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Dear Tanvir




I read your views about food and Rahu.I would like to share a few


regarding food based on my own experiences and possible astrological



Since 5 years, I have stopped drinking milk and eating bananas which I

used to take often(even used as food substitute on fast day).I could


understand the reason for long time. I am running 18 years Rahu dasha

since 1990. So in a way your observation looks correct but the change

occured in 1998 so I looked at transits. My Lagn is Vrishabh. So food

is indicated by 2nd house Mithun.First shani aspected it from


Rahu transited it,and again shani is in Mithun.So transit of malefics

in 2nd is also an impotant factor.(Chart: 28-1-68 14:47 IST 20N42



Now why milk and bananas?

Look at Bhukties.It started at the end of Rahu-Shani and continued in

Budh,Ketu and Shukr Bhukties.If you see my chart,Budh(8th),Ketu(3rd)

and Shukr(6th) are placed in bad houses from Kark.So it resulted in

rejection of things related to Kark. Milk is under Chandr. Banana

is ruled by Kark Rashi(see Brihat-Samhita).So net result was that

I stopped taking things related to Kark Rashi.


Kark is also my AL.I am jobless(from Sep.2000) and also sufferd other

problems due to which AL(image) became weak.If you check lordships

from Kark,Budh (also ketu being in rashi of Budh) and shukr are

malefic as per Parashari Rules.So lordship and placement both are



My Dashesh Rahu is in 9th from AL with Shani.So very rarely I do take

milk and bananas.During this period,I had Dashesh good but transit


bhukti-nath as bad.I am not very clear if both dashesh and bhukti-


are badly placed, Will it act as double -ve and give +ve results

or it will become even more bad. However,I can't understand why Kark

Rashi has gained so much importance.Any thoughts on this?

May be Gurus can give the answer.



(1)If House is transited by malefics,you do not get happiness from

that house.Benefics can give some relief during their transit/aspect.

(2)If Bhukti-Lord is in bad houses from a particular Rashi,you somehow

get away from the things related to that Rashi(see Brihat-Samhita).

(3)Arudhas indicated by that Rashi also suffer.

(4)Non-Living things are better indicated by Rashis.

(5)Lordship of Bhukti-lord from arudha is important for matters


to that House/Arudha

(6)Eating things related to Grah/Rashi can help in removing troubles


it and can be used as remedial measure during that period.


Members are invited to share their experiences on these conclusions.


PS:Guru Ramdasji told that Banana is lorded by Guru.This is also


as people worship banana tree specially during SUDASHA VRAT on all

Thursdays in Margshirsh Month for obtaining blessings of Goddess


(Amant Margshirsh Month starts from 24 Nov. 2003).


PPS:Thanks for sending file. -groups are again accessible from








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