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What Cause Marrige Delay !

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Dear ?

I am getting your ascendent on the border of Cancer. Anyhow with

cancer ascendend you Marriage should happen between 29th June 2003

thru 29th October 2003.

All the best..

Please let us know if the result come out true or not.

Cheers !!!



vedic astrology, Trying_To_Gain

<i_do_yah00_nu> wrote:

> Namskar to All Gurjis,

> I wann to know what r the causes

> for marrige delay particularly in regard to my chart.

> I have visited a number of pundits with my horoscope,

> most of them say u must got married early, but it

> hasnt happened till now. I m leading a very lonely

> life may be thats becoz of sun's mahadasa and shani's

> antardasha where both r in 12th house. But till when i

> will able to acquire my life partner. I do have a good

> faith in astrology, but in regard to the question of

> my marrige im not getting a satisfactory reply (may be

> for last 3-4 years). I would also be greatful if

> somebody may provide an mp3/wav/other audio format for

> the chant/mantra for getting a good wife.


> **PS : some body(pundit) asked me to offer a parikrama

> to shani dev mandir at Kosi(mathura), i have even

> executed that but still no fruitful results.



> My DOB is : 12-JULY-1975

> TIME is : 06.00 A.M.

> Place is : New Delhi


> With alot of thanx & regards,

> Waiting despirately for reply


> A Learner & Questionery






> The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

> http://search.

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear ??,

Please Identify yourself and sign your name.

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran


vedic astrology, Trying_To_Gain

<i_do_yah00_nu> wrote:

> Namskar to All Gurjis,

> I wann to know what r the causes

> for marrige delay particularly in regard to my chart.

> I have visited a number of pundits with my horoscope,

> most of them say u must got married early, but it

> hasnt happened till now. I m leading a very lonely

> life may be thats becoz of sun's mahadasa and shani's

> antardasha where both r in 12th house. But till when i

> will able to acquire my life partner. I do have a good

> faith in astrology, but in regard to the question of

> my marrige im not getting a satisfactory reply (may be

> for last 3-4 years). I would also be greatful if

> somebody may provide an mp3/wav/other audio format for

> the chant/mantra for getting a good wife.


> **PS : some body(pundit) asked me to offer a parikrama

> to shani dev mandir at Kosi(mathura), i have even

> executed that but still no fruitful results.



> My DOB is : 12-JULY-1975

> TIME is : 06.00 A.M.

> Place is : New Delhi


> With alot of thanx & regards,

> Waiting despirately for reply


> A Learner & Questionery






> The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

> http://search.

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Dear Unknown(what's your name!)


At least I can give you the rules reagarding marriage calculations( I

have just managed to compile everything somehow):


(I) Well here are the rules for determining marriage from B.V. Raman's


Marriage can happen in following periods in the order of strongest

likelihood to weakest likelihood:

(1) The Lords of the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord:

(2) Venus

(3) Moon

(4) Lord of sign occupied by 2nd Lord:

(5) 10th Lord

(6) 9th Lord

(7) the 7th Lord or occupant of 7th house


You can compute the antardasas using JHL 5.0 and find the nearest

suitable period for her as per above rules.


(II) MARS DOSHA FROM How to judge a horoscope (vol 2). He says that

if Mars is in 2,4,7,8,12 from Lagna, Venus

and Moon, there is Mars dosha. And says, that if Mars is in Leo,

there is no dosha". I think you have to look for both the Rashi and

Navamsha chakra to find Mars dosha.So you can determine if she is

mangalik or has Mars dosha. Then he/she shpuld marry a person who has

an equal and opposing mars dosha as per B.V.

Raman's books.


(III) Also you have to see the strength of Venus, Moon, 7th lord and

the planets influencing 7th house and 7th lord to determine if there

are any hinderances/planets supporting marriage .


For example Venus in 6th, 8th or 12th house can potentially destroy

all happiness in a marriage/delay marriage. Evil influences on 7th

house can also jeopardize matrimonial affairs. Either Venus or Moon

or strong 7th lord has to be in operation(current antradasha) for

marriage to happen...But you have to look for all supporting/opposing

combinations in Rashi and navamsha chakras before reaching any final



(IV) Also you have to match the nakshataras(janam nakshatara) of the

boy and girl before reaching any conclusions on compatibility of


That's all I know. All the best in your astro-research and search

for a partner..RMK.




Other Imp rules from various Gurus from this website:

1. Upapada (arudha of the 12th house). This shows the persons concept

ofmarriage, which will indicate the persons willingness to have a

family/children, etc. The lagna of the spouse will also be indicated

here. If a person doesn't wish to marry, you could find many malefics

placed here. If Upapada Lord is in the 12th house, then the person

doesn't look for a spouse, and hence may not marry. This is the most

important thing to analyse incase of marriage. Advise fasting on days

for the upapada lord, to cleanse any marital ailments indicated.


1a. 2nd from Upapada. The Deity in the 2nd from Upapada, indicates

the one who will give the spouse. I.e. 12th from it is the Upapada.

Worship that deity, as the opposite sex and when satisfied it will

give you a spouse.


i.e. For women with Upapada in Virgo, fast on Wednesdays(Mercury) and

worshiplord Parasurama (Venus lords 2nd from Upapada).


2. Kalatra Karaka Venus. Venus tells us about the persons general

fortune in matters of love and union with the opposite sex. An

afflicted Venus may not deny marriage, but will show alot about the

persons ability to give and recieve love.


3. 7th house. The 7th house represents the first spouse, and also

relates to the sexual union. If malefics are placed here, then the

person may not like having sex, or there are some very peculiar

habbits regarding the same. Similarly the person may not enjoy beign

with the spouse.. this could obstruct marriage.


A slight sidenote would be to analyse the 5th house. As 5th is 11th

from the 7th house, it would then refer to all those elements which

intervene in giving union with the spouse. Malefics in the 5th may

make a person more interested in having many relations, rather than

settling down with one person.


4. 7th Lord. The Lord of any house, is responsible for giving fortune

to its ownership, and its placement will show where it will derive

this fortune. Say 7th lord is in the 12th, then the person should

look for their spouse in foreign lands, etc.


5. 7th from Venus. Finally, the direction of the spouse and distance,

is to be checked from the 7th lord from Venus. Propitiate this lord

to bring the spouse, once (s)he has been given by the deity in the

2nd from Upapada.


This is how to check the distance and direction from the 7th lord

from Venus', placement:


Distance: Chara, Dwiswabhava and Sthira Rasi/Amsa, indicates Long,

Medium and Short distances respectively.


Example: Venus in Gemini; 7th lord from Gemini is Jupiter. Say

Jupiter is placed in Scorpio. Scorpio is a Sthira Rasi and may

indicate that the spouse lives in the same town as you.


Direction: The Direction should be judged on the basis of the sign

placement; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and their trines represent

the; East, South, West and Northern Directions respecively.


Deity: For men, Jupiter should be worshipped as Tara devi. For women

Jupiter should be worshipped as SadaShiva.. Always adjust the worship

as per the faith of the querrist.


Dharma is the foundation of marriage

By Sanjay Rath (Feb 2000)


Bhagavan Sri Krishna teaches that the first signs of the fall in

Dharma is the corruption of women: Extract from: Bhagavat Gita-As it

is by Srila Prabhupada




When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Kåñëa, the women of the

family become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O

descendant of Våñëi, comes unwanted progeny. (BG:1.40)




Dharma is examined in the ninth house and the one-ninth division of

signs is called Navamsa. Parasara advises us to examine this

divisional chart (Navamsa) for spouse as it is the fruit/gains of

Dharma. Thus the 11th sign from the 9th house is the 7th house which

shows gains/increase of Dharma and the 12th sign from the 9th house

in the 8th house which shows loss/decrease of Dharma. Thus, marriage

indicates an increase of Dharma while widowhood symbolizes a

destruction of Dharma. In these tense in Hindu wedding the son-in-law

is regarded as Vishnu as his coming to the family has led to an

increase in Dharma.


The Sun is a significator of Dharma and hence Maharishi

Jaimini teaches that the Sun can never be a malefic for Upapada

(Arudha of 12th house symbolizing the Vivaha Mandapa[1]). Rahu is the

greatest enemy of the Sun and causes its eclipse. Thus Rahu

symbolizes destruction of Dharma and also widowhood. Saturn is an

enemy of the Sun and significator of the 8th house (ruling

widowhood/break in marriage) whereas Jupiter is a friend of the Sun

and saves marriages by giving children. In fact Chanakya[2] Niti[3]

teaches that a person who is not desirous of having children should

not marry. Venus (ruling semen) shows sexuality and physical beauty

whereas Mars shows the destruction of semen /preservation and

indicates Brahmacharya[4] thus Mars causes the first error (dosha) on

the significator of natural procreation. Ketu is always opposite to

Rahu and both Parasara and Jaimini teach that it causes marriage. In

fact it indicates the bestiality in man which is controlled by

worshipping Lord Shiva as Pasupati[5]. The Moon is a significator of

mother hood and will surely give marriage whereas Mercury the bastard

son of the Moon indicates Adharma or children etc. born outside

marriage and thus, obstructs or break the purity of marriage

relationship. Thus, Jaimini teaches that if Moon & Mercury are in

mutual trines in the Navamsa the character may fall and marriage vows

maybe broken while if Mercury is aspected by Jupiter (the pure

representative of Vishnu) then purity prevails and marriage vows will

be kept.


Scorpio is the natural eighth house of the zodiac and if

Mercury & Venus are in Scorpio Navamsa then the person is of very

loose morals. In this manner the various rules/dictums given in the

classical literature can be understood.






vedic astrology, "ashsam73" <ashsam73@h...>


> Dear ?

> I am getting your ascendent on the border of Cancer. Anyhow with

> cancer ascendend you Marriage should happen between 29th June 2003

> thru 29th October 2003.

> All the best..

> Please let us know if the result come out true or not.

> Cheers !!!

> Ash


> vedic astrology, Trying_To_Gain

> <i_do_yah00_nu> wrote:

> > Namskar to All Gurjis,

> > I wann to know what r the causes

> > for marrige delay particularly in regard to my chart.

> > I have visited a number of pundits with my horoscope,

> > most of them say u must got married early, but it

> > hasnt happened till now. I m leading a very lonely

> > life may be thats becoz of sun's mahadasa and shani's

> > antardasha where both r in 12th house. But till when i

> > will able to acquire my life partner. I do have a good

> > faith in astrology, but in regard to the question of

> > my marrige im not getting a satisfactory reply (may be

> > for last 3-4 years). I would also be greatful if

> > somebody may provide an mp3/wav/other audio format for

> > the chant/mantra for getting a good wife.

> >

> > **PS : some body(pundit) asked me to offer a parikrama

> > to shani dev mandir at Kosi(mathura), i have even

> > executed that but still no fruitful results.

> >

> >

> > My DOB is : 12-JULY-1975

> > TIME is : 06.00 A.M.

> > Place is : New Delhi

> >

> > With alot of thanx & regards,

> > Waiting despirately for reply

> >

> > A Learner & Questionery

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

> > http://search.

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Dear ????

I have seen other have already analysed your chart.Now I ma giving here a Devi

Mantra for getting a good wife very soon.Chant this Mantra every day morning

108 days for 108 days.See a good Muhurta to start chanting this Mantra.Please

see the attchment for the audio format of the Mantra.

I wish you best of luck.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Trying_To_Gain <i_do_yah00_nu > wrote:

Namskar to All Gurjis, I wann to know what r the causesfor

marrige delay particularly in regard to my chart.I have visited a number of

pundits with my horoscope,most of them say u must got married early, but

ithasnt happened till now. I m leading a very lonelylife may be thats becoz of

sun's mahadasa and shani'santardasha where both r in 12th house. But till when

iwill able to acquire my life partner. I do have a goodfaith in astrology, but

in regard to the question ofmy marrige im not getting a satisfactory reply (may

befor last 3-4 years). I would also be greatful ifsomebody may provide an

mp3/wav/other audio format forthe chant/mantra for getting a good wife.**PS :

some body(pundit) asked me to

offer a parikramato shani dev mandir at Kosi(mathura), i have evenexecuted that

but still no fruitful results.My DOB is : 12-JULY-1975TIME is : 06.00

A.M.Place is : New DelhiWith alot of thanx & regards,Waiting despirately for

replyA Learner & QuestioneryThe

New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.http://search.Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


SMS using the Messenger;

Download latest version.

Attachment: (audio/mp3) Devi Mantra for getting good wife.mp3 [not stored]

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Dear ????

I have seen others have already analysed your chart.Now I am giving here a Devi

Mantra for getting a good wife very soon.Chant this Mantra every day morning

108 days for 108 days.See a good Muhurta to start chanting this Mantra.Please

see the attchment for the audio format of the Mantra.

I wish you best of luck.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Trying_To_Gain <i_do_yah00_nu > wrote:

Namskar to All Gurjis, I wann to know what r the causesfor

marrige delay particularly in regard to my chart.I have visited a number of

pundits with my horoscope,most of them say u must got married early, but

ithasnt happened till now. I m leading a very lonelylife may be thats becoz of

sun's mahadasa and shani'santardasha where both r in 12th house. But till when

iwill able to acquire my life partner. I do have a goodfaith in astrology, but

in regard to the question ofmy marrige im not getting a satisfactory reply (may

befor last 3-4 years). I would also be greatful ifsomebody may provide an

mp3/wav/other audio format forthe chant/mantra for getting a good wife.**PS :

some body(pundit) asked me to

offer a parikramato shani dev mandir at Kosi(mathura), i have evenexecuted that

but still no fruitful results.My DOB is : 12-JULY-1975TIME is : 06.00

A.M.Place is : New DelhiWith alot of thanx & regards,Waiting despirately for

replyA Learner & QuestioneryThe

New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.http://search.Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


SMS using the Messenger;

Download latest version.

Attachment: (audio/mp3) Devi Mantra for getting good wife.mp3 [not stored]

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