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Planetary Aspects and Terrestrial Earthquakes by Brian T. Johnston

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Planetary Aspects and Terrestrial Earthquakes by Brian T. Johnston

Astrologers since ancient times have always asserted that the planets

influence earthquakes. The timing of earthquakes has largely been determined by

examining the timing of planetary aspects. That is, when the planets form

precise geometric angles to one another earthquakes are supposed to occur.

While the astrological community has generally accepted this theory the

scientific establishment has largely ignored and ridiculed such assumptions.

For the astronomers this would seem to imply effect at a distance, something

that they have ruled out as possible. During the course of many years of

astrological research it was noted that earthquakes did indeed seem to be

associated with the aspects and many significant earthquakes seemed to be

associated with major planetary aspects. Another astrological premise is that

applying aspects, that is aspects between the planets that have not yet fully

formed their perfect angles, are more active than separating aspects, i.e.,

ones that have already passed the exact angle. As an example the magnitude 5.7

earthquake that occurred in Jawa, Indonesia on March 12, 2001 at 23:35:08 UT,

at 7S02 and 106E05 had aspects of Sun semi-sextile Uranus seven minutes

applying, Sun semi-square Neptune, twenty-four minutes applying and Mercury

square Saturn 58 minutes applying. Thus, this earthquake would be considered to

be under an applying aspect as the Sun was applying by semi-sextile to Uranus at

an angle of 30° 07’. Astrological theory states that the change in the level

of activity initiated by the applying aspects should be apparent as an increase

in the level of geoseismicity. The number of earthquakes that occur during

applying aspects should be significantly higher during periods of applying

aspects when compared to periods of separating aspects. Random earthquakes

were observed over a period spanning many years in order to see if there was a

correlation between the angular positions of the planets and the occurrence of

quakes on the earth. What was found was that there appeared to be more

earthquakes when there was an abundance of planetary aspects. From this

beginning there began a program to try to predict when earthquakes would occur.

The results were not very promising, but there was enough correlation to proceed

with further investigations. An analysis of a series of randomly selected great

earthquakes that occurred during the twentieth century was undertaken. There

did seem to be more exact angular relationships between the planets than was to

be expected, but this is a condition that is actually much more difficult to

determine than it would at first appear. This difficulty arises due to the fact

that the motions of the planets as observed from the earth follow a rather

tortuous path and it cannot be easily determined what the probability of any

given position of a planet will be. These apparent positions are referred to as

the geocentric co-ordinates of the planets. The positions of the planets as

viewed from the sun, their heliocentric positions, are much more easily

predicted. These, like the geocentric positions, also seemed to indicate an

excess of planetary aspects when the earthquakes were occurring, although what

exactly was happening during these times was extremely difficult to determine.

Attempts at producing control charts to compare against the earthquake charts

were initially largely unsuccessful. This was due to the fact that repeating

cycles of planetary positions as viewed from the earth and the uneven apparent

motions of the planets muddied all the results. It was somewhat easier to

propagate a control group for the heliocentric positions of the planets. These

comparisons did indicate that there were more aspects occurring during the

earthquakes that during the randomly selected times, but the statistical

relationships were not strong. One of the problems that arose was that the

exact times of the earthquakes that were under study were not known precisely

and this factor added too much uncertainty to the results. When the earthquake

data collecting began in the 1970’s the circumstances surrounding the quakes

such as their exact time and location were not easily obtained. This was before

the era of the Internet and the posting on it by the U.S. Geological Survey and

others of the exact times, positions and magnitudes of earthquakes. The

Internet increased accessibility to the relevant data and this has facilitated

the study thousands of quakes and has thus eased the attempt to find any

correlation between the times that they occur and the corresponding positions

of the planets in space. First obtained was the data for the most

significant earthquakes of 1998 as published by the U.S. Geological Survey.

This set was comprised of eighty-four events. The astrological program "Solar

Fire" was used to calculate the positions of the planets and their apparent

positions in the sky at the exact moment and position on the earth to the

nearest arc minute of longitude and latitude and to the nearest second in time

of the quakes. Next was calculated the exact geocentric positions for the

planets at the moment of each quake were calculated. From these times and dates

there was generated a control group of charts that were made by using a random

number generator to determine the dates for an equal number of random sky

charts for 1998. This generated a data base of planetary positions and

relationships that would give a very similar configuration of planetary

positions as the earthquake data, but would be sufficiently different enough

from the earthquake times to provide a completely dissimilar set of planetary

configurations. The initial results from the earthquake and random data

bases using the angles of 60, 120, 180, and 0 degrees, the sextile, trine,

opposition and conjunction aspects, showed that more aspects were present

during the moments that earthquakes occurred than during the random periods.

The difference between the two sets of data was not large, but it indicated

that the initial presumptions regarding the observations that more aspects were

occurring during earthquakes than at other times was supported. There were 781

aspects for the random group and 800 for the earthquake group. The second

set, utilizing the same aspect criteria, was generated from the heliocentric

positions of the planets for both random times and the times that earthquakes

occurred showed very similar results with 539 aspects occurring during the

times that earthquakes occurred and 511 aspects for the random group. This was

a slightly greater correlation than for the geocentric group and again

supported the theory that more aspects were in force during times of aspects

that during random times. The standard orbs, the span during which the

aspect is considered to be in force, were comparatively large and were actually

in effect for several days before and after the earthquakes actually happened.

To more closely examine the exact period of the actual earthquakes the "orb"

was reduced to plus or minus one degree of arc. Two more aspect databases were

generated and then compared. The earthquakes had 132 geocentric aspects and the

random database produced 125 aspects. This is exactly the same ratio as for the

first group of geocentric positions and standard orbs and further supported the

theory that aspects were more abundant during periods when earthquakes occurred

than during random times. The statistical strength of these ratios was not very

pronounced and suggested that the results could be due to random error. To

further reduce this possibility another set of events was generated which

consisted of the ninety- six most significant earthquakes that happened during

1997 as determined by the USGS. The same type of analysis was carried out with

these events as for the earthquakes of 1998. The random set was generated in a

different manner, however. The random group was generated by taking the same

time and place of the actual earthquake and subtracting three days from that

moment and generating a new set of planetary positions for the new time. The

results showed that there were again more aspects in force, using the standard

orbs, than during the period three days before with 341 aspects in effect

during the earthquakes and 307 during the random times. As a result of these

findings the relationship between earthquakes and planetary positions appeared

to be getting stronger. In order to determine if applying aspects were more

predominant than separating aspects during earthquakes I looked at what aspect

had the smallest orb when the earthquake occurred and noted whether, or not it

was applying, or separating. For the 1996 group there were 42 earthquakes

occurring during an applying aspect and 38 during a separating aspect. During

1997 there were 58 earthquakes with applying aspects and 38 with separating

aspects. In 1998 there were 46 earthquakes that occurred when applying aspects

dominated, while there were again 38 earthquakes with separating aspects. Once

more this reinforced the notion that the aspects were generating higher levels

of seismic activity than when compared to times when there were no aspects.

Eventually 38 groups of earthquakes were generated from earthquakes that

occurred from 1975 to 2000 of about 30 events each. (see Table 1.) Percentages

of each group that were applying were compared to randomly generated

percentages. These two sets of data were then compared and a t-test was

performed upon the results. This t-test illustrated that the probability that

the results were due to random errors was very remote. (see T-test 1.) Note:

for all t-tests variable 1 is random. T-test 1 for all data bases examined

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances




Variable 1

Variable 2










Pooled Variance



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



The most noticeable difference between these two groups of numbers is that

the mean for the earthquake group is 61.8% of all earthquakes occurred during

applying aspects, while for the random group they accounted for only 50.62% of

the whole. We can also look at this study in a different manner to determine

the probability that the results are due to random error. The probability that

any given aspect is either applying, or separating is 50%. While there is a

slight excess of applying aspects over separating aspects due to the

idiosyncrasies of retrogradation, this effect is only seen with planets that

appear to go through retrograde motion. The bulk of the total planetary aspects

are with the sun and the moon, interactions with the planets and that are why

there is a 0.62% excess of applying aspects in the random group. For all

practical purposes we can assume that the relationship between applying and

separating aspects is exactly the same as flipping a coin. The probability of a

coin toss resulting in a non-random distribution for heads being up is 1 divided

by two to the power of the number of times that you toss the coin. In this case

we have only one set of earthquakes with a less than 50% distribution of

applying aspects. Therefore, we have 2 divided by two to the 37th power as the

probability that the results are due to random error. This is equal to

approximately 275 billion to one odds against chance. It seems very unlikely

that this would occur when flipping coins. This series however, is very

fortuitous due to the fact that that the investigations were specifically

looking for positive results. Some of the databases had inadvertently included

overlapping data. If we look at all earthquakes and sequential databases that

include all aspects the number of positive results reduces to about 70%. This

would reduce the random chance in the above series to about 68 million to one

odds. A t-test performed on a more critical subset of 30 databases demonstrates

that there is a very low probability that the results are due to chance. These

databases remove all overlapping data from the larger series that was

previously analyzed. T-test 2 for non-overlapping databases

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances




Variable 1

Variable 2










Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



During the next study the various aspects were examined to determine which

were affecting the general seismicity of the earth. It was found that the

conjunction, semi-square, sextile, square, trine, sesqui-quadrate and

opposition were the only aspects that resulted in non-random effects when

evaluated. When any other aspects, such as the septile, or novile, were added

to the mix, then the results turned out to be random. One interesting thing to

note is that when only aspects of the eighth harmonic used the results always

tended to increase the number of applying versus separating aspects. For the

final study 360 earthquakes were randomly selected and a control group of 360

non-earthquake horoscopes were constructed. The control group was

constructed by taking earthquake times and subtracting three months and three

days from the earthquake times and then erecting the resultant horoscopes. For

each group the results were analyzed comparing the total number of applying and

separating aspects that were dominant in each chart. The determination of the

dominant aspect was determined by observing what aspect was closest to the

point of perfection and whether, or not that aspect was applying, or

separating. An aspect was considered to be any planetary combination involving

angles of the twenty fourth harmonic that is traditionally considered to be an

aspect. In other words the only "aspects" under consideration are the

conjunction (0° ), semi-sextile (30° ), semi-square (45° ), sextile (60° ),

square (90° ), trine (120° ), sesqui-quadrate (135° ), inconjunct (150° ) and

opposition (180° .) Previous studies showed that any inclusion of other angles

from the 24th, or any other harmonic, resulted in an increase in the

randomization of the results. The only angles that resulted in a decrease in

random results were the angles above. The 360 earthquakes were randomly

selected from a random database of earthquakes that included events that

occurred over the last approximately 100 years. Most of the events occurred

during the 1990’s, a large number were from May, 1975 and a small number from

2000. All of the events were courtesy of the United State Geological Survey’s

earthquake databases available on their web site. All events had the exact time

to the nearest second recorded and the position to the nearest minute of arc.

The random events were recorded to the same level of accuracy. The initial

results of the trial showed that there were 61.8% of the earthquake charts that

had applying aspects as the closest aspect, while the random group had 49%

applying aspects and 49% separating aspects and 2% with no aspects less than 1

degree. In other words there were 61.8% of the earthquake charts with applying

aspects and 38.2% with separating aspects. The random charts were virtually

evenly split between applying and separating charts. Three hundred charts from

each database were then divided into groups of 10. These 30 groups of

earthquake and random charts were then analyzed by t-tests giving results that

were very significant and virtually ruled out any possibility of the results

being due to random error. The first t-test shows the probability that

differences between the earthquake and random groups are not likely due to

random error :

t-Test 1 : Paired Two Sample for Means




Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



P(T<=t) two-tail



t Critical two-tail



If we hypothesize that the mean difference will be 3.3 for each group of

thirty events then the results give a Virtually eliminates the probability that

the results are due to chance. (The value of 3.3 is derived from the fact that

61% of 30 is 18.3 and 50% is 15, thus the mean difference should be 3.3.)

t-Test 2: Paired Two Sample for Means



Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



P(T<=t) two-tail



t Critical two-tail



A third t-test was performed to determine if the difference between the

number of applying versus separating aspects for the earthquake charts was

significant. The results for this test were that the probability that the

results were due to chance was very low.

t-Test 3: Paired Two Sample for Means



Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



P(T<=t) two-tail



t Critical two-tail



If we assume that the difference between the number of earthquakes with

applying aspects will be 6 then the probability against chance dramatically


t-Test 4: Paired Two Sample for Means



Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



P(T<=t) two-tail



t Critical two-tail



The second phase of the study expanded the number of earthquakes to 910

events. These earthquakes were divided into groups of ten and the number of

applying and separating aspects was recorded for each set. The first test in

this series involved comparing the ratio of separating aspects over applying

aspects in the random group versus the earthquake group. Once again this test

showed a very low probability that the results were due to chance and agreed

well with the findings of the first group. In fact the probability has

increased that the results are not due to chance.

t-Test 5: Paired Two Sample for Means



Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



P(T<=t) two-tail



t Critical two-tail



The next test involved looking at the relationship between the numbers of

applying aspects versus the separating aspects in the earthquake group.

t-Test 6: Paired Two Sample for Means



Variable 1

Variable 2










Pearson Correlation



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



P(T<=t) two-tail



t Critical two-tail



We can see from the results of the t-test that the two groups differ

markedly. The next t-test assumes that the mean difference for each group will

be 2 and the results demonstrate a virtual certainty that the relationship

between applying aspects and earthquakes are not the result of random chance.


t-Test 7: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances



Variable 1

Variable 2










Pooled Variance



Hypothesized Mean Difference






t Stat



P(T<=t) one-tail



t Critical one-tail



P(T<=t) two-tail



t Critical two-tail



This evidence set the stage for the next phase of investigation. Even though

the odds against chance for the applying versus separating aspects seem

impressive, they still would probably not convince many of the most skeptical

of the scientists who are prejudiced against astrology. For this more physical

proof is necessary. To achieve this level of confidence we need to be able to

see this process being repeated over and over again in nature. It should be

then evident in any given study that there are more earthquakes occurring

before an aspect actually occurs than afterwards. The initial such study of the

aspects sun semi-square Mars that occurred on the 11th of January, 2000 showed

that there were 42 earthquakes on the two days prior to the 11th. Thirteen

earthquakes occurred on the 11th and there were only 11 earthquakes on the

succeeding two days. This demonstrated that ratio of 63% of the earthquakes

occurred prior to the aspect and 37% of the earthquakes occurred after the

event. This same condition appears in virtually every aspect that happens. Over

60% of the earthquakes that occur during the period leading up the aspect and

40% of the earthquakes occur after the eclipse. The problem with this is that

most aspects overlap one another and it is difficult to find "unadulterated"

aspects such as the sun semi-square Mars above. (The database that was used for

this study was the USGS List of recent Earthquakes for the period in question. )

The above series of graphs show the relative number of earthquakes

that occurred three days prior to the given aspects, the day of the aspect and

the three days following the aspect. The last graph is the sum of all of the

planetary aspect graphs. The criteria for selecting the dates for the graphs

and the aspects involved were as follows: a.) Only superior planets were used

for the study, due to the fact that they represent the rarest type of aspect.

This helped to isolate the influence of the aspect on the overall level of

geo-seismicity, due to the relatively long duration of these events. b.) Pluto

was not included due to its small size and enormous distance. c.) All aspects

had to occur between September 1st, 1999 and December 1st, 1999. The first

graph shows the relative number of earthquakes per day during the period three

days before the aspect Jupiter square Neptune, the day of the aspect, October

10th, 1999, and three days after the aspect. The peak of 54 earthquakes per day

is actually one day after the actual aspect day. The graph does however, show a

definite rise during the period around the aspect. The second graph shows the

earthquake response to the aspect Saturn square Uranus. The peak in the number

of earthquakes occurs on November 12th with 93 earthquakes on that day. The

actual aspect occurred on November 14th. On that day the second highest peak

occurred with 77 events. On the 15th of November the seismic activity

dramatically dropped off and there were only 38 earthquakes. The next graph

illustrates the seismic response to Mars trine Saturn. There is only a moderate

rise in earthquakes with 64 events on November 3rd, 49 on the day of the aspect

November 4th and 48 the day after. The next graph demonstrates a much more

dramatic response for the aspect Mars sextile Saturn which occurred on

September 22, 1999. There were 52 earthquakes on September 19th. This number

rose to 94 events on September 20th. September 21st saw 88 events. This number

dramatically dropped off on the actual day of the aspect to only 48 events, but

rose the day after the aspect to 68. The most stunning response illustrating the

relationship between planetary aspects and earthquakes is seen in the next

graph. This aspect was Mars trine Jupiter, which occurred on October 17th,

1999. On the 14th and 15th respectively the number of earthquakes on each day

was 37 and 39. This number peaked rapidly on the 16th with 177 events. On the

17th, the day of the aspect, there was 113 events and on the day after there

was still 87 earthquakes. The activity gradually dropped off on the 19th and

20th with 68 and 64 events each day respectively. The final graph

illustrates beautifully the geo-seismic response to the planetary aspects as a

whole. For this graph all of the earthquakes that occurred on each of the

respective days prior to, during and after each aspect was added together and

the result were graphed. On aspect day –3 the sum of the number of events is

247. On day –2 the number of earthquakes rises to 309. Day –1 continued the

increase to 454 earthquakes. This number starts to decline on the aspect day to

345. Aspect day +1 continues this decline with a sum of 267 events which

continues with only 255 events on day +2. The last day under study has a sum of

270 events. This graph clearly shows the relationship that exists between the

aspects and earthquakes. It also illustrates that the peak actually occurs

slightly before the time of the aspect, which confirms the earlier studies,

that correlated applying aspects and increases in seismic activity. When

all the experiments and tests that have been presented up to this point in this

paper are considered then there is virtually no chance that there is not a

relationship between the planetary aspects and the level of siesmicity that the

earth experiences. The results can be easily replicated, or disproved by any

other researcher. Through all of the analysis that has been carried out upon

this data there has been an extremely coherent internal consistency that

maintains its integrity no matter how the data is sorted. The simple facts are

that the larger the groups of earthquakes under study the greater the

probability that 50% more earthquakes will occur before a planetary aspect

happens than after the aspects reaches perfection. Also that the peak in

the rate of earthquake frequency will occur just before, or at the moment that

the aspect actually occurs. There are more earthquakes that occur during

periods of planetary aspects when compared to periods when there were none.

There are some rather unusual findings associated with this research that seem

to contradict some suppositions that astrologers have had about aspects. For

instance, none of the aspects seem any different than any of the other ones.

All produce earthquakes. Other studies have indicated that all of the aspects

of the 24th harmonic are about equal in producing earthquakes. This is in

contradiction to the notion that "hard" aspects, the opposition, square, and

conjunction should produce more earthquakes than "soft" aspects, such as the

sextile and trine. The last study also indicated that time; as opposed to

geometrical arc may be the relevant factor in determining when aspects are in

effect. All of the aspects under study produced earthquakes for about the same

period of time before the actual aspect time regardless of the relative motions

of the planets. Traditional astrological theory states that slower moving

planets, such as Saturn and Uranus should have longer lasting aspects than

faster moving one, such as Mars and Jupiter. However Saturn square Uranus

produced a similar curve in relation to aspects as did Mars trine Jupiter.

Other studies, which are beyond the scope of this present study, have shown

that many other astrological factors such as the zodiac and whole sky patterns

of planets have a strong effect upon when and where an earthquake will occur.

However, no effect has been found with any of the asteroids, or the moon’s

nodes. The rule of applying and separating aspects does not relate to any of

the local space points, such as the ascendant, mid-heaven, part of fortune,

vertex, or east point. These points may play a role in the exact positioning of

the earthquake, not in relation to aspects, but rather in relation to zodiacal

longitude. The fact that planetary aspects do have an influence over the

seismic activity of the earth is a major conundrum for conventional physics.

The whole reason that physical science as has rejected astrology as a serious

discipline is that Newtonian physics rules out effect at a distance. We must

then devise a new theory as to how these events are being promulgated. It would

seem that gravitation is the only logical way that there could be an influence

by the planets upon the earth. The force that the planets exert upon the earth

is so minute that gravitation alone cannot be responsible for the observed

effect. There must then be a harmonic effect that magnifies the gravitational

effects of the planets upon the earth. The time space matrix is distorted by

the presence of matter within it. For us here in the Milky Way the primary

distortion around us is produced by the nucleus of the galaxy, which contains

most of the galaxies mass. In local space the gravitational fields of the stars

around us distort gravity. This in turn sets up standing gravitational wave

forms through which the planets and the solar system as a whole traverse. These

standing waves must allow a gravitational amplification of force that acts upon

the earth as the planets form perfect angles with it. It may be that the

planets act like transistors, with the emitter being the extrasolar systemic

gravitational matrix, the base being the planetary aspect and the collector

being the earth. Possibly it could be viewed another way. The emitter could be

the outermost planet, the base could be the intermediary planet and the

collector could be the earth. The aspect in that case would be the bias that

would allow the transmission of gravitational force through the standing waves

of the cosmic gravitational field. This type of gravitational harmonic action

is seen in many instances throughout the solar system. Some examples being the

harmonic spacing of the asteroids with the orbit of Jupiter, the spacing of

Jupiter’s moons orbits themselves and the spacing of the rings of Saturn and it

many strange moons. Regardless what the mechanism is behind the effects of

the planetary aspects the result from the studies are clear: the planetary

mutual aspects create an increase in geoseismic activity. A great deal more

research must be carried out before the exact relationships and the underlying

forces are fully understood. Ed. N.: You can find more information about the

data upon which the article is based by contacting Brian T. Johnston .

To cite this page:

Brian T. Johnston: Planetary Aspects and Terrestrial Earthquakes

http://cura.free.fr/xv/13brianj.html ----------------------- All rights

reserved © 2001 - Brian T. Johnston




Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie Web site Designer & Editor:

Patrice Guinard © 1999-2001 Dr. Patrice Guinard

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