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Analysis of two dreams (Another Dream analysis for - Narasimaha Guru)

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Namaste friends,


Dream analysis is not easy. There are thousands of results given in classics and

scriptures for various dreams. Moreover, these may or may not directly apply in

practical cases. Unless the underlying principle is captured, we cannot

extrapolate the results.


Pt. Sanjay Rath presented a research (by him and his previous gurus in the

parampara) on dream analysis at the Greater Boston Workshop of SJC on Nov 1,

2003. He presented a very simple rule which captures the essence of thousands

of rules given in classics! Those who want the CD's may be able to get them

from SJC, USA soon (please don't email me, I am not handling this).


The essence of the rule given by Sanjay ji's is this:


Find the main focus of the dream. Find the karaka corresponding to the

person/thing that is the focus of the dream. Make a chart by placing the planet

in the house corresponding to the focus area representing the event. For

example, if somebody dreams of eating feces, place Saturn in the second house.

Saturn shows feces and eating is in 2nd house. If somebody dreamt of being hurt

by a knife, place Mars in 6th. If somebody dreamt of a bug byte, place Ketu in

6th. If somebody dreamt of wearing old clothes, place Saturn in 4th. If

somebody dreamt of having a luxurious vehicle, place Venus in 4th. And so on.

Please note that this lagna has nothing to do with the lagna rising at the time

of the dream. We don't even care which sign contains this lagna. We only care

about the house occupied by the karaka planet.


After placing a planet in a house, analyze its placement from the 9th house

(which is known as SWapna Lagna or SWL). The planetary placements from SWL show

the *result* of the dream, while the placement from lagna shows the event that

happened in the dream!


For example, if Saturn is in the 2nd house ("eating feces" dream), he is in the

6th house from the 9th house. In other words, Saturn is in the 6th house from

SWL. Thus, the result of the dream is that of Saturn in 6th! Placement of

Saturn from lagna shows the event in the dream (eating feces). But the results

are seen from his placement from SWL (i.e. 9th house from lagna)!


Thus, the dream of eating feces is very auspicious.


Now let us come to Lakshman's dream mentioned below. The main focus of the dream

is a religious ritual (9th) where a guru (Jupiter) is present and an atheist

(Rahu) is clashing. So place Jupiter and Rahu together in the 9th house.

Jupiter is telling a story. So place Mercury with Jupiter.


If these planets are in the 9th house from lagna, they are in the first house

itself from SWL (which is 9th house from lagna). Thus the results indicated for

you by this dream are that of Jupiter and Rahu (and possibly Mercury) in lagna.

This may show that an internal clash may occur soon within you, regarding the

Jupiterian path and the Rahu path. You may be tempted to disobey gurus. But

Mercury with Jupiter defeats Rahu. So you will overcome the temptation.


This is my reading of the dream. I may be wrong. If I have your chart, I may be

able to say more. Check if you are coming under nodal influence soon in any



Another person recently posted a dream about a market place in Pakistan. In that

dream, the main focus just seems to be observing, interacting and mingling with

people. Thus the house involved is 7th. The people involved are foreigners, but

Ketu type foreigners (including a terrorist type) and businessmen. Thus place

Mercury and Ketu in the 7th house from lagna. This shows the event of the

dream. Now, to see the result, see the placement from SWL (9th house from

lagna). From SWL, Mercury and Ketu are in 11th. So the *result* of the dream

for the dreamer is that of Mercury and Ketu in 11th. This may show gains

related to whatever Mercury and Ketu show in the native's chart. It can also

show gains in astrological or other spiritual knowledge or gains in a

Mercury/Ketu-type activity (e.g. computers or foreign trading) etc. A reading

of the native's chart will make it clearer, especially if a conducive dasa or

antardasa is coming up. But, this dream seems to indicate some gains to come.


I hope that helps.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Dear Lakshman and members,> > I will try to post an analysis of the dream and

its results> later. Before I go back to watch the second half of the> cricket

match between India and New Zealand, one small> comment for now:> > We had a

Satya Narayana vratam on Friday (Nov 7), which was> attended by several SJC

people. Whenever I do the vratam, I> recite Narayana suktam at the end and then

mantra pushpam.> The line quoted by you must be "ya evam veda yopaamaayatanam>

veda aayatanavaan bhavati". It is from mantra pushpam.> > More later...> >

May Jupiter's light shine on us,> Narasimha> > > Dear List & Narasimha Guru> >

It looks like a dream streak is going on.> > I am posting this because Guru

Narasimha came onthe> > dream.> > It was some thing like this. A group of

people has> > gathered in my house to do a reciting of Vedic> > chanting. I

beleive it is Purusha suktham OR> > Mantrapushpam. It goes something like this

" Evam Veda> > aaya thanavaan Bhavathi" ..I am not sure and have not> > recited

these mantras before. Meanwhile when the> > preperations are going on some

female folks bring the> > Naivedya padharthas.9Prasaad items). One of the

member> > starts getting impatient starts eating them and I make> > a comment

that he could wait until the end of the> > recitings, when he retorts back

saying you people> > think that you know all and starts speaking some> >

atheist philosopy. It is at this time Guru Narasimha> > comes and explains "

there are some bhootha ganaas in> > everybody's constitution. When these

elements starts> > gaining strength these things make one person talking> >

athesim etc. He also mentions a story that there are> > few people sleeping by

the side of a Wall. An ant> > named Chinti which is crawling by the side of the

wall> > suddenly thinks that it is because it is by the side> > of the wall and

is holding it. Mean while an elephant> > named ravi comes near it and asks

Chinti what are you> > doing? for which the chinti replies it is because of> >

me that these people are safe as I am holding this> > wall. > > I woke up after

this scene this morning and I thought> > I could post this in the List.> > > >

last night or for that matter I did not perform any> > Vedic recitings as I am

not learning them. I only saw> > a Movie(Bad Boys- by will smith /Martin ) and

went to> > bed. More over my project takes much of my time that I> > don't find

time to perform religious activities.> > > > Only prayers I do is savithur

Gayatri (Surya) and> > aadithya hridhayam. Plus currently I am running Saade> >

saathi and hence Shani beeja mantra (108 times) and> > Hanumaan mantra.> > Since

Guru Narasimha came onmy dream I thought It is> > appropriate to ask him about

the dream and Guide me.> > Ofcourse other gurus can enlighten me on this too.>

> > > Thanks> > lakshman Brahma

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