Guest guest Posted November 24, 2003 Report Share Posted November 24, 2003 I have retrograde saturn in 4th place in gemini.My lagna is pisces. Regards Raji "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000 > wrote: Dear Jayashree ji,Well Obviously such a Retrograde Saturn will make the person over-ambtious but still remains benefic. It will/should be a good aspect(assuming there are no other planet is afflicting natal saturn) since Saturn remains functional benefic. Retrograde planets lead to over expectations, but normal expectations can be achieved by normal karma, when such a favourable saturn is involved. In my life, I found that even the over-expectations were achieved with just normal efforts in Saturn/Saturn period... so at least in my case sofar, I can say that Saturn has proved to be one of the great benefactor of the zodiac. I think the same holds true for Capricorn, Aquarius,Libra and Taurus lagnas (so there is no need to be so scared of the great teacher..SHANI DEV, when you are on the right path)..RMK--- In vedic astrology, "Jayashree" <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> Dear RMK ji,> > If Saturn is retrograde in Taurus for Kumba lagna and aspects > Scorpio the 10th house, is it good or bad? Will the aspect be > beneficial or retrogression modifies it?> > Jayashree> > > --- In vedic astrology, "Rajesh M. Kumaria" > <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> > Dear Jayashree> > Just saw this question..Not sure if it is really addressed to me. > > Well however, as a Kumbha Lagna person who recently went through a > > three year span of Saturn/Saturn period(my natal saturn is also > > retrograde and in 12th house in Capricorn), all I can say that it > was > > one of the best periods(financially and otherwise) of my sofar > > life... even though I am currently facing avery tough > Saturn/Mercury > > period, yet I am still continuing to survive primarily on the > > strength provided by the Saturn/saturn if saturn is > placed > > in favourable houses and signs and not afflicted/weak otherwise, > then > > all type of kingly comforts come in this period as per Parasara and > > that's true(my case) saturn does not loose any beneficiance > and > > remains functional benefic..retrograde simply makes the native over-> > ambitious ....ofcourse all periods are not like so great like > > Saturn/Saturn in saturn mahadasa and i have learnt that...RMK> > > > --- In vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > > Dear Sir,> > > > > > For Kumbha lagna, if Saturn is retrograde, being the co-lord of 1 > > and > > > 12, does Saturn lose all beneficiance and become a full-blown > > > functional malefic?> > > > > > Jayashree> > > > > > --- In vedic astrology, "gilmourw2002" > > > <gilmourw2002> wrote:> > > > dear list members,> > > > > > > > what is the logic behind grahas being described in parashara as > > > > auspicious/in auspicious grahas from a particular lagna?> > > > > > > > for example, a kumbh native Sa & Sk are ausp;Gu Ch Ma inausp.> > > > Sk i can see is yogakaraka; Sa is lagnesh but also lord of > 12th...> > > > > > > > I have BPHS/sanatham ch 34 open. anyone care to point out the > > > > underlying rules?> > > > > > > > wgArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2003 Report Share Posted November 26, 2003 My Dob is 23/Jan/!975.Time of birth is 10:00 Am.Place of birth is Ootacamund. Thanks Raji "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000 > wrote: Hi RajeshwariWell I am not an expert on Saturn...also if you post your chart/birth data, then only I could dig up some info.RegardsRMK--- In vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar> wrote:> Hi RMK,> > I have retrograde saturn in 4th place in gemini.My lagna is pisces.> > Regards> Raji> > > "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> Dear Jayashree ji,> > Well Obviously such a Retrograde Saturn will make the person over-> ambtious but still remains benefic. It will/should be a good aspect> (assuming there are no other planet is afflicting natal saturn) since > Saturn remains functional benefic. Retrograde planets lead to over > expectations, but normal expectations can be achieved by normal > karma, when such a favourable saturn is involved. In my life, I found > that even the over-expectations were achieved with just normal > efforts in Saturn/Saturn period... so at least in my case sofar, I > can say that Saturn has proved to be one of the great benefactor of > the zodiac. I think the same holds true for Capricorn, Aquarius,Libra > and Taurus lagnas (so there is no need to be so scared of the great > teacher..SHANI DEV, when you are on the right path)> ..RMK> > > vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > Dear RMK ji,> > > > If Saturn is retrograde in Taurus for Kumba lagna and aspects > > Scorpio the 10th house, is it good or bad? Will the aspect be > > beneficial or retrogression modifies it?> > > > Jayashree> > > > > > vedic astrology, "Rajesh M. Kumaria" > > <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> > > Dear Jayashree> > > Just saw this question..Not sure if it is really addressed to me. > > > Well however, as a Kumbha Lagna person who recently went through > a > > > three year span of Saturn/Saturn period(my natal saturn is also > > > retrograde and in 12th house in Capricorn), all I can say that it > > was > > > one of the best periods(financially and otherwise) of my sofar > > > life... even though I am currently facing avery tough > > Saturn/Mercury > > > period, yet I am still continuing to survive primarily on the > > > strength provided by the Saturn/saturn if saturn is > > placed > > > in favourable houses and signs and not afflicted/weak otherwise, > > then > > > all type of kingly comforts come in this period as per Parasara > and > > > that's true(my case) saturn does not loose any beneficiance > > and > > > remains functional benefic..retrograde simply makes the native > over-> > > ambitious ...ofcourse all periods are not like so great like > > > Saturn/Saturn in saturn mahadasa and i have learnt that...RMK> > > > > > vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > > > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > > > Dear Sir,> > > > > > > > For Kumbha lagna, if Saturn is retrograde, being the co-lord of > 1 > > > and > > > > 12, does Saturn lose all beneficiance and become a full-blown > > > > functional malefic?> > > > > > > > Jayashree> > > > > > > > vedic astrology, "gilmourw2002" > > > > <gilmourw2002> wrote:> > > > > dear list members,> > > > > > > > > > what is the logic behind grahas being described in parashara > as > > > > > auspicious/in auspicious grahas from a particular lagna?> > > > > > > > > > for example, a kumbh native Sa & Sk are ausp;Gu Ch Ma inausp.> > > > > Sk i can see is yogakaraka; Sa is lagnesh but also lord of > > 12th...> > > > > > > > > > I have BPHS/sanatham ch 34 open. anyone care to point out the > > > > > underlying rules?> > > > > > > > > > wg> > > Sponsor> > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > Terms of Service. > > > > > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it nowArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2003 Report Share Posted November 27, 2003 Thanks a lot for analysing abt saturn in natal chart. Thanks Raji "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000 > wrote: Hi RajeshwariWell turns out that your Saturn is very beneficial since its Isthaphala is greater than Kasthaphala(32.96 vs 15.71) and it has almost full Shadbala strength. Also it has been placed in a kendra and that's a good placemnet for 11th and 12th Lord(Saturn is natural significator of 12th house) and also its dispoitor is its natural friend mercury(although saturn and mercury are neutral in your chart due to 6th-8th placement) you should look forward to saturn antardasa..hope your chart below is correct. Regards RMK--These calculations were made using the free "Jagannatha Hora Lite"software, which can be downloaded from the website of its authorP.V.R. Narasimha Rao ( or from the websiteof Sri Jagannath Centre ( Chart January 23, 1975Time: 10:00:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 76 E 42' 00", 11 N 24' 00"Altitude: 0.00 metersLunar Yr-Mo: Ananda - PushyaTithi: Sukla Ekadasi (Ma) (97.40% left)Weekday: Thursday (Ju)Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (4.92% left)Yoga: Sukla (Mo)Karana: Vanija (Ve)Hora Lord: Venus (5 min sign: Sc)Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Vi)Kaala Lord: Venus (Mahakala: Venus)Sunrise: 6:50:18Sunset: 18:19:47Janma Ghatis: 7.9045Ayanamsa: 23-30-47.23Sidereal Time: 17:44:23Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 1 Pi 49' 30.00" PBha 4 Pi CnSun - GK 9 Cp 01' 54.25" USha 4 Cp PiMoon - PK 9 Ta 20' 37.71" Krit 4 Ta PiMars - DK 7 Sg 31' 17.07" Mool 3 Sg GeMercury - AmK 27 Cp 34' 55.91" Dhan 2 Cp ViJupiter - BK 23 Aq 58' 24.42" PBha 2 Aq TaVenus - AK 27 Cp 40' 32.32" Dhan 2 Cp ViSaturn ® - MK 20 Ge 33' 41.07" Puna 1 Ge ArRahu - PiK 13 Sc 54' 31.25" Anu 4 Sc ScKetu 13 Ta 54' 31.25" Rohi 2 Ta TaMaandi 9 Pi 32' 06.46" UBha 2 Pi ViGulika 26 Aq 39' 07.41" PBha 2 Aq TaBhava Lagna 26 Aq 19' 29.24" PBha 2 Aq TaHora Lagna 13 Ar 45' 06.60" Bhar 1 Ar LeGhati Lagna 6 Vi 01' 58.69" UPha 3 Vi AqVighati Lagna 27 Le 26' 19.16" UPha 1 Le SgVarnada Lagna 15 Pi 34' 36.60" UBha 4 Pi ScSree Lagna 14 Aq 06' 28.27" Sata 3 Aq AqDhooma 22 Ta 21' 54.25" Rohi 4 Ta CnVyatipata 7 Aq 38' 05.75" Sata 1 Aq SgParivesha 7 Le 38' 05.75" Makh 3 Le GeIndra Chapa 22 Sc 21' 54.25" Jye 2 Sc CpUpaketu 9 Sg 01' 54.25" Mool 3 Sg GeKaala 28 Ar 29' 03.32" Krit 1 Ar SgMrityu 10 Ge 08' 19.22" Ardr 2 Ge CpArtha Prahara 29 Ge 45' 50.69" Puna 3 Ge GeYama Ghantaka 19 Cp 52' 11.70" Srav 3 Cp GePlanet Chara Karakatwa MeaningSun GK Cousin (rival)Moon PK Son (follower)Mars DK Spouse (partner)Mercury AmK Minister (advisor)Jupiter BK Brother (associate)Venus AK SelfSaturn MK Mother (nourisher)Rahu PiK Father (authority)Ashtakavarga of Rasi Chart: Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq PiAs 5 4 4 2 5 3 5 4 4 3 5 5*Su 2 2 6 6 3 4 5 2 6 4* 4 4 Mo 4 6* 1 4 5 3 6 6 2 4 3 5 Ma 1 3 5 3 2 2 3 4 5* 4 1 6 Me 3 3 6 3 4 6 4 3 7 6* 3 6 Ju 4 4 5 3 4 7 5 7 3 5 4* 5 Ve 4 5 4 2 5 5 5 6 3 4* 3 6 Sa 3 2 4* 3 4 2 5 5 4 3 2 2 Sodhya Pinda Rasi Pinda Graha PindaAs 97 82 15Su 205 129 76Mo 172 120 52Ma 240 149 91Me 241 143 98Ju 106 84 22Ve 123 113 10Sa 124 89 35Planet Shadbala In rupas % Strength IshtaPhala KashtaPhalaSun 312.30 5.21 104.10 17.80 38.67Moon 453.23 7.55 125.90 48.18 6.49Mars 392.87 6.55 130.96 22.82 28.40Mercury 472.02 7.87 112.39 24.65 30.87Jupiter 431.25 7.19 110.58 16.66 43.34Venus 416.21 6.94 126.12 22.87 30.48Saturn 327.68 5.46 109.23 32.96 15.71 Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ HL / \ Ju / || \ / \ / || \ / Md \ / || \ / \ / Ve ||Mo Ke x As x Me Su || / \ / \ AL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / \ || / \ / \ || SaR x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x GL x Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+ Navamsa +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ HL / \ Ma / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Md \ / \ / Gk ||Me Ve x As x Ke Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 4 / \ || / \ / \ || x SaR || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ra AL x x Mo Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / GL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Hora D-2+--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ / \ Ju / || \ / \ / || \ / GL \ / || \ / \ / ||HL x As x || / \ / \ || / \ Md / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / Ve \ || / \ / \ || x Me || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ke \ / \ / ||Mo Ra x Ma x AL Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / SaR \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Drekkana D-3+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ / Ra \ / || \ / \ / ||Mo AL x As x Su || / \ / \ || / \ Md / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / \ || / \ / \ || x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / || \ / \ / || x GL Me x || / \ / \ || / \ Ke / \ || / \ / \ || / HL \ / Ju \ || / \ / Gk \ |+--------------+Chaturthamsa D-4+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ Su / \ Ra / || \ / \ / || \ / Ma \ / || \ / \ / || x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / \ || / \ / \ || Md x SaR || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||HL AL x GL x Gk Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Me \ || / Ke \ / Ve \ |+--------------+Panchamsa D-5+--------------+| \ SaR / \ / || \ Ju / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ke Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 2 / AL \ || / \ / \ || x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / ||GL \ / \ / ||Su Mo x Me x ||Md / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Gk \ / HL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Shashthamsa D-6+--------------+| \ Mo GL / \ / || \ Su / \ Gk / || \ Md / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / AL ||Ra Ke x As x SaR Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 7 / \ || / \ / \ || x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Me \ / Ma \ || / Ve \ / \ |+--------------+Saptamsa D-7+--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ SaR / \ Ra / || \ / \ / || \ / Su \ / || \ / \ / ||Md x As x HL Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 6 / \ || / \ / \ || x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Me \ / \ / ||Mo Ma x x AL ||Ve / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ke \ / GL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Ashtamsa D-8+--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ GL / \ HL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ma Md x As x Ju Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ve \ 5 / \ || / \ / \ || Me x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x Mo x AL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / SaR \ / Ra \ || / \ / Ke \ |+--------------+Dasamsa D-10+--------------+| \ SaR / \ / || \ Su / \ Gk / || \ / \ / || \ / Ra \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ 8 / AL \ || / \ / \ || Ma x HL || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x Ke x GL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Me \ || / \ / Ve \ |+--------------+Rudramsa D-11+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ Mo / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Me \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Gk || / \ / \ || / \ Ve / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ 2 / Ra \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ju || \ / \ / || \ / \ AL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR HL x x GL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Su \ / \ || / Ma \ / \ |+--------------+Dwadasamsa D-12+--------------+| \ Ra / \ / || \ Su / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ / Ma \ / || \ / \ / || x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / Ve \ || / \ / \ || Md x Me || \ / \ / || \ / \ Gk / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||AL x HL x GL Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Ke \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Shodasamsa D-16+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ HL / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Gk SaR || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ke \ 9 / \ || / \ / \ || Ra x || \ / \ / || \ GL / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / || \ / \ / ||Ma AL x Me x Ju Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Vimsamsa D-20+--------------+| \ Me Ve / \ / || \ Su / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / SaR \ / || \ / \ / ||AL x Ke As x || / \ / \ || / \ Ra / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 6 / \ || / \ / \ || GL x Mo || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ma HL x Ju x Gk || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Siddhamsa D-24+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ HL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ke Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 5 / Ve \ || / \ / \ || GL x AL Me || \ / \ / || \ / \ Gk / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR x Md Su x || / \ / \ || / \ Ma / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / Ju \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Nakshatramsa D-27+--------------+| \ Mo / \ / || \ Su / \ Ra / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR HL x As x AL GL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / \ || / \ / \ || x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x x Ma || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ke \ / \ || / Me \ / Md \ || / Ju Ve \ / Gk \ |+--------------+Trimsamsa D-30+--------------+| \ SaR / \ / || \ Ju / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ke Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 2 / AL \ || / \ / \ || x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / ||GL \ / \ / ||Su Mo x Me x ||Md / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Gk \ / HL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Khavedamsa D-40+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ Ju / || \ / \ / AL || \ / \ / HL || \ / \ / Me ||Ma x As x Mo Su || / \ / \ Ve || / \ / \ Md || / \ / \ || / \ 9 / \ || / \ / \ || Gk x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ra Ke x GL x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / SaR \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Akshavedamsa D-45+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Md \ / || \ / \ / ||Ra Ke x As x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / Gk \ || / \ / \ || Su x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR AL x x Mo || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ju \ / Me \ || / \ / Ve GL \ |+--------------+Shashtyamsa D-60+--------------+| \ HL Gk / \ / || \ Su / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ke \ / \ / ||Me Ve x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 3 / \ || / \ / \ || GL x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Md AL x x Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Ju \ || / SaR \ / \ |+--------------+Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):Sun Sun 1969-05-10 Moo 1969-08-28 Mar 1970-02-27 Rah 1970-07-04 Jup 1971-05-29 Sat 1972-03-16 Mer 1973-02-26 Ket 1974-01-03 Ven 1974-05-11 Moo Moo 1975-05-11 Mar 1976-03-10 Rah 1976-10-09 Jup 1978-04-10 Sat 1979-08-10 Mer 1981-03-10 Ket 1982-08-10 Ven 1983-03-11 Sun 1984-11-09 Mar Mar 1985-05-10 Rah 1985-10-06 Jup 1986-10-25 Sat 1987-10-01 Mer 1988-11-09 Ket 1989-11-06 Ven 1990-04-04 Sun 1991-06-04 Moo 1991-10-10 Rah Rah 1992-05-10 Jup 1995-01-21 Sat 1997-06-16 Mer 2000-04-22 Ket 2002-11-09 Ven 2003-11-27 Sun 2006-11-27 Moo 2007-10-22 Mar 2009-04-22 Jup Jup 2010-05-10 Sat 2012-06-27 Mer 2015-01-09 Ket 2017-04-16 Ven 2018-03-22 Sun 2020-11-20 Moo 2021-09-09 Mar 2023-01-09 Rah 2023-12-16 Sat Sat 2026-05-10 Mer 2029-05-13 Ket 2032-01-21 Ven 2033-03-01 Sun 2036-04-30 Moo 2037-04-12 Mar 2038-11-12 Rah 2039-12-22 Jup 2042-10-27 Mer Mer 2045-05-10 Ket 2047-10-06 Ven 2048-10-03 Sun 2051-08-03 Moo 2052-06-09 Mar 2053-11-08 Rah 2054-11-06 Jup 2057-05-25 Sat 2059-08-31 Ket Ket 2062-05-10 Ven 2062-10-06 Sun 2063-12-06 Moo 2064-04-12 Mar 2064-11-11 Rah 2065-04-09 Jup 2066-04-28 Sat 2067-04-04 Mer 2068-05-12 Ven Ven 2069-05-10 Sun 2072-09-08 Moo 2073-09-08 Mar 2075-05-10 Rah 2076-07-09 Jup 2079-07-10 Sat 2082-03-10 Mer 2085-05-09 Ket 2088-03-09 Ashtottari Dasa (controversial nakshatra dasa):Ven Sun 1968-05-28 Moo 1969-07-28 Mar 1972-06-27 Mer 1974-01-17 Sat 1977-05-08 Jup 1979-04-18 Rah 1982-12-27 Ven 1985-04-28 Sun Moo 1989-05-28 Mar 1990-03-29 Mer 1990-09-07 Sat 1991-08-18 Jup 1992-03-08 Rah 1993-03-28 Ven 1993-11-27 Sun 1995-01-27 Moo Mar 1995-05-29 Mer 1996-07-07 Sat 1998-11-17 Jup 2000-04-07 Rah 2002-11-27 Ven 2004-07-28 Sun 2007-06-28 Moo 2008-04-27 Mar Mer 2010-05-28 Sat 2011-08-31 Jup 2012-05-28 Rah 2013-10-24 Ven 2014-09-13 Sun 2016-04-04 Moo 2016-09-13 Mar 2017-10-24 Mer Sat 2018-05-28 Jup 2019-12-24 Rah 2022-12-20 Ven 2024-11-09 Sun 2028-03-01 Moo 2029-02-09 Mar 2031-06-21 Mer 2032-09-23 Sat Jup 2035-05-28 Rah 2037-03-01 Ven 2038-04-11 Sun 2040-03-21 Moo 2040-10-10 Mar 2042-03-01 Mer 2042-11-27 Sat 2044-06-24 Jup Rah 2045-05-28 Ven 2047-07-08 Sun 2051-03-18 Moo 2052-04-07 Mar 2054-11-27 Mer 2056-04-24 Sat 2059-04-21 Jup 2061-01-22 Rah Ven 2064-05-27 Sun 2066-09-27 Moo 2067-05-28 Mar 2069-01-26 Mer 2069-12-16 Sat 2071-11-06 Jup 2072-12-16 Rah 2075-01-26 Kalachakra Dasa (Savya group, Paramayush = 85 years):Cp Cp 1973-12-28 Aq 1974-03-07 Pi 1974-05-15 Sc 1974-11-02 Li 1975-03-03 Vi 1975-12-03 Cn 1976-05-05 Le 1977-05-01 Ge 1977-07-26 Aq Aq 1977-12-28 Pi 1978-02-26 Sc 1978-07-27 Li 1978-11-09 Vi 1979-07-08 Cn 1979-11-21 Le 1980-10-02 Ge 1980-12-16 Ta 1981-05-01 Pi Pi 1981-12-28 Sc 1982-12-28 Li 1983-09-10 Vi 1985-04-16 Cn 1986-03-11 Le 1988-04-16 Ge 1988-10-16 Ta 1989-09-09 Ar 1991-04-17 Sc Sc 1991-12-28 Li 1992-06-24 Vi 1993-08-07 Cn 1994-03-26 Le 1995-09-13 Ge 1996-01-19 Ta 1996-09-05 Ar 1997-10-19 Pi 1998-04-16 Li Li 1998-12-28 Vi 2001-08-18 Cn 2003-02-11 Le 2006-07-30 Ge 2007-05-28 Ta 2008-11-20 Ar 2011-07-12 Pi 2012-09-06 Aq 2014-05-01 Vi Vi 2014-12-28 Cn 2015-12-11 Le 2018-03-02 Ge 2018-09-11 Ta 2019-08-26 Ar 2021-05-05 Pi 2022-01-31 Aq 2023-02-22 Cp 2023-07-26 Cn Cn 2023-12-28 Le 2029-02-12 Ge 2030-05-04 Ta 2032-07-15 Ar 2036-06-11 Pi 2038-02-25 Aq 2040-08-05 Cp 2041-07-28 Sg 2042-07-19 Le Le 2044-12-27 Ge 2045-05-03 Ta 2045-12-17 Ar 2047-01-27 Pi 2047-07-24 Aq 2048-04-02 Cp 2048-07-13 Sg 2048-10-22 Ar 2049-07-03 Ge Ge 2049-12-27 Ta 2050-12-19 Ar 2052-09-13 Pi 2053-06-17 Aq 2054-07-18 Cp 2054-12-23 Sg 2055-05-31 Ar 2056-06-30 Ta 2057-04-03 Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):Pi Aq 1975-01-23 Pi 1975-02-22 Ar 1975-03-25 Ta 1975-04-24 Ge 1975-05-25 Cn 1975-06-24 Le 1975-07-25 Vi 1975-08-24 Li 1975-09-23 Sc 1975-10-24 Sg 1975-11-23 Cp 1975-12-24 Cn Ge 1976-01-23 Cn 1976-04-23 Le 1976-07-24 Vi 1976-10-23 Li 1977-01-22 Sc 1977-04-24 Sg 1977-07-24 Cp 1977-10-23 Aq 1978-01-23 Pi 1978-04-24 Ar 1978-07-24 Ta 1978-10-24 Sc Cp 1979-01-23 Aq 1979-07-25 Pi 1980-01-23 Ar 1980-07-24 Ta 1981-01-22 Ge 1981-07-24 Cn 1982-01-23 Le 1982-07-24 Vi 1983-01-23 Li 1983-07-24 Sc 1984-01-23 Sg 1984-07-24 Sg Cp 1985-01-22 Aq 1985-03-24 Pi 1985-05-24 Ar 1985-07-24 Ta 1985-09-23 Ge 1985-11-23 Cn 1986-01-23 Le 1986-03-24 Vi 1986-05-24 Li 1986-07-24 Sc 1986-09-23 Sg 1986-11-23 Ar Cp 1987-01-23 Sg 1987-09-23 Sc 1988-05-24 Li 1989-01-22 Vi 1989-09-23 Le 1990-05-24 Cn 1991-01-23 Ge 1991-09-23 Ta 1992-05-24 Ar 1993-01-22 Pi 1993-09-23 Aq 1994-05-24 Le Sc 1995-01-23 Li 1995-08-24 Vi 1996-03-24 Le 1996-10-23 Cn 1997-05-24 Ge 1997-12-23 Ta 1998-07-24 Ar 1999-02-22 Pi 1999-09-23 Aq 2000-04-23 Cp 2000-11-22 Sg 2001-06-23 Vi Aq 2002-01-22 Pi 2002-09-23 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2004-01-23 Ge 2004-09-22 Cn 2005-05-24 Le 2006-01-22 Vi 2006-09-23 Li 2007-05-24 Sc 2008-01-23 Sg 2008-09-22 Cp 2009-05-24 Cp Ge 2010-01-22 Cn 2010-08-23 Le 2011-03-25 Vi 2011-10-24 Li 2012-05-24 Sc 2012-12-23 Sg 2013-07-24 Cp 2014-02-22 Aq 2014-09-23 Pi 2015-04-24 Ar 2015-11-23 Ta 2016-06-23 Ta Cp 2017-01-22 Aq 2017-09-23 Pi 2018-05-24 Ar 2019-01-23 Ta 2019-09-23 Ge 2020-05-24 Cn 2021-01-22 Le 2021-09-23 Vi 2022-05-24 Li 2023-01-23 Sc 2023-09-23 Sg 2024-05-24 Ge Cp 2025-01-22 Aq 2025-08-23 Pi 2026-03-24 Ar 2026-10-23 Ta 2027-05-24 Ge 2027-12-23 Cn 2028-07-23 Le 2029-02-21 Vi 2029-09-23 Li 2030-04-24 Sc 2030-11-23 Sg 2031-06-24 Li Cp 2032-01-23 Sg 2032-04-23 Sc 2032-07-23 Li 2032-10-23 Vi 2033-01-22 Le 2033-04-23 Cn 2033-07-24 Ge 2033-10-23 Ta 2034-01-22 Ar 2034-04-24 Pi 2034-07-24 Aq 2034-10-23 Aq Sc 2035-01-22 Li 2035-04-24 Vi 2035-07-24 Le 2035-10-23 Cn 2036-01-23 Ge 2036-04-23 Ta 2036-07-23 Ar 2036-10-23 Pi 2037-01-22 Aq 2037-04-23 Cp 2037-07-24 Sg 2037-10-23 vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar> wrote:> Hi Rajesh,> > My Dob is 23/Jan/!975.Time of birth is 10:00 Am.Place of birth is Ootacamund.> > Thanks> Raji> > > > > "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> Hi Rajeshwari> Well I am not an expert on Saturn...also if you post your chart/birth > data, then only I could dig up some info.> Regards> RMK> vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar > <rajeswarishankar> wrote:> > Hi RMK,> > > > I have retrograde saturn in 4th place in gemini.My lagna is pisces.> > > > Regards> > Raji> > > > > > "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> > Dear Jayashree ji,> > > > Well Obviously such a Retrograde Saturn will make the person over-> > ambtious but still remains benefic. It will/should be a good aspect> > (assuming there are no other planet is afflicting natal saturn) > since > > Saturn remains functional benefic. Retrograde planets lead to over > > expectations, but normal expectations can be achieved by normal > > karma, when such a favourable saturn is involved. In my life, I > found > > that even the over-expectations were achieved with just normal > > efforts in Saturn/Saturn period... so at least in my case sofar, I > > can say that Saturn has proved to be one of the great benefactor > of > > the zodiac. I think the same holds true for Capricorn, > Aquarius,Libra > > and Taurus lagnas (so there is no need to be so scared of the great > > teacher..SHANI DEV, when you are on the right path)> > ..RMK> > > > > > --- In vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > > Dear RMK ji,> > > > > > If Saturn is retrograde in Taurus for Kumba lagna and aspects > > > Scorpio the 10th house, is it good or bad? Will the aspect be > > > beneficial or retrogression modifies it?> > > > > > Jayashree> > > > > > > > > vedic astrology, "Rajesh M. Kumaria" > > > <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> > > > Dear Jayashree> > > > Just saw this question..Not sure if it is really addressed to > me. > > > > Well however, as a Kumbha Lagna person who recently went > through > > a > > > > three year span of Saturn/Saturn period(my natal saturn is also > > > > retrograde and in 12th house in Capricorn), all I can say that > it > > > was > > > > one of the best periods(financially and otherwise) of my sofar > > > > life... even though I am currently facing avery tough > > > Saturn/Mercury > > > > period, yet I am still continuing to survive primarily on the > > > > strength provided by the Saturn/saturn if saturn is > > > placed > > > > in favourable houses and signs and not afflicted/weak > otherwise, > > > then > > > > all type of kingly comforts come in this period as per Parasara > > and > > > > that's true(my case) saturn does not loose any > beneficiance > > > and > > > > remains functional benefic..retrograde simply makes the native > > over-> > > > ambitious ...ofcourse all periods are not like so great like > > > > Saturn/Saturn in saturn mahadasa and i have learnt that...RMK> > > > > > > > vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > > > > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > > > > Dear Sir,> > > > > > > > > > For Kumbha lagna, if Saturn is retrograde, being the co-lord > of > > 1 > > > > and > > > > > 12, does Saturn lose all beneficiance and become a full-blown > > > > > functional malefic?> > > > > > > > > > Jayashree> > > > > > > > > > --- In vedic astrology, "gilmourw2002" > > > > > <gilmourw2002> wrote:> > > > > > dear list members,> > > > > > > > > > > > what is the logic behind grahas being described in > parashara > > as > > > > > > auspicious/in auspicious grahas from a particular lagna?> > > > > > > > > > > > for example, a kumbh native Sa & Sk are ausp;Gu Ch Ma > inausp.> > > > > > Sk i can see is yogakaraka; Sa is lagnesh but also lord of > > > 12th...> > > > > > > > > > > > I have BPHS/sanatham ch 34 open. anyone care to point out > the > > > > > > underlying rules?> > > > > > > > > > > > wg> > > > > > Sponsor> > > > Archives: vedic astrology> > > > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > > Your use of is subject to the Terms of > Service. > > > > > > > > Do you ?> > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now> > > Sponsor> Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > > > > > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it nowArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2003 Report Share Posted November 27, 2003 Hi RMK JI, I have a question.My Natal saturn is retrograde in rasi chart and in navamsa its debliated and also retrograde.About this please post yr commets. Thanks & Regards Raji "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000 > wrote: Hi RajeshwariWell turns out that your Saturn is very beneficial since its Isthaphala is greater than Kasthaphala(32.96 vs 15.71) and it has almost full Shadbala strength. Also it has been placed in a kendra and that's a good placemnet for 11th and 12th Lord(Saturn is natural significator of 12th house) and also its dispoitor is its natural friend mercury(although saturn and mercury are neutral in your chart due to 6th-8th placement) you should look forward to saturn antardasa..hope your chart below is correct. Regards RMK--These calculations were made using the free "Jagannatha Hora Lite"software, which can be downloaded from the website of its authorP.V.R. Narasimha Rao ( or from the websiteof Sri Jagannath Centre ( Chart January 23, 1975Time: 10:00:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 76 E 42' 00", 11 N 24' 00"Altitude: 0.00 metersLunar Yr-Mo: Ananda - PushyaTithi: Sukla Ekadasi (Ma) (97.40% left)Weekday: Thursday (Ju)Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (4.92% left)Yoga: Sukla (Mo)Karana: Vanija (Ve)Hora Lord: Venus (5 min sign: Sc)Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Vi)Kaala Lord: Venus (Mahakala: Venus)Sunrise: 6:50:18Sunset: 18:19:47Janma Ghatis: 7.9045Ayanamsa: 23-30-47.23Sidereal Time: 17:44:23Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi NavamsaLagna 1 Pi 49' 30.00" PBha 4 Pi CnSun - GK 9 Cp 01' 54.25" USha 4 Cp PiMoon - PK 9 Ta 20' 37.71" Krit 4 Ta PiMars - DK 7 Sg 31' 17.07" Mool 3 Sg GeMercury - AmK 27 Cp 34' 55.91" Dhan 2 Cp ViJupiter - BK 23 Aq 58' 24.42" PBha 2 Aq TaVenus - AK 27 Cp 40' 32.32" Dhan 2 Cp ViSaturn ® - MK 20 Ge 33' 41.07" Puna 1 Ge ArRahu - PiK 13 Sc 54' 31.25" Anu 4 Sc ScKetu 13 Ta 54' 31.25" Rohi 2 Ta TaMaandi 9 Pi 32' 06.46" UBha 2 Pi ViGulika 26 Aq 39' 07.41" PBha 2 Aq TaBhava Lagna 26 Aq 19' 29.24" PBha 2 Aq TaHora Lagna 13 Ar 45' 06.60" Bhar 1 Ar LeGhati Lagna 6 Vi 01' 58.69" UPha 3 Vi AqVighati Lagna 27 Le 26' 19.16" UPha 1 Le SgVarnada Lagna 15 Pi 34' 36.60" UBha 4 Pi ScSree Lagna 14 Aq 06' 28.27" Sata 3 Aq AqDhooma 22 Ta 21' 54.25" Rohi 4 Ta CnVyatipata 7 Aq 38' 05.75" Sata 1 Aq SgParivesha 7 Le 38' 05.75" Makh 3 Le GeIndra Chapa 22 Sc 21' 54.25" Jye 2 Sc CpUpaketu 9 Sg 01' 54.25" Mool 3 Sg GeKaala 28 Ar 29' 03.32" Krit 1 Ar SgMrityu 10 Ge 08' 19.22" Ardr 2 Ge CpArtha Prahara 29 Ge 45' 50.69" Puna 3 Ge GeYama Ghantaka 19 Cp 52' 11.70" Srav 3 Cp GePlanet Chara Karakatwa MeaningSun GK Cousin (rival)Moon PK Son (follower)Mars DK Spouse (partner)Mercury AmK Minister (advisor)Jupiter BK Brother (associate)Venus AK SelfSaturn MK Mother (nourisher)Rahu PiK Father (authority)Ashtakavarga of Rasi Chart: Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq PiAs 5 4 4 2 5 3 5 4 4 3 5 5*Su 2 2 6 6 3 4 5 2 6 4* 4 4 Mo 4 6* 1 4 5 3 6 6 2 4 3 5 Ma 1 3 5 3 2 2 3 4 5* 4 1 6 Me 3 3 6 3 4 6 4 3 7 6* 3 6 Ju 4 4 5 3 4 7 5 7 3 5 4* 5 Ve 4 5 4 2 5 5 5 6 3 4* 3 6 Sa 3 2 4* 3 4 2 5 5 4 3 2 2 Sodhya Pinda Rasi Pinda Graha PindaAs 97 82 15Su 205 129 76Mo 172 120 52Ma 240 149 91Me 241 143 98Ju 106 84 22Ve 123 113 10Sa 124 89 35Planet Shadbala In rupas % Strength IshtaPhala KashtaPhalaSun 312.30 5.21 104.10 17.80 38.67Moon 453.23 7.55 125.90 48.18 6.49Mars 392.87 6.55 130.96 22.82 28.40Mercury 472.02 7.87 112.39 24.65 30.87Jupiter 431.25 7.19 110.58 16.66 43.34Venus 416.21 6.94 126.12 22.87 30.48Saturn 327.68 5.46 109.23 32.96 15.71 Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ HL / \ Ju / || \ / \ / || \ / Md \ / || \ / \ / Ve ||Mo Ke x As x Me Su || / \ / \ AL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / \ || / \ / \ || SaR x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x GL x Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+ Navamsa +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ HL / \ Ma / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Md \ / \ / Gk ||Me Ve x As x Ke Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 4 / \ || / \ / \ || x SaR || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ra AL x x Mo Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / GL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Hora D-2+--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ / \ Ju / || \ / \ / || \ / GL \ / || \ / \ / ||HL x As x || / \ / \ || / \ Md / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / Ve \ || / \ / \ || x Me || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ke \ / \ / ||Mo Ra x Ma x AL Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / SaR \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Drekkana D-3+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ / Ra \ / || \ / \ / ||Mo AL x As x Su || / \ / \ || / \ Md / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / \ || / \ / \ || x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / || \ / \ / || x GL Me x || / \ / \ || / \ Ke / \ || / \ / \ || / HL \ / Ju \ || / \ / Gk \ |+--------------+Chaturthamsa D-4+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ Su / \ Ra / || \ / \ / || \ / Ma \ / || \ / \ / || x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / \ || / \ / \ || Md x SaR || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||HL AL x GL x Gk Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Me \ || / Ke \ / Ve \ |+--------------+Panchamsa D-5+--------------+| \ SaR / \ / || \ Ju / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ke Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 2 / AL \ || / \ / \ || x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / ||GL \ / \ / ||Su Mo x Me x ||Md / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Gk \ / HL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Shashthamsa D-6+--------------+| \ Mo GL / \ / || \ Su / \ Gk / || \ Md / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / AL ||Ra Ke x As x SaR Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 7 / \ || / \ / \ || x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Me \ / Ma \ || / Ve \ / \ |+--------------+Saptamsa D-7+--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ SaR / \ Ra / || \ / \ / || \ / Su \ / || \ / \ / ||Md x As x HL Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 6 / \ || / \ / \ || x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Me \ / \ / ||Mo Ma x x AL ||Ve / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ke \ / GL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Ashtamsa D-8+--------------+| \ / \ Gk / || \ GL / \ HL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ma Md x As x Ju Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ve \ 5 / \ || / \ / \ || Me x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x Mo x AL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / SaR \ / Ra \ || / \ / Ke \ |+--------------+Dasamsa D-10+--------------+| \ SaR / \ / || \ Su / \ Gk / || \ / \ / || \ / Ra \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ 8 / AL \ || / \ / \ || Ma x HL || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x Ke x GL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Me \ || / \ / Ve \ |+--------------+Rudramsa D-11+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ Mo / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Me \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Gk || / \ / \ || / \ Ve / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ 2 / Ra \ || / \ / \ || Ke x Ju || \ / \ / || \ / \ AL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR HL x x GL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Su \ / \ || / Ma \ / \ |+--------------+Dwadasamsa D-12+--------------+| \ Ra / \ / || \ Su / \ SaR / || \ / \ / || \ / Ma \ / || \ / \ / || x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 12 / Ve \ || / \ / \ || Md x Me || \ / \ / || \ / \ Gk / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||AL x HL x GL Ju || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Ke \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Shodasamsa D-16+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ HL / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Gk SaR || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ke \ 9 / \ || / \ / \ || Ra x || \ / \ / || \ GL / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / || \ / \ / ||Ma AL x Me x Ju Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Vimsamsa D-20+--------------+| \ Me Ve / \ / || \ Su / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / SaR \ / || \ / \ / ||AL x Ke As x || / \ / \ || / \ Ra / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 6 / \ || / \ / \ || GL x Mo || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ma HL x Ju x Gk || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Md \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Siddhamsa D-24+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ HL / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ke Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 5 / Ve \ || / \ / \ || GL x AL Me || \ / \ / || \ / \ Gk / || \ / \ / || \ / Mo \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR x Md Su x || / \ / \ || / \ Ma / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / Ju \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Nakshatramsa D-27+--------------+| \ Mo / \ / || \ Su / \ Ra / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR HL x As x AL GL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / \ || / \ / \ || x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x x Ma || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ke \ / \ || / Me \ / Md \ || / Ju Ve \ / Gk \ |+--------------+Trimsamsa D-30+--------------+| \ SaR / \ / || \ Ju / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || x As x Ke Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 2 / AL \ || / \ / \ || x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Ve \ / ||GL \ / \ / ||Su Mo x Me x ||Md / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Gk \ / HL \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Khavedamsa D-40+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ Ju / || \ / \ / AL || \ / \ / HL || \ / \ / Me ||Ma x As x Mo Su || / \ / \ Ve || / \ / \ Md || / \ / \ || / \ 9 / \ || / \ / \ || Gk x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ra Ke x GL x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / SaR \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+Akshavedamsa D-45+--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / Md \ / || \ / \ / ||Ra Ke x As x HL || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / Gk \ || / \ / \ || Su x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||SaR AL x x Mo || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ju \ / Me \ || / \ / Ve GL \ |+--------------+Shashtyamsa D-60+--------------+| \ HL Gk / \ / || \ Su / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Ke \ / \ / ||Me Ve x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 3 / \ || / \ / \ || GL x Ma || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Md AL x x Ra || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Mo \ / Ju \ || / SaR \ / \ |+--------------+Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):Sun Sun 1969-05-10 Moo 1969-08-28 Mar 1970-02-27 Rah 1970-07-04 Jup 1971-05-29 Sat 1972-03-16 Mer 1973-02-26 Ket 1974-01-03 Ven 1974-05-11 Moo Moo 1975-05-11 Mar 1976-03-10 Rah 1976-10-09 Jup 1978-04-10 Sat 1979-08-10 Mer 1981-03-10 Ket 1982-08-10 Ven 1983-03-11 Sun 1984-11-09 Mar Mar 1985-05-10 Rah 1985-10-06 Jup 1986-10-25 Sat 1987-10-01 Mer 1988-11-09 Ket 1989-11-06 Ven 1990-04-04 Sun 1991-06-04 Moo 1991-10-10 Rah Rah 1992-05-10 Jup 1995-01-21 Sat 1997-06-16 Mer 2000-04-22 Ket 2002-11-09 Ven 2003-11-27 Sun 2006-11-27 Moo 2007-10-22 Mar 2009-04-22 Jup Jup 2010-05-10 Sat 2012-06-27 Mer 2015-01-09 Ket 2017-04-16 Ven 2018-03-22 Sun 2020-11-20 Moo 2021-09-09 Mar 2023-01-09 Rah 2023-12-16 Sat Sat 2026-05-10 Mer 2029-05-13 Ket 2032-01-21 Ven 2033-03-01 Sun 2036-04-30 Moo 2037-04-12 Mar 2038-11-12 Rah 2039-12-22 Jup 2042-10-27 Mer Mer 2045-05-10 Ket 2047-10-06 Ven 2048-10-03 Sun 2051-08-03 Moo 2052-06-09 Mar 2053-11-08 Rah 2054-11-06 Jup 2057-05-25 Sat 2059-08-31 Ket Ket 2062-05-10 Ven 2062-10-06 Sun 2063-12-06 Moo 2064-04-12 Mar 2064-11-11 Rah 2065-04-09 Jup 2066-04-28 Sat 2067-04-04 Mer 2068-05-12 Ven Ven 2069-05-10 Sun 2072-09-08 Moo 2073-09-08 Mar 2075-05-10 Rah 2076-07-09 Jup 2079-07-10 Sat 2082-03-10 Mer 2085-05-09 Ket 2088-03-09 Ashtottari Dasa (controversial nakshatra dasa):Ven Sun 1968-05-28 Moo 1969-07-28 Mar 1972-06-27 Mer 1974-01-17 Sat 1977-05-08 Jup 1979-04-18 Rah 1982-12-27 Ven 1985-04-28 Sun Moo 1989-05-28 Mar 1990-03-29 Mer 1990-09-07 Sat 1991-08-18 Jup 1992-03-08 Rah 1993-03-28 Ven 1993-11-27 Sun 1995-01-27 Moo Mar 1995-05-29 Mer 1996-07-07 Sat 1998-11-17 Jup 2000-04-07 Rah 2002-11-27 Ven 2004-07-28 Sun 2007-06-28 Moo 2008-04-27 Mar Mer 2010-05-28 Sat 2011-08-31 Jup 2012-05-28 Rah 2013-10-24 Ven 2014-09-13 Sun 2016-04-04 Moo 2016-09-13 Mar 2017-10-24 Mer Sat 2018-05-28 Jup 2019-12-24 Rah 2022-12-20 Ven 2024-11-09 Sun 2028-03-01 Moo 2029-02-09 Mar 2031-06-21 Mer 2032-09-23 Sat Jup 2035-05-28 Rah 2037-03-01 Ven 2038-04-11 Sun 2040-03-21 Moo 2040-10-10 Mar 2042-03-01 Mer 2042-11-27 Sat 2044-06-24 Jup Rah 2045-05-28 Ven 2047-07-08 Sun 2051-03-18 Moo 2052-04-07 Mar 2054-11-27 Mer 2056-04-24 Sat 2059-04-21 Jup 2061-01-22 Rah Ven 2064-05-27 Sun 2066-09-27 Moo 2067-05-28 Mar 2069-01-26 Mer 2069-12-16 Sat 2071-11-06 Jup 2072-12-16 Rah 2075-01-26 Kalachakra Dasa (Savya group, Paramayush = 85 years):Cp Cp 1973-12-28 Aq 1974-03-07 Pi 1974-05-15 Sc 1974-11-02 Li 1975-03-03 Vi 1975-12-03 Cn 1976-05-05 Le 1977-05-01 Ge 1977-07-26 Aq Aq 1977-12-28 Pi 1978-02-26 Sc 1978-07-27 Li 1978-11-09 Vi 1979-07-08 Cn 1979-11-21 Le 1980-10-02 Ge 1980-12-16 Ta 1981-05-01 Pi Pi 1981-12-28 Sc 1982-12-28 Li 1983-09-10 Vi 1985-04-16 Cn 1986-03-11 Le 1988-04-16 Ge 1988-10-16 Ta 1989-09-09 Ar 1991-04-17 Sc Sc 1991-12-28 Li 1992-06-24 Vi 1993-08-07 Cn 1994-03-26 Le 1995-09-13 Ge 1996-01-19 Ta 1996-09-05 Ar 1997-10-19 Pi 1998-04-16 Li Li 1998-12-28 Vi 2001-08-18 Cn 2003-02-11 Le 2006-07-30 Ge 2007-05-28 Ta 2008-11-20 Ar 2011-07-12 Pi 2012-09-06 Aq 2014-05-01 Vi Vi 2014-12-28 Cn 2015-12-11 Le 2018-03-02 Ge 2018-09-11 Ta 2019-08-26 Ar 2021-05-05 Pi 2022-01-31 Aq 2023-02-22 Cp 2023-07-26 Cn Cn 2023-12-28 Le 2029-02-12 Ge 2030-05-04 Ta 2032-07-15 Ar 2036-06-11 Pi 2038-02-25 Aq 2040-08-05 Cp 2041-07-28 Sg 2042-07-19 Le Le 2044-12-27 Ge 2045-05-03 Ta 2045-12-17 Ar 2047-01-27 Pi 2047-07-24 Aq 2048-04-02 Cp 2048-07-13 Sg 2048-10-22 Ar 2049-07-03 Ge Ge 2049-12-27 Ta 2050-12-19 Ar 2052-09-13 Pi 2053-06-17 Aq 2054-07-18 Cp 2054-12-23 Sg 2055-05-31 Ar 2056-06-30 Ta 2057-04-03 Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):Pi Aq 1975-01-23 Pi 1975-02-22 Ar 1975-03-25 Ta 1975-04-24 Ge 1975-05-25 Cn 1975-06-24 Le 1975-07-25 Vi 1975-08-24 Li 1975-09-23 Sc 1975-10-24 Sg 1975-11-23 Cp 1975-12-24 Cn Ge 1976-01-23 Cn 1976-04-23 Le 1976-07-24 Vi 1976-10-23 Li 1977-01-22 Sc 1977-04-24 Sg 1977-07-24 Cp 1977-10-23 Aq 1978-01-23 Pi 1978-04-24 Ar 1978-07-24 Ta 1978-10-24 Sc Cp 1979-01-23 Aq 1979-07-25 Pi 1980-01-23 Ar 1980-07-24 Ta 1981-01-22 Ge 1981-07-24 Cn 1982-01-23 Le 1982-07-24 Vi 1983-01-23 Li 1983-07-24 Sc 1984-01-23 Sg 1984-07-24 Sg Cp 1985-01-22 Aq 1985-03-24 Pi 1985-05-24 Ar 1985-07-24 Ta 1985-09-23 Ge 1985-11-23 Cn 1986-01-23 Le 1986-03-24 Vi 1986-05-24 Li 1986-07-24 Sc 1986-09-23 Sg 1986-11-23 Ar Cp 1987-01-23 Sg 1987-09-23 Sc 1988-05-24 Li 1989-01-22 Vi 1989-09-23 Le 1990-05-24 Cn 1991-01-23 Ge 1991-09-23 Ta 1992-05-24 Ar 1993-01-22 Pi 1993-09-23 Aq 1994-05-24 Le Sc 1995-01-23 Li 1995-08-24 Vi 1996-03-24 Le 1996-10-23 Cn 1997-05-24 Ge 1997-12-23 Ta 1998-07-24 Ar 1999-02-22 Pi 1999-09-23 Aq 2000-04-23 Cp 2000-11-22 Sg 2001-06-23 Vi Aq 2002-01-22 Pi 2002-09-23 Ar 2003-05-24 Ta 2004-01-23 Ge 2004-09-22 Cn 2005-05-24 Le 2006-01-22 Vi 2006-09-23 Li 2007-05-24 Sc 2008-01-23 Sg 2008-09-22 Cp 2009-05-24 Cp Ge 2010-01-22 Cn 2010-08-23 Le 2011-03-25 Vi 2011-10-24 Li 2012-05-24 Sc 2012-12-23 Sg 2013-07-24 Cp 2014-02-22 Aq 2014-09-23 Pi 2015-04-24 Ar 2015-11-23 Ta 2016-06-23 Ta Cp 2017-01-22 Aq 2017-09-23 Pi 2018-05-24 Ar 2019-01-23 Ta 2019-09-23 Ge 2020-05-24 Cn 2021-01-22 Le 2021-09-23 Vi 2022-05-24 Li 2023-01-23 Sc 2023-09-23 Sg 2024-05-24 Ge Cp 2025-01-22 Aq 2025-08-23 Pi 2026-03-24 Ar 2026-10-23 Ta 2027-05-24 Ge 2027-12-23 Cn 2028-07-23 Le 2029-02-21 Vi 2029-09-23 Li 2030-04-24 Sc 2030-11-23 Sg 2031-06-24 Li Cp 2032-01-23 Sg 2032-04-23 Sc 2032-07-23 Li 2032-10-23 Vi 2033-01-22 Le 2033-04-23 Cn 2033-07-24 Ge 2033-10-23 Ta 2034-01-22 Ar 2034-04-24 Pi 2034-07-24 Aq 2034-10-23 Aq Sc 2035-01-22 Li 2035-04-24 Vi 2035-07-24 Le 2035-10-23 Cn 2036-01-23 Ge 2036-04-23 Ta 2036-07-23 Ar 2036-10-23 Pi 2037-01-22 Aq 2037-04-23 Cp 2037-07-24 Sg 2037-10-23 vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar> wrote:> Hi Rajesh,> > My Dob is 23/Jan/!975.Time of birth is 10:00 Am.Place of birth is Ootacamund.> > Thanks> Raji> > > > > "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> Hi Rajeshwari> Well I am not an expert on Saturn...also if you post your chart/birth > data, then only I could dig up some info.> Regards> RMK> vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar > <rajeswarishankar> wrote:> > Hi RMK,> > > > I have retrograde saturn in 4th place in gemini.My lagna is pisces.> > > > Regards> > Raji> > > > > > "Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> > Dear Jayashree ji,> > > > Well Obviously such a Retrograde Saturn will make the person over-> > ambtious but still remains benefic. It will/should be a good aspect> > (assuming there are no other planet is afflicting natal saturn) > since > > Saturn remains functional benefic. Retrograde planets lead to over > > expectations, but normal expectations can be achieved by normal > > karma, when such a favourable saturn is involved. In my life, I > found > > that even the over-expectations were achieved with just normal > > efforts in Saturn/Saturn period... so at least in my case sofar, I > > can say that Saturn has proved to be one of the great benefactor > of > > the zodiac. I think the same holds true for Capricorn, > Aquarius,Libra > > and Taurus lagnas (so there is no need to be so scared of the great > > teacher..SHANI DEV, when you are on the right path)> > ..RMK> > > > > > --- In vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > > Dear RMK ji,> > > > > > If Saturn is retrograde in Taurus for Kumba lagna and aspects > > > Scorpio the 10th house, is it good or bad? Will the aspect be > > > beneficial or retrogression modifies it?> > > > > > Jayashree> > > > > > > > > vedic astrology, "Rajesh M. Kumaria" > > > <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> > > > Dear Jayashree> > > > Just saw this question..Not sure if it is really addressed to > me. > > > > Well however, as a Kumbha Lagna person who recently went > through > > a > > > > three year span of Saturn/Saturn period(my natal saturn is also > > > > retrograde and in 12th house in Capricorn), all I can say that > it > > > was > > > > one of the best periods(financially and otherwise) of my sofar > > > > life... even though I am currently facing avery tough > > > Saturn/Mercury > > > > period, yet I am still continuing to survive primarily on the > > > > strength provided by the Saturn/saturn if saturn is > > > placed > > > > in favourable houses and signs and not afflicted/weak > otherwise, > > > then > > > > all type of kingly comforts come in this period as per Parasara > > and > > > > that's true(my case) saturn does not loose any > beneficiance > > > and > > > > remains functional benefic..retrograde simply makes the native > > over-> > > > ambitious ...ofcourse all periods are not like so great like > > > > Saturn/Saturn in saturn mahadasa and i have learnt that...RMK> > > > > > > > vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > > > > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > > > > Dear Sir,> > > > > > > > > > For Kumbha lagna, if Saturn is retrograde, being the co-lord > of > > 1 > > > > and > > > > > 12, does Saturn lose all beneficiance and become a full-blown > > > > > functional malefic?> > > > > > > > > > Jayashree> > > > > > > > > > --- In vedic astrology, "gilmourw2002" > > > > > <gilmourw2002> wrote:> > > > > > dear list members,> > > > > > > > > > > > what is the logic behind grahas being described in > parashara > > as > > > > > > auspicious/in auspicious grahas from a particular lagna?> > > > > > > > > > > > for example, a kumbh native Sa & Sk are ausp;Gu Ch Ma > inausp.> > > > > > Sk i can see is yogakaraka; Sa is lagnesh but also lord of > > > 12th...> > > > > > > > > > > > I have BPHS/sanatham ch 34 open. anyone care to point out > the > > > > > > underlying rules?> > > > > > > > > > > > wg> > > > > > Sponsor> > > > Archives: vedic astrology> > > > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > > Your use of is subject to the Terms of > Service. > > > > > > > > Do you ?> > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now> > > Sponsor> Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > > > > > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it nowArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 29, 2003 Report Share Posted November 29, 2003 om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Rajesh Ji, Regarding Pushkaramsha,you can read the particular Shlokas from Muhurta Darpana,Vidhyamadhaveeyam,Jataka Parijata and Chandra Kala nadi.These references are made in the book " PREDICTING THROUGH NAVAMSHA AND NADI ASTROLOGY " by Sri C.S.Patel. I hope this helps you. With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao."Rajesh M. Kumaria" <rajeshkumaria2000 > wrote: Dear Jayashree jiMany Thanks for getting info. reagrding pushkara navamasa(although I am still searching references to this in various books and got none sofar; but I think that it must be genuine) and also Mrityu Bhaga degrees which can be confirmed to some extent. I read several shlokas regarding Shadbala Strengths and IsthaPhala & Kasthaphala computations in BPHS...all I understand is that they are all very closely related although the exact formula for auspicious and inauspicious strengths and effects could not be understood by me, due to complex english translations in the BPHS(G.S.SHARMA). Also there are too many shlokas involved here. Also house ownership(exaltation, mooltrikona, own house, equal house, enemy house, exteme enemy house etc) and other relationships/strengths have to be considered before reaching a final decision on any thing involving aplanet or a while you may be right regarding 9th Bhava effects of your natal Venus, yet that is only one part of the picture/prediction. There is no clear indication that bhava results can over-rule Isthaphala/Kasthaphala etc., Also I did not really mean planetary war but a general war due to conjunction effects of your natal Jupiter and Venus..again all computations and considerations have to be done before reaching a final prediction in such a scenario also. In the final view/prediction, the overall vision of the astrologer is also critical since after every known effect has been analysed and predicted, the net astrological effects/predictions are more than the sum total of all computations and calculations put together.(its like a 3-dimensional dynamic effect in progress everywhere, which includes the static and dynamic worlds..humourously speaking we are trying to analyse a huge 3-dimensional beast whose characteristics are changing continuously and who really deals with Gods!!! and our vision is limited by several factors including Desh(country), Kaal(time) and Patra(people))...... anyway, I really appreciate your efforts and input. All the bestThanks and RegardsRMKvedic astrology, "Jayashree" <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> Dear Rajesh ji,> > This is what I learnt from Jai Balagopal ji regarding Pushkara > Navamsa - As stated by him:> > "From what i know, every sign (30deg) has two auspicious navamsas > (pushkara navamsas) and one aupicious degree called puskhara bhaga > (also there is a set of inaupicious degrees called mrityu bhaga - > depends on the sign and planet). Anyway, these puskhara navamsas are > owned only by the benefics (Jup, Ven, Mer, Moo) and give auspicious > results (even more so for planets situated in pushkara bhagaas). Here > is a link that gives you the different puskhara navamsas/bhagas. > >"> > I checked the above site and pushkara Navamsa seems to be a fortunate > planetary position in the Navamsa, capable to overriding the effects > of rasi sandhi, etc. > > Also, it is said a planet gives result as of its bhava placement > during its own dasha, and Venus in my chart is placed in 9th bhava > and there he is not in bhava Sandhi, he is fully in 9th bhava. That's > the reason I think Venus's placement in A6 might trouble now, but not > during Venus's dasha as Venus then gives bhava results. Also, > vargottam planets are said to do good irrespective of kashta-pala, > and Jupiter is Vargottama, aspected by Shani lagnesh. > > Due to the above reasons, I feel Venus dasha will be good for overall > well-being and job prospects. But more than all these, why I feel > strongly so is because, I had a strange nice dream which Shri Ramadas > Rao ji kindly interpreted for me, and quite amazingly he pinpointed > something, ie me getting some specific mantras from an unexpected > source before the dream which is a very rare and wonderful experience > that kindled some kind of revelation on me. > > Also, doesn't the mutual aspect of lagnesh and 9th lord produce a > raja-lakshmi yoga? > > I agree with all the A8/A6 parts, but Jupiter and Venus are so far > apart in my chart (almost 15 degrees) that they cannot be too bitter > rivals (no planetary war). And regarding A8/A6 and Jupiter/Mars > placed/lording over it, I think the Navamsa placement of Mars as lord > of A5 in A5 with Jupiter overrides this blemish largely... (Since > many people look at rasi's 10th lord placement in Navamsa to be a > weighty factor to determine career results). Also, inspite of > Mercury's ishta-pala, his functional nature was 8th lord (Mool-> trikona) as well as my AK, but Venus is lord of 4 and 9, so > functional benefic.> > These are my reasonings, now I have to take to the wonderful guidance > Shri Ramadas Rao ji and Shri Sudharsan ji have given me regarding > mantras and my ishta-devata, and as you too rightly said, praying to > goddess Lakshmi, and with that, I'm quite confident. > > Rajesh ji, it has been a pleasure discussing and learning from you. > Please give me any corrections or insight that you might see further. > Thanks very much for your willingness to discuss the same with me.> > With warm regards,> > Jayashree> > vedic astrology, "Rajesh M. Kumaria" > <rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:> > Dear Jayashree ji> > Well you have done a good analysis and got me thinking …let us take > > things one by one..please note that we are all learning here and my > > viewpoints are not an imposition on anyone…Predictions are based on > > interpretations only…When you say that Venus is in pushkara navamsa> > (assuming this navamsa is favourable and ignoring rashi sandhi etc) > > and everything is fine with married life due to the position of > Venus > > in Navamsa, I agree with you…(I used the new time of 14:32)> > > > So let's just focus on the forces involved around your tenth house > in > > Rashi charka…Just saw that Rashi chakra also contains A8> > (Mrityupada/Kashtapada) and A6(roga pada /shatru pada), along with > > jupiter and are right that both jupiter and venus are > very > > strong in Shadbala Strengths. So that means that both the enemies > are > > equally strong. When we look at IsthaPhala (benefic tendency) and > > Kashtaphala(malefic tendency) figures, Venus has more Kashtaphala > > than Isthaphala(48.77 vs 11.23) and so has Jupiter(45.73 vs 14.00). > > So both the adhishatru planets have tendency to hurt you and both > are > > placed in 10th house of career affairs. Mercury on the other hand > has > > a benfic tendency(28.52 vs 24.55), so mercury period was good for > > your career, since mahadasa lord always controls the major effects > of > > its dasa. Now Ketu is also another 10th Lord along with Mars, who > is > > being considered as stronger 10th Lord(still finding out why)..Mars > > has a overall benefic tendency(49.34 vs 5.72).. so my point is that > > during Mercury dasa you had two strong planets working in your > > favour, mars and mercury..when you reached ketu dasa, mercury was > no > > longer there and replaced by Ketu placed in 6th house from Lagna( > not > > a good position certainly) and got entangled in the Venus-Jupiter > war > > in 10th house.> > > > Mars helps career, but is also the Lord of A8 and A6(which cause > > pain). On the other hand Ketu is also co-lord of A8 and A6. So > Mars > > and Ketu are in yet another conflict here…obviously Ketu prevails > > since it is his mahadasa here, so looks like unfortunately Mars has > > lost control due to this Venus-Jupiter and Ketu's offensive battles > > and Ketu dominates currently…continuing on similar lines, if Venus > is > > strengthened by mantras, then only it can help to win this war > going > > on in 10th house(Ketu dasa or Venus Mahadasa)… Also Dasamasa > effects > > should be analysed separately, but they cannot easily ride over > > Rashi's effects here. Saturn cannot help much by similar logic> (19.26 > > vs 20.98)… So in a certain way, you are right that Ketu is also to > be > > blamed, but the major effects are still controlled by Venus-Jupiter > > and Mars.> > > > Regards > > RMK> > > > --> > These calculations were made using the free "Jagannatha Hora Lite"> > software, which can be downloaded from the website of its author> > P.V.R. Narasimha Rao ( or from the website> > of Sri Jagannath Centre (> > --> > > > jayshree_new> > > > Natal Chart> > > > October 31, 1971> > Time: 14:32:00> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> > Place: 80 E 17' 00", 13 N 05' 00"> > Madras, India> > Altitude: 0.00 meters> > > > Lunar Yr-Mo: Virodha-krit - Karthika> > Tithi: Sukla Trayodasi (Ju) (97.23% left)> > Weekday: Sunday (Su)> > Nakshatra: Uttarabhadra (Sa) (63.85% left)> > Yoga: Vyaghata (Ve)> > Karana: Kaulava (Ma)> > Hora Lord: Venus (5 min sign: Pi)> > Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Ar)> > Kaala Lord: Saturn (Mahakala: Saturn)> > > > Sunrise: 6:04:34> > Sunset: 17:40:14> > Janma Ghatis: 21.1430> > > > Ayanamsa: 23-28-02.13> > Sidereal Time: 16:59:12> > > > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa> > > > Lagna 18 Aq 14' 02.64" Sata 4 Aq Pi> > Sun - BK 13 Li 49' 16.73" Swat 3 Li Aq> > Moon - PK 8 Pi 09' 13.44" UBha 2 Pi Vi> > Mars - GK 3 Aq 23' 28.65" Dhan 4 Aq Sc> > Mercury - AK 27 Li 49' 20.48" Visa 3 Li Ge> > Jupiter - AmK 15 Sc 13' 26.71" Anu 4 Sc Sc> > Venus - DK 0 Sc 45' 28.94" Visa 4 Sc Cn> > Saturn ® - PiK 11 Ta 31' 45.53" Rohi 1 Ta Ar> > Rahu - MK 16 Cp 25' 42.52" Srav 2 Cp Ta> > Ketu 16 Cn 25' 42.52" Push 4 Cn Sc> > Maandi 5 Pi 40' 16.97" UBha 1 Pi Le> > Gulika 22 Aq 30' 59.46" PBha 1 Aq Ar> > Bhava Lagna 20 Aq 19' 36.82" PBha 1 Aq Ar> > Hora Lagna 27 Ge 11' 04.88" Puna 3 Ge Ge> > Ghati Lagna 17 Cn 45' 29.04" Asre 1 Cn Sg> > Vighati Lagna 0 Sc 37' 29.84" Visa 4 Sc Cn> > Varnada Lagna 15 Ta 25' 07.52" Rohi 2 Ta Ta> > Sree Lagna 28 Ge 23' 05.40" Puna 3 Ge Ge> > Dhooma 27 Aq 09' 16.73" PBha 3 Aq Ge> > Vyatipata 2 Ta 50' 43.27" Krit 2 Ta Cp> > Parivesha 2 Sc 50' 43.27" Visa 4 Sc Cn> > Indra Chapa 27 Le 09' 16.73" UPha 1 Le Sg> > Upaketu 13 Vi 49' 16.73" Hast 2 Vi Ta> > Kaala 23 Li 26' 47.67" Visa 2 Li Ta> > Mrityu 3 Sg 09' 20.95" Mool 1 Sg Ar> > Artha Prahara 23 Sg 30' 30.16" PSha 4 Sg Sc> > Yama Ghantaka 15 Cp 27' 09.49" Srav 2 Cp Ta> > > > Planet Chara Karakatwa Meaning> > > > Sun BK Brother (associate)> > Moon PK Son (follower)> > Mars GK Cousin (rival)> > Mercury AK Self> > Jupiter AmK Minister (advisor)> > Venus DK Spouse (partner)> > Saturn PiK Father (authority)> > Rahu MK Mother (nourisher)> > > > Ashtakavarga of Rasi Chart:> > > > Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi> > As 3 4 1 7 5 2 2 5 6 4 5* 5 > > Su 4 6 3 4 5 3 3* 4 5 4 3 4 > > Mo 4 5 2 6 5 4 2 4 6 3 3 5*> > Ma 3 3 1 2 6 3 2 3 5 2 5* 4 > > Me 2 3 6 3 5 6 4* 4 6 3 6 6 > > Ju 4 4 4 6 6 5 4 6* 5 4 4 4 > > Ve 3 4 5 5 5 5 3 2* 5 4 5 6 > > Sa 5 4* 2 5 3 4 4 3 2 3 1 3 > > > > Sodhya Pinda Rasi Pinda Graha Pinda> > As 178 126 52> > Su 69 54 15> > Mo 98 75 23> > Ma 202 128 74> > Me 197 149 48> > Ju 92 58 34> > Ve 151 115 36> > Sa 105 70 35> > > > Planet Shadbala In rupas % Strength IshtaPhala KashtaPhala> > > > Sun 399.09 6.65 133.03 4.75 49.83> > Moon 371.08 6.18 103.08 44.80 14.74> > Mars 424.41 7.07 141.47 49.34 5.72> > Mercury 439.53 7.33 104.65 28.52 24.55> > Jupiter 437.33 7.29 112.13 14.00 45.73> > Venus 448.14 7.47 135.80 11.23 48.77> > Saturn 339.40 5.66 113.13 19.26 20.98> > > > Rasi > > +--------------+> > | \ Md / \ / |> > | \ Mo / \ Ra / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ma \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x AL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ Gk / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 11 / Ve \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | SaR x Ju |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |HL x x Me Su |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ke \ / \ |> > | / GL \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Navamsa > > +--------------+> > | \ Gk / \ / |> > | \ SaR / \ Su / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ra x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / HL \ 12 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Me x GL |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / Ke |> > |Ve AL x Mo x Ju Ma |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Md \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Hora D-2> > +--------------+> > | \ Md / \ / |> > | \ Mo / \ Ma / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Gk \ / |> > | \ / \ / GL |> > | x As x Ke Ra |> > | / \ / \ AL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 10 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Su x |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Me x Ju x HL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ve \ / \ |> > | / SaR \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Drekkana D-3> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ Ra / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Me \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 3 / Ju \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | SaR x AL Mo |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ Md / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / HL |> > |Gk x x Ma Su |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ve \ / \ |> > | / Ke GL \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Chaturthamsa D-4> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ Ra / |> > | \ / \ Me / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / SaR \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x AL Mo |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Gk \ 5 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Ve x Ju |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x Ma x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Su \ / HL \ |> > | / Ke GL \ / Md \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Panchamsa D-5> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ Md / |> > | \ / \ Ve / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Gk \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x Ma |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / SaR \ 3 / Ra \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Mo x GL Ju |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ Ke / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Me HL x Su x AL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Shashthamsa D-6> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ Gk / \ Su / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Me HL x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 4 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Ve x Ma |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ra \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Mo Md x GL Ju x AL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ Ke / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / SaR \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Saptamsa D-7> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ GL / |> > | \ Gk / \ Ve / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ju x As x Ke Me |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 3 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | x |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Md \ / \ / |> > |Mo Ra x HL x AL Ma |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / Su \ |> > | / \ / SaR \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Ashtamsa D-8> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ HL / |> > | \ / \ SaR / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ju \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Gk x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 1 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Su x |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |GL \ / \ / |> > |Ra Ke x Mo x Ve Ma |> > |AL / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Md \ / Me \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Dasamsa D-10> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ Ve / |> > | \ Gk / \ Me / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ke \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ GL / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 5 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | x AL |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ra \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ju Md x Su x SaR |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Mo \ / Ma \ |> > | / \ / HL \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Rudramsa D-11> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ Ra / \ HL / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ju Gk x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 9 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Su x Ve |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |AL x x Me |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / Ke GL \ |> > | / \ / Md Mo \ |> > | / \ / Ma SaR \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Dwadasamsa D-12> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Me \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ve Gk x As x Ra |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ SaR / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 6 / AL \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | x Mo |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ma \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ke x Su x Md Ju |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / GL \ / HL \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Shodasamsa D-16> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ Ju / |> > | \ Me / \ Mo / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x Md |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Gk \ 2 / HL \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Ve x SaR |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ AL / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ma x Su x GL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / Ra \ |> > | / \ / Ke \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Vimsamsa D-20> > +--------------+> > | \ Mo / \ / |> > | \ Su / \ Md / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ve \ / |> > |Ke \ / \ / |> > |Ma Ra x As x Ju Me |> > |HL / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Gk \ 9 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | GL x |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x x AL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / SaR \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Siddhamsa D-24> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ Md / \ GL / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ma \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x Ke Ra |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / AL \ 7 / Ju \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Mo x Su |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ Ve / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Gk x SaR x Me |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / HL \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Nakshatramsa D-27> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ Ve / |> > | \ Ke / \ Ma / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Ju \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |GL x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / AL \ 11 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | SaR x Me |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Md Gk x Mo x HL Su |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / Ra \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Trimsamsa D-30> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ Ve / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Gk \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x Ma |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / SaR \ 3 / Ra \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Mo x GL Ju |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ Md / \ Ke / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Me HL x Su x AL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Khavedamsa D-40> > +--------------+> > | \ Md / \ / |> > | \ Me / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / HL \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ju x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ke \ 1 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Ra x SaR |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Gk \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Mo Ma x Su x AL |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / GL \ / Ve \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Akshavedamsa D-45> > +--------------+> > | \ Mo / \ / |> > | \ Su / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Ma SaR x As x Ve Me |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 8 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | x Md |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |AL x Gk x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ra \ / Ju \ |> > | / Ke HL \ / GL \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Shashtyamsa D-60> > +--------------+> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ Ke / \ Su / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / Md \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |SaR x As x HL Ve |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ju \ 11 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | Me x Gk |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |GL AL x Ma x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Mo \ / Ra \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +--------------+> > > > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> > > > Sat Sat 1964-12-17 Mer 1967-12-21 Ket 1970-08-30 > > Ven 1971-10-09 Sun 1974-12-09 Moo 1975-11-21 > > Mar 1977-06-21 Rah 1978-07-31 Jup 1981-06-06 > > Mer Mer 1983-12-18 Ket 1986-05-15 Ven 1987-05-13 > > Sun 1990-03-13 Moo 1991-01-17 Mar 1992-06-17 > > Rah 1993-06-15 Jup 1996-01-02 Sat 1998-04-09 > > Ket Ket 2000-12-17 Ven 2001-05-15 Sun 2002-07-15 > > Moo 2002-11-20 Mar 2003-06-21 Rah 2003-11-17 > > Jup 2004-12-05 Sat 2005-11-11 Mer 2006-12-20 > > Ven Ven 2007-12-18 Sun 2011-04-18 Moo 2012-04-17 > > Mar 2013-12-17 Rah 2015-02-16 Jup 2018-02-16 > > Sat 2020-10-17 Mer 2023-12-18 Ket 2026-10-17 > > Sun Sun 2027-12-18 Moo 2028-04-05 Mar 2028-10-05 > > Rah 2029-02-10 Jup 2030-01-04 Sat 2030-10-23 > > Mer 2031-10-05 Ket 2032-08-11 Ven 2032-12-17 > > Moo Moo 2033-12-17 Mar 2034-10-17 Rah 2035-05-18 > > Jup 2036-11-16 Sat 2038-03-18 Mer 2039-10-18 > > Ket 2041-03-18 Ven 2041-10-17 Sun 2043-06-18 > > Mar Mar 2043-12-17 Rah 2044-05-15 Jup 2045-06-02 > > Sat 2046-05-09 Mer 2047-06-18 Ket 2048-06-14 > > Ven 2048-11-10 Sun 2050-01-10 Moo 2050-05-18 > > Rah Rah 2050-12-17 Jup 2053-08-29 Sat 2056-01-23 > > Mer 2058-11-29 Ket 2061-06-17 Ven 2062-07-06 > > Sun 2065-07-05 Moo 2066-05-30 Mar 2067-11-29 > > Jup Jup 2068-12-16 Sat 2071-02-04 Mer 2073-08-17 > > Ket 2075-11-23 Ven 2076-10-29 Sun 2079-06-30 > > Moo 2080-04-17 Mar 2081-08-17 Rah 2082-07-24 > > > > Ashtottari Dasa (controversial nakshatra dasa):> > > > Rah Ven 1970-09-30 Sun 1973-01-29 Moo 1973-09-30 > > Mar 1975-05-31 Mer 1976-04-20 Sat 1978-03-11 > > Jup 1979-04-21 Rah 1981-05-31 > > Ven Sun 1982-09-30 Moo 1983-11-30 Mar 1986-10-30 > > Mer 1988-05-20 Sat 1991-09-10 Jup 1993-08-20 > > Rah 1997-04-30 Ven 1999-08-31 > > Sun Moo 2003-09-30 Mar 2004-07-30 Mer 2005-01-09 > > Sat 2005-12-20 Jup 2006-07-11 Rah 2007-07-31 > > Ven 2008-03-31 Sun 2009-05-31 > > Moo Mar 2009-09-29 Mer 2010-11-09 Sat 2013-03-21 > > Jup 2014-08-10 Rah 2017-03-31 Ven 2018-11-29 > > Sun 2021-10-30 Moo 2022-08-30 > > Mar Mer 2024-09-29 Sat 2026-01-02 Jup 2026-09-30 > > Rah 2028-02-26 Ven 2029-01-15 Sun 2030-08-06 > > Moo 2031-01-16 Mar 2032-02-26 > > Mer Sat 2032-09-29 Jup 2034-04-27 Rah 2037-04-23 > > Ven 2039-03-14 Sun 2042-07-03 Moo 2043-06-13 > > Mar 2045-10-23 Mer 2047-01-26 > > Sat Jup 2049-09-29 Rah 2051-07-04 Ven 2052-08-13 > > Sun 2054-07-24 Moo 2055-02-12 Mar 2056-07-03 > > Mer 2057-03-30 Sat 2058-10-26 > > Jup Rah 2059-09-30 Ven 2061-11-09 Sun 2065-07-20 > > Moo 2066-08-10 Mar 2069-03-30 Mer 2070-08-26 > > Sat 2073-08-23 Jup 2075-05-27 > > > > Kalachakra Dasa (Savya group, Paramayush = 97 years):> > > > Ta Ta 1958-11-29 Ge 1961-07-20 Cn 1963-01-13 > > Le 1966-07-01 Vi 1967-04-29 Li 1968-10-22 > > Sc 1971-06-13 Sg 1972-08-08 Cp 1974-04-02 > > Ge Ge 1974-11-29 Cn 1975-11-12 Le 1978-02-01 > > Vi 1978-08-14 Li 1979-07-28 Sc 1981-04-06 > > Sg 1982-01-02 Cp 1983-01-24 Aq 1983-06-27 > > Cn Cn 1983-11-29 Le 1989-01-14 Vi 1990-04-05 > > Li 1992-06-16 Sc 1996-05-13 Sg 1998-01-27 > > Cp 2000-07-07 Aq 2001-06-29 Pi 2002-06-20 > > Le Le 2004-11-28 Vi 2005-04-04 Li 2005-11-18 > > Sc 2006-12-29 Sg 2007-06-25 Cp 2008-03-04 > > Aq 2008-06-14 Pi 2008-09-23 Sc 2009-06-04 > > Vi Vi 2009-11-28 Li 2010-11-20 Sc 2012-08-15 > > Sg 2013-05-19 Cp 2014-06-19 Aq 2014-11-24 > > Pi 2015-05-02 Sc 2016-06-01 Li 2017-03-05 > > Li Li 2018-11-29 Sc 2021-12-29 Sg 2023-05-06 > > Cp 2025-04-09 Aq 2026-01-16 Pi 2026-10-24 > > Sc 2028-09-27 Li 2030-02-02 Vi 2033-03-05 > > Sc Sc 2034-11-29 Sg 2035-06-20 Cp 2036-04-05 > > Aq 2036-07-31 Pi 2036-11-24 Sc 2037-09-10 > > Li 2038-04-02 Vi 2039-07-11 Cn 2040-03-28 > > Sg Sg 2041-11-28 Cp 2043-01-27 Aq 2043-07-16 > > Pi 2044-01-02 Sc 2045-03-01 Li 2045-12-24 > > Vi 2047-11-03 Cn 2048-11-19 Le 2051-04-30 > > Cp Cp 2051-11-29 Aq 2052-02-05 Pi 2052-04-14 > > Sc 2052-10-03 Li 2053-01-31 Vi 2053-11-02 > > Cn 2054-04-06 Le 2055-04-02 Ge 2055-06-27 > > > > Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):> > > > Aq Cp 1971-10-31 Sg 1971-12-01 Sc 1971-12-31 > > Li 1972-01-30 Vi 1972-03-01 Le 1972-03-31 > > Cn 1972-05-01 Ge 1972-05-31 Ta 1972-07-01 > > Ar 1972-07-31 Pi 1972-08-30 Aq 1972-09-30 > > Cn Ta 1972-10-30 Ar 1973-03-01 Pi 1973-07-01 > > Aq 1973-10-31 Cp 1974-03-01 Sg 1974-07-01 > > Sc 1974-10-31 Li 1975-03-02 Vi 1975-07-01 > > Le 1975-10-31 Cn 1976-03-01 Ge 1976-07-01 > > Sg Sc 1976-10-30 Li 1977-09-30 Vi 1978-08-31 > > Le 1979-08-01 Cn 1980-07-01 Ge 1981-05-31 > > Ta 1982-05-01 Ar 1983-04-01 Pi 1984-03-01 > > Aq 1985-01-30 Cp 1985-12-30 Sg 1986-11-30 > > Ta Aq 1987-10-31 Pi 1988-05-01 Ar 1988-10-30 > > Ta 1989-05-01 Ge 1989-10-30 Cn 1990-05-01 > > Le 1990-10-31 Vi 1991-05-01 Li 1991-10-31 > > Sc 1992-05-01 Sg 1992-10-30 Cp 1993-05-01 > > Li Sc 1993-10-30 Li 1993-11-30 Vi 1993-12-30 > > Le 1994-01-30 Cn 1994-03-01 Ge 1994-04-01 > > Ta 1994-05-01 Ar 1994-05-31 Pi 1994-07-01 > > Aq 1994-07-31 Cp 1994-08-31 Sg 1994-09-30 > > Pi Sc 1994-10-31 Li 1995-03-01 Vi 1995-07-01 > > Le 1995-10-31 Cn 1996-03-01 Ge 1996-06-30 > > Ta 1996-10-30 Ar 1997-03-01 Pi 1997-07-01 > > Aq 1997-10-30 Cp 1998-03-01 Sg 1998-07-01 > > Le Cp 1998-10-31 Sg 1999-08-01 Sc 2000-05-01 > > Li 2001-01-29 Vi 2001-10-30 Le 2002-07-31 > > Cn 2003-05-01 Ge 2004-01-30 Ta 2004-10-30 > > Ar 2005-07-31 Pi 2006-05-01 Aq 2007-01-30 > > Cp Ta 2007-10-31 Ar 2008-06-30 Pi 2009-03-01 > > Aq 2009-10-30 Cp 2010-07-01 Sg 2011-03-01 > > Sc 2011-10-31 Li 2012-06-30 Vi 2013-03-01 > > Le 2013-10-30 Cn 2014-07-01 Ge 2015-03-01 > > Ge Sc 2015-10-31 Li 2016-03-01 Vi 2016-06-30 > > Le 2016-10-30 Cn 2017-03-01 Ge 2017-07-01 > > Ta 2017-10-30 Ar 2018-03-01 Pi 2018-07-01 > > Aq 2018-10-31 Cp 2019-03-01 Sg 2019-07-01 > > Sc Aq 2019-10-31 Pi 2020-01-30 Ar 2020-04-30 > > Ta 2020-07-31 Ge 2020-10-30 Cn 2021-01-29 > > Le 2021-05-01 Vi 2021-07-31 Li 2021-10-30 > > Sc 2022-01-30 Sg 2022-05-01 Cp 2022-07-31 > > Ar Sc 2022-10-30 Li 2023-08-31 Vi 2024-06-30 > > Le 2025-05-01 Cn 2026-03-01 Ge 2026-12-30 > > Ta 2027-10-31 Ar 2028-08-30 Pi 2029-06-30 > > Aq 2030-05-01 Cp 2031-03-01 Sg 2031-12-31 > > Vi Sc 2032-10-30 Li 2033-09-30 Vi 2034-08-31 > > Le 2035-07-31 Cn 2036-06-30 Ge 2037-05-31 > > Ta 2038-05-01 Ar 2039-04-01 Pi 2040-02-29 > > Aq 2041-01-29 Cp 2041-12-30 Sg 2042-11-30 > > > > > > --- In vedic astrology, "Jayashree" > > <jayashree_ravi@m...> wrote:> > > Dear RMK ji,> > > > > > Well, to say honestly, I have heard of some different viewpoints. > > For > > > example, Saturn is also my Pitrukarak and 12th lord and thus > > Saturn's > > > placement in 4 deprives happiness from mother and motherland. And > > as > > > you can clearly see in my D-12, Mercury is afflicted by Saturn > and > > > Sun is also with 8th lord Mars in mutual aspect with > > Mercury/Saturn, > > > and in Rasi 9th house, Mercury the AK is stationed with > debilitated > > > Sun. These might have more some profound significance, I think, > as > > > Venus is also my Darakarak, and Venus has given wonderful results > > > with respect to marriage. Shouldn't it be that marriage would be > > > bothersome if Venus was placed bad, since he is the sthirakaraka > as > > > well as my darakaraka? You might see that in Navamsa, Venus is in > a > > > trine and in natural benefic Moon's house, which is 9 to Venus's > > own > > > rasi placement. Further I think Saturn's aspect on Jupiter and > > Venus > > > makes them behave well to each other. Regarding job, during > Mercury > > > dasha I had no problems, whether the job is of my liking or not, > I > > > was well-paid and the designation was good. You might note I got > my > > > first job during Mercury/Jupiter/Venus (June 16th 1997). Also, I > > came > > > to know recently about Pushkara Navamsa (ie for Scorpio rasi, > > > pushkara Navamsa is first 2 degrees of Cancer) and Venus is > placed > > in > > > Pushkara Navamsa. When there are afflictions in other areas, such > > as > > > PiK and 12th lord Saturn in 4, etc. they have to run their > course, > > I > > > think. I really don't know much about the job thing, as to what > > might > > > be the cause for break in career, but I don't know how many > people > > > consider aspects, but you might also see that Ketu aspects or > > > afflicts my natal 10th house and this could also be a reason. > Also, > > > you might note, my natal 10th lord Mars is 6/8 to Ketu in both > Rasi > > > and Dasamsa. This makes me wonder if Ketu is the culprit, > > especially > > > since the break happened exactly at the start of Ketu's dasha and > > > maybe awaits the drive of another retro planet's bhukti like Rahu > > or > > > Saturn, I don't know the reasoning. Due to pushkara navamsa, and > > > Venus being in Kendra in rasi aspected by Lagnesh, and being > placed > > > in trine in Navamsa, somehow I cannot think Venus is still weak - > > > since Venus also has very good shadbala, even more than Jupiter.> > > > > > Shri Sudharsan ji has given me my ishta devata mantra and my > ishta > > > devata is Varaha Murthy with Lakshmi. Also, some people say, that > > > when there are a few afflictions in the chart, it might trouble > > > initially, but the blessings of god is also there for the > > afflictions > > > to be mitigated, which is when a native strongly feels motivated > to > > > pray to his/her ishta - maybe the Navamsa can map this kind of > > > blessing. I'm a quite spiritual person and reason every action of > > > mine to see if it is spiritually right, etc. and I think it is > > > blessing of my 9th lord Venus, so I await good times to come by, > > > especially during Venus mahadasa.> > > > > > PS: One correction to my timing, it is 2:32 PM and not 2:26 PM > > which > > > was given earlier.> > > > > > Thanks again,> > > > > > Jayashree> > > > > >Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... India Mobile: Ringtones, Wallpapers, Picture Messages and more. Download now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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