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More Planetary (Spiritual Chakras and Planets)

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om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Narasimha Ji,

Really I am very happy to read this article.Sri Lalita Sahasranaama Stotra is my

favourite and it describes about the Kundalini power as you explained.

Thanks for this nice article.

With Sri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

Om Shleem Dhleem MedhaaDakshinaaMoortaye Namah

Namaste friends,


I told Gili in a mail this morning that different planetary lists may be used to

link different aspects of chakras to planets. I wanted to illustrate it by

giving another list in addition to the two lists I gave yesterday (see the mail

enclosed below).


* * *


Let us take a trip to Lalita Sahasra Nama Stotram (1000 names of goddess Lalita,

who is the highest form of Divine Mother) to find more links. For those who are

interested in listening to it, the Vimsottari dasa workshop CD of October 4

(Vijaya Dasami day) should contain it. I recited the 1000 names of goddess

Lalita and Lord Vishnu before the class. We recorded it and it will probably be

there in the CD.


The 1000 names very explicitly state the following links between the Saktis

resident in 7 chakras with 7 dhatus (physical tissues):


(1) Mother Lalita is present in the Visuddhi chakra as goddess Dakini and

controls skin, ruled by Mercury according to Parasara.

(2) Mother Lalita is present in the Anahata chakra as goddess Rakini and

controls blood, ruled by Moon according to Parasara.

(3) Mother Lalita is present in the Manipoora chakra as goddess Lakini and

controls muscles, ruled by Saturn according to Parasara.

(4) Mother Lalita is present in the Swadhishthana chakra as goddess Kakini and

controls fat, ruled by Jupiter according to Parasara.

(5) Mother Lalita is present in the Mooladhara chakra as goddess Sakini and

controls bones, ruled by Sun according to Parasara.

(6) Mother Lalita is present in the Ajna chakra as goddess Hakini and controls

marrow, ruled by Mars according to Parasara.

(7) Mother Lalita is present in the Sahasrara chakra, controlling semen, ruled

by Venus according to Parasara.


So the link we have is:


(1) Mooladhara chakra: Sun

(2) Swadhishthana chakra: Jupiter

(3) Manipoora chakra: Saturn

(4) Anahata chakra: Moon

(5) Visuddhi chakra: Mercury

(6) Ajna chakra: Mars

(7) Sahasrara chakra: Venus


This list simply shows the blessings of the Sakti present in chakras, in terms

of physical tissues. For example, Sakti in Anahata chakra is important for the

health of blood. Sakti in Manipoora chakra is important for the health of

muscles. Sakti in Visuddhi chakra is important for the health of skin. Sakti in

Ajna chakra is important for the health of nerve marrow. And so on.


This list is strictly a physical level list. The two lists given earlier are

spiritual level lists. They show the nature/challenge of chakras and the means

to conquer them.


* * *

Finally, based on religious literature, it is possible to come up with another

list. This list, in fact, matches the list given by Sri Harish Johari.


Let us talk about the divine form of Kundalini Sakti when it is present in a

particular chakra. According to a tantra taught by Dattatreya to Parasurama,

various Yoginis are invoked in various chakras:


(1) Goddess Dakini is invoked in Visuddhi chakra. She destroys ignorance. She is

surrounded by Amrita, Indrani, Isani etc. By the descriptions, she seems to be

represented by Jupiter.

(2) Next, goddess Rakini is invoked in Anahata chakra. She is black (or dark

gray) in color and wears a dice garland. She is surrounded by Kalaratri,

Jnanarupa, Chanda etc. By the descriptions, she seems to be represented by


(3) Next, goddess Lakini is invoked in Manipoora chakra. She is red in color,

wears thunderbolt etc and is fearsome. She is surrounded by Damari etc. By the

descriptions, she seems to be represented by Sun.

(4) Next, goddess Kakini is invoked in Swadhishthana chakra. She is yellow in

color and is proud. She is surrounded by Yasaswini, Bhadrakali, Mahamaya etc.

By the descriptions, she seems to be represented by Mercury (Mercury shows

green in astrology, but he is depicted as having a yellow body and yellow

clothes in religious literature).

(5) Next, goddess Sakini is invoked in Mooladhara chakra. She wears Ankusa. She

is surrounded by Varada etc. By the descriptions, she seems to be represented

by Mars.

(6) Next, goddess Hakini is invoked in Ajna chakra. She wears Damaru, Rudraksha

and a skull. She is surrounded by Hamsavati and Kshamavati. By the

descriptions, she seems to be represented by the patient Saturn.

(7) Next, goddess Yakini is invoked in Sahasrara chakra. She has all colors and wears all weapons.


So the link we have is:


(1) Mooladhara chakra: Mars

(2) Swadhishthana chakra: Mercury

(3) Manipoora chakra: Sun

(4) Anahata chakra: Venus

(5) Visuddhi chakra: Jupiter

(6) Ajna chakra: Saturn

(7) Sahasrara chakra: None


Sri Harish Johari gives exactly the above list, but gives Rahu for Sahasrara

chakra. Basically, his approach is based on visualizing the form of the

Kundalini Sakti when it is in a particular chakra.


One may wonder why Moon is missing. Well, Moon is not missing - the Divine

Mother is always shown by Moon. So Moon is the base in this list and he is

present in the Mother in each chakra. Other planets modify the nature of the

divine Mother. So, the female divinity of Mooladhara chakra is a Martian form

of Moon, the female divinity of Swadhshthana chakra is a Mercurian form of Moon

and so on. Finally, when the Mother (Sakti) reaches Sahasrara chakra, it is

simply a union of Sun (karaka for the chakra - Parama Shiva) and a pure Moon

(karaka for the Divine Mother, without any further qualifications).


The form of the Mother in various chakras can also be understood as the

spiritual blessing of each chakra. When the chakra is postively working, this

is its benefit. For example, Mother's blessing in ajna chakra results in

vairagya (Saturn). Her blessing in Visuddhi chakra results intelligence and

wisdom (Jupiter). Her blessing in Anahata chakra results harmony and love for

all (Venus). And so on.


The list in the previous section shows the blessings at the physical level (in

terms of body tissues), while the list in this section shows the spiritual



* * *


It may be tough for some to imagine 4 different karakas for each chakra, but let

me explain it by taking ajna chakra (the chakra of recent focus) as an example

and explain it.


The 4 karakas we have for ajna chakra are Moon (challenges), Jupiter

(conquering), Saturn (Mother's form in it), Mars (physical blessing).


This means that the limitation/challenge in conquering ajna chakra is one's own

mind (Moon). This chakra is in the purview of mind. The way to overcome the

challenges thrown up by the mind is shown by the intellect (Jupiter). Intellect

(Jupiter) enables one to overcome mind and rise above it. When one's Kundalini

Sakti is in ajna chakra, goddess Lalitha (divine mother) takes the form of

Hakini (or even Mahakali) shown by Saturn and gives vairagya and removes one's

individual identity. Her spiritual blessing in this chakra is vairagya

(Saturn). The physical element controlled is majja or the marrow in nerves.

This is the medium through which mind and consciousness work. If ajna chakra is

strong or weak, it results in healthy or unhealthy marrow (or nervous system).


Thus, I repeat that several lists may serve several purposes. Different authors

focus on different aspects of chakra not quite knowing it.

[Disclaimer: This knowledge has been synthesized by me after a daily meditation

this evening, based on the reading I have done of several authors and classical

sources. As I said many times, I am not at all an expert in this matter.]

May Jupiter's light shine on us,



PS: I've been thinking and writing a lot in the last few days. I just checked my

annual TP chart. Jupiter is the lagna lord and he is exalted in the 8th house

from lagna (and the 6th house from AL). In D-20, he is the 8th lord debilitated

in 9th (humility and direction - 9th - in occult matters - 8th). In D-24, he is

the 9th lord in 12th (and in A9), showing that I give a lot (12th) and fulfil

my dharma (A9). He is with 8th lord Saturn and so he gives occult learning.


Jupiter's annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa is running from November 28 to January

29. The current wave of writing started soon after Jupiter dasa started!

Hopefully, there is some worth in the writings, because of Jupiter's



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

Vedic Astrology Group

Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:13 AM

Spiritual Chakras and Planets

Om Gurave Namah

Namaste friends,


Going by a couple of mails that I read today, there seems to have been a nice

discussion on spiritual chakras and their astrological links. Unfortunately, I

missed this whole discussion as I did not read any of the mails.


Though I am certainly not an expert on this subject, I wanted to share my little

knowledge and my thoughts on this matter with the list. The following is not

from any book or from any external teacher. It is from the internal teacher.


A few quick comments before I go to sleep:


(1) Mooladhara chakra has Lam as its beeja. It is of earthy nature. In other

words, the challenges presented by it to a sadhaka are of earthy nature. The

challenges presented by it are shown by Mercury (earthy nature), while the

planet who shows overcoming those challenges is Saturn. Saturn's airy nature

reduces the heaviness of Mercury's earthy nature. Mooladhara attracts one

towards physical happiness and physical achievements. The vairagya given by

airy Saturn helps one overcome these attractions and the physical senses.


Thus, some scholars may associate Mercury with this chakra and some may associate Saturn.


(2) Swadhishthana chakra has Vam as its beeja. It is of watery nature. In other

words, the challenges presented by it to a sadhaka are of watery nature. Its

challenges are shown by Venus (watery nature), while the planet who shows

overcoming them is Mars. Mars' fiery nature controls the fluentness of Venus'

watery nature. Swadhishthana challenges one by increasing sexual impulses. The

fire/determination of Mars (Hanuman) can extinguish the water/passion of Venus.


(3) Manipura chakra has Ram as its beeja. It is of fiery nature. In other words,

the challenges presented by it to a sadhaka are of fiery nature. Its challenges

are shown by Mars (fiery nature), while the planet who shows overcoming those

challenges is Venus. Venus' watery nature reduces the fire of Mars. Manipura

attracts one towards domination and fights. The harmony and understanding

brought in by watery Venus helps one overcome instincts of domination and

fighting shown by Mars.


(4) Anahata chakra has Yam as its beeja. It is of airy nature. In other words,

the challenges presented by it to a sadhaka are of airy nature. Its challenges

are shown by Saturn (airy nature), while the planet who shows overcoming those

challenges is Moon (watery luminary). Anahata attracts one towards emotions,

anxieties, attachments etc (airy nature). Moon, the watery luminary, shows mind

and he offers a base to these emotions. Thus, Moon is the key to overcome these

challenges. Another way to look at this is that Saturn shows submission and

Moon shows Krishna, the ishta devata who resides in the heart. Thus, Saturn

shows the challenges involved with Anahata chakra and Moon shows the aid in

overcoming the challenges.


(5) Visuddha chakra has Ham as its beeja. It is of ethery nature. In other

words, the challenges presented by it to a sadhaka are of ethery nature. Its

challenges are shown by Jupiter (ethery nature), while the planet who shows

overcoming those challenges is Mercury. Mercury's earthy nature gives form to

the ethery nature of Jupiter! Jupiter shows the guru inside one and Mercury

shows the student inside one. For drawing from the universe and communicating

with it, both are needed. Thus, Jupiter (perception, wisdom and understanding)

shows the challenges presented by this chakra and Mercury (learning like a

student and communication) shows the aid in overcoming the challenges.


OK, it is getting late. I have to sleep. I will wind up quickly.


(6) Ajna chalra is a combination of all the five tattvas (earth, water, fire,

air and ether) in their purest forms and essences. Its challenges are shown by

Moon (mind, the perceiver) and the aid in overcoming the challenges is shown by

Jupiter (intellect).


(7) Sahasrara chakra is a state of no tattva. It is shown by Sun. Both the

challenges presented by it and the ways to overcome the challenges are shown by

Sun and Sun alone.


Thus, I have presented two planets each for each chakra. One symbolizes the

nature of the chakra and the challenges presented by it and the other shows the

ways to overcome the challenges.


I sincerely hope it makes some sense to the more learned members.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,

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