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In keeping with the upcoming transits in October and November, the

transits to Ketu by Venus, Moon, Mercury and the Sun are likely to

have profound religious significance, being moksha karka of

spirituality and religious affairs, along with Sun and Jupiter. These

transits coincide with a time when the Sun will be debilitated in

Libra until 11/16 (with some support from Venus in Libra through

10/28), indicating possible weaknesses and vulnerabilities in a

culturally important religious figure, in the context of the

prevailing transiting influences as a whole.


Venus transits Ketu on 10/25, Moon transits Ketu on 10/25, Mercury

transits Ketu on 11/5, and the Sun transits Ketu on 11/12. Mercury is

also weakened by being combust the Sun through 11/18 (allowing a 14

degree range).


Using the Libra lagna chart, Pope John Paul will have transiting Venus

- lord of the 1st house of general health and potential kidney failure

- conjunct his natal Rahu - significator of drugs and medication - in

the 1st house of the physical body on 10/26; Mercury - nervous

exhaustion - lord of the 12th house of losses, confinement and

hospitalization, conjuncts his 1st house Rahu in Libra - the

intensification of stress - on 10/28; and the Sun - general karka of

health and vitality - conjuncts Rahu on 11/9. These dates appear to

have greater significance than usual because the Pope's chart is

already under serious affliction from the transiting Nodes. Rahu in

Aries conjuncts natal Ketu, Venus and Mercury (now within 5 degrees);

transiting Ketu in Libra conjuncts natal Rahu -- overall a piling up

and intensification of malefic transiting influences.


While the above transits are fast moving, they are afflicting the

Nodes, by unfriendly Mercury, and afflicted by the Nodes, at a time

when a long-term transiting Rahu affliction is making an exact station

at 26 degrees on the Pope's natal Mercury at 25 degree in Aries and

also afflicting his natal Venus and Ketu at 22 Aries. Ketu is

afflicting Mercury and Venus in his natal chart to begin with, so

there's an affliction of the reversal of the Nodes with Mercury and

Venus in both the natal chart and by transit. The Pope is running

Mercury major, Jupiter bhukti with a Venus sub sub period in effect.


I should also add that on 11/8 or 9th (depending upon one's time zone)

the lunar eclipse at 22 Libra/Aries will be in exact conjunction to

the Pope's Venus and Ketu, further weakening his health to perhaps a

critical degree, because the Sun, karka of the general health, and the

Moon, karka of the functional health, will be exactly conjunct his

natal Nodes. (Both his natal Sun and Moon are located in the 8th house

of death-like experiences.)


Taken as a whole these transits would strongly suggest that the Pope's

health may soon reach the ultimate point of crisis in the near future.


Please note that in the Systems' Approach to Vedic Astrology (SATVA),

as developed by Professor V.K. Choudhry, Mercury is considered to be a

functional malefic for a Libra ascendant, instead of a functional

benefic, because Virgo, its moolatrikona sign, is located in a

dusthana house.


Comments or corrections welcomed.



Haizen Paige

Sedona, AZ




Pope John Paul II

May 18, 1920

5:30 PM EET (-2:00)

Wadowice, Poland

19E29 / 49N53

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