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2-, & Pradeep, from Mark, 11/3....re..... Please help me !!!

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Dear Pradeep:

Please answer my questions below I listed regarding your relationship

with your wife.

Thank you.



sridhar k <kopparsa >

vedic astrology

Re: 2-[vedic astrology], & Pradeep, from Mark, 11/2....re..... Please help me !!!

Mon, Nov 3, 2003, 12:09 AM

The Lat. and long for DEHRA DUN are 30 n 19 and 78 e 04 Time zone +5 hrs 30 mts

Hope this helps

Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Pradeep,

Do you have the long & lat for Dehradun.

Seems like it might be too small, to be in my book.

Largest city, near it?

Now, I should know more about the nature of the problems you've been going



When I run your chart, even without quite the right, final details,

one thing that stands out for me in your chart is you were born very close

to a New Moon.

And sometimes, when people have such a small Moon in their charts, they're

looking for emotional happiness and fulfillment through others.

In the West right now, they call this co-dependence.

It's been true in my chart. My own Moon is only 1 House away from my Sun

and though it's also poorly aspected because of even other reasons, still,

I've recognized over the years, that I believe that's one of the weaknesses

that's there inside of me, that Nature, has been trying to help me grown


So, tell me more about the nature of your challenges?

You can begin to hear the Planets that are causing us our problems...

Or, I might say, we can hear what skills, ie. Planets....we might be lacking

in that's causing us our unhappiness.

Now, looking at both your Charts, together....

Your Moon's seem compatible enough; ie... 21 points in the Moon's


Unfortunately most people fail in terms of marriage for a number of

different reasons in spite of some good qualities, benefics, or even


Most people really do fail because of some lack of skills....

Also, a cursory glance at her chart...

Even though I haven't found the Rising Signs yet...

Still.... she has 4 Planets in Scorpio....which makes for a fairly hard

to know or understand kind of person....

People with a lot of Scorpio in them, often, feel mis-understood, and

sometimes, not appreciated....

Again, tell me what the nature of your problems were and I'll be able to

hear the offending Planets!

take care

Mark Kincaid


>pradeep dobhal <pradeep_dobhal1 >

>vedic astrology

>[vedic astrology] Please help me !!!

>Sun, Nov 2, 2003, 7:30 PM


> Hi,

> Please check for why or will i get divorce from my

> wife. I haven't done anything wrong still have to give

> divorce to her. please help me. I don't want to give

> divorce to her. I love her.


> Details:

> Pradeep Kumar Dobhal

> DOB:12-August-1977

> Time of birth: 9:35 A.M.

> Place: Dehradun (INDIA)

> Present Place: New Delhi(INDIA)


> Pooja Dobhal

> DOB:05-DECEMBER-1982

> Time of birth: 4:00 A.M.

> Place: Delhi (INDIA)

> Present Place: New Delhi(INDIA)


> Date of marriage: 12-5-2003


> Please help me as soon as possible.


> Thanks,

> Pradeep Dobhal




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Thanks a lot for the effort. Well to answer all the

questions is that i have already written my whole

story at www.astroexpert.com please find it there.

It's a long one. To get it go to the site. Click on

hyperlink astrocafe then in the list box select author

and write "Pradeep" in the box.


You will get the the discuusion and qureys i have made

to various experts. Thats all that is present there. I

hope this would be quite enough to make the study.


The Lat. and long for DEHRA DUN are 30 n 19 and 78 e

04 Time zone +5 hrs 30 mts

Hope this helps






--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> Dear Pradeep:


> Please answer my questions below I listed regarding

> your relationship

> with your wife.


> Thank you.



> Mark




> ----------

> sridhar k <kopparsa

> vedic astrology

> Re: 2-[vedic astrology], & Pradeep, from

> Mark, 11/2....re.....

> Please help me !!!

> Mon, Nov 3, 2003, 12:09 AM



> The Lat. and long for DEHRA DUN are 30 n 19 and 78

> e 04 Time zone +5 hrs

> 30 mts

> Hope this helps



> Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> Dear Pradeep,


> Do you have the long & lat for Dehradun.

> Seems like it might be too small, to be in my book.

> Largest city, near it?



> Now, I should know more about the nature of the

> problems you've been going

> through....


> but...



> When I run your chart, even without quite the right,

> final details,

> one thing that stands out for me in your chart is

> you were born very close

> to a New Moon.


> And sometimes, when people have such a small Moon in

> their charts, they're

> looking for emotional happiness and fulfillment

> through others.

> In the West right now, they call this co-dependence.


> It's been true in my chart. My own Moon is only 1

> House away from my Sun

> and though it's also poorly aspected because of even

> other reasons, still,

> I've recognized over the years, that I believe

> that's one of the weaknesses

> that's there inside of me, that Nature, has been

> trying to help me grown

> through!


> So, tell me more about the nature of your

> challenges?


> You can begin to hear the Planets that are causing

> us our problems...

> Or, I might say, we can hear what skills, ie.

> Planets....we might be lacking

> in that's causing us our unhappiness.



> Now, looking at both your Charts, together....



> Your Moon's seem compatible enough; ie... 21 points

> in the Moon's

> Compatibility...


> Unfortunately most people fail in terms of marriage

> for a number of

> different reasons in spite of some good qualities,

> benefics, or even

> compatibilities....


> Most people really do fail because of some lack of

> skills....



> Also, a cursory glance at her chart...


> Even though I haven't found the Rising Signs yet...

> Still.... she has 4 Planets in Scorpio....which

> makes for a fairly hard

> to know or understand kind of person....


> People with a lot of Scorpio in them, often, feel

> mis-understood, and

> sometimes, not appreciated....


> Again, tell me what the nature of your problems were

> and I'll be able to

> hear the offending Planets!



> take care



> Mark Kincaid





> ----------

> >pradeep dobhal <pradeep_dobhal1

> >vedic astrology

> >[vedic astrology] Please help me !!!

> >Sun, Nov 2, 2003, 7:30 PM

> >


> > Hi,

> > Please check for why or will i get divorce from my

> > wife. I haven't done anything wrong still have to

> give

> > divorce to her. please help me. I don't want to

> give

> > divorce to her. I love her.

> >

> > Details:

> > Pradeep Kumar Dobhal

> > DOB:12-August-1977

> > Time of birth: 9:35 A.M.

> > Place: Dehradun (INDIA)

> > Present Place: New Delhi(INDIA)

> >

> > Pooja Dobhal

> > DOB:05-DECEMBER-1982

> > Time of birth: 4:00 A.M.

> > Place: Delhi (INDIA)

> > Present Place: New Delhi(INDIA)

> >

> > Date of marriage: 12-5-2003

> >

> > Please help me as soon as possible.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Pradeep Dobhal

> >

> >

> >

> > Exclusive Video Premiere - <a


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href="#">Britney</a> Spears

> > http://launch./promos/britneyspears/

> >

> >

> > Archives:

> vedic astrology

> >

> > Group info:


vedic astrology/info.html

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

> vedic astrology-

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

> Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >



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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

> ||



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