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D-6 and Paryaya Dasa Example for Health Diagnosis (to Kasim)

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Dear Kasim,


> Dear Narashimaji

You (or anybody for that matter) need not address me as "ji".

> I am currently a medical student in the UK and would one day want to help in

> the push to unite Ayurveda, Jyotish and modern medicine.> > Its interesting

you use your D6 for self diagnosis!> > I wonder if you could give one example

of how you do this? I for one would > really really appreciate it.> > And BTW

what is paryaya dasa?> > Best wishes> > Kasim

Paryaya dasa is a special rasi dasa taught by Jaimini. It was explained in Pt.

Sanjay Rath's book "Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesa Sutras". I wrote an article a

few years back on using D-6 and Paryaya dasa for diagnosis of health problems,

in Express Star Teller (or could be Astrological Magazine of India, but I think

EST is the correct one).


Let me give an example as you asked.


* * *


Example 1 - Natal Chart:


Let us consider a person with the following birthdata.


October 2, 1968Time: 9:30:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 76 E 36' 00", 13 N 58' 00"


His Paryaya dasa calculations are given below:


Chara Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries):


Maha Dasas:


Pi: 1968-10-02 (9:30:00) - 1974-10-02 (22:20:29) Cn: 1974-10-02 (22:20:29) -

1979-10-03 (5:06:59) Sc: 1979-10-03 (5:06:59) - 1981-10-02 (17:28:35) Ar:

1981-10-02 (17:28:35) - 1983-10-03 (5:51:55) Le: 1983-10-03 (5:51:55) -

1990-10-03 (0:43:05) Sg: 1990-10-03 (0:43:05) - 1999-10-03 (8:15:14) Ta:

1999-10-03 (8:15:14) - 2000-10-02 (14:22:35) Vi: 2000-10-02 (14:22:35) -

2004-10-02 (14:57:33)

You can see that he started Vi dasa in Oct 2000. Is Vi associated with 6th, 8th,

12th or badhaka sthanas? The 6th house shows aagantuka problems (external

sources). The 8th house shows nija problems (internal source). The 12th house

shows hospitalization or restrictions on self. Badhaka house shows

undiagnosable suffering.


Here, Vi is the 12th house (in D-6, of course). So, hospitalization will happen

during the dasa. It contains a benefic. So the hospitalization is not in a

serious or emergency condition.


Vi contains the 6th lord and lord of Vi is in 8th house. Thus, Vi is connected to all dusthanas!


If you see the main influences, Vi is a vaata rasi (as per Parasara) and its

lord is in another vaata rasi (Taurus). Moreover, a vaata planet (Saturn)

aspects Vi. Thus, there will be predominantly vaata problems in the dasa. The

native had a depression following the death of his father. This depression

started at the end of 2000. It turned into "clinical anxiety" and he was

treated by doctors with some anti-depression drugs. They made his anxiety worse

and he had severe digestive problems including heavy gas. Though his inherent

constitution was pitta, he had severe vaata problems during the dasa.


I gave him a couple of simple nutritional supplements (Triphala at night and an

anti-vaata combination containing Jatamamsi, Sankhapushpi, Skullcap, Aswagandha

etc) and those two worked wonders for him. When the depression subsided, he

stopped the second combination, but continued to take Triphala. Triphala is a

great tonic and suitable for everybody.


* * *


Example 2 - Annual Chart:


Let us consider my chart.


April 4, 1970Time: 17:47:13Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 81 E 08' 00", 16 N 10' 00"


Let us consider my annual TP (Tithi Pravesha) chart of 1992-93. For the

uninitiated, TP charts are the Vedic lunar counterpart of Tajaka system. They

are the lunar return charts. While Sun shows the soul, Moon shows the mind. For

timing things that are more related to mind than soul, lunar return charts work

much better than solar return charts. My annual TP chart data is shown below:

April 1, 1992Time: 12:16:39Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 81 E 08' 00", 16 N 10' 00"


Annual compressed Paryaya dasa calculations are given below:


Ubhaya Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries):


Maha Dasas:


Cp: 1992-04-01 (12:16:39) - 1992-05-04 (1:14:54) Li: 1992-05-04 (1:14:54) -

1992-06-02 (10:06:01) Cn: 1992-06-02 (10:06:01) - 1992-07-01 (17:25:13) Ar:

1992-07-01 (17:25:13) - 1992-07-04 (7:26:23) Sg: 1992-07-04 (7:26:23) -

1992-07-22 (18:48:15) Vi: 1992-07-22 (18:48:15) - 1992-08-21 (6:56:36) Ge:

1992-08-21 (6:56:36) - 1992-09-03 (19:20:12) Pi: 1992-09-03 (19:20:12) -

1992-09-30 (9:35:11)

In the last week of August 1992, my health was quite bad. Why? Because Ge dasa

ran then! Ge is tridoshik and contains Jupiter, the 8th lord and he is

afflicted by nodes. Definitely, trouble is to be expected in such dasas.


* * *


Example 3 - Monthly Chart:


Let us consider my current monthly TP (Tithi Pravesha) chart. Data is shown below:

November 22, 2003Time: 14:39:05Time Zone: 5:30:00

(East of GMT)Place: 81 E 08' 00", 16 N 10' 00"


Monthly compressed Paryaya dasa calculations are given below:


Chara Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries):


Maha Dasas:


Aq: 2003-11-22 (14:39:05) - 2003-11-23 (16:08:33) Li: 2003-11-23 (16:08:33) -

2003-11-24 (22:30:49) Ge: 2003-11-24 (22:30:49) - 2003-11-26 (15:34:39) Cp:

2003-11-26 (15:34:39) - 2003-11-27 (23:30:53) Vi: 2003-11-27 (23:30:53) -

2003-11-29 (14:40:37) Ta: 2003-11-29 (14:40:37) - 2003-12-02 (9:06:10) Sg:

2003-12-02 (9:06:10) - 2003-12-04 (12:41:40) Le: 2003-12-04 (12:41:40) -

2003-12-07 (0:29:29) Ar: 2003-12-07 (0:29:29) - 2003-12-08 (3:12:53) Sc:

2003-12-08 (3:12:53) - 2003-12-10 (14:51:20) Cn: 2003-12-10 (14:51:20) -

2003-12-10 (21:24:28) Pi: 2003-12-10 (21:24:28) - 2003-12-12 (18:40:29) Aq:

2003-12-12 (18:40:29) - 2003-12-14 (14:37:42)

Towards last Thursday/Friday, I was feeling a lot of heat in my body. Why? Leo

dasa was running then. Leo is the 8th house of nija troubles. Because of

parivartana (exchange), Mars in Leo behaves like Sun in Leo. Either way, Leo is

a fiery sign and has a fiery planet. So there is a lot of heat in the body

creating trouble during the 3 days. That was indeed the case.


On Dec 7, I fasted (to do my monthly Satya Narayana vratam on Pournimasya

night). I was concerned that it might further aggravate the already aggravated

pitta. I took precaution in the previous two days. Still, pitta was aggravated

during the next 3 days (Dec 8-10).


Why? Look at dasas. It was Sc dasa! Sun in Sc gives the result of Mars in Sc

(due to parivartana). Badhaka lord in badhaka sthana.


I said in the past that one can find links between different divisional charts,

using signs and planets as links. For example, look at Mars, Sun and Scorpio

here. In rasi chart, Scorpio is the 9th house of dharma containing Sun and Mars

is its lord and he is in the 12th house of upasana. Mars is also the 2nd lord of

food and is in the 12th house of deprivation (giving up). In D-20 (chart of

religious/spiritual activities), Mars is the 5th lord of devotion and occupied

the 9th house of dharma with Sun, that too in sattwik Pisces. The 5th lord Mars

with Sun in Pisces can show pooja to a saattwik deity such as Satya Narayana.

Scorpio is the 5th house of devotion.


All the links involving Sc, Sun and Mars clearly show that the pitta aggravation

showed by D-6, dharma, upasana and food deprivation shown in rasi chart and

devotion and pooja of Satya Narayana shown in D-20 are all interlinked!


Anyway, let us go to the next dasa. Cn is an uneventful dasa. But, Pi dasa is

important. Its lord is in the 8th house. This dasa can give health problems. As

Pisces and Jupiter both are of kapha nature, the problem can be a kapha problem.

Pisces is an ubhayodaya rasi and its lord gives his result in the 3rd one-third

of the dasa. So the problem is given on Dec 12. Indeed I was on the verge of

catching cold since yesterday evening(actually, if you convert the dasa dates

above to Boston timezone, the last one-third of Pi dasa started yesterday late



Basically, the herbs I took to reduce pitta in the last 5-8 days have slightly

increased kapha and, at the same time, there is a kid with flu at home. I have

conditions ideal for catching cold and dasa is also conducive. So I am taking

extra care.


* * *


Example 4 - Daily Chart:


Let us consider my daily TP (Tithi Pravesha) chart of today. Data is shown below:

December 12, 2003Time: 12:16:48Time Zone: 5:30:00

(East of GMT)Place: 81 E 08' 00", 16 N 10' 00"


The above is equivalent to 1:46:48 am on the same day in Boston time. Daily

compressed Paryaya dasa calculations are given below. The times are converted

to the Boston timezone for easy reference (using JHora commercial version).


Sthira Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries):


Maha Dasas:


Le: 2003-12-12 (1:46:48) - 2003-12-12 (2:50:51) Aq: 2003-12-12 (2:50:51) -

2003-12-12 (4:07:40) Vi: 2003-12-12 (4:07:40) - 2003-12-12 (4:33:15) Pi:

2003-12-12 (4:33:15) - 2003-12-12 (6:02:46) Li: 2003-12-12 (6:02:46) -

2003-12-12 (8:10:29) Ar: 2003-12-12 (8:10:29) - 2003-12-12 (9:27:02) Sc:

2003-12-12 (9:27:02) - 2003-12-12 (11:21:44) Ta: 2003-12-12 (11:21:44) -

2003-12-12 (11:59:56) Sg: 2003-12-12 (11:59:56) - 2003-12-12 (13:41:43) Ge:

2003-12-12 (13:41:43) - 2003-12-12 (13:54:26) Cp: 2003-12-12 (13:54:26) -

2003-12-12 (15:10:41) Cn: 2003-12-12 (15:10:41) - 2003-12-12 (17:04:57) Le:

2003-12-12 (17:04:57) - 2003-12-12 (18:33:42) Aq: 2003-12-12 (18:33:42) -

2003-12-12 (19:49:42) Vi: 2003-12-12 (19:49:42) - 2003-12-12 (21:56:13) Pi:

2003-12-12 (21:56:13) - 2003-12-12 (22:59:24) Li: 2003-12-12 (22:59:24) -

2003-12-12 (23:24:40) Ar: 2003-12-12 (23:24:40) - 2003-12-13 (0:40:24) Sc:

2003-12-13 (0:40:24) - 2003-12-13 (1:18:15) Ta: 2003-12-13 (1:18:15) -

2003-12-13 (3:11:40) Sg: 2003-12-13 (3:11:40) - 2003-12-13 (4:02:01) Ge:

2003-12-13 (4:02:01) - 2003-12-13 (6:20:20) Cp: 2003-12-13 (6:20:20) -

2003-12-13 (7:35:40) Cn: 2003-12-13 (7:35:40) - 2003-12-13 (8:13:18)


The hora lord of the chart is Mars (i.e. Mars hora was running at birthplace

when the new day started at the above time). You can see that Mars owns the 8th

house and is a functional malefic in D-6. The weekday lord is important for

health and he is Venus, placed in 12th from lagna in D-6. So, overall, the day

is not conducive to good health.


Specifically, let us look at dasas. What is the first dasa of concern? Aries is

the 8th house and owned by the ruler of the day (Mars - hora lord). So, it is

an important dasa. Its dasa ran during 8:10 am to 9:30 am. I slept late and got

up in that dasa. I was feeling sick and had a bit of sore throat and feeling

like I had cold. I gargled Triphala water and took a herbal combination for



The cold did not increase and was in fact controlled. I started feeling much

better soon after lunch. Why did Sg dasa bring good feeling in health? Its lord

Jupiter is badhaka lord and he is well-placed in 12th (for badhaka lord, 12th is

excellent!). So the middle of Sg dasa brought an improvement.


* * *




I was taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath to take antardasas in Paryaya dasa just as in

Narayana dasa. But, I did not get consistent results that way. So, as you can

see above, I do not use antardasas. I only use dasas and use the "three parts

rule" in dasas based on the rising of the sign.


However, I use D-6 and its Paryaya dasa in natal charts as well as annual,

monthly and daily Tithi Pravesha (lunar return) charts.


Hope what I wrote above will be useful to somebody someday.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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