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An Enigmatic Question

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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Ums,

> Two people born to different mothers in australia, melbourne same

> hospital the records of the children show


> 4 Oct 1974

> 2:34pm

> melbourne.


> Yet the children today are living different lifestyles no where

> close. Which divisonal chart can I use to find out and differentia

> or give reasons as to why their future is different.


You have asked the same question which my friends posed to me in the

course of debating about vedic astrology (I was the supporter while

the friend were the critics). Now I will ask you some question(s):


(1) Do you believe in the concept of karma? Think along the lines

of "why is a child born in a poor or rich family?" or "what choice

does the child have of its parents?"


(2) Did you examine the natal charts of the father and mother for

the two children in order to find out repeating links? As Sanjay has

pointed out in another mail "His grandfather had Sa AK in 11th

house, he has the same and his daughter also has the same!!" So the

parampara continues...


(3) All things being equal, it is the immediate family influences

that shall decide the development of the child.


(4)Although the two children might be leading different lifestyles

today, did you check for any common pattern? To provide an instance,

if the natal chart shows promise of good education, then they surely

should have had it. How does it matter if one goes to Harvard while

the other goes to MIT? Both are good schools by any reckoning.


Quite interesting. I have put in my 4 cents. Let us see what the

Gurus/jyotishas comment on this.





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Dear Hari,

This is my opinion in regards to ur questions.


1) Do you believe in the concept of karma? Think along the lines

> of "why is a child born in a poor or rich family?" or "what choice

> does the child have of its parents?"


A. Yes, I do believe in Karma but Karma being a religious aspect differes from

religion to religion. Just like it is forbiden for a hindu to eat beef, it is

forbiden for a muslim to eat pork and so on. Every religion tends to dicate its

own set of rules. Hence the idea of karma tends to vary. There is for instance

sikhisum which rests on the fundamentals of hinduisum and islam but yet

propogates different values. Ofcourse the Most fundamental value is That there

is One God and Do onto others what U would onto urself. But Lets take sikhisum

for example and the 10 gurus of sikhsum has preceach that no fasting is required

to attain moksha or that there is no need to do tapasya in the forsest fasting

on different days. The only way to konw the name of God is to say it.


At this point let me narrate the story of narad. Who when met God asked God who

his favourite person on earth was. And God pointed down and said that farmer.

Narad suprisied asked God why, I pray to U the entire day and I do pooja paath

all day the farmer only does pooja three times a day so why is he ur favoriate

person. On that God replied. Iwill give u a task and u will konw, God filled a

cup of water to the top level and told Narad to Go around the world without even

a single drop falling form the glass. Narad took the cup and went around the

world concentrating on the glass of water so that not even a single drop falls.

And he was successful and came back to God and asked So I have achieved what u

asked me for. To this God replied "How many Times did U chant my name in the

process" and Narad had no answers. Since he was too busy looking at the task.


So I think it is equally important to peroform work on earth and at the same

time chant the name of God too remebering him. Karma cannot alone be God it has

to be the duties that one has to fulfil on the planet too. Cannot expect to say

we are astrologers and charge money to people and say we are doing Godly and

divine work. Neways getting back to my point. The defination of Karma differs.

There are religions around the wrold that do not believe in reincarnation and

they believe that both heaven and hell are here on earth. We get our deeds paid

for in this life time rather than carry it over.


To a Hindu eating beef is wrong karma where as to a muslim eating pork will be

considered wrong karma. To a sikh keeping fasting is considered against his

religious idols where as to a jain stepping on any life form and eating things

grown in the ground is considered wrong karma. So what excatly is write karma

and wrong karma. One is often hit with a dilemma if one uses religion to

differentiate. The problem so happened now is that religion was not created to

form seperation but rather to unite people. Inpiste more classes were cereated

and people started to distinguish between caste systems and so on. Infact a

person from one caste cannot marry into another caste. This is not how religion

was ment to be. But this is how religion is as we konw it today because heavey

research into the subjects by various so called scholars have lead to different

interpreations to our own likings. So goes the case with astrology. The versus

are laid down and yet they have been dicphered in different forms, one verse can

mean anything and the meaning is in accordance with a particular joytish or what

he wants to achieve with the subject and the tool. The problems happens when

such things clash and such rules clash and it becomes hard to quantify the

rules. One astrologer might say moon represnents the mind and say mind is good

while one might say it represent the mother and mother is ill of health, just

giving an example.


So it lies with karma too. My simple poilcy is 'Do onto other what U would onto

urself". Worshiping Dieties is considered wrong in islam yet hinduisum considers

it a good deed. So deeds are relative and man made. Just like Einstein said " I

want to know Gods thoughts the rest are detials" So it should be the nature of

humans to try to understand God and to try to see the reason and logic behind

his creation rather than merely following books and intepretations by scholars.

One should appreciate the Gurus and Scholars but one should not take their word

as the final word and one should reason out using the correct lines as to why so

and so. Does it feel right if not why and if so why. Thats where evoloution

grows and comes to life. If we merely take for granted the gurus and scholars

for what they say then evolution is going to terminate and there will be no

scope for development.


So yes I believe in Karma, But I dont think the past karma reflects the present

state of things. I also do not believe in reincarnation. I however believe that

after we die we will join this Supreme Energy Force which we call God and lose

all our individualtiy and become in One with Him.


> (2) Did you examine the natal charts of the father and mother for

> the two children in order to find out repeating links? As Sanjay has

> pointed out in another mail "His grandfather had Sa AK in 11th

> house, he has the same and his daughter also has the same!!" So the

> parampara continues...


> (3) All things being equal, it is the immediate family influences

> that shall decide the development of the child.


A. For 2 and including 3. Nope I havent looked at the chart of their family

memebers. Since I think if an astrologer cannot find one way to rataionalize the

result he or she will definately turn to more probabilties. Infact an astrologer

will never say I do not know or that God is going to decide that particular

part. But an astrologer will always reply. Look at this chart and this planet

and that is why it gives this results. I have seen engineer accept that they are

not knowledgble, I have seen Doctors say that the surgery is successful the rest

is left to God. Ive seen lawyers say that I cannot understand this case and Ive

seen students say this concept is hard to follow and I cannot comprehend it. BUT

I HAVE NEVER seen an astrologer say that this result cannot be explain, since

apprelty its a firm belief within the astro community that all life can be

explained by mortals by using the tools of astrology. Thats where we make the

biggest blunder in life and thats why astrologer at times is poked fun at.

Because astrologer never accept the fact that there are something in life that

just cannot be explained. So if the charts of a native does not yeild results

then the astrologer goes to the chart of dad, mum and granddad and grandmum and

perhaps evern great grandads. Obviously having so many permutations one is bound

to come up with some way to reason out the difference in destinies RIGHT?


> (4)Although the two children might be leading different lifestyles

> today, did you check for any common pattern? To provide an instance,

> if the natal chart shows promise of good education, then they surely

> should have had it. How does it matter if one goes to Harvard while

> the other goes to MIT? Both are good schools by any reckoning.


> Quite interesting. I have put in my 4 cents. Let us see what the

> Gurus/jyotishas comment on this.


Yes I have checked for some common patterns but they are not common in the cases

of the children. Infact one is the north pole then the other has a difference of

the south pole infact even perhaps a south pole from a different planet.

Ofcourse family upbringing might come into consideration but one kid is very

sporty where as the other is weak in health. There have been some common patters

seen but I would lend them to family upbrining. For instance both of them have a

very respectful nature. Though one got into drugs at a earlier age but was

brought back to track with family pressure.


About Harved and MIT. Well lets look at it this way. Yes both are reputed

universities. But Both do not have the same faculty nor the same study route nor

the same essence. While Harvad is a good Business School then MIT is a good

engineering School. On a general scale both are good school, but on a uniqure

and more specialized scale the difference come into account. Now based on this

reasoning I ask how is it possible to predict things such as death and disease

on such a unique scale. When astrology is at most right at giving the general

picture. How can one with so much accuracy predict death or diasease? Dont u

think if an astrologer takes the time to segregate futher details he or she

might be wrong in his or her analysis. It could be equally true.


Hope to hear from U on this matter and all the other learned people in the post.







vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari> wrote:

> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Ums,

> > Two people born to different mothers in australia, melbourne same

> > hospital the records of the children show

> >

> > 4 Oct 1974

> > 2:34pm

> > melbourne.

> >

> > Yet the children today are living different lifestyles no where

> > close. Which divisonal chart can I use to find out and differentia

> > or give reasons as to why their future is different.


> You have asked the same question which my friends posed to me in the

> course of debating about vedic astrology (I was the supporter while

> the friend were the critics). Now I will ask you some question(s):


> (1) Do you believe in the concept of karma? Think along the lines

> of "why is a child born in a poor or rich family?" or "what choice

> does the child have of its parents?"


> (2) Did you examine the natal charts of the father and mother for

> the two children in order to find out repeating links? As Sanjay has

> pointed out in another mail "His grandfather had Sa AK in 11th

> house, he has the same and his daughter also has the same!!" So the

> parampara continues...


> (3) All things being equal, it is the immediate family influences

> that shall decide the development of the child.


> (4)Although the two children might be leading different lifestyles

> today, did you check for any common pattern? To provide an instance,

> if the natal chart shows promise of good education, then they surely

> should have had it. How does it matter if one goes to Harvard while

> the other goes to MIT? Both are good schools by any reckoning.


> Quite interesting. I have put in my 4 cents. Let us see what the

> Gurus/jyotishas comment on this.


> regards

> Hari

> regar

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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Ums,


(1) You dont believe in reincarnation but you believe in karma!!

This is contradictory. Unless you understand the concept of karma

fully, you will not grasp what I am trying to say.


(2)To my knowledge, no astrologer has claimed that he/she can do

everything. That is why they attribute the predictions always to the

omnipresent Almighty. If they offer some explanation for some

special cases, it is because they are trying to find out a reason.

They know very well that it is the unseen hand of God who guides



In the case you have posed, I am confident that a joint examination

of all the three charts (father, mother and child) will yield

greater insights. In fact, the astrologer should examine all the

charts of the family to verify or cross-check whether the same event

shows up in all the charts. This is a commonly accepted practice in

North India if I am not mistaken.




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Dear Hari,


What do u say about the various approaches different religions believe in and

right and wrong karma. If u believe in reincarnation and karma then Im sure

people who do are also well versed in defining what is right karma and what is

wrong karma. Reincarnation and karma when u come to see things in a broader

limelight are two different things. Karam is the actions that we preform. Which

the religious books have liked to reincarnation and that if we have done good

karma then in this life we will get good fruits where as other wise its vice

versa. And if we do good karma now then we can attain moksha. That is all good.


But tell me Dear Hari which religious book is correct and which is wrong. Since

obvisioly both of us know that different religious books intrepert things

differently. Like I had mentioned about the beef part or about fasting part or

about how jain view things. So which religion is correct and which is wrong.

Islam says diety worship is forbinden and hinduisum says to the contrary. So

which one should I follow if I want to go to heaven. Or which karma I should do

so that its good karma. Thats what Im wondering. Reincarnation is a different

matter, once we can figure out what is right karma and what is wrong karma and

which religion is right only then can we move onto the more complex phenomena

like reincarnation. So yeah which religion is right or are they all right or all

wrong and if so why the different interpretations and different things to do in

each religion like rights and rituals. Will God look at what we did or how we

did or both. Well He give us reincarnation based on our religion we have been

born into or will the reincanation be based on karma and if its on karma then

every religion dictates different things which forms a part of the karma.

Fasting is considered good Karma in hinduisum and its not encouraged by the 10

Sikh gurus. So if I fast is it good karma or bad karma. Since I would be obeying

hinduisum and betraying sikhsum. Or say if I prasie a diety I will obey

hindusium and perhaps be bad in the book of Quran. So wot excatly is my karma

and how will this translate to my reincartion?


About the astrologer part. Have u ever come across an astrologer to whome u

asked a question and the astrologer replied I leave that to God to decide or for

that matter I cannot answer it since I dont know. The rather reason would be I

know it but I cannot dwell into it. So there is a claim implied that the

astrolger knows everything but he cannot really say because he is bound by

regualtions. Infact in these post we frequently see people predicting death of

some person in the family and so on. Do u think God would approve of that of

predicing someone death. And ontop of that astrology has been far from accurate

and heavier topics like death can cause stress or pain to people. Do u think

that falls into the good karma. By the sikhisum religion indulgce into an art is

disrespectful to God why because people are taking destiney in their own hands

about other people. According to chirstanity Christ never believed in astrology

and said true destiney was written by God. So which karma does astrology fall










vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari> wrote:

> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Ums,


> (1) You dont believe in reincarnation but you believe in karma!!

> This is contradictory. Unless you understand the concept of karma

> fully, you will not grasp what I am trying to say.


> (2)To my knowledge, no astrologer has claimed that he/she can do

> everything. That is why they attribute the predictions always to the

> omnipresent Almighty. If they offer some explanation for some

> special cases, it is because they are trying to find out a reason.

> They know very well that it is the unseen hand of God who guides

> them.


> In the case you have posed, I am confident that a joint examination

> of all the three charts (father, mother and child) will yield

> greater insights. In fact, the astrologer should examine all the

> charts of the family to verify or cross-check whether the same event

> shows up in all the charts. This is a commonly accepted practice in

> North India if I am not mistaken.


> regards

> Hari

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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Ums,


(1) There is no such thing as right or wrong karma. Learned members,

please correct me here. As far as I know, its only good or bad

karma, which is saying a lot! You may ask what is the difference

here. There is a difference but it is very subtle.


(2) Kindly substantiate your claims that predictions about death

have been made on this forum. Since I joined this forum, I have not

seen a direct prediction made in this regard. My policy is that I

will never predict in this area unless forced to.


(3) About the differences in religion, God has given us a brain. If

we focus on the differences, then we will be lost instead of using

our brains to decide what is correct or incorrect. So now, what is

Dharma? Dharma has something to do with your question.




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Dear Hari,

Suprisinly if we look at this conversation we will see the element of ego. Cause

each one of us is trying to prove right from wrong. Since we think we are right

in our own ways. Isnt this wot the entire world in this kali yuga is being

modelled on. Neways Good karma or Bad Karma, right karma or wrong karma. So how

do we define it thats the quesiton I put forth. Who know what is good karma and

who konw what is bad karma. Im not saying there is no such thing as karma. All

Im trying to say is what is considered good karma and what is considered bad

karma since if I want to go to heaven achieve moskha I will have to do good

karma and if I dont know wot excatly is good karma then how will i do it? So

that the question Im trying to estabilsh.


2.About death prediction, well I will not mention anything in regards to that

since I will be pointing undue fingers so I will leave that rather than pointing

out posts or such predictions since I think it will be very prematurish and not

correct ethically. Perhaps this might be a good karma on my behalf.


3.Exactly God has given us brains, and one should use these brains to

distinguish mortal issues from immortal issues and not mix immortality with

mortality. OR least said follow anything without reasoning out why. Dharma, yes

ofcourse U call it Dharma I call it relgion, someone calls his father dad,

someone calls him pa while someone calls him daddy. And its the same thing. So

yeah Dharma or relgion.


Neways U mentioned that U will not predict about death unless forced too. That

paticular sentance implies a lot. See if it was in our mortal hands we would

take over the world. That is human nature. Firstly it is very hard to predict

about death that is my firm belief. Since I have asked the following question

many a times in the fourm but no response.


If death could be predicted so easily then perhaps Princess Diana could have not

taken the car she crashed in. perhaps Rajiv Gandhi would have been or should

have been reinfored with more sercurity the day he went into the crowd. Perhaps

Indira Gandhi should have been warned about the danger from her personal body

gurad. Im sure such rich and famous people definately had aquintances with good

astrologers. Im sure they would have been eager to konw if not the time of death

atleast the time that a serious tradegy was most likely to occur. Then why did

they die???


If every patient could be cured of cancer before even being diagnosed with it

then dont u think life would be different. Infact astrologers could hold full

time positios in the hospitals as AstroDoctor Assitants and infact they wouldnt

even have to charge anyone under the name of religion infact they would be

making or doing a good karma and getting paid for it by helping people before

hand by saying they should watch out for this and this illness and this and this



But inspite we know the realty is different. When death strikes it has no given

time place that one can know. Ofcourse we can take the charts of dead people and

relate. But its hard to find living people and then relating their charts to

such cases. since more often than not it turn out to be Wrong!!! and lead to

situations like that faced by diana, rajiv and indira and many other and all

mortals. So please dont say that if u are forced to predict death u will. Since

take it from me U wont be able to. Infact u will be counteracting against the

basic course of nature and disturbing the harmony of cause and effect there by

destryoing and interfereing in Gods creation and magic.


Our is not to interfere in the way God has created. Ours is to learn perhaps use

astrology to suggest some simple measure maybe in regards to wealth, general

health, children, family. But ours is not to mess with death or birth or

previous birth or next brith. U might not realize it at this point. But we are

commtting a great big mistake by dwelling into the subject of death. Not

beacsuse it is scary or its a taboo in the society. But just because its the

crossing point of life and its roots lie in mortality and immortality alike and

half knowldedge is dangerous. We are mortals and we should not interference with

immortality and should know and accept our limits. This wont hurt our ego but

rather would be a sign of good karma if I may call it.






vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari> wrote:

> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Ums,


> (1) There is no such thing as right or wrong karma. Learned members,

> please correct me here. As far as I know, its only good or bad

> karma, which is saying a lot! You may ask what is the difference

> here. There is a difference but it is very subtle.


> (2) Kindly substantiate your claims that predictions about death

> have been made on this forum. Since I joined this forum, I have not

> seen a direct prediction made in this regard. My policy is that I

> will never predict in this area unless forced to.


> (3) About the differences in religion, God has given us a brain. If

> we focus on the differences, then we will be lost instead of using

> our brains to decide what is correct or incorrect. So now, what is

> Dharma? Dharma has something to do with your question.


> regards

> Hari

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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Ums,


There was never any ego to begin with. What I wrote were my own

opinions and I do not force you to accept it. As Sanjay says, take

it or leave it. Dont colour this conversation in the light of ego.


Birth and death are inevitable so do not waste time pondering about

it. Only the soul is ever-lasting. This is reiterated in the

Bhagavad Gita.


Regarding your thoughts about Princess Diana, Rajiv Gandhi etc., I

wish to narrate an unsubstantiated story concerning Rajiv Gandhi. It

seems that the Shankaracharya Chandrasekhar Mahaswamigal of Kanchi

Mutt had foreseen Rajiv's death and sent a message through

T.N.Seshan asking Rajiv to visit Guruvayur temple in Kerala before

coming to Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. Rajiv Gandhi choose to ignore

the swami's request and the rest is history. Fate cannot be



Most astrologers would gently point out the bad phase in the persons

life and suggest remedies, if any can be found suitable. I think

this has been amply demonstrated many times on this forum.


I would not equate dharma with religion. Dharma and karma have no

religious connotations.


Lastly, what you call good and bad karma is up to you to define.




vedic astrology, "planck12" <planck12>


> Dear Hari,

> Suprisinly if we look at this conversation we will see the element

of ego. Cause each one of us is trying to prove right from wrong.

Since we think we are right in our own ways. Isnt this wot the

entire world in this kali yuga is being modelled on. Neways Good

karma or Bad Karma, right karma or wrong karma. So how do we define

it thats the quesiton I put forth. Who know what is good karma and

who konw what is bad karma. Im not saying there is no such thing as

karma. All Im trying to say is what is considered good karma and

what is considered bad karma since if I want to go to heaven achieve

moskha I will have to do good karma and if I dont know wot excatly

is good karma then how will i do it? So that the question Im trying

to estabilsh.


> 2.About death prediction, well I will not mention anything in

regards to that since I will be pointing undue fingers so I will

leave that rather than pointing out posts or such predictions since

I think it will be very prematurish and not correct ethically.

Perhaps this might be a good karma on my behalf.


> 3.Exactly God has given us brains, and one should use these brains

to distinguish mortal issues from immortal issues and not mix

immortality with mortality. OR least said follow anything without

reasoning out why. Dharma, yes ofcourse U call it Dharma I call it

relgion, someone calls his father dad, someone calls him pa while

someone calls him daddy. And its the same thing. So yeah Dharma or



> Neways U mentioned that U will not predict about death unless

forced too. That paticular sentance implies a lot. See if it was in

our mortal hands we would take over the world. That is human nature.

Firstly it is very hard to predict about death that is my firm

belief. Since I have asked the following question many a times in

the fourm but no response.


> If death could be predicted so easily then perhaps Princess Diana

could have not taken the car she crashed in. perhaps Rajiv Gandhi

would have been or should have been reinfored with more sercurity

the day he went into the crowd. Perhaps Indira Gandhi should have

been warned about the danger from her personal body gurad. Im sure

such rich and famous people definately had aquintances with good

astrologers. Im sure they would have been eager to konw if not the

time of death atleast the time that a serious tradegy was most

likely to occur. Then why did they die???


> If every patient could be cured of cancer before even being

diagnosed with it then dont u think life would be different. Infact

astrologers could hold full time positios in the hospitals as

AstroDoctor Assitants and infact they wouldnt even have to charge

anyone under the name of religion infact they would be making or

doing a good karma and getting paid for it by helping people before

hand by saying they should watch out for this and this illness and

this and this time.


> But inspite we know the realty is different. When death strikes it

has no given time place that one can know. Ofcourse we can take the

charts of dead people and relate. But its hard to find living people

and then relating their charts to such cases. since more often than

not it turn out to be Wrong!!! and lead to situations like that

faced by diana, rajiv and indira and many other and all mortals. So

please dont say that if u are forced to predict death u will. Since

take it from me U wont be able to. Infact u will be counteracting

against the basic course of nature and disturbing the harmony of

cause and effect there by destryoing and interfereing in Gods

creation and magic.


> Our is not to interfere in the way God has created. Ours is to

learn perhaps use astrology to suggest some simple measure maybe in

regards to wealth, general health, children, family. But ours is not

to mess with death or birth or previous birth or next brith. U might

not realize it at this point. But we are commtting a great big

mistake by dwelling into the subject of death. Not beacsuse it is

scary or its a taboo in the society. But just because its the

crossing point of life and its roots lie in mortality and

immortality alike and half knowldedge is dangerous. We are mortals

and we should not interference with immortality and should know and

accept our limits. This wont hurt our ego but rather would be a sign

of good karma if I may call it.


> regards

> Ums



> vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>


> > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> > Dear Ums,

> >

> > (1) There is no such thing as right or wrong karma. Learned


> > please correct me here. As far as I know, its only good or bad

> > karma, which is saying a lot! You may ask what is the difference

> > here. There is a difference but it is very subtle.

> >

> > (2) Kindly substantiate your claims that predictions about death

> > have been made on this forum. Since I joined this forum, I have


> > seen a direct prediction made in this regard. My policy is that


> > will never predict in this area unless forced to.

> >

> > (3) About the differences in religion, God has given us a brain.


> > we focus on the differences, then we will be lost instead of


> > our brains to decide what is correct or incorrect. So now, what


> > Dharma? Dharma has something to do with your question.

> >

> > regards

> > Hari

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Dear Hari,

No hard feelings ment or implied. I only thought that we were each trying to

prove a point. The funny fact with the predictions of death is that much of the

predictions in these regards are undocumented. Infact there was a story

published in the papers after dianas premature death. Of a astrologer in London

who had predicted her death before it happened. but skeptics dimissed it and

some other were fasinated. The question is why would such facts be undocumented.

Since its such a crucial aspect in ones life why are such important information



Excatly that I totally agree on with U, What we define as Good and Bad Karma is

totally upto U or oneself.






vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari> wrote:

> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Ums,


> There was never any ego to begin with. What I wrote were my own

> opinions and I do not force you to accept it. As Sanjay says, take

> it or leave it. Dont colour this conversation in the light of ego.


> Birth and death are inevitable so do not waste time pondering about

> it. Only the soul is ever-lasting. This is reiterated in the

> Bhagavad Gita.


> Regarding your thoughts about Princess Diana, Rajiv Gandhi etc., I

> wish to narrate an unsubstantiated story concerning Rajiv Gandhi. It

> seems that the Shankaracharya Chandrasekhar Mahaswamigal of Kanchi

> Mutt had foreseen Rajiv's death and sent a message through

> T.N.Seshan asking Rajiv to visit Guruvayur temple in Kerala before

> coming to Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. Rajiv Gandhi choose to ignore

> the swami's request and the rest is history. Fate cannot be

> circumvented.


> Most astrologers would gently point out the bad phase in the persons

> life and suggest remedies, if any can be found suitable. I think

> this has been amply demonstrated many times on this forum.


> I would not equate dharma with religion. Dharma and karma have no

> religious connotations.


> Lastly, what you call good and bad karma is up to you to define.


> regards

> Hari

> vedic astrology, "planck12" <planck12>

> wrote:

> > Dear Hari,

> > Suprisinly if we look at this conversation we will see the element

> of ego. Cause each one of us is trying to prove right from wrong.

> Since we think we are right in our own ways. Isnt this wot the

> entire world in this kali yuga is being modelled on. Neways Good

> karma or Bad Karma, right karma or wrong karma. So how do we define

> it thats the quesiton I put forth. Who know what is good karma and

> who konw what is bad karma. Im not saying there is no such thing as

> karma. All Im trying to say is what is considered good karma and

> what is considered bad karma since if I want to go to heaven achieve

> moskha I will have to do good karma and if I dont know wot excatly

> is good karma then how will i do it? So that the question Im trying

> to estabilsh.

> >

> > 2.About death prediction, well I will not mention anything in

> regards to that since I will be pointing undue fingers so I will

> leave that rather than pointing out posts or such predictions since

> I think it will be very prematurish and not correct ethically.

> Perhaps this might be a good karma on my behalf.

> >

> > 3.Exactly God has given us brains, and one should use these brains

> to distinguish mortal issues from immortal issues and not mix

> immortality with mortality. OR least said follow anything without

> reasoning out why. Dharma, yes ofcourse U call it Dharma I call it

> relgion, someone calls his father dad, someone calls him pa while

> someone calls him daddy. And its the same thing. So yeah Dharma or

> relgion.

> >

> > Neways U mentioned that U will not predict about death unless

> forced too. That paticular sentance implies a lot. See if it was in

> our mortal hands we would take over the world. That is human nature.

> Firstly it is very hard to predict about death that is my firm

> belief. Since I have asked the following question many a times in

> the fourm but no response.

> >

> > If death could be predicted so easily then perhaps Princess Diana

> could have not taken the car she crashed in. perhaps Rajiv Gandhi

> would have been or should have been reinfored with more sercurity

> the day he went into the crowd. Perhaps Indira Gandhi should have

> been warned about the danger from her personal body gurad. Im sure

> such rich and famous people definately had aquintances with good

> astrologers. Im sure they would have been eager to konw if not the

> time of death atleast the time that a serious tradegy was most

> likely to occur. Then why did they die???

> >

> > If every patient could be cured of cancer before even being

> diagnosed with it then dont u think life would be different. Infact

> astrologers could hold full time positios in the hospitals as

> AstroDoctor Assitants and infact they wouldnt even have to charge

> anyone under the name of religion infact they would be making or

> doing a good karma and getting paid for it by helping people before

> hand by saying they should watch out for this and this illness and

> this and this time.

> >

> > But inspite we know the realty is different. When death strikes it

> has no given time place that one can know. Ofcourse we can take the

> charts of dead people and relate. But its hard to find living people

> and then relating their charts to such cases. since more often than

> not it turn out to be Wrong!!! and lead to situations like that

> faced by diana, rajiv and indira and many other and all mortals. So

> please dont say that if u are forced to predict death u will. Since

> take it from me U wont be able to. Infact u will be counteracting

> against the basic course of nature and disturbing the harmony of

> cause and effect there by destryoing and interfereing in Gods

> creation and magic.

> >

> > Our is not to interfere in the way God has created. Ours is to

> learn perhaps use astrology to suggest some simple measure maybe in

> regards to wealth, general health, children, family. But ours is not

> to mess with death or birth or previous birth or next brith. U might

> not realize it at this point. But we are commtting a great big

> mistake by dwelling into the subject of death. Not beacsuse it is

> scary or its a taboo in the society. But just because its the

> crossing point of life and its roots lie in mortality and

> immortality alike and half knowldedge is dangerous. We are mortals

> and we should not interference with immortality and should know and

> accept our limits. This wont hurt our ego but rather would be a sign

> of good karma if I may call it.

> >

> > regards

> > Ums

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>

> wrote:

> > > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> > > Dear Ums,

> > >

> > > (1) There is no such thing as right or wrong karma. Learned

> members,

> > > please correct me here. As far as I know, its only good or bad

> > > karma, which is saying a lot! You may ask what is the difference

> > > here. There is a difference but it is very subtle.

> > >

> > > (2) Kindly substantiate your claims that predictions about death

> > > have been made on this forum. Since I joined this forum, I have

> not

> > > seen a direct prediction made in this regard. My policy is that

> I

> > > will never predict in this area unless forced to.

> > >

> > > (3) About the differences in religion, God has given us a brain.

> If

> > > we focus on the differences, then we will be lost instead of

> using

> > > our brains to decide what is correct or incorrect. So now, what

> is

> > > Dharma? Dharma has something to do with your question.

> > >

> > > regards

> > > Hari

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