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Hello Rajeev, so who pays you commission to promote the book anyways?

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Ok, Rajeev,


Lets face the truth - you pop right-in into a group that your belief

system is totally against. And you call everyone in this group that

do not share your belief system to be 'blind' to truth. Ok, first few

times you did this since you wanted to 'change' people to see your

truth. Now we all believe what we think is 'the' truth and we've

explained to you that many, many times. But still you want to keep

posting siting the vjsingh.com book as often as possible. So who pays

you commission and how are you sure its going to be paid to you

anyways, as there is no solid means to prove the books sold because

of you? Or you're related to the copyright/press in some way,

increase in book purchase directly relates to profit to you, ie

without need for any commission? My suggestion is instead to build

your own web-site with all the beliefs based on Veda that you have

and post like once a day or something an advertisement on this/all

other Jyotish sites and also other sites that could have potential

buyers, that is a smarter way to do business, that way your

communicational resources won't burn out by talking too much which

you do now.













vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar <satpath1>


> Namaste Mukund Ji,


> Please donot take this mail badly as the example given is purely

for understanding the concept of faith and belief and not pointing

towards any one person but to all humans.


> I have also given the definitions of faith and belief earlier. Here

I am repeating again.

> Faith requires no evidence while belief require evidences and



> Like for e.g a dog by nature is faithful to the person who gives

him bread. The dog do whatever best he is capable of to protect his

master and his belongings. The dog do not care whether his master is

a criminal person or a virtuous person. For a dog his master is

everything .


> Human beings by nature are inquisitive and believe something based

upon evidences.

> A child of 3-4 yrs age has full faith on whatever his parents and

other family members say, without asking for any evidence , I met

many kids who says that there parents are the wisest,strongest and

richest in the world. Even if you say that its wrong they would not

accept it because of ignorance.


> But as the child grows he start gaining inputs from other sources

as well like his friends , teachers, shops , TV etc. The same child

now understands the staus of his parents.


> What it proves is that humans have faith on something which they

inherited from their dear ones and so far they donot know anything

about it. But again the human faith is nowhere near the faith of a

dog. For a dog his master remains the best throughout his life.

> Similarly all of us because of our ignorance or no knowledge in

many areas believe whatever the experts(Which we believe) says.


> Same thing applies to theology, religion etc. When a child is born

he automatically inherits the religion practiced by his parents. His

parents also inherited the same religion in same way .


> Now unless a person (however old he is) increases his knowledge in

the religion he follows as well as other religions and compare that

what he is following conforms to the law of nature or not (like

majority of people in many religions still have faith that Sun ,

Moon, Shani, Brihaspati are living beings), universality of truth, in

conformance with the Gods nature and his attributes , teachings of

altruistic teachers etc., till then he never reaches truth.


> And this ignorance of ours is used by the so called religion gurus

(otherwise thugs and cheats) to devide the human beings and gain the

power and money through it.


> The human beings only have the capability to know the truth and

reject untruth, but because of ignorance , stubborness etc. accepts

untruth and reject truth.


> What you call the blind followers of any religion who have faith in

it like a dog has on his master(whether good or bad). Are these blind

followers humans or dogs ?


> There are undoubtedly many learned men among the followers of every

religion. Should they free themselves from prejudice, accept the

universal truths – that is those truths that are to be found alike in

all religions and are of universal application-,reject all things in

which the various religions differ and treat each other lovingly, it

will be greatly to the advantage of the world, for it cannot be

denied that differences among the learned create bad blood among the

ignorant masses. This leads to the multiplication of all sorts of

sorrows and sufferings and destroys human happiness.


> This evil, which is so dear to the heart of the selfish, has hurled

mankind into the deepest depths of misery. Whoever tries to do

anything with the object of benefiting mankind is opposed by selfish

people and various kinds of obstacles are thrown away. But finding

solace in the belief that ultimately truth must conquer and not error

and that it is the path of rectitude alone that men and women of

learning and piety have always trodden, true teachers never become

indifferent to the promotion of public good and never give up the

promulgation of truth.


> Bhagvad Gita says that everything calculated to the advancement of

knowledge and righteousness is like poison to begin with but like

nectar in the end.


> To have a rational analysis of all major religions of the world ,

read the book "Light of Truth" available at.


> www.vjsingh.com/books.html



> Regards


> Rajeev






> monmuk111 <monmuk111> wrote:

> Hello Rajiv:


> Rajeev, I've said this once and I'll say it again. What you're

> challenging is our faith. We on this dicussion group and we

> collectively as Hindus feel that astrology is Vedic and astrology


> an integral part of our culture and our heritage.


> Now, I'm not calling atrology a science or a perfect science as I

> myself haven't seen an astrologer make an accurate prediction.


> However, what I'm saying is that for Hindus, astrology is sacred.


> some unsculprous Brahmin families have exploited this sacredness,

> yet, it still remains sacred for the Hindus.


> If you challenge the Vedicness of astrology, then you should

> challenge the authenticity of the Jewish Torahs and the


> of the Chritian Bible as well.


> Did Moses really to up the mountain and have a discourse with God?


> can't prove this, no Jew can prove this, but the entire Jewish


> believes it.


> Did Jesus walk on water, did Jesus cure the sick? I can't prove


> no Christian can prove this, but the entire Christian faith


> it.


> Rajeev, you're challenging OUR FAITH. FAITH is abstract, FAITH is a

> way of life. My FAITH doesn't need any postulate or theorems to


> or dis-prove it. All that matters is that I'm a BELIEVER.


> Therefore Rajeev, drop your infantile arguments and shed your


> agenda (whatever it may be) and go to a discussion group where you

> have an opportunity to prove or dis-prove something TANGIBLE.


> We're believers and we'll continue to be believers. You're wasting

> your words here.


> I'm hoping other members of the board won't engage in any more

> arguments with Rajeev as it is just a MOOT argument.


> Mukund



> vedic astrology, Rajeev Kumar


> wrote:

> > Namaste Sanjay Rath Ji,

> >

> > It's simply a trick they play and it appears devine to viewers.

> > If his faith is so strong then ask him to stand in the center of

> fire pit for about 1 minute .

> > You have to take him on your shoulders.

> > Why donot you master the art of moving on fire , if it is due to

> Gods. Had it been due to God's grace your servant would have


> your master.

> >

> > PC Sarkar the great magician has once made the whole Rajdhani

> Express disappear before a crowd of people and Basu Chaterjee the

> chief minister of Bengal was there to witness it. But PC Sarkar

> declares that these are arts and so does many stage show artists.

> Magicians can show you coins coming out from your pant. If they are

> so powerful then after every show why do they beg for money before

> the crowd.

> >

> > These are different types of tricks and nothing else.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Rajeev

> >

> > Sanjay Rath <srath@s...> wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > Dear Rajeev

> > Challenge must be more meaningful. One of my servants walks the

> fire every year as a test of his FAITH of Sri Lingaraja &

> Bhuvaneshwari devi, the deitis of Bhuvaneswar. Are you willing to

> walk this fire. It is a small pit - 4 feet wide, 4 feet deep and

> about 30 feet long. Wood charcoal shall be burning at the bottom of

> the pit and the fire shall be about 12-15 feet high. The condition


> simple - not a single hair must be burnt. Are you accepting this

> challenge. If you lose, you must give up all this tirade against

> hinduism and must live in Bhubaneswar (welcome to the land of the

> faithful ones) and practise your sadhana. This event takes place

> every year and is attended by many people. Can you pass this test


> SHIVA? Do you have the faith and internal strength? if not know


> your words are borne out of passion and are like poison for your


> atma.

> > Best Regards,

> > Sanjay Rath

> > http://srath.com

> > -

> > onlyhari

> > vedic astrology

> > Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:51 AM

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Astrology is it Vedic ????????????


> To all concerned)

> >

> >

> > ||Om Brihaspataye Namah||

> >

> > Namaste Rajeev,

> > > If Astrologers say that they have control over the celestial

> > bodies than if two persons one believer of astrology(like you)


> > other nonbeliever like me walk bare footed on the heated sands of

> > Rajasthan in the month of May or June during day time(1.00 PM to

> > 3.00PM) when the summer is at its peak. At that time if your feet

> > are not burnt( because sun is in your(astrologers control )and


> > my feet are burnt then I will accept whatever you say, otherwise

> > accept what I am saying.

> > >

> >






> >










> >

> > Regards

> > Hari

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> Sponsor





> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-



> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




> Terms of







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Aum Namah Shivaya




This discussion may not really lead us anywhere. So I will refrain

from participating in the actual topic. But a few other points. The

book that Rajiv refers to does not need anyone to promote it.

Neither does anyone get any commission on its sales. The "Satyartha

Prakash" or 'The Light of Truth' has been around for a century and

had been authored by a great scholar and monk - Swami Dayananda

Saraswati the founder of the Arya Samaj. Every serious student of

the Vedas and /or Hinduism knows both the author and the book. Swami

Dayananda does have some unique insights to offer and had his own

role to play in the renaissance of modern Hinduism. As a social

reformer and one who had a great aspiration- that of reviving the

true teachings of the vedas- he had his own views and an illustrious

role in the rebuilding of modern India in some way.



As for the Vedas, there are many ways to interpret every verse.

While both purva mimamsa and uttara mimamsa accept the authority of

the veda, isn't it interesting that Jaimini in his purvas mimamsa

argues strongly against the existence of God while accepting the

veda?! Much of what the vedas speak about, has multiple levels of

interpretation simultaneously. There is a literal meaning no doubt.

But there is another higher symbolic meaning many times. Infinite is

the wisdom of the Vedas. No single individual can ever claim to have

fully understood every possible meaning.



Other comments that give the impression of "left handed tantra" in

the atharva veda, are very misleading to say the least. How many

even know the true (whatever it may be) meaning of the

classification of the tantras into the threefold vama, dakshina and

samaya margas? Or the saptachara or sevenfold paths of tantra? Even

the two greatest exponents of Sri Vidya namely Lakshmidhara and

Bhaskararaya, themselves differ from each other in their

interpretation of the so called left handed path, what to speak of

half knowledged modern day scholars. It is sad that many who seek to

criticise or offer explanations of tantra, veda etc have hardly

studied the original texts and their various traditional




As for Hinduism, it is not just a product of the Vedas. Hinduism is

firmly rooted in the veda, in the tantra, in the smrtis and a host

of other allied systems of knowledge. What if it seems to our

limited vision that something does not find a direct mention in the

vedas. The seeds are found in the vedas, seeds that have been

nourished by the tantras, by the smrtis, etc thus leading to an

infinite body of knowledge.



Our own perspectives keep changing with shifting paradigms and new

knowledge systems. What seems right or wrong to us can be relative

and keeps changing with a change of culture, times and perceptions.

And quite often the eye sees only what the mind knows! Not a wee bit






Satya Prakash

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Hello Dr. Satya:


Nice to hear from you after a long time! Why don't you post much in

this discussion group these days?






vedic astrology, "Dr Satya Prakash Choudhary"

<satyaprakasika> wrote:



> Aum Namah Shivaya


> Namaste,


> This discussion may not really lead us anywhere. So I will refrain

> from participating in the actual topic. But a few other points. The

> book that Rajiv refers to does not need anyone to promote it.

> Neither does anyone get any commission on its sales. The "Satyartha

> Prakash" or 'The Light of Truth' has been around for a century and

> had been authored by a great scholar and monk - Swami Dayananda

> Saraswati the founder of the Arya Samaj. Every serious student of

> the Vedas and /or Hinduism knows both the author and the book.


> Dayananda does have some unique insights to offer and had his own

> role to play in the renaissance of modern Hinduism. As a social

> reformer and one who had a great aspiration- that of reviving the

> true teachings of the vedas- he had his own views and an


> role in the rebuilding of modern India in some way.



> As for the Vedas, there are many ways to interpret every verse.

> While both purva mimamsa and uttara mimamsa accept the authority of

> the veda, isn't it interesting that Jaimini in his purvas mimamsa

> argues strongly against the existence of God while accepting the

> veda?! Much of what the vedas speak about, has multiple levels of

> interpretation simultaneously. There is a literal meaning no doubt.

> But there is another higher symbolic meaning many times. Infinite


> the wisdom of the Vedas. No single individual can ever claim to


> fully understood every possible meaning.



> Other comments that give the impression of "left handed tantra" in

> the atharva veda, are very misleading to say the least. How many

> even know the true (whatever it may be) meaning of the

> classification of the tantras into the threefold vama, dakshina and

> samaya margas? Or the saptachara or sevenfold paths of tantra? Even

> the two greatest exponents of Sri Vidya namely Lakshmidhara and

> Bhaskararaya, themselves differ from each other in their

> interpretation of the so called left handed path, what to speak of

> half knowledged modern day scholars. It is sad that many who seek


> criticise or offer explanations of tantra, veda etc have hardly

> studied the original texts and their various traditional

> commentaries.



> As for Hinduism, it is not just a product of the Vedas. Hinduism is

> firmly rooted in the veda, in the tantra, in the smrtis and a host

> of other allied systems of knowledge. What if it seems to our

> limited vision that something does not find a direct mention in the

> vedas. The seeds are found in the vedas, seeds that have been

> nourished by the tantras, by the smrtis, etc thus leading to an

> infinite body of knowledge.



> Our own perspectives keep changing with shifting paradigms and new

> knowledge systems. What seems right or wrong to us can be relative

> and keeps changing with a change of culture, times and perceptions.

> And quite often the eye sees only what the mind knows! Not a wee


> more.



> Regards,


> Satya Prakash

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you mean with time place and space even god

change too.

that is why budhism does not have much reference of

god and why we hindu keep worshipping

i believe it is inheretance in human soul to

worship something.

budha tried and we hindu strongly hold to our old ways

so budhism went s.e.and swami dayanad=nd was poisioned


he wanted to save us

from greedy pundits.



--- monmuk111 <monmuk111 wrote:

> Hello Dr. Satya:


> Nice to hear from you after a long time! Why don't

> you post much in

> this discussion group these days?


> Regards,

> Mukund



> vedic astrology, "Dr Satya

> Prakash Choudhary"

> <satyaprakasika> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Aum Namah Shivaya

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > This discussion may not really lead us anywhere.

> So I will refrain

> > from participating in the actual topic. But a few

> other points. The

> > book that Rajiv refers to does not need anyone to

> promote it.

> > Neither does anyone get any commission on its

> sales. The "Satyartha

> > Prakash" or 'The Light of Truth' has been around

> for a century and

> > had been authored by a great scholar and monk -

> Swami Dayananda

> > Saraswati the founder of the Arya Samaj. Every

> serious student of

> > the Vedas and /or Hinduism knows both the author

> and the book.

> Swami

> > Dayananda does have some unique insights to offer

> and had his own

> > role to play in the renaissance of modern

> Hinduism. As a social

> > reformer and one who had a great aspiration- that

> of reviving the

> > true teachings of the vedas- he had his own views

> and an

> illustrious

> > role in the rebuilding of modern India in some

> way.

> >

> >

> > As for the Vedas, there are many ways to interpret

> every verse.

> > While both purva mimamsa and uttara mimamsa accept

> the authority of

> > the veda, isn't it interesting that Jaimini in his

> purvas mimamsa

> > argues strongly against the existence of God while

> accepting the

> > veda?! Much of what the vedas speak about, has

> multiple levels of

> > interpretation simultaneously. There is a literal

> meaning no doubt.

> > But there is another higher symbolic meaning many

> times. Infinite

> is

> > the wisdom of the Vedas. No single individual can

> ever claim to

> have

> > fully understood every possible meaning.

> >

> >

> > Other comments that give the impression of "left

> handed tantra" in

> > the atharva veda, are very misleading to say the

> least. How many

> > even know the true (whatever it may be) meaning of

> the

> > classification of the tantras into the threefold

> vama, dakshina and

> > samaya margas? Or the saptachara or sevenfold

> paths of tantra? Even

> > the two greatest exponents of Sri Vidya namely

> Lakshmidhara and

> > Bhaskararaya, themselves differ from each other in

> their

> > interpretation of the so called left handed path,

> what to speak of

> > half knowledged modern day scholars. It is sad

> that many who seek

> to

> > criticise or offer explanations of tantra, veda

> etc have hardly

> > studied the original texts and their various

> traditional

> > commentaries.

> >

> >

> > As for Hinduism, it is not just a product of the

> Vedas. Hinduism is

> > firmly rooted in the veda, in the tantra, in the

> smrtis and a host

> > of other allied systems of knowledge. What if it

> seems to our

> > limited vision that something does not find a

> direct mention in the

> > vedas. The seeds are found in the vedas, seeds

> that have been

> > nourished by the tantras, by the smrtis, etc thus

> leading to an

> > infinite body of knowledge.

> >

> >

> > Our own perspectives keep changing with shifting

> paradigms and new

> > knowledge systems. What seems right or wrong to us

> can be relative

> > and keeps changing with a change of culture, times

> and perceptions.

> > And quite often the eye sees only what the mind

> knows! Not a wee

> bit

> > more.

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Satya Prakash








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Many voices have joined thus far. What I have gleaned from this

thread can be compressed into a single statement: Indian traditions

are belief/faith systems. And the lords, who are into providing

definitions, here is a note: definition is not truth-functional.



>From whence Indian traditions became belief systems?

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