced

now and shall continue my search for the light> with the help of my Guru

ji/SJC-Guru's and my mother Mahalakshmi > blessings.> > Regards> Rao> > --- In

vedic astrology, "Sanjay Rath" > <daivagyna@s...> wrote:> > Om

Gurave namah> > > > > > Dear Rao,> > > > Rajesh is among the sincere, devoted

and dedicated souls in this > list. He suffers from similar problems like I do

in the chart. There > is a Sarpa Yoga indicating suffering, financial downturn

and what not > all and then this broken by a benefic planet in strength meaning

that > here is a person entangled in the serpentine coils of the Kali yuga > and

struggling to break free. Remedies do not work easily as it is > not easy for

them to come out of the coil of the sarpa. Natural age > is 43 or 45 years.

look at me what not all remedies I have tried, yet > the suffering must

continue. They are trapped in this body and have > to endure - there is no

escape. If the sarpa yoga is unbroken then > they will not suffer internally as

they will relish the evil doing > and can turn evil themselves. If the sarpa

yoga is broken then they > will be spiritual. god fearing and will have to live

till they cross > the barrier - 45 years.> > > > Such people will gradually

learn detatchment and their learning > will also be a tough process. These are

the lessons they have tried > to run away from in a revious incarnation and

thus the experience has > come into the currect life.> > > > Rajesh is a

favorite of Lakshmi devi and she awaits his freedom > from this serpentine

coil. Be sure that when the yoga breaks, the > native will soar high. > > > > I

have recently realised that the kendra are Vishnu sthana and it > is Bhagavat

bhakti that alone can break us free. So long as I was > struggling with all the

mantras and yantras, nothing would > happen..intitial success followed by

failures and I was in ground > zero again and again. Then I did the RIGHT THING

- I just gave up and > decided to live each day as it came; no plans no sorrows

due to > failed plans; no dreams , no sorrows due to broken dreams; just gave >

up as I felt very tired and just sat down and immerced myself in 'Om > namo

Narayanaya'..to forget the world. Then from somewhere Jagannath > came and

everything happend on its own..after that in the last six > months I have only

seen HIM working every where. Like I fool in sarpa > yoga, I still watch, as if

waiting for another miracle...You don't > believe it! Sounds incredible. Well in

the west coast conference I > will give the proof of this. Just take the charts

of (1) SJVC, (2) > SJC Asia and (3) SJC USA and see WHO is the guiding deity -

note > these are mundane charts and don't look for Ista devata and moksha > for

these organisations..look for the Guru devata - the BK. Who do > you see?? Was

it not Jagannath Mahaprabhu - Moon is Krishna. He was > right next to me all

the time and I, the great fool failed to see him > when I saw all those stars.

Deep inside I had only one request to > make to everyone..make whatever

organisation..but do name it after > Jagannath.> > > > May Satya Narayana Sri

Jagannath help me to continue in this...and > also help Rajesh to break free.

Realise that we are too weak. With > all my knowledge of mantra shastra I

failed to break the Sarpa yoga. > Why waste time..and energy. Simple problems

can be got over by > following the prayers etc prescribed by Parasara, even

curses can be > got over but Sarpa, kala Sarpa etc yogas and other such

terrible > things which grasp a man and inflict terrible wounds in this Kali >

Yuga..where is the remedy given by Parasara or the seers. There is no > simple

remedy. All those kala sarpa poojas I have read are > useless...there is just

one answer - surrender -give up - you cannot > win against this overwhelming

karma.> > > > ~ om tat sat ~> > Yours truly,> > Sanjay Rath> >

---------------------------> > H-5, B.J.B

Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India, +91-674-2436871 > http://srath.com

<http://srath.com>> >

---------------------------> > > > > >

> > Rao Nemani [raonemani]> > Sent:

Sunday, July 20, 2003 1:52 AM> > Vedic Astrology Group> > Subject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and Remedies... Some> > thoughts...> > >

> > > Dear Guru's and Learned Members,> > > > Namste,> > > > While reading

Rajesh Kumaria's message few times,( he> > is one of my best Jyotish associates

for about 6> > months now and inspired me a lot to learn).> > I am seeing there

is pain, lack of faith (which must> > have come after following some remedies

suggested by> > some one and did not work) either his case or his> > friend or

family member's case. If any one has read> > the archives, who will know

Rajesh's involvement and> > contributions since year 2000, becuase I am

reading> > each and every message in the archives, hence I have> > noticed

him.> > > > My sincere request to All guru's to ask Rajesh, what> > was the

problem of the native he is referring to and> > what are the remedies have been

taken so far, and what> > was the results of those measure/remedies. > > > >

Basically, what I am saying here is let us take up> > this particular case

(with the help of Rajesh ofcouse)> > and take an inventory check and find out

why he is> > saying like this in his original message.> > > > Trust me, Guru's,

I know Rajesh very well and his> > knowledge level in Vedic Astrology. He is

certainly> > disappointed with our system. I am not blaming the> > Vedic

Astrology principles and system, because, I> > belive them without any

question. > > But for some reasons, in his case or his family or> > fried's

case the sytem did not work. Which means,> > loss of faith, which means, this

will happen to me or> > you or some one else in the future. So there is an> >

urgent need to restore the faith in our system and> > principles. Please do

not take me wrong here, I am> > playing a catalyst role here to connect two

points> > together.> > > > My humble request to All Guru's to take a lead and

ask> > him what what the problem for that native, and try to> > resolve the

problem.> > > > As you know, I do not have the necessary command in> > Jyotish

yet, otherwise I would have already lead this> > dicussion by now. Please,

clear the> > mis-understanding, misconceptions of Vedic Astrology> >

capabilities and principles.> > > > Please forgive me for this message, but I

thought> > being a member of SJC, it is my duty to bring my> > thoughts on the

subject in hand, so that I can proudly> > tell these good things to my

grandchildren.> > > > I look forward for one of you to lead and resolve> >

this.> > > > A sincere student of Vedic Astrolgy> > Rao Neamani> > > > > >

----- original message-----------> > "Rajesh Mohan Kumaria"> >

<rajeshkumaria2000>> > Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:38 pm> > Vedic

Astrology and Remedies... Some> > thoughts...> > > > > > Respected members and

Gurus,> > > > Here's what I found from my sofar astrological> > experience ( 5

plus> > years)> > With all due regards for allWhile various> > astrological

combinations> > of various Chakras and Dasa systems are really helpful> > to

get some> > deep insights into the future, yet the remedies fail> > completely

when> > applied in relation to financial problems, career> > problems, health>

> issues etc., All that the remedies(Gemstones and> > chanting of mantras)> >

do is to provide some peace of mind and confidence> > only. Nothing> >

desired//useful happens in financial/career/health> > related> > dimensions,

unless and until the malefic and offensive> > periods are> > over completely.>

> > > The logic is really simple: Can one chant> > 40000/100,000 mantras and> >

change one its destiny? Will the concerned evil> > planets be controlled> > by

the God/Devatas to whom you are praying? what is a> > sufficient> > number for

chanting mantras so that the Divine> > Providence can be> > altered by the

concerned God/Devata in th favor of the> > native? Does> > the God/Devata ,to

whom one is praying, has the> > authority to change> > the divine providence ?

Well even various avataras of> > Lord Vishnu had> > to go through tough times

until they achieved> > victories, so how come> > the processes will become

simpler by chanting all> > these mantras in> > Kaliyuga? There is no harm in

chanting mantras since> > they provide> > mental peace to some extent, if

nothing else.> > > > So asking for remedies and thinking that they will> >

change the status-> > quo immediately is like child type desire and nothing> >

more/nothing> > less. Its like asking for the Best of the World in a> > minute

etc.,> > Say for example one is passing through very bad time> > financially,>

> then all he/she can do is to wear some gemstones and> > keep chanting> >

thousands of mantras for years/until the bad time is> > over, while> > expenses

continue to drain the native's savings. Its> > like traveling> > in a luxury car

until the bad time is over, while the> > house and bed> > are sold in the

process. Ofcourse by the end of bad> > time, some> > efforts of the native will

work and astrologer can> > claim proudly that> > the remedy was successful and

there will be no need to> > mention the> > price paid by the native. Only the

native knows the> > truth and then> > the native will have to work hard to make

up all the> > lost money, if> > that can ever be recovered even in a life time

in most> > cases, and> > life goes on and further on..This is the pathetic> >

state of vedic> > astrology remedies.no wonder the remedies are giving> > a

bad name to> > the vedic astrology science/jyotish itself or may be> > the

remediess> > are not meant for KALIYUGA at all...may be we all lack> > the

desired> > parameters and qualities to make them work...> > > > > > YES

Astrology works as there is gradual transformation> > of events from> > malefic

state of affairs to benefic state of affairs> > with the passage> > of time and

efforts as the bad periods come to an> > endso definitely> > VEDIC ASTROLOGY

WORKS, but the remedies move at a> > turtle's speed.> > > > One may agree with

me or may not agree> > the truth does not change either due to my desires nor>

> due to these> > remedies.they never workno harm in keep trying keep> >

chanting> > mantras>>>>something is better than nothing stylewho> > knows some

day> > the gods/devatas wake up and listen> > > > > > Divine Providence cannot

be altered by us. No offence> > intended (so> > please do not send me any hate

mail etc). I am not> > sure whether I> > will be able to reply to any mails

thesedays(also i> > have no other> > thoughts on this issue), so please excuse

me and you> > can continue> > your discussions on this topic,if desired> > > >

Thanks and Regards.> > Rajesh Kumaria.> > > > > > > >

> > > > SBC DSL - Now

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Respected Sanjay Ji,


Thanks a lot for guiding us to keep the notes on

Astrology. As I am IT professional, I used to make

different directories and storing different documents

in different directories (for easy searching), but

still was feeling confused at times.


Now, I am also going to maintain a register.


Thank you very much,


Kind regards,


Neeraj Gupta

--- Sanjay Rath <daivagyna wrote:



> Jaya Guru

> Dear Rao

> Notes on the books! definitely not.

> Get a fat register or note book, preferably

> indexed and write down the definition of a yoga or

> some point on a page, draw the chart whcih you

> learnt this working from. then keep tabs of this

> page and keep adding as you read. do not write

> anything else in this page...like this.

> then on another notebook, list the rules of

> strengths and try to arrange them according to your

> understanding let the mind reason and if you get

> some idea, keep a tab..like this study.

> Unless you have references and records you will

> get lost in this ocean.

> Yours truly,

> Sanjay Rath

> Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India


> E-mail: srath srath

> daivagyna

> Web: http://srath.com http://.org

> ----~om tat sat~--------------




> Rao Nemani [raonemani]

> Sunday, July 20, 2003 11:11 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and

> Remedies... Some thoughts...



> Dear Sanjay Ji,


> Namaste,


> To be very honest with you, I have never done that

> kind

> of studies so far, including for Master's Prgramme

> in

> Software Engineering, everything was kept/stored in

> my mind.

> My text books are always as good as new, because no

> marking,

> no notes on the books, never.


> But this devine science is quite different in

> learning,

> as I have already recognized this, becuase I found

> myself

> not remembering few facts studies just few days ago.

> Which

> was not the case with my Non Astrological Studies, I

> could

> remember very well even I studied some time ago.

> That is

> why I have request my Guru Ji to give me a Mantra to

> remember

> my Jyotish studies, which I got it from him today.


> So the bottom line is: my approach should be

> different for

> learning Jyotish. Your suggession is just in time

> for me too,

> otherwise, as you said, I would have lost in the

> ocean of

> Jyotish knowledge.


> I shall follow your suggesion without fail from now

> onwards.


> Thanks for the advise one more time.


> Regards

> Rao



> vedic astrology, "Sanjay

> Rath"

> <daivagyna@s...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Jaya Guru

> > Dear Rao

> > Make notes as you study. I made very extensive

> notes. I always

> wrote down every point and then would ponder over

> it. One page per

> topic works fine for short notes, plan this and

> start keeping notes

> else you will get lost in this ocean. Under notes

> keep reference

> charts..just basic data-date/time /place and event

> if needed.

> > Yours truly,

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014,

> India

> > E-mail: srath@s... srath@v... daivagyna@s...

> > Web: http://srath.com http://.org

> > ----~om tat sat~--------------

> >

> >

> >

> > Rao Nemani [raonemani]

> > Sunday, July 20, 2003 6:00 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Vedic Astrology and

> Remedies... Some

> thoughts...

> >

> >

> > Dear Sanjay Ji,

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Thank you for your prompt and very good

> explanation

> > on the Rajesh's message.

> >

> > If I have not seen your reply, Chandrashekar Ji

> and

> > Sanjay Prabhakaran's messages today, I was

> actually thinking

> > of packing all these 20 odd books I have acuired

> in the

> > last 6 months, and put a stop in spending time in

> this area,

> > where we can not find answers for a such a simple

> questions.

> >

> > I am convinced now and shall continue my search

> for the light

> > with the help of my Guru ji/SJC-Guru's and my

> mother Mahalakshmi

> > blessings.

> >

> > Regards

> > Rao

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Sanjay

> Rath"

> > <daivagyna@s...> wrote:

> > > Om Gurave namah

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Rao,

> > >

> > > Rajesh is among the sincere, devoted and

> dedicated souls in this

> > list. He suffers from similar problems like I do

> in the chart.

> There

> > is a Sarpa Yoga indicating suffering, financial

> downturn and what

> not

> > all and then this broken by a benefic planet in

> strength meaning

> that

> > here is a person entangled in the serpentine coils

> of the Kali yuga

> > and struggling to break free. Remedies do not work

> easily as it is

> > not easy for them to come out of the coil of the

> sarpa. Natural age

> > is 43 or 45 years. look at me what not all

> remedies I have tried,

> yet

> > the suffering must continue. They are trapped in

> this body and have

> > to endure - there is no escape. If the sarpa yoga

> is unbroken then

> > they will not suffer internally as they will

> relish the evil doing

> > and can turn evil themselves. If the sarpa yoga is

> broken then they

> > will be spiritual. god fearing and will have to

> live till they

> cross

> > the barrier - 45 years.

> > >

> > > Such people will gradually learn detatchment and

> their learning

> > will also be a tough process. These are the

> lessons they have tried

> > to run away from in a revious incarnation and thus

> the experience

> has

> > come into the currect life.

> > >

> > > Rajesh is a favorite of Lakshmi devi and she

> awaits his freedom

> > from this serpentine coil. Be sure that when the

> yoga breaks, the

> > native will soar high.

> > >

> > > I have recently realised that the kendra are

> Vishnu sthana and it


=== message truncated ===








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