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RE: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -Sarajitji

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Sarajitji,

Sanjayji in COVA mentions about planets involved behaving like one another! Does

that mean if Jupiter and Saturn are involved in Parivartana, Jupiter will behave

like Saturn and visa versa? If yes what is the extent of such manifestation?

Would be confined to Dasa or extend upto aspects too?

This apart from involved Planets functioning as if in their own houses.

Kind regards


Sarajit Poddar

[sarajit (AT) (DOT) org]Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:36 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana -

Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani

|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Anna,


In addition to whatever is written just remember, parivartana is characterised

by complete change (reversal) in some aspect of life as shown by the concerned

planet. Ramani has given a good example of Ms. India Gandhi, ex PM of India,

who changed to a influential PM from a housewife, who never dreamt of becoming

a politician.

Best Wishes




Anna [bona_mente ] Sent:

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:32 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Ramani,

Thanks a lot- this will help round up my knowledge of PY- very good summary!

All warmest regards,

AnnaRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 > wrote:

Hello Anna

I would like to add little bit more in parivarthana yoga, of course not

much new in this.

Parivarthana Yoga

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any

planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have

any houses as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has

Cancer, Mars has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercury’s houses

are Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus

owns Taurus and Libra and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any

two planets exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga.

Parivarthana yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga

because the planets exchange their houses are powerful like that of the exalted

planets. In practice the planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in

which they are placed. Since seven planets have their own houses theoretically

six planets can undergo Parivarthana yoga.

One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana yoga is the

horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She got three

Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the

ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of the second

house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus

and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed in Taurus

and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses were responsible

for her achievements in life as a Prime minister.

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga the Parivarthana between the lord of

Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord

of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot render any benefic results.

Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of houses

between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to be

Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead the

others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this world, during

the dasa of the these lords the native can make a foreign trip in terms of

business and earn a lot of money to lead the rest of the life, they become very

familiar and popular and in the native they get an authoritative job as per the

education of the native.

Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana

Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and

second houses. This yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life

irrespective of whatever may be the dasa, the native can get an honourable job.

But the negative part of this yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier

part of life. After the age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue

of his/her own efforts till the age of 55.

`In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are considered as malefic

houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga

arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga

in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and

lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor factor is to

be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to exchange of houses between

the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of the lord of the 6th houses

brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is ineffective.

If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with 4th, 5th, 7th,

9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala Parivarthana yoga. These

people come up in life by their hard work and they get unexpected positive

results in life.

Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest of the planets

if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana

yoga. The result of this raja yoga is unnecessary to explain since the name

itself signifies the result of this yoga.

Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and Jupiter,

the results of this yoga is similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per

this yoga the married life becomes harmonious with luxury.

When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the native becomes

very sound. People having the Parivarthana yoga come up in life one or the

other way.



Here in this case of Saddam Hussein the parivarthana yoga that is the exchange

of houses between Saturn and jupiter mentions that his life is little bit

longer that is why he did not commit suicide or anything and prolonging. Saturn

in Ayul karaka means Saturn rules one's longevity, the parivarthana of Saturn in

his horoscope may be the reason for long life and did not commit suicide like

attmepts so far or like Hitler did in the past. I pressume that somehow his

life span may be stretched more and there is can be a chance for him to spend

the life prison but we have to wait and see. To put in a safer way the

parivarthana of Saturn and Jupiter so far helped him to have a long life.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.Anna <bona_mente > wrote:

Dear Jay,

Dear Sarajit,


Thanks so much for this on PY- I somehow missed/lost?/ this Sarajit's text, my

experience so far does confirms its, validity so this came at the right time

for me, to further explore this area.


Warmest wishes,

Anna"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Anna,

For the benefit of all:

The credit for having some material regarding Parivartana goes here to Sarajit

who about a year ago mailed the following (I reproduce his mail "as is" - hope

it's ok):



Sarajit's mail:

There are three sort of Parivartana yogas;

1) Maha yoga: The inter-exchange of 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords with each other.

Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga: fortunate, wealthy, well dressed, receives

gifts, influenctial company, commands vehicles and property.


2) Kahal yoga: The interchange of 3rd lord with either 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11.

Effect of Kahal Parivartana Yoga: Cyclical ups and down in destiny, regain

the lost prosperity, hardship, fickleminded.


3) Dainya yoga: The interchange of 6,8,12 lords with either 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords.

Effect of Dainya Parivartana Yoga: Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable

character, suffer from enemies and diseases.


For example if lord of 10th make interchange with 8th lord then its called

Dainya parivartana yoga, but the same 10th lord if interchanges with 9th lord

produces Maha parivartana yoga.


In parivartana, one feature should be borne in mind. Apart from luminaries all

other five grahas contain lordhip of 2 sings. Now let suppose a chart where

Taurus rises as lagna, and Venus is Capricorn and Saturn is in Taurus. Here

Venus holds the lordship of 1st and 6th house and Saturn holds the lordship of

9th and 10th houses. In above case (Taurus lagna), the parivartna between Venus

and Saturn is called Maha yoga(interchange b/w 1st and 9th), not the Dainya

yoga(between 6th with 10th lords).


Besides Parivartana, when lords of dushtana bhava (6,8,12) interchange they

produce yoga called "Vipreeta", i.e. cancellation of maleficent. (Vipreet also

happens when dushtana lords conjoins in dushtana bhava). And if this

interchange is devoid of other impurities/aspects then it is equals to raj yoga

in effect. (Similarly when lords of kendra meet lords of trikoona in good houses

then this is also called "Kendra-Trikoona Raja Yoga", provided none is



The premise for Vipareeta Rajayoga is that the dusthana lords should be "Weakly

placed" in a dusthana. Now if the 8th lord is placed with 12th lord in 12th

house, they are not that weak. Because, 12th lord will be placed in its own

house. You can judge the navamsa positions for these planets. If they are in

debilitated navamsa then also the yogas shall function to good extent. However

for Sagittarius Lagna, Moon is the 8th lord and if placed with Mars in the 12th

house, there shall be rajayoga as Moon is debilitated and making Mars also weak

with association.


However never miss the association/ influence of the HL, GL who are the givers

of fortune and power...


------------------------end Sarajit's mail-----------------------Regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com



vedic astrology

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:23 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Jay,


This is very interesting- haven't heard much on Parivartana Yoga-

I am wondering if any PY involving dusthana can be beneficial?I've noticed for

example, PY btw. 6th and 7th house is'of dubious nature'

Having always in mind what the nature of planets involved is, what planets

leave 'behind' in the houses they leave, what environment they meet in a new house,

their friendship and other relevant

variables, it seems that you explored this issue further- all other things being

OK/as per above/ do you think that mere lordship ove dusthana can/cannot have a

decisive say in PY?


Best wishes,

Anna "J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani,


Longevity is always a hard nut to break, none the less in Saddams case.

Exchange between the 8th and 10th lords is called Dainya Parivartana Yoga and is

never good (Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable character, suffer from

enemies and diseases).

I am working on it currently (as time allows) and will reply as soon as I feel

"safe" with my assumption.


A note on Martin Schulman books: please remember that he is "thinking" western

system i.e houses etc.

(try the sound of tiny "Retrograde Pluto" 6 billion(!) Km' away...) <smile>.


Kind regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 9:06 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein ->


Dear Jay Weiss,

About retrograde planets, Martin Schulman and Erin Sullivan bith wrote

very nicely. Of course I have gone through the Moon's nodes book by Martin

Schulman. I will try to get a copy Karmic Relations as you say.


Here in the given case what about the longevity of this Saddam since Saturn and

Jupiter are in parivarthana (exchange of houses) and have enough strength?

Becuase at this point everyone is curious about the verdict of this native.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.




"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani Alwar,


Very good that you mentioned Martin Schulman's book.

I have been using it for years and much of his indication do apply very often.

If you have his book "Karmic Relations" you will be able to expend your horizon

even more.


Kind regards/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein


Hello Venkatrama Sastry jee,

Arrogance and Cruelty of this native is the gift of retrograde Mars by

Martin Schulman, in his book on retrograde and Reincarnatioin he mentions that

for Mars retrograde at the sixth house as 'Here the individual is caught

between conflict of how much he should do for others and how much he should he

should for himself. He tends to resent others telling hin how to do things and

yet he consciously wants their advice. Highly independent, he strives to be the

ruler of his own life amidst a flood of external circumstances that dictate the

direction of his energies. And so on...... I believe the Cruelty is due to the

planet of Mars and that is retrograde in nature at his own sign and joins the

Moon and Rahu. Here we can learn the effect of two debilitated planets conjunct

with the retrograde Mars.


The conjunction of debilitated Moon and Rahu accounts for the Guru mangala yoga

to act in a reverse fashion.


The debility of Jupiter can account for the religious intolerance by some means.


Further I leave with a query the lord of the 8/9th house is in parivarthana with

the lord of the 10th house. can this give a long life to this native? Further

the lord of the 8th house is with the exalted planet Venus and the Venus gets

Vargottama too. That is what a few astrologers will look in depth at present

and also to understand the Mundane and natal chart.

Bye now


Can a learned member of this group let us know what indications in Saddam's

natal chart indicate cruelty, arrogance, violence caused, religious

intolerance, loss of sons etc?-VRS

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Me again! I am not sure Sarajit could respond these days /internet at work/

Sarajit will certainly add something when he gets a chance-


PY- as per what I've learnt from Sarajit and others, means that planets play

each other's role, and matters involving both houses are reversed. Extent?-

Sarajit said in a post bellow that it's rather pronounced.


Now my opinion- I would normally expect stronger effects during MD of the

planet/s/, but I believe it would be felt on a general level too-


Not sure I understood this part of the Q"....or extend upto aspects too?"

Just guess: aspects should work like in any other situation, if that was your question?


By the way do you have Sarajit's text on PY that Jay recently forwarded to /me/

the List?I can send it to you if you don't.

Best regards,


Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Sarajitji,

Sanjayji in COVA mentions about planets involved behaving like one another! Does

that mean if Jupiter and Saturn are involved in Parivartana, Jupiter will behave

like Saturn and visa versa? If yes what is the extent of such manifestation?

Would be confined to Dasa or extend upto aspects too?

This apart from involved Planets functioning as if in their own houses.

Kind regards


Sarajit Poddar

[sarajit (AT) (DOT) org]Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:36 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana -

Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani

|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Anna,


In addition to whatever is written just remember, parivartana is characterised

by complete change (reversal) in some aspect of life as shown by the concerned

planet. Ramani has given a good example of Ms. India Gandhi, ex PM of India,

who changed to a influential PM from a housewife, who never dreamt of becoming

a politician.

Best Wishes




Anna [bona_mente ] Sent:

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:32 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Ramani,

Thanks a lot- this will help round up my knowledge of PY- very good summary!

All warmest regards,

AnnaRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 > wrote:

Hello Anna

I would like to add little bit more in parivarthana yoga, of course not

much new in this.

Parivarthana Yoga

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any

planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have

any houses as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has

Cancer, Mars has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercury’s houses are

Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns

Taurus and Libra and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two

planets exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana

yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the

planets exchange their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In

practice the planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they are

placed. Since

seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo Parivarthana yoga.

One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana yoga is the

horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She got three

Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the

ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of the second

house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus

and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed in Taurus

and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses were responsible

for her achievements in life as a Prime minister.

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga the Parivarthana between the lord of

Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord

of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot render any benefic results.

Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of houses

between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to be

Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead the

others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this world, during

the dasa of the these lords the native

can make a foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead the

rest of the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the native they

get an authoritative job as per the education of the native.

Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana

Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and

second houses. This yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life

irrespective of whatever may be the dasa, the native can get an honourable job.

But the negative part of this yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier

part of life. After the age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue

of his/her own efforts till the age of 55.

`In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are considered as malefic

houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga

arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga

in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and

lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor factor is to

be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to exchange of houses between

the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of the lord of the 6th houses

brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is ineffective.

If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with 4th, 5th, 7th,

9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala Parivarthana yoga. These

people come up in life by their hard work and they get unexpected positive

results in life.

Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest of the planets

if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana

yoga. The result of this raja yoga is unnecessary to explain since the name

itself signifies the result of this yoga.

Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and Jupiter,

the results of this yoga is similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per

this yoga the married life becomes harmonious with luxury.

When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the native becomes

very sound. People having the Parivarthana yoga come up in life one or the

other way.



Here in this case of Saddam Hussein the parivarthana yoga that is the exchange

of houses between Saturn and jupiter mentions that his life is little bit

longer that is why he did not commit suicide or anything and prolonging. Saturn

in Ayul karaka means Saturn rules one's longevity, the parivarthana of Saturn in

his horoscope may be the reason for long life and did not commit suicide like

attmepts so far or like Hitler did in the past. I pressume that somehow his

life span may be stretched more and there is can be a chance for him to spend

the life prison but we have to wait and see. To put in a safer way the

parivarthana of Saturn and Jupiter so far helped him to have a long life.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.Anna <bona_mente > wrote:

Dear Jay,

Dear Sarajit,


Thanks so much for this on PY- I somehow missed/lost?/ this Sarajit's text, my

experience so far does confirms its, validity so this came at the right time

for me, to further explore this area.


Warmest wishes,

Anna"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Anna,

For the benefit of all:

The credit for having some material regarding Parivartana goes here to Sarajit

who about a year ago mailed the following (I reproduce his mail "as is" - hope

it's ok):



Sarajit's mail:

There are three sort of Parivartana yogas;

1) Maha yoga: The inter-exchange of 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords with each other.

Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga: fortunate, wealthy, well dressed, receives

gifts, influenctial company, commands vehicles and property.


2) Kahal yoga: The interchange of 3rd lord with either 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11.

Effect of Kahal Parivartana Yoga: Cyclical ups and down in destiny, regain

the lost prosperity, hardship, fickleminded.


3) Dainya yoga: The interchange of 6,8,12 lords with either 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords.

Effect of Dainya Parivartana Yoga: Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable

character, suffer from enemies and diseases.


For example if lord of 10th make interchange with 8th lord then its called

Dainya parivartana yoga, but the same 10th lord if interchanges with 9th lord

produces Maha parivartana yoga.


In parivartana, one feature should be borne in mind. Apart from luminaries all

other five grahas contain lordhip of 2 sings. Now let suppose a chart where

Taurus rises as lagna, and Venus is Capricorn and Saturn is in Taurus. Here

Venus holds the lordship of 1st and 6th house and Saturn holds the lordship of

9th and 10th houses. In above case (Taurus lagna), the parivartna between Venus

and Saturn is called Maha yoga(interchange b/w 1st and 9th), not the Dainya

yoga(between 6th with 10th lords).


Besides Parivartana, when lords of dushtana bhava (6,8,12) interchange they

produce yoga called "Vipreeta", i.e. cancellation of maleficent. (Vipreet also

happens when dushtana lords conjoins in dushtana bhava). And if this

interchange is devoid of other impurities/aspects then it is equals to raj yoga

in effect. (Similarly when lords of kendra meet lords of trikoona in good houses

then this is also called "Kendra-Trikoona Raja Yoga", provided none is



The premise for Vipareeta Rajayoga is that the dusthana lords should be "Weakly

placed" in a dusthana. Now if the 8th lord is placed with 12th lord in 12th

house, they are not that weak. Because, 12th lord will be placed in its own

house. You can judge the navamsa positions for these planets. If they are in

debilitated navamsa then also the yogas shall function to good extent. However

for Sagittarius Lagna, Moon is the 8th lord and if placed with Mars in the 12th

house, there shall be rajayoga as Moon is debilitated and making Mars also weak

with association.


However never miss the association/ influence of the HL, GL who are the givers

of fortune and power...


------------------------end Sarajit's mail-----------------------Regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com



vedic astrology

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:23 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Jay,


This is very interesting- haven't heard much on Parivartana Yoga-

I am wondering if any PY involving dusthana can be beneficial?I've noticed for

example, PY btw. 6th and 7th house is'of dubious nature'

Having always in mind what the nature of planets involved is, what planets

leave 'behind' in the houses they leave, what environment they meet in a new house,

their friendship and other relevant

variables, it seems that you explored this issue further- all other things being

OK/as per above/ do you think that mere lordship ove dusthana can/cannot have a

decisive say in PY?


Best wishes,

Anna "J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani,


Longevity is always a hard nut to break, none the less in Saddams case.

Exchange between the 8th and 10th lords is called Dainya Parivartana Yoga and is

never good (Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable character, suffer from

enemies and diseases).

I am working on it currently (as time allows) and will reply as soon as I feel

"safe" with my assumption.


A note on Martin Schulman books: please remember that he is "thinking" western

system i.e houses etc.

(try the sound of tiny "Retrograde Pluto" 6 billion(!) Km' away...) <smile>.


Kind regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 9:06 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein ->


Dear Jay Weiss,

About retrograde planets, Martin Schulman and Erin Sullivan bith wrote

very nicely. Of course I have gone through the Moon's nodes book by Martin

Schulman. I will try to get a copy Karmic Relations as you say.


Here in the given case what about the longevity of this Saddam since Saturn and

Jupiter are in parivarthana (exchange of houses) and have enough strength?

Becuase at this point everyone is curious about the verdict of this native.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.




"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani Alwar,


Very good that you mentioned Martin Schulman's book.

I have been using it for years and much of his indication do apply very often.

If you have his book "Karmic Relations" you will be able to expend your horizon

even more.


Kind regards/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein


Hello Venkatrama Sastry jee,

Arrogance and Cruelty of this native is the gift of retrograde Mars by

Martin Schulman, in his book on retrograde and Reincarnatioin he mentions that

for Mars retrograde at the sixth house as 'Here the individual is caught

between conflict of how much he should do for others and how much he should he

should for himself. He tends to resent others telling hin how to do things and

yet he consciously wants their advice. Highly independent, he strives to be the

ruler of his own life amidst a flood of external circumstances that dictate the

direction of his energies. And so on...... I believe the Cruelty is due to the

planet of Mars and that is retrograde in nature at his own sign and joins the

Moon and Rahu. Here we can learn the effect of two debilitated planets conjunct


the retrograde Mars.


The conjunction of debilitated Moon and Rahu accounts for the Guru mangala yoga

to act in a reverse fashion.


The debility of Jupiter can account for the religious intolerance by some means.


Further I leave with a query the lord of the 8/9th house is in parivarthana with

the lord of the 10th house. can this give a long life to this native? Further

the lord of the 8th house is with the exalted planet Venus and the Venus gets

Vargottama too. That is what a few astrologers will look in depth at present

and also to understand the Mundane and natal chart.

Bye now


Can a learned member of this group let us know what indications in Saddam's

natal chart indicate cruelty, arrogance, violence caused, religious

intolerance, loss of sons etc?-VRS

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Anna,


Many thanks for your reply. I am not sure if I am understanding your following

statement correct, "matters involving both houses are reversed". Does it mean

reversal of bhava karkas?


My understanding is that the bhava karkas remain the same and the planets

function like each other and hence also gain by 'being in their own houses'. As

per my understanding the aspects will remain unchanged, i.e. Saturn's aspect

will continue to be malefic and Jupiter's benefic! Please let me know if this

is correct.


It was nice of Jay to post Sarajitji's original mail. It was very educative. I

have saved that mail for future reference. I think the same mail is also

appended below. I presume you are referring to the same one.


Best Regards


Anna [bona_mente ]Sunday,

December 28, 2003 8:11 PMvedic astrologySubject: RE:

[vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -Sarajitji

Dear Ramesh,

Me again! I am not sure Sarajit could respond these days /internet at work/

Sarajit will certainly add something when he gets a chance-


PY- as per what I've learnt from Sarajit and others, means that planets play

each other's role, and matters involving both houses are reversed. Extent?-

Sarajit said in a post bellow that it's rather pronounced.


Now my opinion- I would normally expect stronger effects during MD of the

planet/s/, but I believe it would be felt on a general level too-


Not sure I understood this part of the Q"....or extend upto aspects too?"

Just guess: aspects should work like in any other situation, if that was your question?


By the way do you have Sarajit's text on PY that Jay recently forwarded to /me/

the List?I can send it to you if you don't.

Best regards,


Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Sarajitji,

Sanjayji in COVA mentions about planets involved behaving like one another! Does

that mean if Jupiter and Saturn are involved in Parivartana, Jupiter will behave

like Saturn and visa versa? If yes what is the extent of such manifestation?

Would be confined to Dasa or extend upto aspects too?

This apart from involved Planets functioning as if in their own houses.

Kind regards


Sarajit Poddar

[sarajit (AT) (DOT) org]Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:36 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana -

Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani

|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Anna,


In addition to whatever is written just remember, parivartana is characterised

by complete change (reversal) in some aspect of life as shown by the concerned

planet. Ramani has given a good example of Ms. India Gandhi, ex PM of India,

who changed to a influential PM from a housewife, who never dreamt of becoming

a politician.

Best Wishes




Anna [bona_mente ] Sent:

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:32 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Ramani,

Thanks a lot- this will help round up my knowledge of PY- very good summary!

All warmest regards,

AnnaRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 > wrote:

Hello Anna

I would like to add little bit more in parivarthana yoga, of course not

much new in this.

Parivarthana Yoga

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any

planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have

any houses as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has

Cancer, Mars has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercurys houses are

Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns

Taurus and Libra and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two

planets exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana

yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the

planets exchange their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In

practice the planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they are

placed. Since seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can

undergo Parivarthana yoga.

One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana yoga is the

horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She got three

Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the

ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of the second

house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus

and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed in Taurus

and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses were responsible

for her achievements in life as a Prime minister.

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga the Parivarthana between the lord of

Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord

of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot render any benefic results.

Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of houses

between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to be

Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead the

others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this world, during

the dasa of the these lords the native can make a foreign trip in terms of

business and earn a lot of money to lead the rest of the life, they become very

familiar and popular and in the native they get an authoritative job as per the

education of the native.

Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana

Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and

second houses. This yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life

irrespective of whatever may be the dasa, the native can get an honourable job.

But the negative part of this yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier

part of life. After the age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue

of his/her own efforts till the age of 55.

`In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are considered as malefic

houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga

arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga

in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and

lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor factor is to

be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to exchange of houses between

the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of the lord of the 6th houses

brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is ineffective.

If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with 4th, 5th, 7th,

9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala Parivarthana yoga. These

people come up in life by their hard work and they get unexpected positive

results in life.

Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest of the planets

if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana

yoga. The result of this raja yoga is unnecessary to explain since the name

itself signifies the result of this yoga.

Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and Jupiter,

the results of this yoga is similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per

this yoga the married life becomes harmonious with luxury.

When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the native becomes

very sound. People having the Parivarthana yoga come up in life one or the

other way.



Here in this case of Saddam Hussein the parivarthana yoga that is the exchange

of houses between Saturn and jupiter mentions that his life is little bit

longer that is why he did not commit suicide or anything and prolonging. Saturn

in Ayul karaka means Saturn rules one's longevity, the parivarthana of Saturn in

his horoscope may be the reason for long life and did not commit suicide like

attmepts so far or like Hitler did in the past. I pressume that somehow his

life span may be stretched more and there is can be a chance for him to spend

the life prison but we have to wait and see. To put in a safer way the

parivarthana of Saturn and Jupiter so far helped him to have a long life.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.Anna <bona_mente > wrote:

Dear Jay,

Dear Sarajit,


Thanks so much for this on PY- I somehow missed/lost?/ this Sarajit's text, my

experience so far does confirms its, validity so this came at the right time

for me, to further explore this area.


Warmest wishes,

Anna"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Anna,

For the benefit of all:

The credit for having some material regarding Parivartana goes here to Sarajit

who about a year ago mailed the following (I reproduce his mail "as is" - hope

it's ok):



Sarajit's mail:

There are three sort of Parivartana yogas;

1) Maha yoga: The inter-exchange of 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords with each other.

Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga: fortunate, wealthy, well dressed, receives

gifts, influenctial company, commands vehicles and property.


2) Kahal yoga: The interchange of 3rd lord with either 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11.

Effect of Kahal Parivartana Yoga: Cyclical ups and down in destiny, regain

the lost prosperity, hardship, fickleminded.


3) Dainya yoga: The interchange of 6,8,12 lords with either 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords.

Effect of Dainya Parivartana Yoga: Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable

character, suffer from enemies and diseases.


For example if lord of 10th make interchange with 8th lord then its called

Dainya parivartana yoga, but the same 10th lord if interchanges with 9th lord

produces Maha parivartana yoga.


In parivartana, one feature should be borne in mind. Apart from luminaries all

other five grahas contain lordhip of 2 sings. Now let suppose a chart where

Taurus rises as lagna, and Venus is Capricorn and Saturn is in Taurus. Here

Venus holds the lordship of 1st and 6th house and Saturn holds the lordship of

9th and 10th houses. In above case (Taurus lagna), the parivartna between Venus

and Saturn is called Maha yoga(interchange b/w 1st and 9th), not the Dainya

yoga(between 6th with 10th lords).


Besides Parivartana, when lords of dushtana bhava (6,8,12) interchange they

produce yoga called "Vipreeta", i.e. cancellation of maleficent. (Vipreet also

happens when dushtana lords conjoins in dushtana bhava). And if this

interchange is devoid of other impurities/aspects then it is equals to raj yoga

in effect. (Similarly when lords of kendra meet lords of trikoona in good houses

then this is also called "Kendra-Trikoona Raja Yoga", provided none is



The premise for Vipareeta Rajayoga is that the dusthana lords should be "Weakly

placed" in a dusthana. Now if the 8th lord is placed with 12th lord in 12th

house, they are not that weak. Because, 12th lord will be placed in its own

house. You can judge the navamsa positions for these planets. If they are in

debilitated navamsa then also the yogas shall function to good extent. However

for Sagittarius Lagna, Moon is the 8th lord and if placed with Mars in the 12th

house, there shall be rajayoga as Moon is debilitated and making Mars also weak

with association.


However never miss the association/ influence of the HL, GL who are the givers

of fortune and power...


------------------------end Sarajit's mail-----------------------Regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com



vedic astrology

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:23 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Jay,


This is very interesting- haven't heard much on Parivartana Yoga-

I am wondering if any PY involving dusthana can be beneficial?I've noticed for

example, PY btw. 6th and 7th house is'of dubious nature'

Having always in mind what the nature of planets involved is, what planets

leave 'behind' in the houses they leave, what environment they meet in a new house,

their friendship and other relevant

variables, it seems that you explored this issue further- all other things being

OK/as per above/ do you think that mere lordship ove dusthana can/cannot have a

decisive say in PY?


Best wishes,

Anna "J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani,


Longevity is always a hard nut to break, none the less in Saddams case.

Exchange between the 8th and 10th lords is called Dainya Parivartana Yoga and is

never good (Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable character, suffer from

enemies and diseases).

I am working on it currently (as time allows) and will reply as soon as I feel

"safe" with my assumption.


A note on Martin Schulman books: please remember that he is "thinking" western

system i.e houses etc.

(try the sound of tiny "Retrograde Pluto" 6 billion(!) Km' away...) <smile>.


Kind regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 9:06 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein ->


Dear Jay Weiss,

About retrograde planets, Martin Schulman and Erin Sullivan bith wrote

very nicely. Of course I have gone through the Moon's nodes book by Martin

Schulman. I will try to get a copy Karmic Relations as you say.


Here in the given case what about the longevity of this Saddam since Saturn and

Jupiter are in parivarthana (exchange of houses) and have enough strength?

Becuase at this point everyone is curious about the verdict of this native.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.




"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani Alwar,


Very good that you mentioned Martin Schulman's book.

I have been using it for years and much of his indication do apply very often.

If you have his book "Karmic Relations" you will be able to expend your horizon

even more.


Kind regards/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein


Hello Venkatrama Sastry jee,

Arrogance and Cruelty of this native is the gift of retrograde Mars by

Martin Schulman, in his book on retrograde and Reincarnatioin he mentions that

for Mars retrograde at the sixth house as 'Here the individual is caught

between conflict of how much he should do for others and how much he should he

should for himself. He tends to resent others telling hin how to do things and

yet he consciously wants their advice. Highly independent, he strives to be the

ruler of his own life amidst a flood of external circumstances that dictate the

direction of his energies. And so on...... I believe the Cruelty is due to the

planet of Mars and that is retrograde in nature at his own sign and joins the

Moon and Rahu. Here we can learn the effect of two debilitated planets conjunct

with the retrograde Mars.


The conjunction of debilitated Moon and Rahu accounts for the Guru mangala yoga

to act in a reverse fashion.


The debility of Jupiter can account for the religious intolerance by some means.


Further I leave with a query the lord of the 8/9th house is in parivarthana with

the lord of the 10th house. can this give a long life to this native? Further

the lord of the 8th house is with the exalted planet Venus and the Venus gets

Vargottama too. That is what a few astrologers will look in depth at present

and also to understand the Mundane and natal chart.

Bye now


Can a learned member of this group let us know what indications in Saddam's

natal chart indicate cruelty, arrogance, violence caused, religious

intolerance, loss of sons etc?-VRS

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Dear Ramesh,


Issues of both houses are intermingled or reversed- parivartana is characterised

by complete change (reversal) in some aspect of life as shown by the concerned

planet, as Sarajit said in his mail. Your understanding is right- both planets

gain by exchange, gaining strength in own houses /so houses are inevitably

involved/, but do not change the nature- / you are right there too/...


....however, even malefic in own house is less 'malicious' than one, say debilitated, I'd say


Sarajit's example I.Gandhi- house wife- Prime Minister IS drastic change, but not bad.

/that seems to be your concern?/ Or maybe it is- depends on the angle..

/I don't want to complicate thing further, but I've read from (some KP, nadi? ),

that houses involved do play crucial role in determining if parivartana will be

favourable or not.

For example, I have Moon/Saturn PY on 1/7 axis in navamsha which is not

beneficial- particularly because it 'repeats' in a way aspect/contact from

rashi..So, one has to judge which planets and houses are involved...as usual.

Sorry if it comlicates the matter, LOL!/


Warmest wishes,

AnnaRamesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Anna,


Many thanks for your reply. I am not sure if I am understanding your following

statement correct, "matters involving both houses are reversed". Does it mean

reversal of bhava karkas?


My understanding is that the bhava karkas remain the same and the planets

function like each other and hence also gain by 'being in their own houses'. As

per my understanding the aspects will remain unchanged, i.e. Saturn's aspect

will continue to be malefic and Jupiter's benefic! Please let me know if this

is correct.


It was nice of Jay to post Sarajitji's original mail. It was very educative. I

have saved that mail for future reference. I think the same mail is also

appended below. I presume you are referring to the same one.


Best Regards


Anna [bona_mente ]Sunday,

December 28, 2003 8:11 PMvedic astrologySubject: RE:

[vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -Sarajitji

Dear Ramesh,

Me again! I am not sure Sarajit could respond these days /internet at work/

Sarajit will certainly add something when he gets a chance-


PY- as per what I've learnt from Sarajit and others, means that planets play

each other's role, and matters involving both houses are reversed. Extent?-

Sarajit said in a post bellow that it's rather pronounced.


Now my opinion- I would normally expect stronger effects during MD of the

planet/s/, but I believe it would be felt on a general level too-


Not sure I understood this part of the Q"....or extend upto aspects too?"

Just guess: aspects should work like in any other situation, if that was your question?


By the way do you have Sarajit's text on PY that Jay recently forwarded to /me/

the List?I can send it to you if you don't.

Best regards,


Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Sarajitji,

Sanjayji in COVA mentions about planets involved behaving like one another! Does

that mean if Jupiter and Saturn are involved in Parivartana, Jupiter will behave

like Saturn and visa versa? If yes what is the extent of such manifestation?

Would be confined to Dasa or extend upto aspects too?

This apart from involved Planets functioning as if in their own houses.

Kind regards


Sarajit Poddar

[sarajit (AT) (DOT) org]Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:36 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana -

Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani

|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Anna,


In addition to whatever is written just remember, parivartana is characterised

by complete change (reversal) in some aspect of life as shown by the concerned

planet. Ramani has given a good example of Ms. India Gandhi, ex PM of India,

who changed to a influential PM from a housewife, who never dreamt of becoming

a politician.

Best Wishes




Anna [bona_mente ] Sent:

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:32 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Ramani,

Thanks a lot- this will help round up my knowledge of PY- very good summary!

All warmest regards,

AnnaRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 > wrote:

Hello Anna

I would like to add little bit more in parivarthana yoga, of course not

much new in this.

Parivarthana Yoga

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any

planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have

any houses as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has

Cancer, Mars has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercurys houses are

Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns

Taurus and Libra and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two

planets exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana

yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the

planets exchange their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In

practice the planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they are

placed. Since

seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo Parivarthana yoga.

One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana yoga is the

horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She got three

Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the

ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of the second

house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus

and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed in Taurus

and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses were responsible

for her achievements in life as a Prime minister.

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga the Parivarthana between the lord of

Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord

of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot render any benefic results.

Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of houses

between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to be

Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead the

others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this world, during

the dasa of the these lords the native

can make a foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead the

rest of the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the native they

get an authoritative job as per the education of the native.

Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana

Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and

second houses. This yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life

irrespective of whatever may be the dasa, the native can get an honourable job.

But the negative part of this yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier

part of life. After the age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue

of his/her own efforts till the age of 55.

`In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are considered as malefic

houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga

arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga

in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and

lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor factor is to

be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to exchange of houses between

the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of the lord of the 6th houses

brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is ineffective.

If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with 4th, 5th, 7th,

9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala Parivarthana yoga. These

people come up in life by their hard work and they get unexpected positive

results in life.

Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest of the planets

if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana

yoga. The result of this raja yoga is unnecessary to explain since the name

itself signifies the result of this yoga.

Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and Jupiter,

the results of this yoga is similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per

this yoga the married life becomes harmonious with luxury.

When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the native becomes

very sound. People having the Parivarthana yoga come up in life one or the

other way.



Here in this case of Saddam Hussein the parivarthana yoga that is the exchange

of houses between Saturn and jupiter mentions that his life is little bit

longer that is why he did not commit suicide or anything and prolonging. Saturn

in Ayul karaka means Saturn rules one's longevity, the parivarthana of Saturn in

his horoscope may be the reason for long life and did not commit suicide like

attmepts so far or like Hitler did in the past. I pressume that somehow his

life span may be stretched more and there is can be a chance for him to spend

the life prison but we have to wait and see. To put in a safer way the

parivarthana of Saturn and Jupiter so far helped him to have a long life.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.Anna <bona_mente > wrote:

Dear Jay,

Dear Sarajit,


Thanks so much for this on PY- I somehow missed/lost?/ this Sarajit's text, my

experience so far does confirms its, validity so this came at the right time

for me, to further explore this area.


Warmest wishes,

Anna"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Anna,

For the benefit of all:

The credit for having some material regarding Parivartana goes here to Sarajit

who about a year ago mailed the following (I reproduce his mail "as is" - hope

it's ok):



Sarajit's mail:

There are three sort of Parivartana yogas;

1) Maha yoga: The inter-exchange of 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords with each other.

Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga: fortunate, wealthy, well dressed, receives

gifts, influenctial company, commands vehicles and property.


2) Kahal yoga: The interchange of 3rd lord with either 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11.

Effect of Kahal Parivartana Yoga: Cyclical ups and down in destiny, regain

the lost prosperity, hardship, fickleminded.


3) Dainya yoga: The interchange of 6,8,12 lords with either 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords.

Effect of Dainya Parivartana Yoga: Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable

character, suffer from enemies and diseases.


For example if lord of 10th make interchange with 8th lord then its called

Dainya parivartana yoga, but the same 10th lord if interchanges with 9th lord

produces Maha parivartana yoga.


In parivartana, one feature should be borne in mind. Apart from luminaries all

other five grahas contain lordhip of 2 sings. Now let suppose a chart where

Taurus rises as lagna, and Venus is Capricorn and Saturn is in Taurus. Here

Venus holds the lordship of 1st and 6th house and Saturn holds the lordship of

9th and 10th houses. In above case (Taurus lagna), the parivartna between Venus

and Saturn is called Maha yoga(interchange b/w 1st and 9th), not the Dainya

yoga(between 6th with 10th lords).


Besides Parivartana, when lords of dushtana bhava (6,8,12) interchange they

produce yoga called "Vipreeta", i.e. cancellation of maleficent. (Vipreet also

happens when dushtana lords conjoins in dushtana bhava). And if this

interchange is devoid of other impurities/aspects then it is equals to raj yoga

in effect. (Similarly when lords of kendra meet lords of trikoona in good houses

then this is also called "Kendra-Trikoona Raja Yoga", provided none is



The premise for Vipareeta Rajayoga is that the dusthana lords should be "Weakly

placed" in a dusthana. Now if the 8th lord is placed with 12th lord in 12th

house, they are not that weak. Because, 12th lord will be placed in its own

house. You can judge the navamsa positions for these planets. If they are in

debilitated navamsa then also the yogas shall function to good extent. However

for Sagittarius Lagna, Moon is the 8th lord and if placed with Mars in the 12th

house, there shall be rajayoga as Moon is debilitated and making Mars also weak

with association.


However never miss the association/ influence of the HL, GL who are the givers

of fortune and power...


------------------------end Sarajit's mail-----------------------Regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com



vedic astrology

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:23 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Jay,


This is very interesting- haven't heard much on Parivartana Yoga-

I am wondering if any PY involving dusthana can be beneficial?I've noticed for

example, PY btw. 6th and 7th house is'of dubious nature'

Having always in mind what the nature of planets involved is, what planets

leave 'behind' in the houses they leave, what environment they meet in a new house,

their friendship and other relevant

variables, it seems that you explored this issue further- all other things being

OK/as per above/ do you think that mere lordship ove dusthana can/cannot have a

decisive say in PY?


Best wishes,

Anna "J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani,


Longevity is always a hard nut to break, none the less in Saddams case.

Exchange between the 8th and 10th lords is called Dainya Parivartana Yoga and is

never good (Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable character, suffer from

enemies and diseases).

I am working on it currently (as time allows) and will reply as soon as I feel

"safe" with my assumption.


A note on Martin Schulman books: please remember that he is "thinking" western

system i.e houses etc.

(try the sound of tiny "Retrograde Pluto" 6 billion(!) Km' away...) <smile>.


Kind regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 9:06 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein ->


Dear Jay Weiss,

About retrograde planets, Martin Schulman and Erin Sullivan bith wrote

very nicely. Of course I have gone through the Moon's nodes book by Martin

Schulman. I will try to get a copy Karmic Relations as you say.


Here in the given case what about the longevity of this Saddam since Saturn and

Jupiter are in parivarthana (exchange of houses) and have enough strength?

Becuase at this point everyone is curious about the verdict of this native.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.




"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani Alwar,


Very good that you mentioned Martin Schulman's book.

I have been using it for years and much of his indication do apply very often.

If you have his book "Karmic Relations" you will be able to expend your horizon

even more.


Kind regards/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein


Hello Venkatrama Sastry jee,

Arrogance and Cruelty of this native is the gift of retrograde Mars by

Martin Schulman, in his book on retrograde and Reincarnatioin he mentions that

for Mars retrograde at the sixth house as 'Here the individual is caught

between conflict of how much he should do for others and how much he should he

should for himself. He tends to resent others telling hin how to do things and

yet he consciously wants their advice. Highly independent, he strives to be the

ruler of his own life amidst a flood of external circumstances that dictate the

direction of his energies. And so on...... I believe the Cruelty is due to the

planet of Mars and that is retrograde in nature at his own sign and joins the

Moon and Rahu. Here we can learn the effect of two debilitated planets conjunct


the retrograde Mars.


The conjunction of debilitated Moon and Rahu accounts for the Guru mangala yoga

to act in a reverse fashion.


The debility of Jupiter can account for the religious intolerance by some means.


Further I leave with a query the lord of the 8/9th house is in parivarthana with

the lord of the 10th house. can this give a long life to this native? Further

the lord of the 8th house is with the exalted planet Venus and the Venus gets

Vargottama too. That is what a few astrologers will look in depth at present

and also to understand the Mundane and natal chart.

Bye now


Can a learned member of this group let us know what indications in Saddam's

natal chart indicate cruelty, arrogance, violence caused, religious

intolerance, loss of sons etc?-VRS

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Just one more thing I want to mention- I've just found out that our friend

Laurie finds PVY always beneficial-

we'll ask her when she comes back.


AnnaRamesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Anna,


Many thanks for your reply. I am not sure if I am understanding your following

statement correct, "matters involving both houses are reversed". Does it mean

reversal of bhava karkas?


My understanding is that the bhava karkas remain the same and the planets

function like each other and hence also gain by 'being in their own houses'. As

per my understanding the aspects will remain unchanged, i.e. Saturn's aspect

will continue to be malefic and Jupiter's benefic! Please let me know if this

is correct.


It was nice of Jay to post Sarajitji's original mail. It was very educative. I

have saved that mail for future reference. I think the same mail is also

appended below. I presume you are referring to the same one.


Best Regards


Anna [bona_mente ]Sunday,

December 28, 2003 8:11 PMvedic astrologySubject: RE:

[vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -Sarajitji

Dear Ramesh,

Me again! I am not sure Sarajit could respond these days /internet at work/

Sarajit will certainly add something when he gets a chance-


PY- as per what I've learnt from Sarajit and others, means that planets play

each other's role, and matters involving both houses are reversed. Extent?-

Sarajit said in a post bellow that it's rather pronounced.


Now my opinion- I would normally expect stronger effects during MD of the

planet/s/, but I believe it would be felt on a general level too-


Not sure I understood this part of the Q"....or extend upto aspects too?"

Just guess: aspects should work like in any other situation, if that was your question?


By the way do you have Sarajit's text on PY that Jay recently forwarded to /me/

the List?I can send it to you if you don't.

Best regards,


Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Sarajitji,

Sanjayji in COVA mentions about planets involved behaving like one another! Does

that mean if Jupiter and Saturn are involved in Parivartana, Jupiter will behave

like Saturn and visa versa? If yes what is the extent of such manifestation?

Would be confined to Dasa or extend upto aspects too?

This apart from involved Planets functioning as if in their own houses.

Kind regards


Sarajit Poddar

[sarajit (AT) (DOT) org]Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:36 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana -

Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani

|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Anna,


In addition to whatever is written just remember, parivartana is characterised

by complete change (reversal) in some aspect of life as shown by the concerned

planet. Ramani has given a good example of Ms. India Gandhi, ex PM of India,

who changed to a influential PM from a housewife, who never dreamt of becoming

a politician.

Best Wishes




Anna [bona_mente ] Sent:

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:32 PMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivartana - Anna + (was Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Ramani,

Thanks a lot- this will help round up my knowledge of PY- very good summary!

All warmest regards,

AnnaRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 > wrote:

Hello Anna

I would like to add little bit more in parivarthana yoga, of course not

much new in this.

Parivarthana Yoga

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any

planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have

any houses as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has

Cancer, Mars has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercurys houses are

Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns

Taurus and Libra and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two

planets exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana

yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the

planets exchange their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In

practice the planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they are

placed. Since

seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo Parivarthana yoga.

One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana yoga is the

horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She got three

Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the

ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of the second

house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus

and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed in Taurus

and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses were responsible

for her achievements in life as a Prime minister.

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga the Parivarthana between the lord of

Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord

of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot render any benefic results.

Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of houses

between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to be

Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead the

others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this world, during

the dasa of the these lords the native

can make a foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead the

rest of the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the native they

get an authoritative job as per the education of the native.

Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana

Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and

second houses. This yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life

irrespective of whatever may be the dasa, the native can get an honourable job.

But the negative part of this yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier

part of life. After the age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue

of his/her own efforts till the age of 55.

`In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are considered as malefic

houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga

arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga

in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and

lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor factor is to

be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to exchange of houses between

the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of the lord of the 6th houses

brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is ineffective.

If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with 4th, 5th, 7th,

9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala Parivarthana yoga. These

people come up in life by their hard work and they get unexpected positive

results in life.

Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest of the planets

if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana

yoga. The result of this raja yoga is unnecessary to explain since the name

itself signifies the result of this yoga.

Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and Jupiter,

the results of this yoga is similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per

this yoga the married life becomes harmonious with luxury.

When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the native becomes

very sound. People having the Parivarthana yoga come up in life one or the

other way.



Here in this case of Saddam Hussein the parivarthana yoga that is the exchange

of houses between Saturn and jupiter mentions that his life is little bit

longer that is why he did not commit suicide or anything and prolonging. Saturn

in Ayul karaka means Saturn rules one's longevity, the parivarthana of Saturn in

his horoscope may be the reason for long life and did not commit suicide like

attmepts so far or like Hitler did in the past. I pressume that somehow his

life span may be stretched more and there is can be a chance for him to spend

the life prison but we have to wait and see. To put in a safer way the

parivarthana of Saturn and Jupiter so far helped him to have a long life.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.Anna <bona_mente > wrote:

Dear Jay,

Dear Sarajit,


Thanks so much for this on PY- I somehow missed/lost?/ this Sarajit's text, my

experience so far does confirms its, validity so this came at the right time

for me, to further explore this area.


Warmest wishes,

Anna"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Anna,

For the benefit of all:

The credit for having some material regarding Parivartana goes here to Sarajit

who about a year ago mailed the following (I reproduce his mail "as is" - hope

it's ok):



Sarajit's mail:

There are three sort of Parivartana yogas;

1) Maha yoga: The inter-exchange of 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords with each other.

Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga: fortunate, wealthy, well dressed, receives

gifts, influenctial company, commands vehicles and property.


2) Kahal yoga: The interchange of 3rd lord with either 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11.

Effect of Kahal Parivartana Yoga: Cyclical ups and down in destiny, regain

the lost prosperity, hardship, fickleminded.


3) Dainya yoga: The interchange of 6,8,12 lords with either 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11 lords.

Effect of Dainya Parivartana Yoga: Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable

character, suffer from enemies and diseases.


For example if lord of 10th make interchange with 8th lord then its called

Dainya parivartana yoga, but the same 10th lord if interchanges with 9th lord

produces Maha parivartana yoga.


In parivartana, one feature should be borne in mind. Apart from luminaries all

other five grahas contain lordhip of 2 sings. Now let suppose a chart where

Taurus rises as lagna, and Venus is Capricorn and Saturn is in Taurus. Here

Venus holds the lordship of 1st and 6th house and Saturn holds the lordship of

9th and 10th houses. In above case (Taurus lagna), the parivartna between Venus

and Saturn is called Maha yoga(interchange b/w 1st and 9th), not the Dainya

yoga(between 6th with 10th lords).


Besides Parivartana, when lords of dushtana bhava (6,8,12) interchange they

produce yoga called "Vipreeta", i.e. cancellation of maleficent. (Vipreet also

happens when dushtana lords conjoins in dushtana bhava). And if this

interchange is devoid of other impurities/aspects then it is equals to raj yoga

in effect. (Similarly when lords of kendra meet lords of trikoona in good houses

then this is also called "Kendra-Trikoona Raja Yoga", provided none is



The premise for Vipareeta Rajayoga is that the dusthana lords should be "Weakly

placed" in a dusthana. Now if the 8th lord is placed with 12th lord in 12th

house, they are not that weak. Because, 12th lord will be placed in its own

house. You can judge the navamsa positions for these planets. If they are in

debilitated navamsa then also the yogas shall function to good extent. However

for Sagittarius Lagna, Moon is the 8th lord and if placed with Mars in the 12th

house, there shall be rajayoga as Moon is debilitated and making Mars also weak

with association.


However never miss the association/ influence of the HL, GL who are the givers

of fortune and power...


------------------------end Sarajit's mail-----------------------Regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com



vedic astrology

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:23 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein -> Ramani


Dear Jay,


This is very interesting- haven't heard much on Parivartana Yoga-

I am wondering if any PY involving dusthana can be beneficial?I've noticed for

example, PY btw. 6th and 7th house is'of dubious nature'

Having always in mind what the nature of planets involved is, what planets

leave 'behind' in the houses they leave, what environment they meet in a new house,

their friendship and other relevant

variables, it seems that you explored this issue further- all other things being

OK/as per above/ do you think that mere lordship ove dusthana can/cannot have a

decisive say in PY?


Best wishes,

Anna "J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani,


Longevity is always a hard nut to break, none the less in Saddams case.

Exchange between the 8th and 10th lords is called Dainya Parivartana Yoga and is

never good (Unlucky, mean, hasty nature, questionable character, suffer from

enemies and diseases).

I am working on it currently (as time allows) and will reply as soon as I feel

"safe" with my assumption.


A note on Martin Schulman books: please remember that he is "thinking" western

system i.e houses etc.

(try the sound of tiny "Retrograde Pluto" 6 billion(!) Km' away...) <smile>.


Kind regards

/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 9:06 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein ->


Dear Jay Weiss,

About retrograde planets, Martin Schulman and Erin Sullivan bith wrote

very nicely. Of course I have gone through the Moon's nodes book by Martin

Schulman. I will try to get a copy Karmic Relations as you say.


Here in the given case what about the longevity of this Saddam since Saturn and

Jupiter are in parivarthana (exchange of houses) and have enough strength?

Becuase at this point everyone is curious about the verdict of this native.

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.




"J.-Weiss" <jayhw (AT) telia (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramani Alwar,


Very good that you mentioned Martin Schulman's book.

I have been using it for years and much of his indication do apply very often.

If you have his book "Karmic Relations" you will be able to expend your horizon

even more.


Kind regards/Jay Weisshttp://www.alvicomm.com


Ramani Alwar

vedic astrology

Monday, December 15, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Saddam Hussein


Hello Venkatrama Sastry jee,

Arrogance and Cruelty of this native is the gift of retrograde Mars by

Martin Schulman, in his book on retrograde and Reincarnatioin he mentions that

for Mars retrograde at the sixth house as 'Here the individual is caught

between conflict of how much he should do for others and how much he should he

should for himself. He tends to resent others telling hin how to do things and

yet he consciously wants their advice. Highly independent, he strives to be the

ruler of his own life amidst a flood of external circumstances that dictate the

direction of his energies. And so on...... I believe the Cruelty is due to the

planet of Mars and that is retrograde in nature at his own sign and joins the

Moon and Rahu. Here we can learn the effect of two debilitated planets conjunct


the retrograde Mars.


The conjunction of debilitated Moon and Rahu accounts for the Guru mangala yoga

to act in a reverse fashion.


The debility of Jupiter can account for the religious intolerance by some means.


Further I leave with a query the lord of the 8/9th house is in parivarthana with

the lord of the 10th house. can this give a long life to this native? Further

the lord of the 8th house is with the exalted planet Venus and the Venus gets

Vargottama too. That is what a few astrologers will look in depth at present

and also to understand the Mundane and natal chart.

Bye now


Can a learned member of this group let us know what indications in Saddam's

natal chart indicate cruelty, arrogance, violence caused, religious

intolerance, loss of sons etc?-VRS

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