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Strength of Planet

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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Parta/Sridhar,

I am at the moment writting a book in english, which will be presented

at the conference in India in 2004 January,

The book will give all details about strength/quality and the ways as

how to see whether graha is strong/afflicted

which graha quality and strength is etc. I have taken the terms of Shuba

(benefic), Papa (malefic) and Misra (mixed)

Yoga and approximately six main streams for determing these. Here is an

extract from the book: This is just raw material,

and I do hope that it will help:


"The sun or surya is the giver of life and light. It rules pitta dosha,

agni tatwa and satwa guna. Surya rulers natural 5th house of Kal Purush

and is bhav karak for Lagna. Surya rules Self or Atman, transcendental

Self and its expression through manas as individual self, ego and

character (Jiva) Surya is initator (father) of all Yogas and its

strength is necessary to initate all other aspects of kundhali. He is

the king in the planetary cabinet and rightly influences all powerful

figures and government. Due to his satwic qualities he is never

naturally malevolent, but is termed "crura" or cruel with capacity to

combast various points in kundhali with his intense heat. He is for that

reason never malefic for marriage and children unless in

neecha/debilitation position.

It is important to understand that graha may have the following


1. STRONG- when we say that graha is strong we often think in terms of

Baal or more precisely Shad Bal or sixfold strength (see the following


2. WEAK- this is opposite to the strong. Weak graha is in low bal (shadbal)

3. AFFLICTED (PAPA YOGA)- afflicted graha is graha which is in

yuti/dristi with natural malefics or lords of malefic houses. Further,

graha is also afflicted when found in unfavourable avastas or states,

unfavourable movements or certain degrees (sandhis/mrityubhaga)

4. WELL PLACED (SHUBA YOGA)- graha is said to be well placed when in

yuti/dristi with natural benefics. It is also well placed when found in

good avastas and good houses. Now, when we analyze the sun or surya, it

is important to state the influnce of surya when found in all these states:

1. STRONG SURYA- Strong surya indicates strength to his own karakatwas

as well as houses ruled by it. Therefore, strong surya will give strong

self, strong father, strong ego and individuality, strong position and

influence, considerable effects upon surroundings, strong chances of

having children particularly in male charts (surya rules natural 5th

house in kal purush, and is known as father/precognitor). Further,

creativity and intelligence will be high, personal power and magnetism

is pronounced, there is strong will and determination, strong body and

robust health and spiritual evolution may be pronounced. In this manner,

all aspects of Agni tatwa will be pronunced and expressed. Since, surya

represents the natural 5th house and is bhav karak for the 1st house

being natural atmakarak, strong position of this graha will add strength

to the 1st and 5th houses in all charts.

2. WEAK SURYA- this is completely opposite situation, so the self will

be weak, as well as ego (this may be good in spiritual kundhali), father

may be weak or suffer, the person may suffer at the hands of government

and infleuntial figures or law, there will be weakness in individuality,

as well as personal power, magnetism and lack of self-will. There will

be personal dependence, weakness in character, low position, creativity

and intelligence. Chances of having children will be low, while there

will be indecisiveness, lack of strenth to cope with life faults, weak

body and low immune system. There will be weakness in Agni tatwa and

lack of pitta infleunce. All houses ruled by sun may suffer from

weakness, which may be good only in case of surya rulership of dusthana

(bad) houses. Due to surya being bhav karak for 1st house and natural

5th house, in case of surya weakness, these houses will suffer setback

in each kundhali.

3. AFFLICTED SURYA-yet to be written

4. WELL PLACED SURYA- yet to be written


The problem most often arises when we have mixed situation, which is

most often the case. Such situation is called MISRA YOGA (mixed

infleunce). We may have the following situation in the chart: Strong but

afflicted sun, or weak and well placed sun, or afflicted and weak sun

ruling good houses etc. We should then use our power of judgement and

decide the effects accordingly. Sage Satyacharya said in his immortal

classic Satya Jatakam that the astrologer should use his/her own

intelligence to judge the results. Here is a kundhali with example analyses:

Surya is in 8th house ruling 11th house. It is in neutral dignity, while

avastas are deen,kumar and vikhal. Shadbal is very strong (8.2 rupas),

ishta phal is predominant, while vimsopak bal is ordinary (54 %). There

is no malefic nor benefic dristi. This is a clear case of MISRA YOGA. We

should first decide on the positive/ negative sides of surya. See the table:



SURYA Kumar avasta, strong shadbal, good ishta Deen and Vikhal avasta,

placement in 8th house


Due to strong surya, all aspects of self, father, and what we stated

above will be strongly felt in native's life. However, deen and vikhal

avasta will give some affliction to the sun, such as too much anger, ego

problems, vanity, arogance, pride, bodily problems, pitta disorders,

troubles to father and in relationship with father, problems with

superiors etc. There is good avasta(kumar) which will give some good

effects and prevent complete collapse, since the negative avastas

(affliction predominates). Placement in the 8th house will create

personal vulnarabilities, weakness in father's life, huge

transformations, debts, poor finance, and professinal oscillations etc.

Since sun rules 11th house, gains and fulfilment will be strong, yet

will suffer some ups-downs, and will manifest through hard work and

later in life with delays (dustana). Due to bad avastas, 11th house will

suffer some affliction in quality not the quantity since shadbal is

good. Elder sister will suffer problems, will have chronic disease (11th

house -elder sister plus 8th house of chronic illness) particularly with

pitta/agni or bones, there will be disappointments in friends etc. The

situation will not collapse due to strong sun and other positive

quality. Now, let us see how it looks in practice. The person has a

living father and livng sister (Surya as karak for father and ruler of

11th is strong in shadbal). She is separated from father and the

relationship with sister is not so good. Furether sister is suffering

from bone (pitta) disorders, while the father is not well placed in

life. This is due to bad avasta and 8th house placement of sun as 11th

lord. Since surya is not in any way too much connected with Lagna

(person), these effects will be mostly felt by sister as surya rules

11th house of elder siblings. The person herself has good health, yet

gains keep oscilate due to the wrath of superiors.Elder sister has

chronic bone/spine troubles and suffers from deep transfromation and

vulnerabilities. This is the clear example of how we should mix various

infleunces together. Another way of ascertaining the quality of sun is

related to his exaltant and debilitant dispositors. Whever we analyze

Surya, it is important to consider the strength and position of Mangal

(surya is exalted in mesh, mangal sign), and Shukra (surya is

debilitated in thula, shukra sign). It is for that reason that Mangal

-Shukra conjunction/yuti/dristi is termed as Rudra Yoga, or planetary

combination which may cut short longevity or give accidents/illness or

dangers. Rudra Yoga has of course other good qualities, such as good

position, finance etc. Thus, we may see that Mangal and Shukra can

significantly infleunce the intensity of good or bad karakatwas of

Surya. If Mangal as ruler of exaltation rashi is well placed, surya will

express best energies, while weakness of shukra as well as her

affliction will make surya express worst energies. The question arises

as why debilitant dispositor should be strong and well placed? It is

because he may cause neech bhang yoga which may uplift graha energies

and substitute its weakness. Have a look at this principle illustrated

by shani.


In this chart, shani is placed in 7th house in own sign in the following


Shani in yuti with Ketu is known as Jar Yoga of promiscious behaviour

and problems with partners/marriage. Further shani is aspected by neech

Mangal his debilitant dispositor. Yet, we have shukra as exalltant

dispositor (shani is exalted in thula, shukra' s sign) placed in 9th

house in exaltation. The lady met her lady love at the collage days

(Shukra in 9th) and has excellent and stable marriage with a loving

husband. They both practice meditation and learn Jyotish, and are well

grounded in spiritual path. But for the shukra exaltation as natural

karak and ruler of exaltation sign of shani who is placed in 7th house,

the 7th house affairs would be bitter and dissapointing.

In this manner, apart from 4 basic criteria for graha judgement, it is

necessary to examine both dispositors/rulers of exaltation and

debilitation signs.


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