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Moola Dasa Initiation

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It is heartening to read your post, and to know there is still scope for reseaech and improvement.

Thanks"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Sudharsan,


I think the default in JHora is to take Sun, Moon and lagna all and see the

strongest. In your chart, definitely Sun is stronger than others.


There was a time when Sanjay ji disagreed with me on using Sun and insisted that

Sun could not be used for initiating Moola dasa, even though Varahamihira,

Prithu Yasas and Kalyana Verma were all in favor of using Sun too. In his

latest mail on and varahamihira lists, he posted his Moola dasa

and he initiated it from Sun. I assume that he now agrees that Sun can be used

as the seed when he is stronger than Moon and lagna. I hope that that

controversy - created entirely by Sanjay ji, as no classic supported his view -

can be put behind us now and that we have one less parameter to worry about.


However, it will be foolish of me (or anybody for that matter) to claim that we

have resolved everything. Classics are not very clear on all the details and

the transmission of knowledge from one generation to another in our tradition

may not have been free of corruption.


It is upto scholars to work on a lot of practical examples and resolve unclear details.


In his discussion of Sudarsana Chakra, Parasara discussed the use of the three

references - Sun, Moon and lagna. If Sun or Moon is with lagna, Parasara said

lagna may be given priority and one need not analyze all the three references.

Though that comment was in a different context, one may experiment and extend

it to Moola dasa initiation. We have to start the dasa from the quadrants of

Sun or Moon or lagna. Suppose Moon and lagna are in mutual quadrants (as in

your case) and Sun is elsewhere. Perhaps we can then give priority to lagna and

Moon as both work together and ignore Sun even if he is with more planets than

Moon and lagna. If that were the case, Moola dasa would start from Moon in your

chart. I am not saying that this is the rule, but this is a serious possibility.

Only by considering such possibilities and experimenting with real charts can

one get to the final truth.


Those who are interested in SJC and serious Jyotish should not think that we

have perfect knowledge and you can learn it from us. It makes me very

uncomfortable to think that some people ask me questions expecting a conclusive

answer and a final word. It will be dishonest of me to encourage such blind

faith in me.


Our knowledge is definitely imperfect, but, I may add, closer to perfection than

in any other group or organization that I know of. Our only goal is to work

_honestly_ towards restoring the pristine glory of Jyotish and lay the stepping

stones for another generation to succeed in that, perhaps 50 or 100 years from



As I make further progress on Moola dasa, I will be making JHora more and more

perfect and also give more and more options so that interested people can



May Jupiter's light shine on us,




> Hare Rama Krishna> > Dear Narasimha Guru and Gurujis,> > Thank you for an

answer to an issue that was bothering me and interestingly enough I was

contemplating about it this morning, i guess the Deva Guru heard my prayers. >

> There is a pitru shaapa in my Rasi chart that Visti very kindly taught me to

analyze. But I could never reconcile myself with the Moola dasa that was

generated in JHORA because when I underwent the suffering due to the curse,the

dasas of the planets involved in the curse were not operating. But today after

your post I changed my initiation option for Moola Dasa from Sun to the Moon

and now everything has fallen into place.My question to you is > > a) does

Jhora automatically calculate the strength of Lagna, Moon or Sun ? My question

is because if we select all the options in Moola Dasa, in my case it starts

from the sun.But that does not explain the

curse in my Rasi chart only moon as the initiator explains.> > b) If Jhora

automatically calculates the strengths, what is strength based on? In my case

the Sun would be a choice because it conjoins Rahu and Saturn while the Moon

and Lagna are unoccupied.But unfortunately to my untrained mind the dasas so

initiated do not explain my curse.> > > I have attached my chart as a

reference point. The curse involves the Sun in Pisces afflicted by Saturn and

Rahu. Saturn lords the 4th and my basic education was in turmoil during my

higher secondary and undergraduation(Moola Dasa of Saturn 1981-1989). Rahu

lords the fifth and it put me through difficulties between > (1990-1997).These

dates are accurate only if the Moon is chosen as an option. > > I would be

grateful if you could kindly clarify my questions.> > > Hare Krishna> >


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