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Saturn and Deceases

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Sethu,


You are currently running Mer/Saturn/Venus.Venus is your atmakaraka

and posited in the 6th which is a marana karaka sthana for him.He

will definitely give you troubles.Secondly, Saturn is your Badhakesh

and during dashas of Badhakesh, strange unknown dieseases can come

up.The cause will remain elusive.Also to note is the placement of

rogesh, Jupiter in the 3rd in Cancer. Cancer in the natural zodiac

signifies the heart, so its advisable for you to take care in that


Also noteworthy is the affliction of the Sun by Mars and Rahu in

Sagittarius your 8th house and the Sun is also the dispositor for

Saturn your Badhakesh.This is a curse because your father(Sun) in the

previous birth was shocked and angered by your behaviour.Since it

occurs in the natural ninth house Dhanush, one can conclude that you

failed in the natural Dharma of a son in your last birth and this is

your 8th house signifying debt.This has to be taken care of and

prayers to Sri Rama will greatly help.In addition be very nice to

your father if living or otherwise offering shraddha is

necessary.Jupiter is also your Ishta hence,you may offer prayers to

Sriman Narayana as Trivikrama or Sri Dakshinamurthi for releif.Since

the Atmakaraka is Venus,Vishnu Tattva Deity such as Trivikrama plus

Lakshmiji will also help in pacifying venus.


Lastly, also read any reply from Visti Larsen in this regard.



Hare Krishna






















vedic astrology, sethusmony <sethusmony@s...>


> All respected Gurus and listed Members,


> I'm very sorry to drag my personal problems into this great forum-

but i'm now forced to do so


> A lot of discussions've been occurred on Sani's transitional

positions and gochara effects. My question is whether 210degree

position of Sani(8th bhava) from Moon has any special problem in the

matter of diseases and troubles? In my horoscope Moon at 9deg41min in

Sc and here(Alleppey,Kerala,76deg19min E& 9deg19min N) on July 1st,

2003, Saturn comes at 9deg41min Ta (correct 210 deg!). From June22 i

m suffering severe fever&cold and until today-July6- i ve not cured (

Actually I m suffering illness from early childhood itself and

becoming worse year after year especially from May2003 BUT all those

colds haveNOT lasted for such a more than two week period)


> Is this the effect of Saturn?

> [NB: here in Kerala(where nature was always blessing) now 10-12s

are being dead daily by Viral Fever,Denkifever&Japanese fever for the

last two weeks]


> My Lagna Lord Venus -which is also AK- is at 6th(bhavamadhya 150

deg) in Vi at 27deg & Saturn®+Rahu at 4th Le.Whether similar natal

factors lead to such lifelong(!)diseases ?

> This frequent fever&cold is so severe that my study( now for CA )

has become somewhat upset and leads to depression

> If any planet is malefic, what i ve to do(mantra etc..)?


> I m a veg & interested in yoga. A lot of treatments have been made

in Allopathy&Ayurveda.Yet diseases are becoming worse !


> If any of you shows mercy to advice me i'll be very grateful to you

> My horoscope's been attached to this as jhd file

> BD: Dec27,1978 05.05pm,Alleppey,Kerala,India76deg19E& 9deg29N


> with thanks,

> s s mony

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