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Nimittha - An interesting episode...

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Dear Jyotisha,


It was Ekadasi Moon, shining bright on the lower eastern skies. Close

from it was the Red Planet in all it's glory, glowing like a fire

ball. Around 9.00pm, September 6th 2003, Pittsgrove town in rural

NewJersey was quiet, but for few birds chirping or a distant car pass

by. Gentle breeze carrying the coolness from the nearby lake and

stream was soothing to Mind and Body. In this awesome setting, on a

roof-less patio on the second floor of a beautiful house, surrounded

by huge oak trees, was Gurudev Sanjay ji. Sitting around him in circle

were 6 fortunate students of his. A beam of light was falling on the

patio from one of the windows of the house.


Sanjay ji, is being his usual self, expounds the subtleties of the

Natal chart and dynamics of Planets. All of us are sitting in

pin-drop silence, listening to every word being said, feverishly

thinking which charts we know by heart had those combinations. Afraid

to even breath heavier, lest we miss a word being said. He is speaking

about Lagna lord's placement in various house and the obvious and

not-so obvious implications of it. Teaching shifts to Maraka planets

and Maraka houses, how and why the 2nd and 7th kill.


He stops in the middle of his sentence…


One of the student's cell-phone is ringing…The student picks up his

cell, quickly says few words and says "…Ok, talk to you later, Bye".


In that exact moment the light that was falling thru the Window on the

patio, goes off.


"There is PrethaBadha (dead spirits disturbing) on the one who called

you", utters Gurudev, looking at the person who received the call.


"Her husband died some time ago, he committed suicide" replies the

student, astounded.


"Shradh (Last rites) was not Done properly, call her and confirm" –



We make a call to the lady to confirm…sure enough.


She says, "Yes. Why did that thought come to you? Yes, I am disturbed

all the time, lot of turmoil. After my husband committed suicide, I

left India. My son, who is 8 years old is in India. And my Son did not

perform any last-rites"


"Ask her to make her Son perform the last rites properly in pitri

paksha, everything will be alright. The Atma of this dead man will

rest in peace", advises Sanjay ji….And the Light from the Window comes on…


Gurudev says…"That light is the confirmation that she will be alright,

after the Shradh".


After the student hangs up the phone, Gurudev tells us "This is

Nimitta. Nature is always giving us information by various means. For

all your questions, there are always answers being given to you. It's

just the question of looking and interpreting it. Everything that

happens in and around your lives has meaning and lessons to be learnt.

This dead man wanted me to give this info to that lady, and he chose

me." and then calls it a day.


I came away thinking "Why were we talking of death at that time?, why

did the women call at that exact moment?, Why did the light go off at

the very moment?, what prompted Sanjay ji say what he said?,

etc…etc…and how accurate and profound a practical lesson this

experience turned out to be for all of us present that evening with him...


If I said, I had goose bumbs through out that evening, I am not



Just thought, I will share this with the list, hence this post.


Best Regards,


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