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Interested Learner!!

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||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


Dear Sudhanshu,


If you would like to learn how to answer your questions and many

more, I suggest that you pick up a good book on vedic astrology

(Vedic astrology - An integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao is a

good book for beginners). Meanwhile, as a student of Jyotish, I

answered your questions. My comments below.





> 1. I have sun and venus in 7th house from mesha

> lagna, sun being debt. venus in own house, does this

> qualify for neech bhanga yog?


Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by Venus being

in his own house. But whether this constitutes a yoga?




> 2. I have a supposedly powerful Jupiter in 4th

> house with moon in lagna, inspite of a good

> guru(jupiter) my studies are not that good as they

> could have been considering my father is a professor

> in IIT DELHI and mother is a high ranking govt

> offcial.



Jupiter and Mo in kendras to each other is the well-known Gajakesari

yoga. Ju in 4th will give you good family, good intelligence etc.

But where you study will be shown by A4 in D-1 and D-24 charts. A

person may be very intelligent but may not study at IIT, IIM's!


> 3. This one query relates to my heart, I have had

> attractions to nice ladies before as a part of growing

> up(age 25yrs), even now there is one but I have never

> been able to say my heart out to the concerned person.

> Will this continue till my marriage considering this

> as just a passing phase of life or will i be able to

> have my lady with me?


Hmm...affairs of the heart, eh? Why dont you analyse this yourself

astrologically? I havent seen your horoscope but I would be tempted

to ask if Ma influences Ve? If you have had more than one

relationship, study carefully the UL's in your chart and relate them

to the different relationships you had or are having. Whether or not

you continue with the present lady depends on both of you!



> 4. apart from the materialistic desires as with

> everybody, I too have spiritual desires of rising very

> high spiritually, probably I am on the path too and as

> a service to the LORD ALMIGHTY, I feel that service to

> humanity is a must and I constantly endeavour for the

> cause, what is my future in this regard.


If you are spiritually inclined, God will take care of you. No doubt

about it.


> 5. I want to take up astrology as a medium of

> guidance to needy people in distress, wil I be able to

> succeed, if so when?


Definitely! When Ju transits your mantrapada (A5), that is the time

to look for a Guru who will guide you in your search for the Jyotish

MahaVidya. When is up to you. I would suggest that you write to any

one of the Jyotish Gurus on this list to seek acceptance as a

shishya. All the best in your efforts. May Lord Jagannatha bless and

guide you.




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indeed imran bhai's prespicuous narration is stupendous. I do appreciate.



Tanvir [tanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) com]Sunday,

August 10, 2003 11:13 PMvedic astrologySubject: Re:

[vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

Imran Bhai,


I am very well aware of the rule of neecha bhanga you have quoted. But the

answer of Hari Jee was in a confusing way that for Ve being in own sign the

debility of Sun was cancelled. I quote his answer -


"Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by Venus being in his own house."


The fact is that Ve will cancel the neecha for being in 7th house, since he is

the dispositor of the fallen planet and is in a kendra to lagna. But the answer

would confuse the reader that Ve will cancell the neecha for being in own house.

So the reader will think that an own house planet joining the neecha planet will

cancel the neecha, which will be wrong.







What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro


Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:01 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

Dear Tanvir,

About NeechBhanga Sanjay illustrated four conditions in which second says:


2. The lord of the sign of debility of the debilitated planet is in a kendra

to Lagna or Moon. This is the concept of the dispositor of the planet, and if

the dispositor of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra to Lagna or Moon, then

neecha bhanga occurs. This is also an important part of the Kalpa Druma Yoga

where the dispositor of the strong lagna lord is required to be in a kendra to

lagna. In such a case, when the naive approaches someone for help, when in

trouble or in debility, help is sure to come."



Whereas for Education, the modern meanings has been changed. Now-a-days, the

degree, market-oriented subject and university are assumed mode of higher

education, instead of knowledge and intellengence. Thus Maya arises and Satya

veil over. This suggest to analyse Arudha in details.

Hence in Rasi(D-1) and in Siddamsha(D-24) fourth house from lagna and from AL

yield subject one learns. A4 in D-24 highlights the "place of education" i.e.

college or university in which one studies. If A4 is associated or aspected by

benefic then this show some prestigious institute or top class university, Sun

reveals hi-fi government run (or supported) college whose student generally

stood first, Jupiter indicates well reputed institute due to its faculty

members/professors or Gurukul, and Mercury well known institute on account of

its research publications, working papers and libraries/labs.


While malefic association/aspect destined one a low level of school/college.

Saturn's association or aspect to A4 in D-24 unveils a mediocre college suffers

due to shortage of funds and facilities. Afflicted Mars indicates a college hit

by political violance while a strong Mars+Sun under aspect of Jupiter show

military academy.


5th house stands for creativity and intellegence and 9th house show learning of

higher level/associeted with dharma, law and traditions. While looking chart

with respect to Karaka lagna may also help in judging education. Mercury is the

karaka, thus the sign in which Mercury is occupied is the karaka lagna of

education. Analyse 4th form sign occupied by Mercury, its strength, affliction

and aspect it receives both in D-1 and D-24. In Ashtakavarga scheme check how

many shubh bindus are there in 4th from Mercury in its own B.A.V. both in D-1

and D-24.


But it should be borne in mind that D-24 is the "fine-tuning button" of

educational prospects and learning probabilities so it must read with D-1. D-24

does not show whether a man become "doctor" or not it only highlights that

whether one attains education of "medicine" or not. It is D-10 that tell that.


Powerful Dual signs (Ge, Vi, Sg, Pi) and Apoklima bhavas (3rd, 6th, 9th, and

12th) both in Rashi and Siddhamsha promises fondness and tendency of reading,

writings and analysis. (if good yogas exist and dasa is seen then success

surely attains otherwise signs only show inclinations). Benefic (specially

Mercury) associated with dual sings and apoklima gives one has access to good

libraries, having many books, computer and internet. Whether one is formally

educated (degree holder) or not.


Warm Regards



Tanvir <tanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Hari Jee,

According to Sanjay jee's teaching, a debilitation is not cancelled for only if

the debilititated planet joins an own sign planet. It should join an exalted

planet. (There are other rules too.) So a fallen Sun in libra needs to conjunct

Saturn to get the neecha bhanga, not Ve.


To Dear Sudhanshu Jee,

For success in education the rule is to see siddhamsa (D-24) chart and also in

reference of Ghati lagna, as shown by Narasimha Jee. Since I am not advaned in

that, I personally see houses 9, 2, 4 for education in Rashi chart. 4th shows

formal education, 2nd shows the learning process, (speed/difficulty/easiness)

and I also see the 9th for success (That is personal view.) 5th shows knowledge

but it might be either formal or informal.







What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro






vedic astrology

Friday, August 08, 2003 1:40 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Sudhanshu,If you would like to learn how to answer

your questions and many more, I suggest that you pick up a good book on vedic

astrology (Vedic astrology - An integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao is a

good book for beginners). Meanwhile, as a student of Jyotish, I answered your

questions. My comments below.regardsHari> 1. I have sun and venus in 7th

house from mesha> lagna, sun being debt. venus in own house, does this> qualify

for neech bhanga yog?Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by

Venus being in his own house. But whether this constitutes a yoga?> > 2. I

have a supposedly powerful Jupiter in 4th> house with moon in lagna, inspite of

a good> guru(jupiter) my studies are not that good as they> could have been

considering my father is a professor> in IIT DELHI and mother is a high

ranking govt> offcial.> Jupiter and Mo in kendras to each other is the

well-known Gajakesari yoga. Ju in 4th will give you good family, good

intelligence etc. But where you study will be shown by A4 in D-1 and D-24

charts. A person may be very intelligent but may not study at IIT, IIM's! >

3. This one query relates to my heart, I have had> attractions to nice ladies

before as a part of growing> up(age 25yrs), even now there is one but I have

never> been able to say my heart out to the concerned person.> Will this

continue till my marriage considering this> as just a passing phase of life or

will i be able to> have my lady with me?Hmm...affairs of the heart, eh? Why

dont you analyse this yourself astrologically? I havent seen your horoscope but

I would be tempted to ask if Ma influences Ve? If you have had more than one

relationship, study carefully the UL's in your chart and relate them to the

different relationships you had or are having. Whether or not you continue with

the present lady depends on both of you! > > 4. apart from the

materialistic desires as with> everybody, I too have spiritual desires of

rising very> high spiritually, probably I am on the path too and as> a service

to the LORD ALMIGHTY, I feel that service to> humanity is a must and I

constantly endeavour for the> cause, what is my future in this regard.If you

are spiritually inclined, God will take care of you. No doubt about it.> >

5. I want to take up astrology as a medium of> guidance to needy people in

distress, wil I be able to> succeed, if so when?Definitely! When Ju transits

your mantrapada (A5), that is the time to look for a Guru who will guide you in

your search for the Jyotish MahaVidya. When is up to you. I would suggest that

you write to any one of the Jyotish Gurus on this list to seek acceptance as a

shishya. All the best in your efforts. May Lord Jagannatha bless and guide

you.regardsHari------------------------ Sponsor

---------------------~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for Your HP, Epson,

Canon or LexmarkPrinter at Myinks.com. Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US

& Canada.


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Dear Hari Jee,

According to Sanjay jee's teaching, a debilitation is not cancelled for only if

the debilititated planet joins an own sign planet. It should join an exalted

planet. (There are other rules too.) So a fallen Sun in libra needs to conjunct

Saturn to get the neecha bhanga, not Ve.


To Dear Sudhanshu Jee,

For success in education the rule is to see siddhamsa (D-24) chart and also in

reference of Ghati lagna, as shown by Narasimha Jee. Since I am not advaned in

that, I personally see houses 9, 2, 4 for education in Rashi chart. 4th shows

formal education, 2nd shows the learning process, (speed/difficulty/easiness)

and I also see the 9th for success (That is personal view.) 5th shows knowledge

but it might be either formal or informal.







What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro






vedic astrology

Friday, August 08, 2003 1:40 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Sudhanshu,If you would like to learn how to answer

your questions and many more, I suggest that you pick up a good book on vedic

astrology (Vedic astrology - An integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao is a

good book for beginners). Meanwhile, as a student of Jyotish, I answered your

questions. My comments below.regardsHari> 1. I have sun and venus in 7th

house from mesha> lagna, sun being debt. venus in own house, does this> qualify

for neech bhanga yog?Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by

Venus being in his own house. But whether this constitutes a yoga?> > 2. I

have a supposedly powerful Jupiter in 4th> house with moon in lagna, inspite of

a good> guru(jupiter) my studies are not that good as they> could have been

considering my father is a professor> in IIT DELHI and mother is a high

ranking govt> offcial.> Jupiter and Mo in kendras to each other is the

well-known Gajakesari yoga. Ju in 4th will give you good family, good

intelligence etc. But where you study will be shown by A4 in D-1 and D-24

charts. A person may be very intelligent but may not study at IIT, IIM's! >

3. This one query relates to my heart, I have had> attractions to nice ladies

before as a part of growing> up(age 25yrs), even now there is one but I have

never> been able to say my heart out to the concerned person.> Will this

continue till my marriage considering this> as just a passing phase of life or

will i be able to> have my lady with me?Hmm...affairs of the heart, eh? Why

dont you analyse this yourself astrologically? I havent seen your horoscope but

I would be tempted to ask if Ma influences Ve? If you have had more than one

relationship, study carefully the UL's in your chart and relate them to the

different relationships you had or are having. Whether or not you continue with

the present lady depends on both of you! > > 4. apart from the

materialistic desires as with> everybody, I too have spiritual desires of

rising very> high spiritually, probably I am on the path too and as> a service

to the LORD ALMIGHTY, I feel that service to> humanity is a must and I

constantly endeavour for the> cause, what is my future in this regard.If you

are spiritually inclined, God will take care of you. No doubt about it.> >

5. I want to take up astrology as a medium of> guidance to needy people in

distress, wil I be able to> succeed, if so when?Definitely! When Ju transits

your mantrapada (A5), that is the time to look for a Guru who will guide you in

your search for the Jyotish MahaVidya. When is up to you. I would suggest that

you write to any one of the Jyotish Gurus on this list to seek acceptance as a

shishya. All the best in your efforts. May Lord Jagannatha bless and guide

you.regardsHari------------------------ Sponsor

---------------------~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for Your HP, Epson,

Canon or LexmarkPrinter at Myinks.com. Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US

& Canada.


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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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About NeechBhanga Sanjay illustrated four conditions in which second says:


2. The lord of the sign of debility of the debilitated planet is in a kendra

to Lagna or Moon. This is the concept of the dispositor of the planet, and if

the dispositor of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra to Lagna or Moon, then

neecha bhanga occurs. This is also an important part of the Kalpa Druma Yoga

where the dispositor of the strong lagna lord is required to be in a kendra to

lagna. In such a case, when the naive approaches someone for help, when in

trouble or in debility, help is sure to come."



Whereas for Education, the modern meanings has been changed. Now-a-days, the

degree, market-oriented subject and university are assumed mode of higher

education, instead of knowledge and intellengence. Thus Maya arises and Satya

veil over. This suggest to analyse Arudha in details.

Hence in Rasi(D-1) and in Siddamsha(D-24) fourth house from lagna and from AL

yield subject one learns. A4 in D-24 highlights the "place of education" i.e.

college or university in which one studies. If A4 is associated or aspected by

benefic then this show some prestigious institute or top class university, Sun

reveals hi-fi government run (or supported) college whose student generally

stood first, Jupiter indicates well reputed institute due to its faculty

members/professors or Gurukul, and Mercury well known institute on account of

its research publications, working papers and libraries/labs.


While malefic association/aspect destined one a low level of school/college.

Saturn's association or aspect to A4 in D-24 unveils a mediocre college suffers

due to shortage of funds and facilities. Afflicted Mars indicates a college hit

by political violance while a strong Mars+Sun under aspect of Jupiter show

military academy.


5th house stands for creativity and intellegence and 9th house show learning of

higher level/associeted with dharma, law and traditions. While looking chart

with respect to Karaka lagna may also help in judging education. Mercury is the

karaka, thus the sign in which Mercury is occupied is the karaka lagna of

education. Analyse 4th form sign occupied by Mercury, its strength, affliction

and aspect it receives both in D-1 and D-24. In Ashtakavarga scheme check how

many shubh bindus are there in 4th from Mercury in its own B.A.V. both in D-1

and D-24.


But it should be borne in mind that D-24 is the "fine-tuning button" of

educational prospects and learning probabilities so it must read with D-1. D-24

does not show whether a man become "doctor" or not it only highlights that

whether one attains education of "medicine" or not. It is D-10 that tell that.


Powerful Dual signs (Ge, Vi, Sg, Pi) and Apoklima bhavas (3rd, 6th, 9th, and

12th) both in Rashi and Siddhamsha promises fondness and tendency of reading,

writings and analysis. (if good yogas exist and dasa is seen then success

surely attains otherwise signs only show inclinations). Benefic (specially

Mercury) associated with dual sings and apoklima gives one has access to good

libraries, having many books, computer and internet. Whether one is formally

educated (degree holder) or not.


Warm Regards



Tanvir <tanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Hari Jee,

According to Sanjay jee's teaching, a debilitation is not cancelled for only if

the debilititated planet joins an own sign planet. It should join an exalted

planet. (There are other rules too.) So a fallen Sun in libra needs to conjunct

Saturn to get the neecha bhanga, not Ve.


To Dear Sudhanshu Jee,

For success in education the rule is to see siddhamsa (D-24) chart and also in

reference of Ghati lagna, as shown by Narasimha Jee. Since I am not advaned in

that, I personally see houses 9, 2, 4 for education in Rashi chart. 4th shows

formal education, 2nd shows the learning process, (speed/difficulty/easiness)

and I also see the 9th for success (That is personal view.) 5th shows knowledge

but it might be either formal or informal.







What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro






vedic astrology

Friday, August 08, 2003 1:40 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Sudhanshu,If you would like to learn how to answer

your questions and many more, I suggest that you pick up a good book on vedic

astrology (Vedic astrology - An integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao is a

good book for beginners). Meanwhile, as a student of Jyotish, I answered your

questions. My comments below.regardsHari> 1. I have sun and venus in 7th

house from mesha> lagna, sun being debt. venus in own house, does this> qualify

for neech bhanga yog?Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by

Venus being in his own house. But whether this constitutes a yoga?> > 2. I

have a supposedly powerful Jupiter in 4th> house with moon in lagna, inspite of

a good> guru(jupiter) my studies are not that good as they> could have been

considering my

father is a professor> in IIT DELHI and mother is a high ranking govt>

offcial.> Jupiter and Mo in kendras to each other is the well-known Gajakesari

yoga. Ju in 4th will give you good family, good intelligence etc. But where you

study will be shown by A4 in D-1 and D-24 charts. A person may be very

intelligent but may not study at IIT, IIM's! > 3. This one query relates

to my heart, I have had> attractions to nice ladies before as a part of

growing> up(age 25yrs), even now there is one but I have never> been able to

say my heart out to the concerned person.> Will this continue till my marriage

considering this> as just a passing phase of life or will i be able to> have my

lady with me?Hmm...affairs of the heart, eh? Why dont you analyse this yourself

astrologically? I havent seen your horoscope but I would be tempted to ask if


influences Ve? If you have had more than one relationship, study carefully the

UL's in your chart and relate them to the different relationships you had or

are having. Whether or not you continue with the present lady depends on both

of you! > > 4. apart from the materialistic desires as with> everybody, I

too have spiritual desires of rising very> high spiritually, probably I am on

the path too and as> a service to the LORD ALMIGHTY, I feel that service to>

humanity is a must and I constantly endeavour for the> cause, what is my future

in this regard.If you are spiritually inclined, God will take care of you. No

doubt about it.> > 5. I want to take up astrology as a medium of> guidance

to needy people in distress, wil I be able to> succeed, if so when?Definitely!

When Ju transits your mantrapada (A5), that is the time

to look for a Guru who will guide you in your search for the Jyotish MahaVidya.

When is up to you. I would suggest that you write to any one of the Jyotish

Gurus on this list to seek acceptance as a shishya. All the best in your

efforts. May Lord Jagannatha bless and guide

you.regardsHari------------------------ Sponsor

---------------------~-->Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for Your HP, Epson,

Canon or LexmarkPrinter at Myinks.com. Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US

& Canada.


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Imran Bhai,


I am very well aware of the rule of neecha bhanga you have quoted. But the

answer of Hari Jee was in a confusing way that for Ve being in own sign the

debility of Sun was cancelled. I quote his answer -


"Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by Venus being in his own house."


The fact is that Ve will cancel the neecha for being in 7th house, since he is

the dispositor of the fallen planet and is in a kendra to lagna. But the answer

would confuse the reader that Ve will cancell the neecha for being in own house.

So the reader will think that an own house planet joining the neecha planet will

cancel the neecha, which will be wrong.







What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro


Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:01 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

Dear Tanvir,

About NeechBhanga Sanjay illustrated four conditions in which second says:


2. The lord of the sign of debility of the debilitated planet is in a kendra

to Lagna or Moon. This is the concept of the dispositor of the planet, and if

the dispositor of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra to Lagna or Moon, then

neecha bhanga occurs. This is also an important part of the Kalpa Druma Yoga

where the dispositor of the strong lagna lord is required to be in a kendra to

lagna. In such a case, when the naive approaches someone for help, when in

trouble or in debility, help is sure to come."



Whereas for Education, the modern meanings has been changed. Now-a-days, the

degree, market-oriented subject and university are assumed mode of higher

education, instead of knowledge and intellengence. Thus Maya arises and Satya

veil over. This suggest to analyse Arudha in details.

Hence in Rasi(D-1) and in Siddamsha(D-24) fourth house from lagna and from AL

yield subject one learns. A4 in D-24 highlights the "place of education" i.e.

college or university in which one studies. If A4 is associated or aspected by

benefic then this show some prestigious institute or top class university, Sun

reveals hi-fi government run (or supported) college whose student generally

stood first, Jupiter indicates well reputed institute due to its faculty

members/professors or Gurukul, and Mercury well known institute on account of

its research publications, working papers and libraries/labs.


While malefic association/aspect destined one a low level of school/college.

Saturn's association or aspect to A4 in D-24 unveils a mediocre college suffers

due to shortage of funds and facilities. Afflicted Mars indicates a college hit

by political violance while a strong Mars+Sun under aspect of Jupiter show

military academy.


5th house stands for creativity and intellegence and 9th house show learning of

higher level/associeted with dharma, law and traditions. While looking chart

with respect to Karaka lagna may also help in judging education. Mercury is the

karaka, thus the sign in which Mercury is occupied is the karaka lagna of

education. Analyse 4th form sign occupied by Mercury, its strength, affliction

and aspect it receives both in D-1 and D-24. In Ashtakavarga scheme check how

many shubh bindus are there in 4th from Mercury in its own B.A.V. both in D-1

and D-24.


But it should be borne in mind that D-24 is the "fine-tuning button" of

educational prospects and learning probabilities so it must read with D-1. D-24

does not show whether a man become "doctor" or not it only highlights that

whether one attains education of "medicine" or not. It is D-10 that tell that.


Powerful Dual signs (Ge, Vi, Sg, Pi) and Apoklima bhavas (3rd, 6th, 9th, and

12th) both in Rashi and Siddhamsha promises fondness and tendency of reading,

writings and analysis. (if good yogas exist and dasa is seen then success

surely attains otherwise signs only show inclinations). Benefic (specially

Mercury) associated with dual sings and apoklima gives one has access to good

libraries, having many books, computer and internet. Whether one is formally

educated (degree holder) or not.


Warm Regards



Tanvir <tanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Hari Jee,

According to Sanjay jee's teaching, a debilitation is not cancelled for only if

the debilititated planet joins an own sign planet. It should join an exalted

planet. (There are other rules too.) So a fallen Sun in libra needs to conjunct

Saturn to get the neecha bhanga, not Ve.


To Dear Sudhanshu Jee,

For success in education the rule is to see siddhamsa (D-24) chart and also in

reference of Ghati lagna, as shown by Narasimha Jee. Since I am not advaned in

that, I personally see houses 9, 2, 4 for education in Rashi chart. 4th shows

formal education, 2nd shows the learning process, (speed/difficulty/easiness)

and I also see the 9th for success (That is personal view.) 5th shows knowledge

but it might be either formal or informal.







What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro






vedic astrology

Friday, August 08, 2003 1:40 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Sudhanshu,If you would like to learn how to answer

your questions and many more, I suggest that you pick up a good book on vedic

astrology (Vedic astrology - An integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao is a

good book for beginners). Meanwhile, as a student of Jyotish, I answered your

questions. My comments below.regardsHari> 1. I have sun and venus in 7th

house from mesha> lagna, sun being debt. venus in own house, does this> qualify

for neech bhanga yog?Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by

Venus being in his own house. But whether this constitutes a yoga?> > 2. I

have a supposedly powerful Jupiter in 4th> house with moon in lagna, inspite of

a good> guru(jupiter) my studies are not that good as they> could have been

considering my father is a professor> in IIT DELHI and mother is a high

ranking govt> offcial.> Jupiter and Mo in kendras to each other is the

well-known Gajakesari yoga. Ju in 4th will give you good family, good

intelligence etc. But where you study will be shown by A4 in D-1 and D-24

charts. A person may be very intelligent but may not study at IIT, IIM's! >

3. This one query relates to my heart, I have had> attractions to nice ladies

before as a part of growing> up(age 25yrs), even now there is one but I have

never> been able to say my heart out to the concerned person.> Will this

continue till my marriage considering this> as just a passing phase of life or

will i be able to> have my lady with me?Hmm...affairs of the heart, eh? Why

dont you analyse this yourself astrologically? I havent seen your horoscope but

I would be tempted to ask if Ma influences Ve? If you have had more than one

relationship, study carefully the UL's in your chart and relate them to the

different relationships you had or are having. Whether or not you continue with

the present lady depends on both of you! > > 4. apart from the

materialistic desires as with> everybody, I too have spiritual desires of

rising very> high spiritually, probably I am on the path too and as> a service

to the LORD ALMIGHTY, I feel that service to> humanity is a must and I

constantly endeavour for the> cause, what is my future in this regard.If you

are spiritually inclined, God will take care of you. No doubt about it.> >

5. I want to take up astrology as a medium of> guidance to needy people in

distress, wil I be able to> succeed, if so when?Definitely! When Ju transits

your mantrapada (A5), that is the time to look for a Guru who will guide you in

your search for the Jyotish MahaVidya. When is up to you. I would suggest that

you write to any one of the Jyotish Gurus on this list to seek acceptance as a

shishya. All the best in your efforts. May Lord Jagannatha bless and guide

you.regardsHari------------------------ Sponsor

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||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


Dear Tanvir-ji,


Many thanks for pointing out the mistake in my statement, hereafter

I should be more careful. I do remember checking for kendras before

typing that statement but I guess I should have been more clear!

Thanks once again.





vedic astrology, "Tanvir" <tanvir@s...> wrote:

> Imran Bhai,


> I am very well aware of the rule of neecha bhanga you have quoted.

But the answer of Hari Jee was in a confusing way that for Ve being

in own sign the debility of Sun was cancelled. I quote his answer -


> "Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by Venus

being in his own house."


> The fact is that Ve will cancel the neecha for being in 7th house,

since he is the dispositor of the fallen planet and is in a kendra

to lagna. But the answer would confuse the reader that Ve will

cancell the neecha for being in own house. So the reader will think

that an own house planet joining the neecha planet will cancel the

neecha, which will be wrong.


> Regards,

> Tanvir

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My pleasure Hari Jee.







What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine. Tanvir

Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro



vedic astrology

Monday, August 11, 2003 9:59 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Interested Learner!!

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||Dear Tanvir-ji,Many thanks for pointing out the mistake

in my statement, hereafter I should be more careful. I do remember checking for

kendras before typing that statement but I guess I should have been more clear!

Thanks once again.regardsHarivedic astrology, "Tanvir"

<tanvir@s...> wrote:> Imran Bhai,> > I am very well aware of the rule of neecha

bhanga you have quoted. But the answer of Hari Jee was in a confusing way that

for Ve being in own sign the debility of Sun was cancelled. I quote his answer

-> > "Certainly the debilitation of Sun would be cancelled by Venus being in

his own house."> > The fact is that Ve will cancel the neecha for being in 7th

house, since he is the dispositor of the fallen planet and is in a kendra to

lagna. But the answer would confuse the reader that Ve will cancell the neecha

for being in own house. So the reader will think that an own house planet

joining the neecha planet will cancel the neecha, which will be wrong.> >

Regards,> Tanvir------------------------ Sponsor

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