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Female Chart - Nervous Breakdown - Remedy?

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Hari Om!

One of my friends has been going through a rough period, she was emotionally

exploited by a male colleague earlier this year at work when she was trying to

help him with his sob stories with his wife. He took "emotional" advantage of

her and finally revealed this to her, which led to her nervous breakdown. She

was admitted to ICU for a week and was unconscious. This was in June 2003


She has since recovered but she continues to have nervous jitters regarding the

whole episode. She is very cheerful and jovial person all her life prior to

this incident. She is outwardly coming back to her old self but she gets

"shivers" from her recent memories.

Is this Mercury's(current pratantyardasha) influence on her Moon in 12th? Can

anyone suggest any remedy, mantra, puja etc.? The chart is enclosed. Also what

do the erudite foresee in the near term for her?

DOB: 26th Feb 1968, TOB: 6:07AM, POB: Lucknow

Ascendant: Aquarius

1h - Sun

2h - Mars, Saturn, Rahu

7h - Jupiter

8h - Ketu

12h - Mer, Moon, Venus

God bless!





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Dear Rohit,


What makes you think that the nervous breakdown (or the "jitters") is

because of Mercury and Moon together in 12th?


Her 4th lord (for mental peace) Venus is in 12th too. All these

planets are aspected by Ketu (in 8th).


Her 12th lord Saturn is currently transitting her 5th house (emotions

and ruled by Mercury).


These are some of the combinations working in her chart right now.


Strengthening her Venus will help her achieve mental peace, and

propitiating Mercury and Moon will help her too.















vedic astrology, Rohit <svanik2001> wrote:


> Dear All:


> Hari Om!


> One of my friends has been going through a rough period, she was

emotionally exploited by a male colleague earlier this year at work

when she was trying to help him with his sob stories with his wife.

He took "emotional" advantage of her and finally revealed this to

her, which led to her nervous breakdown. She was admitted to ICU for

a week and was unconscious. This was in June 2003 timeframe.


> She has since recovered but she continues to have nervous jitters

regarding the whole episode. She is very cheerful and jovial person

all her life prior to this incident. She is outwardly coming back to

her old self but she gets "shivers" from her recent memories.


> Is this Mercury's(current pratantyardasha) influence on her Moon in

12th? Can anyone suggest any remedy, mantra, puja etc.? The chart is

enclosed. Also what do the erudite foresee in the near term for her?


> DOB: 26th Feb 1968, TOB: 6:07AM, POB: Lucknow


> Ascendant: Aquarius


> 1h - Sun


> 2h - Mars, Saturn, Rahu


> 7h - Jupiter


> 8h - Ketu


> 12h - Mer, Moon, Venus


> God bless!


> Regards,


> Rohit






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