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Re-kundalini through bhakti yoga-venkata ramana

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Dear Venkat


My replies below




> My personality itself leans towards a mix of Gyana Yoga and Bhakti

> Yoga. I enjoy reading and discussing Upanishads and other sacred

> texts, and pondering over the mysteries in them (the path of gyana

> yoga, or knowledge quest.) At other times, I am overcome by love,

> especially for Krishna/Vishnu in all his wonderful forms, as well


> for Siva, the peaceful ascetic, or for the Mother in all her forms.

> This love is an internal feeling, and not so much the poojas and

> vratas that Mr. Narasimha described. Is this still Bhakti yoga,


> it is internal, without necessarily performing a ritual?


Partha:- Do those things that you feel from the heart. The charts ,

the books and literature may be confusing to some extent. If you want

to follow Bhakti yoga, it is your personal choice, and no one has the

right to ask you why. And you need not do justifications for the

same. There is no need to look into horoscope to "confirm".

Confirmation is of the heart, it is not of the brain.

God Sits at heart.



> What then, is Karma Yoga that I can follow? I perform small acts of

> charity - donating money, time etc sometimes, and also trying to

> help others in need. This does not seem sufficient, so what else do

> you recomment?


Partha:-Doing charity is fine, but rememebring the same is not good.

You have done some good work, forget it. Just feel that you are

feeding the Bhagvan. Donate everything with a sense of self-

surrender, remembering Lord Krishna, or Shiva or whomsover is your

Ishta Devatha.



> Also, could you describe Raja yoga? I have learnt to medidate, to

> raise the Kundalini shakti, although I am ashamed to say that I

> don't practice it as often as I should. Is this considered raja

> yoga? Is chanting (mantras) considered raja yoga too? Is it

> performing austerities like the rishis of ancient times?


Raja Yoga is an extremely difficult form of meditation, mantras etc

do not come under the purview of Raja Yoga. It is stilling the mind,

and fixing yourself at the heart chakra, or the Ajna chakra.


> Thanks!

> Venkat




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